Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 29, 1901, Image 4

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    Dragged-Down Feeling
In the loins.
Nervousness, unrefreshiug sleep, despon
dency. It is time yon were doing something.
The Kulnys were anciently called the
reins in your case they are holding the
reins and driving you into serious trouble.
Thousands of testimonials prove that
Hood's Sarsaparilla
a purely vegetable compound, acts with
the most direct, beneficial effect on the
kidneys. It contains the best and safest
substances for correcting and toning these
It thoroughly cleanses the blood and
strengthens all the bodily functgus.
Two Good Laws.
In Denmark the farmers are com
pelled by law to destroy all weeds on
their premises, and in France a farmer
may prosecnte his neighbor for dam
ages if the neighbor allows weeds to go
to seed. It wonld save millions of
dollars in this country if laws pre
vailed which prevented farmers from
growing weeds to seed on their own as
well as others' farms.
Garfield Tea Is the but remedy
or all dera '.gements of stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels: it
Cuies Cliriinle Constipation.
What Constituted the Insult
"What did yon strike this man for?"
asked the magistrate.
"He nailed me 'Reuben,' " answered
(he shockheaded individual whom
the police bad brought in.
"What is your name, anyhow?"
"Reuben, your honor bat he didn't
know it."
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves.
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
iron and quinine in a tasteless form,
Mo Cure, No Pay. Price 0o.
New Anti-Burglar Door.
To fasten a key in a lock so it can
not be turned from the outside a new
escutcheon plate has a hinged member
on one side, which swings to the cen
ter of the plate, a slot in the end
engaging the flat portion of the key to
lock it.
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion oi the ear. There is only one
way to cure deaineas, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube (eta In
flamed yon have a rumbling; sound or imper
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out oi ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
' condition oi the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deainess (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c
Hall's Family Pi lie are the best.
Novel Use for Telephones.
According to Paris Figaro, one of the
most frequent uses to which the tele
phone is put by French country sub
scribers is that of an alarm to wake
them in' the morning. Those who wish
to be aroused at a given honr have
only to advise the telephone adminis
tration tbe night before of the hour at
which they wish to be rung np.
Stops tho Cough and
Works O If the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
A Queer Fish.
There is a quaint little .fish which
haunts the weed tracts of the gulf
stream, and there builds nest and lays
its eggs like a bird rather than a fish.
This animal the antennarius imi
tates in color tbe weed it lives in, and,
like tbe chameleon, constantly changes
its color.
Holtt's School.
Hoitt's School (for boys), Menlo Park, Cel.,
has mere students and is in better condition
than ever. Sprint; term begins January 7th,
1901. Send for catalogue. Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D.,
Black Diamonds Valuable.
Black diamonds are comparatively
rare and correspondingly high priced.
They are three or four times as hard as
the white ones and fire cannot harm
them, however great the heat, bnt if a
drop of water Bliould touch them while
heated they will explode, and leave
nothing but a little heap of sand in
their place.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
from the parents, but may be from some
(Jtnote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through several generations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood for
Sears, or until you reach middle life, then
le first little sore or ulcer makes it ap
pearance or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma
nently all the poisonous virus must be
aliminated from the bloodevery vestage
H it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and
' is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the system the Cancer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer begins of ten in a small way, as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows :
A small pimple cam oa my jaw about an inch
below th earon the left side of my face. It gave
sae no pain or inconven- ,
fiacc. and I sheuld have
forgotten about it had it
Botbegun to inflame and
Hen ; It would bleed a
little, then scab over, bnt
would not heal. This
continued for some time,
when my jaw began to
well, becoming very
painful. The Canoer hi-
an to eat and spread,
ntil It was as large as a
half dollar, when f heard
of S. S. S. and determin
ed to give H a fair trial,
and it waa lemarkable
what a wonderful effect
k had from the very beginning ; the sore began to
Baal and after taking a few bottles disappeared
antlrelr. This was tvrm vn an th, - - .riii
no sagas of the Cancer, and my general heatlb
MOtinaes aoed. Has. ft. tauuta, La Plata, Mo.
is the greatest of all
I blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed
purely vegetable. Ser
for our free book
Cancer, containing valuable and interest
tag information about this disease, and
write our physicians about your case. Wc
aae no cnarge tor tnecacai aavtce.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I
m t'.me. sola Dy arugfm's.
