Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 25, 1901, Image 4

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    A RACE
... JjTt MASTER has the right to be
Jgprouil of his ship, and mine Is a
"clipper a "wind jammer;'' but
I've left many a first-class tramp astern
of me, yes, and liners, too. I haven't
broken any records; I can't claim to
have sailed 4334 statute miles In a day,
as did the Flying Cloud, or even 419
miles, the record of the Sovereign of the
-Seas. Records" like those were made
"- when ships carried a big. crew, regard
less of expense, and spread out their
stu'n's'ls and moon-scrapers until the
hull was no more compared with their
. canvas than the basket is to a balloon.
But my bark Daisy does all that can be
expected with her crew of twenty-one
men, and my owners gave me a gold
" watch and chain when I beat the giant
France on a clear run across the West
ern ocean. -
1 was loading timber in Burrard In
let, just up the harbor from Vancouver,
the western terminus of the Canadian
' Pacific Railway. .-. I was feeling pretty
. good, because, since my last visit, my
Investment of $500 in town lots had
turned Itself in to a good $1,500 with the
, growth of the city. And as to ,- the
MIRKZ. Daisy, well, I wasn't going to let that
wintc Jones crow over me. He com
nianded the Breeze," a four-masted bark,
i: bigger than the Daisy, but with noth-
Jng of her sailing qualities. He had
got some new fancy patent tops'is, and
r was trying to make the- merchants be
s:- lieve that he'd -be unloading in London
River before I was round the Horn. He
' was a good talker, was Jones, and made
himself out a proper hero, especially
among the women, who, bless their
souls! don't know a man when they see
one unless he has got a torpedo beard
. and apes. the naval officer.- Anyway,
r"- Jones', bragging made me' so sick that J
.challenged him to start the same day
: we were both finishing' our loads and"
. race me home for $2,500 a side.-He
wanteds to back out,-but the challenge
?,v vtLS biade at the shipping office before a
crowd of masters and merchants, and
Jones" had talked to such an extent that
his friends forced him to stand up to
me like a 'man. . I've heard since that
be was in desperate hard straits, so
much so. that the loss of that bet would
. mean sheer ruin to him; but he had
" talked too -much, and the Vancouver
... people .would have- chaffed the life oiit
- of him if he tried to sing small before
i ine.- We planked down the stakes, the
first man home to cable7 to the stakA.
.holder, claiming the whole ' amountN
Then, I guess, Jones Telt sick. - Bar ac
, . cldents, the man couldn't possibly beat
; me sailing, and-,1 never suspected foul
. - play; such a tiring never entered my
;'"head.. I. was ahort of a bo's'n, my man
having run from -the ship,"and. there-
was not one or the foremast hands' who"
t- could fairly claim the job. They were
;-;-good as sailbrmen go, the best dozen of
' them, but a really, first-class bo's'n
could have given paints to the lot Now,
Jones had a regular champion, a Por
i tugee, who'd learned his trade whaling,
.. and followed that up under the best
masters in the deep sea trade. - So when
.-".he -canie, to. see me 'the day before I
;was to, saifX listened to all he had to
: say about Captain Jones-wbich wasn't'
-.-.exactly compliments. I couldn't tell
- him Vtrrin from his present-ship, In
- deed; as in duty bound, I advised him
solemnly to do no such thing; but I did
drop ft hint that I'd pick up valuable
men.who'd run fromsuch -masters as
Jones, and stowed away In the Daisv
'(ure enough, before I'd been a day out
i louna mego icmirez aboard of me,
mighty poor in spirit, humble and will
ing. .Naturally, I wasn't going to lose
time handing the man over to Jones, s'o
. I signed him on the books as A. B, -- He
-. soon proved, the best sailorraan in the
. ; ship; such a good man, In fact, that my
own people weren't jealous when I pro
moted him oter .their heads; and made
him bo's'n. I was proud of Diego Ra-'-
mirez. If I'd only known! '
"; We started fair, VIo'nes and I. anS -all
. -- the city-turned out to see the start. A
t if.wu-mue race is-out of the common;
. ,the papers were full of It, and at. the
time when we cast off the -tugs the bet
v ting was five to three on Jones: I took
care to Be abreast when we passed the.
city or Victoria; I took more care while
e ran down the Straits of Fuca that I
. VthovM round Cape .Flattery ahead of
" him. Tn betting jthere was Ave to three
-on me. ; Jonts did all he knew-, and as
far as speed wnt there wasn't actually
much to chooseetween our two ships';
but for seamansMp, well, I'd be: sorry
, for Jones' chance. Of course, we put
. him astern the very first day, nor did
we see him again foi many a long day
after. "... C -.
