Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 25, 1901, Image 2

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f , . ' - J -
FRIDAY, JAKUAKY 25, 1801. ;
Thos. H. Toague, representa
tive of the 9econd judicial dis
trict, succeeded in getting a
handsome appropriation through
the river and harbor bill for the
improvement of the Willamette
river at Corvallis. Mr. Tongue
deserves credit for his untiring
and active efforts along these
The time was when a UniSed
States senator for Oregon eould
not possibly be elected unless he
was willing to bend his
energies to secure appropriations
for the improvement of. the bar
at Yaquina bay, giving that
location fair help along with
other places demanding national
aid. It is not unlikely that it
will be necessary for the friends
of Yaquiua bay to again assume
a similar attitude.
While the harbor at Yaquina
bay is not as large as many
others, yet it afforded the means
of competition in freights, neces
sary to give the farmers of the
Willamette valley prices nearly
equal to those of Portland for
their produce. Tha farmers are
not so tenacious as to the depth
- of water or that the largest boats
Of the world can enter the har
bor, bat what interests the peo
ple is tha salutary effect which
oompetition has uoon the orioes
what they have to sell in the
or markets of the world. As soon
as the ocean steamers were drawn
off of the Yaquina trade the
prices of freights through the
Columbia dropped back to the
old schedule where there was
uniformity in price and no com
The contention of the Albany
Herald that the couaty court of
Benton oounty should take uBon
itself the burden of maintaining
we Aioany bridge is peculiar in
the extreme, when it is well
known that the roads in Linn
Oounty aeross the river from
Corvallis are worked by tha
authority of the county court of
Unn into very good roads until
they approach within about four
: miles of Corvallis, and from that
point toward Corvallis the roads
. are so shamefully negleoted by
Linn county authorities that they
would become wholly Impassable
were they not worked and kept
in repair by the efforts of the
ferryman at Corvallis assisted bv
such few people along the lines
ot road as he can get to hepi him
Dy voluntary work.
A Good Prospect. .
' Prospects for a good fruit crop
are bright. While it is too early
in the year to make a forecast
with any degree of certainty
still, if normal cond
tinue, says the Telegram.- there
are good prospects that the crop
win dc an exccsively heaivy one
Respecting the early varieties
the trees are "well set" flnrl will
hold their own unless too violent
storms occur. foliage and
other signs of nature give prom
ise of an early spring. ;
- Oregon's market, both domes
tic and foreign, has been broad-
. ened to such an extent during:
me i&si year mat there is every
assurance of good prices. With
- an average. crOp1 growers will
ride on the top wave of Drosoef-
. lty. . Not for years have they
peen in sucii a good position to
; take advantage of favorable con-
. ditions. Most of the growers
; tasted just enough of prosperity
- last year to place .them above
; actual want, in a. position where
V tney. will not be forced to morl
gage tneir crops . afiead at any
" price 11 which the money lender
- mignt demand. - Experience has
taught growers 6therxvaluable
lessons., They . have learned to
Know. wnat . to ; raise in order to
- .'meet the demands, and - what trt
let alone. They have- profited
by the advi'oe of the State' Board
of ', Horticulture' 'cultivate' and
spray, 'their orchards, and raise
only the: best varieties" of Yruit.
.' The present . year will find very
TiU'le ' 'icr'libHruit upon ine mar-
ket, and all kinds of diseased
fruit is prohibited from sale by
the law. Instead of tangled and
unkept orchards, it Is now the
rule to see finely cultivated tract?
of fruit. land. The more pro
gressive orcliadists are going in
to the business in tamest.
A New Bill.
Human beings are often shot
by careless huuters and to avoid
so many accidents and cause
those who hunt to exercise a lit
tle care regarding what they
shoot at, Representative Nichols,
of this county has brought be
fore tha Oregon legislature a
bill calculated to check this reck-
essness. The text of the bill is
as follows:
Section i. If any person,
while hunting for any kind of
game, mistakes any human be
ing for any game or inauimate
object, and shoots aft said human
being and kills the same, such
person shall be deemed guilty of
a felony, and, upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by
mpnsonment not less than one
year nor more thau ten years.