The Archbishop of Dublin recently
performed a marriage in the family of
a wealthy Irish distiller. After the
breakfast the distiller thanked tbe
Archbishop effusively for his share of
the proceedings, and said to him as be
took leave, "Tbe Lord be with you."
"And with thy spirit," is reported to
have been the rejjinder.
Oscar Wilde's last bequest was char
acteristic of his genius for inversions.
When told that be must undergo an
operation, he said at first that he could
not afford the fee. Tbe point was
pressed by the French surgeons. "Very
well," said the patient, with a flash
from the asbes of his old spirit,. "I
must die beyond my means."
"British Museum Newton, the
archaeologist, was a capital story
teller," says A. J. C. Hare, In his
"Story of My Life." He was once at a
spiritualistic seance, where an old
cockney was informed that the spirit
manifested was his deceased wife,
whereupon tbe following dialogue took
place: "Is that you, 'Arriet?" "Yes, it
Is me." "Are you 'appy, 'Arriet?"
"Yes, very 'appy." " 'Appier than you
was with me, 'Arriet?" "Yes, much
'appier." "Where are you, 'Arriet?"
"In 'ell."
On one occasion, during a visit to
America, Michael Gunn, who assisted
Gilbert and Sullivan In bringing out
many of their operas, was trying the
voices of some candidates for the
chorus. One of them sang in a sort
of affected Italian-broken-English. The
stage manager interrupted. "Look
here," he said, "that accent won't do
for sailors or pirates. Give us a little
less Mediterranean, and a little more
Whltechapel." Here Gunn turned and
said, "Of what nationality are you?
You don't sound Italian." The other,
suddenly dropped his Italian accent,
and in Irish said, "Shure, Mr. Gunn,
I'm from the same country as your
self."' -
Robert Barr relates that once, speak
ing with Bret Harte, he upheld the
rigid life Henry Thoreau had led at
Walden Pond, as compared with the
luxurious surroundings of many mod
ern authors. Barr advocated a return
to the simpler habits of our ancestors.
"Yes," Harte replied, "living on parch
ed peas sounds very fine in a book.
When I visited Emerson I was aston
ished to find how close Walden Pond.
was to the Emerson homestead, and I
commented on this. I had imagined
that the pond was away out in the
wilderness, miles from any human hab
itation. Before Emerson could reply,
Mrs. Emerson spoke up in the tone of
a woman exposing a humbug: 'Oh, yes,
Henry took good care not to get out of
hearing of our dinner horn.' "
An anecdote of Gladstone is set down
by Sir Wemyss Reid in the new Anglo
Saxon. Reid tells how, on one occa
sion, ten years ago, he sat opposite Mr.
Gladstone at dinner, and noticed that
the side of his face was severely
bruised and cut. The explanation was
interesting. Mr. Gladstone had been
to call, a few evenings before, upon
Lord Granville, who was then very ill,
In returning he took a short ' cut
through some of the alleys of Mayfair,
and in passing along one narrow street
he slipped off the pavement and, losln.
his balance, fell at full length upon the
road. "I lay there stunned for a min
ute at least," he added, in his deep,
sonorous voice, "and though a great
many people passed no one came to my
assistance or took the slightest notice
of me. I suppose they thought I was
The Pur nit of Fame Is a Lone, Tedi
ous Chase,
Fame Is a thing, frequently, of slow
achievement. The excellence of an
actor must be repeatedly declared and
most positively asserted before the
public In general can be brought to
consider him seriously, no matter bow
seriously be may take himself; and,
though he may have come to some
thing of a safe place in the esteem of a
few, the wavering majority are so re
luctantly brought to the door of the
theater that, like Irving or Jefferson,
the player's hair may have grown gray
before the skeptical nobodies deign to
bestow 'upon him their begrudged ap
probation. -
Cibber, you know, pronounced Gar
rick "well enough," and Foote rounded
out things with the malicious remark
that the "hound" had something In
him, "but If his excellence," he as ex
pressed it, "was to be examined, he
would not be found In any part equal
to Golley Cibber's Sir John Brute, Lard
Foppington, Sir Courtly Nice or Justice
Shallow." This was when Garrick
was a young, and, according to Pond's
portrait, a very handsome fellow, his
years not more than 25, and his beauty
such as to have attracted the envy of
the Idols of the town. Foote's compart
son was made, not out of any justice to
Cibber, whom he did not like, but sim
ply through ill-will to Garrick, whose
rising influence he feared.