There's no need to describe tire voy
age. ; I had all the winds' I tried for,
and not too much; I rounde&the Horn
" - without a reef in my tops'is, then reach-
s ed away to catch the trades for home.
. '' We were bowling along towards the
'" Line Tunning down - our latitudes la
fipe style, and on Oct. ,3, at noon. I
-Jmade It 100 30 7 8. " We were" under
; close reefed top" gallant " sails,-- wind
aoaut:,- Diowing about a tops'lj
. oreezef aoout as much as we cared for.
.'.- Indeed, the-mate wanted'to snug-home
i- the top gallant sails.: 1 knew what the
-J Daisy could stand, and- when I went
. below at 10 o'clock 1 told the' second
um iv tan me lyr less man a llgnt gale..
. . .. -. . V. fcUUb a t
- , queer thlngat sea how one's body stays
J awake, expecting danger, while, so far
u, mortal njind can tell, there lg noth-1
lng to fear. Everything was what the
doctor ordered up to eight - bells. I
heard the watch changed; then one fcetl,
two bells, three bells, four bells. ' At
last I got sick of hearing the half-hour
strokes, and went up on deck in socks
and pyjamas to take a look at the night.
All seemed well. The mate was at the
gallery door, sipping bis coffee, and
small blame to biui for. getting it good
and hot. His face was turned towards
me, bis back to the forecastle, where
something stirred in the shadow a
man coming up out of. the scuttle
Diego Ramirez, who ought to have
been in his bunk, sneaking quietly up
the ladder to the forecastle bead. 1
felt half inclined to hail him, but why
should my bo's'n steal about like a cat,
slink in the shadows, instead of going
about like a man? " I thought I saw the
gleam of a knife In bis hands. Then I
ran full pelt along the lee side of the
deck, for if the man meant mischief it
was time I knew. I took the steps at
three jumps. . - '
When I gained the forecastle bead 1
saw nothing at first. . Yes, there he was
over the bows, his head just showing,
moving from side to side as though h
were at work. . - - .'- . .
I bent down over hini, and found him",
quite unconscious of my presence
slashing with a long knife,- cutting
away the most vital gear in-the ship
the gammonings of the" bowsprit! I
flew at his throat, half strangled, him,
and dragged him from his perch, until
I' had him hanging over blue water.
But I was too late, for, with an awful
crash, the gammonings . parted, the
bowsprit flew Into the air. rearing
straight on end. A yell from me sent
the mate to the wheel.
"Luff !"I shouted. "Luff!"
But before be could bring her head
to the wind, she gave one heavier roll
than usual, and with one tremendous
smash all, three masts, no longer sup
ported by -the. stays, broke ofi"1ike car
rots and went whirling down over the
side. Then I hauled Mr. Diego Ramirez
inboard, and battered him senseless. -.
The Daisy lay a totalwreck in' mid
ocean, her masts and spars, a tangled
mass of - wreckage to leeward, were
charging into her like a battering ram
with every roll, and, worst of all, the
whole of the standing "rigging was of
steel, which no ax could cut for our
release. " ; ... ,H' " "
At once I had 11 hands at work to
deal with the. disaster. One watch
rigged a sea anchor, with a cask of oil,
bored with an auger, which we put
overboard to windward and so, broke
the seas. Meanwhile I "got the other
watch to werk cutting the", wreckage
adrift as best they could.
Only when daylight came had t time
to go forward; time to deal witb Diego
Ramirez,' Esq., my bo's'n, caught red
handed wrecking my ship. -Even then
I -could appreciate "the fiendish cunning
of the man, his masterly knowledge of
seamanship. .'The' chance1" hadj been a
thousand to one ' against, his being
caught,, so simple" was. his plan, so cer
tain its success. No masts ever built
couldhave. borne so' sudden and so
fierce a wrench. It was a comfort, to
me that I had markedDiego Ramirez
for life.. But I had not killed him. nor
would I while he could be held alive in
evidence of his crime,
I. put -the man inaronsr With, nothing
but bread andwater, and oil the' third
day ,he confessed that Jones had bribed
him to" come- on board at Vancouver,
had paid Mm $250 in cash, to commit
the crime. That was Mr. Jones'. idea
."of racing, and-certain-Iy-the.way things
looked he, would have - no" trouble ; to
reaching England ahead of me, claim
ing the $5,000 from the stake-holder at
Vancouver, and caching the check be
fore I could interfere. - As to the- mon
ey, I had no redress,: for the law would
not back me in a gambling transaction,
but I swore be should be punished for
wrecking my ship.