Section 2. . If any person,
while hunting for any kind of
game, mistakes any human be
ing for auy game or inanimate
objeot and shoots at said human
being and wounds the -same, but
not fatally, su oh person upon
conviction thereof shall be pun
ished by imprisonment in the
county jail not less than three
months nor more than one year,
or by fine not less than $100 nor
more than $500.
All members of St. Marys Chapter No.
9 O. E. S. are requested to be present at
meeting Tuesday evening, January 29,
at 7:30 to meet the Grand Matron. Mrs.
Jessie S. Vert. By order W. M.
It requires no experience to dvn
with Putnam Eadeless Dyes. Sim
ply boiling your goods in the dye is
all that's necessary. Sold by Gra
ham & Wells.
Prunes at Retail.
Fine lot of first-class prunes at. retail
at the following prices: Italians, 6c per
pound; bilver prunee, 8Jc; Petite
prunes, 3Kc ForEaleby
Pianos and Organs for Sale.
Call at residence in Wilkins Addition
and see samples of high grade pianos
and organs just unboxed. Can give bar
gains on goods of the highest merit as
they are shipped dfreci; from the factory
thus saving . middle men's profits and
giving the benefit of this economy 'to
patrons.. All invited to inspect goods.
4 Bargain.
Good farm for sale 4 mi Ins Hr.ntli wpal r.f
Corvallis ; Marys river is south boundary
line. A fraction . over 90 acres ; 50 acres
in cultivation j S acres in hay, 12 acres
in fall wheat; rest plowed readv to sew
in spring. : Good 2-story house 0 rooms,
1 pantry, 2 clothes closets, woodshed,
barn, straw shed, smoke house, young
orchard bearing, good well of .water right
at door, 1 plow, lcultiyator, 3. horses
and harness,' 1 light Tig, J new farm
wagon, 4 milch, cows., some ooultrv: all
for $3,600. Well known as ihe Frank
Uavisfarm. .MksX'YdiaTayi.ob.''
Remnant Sale.
A quantity of . remnants
have accumulated dnrfng our
Reduction Sale, consisting of
Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets.
Satins, "White Goods, Muslins,
Tables, Linens, . Ginghams,
Skirtings,Tickings, Prints,
Flannelettes, Outing Flannels,
Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries,
Curtain Nets, Etc, - All will
be sold less than cost of pro
duction. They must be sold
before our new spring stock
- Persons detiiing to locate on timber
ciaims tribotary to tlie C. & E. E. R.
would do well to Call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a nrirn.
ber of firBt-claSs timber claims to be taken
up nndt r the timber or homestead sets.
Gates, Marion Go.. Or. . -. Locator.
Heat Rash, inflammations, itching, irritations
and cliaflngB, undue or offensive perspiration,
and. many other sanative uses, nothing so
cooling, purifying, and refreshing as a bath
with Cuticura Soap, followed in the severer
forms by gentle anointings with Cuticuba,
tho great skin care and purest of emollients.
Coticcba Soap It beyond all doubt thetnoftoffcetiTB
Skin purifying tntl beautifying Mp, well u the purtrt
and iwecteitt for toilet, batl
out l tie world. Potter I
i. and nniMrv. RnM Ihmnrh.
out I tie world. Putter Druo and Cnm. Cokf., Sole
Propt.t BoiloD. - How to Uan Beautiful bkln," free,
The Light of the World
or "
Our Savior in Art.
" Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Con
tains nearly 100 full-page engravings of
our Savior and His Mother by the world's
gieatest painters. True copies of the
greatest Masterpieces in the art galleiies
of Europe Every picture is as beauti
ful as a sunriee over the hilltops. Con
tains description of the paintings, biog -raphy
of the painters, the names and lo
cations of the galleries in Europe where
the originals may be seen. Also contains
a Child's Department, including a Child's
Story of the Christ and His Mother,
beautifully written, to fit each picture.