Rosclus, it is said, had a squint in his
eye, and Churchill, with others, found
fault with Garrick's littleness of person.
and laughed at his airs and ridiculed
his pretentions., Quinn was a better
Falstaff than Garrick was a Lear, said
this determined detractor, and "old
Johnson", far more natural in every
thing he attempted. So, .to follow Hor
ace's description,. Mrs. Porter sur
passed him In passionate tragedy, Cib
ber and O'Brien were beyond his reach
as coxcombs and men of fashion, Mfs.
Cllve more perfect in low comedy, and
yet Ranger, he admitted, was the part
that suited Garrick better than any
thing he had ever performed. He was.
If Walpole is to be believed, a poor Lo
thario, a ridiculous Othello, Inferior to
Quinn in Sir John Brute and Macbeth
and to Cibber In Bayes, and a woeful
Lord Hastings and Lord Townley. The
town, according to this distinguished
critic, did not like him In "Hotspur,
and yet he said, "I don't know If he did
not succeed in It beyond all the rest"
"I saw 'King Lear' the last time he
played it," continues -Sir Horace, "and
as I told him, I was more shocked at
the rest of the company than pleased
with him."
Despite his squint, however, Cicero
studied oratory with Rosclus, and-
Churchlll was finally brought to de
clare:: "Hence to thy praises, Garrick, I agree,
And, pleased with nature, must be
pleased with thee."
Ex pre UesMnger Took the Beat Meana
of Diepoainic of It.
A young man wearing a seersucker
coat and with big beads of perspiration
on his face came into the smoking car
of an Erie railway train as it was get
ting along toward the meadows of Or
ange County the other day. He was
an express messenger.
"I've bagged something," he exclaim
ed. "Can anyone tell me what kind of
a puy It is?"
A big man, with long whiskers'and
hair and a cowboy's hat, who was
smoking strong plug tobacco In a clay
pipe, said:
"Lemme see It."
The young man -held the dinner buck
et at arm's length and raised the lid.
The big man looked into the bucket.
"A f rantuly, by cedar!" he said, and
took the bucket from the young man.
"A t'rantuly, as sure as guns!" be
continued. "A citizen of Bermudy, this
chap Is. And a beauty, too!"
The big fat man got out of his seat
and passed the dinner pail around
among the passengers. It was nearly
half-full of something that seemed to
be all hair and claws and eyes. So one
seemed pleased with the sight except
the big man. It was a tarantula sure
A unanimous request was made by
the rest of the passengers that the hid
eous spider be pitched out of the win
dow. But the big man gazed at the
deadly thing with undisturbed interest.
"Where did you run ag'in him?" he
asked the express messenger.
"Came out of a bunch o' bananas In
my car," replied the young man. "1
cornered him and he jumped Into my
dinner bucket and I shut him in. What
is he good for?" ,
"He's a first-class benefactor of the
coroner when he's to home," said the "If there's any feller citizen
of your'n that you'd like to see have a
funeral at his house, just take this
stowaway from Bermuda home . with
you and turn him in your fellow citi
zen's garden. If your feller citizen fools
arouud much In his garden you'll see
crape on his door In less than two days
The t'rantuly is pizen for keeps to
them as hain't vaccinated for t'rautu
lies. If I was you, young man, I'd take
this chap and let your locomotive run
over him. A good, strong locomotive
is about the only thing that kin tackle
one o' these chaps and make a success
of it."
The bag man handed the dinner buck
et to its owner, who took it and carried
It away. When the train left the next
station he came in and said that the
train had met the tarantula, and that
twenty feet of grease spot and a pint
or so of legs and hair had indicated that
the locomotive had won. New York
Her Antelope.