- Well, from, the moment we lost our
masts I had all hands, "Including 'my
self, working; night - and" day," saving
what could be saved of the wreckage.
and using -the spars, tackle and canvas
to jury-rig the ship. I had" thirty Jeet
of foremast, eighteen" feet .Jot mlzzen,
and six'feet of the main to build upon;
and, if you'll believe me, I turned the
Daisy mtb; such a. jig asTwas -never
seen before in the .world: We rigged
her as we went along under a jury fore
sail, "and before we passed the Western
Islands t had turned her Mo a sort of
four-masted jackass barklth a sprit
sail under her jury bowsprit, and even
booms rigged out over the side to carry
small sails. My sallormen laughed un
til they split their sides at some of my
fancy canvas, but .we did five knots
an hour before the wind'. Every "ship we
sighted howled '.at usj but I begged,
bought and "Sorrowed something from
each of Ithem, of spars, rope and sails
to add to my- rig. I even hoisted sails
on the boats in my davits, and ProvR
dence helped me with Just the winds
I wanted. I kept my bands In- good
humor with plenty of ; grog, "and you
'should have" heard ""them cheer as we
sighted TJshant!. .-. ... .. . v . .
. Since .we had been delayed at least
six i.weeks of course there cpuld be no
hope of"n;.nning the aceL Xet we" were
scarcely; in, our fresh course "up Chan
nel, I4he time beiig just after, break;
fast, when who-ahruld I see astern but
my -dear friend Jmes. It was a clear
judgment. In my mind,;fof he'd: been
driven south by a gale we just missed
by : day, blown clean iato the" AntarcV
tic, C where Tie found a berg in a'fog.
Anyway, here he was rounding Usbairt
stern of as, and it was nothing now
but a question of tugs. I had one ask
ing for a job already, the only deep sea
tug. perhaps, in the chops of the Chan
nel. 'So I made my bargain for Dart
mouth, and soon I was making eight
knots for Jones' nine. At noon, I be
ing still a little ahead, another tug hove
in sight, and I, being disabled, had a
right So away we went with two tugs,
leaving Jones "raging mad astern. He
was hull down .when 1 got a third tug,
just to spite Jones, and went Into Dart
mouth like a royal procession.
Yes, I was first in an English port,
first to send the cable to Vancouver,
first to secure the stake.. Moreover; 1
got. Mr. Jones dismissed from his ship
and, charged, with bis accomplice. In
wrecking mine, and bis owners had to
pay the damage. Now Captain ones
and Diego Ramirez, bis bo's'n, are Im
proving their minds In her majesty's
house of tuition at Wormwood Scriibbs.
- The Daisy? ' Well, next time I put
into Vancouver the merchants gave me
a banquet, and I wear a gold watch and
chain to Jones' memory.
An Aneclote Somewhat Out of the
- TJanal Hon.
It is seldom that horses show their
intelligence tn. any striking - manner,
but they sometimes do things , that
would make their mental processes ex
tremely interesting if we could under
stand them. . I once owned a beautiful
gray horse named "Douglas," and In
eVery way he "was essentially a fam
ily horse. He" generally knew what
wag required of, him, and would try
to do it. He was so gentle that, he
could safely have been driven by
means of two pieces of strong linen
thread, and he was so thoroughly trust
worthy in regard to standing .without
bitching, that we left" him' any where
we pleased,' entirely by . himself, and
were always certain to find him 4n ex
actly the spot where he had been' left.
We had such faith in him in "this re
spect that we got into the bad habit,
when We. were visiting at a house, pi
leaving him standing at the door and
thinking no more of him' until Jve came'
out. One afternoon my wife and I
were making a. call at a ; suburban
house, and as usual left Douglas stand
ing outside. In a little while, glanc
ing out ..of the front window. I was
amazed to see the horse slowly moving,
along the driveway. " I was about to
go out to him, but as he very soon,
stopped and stood perfectly still, V re
mained where I was; and almost, at
that moment two ladles came in. -".They
were also paying a vlsjt to -the house,
but on foot.. -.
One of them remarked to me that I
had a very polite horse, and as I did
not understand this- compliment - to
Douglas, she explained that when they
reached the house they found my horse
and buggy s entirely blocking - the en
trance; and as they stood wondering
what they should do, the horse turned
his -head, looked at them,, and then
moved on a fewsteps in order to give
them an opportunity of entering. . ..
I have nothing to add to this anec
dote, except, to say- that it -must have
been a very strong sense of politeness.
ot else a word or two from one of the
ladies, which .would : have induced
Douglas to move, from the place where
L had left hlm.f-Frank R. Stockton,, in
Youth's Companion. ? v- :
. -: ; "Wolselejr -Merely a Stripling.
, It is pleasant to come across old war--rio'rs
who. having fought in ' many
climes against many people, are still
hale and hearty. " The other" day . one
of England's veterans,; Field-Marshal
Sir Frederick P. Haines, celebrated his
.eighty-first birthday. , . , ; .