This wonderful book matchless in its
purity ' and beauty, appeals to every
mother's heart, and in every Christian
home where there are children the book
sells Itself. Christian men and women
are making money rapidly taking orders.
A Christian man or woman can in this
community soon make $1,000 taking or
ders for Christmas presents. Mrs. Waite,
our agent in Massachusetts, has sold,
over $3,000 worth of the books in a very
short time. Mrs. Sackett, our agenfin
New York, has sold over $1,500 worth of
books in a very short time. The book is
printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti
fully bound in Cardinal Bed and geld,
and adorned with Golden Roses and
Lilies. It is, without doubt, the most
beautiful' book of this century. , Write
for terms, quickly and get the manage
of that territoiy. You can work on
salary or commission, and when you
prove yotir success we will promote you
to the position of Manager and Corres
pondent, at a permanent salary, to devote
your timo to attending to agents and the
correspondence. Wanted also a Slate
Manager "to have charge of office in Lead
ing City of the State and manage all the
business of the State. Send for terms.
Address - ' .......
Corceraa Building, Opposite "
- V. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C.
Notice of Administrator's : Sale f
Real Property.
In the matter ot the Kstate
of .-.
James Abraham. Deceased.
notice 18 nereDy m en that pursuant to an order
of the county couit of tho state of Oregon for Mult
nomah 'county made and entered on the SOth day of
November, 1900, 1 will from and after the 21st day
of February, 1901, proceed to sell at private sale
the following described real property of said evtate,
and all the rijrht. title and interest which the said
Jamt.8 Abraham had therein at the time of his de
cease, towit: . 1 .
Beginning at the quarter section corner between
fractional sections 2 and 3, township 11 south, lange
4 west Willamette Meridian, running; thence south
48 decrees east 14.00 chains, thence south 55 de
grees 50 minutes west 5.62 chains, thence south 20
degrees 10 minutes east 17.80 chains to the north
baik of the Willamette river, thence following said
north bankrof -the Willamette river with the me
anders thereof in a southwesterly course to the
southeast corner of lot 1 ift fractional section Sis
said township, thence north 37 minutes east28.80
chains to the place ef beginning, containing 20.40
acres ; also the northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter and lot number 1 of fractional section 3,
township 11 south, range 4 west of the Willamette
Meridian, containing 58. 45 acres, save and excepting
the right of wa - heretofore deeded to the Willam
ette VaUey & Coast Railroad containing about 6
afcres, all situated in Benton county Oregon; also,
the east half of the following described real proper
ty: The north half" of the southwest quarter of
lots 3 and 4 in section 3, township11- south,- range
4 west, cout&inhur 78.60 acres in Benton county.
"Oregon, v ' "- " . .
ine tenr.s of said saleareas toikms: Tne. entire
purchase -price is to -be paid in cash. -
-' - . W. E. BURKE,
Adm'r de bonis non withthewill annexed vt .the
estate of James Abraham, deceased, Portland, Or..--
V JOUley The Fixer . - :
is bow - prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, . enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion ."fixer"
of the Willamette valley, he carries a full
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headquaretra for: wheel
men. Fay him a visIttL"."- V."' - ; -i
Something New.
Just published by.the-Southern Paoific
company is a pamphlet upon-the re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
cludes an excellent map of the -state,
and contains information on climate,
lands,' edocation, etc.,-existing indus
tries end their rapabilities. . ' ..v7
' Attention is also directed to such new
fields for jenergy or capital as promise
fair return. ' V.,?y-'-i.'.-r.' ?.
' Tbis 'pnblicnlion fills a need long ex
perienced by .Oregoniane, in replying to
inQui'ries of Eastern friends. ' .