Stalking antelope among the Rockies
may have its humorous as well as Its
thrilling side. Says Mrs. Seton-Thomp-son,
in "A Woman Tenderfoot:"
We tied our horses on a dizzy height,
and stole, Nimrod with a carbine, I
with a rifle, along a treacherous, shaly
bank which ended twenty feet below
In the steep, rocky bluffs that formed
the face of the cliff.
A misstep would have sent us flying,
but I did not think of that. My only
care was to avoid startling the shy.
fleet-footed creatures we pursued. I
hardly dared to breathe. Every muscle
and nerve was strained with long sus
pense. . Suddenly I clutched NImrod's arm,
and pointed at an oblong, tan-colored
bulk fifty yards above us on the moun
tain. "Antelope! Lying down!" I whis
pered. Nimrod nodded, and motioned me to
go ahead. I crawled nearer, inch . by
Inch, my gaze riveted. It did not move.
I grew more elated. It was not so hard
to approach an antelope, after all. I
felt astonishingly pleased at my per
formance. Then, rattle! crash! and a
stone went bounding down. I raised
my rifle to get a shot before the swift
animal should go flying away,
"it was strangely still. I stole a little
nearer, and then turned and went gen
tly back to Nimrod. He was convulsed
with silent laughter. My elaborate
stalk had been made on a nice buff
Calculator with Two Brains.
A man with two brains is surely a
novelty, yet Dr. Charcot, the French
specialist, inclines to the Idea that
Mandi, the lightning calculator and hu
man phonograph, is so blessed. This
phenomenon made his first appearance
at the Paris hippodrome, and he is
certainly a new attraction to the al
ready big list of "stars" at that house.
His memory for figures is mainly audi
tive. One of his feats Is the addition
of six lines of six figures, a multiplica
tion of -six figures by six figures, the
division of sax figures by five figures
and the extraction of the square and
cube roots of five figures all at once.
Curious Hawaiian Cave. .
A curious cave has been discovered
two miles from Hilo, Hawaii. The
cave runs toward the mountain in the
form of a tunnel. Down the middle of
the cave is a ditch that looks like the
bed of an ancient stream. This chan
nel is about three feet deep and four
feet wide, with evenly worn sides,
forming two benches. On one of these
benches was found the skeleton of a
woman, in sitting posture.
Ijeajfue of Beggars.
A beggars' league in St Petersburg
mutilates children and cripples them
to arouse sympathy from the benev
olent when they are sent to beg in
public places. The chief of this gang,
who is a wealthy man and has posed as
a philanthropist, receives 75 per cent
of the money begged by the unfortun
ates. Could the dead talk, the women
corpses could exclaim that the flowers
sent to them were just what they had
always wanted.
Drain Your Wheat Fields.
More wheat is destroyed in the fields
by too much water than from insects.
Everv wheat field should be thor
oughly drained, for if not there is a
liability of the plants being thrown
out of tbe ground whenever a freezing
and thawing occurs.
Gold I Gold! Gold I
The latest El Dorado is reported to be
on Nome City Beach, Alaska.' Thousands
of people are hastening there, nianv of
whom return broken in health. Of what
avail is gold when health is gone? Guard
your health with the best of medicines,
Hotetter's Stomach Bitters. It will regu
late ih bowels, stir up the liver, invig
onite the kidneys, and absolutely cure in
liisresiiim. constipation, malariachills and
fever. It's a good medicine to keep on
The Bicycle in Kansas.
The roads are good and level in
Kansas, and as a result every farm
house has its bicycle. A farmer in
that state wonld as soon be without
his team as without his wheel.
Tail signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the remedy that cures a cold in os day
Petroleum for Railway Locomotives.
The Russian ministry of communica
tions has decided to adopt petroleum
for generating motive power on the lo
comotives of all the railways.
A Pure, Vegetable Compound.
yo me-nur'al o: other poisons in Cascarets
Canny Cmha.t only vegetable substarx eg,
la e medical ci coer.e. All drjggists lire,
lav, 60c.
Electrical Disturbance.
Hardacre I reckon Zeke Grublot
was surprised to find he could buy a
lightning rod trom the agent for $2.
Crawfoot Why, man, he was thun
derstruck. For Houses on Damp Ground.
Houses which are damp because of
proximity to undrained land may be
rendered more habitable by planting
the laurel and the sunflower near them.