Just 8ixtyKne years ago'he began'h's
career as a warrior and fifty-five years
ago he went through his first campaign,
seeing' m,ost of the fighting that took
place In the Sutiej campaign of 1845.
Almost the first .time be smelt "powder
he was desperately, wounded, i " . -".His
next campaign was that In the
Punjab in 1848-9, and later he fought
throughJhe.iU-ihanagfcd Crimea. Twen
ttf years later he was made commander-in-chief
In India, and -was specially
thanked by Parliament for his tact and
energy in the Afghanistan operations.
; The old warrior Is hale and 'hearty
and still has an opinion of his own. - It
Ts" told of him "that a dictum of Lord
Wolseley's wai quoted against" one of
his own. Sir Frederick; rapped his cane
on the floor and shouted: ...
? Wolseley ! "Wolseleyf A clever lad,
I'll admit, but a mere stripling, sfr, a
mere srrlpltngf iAs Lord Wolseley Is
Only 67,:tbat settled It, of course. Phlt
adelpbla Post "i-; . ? -- , -
; The Singer and the Porter.
M, A. P. tells a story of how, once
upon a time Sims Reeves, the famous
"tenor,; was stranded at a country Junc
tion, waiting, for a -train. It Wflfl tfnlA
4 and miserable, and the singer was nat-
uraiiy not mine Dest or tempers. While
chewing the cud of disappointment nn
old railway porter, who recognized him
rrom tne puDusnea portraits, entered
the waiting-room. ; ' .. "- , r
. "Good eveBing,-'Mr. Sims Reeves," he"
said. "-" " . ,""'. . 4-
"Good evening, my man," replied the
vocalist "getting ready the necessary
tip. But tbe. man. sought for Informa
tion rather, than 'flps.v i- , -r
iL'They teir me you earn a heap of
money,", he remarked. A ...
"Oh!" murmured Mr. Reeves, v. -
"And yet," "pursued the porter, "you
don't work-hard. Not so hard as I do,
for Instance; But I dessav rim-nnJ
p'raps ten times what I do-eh?"-
. W hat do you earn?" asked the
singer - - :
"Eighteen shillings a week y all tho
year round," said the porter.- -
- Sims Reeves opened his chests 'i0
re, mi do!" he sang, the last note be
tag a ringing top one. "There, my
man; there's your year's Balary gone!"
. i. ' l Perfumlnit Gloves. " - i --
To perfume your gloves mix. well to.
gether half an ounce of essence of i
roses, a dram each of oil of"cloves and
mace, and a quarter of an ounce of
frankincense. Place this in tissue pa
per and lay It between the gloves. -'
'-.The men also get new- underwear1
when they marry, but they don't adver
tise It ' " ,
V A well-filled , cupboard is the best
"board of health," - ,,
PI saaant Incident Occurring tbe
World Over- BayingmthatAre Cheer
ful to Old or Young Funny Selec
tion that Kverybod; Will Knior.
Professor (returning home at night,
hears noise) Is someone there?
Burglar (under the bed) No.
Professor That's strange! I was
positive somedne was under my bed.
Cynical. -
Binicus One cannot believe every
thing he hears.
Cynlcnsf No; nor everything one
doesn't hear. About -half of what one
takes for granted is false. Puck.
EomethinK Like It.
Mamma Bobby, do you remember
the text last Sunday 1 y
. Bobby Yes, ma'am.-, I think it was
"Many are cold, but few are frozen." !
Thit Eke Corner.
"What do. you think of, the plans for
that gigantic corner in eggs?" v
".-"I think they are well laid." Cleve
land Plain Dealer. .
' . Tn ( onrt Circle?.
He Oh, yes, when I was in Engjand
I was enthusiastically received in court
Circles." .-. : . 'v; . ' x
She simply) What was the charge
against you V Tit-Kits. . "
: v Gets lip Karly. '
' Jimmy What time do yer. have tier
get ter work? " - . ' .-,'
Johnny Oh; any time I like as long
as I ain't later than 7 o'clock. Harper's
Bazar. - r - ;: -
. Brooklyn Flat
Benham There isn't room here
swing a cat : ,
- Mrs. Benham Then we won't have a
cat. Brooklyn Life.
: Fearful li covery. -:."JJiS
is terrible," . said . Meandering
Mikewlth a deep-drawn sigh. - - .
: "What's de matter?' asked Ploddifig
Pete, in-'alarm. ' .
"Here's-a nice piece in de paper. -It
says we've got muscles Inside of -us
that keeps . up an Involuntary action.