Copies' way be had of local sgentof
ine southern I'acme Uompany, or trom
. - C. IL Markham, ; : ' . '
. - G. F: A., Portland, bregoa.
quickly ascertain oor opinion fro whether4 an
Invention is probably patentable- Coromunica-
iuliu owiuuy wiiuutuitiaj. naiiaDOOKon iratenti
irmt free. Oldoet agency for seeuringr patents.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive
woertai notice without charm, in tha
Abandgomely lllnstratsd'Weeklr. I-orirert dr.
enlatloB of nr soientlflc Journal. 'Term.3 a
rear i four months, Boldbyalt newsdealers.
WM & ColBMif8W York
... Broc&Offic,T St, Washington, D. p.
x mmm
It is well to remember tHat you
can cover Benton County
fhoroughty by placing
your advertisement in the
They get Proper Display, Proper Position
- and Proper
come to think over it,
you can easily under
stand why so many prom
nent advartisers place ads
in this paper."
That's the Secret,
Notice for PoMIcatiOB.
" " ' V. S. LB Cftici
Ouooa Crrr, Oitnsir, Hot. 19, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in coinplianoe with th
provisions of the act of Congress of ihne 8, 1878,
entitled "An act for the rale of timber lands in tho
States of California Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of-August 4, 199, -
Of Fall City, county of Polk, tato of Oregon, has
this dav filed in this offlce-her sworn statenent No.
5324, for the pnrchase of lot 8, 8. i, N. W. V and N.'
B. i, 8. W. H of SectirnNo. 2 in township No. iS S
lianire No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that
the land songrht is icore valuable for its timber or
stone than for agriculturil purposes, and to establish
her eliim to said land before the. Regietei and Re
ceiver of this office at' Oregon City, Oregon, en
Thursday, tbe. 14th day of February. 1901. She
names as witnesses: Freeman W. Boninson, Lettle
M. Robinson, Michael Fljnn and Albert N. Robin
son, all of Fall City, Oregon. . r
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above
described lands are requested to file their claims la
this office on or before said 14th dar of Feb., 1901.
-- . ' ' ' ' , ' - Register.
Netleo fer. FttfeHeatioa. -
..- . Ckitbb toiTBs Laot CmcB,
. T-erejesi City, Ortxon, ffor. 19t 1009. .
Notice is herebv given that in "compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of Jone Srd,
1878, entitled "An act for ths tale of timber lands in
thestatesof California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States byact ef. August 4, 1S9S, . --'-'. - .
' . . LETTIB M. ROBtNSOK, ' . . ' ' . .
Of Fall Cttyr-tonnty of Folk, State -of O'regoa, has
this day Sled in this offloa-her sworn statement Mo.
5323, for the purcoaBe of.the N. E. quarter of Sec-.
muu is iu j ownsnip no. 13 s , tange wo. -7 West,
and will offer proof to Ehow that the land sought ia
more valuable for its timber or stone -than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this offlce at
Oregon City, Oregon, en Thursday, the 14th day of
February, 1901.. she names of witnesses: . Michael
Flynn, Freeman W. Robinson,- Bridget Flynn and
Albert N. Robinson; all of Fall City, Oregon, . '
-- Anyandall persons claiming adversely the abuye
deseribed lands are requested to Gle their claims in
iDis omce on or oelore said 14th day of February,
." cnAS. B. MOORHS,'
. '. .- Register.
; Notices for Publication
... Csitid Stitcs Lak Omck," ' -
"' '. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov, let, 1S90.
- Kotiee is hereby given, that in compliance with the
provisions of tbe act ef Congress ef June 8, 1878.
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States ef California, Oregon, Nevada, and- Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1892.
Of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon,
baa this day Sled In. this once his swern" statement
No. f 815, fet the purchase of the SW of Section
No. 14, in Township No. .13 t range No. 7 West, and
wiH offer proof to .show that the land sought is
moe valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural, purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the register and receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the SSth day
January, 1901. - He names as witnesses: Devillo M.