Garfield Tea h a wonderful HERB
MKIH'IN K that cleans? the system
and gives New Life by purifying
the blood.
Tunnel Under Royal Palace.
Within a few weeks the tunnel un
der the royal palace of the quirinal at
Rome will be completed. It will place
the older part of the eternal city in di
rect and level communication with
that new quarter of Borne erected since
18T0 beyond the quirinal. It is to be
brilliantly lighted with electricity.
When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonio because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste
less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
Purest Air Yet Found.
When a coal fire is in nse for heat
ing and the electric light for lighting
an inh ibited room, the air is purer
than by any of the other plans tried for
heating and lighting. '
I ant sure IMso's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. Mrs. Thos.
RoBBtKs", Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Feb. 17, 1900.
. Extensive Electric Light Plant
Plans are now being drawn up for
the establishment of an extensive elec
tric light plant at Rio Verde, San Luis
Potosi; All the machinery required
will come from the United States.
The best is the cheapest. Carter's Ink
is the best, costs no more than the
To Study Homestead Laws.
Tbe Hussian government intends
sending an agent to the United Stiles
to study homestead legislation with a
view of its partial application to the
peasant communities.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth--Eg
Syrup the best remedy to use for th?lr
Jhildreu during the teething period.
Improving Street Railways.
Melbourne, Australia, reports that a
system of "electrics" are to be built,
supplementing the cable railways, to
act as feeders from the suburban dis
tricts. I
Afegetable Preparalionfor As
similating theFoodandEegula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
'Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur
ness andRestContains neither
Opium.Morphine norMiteral.
. fimtJuM Sail"
Mx.Souut '
. &USmUt-
Bi CartaniMJUk
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-,
ness and Loss of Sleep. .
Facsimile Signature of
Work and Worry
Wreck the Health of Many a House
wifeThe Story of One Woman's
Trials and How She Over
came Thein.
From the Pot!, Columbia City, Ind.
The every day drudgery of tbe house
wue is extremely wearing upon her
sensitive and frail nature.
Many are prematurely broken down
in health, their cherished hopes blasted,
their home-life unhappy, because of
the constant tare and worry of house
work. Tbat home is indeed fortunate in
which the wife is in perfect health and
able to do her own work, in fact such
a home is a rarity.
Mrs. George Ilea ton, who lives near
Columbia City, Ind., says:
"During the early part of the winter
of 1896 we had a great deal of sick
ness in tbe family, and it being impos
sible to find a suitable girl to do my
housework, I had to do considerable
extra. My daughter and two sons
were confined to their beds with the
'I had a great many clothes t
wash, and I did the washing in th
summer kitchen, adjoining our regular
one, without any fire. As a result I
was attacked with sciatic rheumatism.
At first 1 did not give much heed to it.
"It kept growing worse, however,
and in the course of two or three
months I was unable to do any work.
By this time my daughter had recov
ered sufficiently to get along very well
with the housework.
"One night my husband was gone
from home over night on business, and,
my daughter being overburdened, with
work, I concluded to milk the cows,
which I did much against her wiahna.
My limbs were so badly affected that
i could narclly get to the barnyard, and
my bands and fingers were in such a
condition that it was with great diffi
culty that I used them.
"I was worse than ever after this,
and I was confined to my bed for more
than ten weeks.
"It seemed that every muscle in my
body pained me, and my condition was
a critical one. The physican failed to
benefit me, and I became discouraged
"I was prevailed upon to try Dr
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
which I did with wonderful results.
lhey began helping me at once, and
when I had taken five boxes I was
"My appetite is again good, lost flesh
nas oeen restored. 1 spent the sum
mer in the best of health, and can now
do as much work as ever. 1 have
recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
fir Pale People to a number of my
neighbors, who are also using them
with satisfactory results."
At druggists or direct from Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Co.. SchtmectaHv. N.
Y., 50 eents per box, or six boxes for
Increase of Russian Recruits.
Following the increase of popula
tion, the recruits joining the colors
this year in Russia numbered 297,100,
as against 291,100 in 1899.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Magnified Admiration.
"When would you call a man really
great'" .