Dey goes on workinV-; whether - we
wants 'em to- or - not." Washington
Star. " " ' , - ' :--'. . ;.
" . - In" a Hurry. T -"How
d'ye do?" said the busy man.
"Will you marry me?" , . t v "
i "O-er,"! she gasped. "This Is so sud
den; I must have time to think.- I- "
'Say, 6u't keep me waiting too- long
or I won't have money enough left-to
buy the ring.v I came in an autocab and
they charge by the minute, you know."
Philadelphia Press.
ISot Natural.
Pastor Did yonr husband die a nat
ural .death?-".- ; v .- v -
jThe Widows-No, sir; a doctor attend
ed him. Der"FlohI -.
1 . : Purely Pessimistic
..."That next-door, neighbor of yours
deserves a great deal of credit." ' i
"For" what?" asked Mr, BJykins. -"Why,
vfor being so neat ' He is aU
ways up In the morning cutting the
grass -on his lawn or . shoveling the
snow off his sidewalk." ' v -' .
"Oh, he doesn't do those things be
cause he is neat He enjoys the' thought
that his noise Is worrying the- neigh
bors." Washington Star. "
For Protection." . . -T"I
wrote to Aunt Tabitha about our
robber'- . - . - ,:
."Well?"-", ' '- '
. . "She sent us a guinea hen; she says
they always make-a big fuss when a
stranger comes on the place." Indian
apolis Journal." -
." --" --.A. ' ''I f- :'.r ':J;.J.0r-t-
. Governmental Interfe enca.
- "Here's a portion of the President's
message intended for you, Carolyn." '
""Nothing of the sort Clarence." v '
"Yes; he advises economy." . ,
. ; . They Wouldn't Kin. . - -
"What do you call these?" he asked
at the breakfast table." : " . .
"Flannel cakes," replied the wife of
bis bosom. - - .
Flannel? They made a mistake and
sold you corduroy this time." Balti
more American.
t Tncrensins Hia Ijcnoranc.
Gayboy What-have you. been doing
all day?- " .
.. Bighead Increasing my ignorance.: I
have Jusf read the latest historical nov-el."-Llfe.
' - KnconrauinK.
. Mr. Prancer I'm sorry I'm such an
awkward dancer, Miss Perkins. v .
Miss" Perkplns-Oh.yon're doing fairly
well,-Mr. Prancer.', I've seen you jerk
around lots worse, than this wilh other
girls. IndianapoHs Journals -"- -:.
-. Conclusive Proof. ;
"This letter," said the counsel for
.Mis. De Vorce, "Is a forgery. It was
not written by my client, and, in fact,
it is -evident it was not written by a'
woman at all."'
"What proof have you of that?"
asked the oposing counsel. - - .
"Simply this: There is no postscript
and the several pages run right along
in the regular order." Philadelphia
Press. . :
Mishap to an Xlbitnary. '
She wept "Oh, you editors are hor
rid!" she sobbed. ;
"What Is the trouble, madam?" in
quired the editor. ;
"Why, I boo boo I sent In an obit
uary of my husband, and boo boo
a id said in it that he had been married
for twenty years, and you oo oo
bo-ihoo your printers set it up 'worried
foi twenty years.' " -
Sue wept. But the editor grinned.
Baltimore American.
The Delu lea Canine. .
"The dog is one of the most intelli
gent of animals," remarked Willie
Wishington. "
"So I have heard," answered Miss
Cayenne. . . -
"And heIs the most loyal admirer a
man can have. . . - .
"Yes. I never could quite reconcile
those two assertions." Washington
Only Natural.
She Sometimes I wish I had never
married you. ----- -
He That's - but natural, ' my dear.
We generally go back on those "things
that we have tried hardest to get
Life. - ,, ' ..
Irresponsibility - "
"They say," remarked the -very cynl
car person, "that' in this corrupt and
superficial age the great object is not
to be found out" . '
- "That show-8 you have very little ex
perience with bill collectors," answered
the impecunious friend. ""My great ob
ject Is not to be found in." Washing
ton Star. x -'.'
Wanted It Bnd.
; fScribley asked, me to-day if I would
give him a bad character." ..
- "He's, after a job and afraid you'd
queer him. eh?" ". -
"O! no. He's writing a play, .and he
needs a villain." Philadelphia Press.
An I fficlent officer.
Judges-When the gentleman cried for
help, why didn't you run to his aid? .
.". Officer Well, sor,- it war across th'
street, and not exactly on ine bate.".
' One Way to Tell.
; Henderson (who has just bought a
new pipejCan you tell. me,"professor.
If this amber is genuine?, t: - c5
Professor Oh, that's easily deter
mined. - Soak it In alcohol for twenty
four hours. If it's genuine it will then
have- disappeared. Glasgow Evening
Times. - V . " . - -
. fhrew 1.