Wilson, Robert A. Wilson," and E. T, Spence?, all of
Salem, Marion County, Oregon, and Ben V. Spencer
0 Alsea, Benton Countr. Oreeron. " -
Any and all persona claiming Adversely the above-
eescrioea janas are requested to file their claims in
this-office- on or before said 29th day of January,
1901. CDAS. B. MOORED.
-. -. - Register.
Notice for Publication,
'. . .. Ultimo States LaxbOfpics,
V ; V"'. I Orejron City, Oregon, Deo. 1, 1900.'
- Notice' is hereby given that. In coh plianpe with the
-provisions of an net of Concrete of June 8, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ef timber lands in the
-States of California, Oregon, Ketada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all tho ' Public Laud
States by actof August 4, .1892, v
:-; - ' ' CHARLES D. TICE, - i
Of Fall Cityeontty of Polk, Stato of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his sworn &t.f Amht,t. n.
1 5333. for the purchase of the N. J N. W . 1-4, Jf i
N; B. 1-4 of Section No. 34. in Township No 12 8
Range No. TW.i.acd will offer proof to show that
the land sought is n-ore valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, a'nd to estab
lish his olaim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this effice at Oregon City, Oregon, pn
Friday, the Sth day of March, 1901, He .names as
witnessos: Michael . Flynn,. -Freeman Robinson
;Petcr Miller and Alvin llobinion. all ef Falls City,
Oregon. ' - , ...
' Any and all persons claiming a'dversefy the above
described landsjuo requested te file lheir claims in
(his office, on cr be'ere said 8th dav of March 1901.
- I-' : CJAS.3S. MOORES, - J
:V'' V ' ' Reitw
' . For Rent. -
Will rent 200 acres of land west of
Monroe and take part payment of rent
in work and improvements on the place.
Address M. S. Woodcock,'
' Admiuistrator,
Corvallis, Oregon. ; . - .
Black setter dog, 7 mouths old, right
front foot white, blacks spots, hair curly.
Disappeared Dec 27. Notify me at
Philomath and receive reward.
.. . -. G. A. Bareinger.
. Notice of Flttal Settlement.
- Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned execu
tor ef the estate of Martha J.- Rice, deceased has
filed his final account in said estate In the County
Court of the State ef Or jgon. for Benton County,
sitting in probate, and Saturday, the 9th Day of
February, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. a., at the Conn
HnilA in flni-walli ftvaM.. 1 i
- .cewM, id mi Liiuc sua place
fixed by theXourt for hearing objections. If any. to
uu iil final . I . 1 . . - '
1 "'"'- auu Mie sebtieoiem tnereoL
Dated January 11, 1901. .
' . - . ' Charles b. Ricx,
' ' ' .k ." Executor,
Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real
. ; Estate, ' i -
Kotiee is hereby given that by virtue of an order
of sale and license from th county court of Clack
amas county, state et Oregon, made and issued at
the December term thereof, to-wit: on the Srd day
of Dec., 1900, licensing me to sell certain real estate
I will on Saturday,-the 26th day of January. 191,
". " wi p. in. -m eaia aay, at tne
court . house door in of Corvallis, in Benton
wuuv,pwicgu,KiiM puuuc auction to tne High
est bidder, for cash in hand, the following described
rtivl nronwlr '( r w o
- . . . v in iiuca no. I in
Dixon's Addition to the city of Corvallis, in Benton
uin, biuu. real property nere
mbefore described being the property of Leo F. Cook,
Thomas O. Cook and Basel Cook, minors who are
under the guardianship of the undersigned.
Dated December 21. .1900. .
: -- - - MINNIE COOK,"
-..." r ' Guardian of Said Minors.
; ; Natfce for Fublicatloti.