''When he gets to be as great as his
10-year old nephew thinks he is"
If yon haven't a regular, healthy movement of the
bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep youi
bowels open, and be well. Force, in tho Bbape oi
Tlolent pbysto or pill poison, is daDgeroua. Tbt
'.mootbest. easiest, most perfect way ot keeping the
0C ?f als clear and clean is to take
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good
Merer Sloken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, fiOc Wriu
lor free sample, and booklet on health. Address
BUrllnc Bund, Cnpu;, CMean, Sioabul, Sw Terk. 32J
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
me CKHTAUII ewNNr, snt your crrr.
I Bears the .
i w
; I
' American Money Spent In Europe.
It is estimated that the 135,000
Americans who visited Eurooe lact
year spent there $60,000,000.
Salt Lake Once a River.
It is said that the great Salt Lake of
Utah is but a remnant of a vastly
greater sheet of fresh water, which
once sent a river to the Pacific.
Uncle Sam's Colored Population.
Tbe recent census shows that atinnt
12 per cent of the population of the
united btatea is colored.
Farms in the United States.
The United States contains nearlv
6,000,000 separate farms.
Percentage Very Low.
According to recent statistics there
is one man in about 500 in the United
States who receives a college training.
Electric Road in South Africa.
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, is
to build an electric tramway to be
wned and operated by tbe municipal
s'. Eight wheeled, double decked are to be tried.
Genuine .
Little Liver PUls.
Must Bear Signature of
See Facsimile Wrapper Below.
Vry amall amd m.m easy
to take as eiigax.
ts cTms I Purely TeffataMi
Chance for Sugar Refinery.
Up to date Portland has no direct
commerce with Hanaii. Now the O.
R. & N. Co. offers to run a regular
steamship line between Portland and
Honolulu if Portland people will es
tablish and operate sugar refinery
there. Best Thing About Idaho.
Henry Ei win, Weiser, Idaho, says
to the Portland papers: "The hest
thing about Idaho is the mines. There
are a number oi them which are pay
ing good dividends and the entire dis
trict, around Weiser is full of minerals,
which will surely be developed at some
time in the future."
Enormous Freight'Business.
Freight cais numbering 15,280 were
switched in Portland during December,
1900. This means cars that were re
ceived and delivered, loaded and
New Marshal at Nome.
F. H. Richards, of Whatcom county,
Washington, is recommended for Unit
ed States maribal at Nome. He was
formerly a state senator, and has been
serving in Alaska, under Collector of
Customs Ivey C. L. Vawter, of Mon
tana has resigned the Nome marshal
ship. I.IIIBlnis TT
Jt&'W wllLa" TOU RICH"
4JwJfc&rm This 19 a dariiur statement, bnt HaO-
sjgc. mrnrm eeog pear it out Tery time, I
1 -Combination Corn.
Greatestcornon earth. willposiHYely '
' Billion DollarCrass.
t Greatest marrel of the agre;
ix tons or nar per acre. First
"wuii weeu aiter
What Is It?
Catalogue tells.
FOR 10c. $TAH?S
and tM NOTICE w, mmU
- big Ked latelog, 10 Gr.ia
Swnple. toclndliMcabOT., .Uo (60 tm. per A.) Ott
John A. Salzer Seed Co. La Crosss,
fat folks mmk
from IS to 25 lbs. per month by a
harmless treatment. Thousands
cared. Mrs. M. A. MarCroiie,
ttawley St., Rochester,
writes: "Four Tears auo
reduced 48 pounds by your valu-
able treatment. Mv exoeriencfa il
as Trained Nurse bas taught me the dangers of Fatty
jxiTi.7itibiuu- nare uul pttiueu. faneuLB treated
by mail confidentially. For particulars address, with
Ump, DB.P.C.'TOKR, 13i4MunBic Temple, Chicago, Hi
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
Consnmption. J1.0O. D Lock Box 145.
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, N.Y., Prop's.
Hsts made Dropf y and its com
plications a specialty for twenty
years with the most wonderful
4 TT J .1
Buuuesa uavuuureuiuiuiy buous
sad oases.
ia.H.H.flSIEH'3 SONS,'
Box Hi Atlanta, Ga.