"You ve been in a Bght" ""said
mother, renroviiiKlv.
."Oh,,-not much of a one," answered
the boy. - - - -
"Did you count one hundred as I told
you when you felt your angry passion
rising?" ' ; . ..;..vj; .--,:.
."Oh, sure,'?- returned . the ' -boy. "I
counted one hundred all right, but I
knot-Red the other boy down first. It's
the only safe way." Chicago Eveuina
Post: - :-. . . - .
A Knnwlng Lail. '
"How many pounds are there in it
ton?" asked the teacher. - --V".-'
And the t-iinid clean-faced boy" witl
a patch In his trousers; timidly sug
gested: -
"It-depends a good deal where you
buy your cdal, doesn't it?" Washing
ton Stat'-" ' - .. -:'
-..Had a Sweet Souni.
Small Jimmy Say dem lubly words
once more. - . - ... : --
Smaller .Gladys I said I. don't want
you to be. wastin' your money oh nit
for ice cream and sweets aiiy more.-'
Boston-Globe. . . - , ' .
A Matter of Hear in sr. r
Suburbanite You've got a new baby
at your house,-1 hear? . -
Townite Great Scot! can you hear it
away out there in the suburbs? " -
. ' - JL SUtch in Tim-. : ' ' -
He Miss Rusty is awfully old, Isn't
she? , -She
She is just my age
- He Well oh," I beg your pardon. -.
The Art-Bo. - '
"Why, Madge, where are all the tas
sels on your new chenille boa?"
- "Ob, I stepped on some of them, and
other people stepped on some." .
- L. Now.Wl.1 You Smile? . "
Mrs. Kendal is nothing if not impul
sively genial, and the imperturbability
of certain characters has often a curiously-
irritating effect upon her. She
was shopping -one day at certain well
known stores, and, having completed
her purchases, took leave of .the assist
ant.who had served her with a friendly
"Good morning." There was no reply;
In that hard -working damsel's busy
career there was no. time, probably, for
the. minor gentlenesses; of -life: "Say
good " morning and smile!" exclaimed
Mp. Kendal, impetuously. .- The girl
stared in -mute amazement .-"Then I
shall remain: here until you do," said
tbe great actress in the most persuasive
but yet In the firmest tones. This was
too much for the glrj. "Good morn
ing," shcsaid, and burs.t out laughing.
From that hour-Mrs. Kendal's appear
ance St the store -In question was the
signal for an-outburst of geniality;
Philadelphia Telegraph. . " : ; .
No man should object to thick soles
on bis shoes, as the objections will soon
Ban Francisco Lad Who Makes Models
of Battleships,
Eddie Von Gelderna 13-year-old boy,
one year ago, after a single hour's In
spection of the United States battleship
Iowa, went off and executed a remark
able model of the ship, accurate in pro
portion and delicate In detail, composed-
of odd scraps and -waste picked
up" about his own home and in . bis
neighbors' back yards. He has now,
unaided and untaught, constructed out
of odds and ends of materials, with a
few odd tools, partly of bis own-manufacture
and- contrivance, models of a
steam engine and electric car good
enough to be exhibited . before the
Technical Society of the Pacific at its
last meeting in Academy of Sciences
building, and which commanded the
respectful attention of the members qf
that grave and dignified body. . -
" The steam engine is an elaborate
piece of work, perfected, as a model
or a sketch, to use the boy's own term,
down to some of Its finest details. The
boiler Is made of strips of, tin, neatly
turned and riveted together, then
nailed down to a foundation board, so
that they appear, together with a sim-
Lilar strip of zinc at the front to consist
oi a series or castings. - ine sanaDraae
consists of a metallictlp taken from
the end of a discarded curtain pole, and
a circular tin can forms the- smoke
stack. The headlight is set in a little
box constructed by the boy's deft
hands, but for; tbe ornament which
caps it he Is Indebted to his mother's
discarded curtain poles. There are
steam cylinders with eccentric move
ments, symmetrical and accurately
proportioned, and a whole system of
running gear and mechanism beneath,
down to the compressed airbrake and
hose, all as conscientiously executed as
if the lives of human passengers de
pended upon iheir being carried out to
the finest detail. -
In the engine cab the boy has accom
plished some of his most patient Imi
tative work, for it is rigged with a
throttle and steam gauge, the doors to
the boiler and furnace being carefully
defined. On one side the engineer's
raised seat is carefully padded, and he
is even furnished with the usual pad
ded arm-rest on the window, while the
bell , rope dangles above the fireman's
seat opposite. All of the other windows
in the cabs re glazed with discarded
camera plates. The engine Is about
three and one-half feet long and of
proportionate breadth and height
The trolley car, four feet long or
more. Is a less complex structure, but
shows the same fidelity, patience and
accuracy, and Is one of the most hon
est make-believe cars possible, from
the stout wheels beneath, taken out of
cord and tackle pulleys, to the trolley,
which reaches -up to draw power from
an invisible wire. .
-"That trolley- was an old bamboo
fishing rod once upon a time," . ex
plains the young builder gravely. "I
had. to buy the glass for the windows,
for there weren't any dry plates the
right size, you see. I've got the adver
tisements 'along the top of the wall
above them. If you'll look in you can
see." - . '
The -seats, Simulated to represent
the- rolling curves of : the slatted
benches extending along the "sides of
the car, were hacked out with the aid of
an old jackknlfe." and beneath the car,
at each end, the boy has built that ab
solute essential to street cars in -every
civilized community, safety" fenders of
as Ingenious a pattern as he could de
vise. San Francisco Chronicle. , ". "
What Frightened Him.
While crossing the Isthmus of Pana
ma -by rail, some years ago, the con
ductor obligingly stopped" the ttraln for
Mr. Campion to gather some beauti
ful crimson flowers by the roadside,
it was midday and intensely hot In
liis ?On the Frontier"" Mr. Campion
tells a peculiar story of this flower
picking experience. - - V, "
I refused offers of' assistance, and
went alone to pluck the flowers. After
gathering a handful 1 noticed, a large
bed of plants, knee-high, andof deli
cate form and a beautiful green shade.
I walked to them, broke off a fine spray
and placed it with my flowers. -
To my amazement I saw that l had
gathered a witheredshriveled, brown
ish weed. - I threw" It away, carefully
elected a large-, bright green plant and
olucked it. Again I had In my band a.
bunch of withered leaves. ' ." : -
It -flashed through my mind that a
sudden attack of Panama fever, which
was very; prevalent and much talked
of, had struck me delirious. : r
..I went "off my head" from fright
In a panic I. threw the flowers down,
and was about to run to -the train, I
looked around; nothing seemed strange.
I felt my pulse all right I .was in. a
perspiration,-but the heat would have
made a lizard perspire.
. Then I noticed that the plants where
I stood seemed shrunken and wilted.
Carefully . I '"putfmy finger on a' fresh
branch. x Instantly .the leaves shrunk
and began to change color., I had been
frightened byjsensitive plants.. - - ..
... Equine Inequality.. ";
The work horse - and the ..carriage
horse stood side by side on the street
"I see. you take yonr meals a ia cart"
sniffed the latter, looking disdainfully
at the other's canvas feed bag.
"Yes,",-" replied - the equine toller.
"Don't yon?" - L " -
"Xcigb, neigh, " Pauline!" - and the
proud .arjstocratlc mare rattled the sil
ver chains upon her harness. "I prefer
mine stable -d'oat" Philadelphia Bul
" Go-Wrong. .-.-.
--"My boy," said the great man. "I
used to -shine shoes myself." .
"Well," replied the bootblack- "dev's
a hull lot of de guys what is led astray."
Philadelphia North- American. : ; -
Silk Ureases In China.
Silk dresses were worn in China 4,500
years ago. :.. - -
1 Finland Wolves.
".Finland loses ?27,500 worth of "cattle
a year by "wolves. - ,"
It is one of-the wonders of .childhood
that grown people can get up" without
Occasionally the people have a right
to abuse yon; if yon make a mistake,
aouse causes yon to be more careful.
Week of Ebbin Strength in Cereal Mark
Bradstreet'i Weekly Trade Review.
Bradstreet's says: Specuiatiorr-has
lagged, but trade on spring account has
on the whole improved this week.
Southern and Southwestern trade is
opening up satisfactorily, and there are
better reports received even from the
Northwest as to the outlook, for spring
business. As to retail distribntion,
conditions are hardly so favorable.
Iiuinber appears to have been active
at the West, and wholesalers have done
more at the East, bnt the export trade
laes in this line, as in others.
It haS been a week of ebbing strength
in the cereals. Argentina reports dis
play an India robber consistency, and
this week has been devoted to stretch
ing estimates of the expert snrplus
from that "country. Northwest wheat
receipts have also been heavy, and the
wuaiieu wan Biiree lubeics una utwu
reported to . have been liquidating.
Flour is dnll, but the decline of 10 to
30 cents per barrel has tended to help
export bnciness. -
The textile situation is not altogeth
er clear. Cotton has weakened on in
creased stocks at the Sonth.