I rial juur uwn nome, w
furnluh the genuloe and
to any reader of this paper.
mmmej la advaaetn rrr lew
eofrtipMltlgarm1ea COSTS
tlUnCT MftTUiUO nnmnanul
With most all other treatment. Cim wkn til ether alee.
trie belt, applluew awl rota Mile fall. QUICK CUKE for
morethan&OaUmentB. ONLY BCKltCURK for alfnei-rous
diseases, weaknesses and sUBonterm- Vnr mmnleta
sealed confidential catalogue, eat I htm asset aas alltea
6 EARS. ROEBUCK 4t CO.. Chicago
ITCHING Files produce moisture and cause Itching.
This form, as wen as Blind, Blesdliia or Protruding
Piles are cured or Dr.Bosanko'a Pile Ramedy.
Stops ftcblsg ana bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 600 s
Jar atdruggjit or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write
me about your caaa. SB. BOSAHKO. Pb lad. Pa
N. P. N. O.
So. 41901.
HN writing t adTsrtisera ple
mansion this paper.
rtonta.Uatt.ta M
To Hold Rubbers On Shoes,
An improved holding devioe for over
shoes is formed of a pair of pivoted
arms surrounding the top of the heel,
with a spring pawl on the pivot, which
locks them in place after they are
gripped around the shoe heel.
Predicts Hard Year for Rulers.
Raphael's Almanac, a widely known
astronemioal publication in Em-ope,
now in its 81st year, says that this is
to be a hard old year for kings, presi
dents and other rulers.
Stocked for Over a Million.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the Fortune Mining Company,
for general mining purposes, with
headquarters at Grant's Pass; with a
capital stock of $1,25 '.000, the incor
porators being O. S. GooJnow, John
Ward and John L. Wiggins.
Great Exertion.
"That's a great heater yon put in
for us," r3marked the tenant enihn-
'Keeps yon good and warm, eh?"
ineried the landlord.
" Warml Why, when we get thrtogh
raking and shaking it trvim, t.n mnL-
it bnrn tbe family has to retire to tha
yard to cool off."
Those Dear Girls.
Miss Chellns What a lovelv niecn
of lace that is.
Miss Amy Bell Yes. isn't it?
Mamma gave me that when I first
came oat.
Miss Cliellus Keallv? How wall it
has wornl
The Acme of Cynicism,
lienben Rail fence Hiram don't be
lieve in nothin' eacred nor profane no
more. lie's a infidel, a blasphemous
Josh Emmalong That's rlcht! He
don't even believe what the home pa
per says no more.
Hitless Hunters.
City Sportsman Any game around
Farmer Yes; the woods are full of
City Snortsman I Hnnnnsnrl it hurl
been pretty well killed off by now.
Farmer Oh, no. No one ever
hunts around here but you city fel
lows. Too Full of Wrath.
Photographer Look just a little
pleasanter, please.
Stranger (sitting for his photogranh)
I don't want to look any pleasanter.
1 m a delegate to tbe anti-trust con
ference. Tired Out.
Mr. Doolittle (nervouslvl I thinfc I
can see your little brother under the
sofa, Miss Millwood I
Miss Midwood (at 1 1 o'clock, check
ing a yawn) Well, if he is he muBt be
souud asleep by this timet
Oiled Clothing
lXmM. Tl
Take No Substitutes. Free Catalogues !
Showing Full Line of Garments and Hats.
A.J . Tower. Co. boston . m.s.
Yob can't make a mistake It yon get i
IWitehell, Iierais & Staver Co.
The "Cyclone" Thresher
Jf You Buy a New
Thresher, Engine,
Yon of Course Want the Best. Write for
Catalogue and Prices.
VTITHonT vra
unl. aiiceesful
f tl d dt'aitri nlinn
- i" ' l lire uuiiuun
MILO. H. HTKVKNS Co.. Kstab. lgtM.
Div. 4. 817 14th Street, WASHINGTON' D. O.
Branch offices: Chicago. Cleveland and Detroit
v'TL' f to
sr know what a a
fyjr you're planting-
5gjr when you plant k
MiSf Ferry's Seeds. U you J
fbny cheap seeds you can't 1
P8 be sure. Take no chances f J
Set Ferry's. Dealers every- f f
ll5Ni where sell them. Write 4
for 1901 Seed Annual m
mailed free. -r jf
0. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Wv5i