War, or rather rumors of war, have
been the chief subject of discussion in
the iron and eteel trade this weeek,
ami to some extent have exerted a de- -pressing
effect on sentiment. .New
demand at this time, however, is never
very large, and conditions as a whole
are healthy and even promising. The
labor outlook in iion doea not promise
as well, .
Wheat', intending Soar, shipments
for the week were 3,336,054 bushels
"against 3,061,095 bushels last week.
Business failures in the United States
tor the week ending number 290,
gamt 822 last week. . .
i"1., ... .1 ; .. .. f..,-i ( l
ber 60, as against 8C last week.
Seattle Market
Onions, new yellow, 2o.
Lettuce, hot house, $1.60 pet case.
Potatoes, new. $18.
Beets, per sack, 85c (3 fl.
Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
Squash 2c.
Carrots, per sack, 75c
ParsnipB, per eack, $1.001.25.
Celery 50o doz. . . . .
Cabbage, native and California,
2c per pounds..
Butter Creamery, 80c; dairy, 16
18c; ranch, 16c 18o pound.
Cheese 14c.
Eggs Ranch, 28c; Eastern 23c.
" Poultry 14c; dressed, native chick
ens, 15c; turkey,, 16c. '
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $15.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
$19.00. -
Corn Whole, $24.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $24. , .
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$20. " . - :
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.40;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; era-
ham, per barrel $3.25; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3. 804.00. ,
Millstuffs Bran, oer ton. S15.00:
shorts, per ton, $16.00. . - 7
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal,
Ier ton, $29.00. . 1 :, .
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 7)crcows, 7c; mutton
iHi pork, 7?c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 11
12c. - . - . . .
: Hams Large, ' lljc; small, 11;
breakfast bacon, 13c; dry salt sides,
ihic. '- .
Portland Market ..
Wheat Walla. Walla. - 6455o;
Valley, nominal; Blues tern, 57ic per
bushel. ' - " . .
Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham, '
$2.60. . - i. " ;. :'; -
Oats Choice white, ; 42o; -choice
gray, 41o per bushel. " . . v., .
- Barley- Feed barley, $15.50. brew-
ITicr . Sift KO nftr tjnn A " v.
r i - -
Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $18; chop, $16 pel
ton. ". - . ' '-.
- Hay Timothy,$1212.56;'clover,$7
(3 9.60; O.-eaon wild bay, $67 per ton. ,
t-. Butters-Fancy ; creamery, 6 55c;
store. 324c.' . V-
&ew t .. . ...
-Cheese Oregon" full cream, 18c;
Young America, 14c;. new, cheese lOo
per pound. ;" . : . .
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8.00 ,
per - dozen; hens, : $4.00; springs, v
$2.003.50; geese, $6.008.00 doz;
ducks, $5.00 6. 50 per dozen; turkeys,
live," lie per pound.
i Potatoes 6060o par sack; sweets,
IMo per pounu. 1 :.i5 ; -: .
Vegetables Beets, $ If. turnips,- 75c;
per -eack; garlic, ; per pound; cab
bage, I o per pound; parsnips, 85c;
onions, $1.50 2; carrots, 75c.
. Hops New- crop, - 1214o "per
pound. - - .
, Wool ValleyT' 13 14o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 25
per pound. . ' ' . t ' .
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8io; dressed inhtton '
7e per. pound, .'.."-h . ' - '' t"
.-"Hoga Gross, choice' heavyt $5.75;
light - and . feeders,. $5.01); dressed.
o.ou(sso.ou per 100 pounds. , ? . , ,
Beef Grosstop-8teers, $3-604.6a;
cows", $3.003.60; dressed, beef, -6
7o per pound, j.-.. . - - "
Teal Large- 77c; small, 8
9o per pouhd. ...
- - ; San Francisco Market. - -
Wool Spring Nevada, ll13o pel
ponnd; Eastern Oregon, 10 14c; Valley,-15
17c; Northern, 910c.
Hops Crop, 1900, 1417Ko.
Butter -r- Fancy creamery 20o;
do seconds, - 17c; fancy .dairy, 17
do seconds. 14c per pound.
Eggs Store,, 22c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17 00
20.00; I ran, $14.50 15 00. ? v '
Hay Wheat $9 18; wheat and
oat; 9.00 12.50; best barley $9.50
alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per-ton; straw,
354rc per bale. -'; '
Potatoes Oi eg on -Bur banks, $1.00;
Salinas Burbanke,. 85c$1.15; rivet
Burbanks,785a 60c; - sweats.. 60$1.
Citrns Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4 00
6.00; -Cahfornia lemons; " 75c $1.50;
do choice $lv75'2.00 per box.-- v ' :
- Tropical Frmts Bananas, $1.60
2. 60 r, per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; - Persian dates, - 6 6 S'o pet