. Notice Is hereby given that' the follow ing
pamedseitlerJias filed notice ef his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that salrl-proof will be made before the. County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon,
on February 20, 1901, viz: . ',
' - JOHN W. HYDE, ' "
H. E. No. 11,053 for the Lots 1, 2, and S, Sec
tion 6, T. 13 S R. 6W. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Tames
...u.UU,vunriBuiiiB, manion w. wortn
Ington and Francis M. Spencer, alt of Phllo-
rflnth. Omrnn rTT A a T
1 ' O , VUBO..0(JlUUAfia,
"... ' .-.'-. ." " . -.- ,T... V ..Kegistcr,
' .': i Notice for Publication. .-;
. ' '?-0W itOilooii Crrr, Oregon, -
wii.V 'V' . vecemoer 15, 1900. V
Jptlee is hereby given that tho following-named
settler bas filed notice of hla it,ra,, ,Ui,
proof in support of bis claim, an. that said proof
wiU be made before -the County tlerk of Benton
1901 ' ' CortaIlb Oregon, , Febrnary 4th,
f IRVING E. OI.EAS0N, . ; .
Father of Parson C.
f ' F' ll,6f-for the NEJ Section 20, T 138, E
Uo At..' . . ".''
-aa. tuwlV9 W1B iuitowuig- witnesses to prove his
i.rT iVjl 1 ; ' ,na cniarauon 01 said
land, Jiz. : T A Lc master and W H Parish, of Ina
vale, Benjsmin . Ireland and Geo W Armstrong, of
CHA8. B. MOOKKS. Register.
K '
T arilflfl VClI)t..'n
after our growing business in this A
l and adjoining Counties; -to act as J
W Manager and Correspondent, work. Q
seif addressed, stamped, envelope
k.'- for PflrllC'lllata tn H A Cl.c.n.n
J- General Manaeer, Corcoran Buil.d-.' .
fc ne, opposite United States Trea -;
; "Ufi vr aniungton, XJ. O.'tc . '
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
end way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8 :80 am :30 p in
Ly Albany 12:30 p in 10S0 p m
Ar Ashland -12:33am. 11:30 am
Ar Sacramento--;5 .00 pnv:' 4:35 a m
Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m 0.30 a m
ArOgdeo-- ---6:45pm. 11:45 am
Ar Denver- -9:00 am 9:00am
Ar Kansas City 7:25 am 7:26 am
Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m 9 :S0a m
kr Vat AegeteB. 1 :20 pm
Ar El Faso 6:00 p m
Ar Fert Werth 3 :80 a m
Ar Oity ti Mexico 6 :65 a in
Ar Htrtoa 4:00 am
At Hew Orleans.. 6 :25 ft m
7 :00 a m
6:00 p m
6:30 am
9 :65 a m
4:00 tvio
8r2S p m
6 :42 a m
12:43 p m
Ar wsihington --6:42 a m
Ar New York- 12:43 pm
both trains. Ghair cars Saaramenlo to
Ogden and El Paso, end Tourist cars to
Ghicugo, St Louis, New Orleans and
Washington. ,
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Jaoan
China, Philippines, Central and South
Ben F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A..
Portland, Or.
Dt-ntistry of every description done In first
ciass manner, ana satisfaction guar,
Office over Zierolf's grocery store, oppose
Specialties Diseases cf women and
children ; alsodeiormities and all chron
ic ana nervous aiseases.
Occidental Hotel Monday, Wednes
aay and k nday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. ui.
B. A. CAT HEY, M. D.
Physician Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building.
12 a. m.
Offlce Honrs
p. m.
Residence: Corner College aud 8th, Sts..
Telephone at office and residence.
Gorva'lis, - - - Oregon.
Office Comer 3rd and Monroe streets
Hours g to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Son
day 9 to 10. .
Residence Corner 3rd and HariUon
streets, Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician 8? Surgeon
Veterinary Surgeon
Residence in Block 33, Job's Addition,
Corvallis, Oregon. -
Orders may lie left at Graham Sc AVor
tham's drugstore. -
Titles. OoriVE tancing
PracMoe in all State aud.Federal Court.
Office inFiret; National Bank Bufl.lintr.
Bryscn 8? Yoodson .
Corvallis, Ore"on.
Office In Postoffiee Buildine.
OBlee la Wbltehora Blork
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and conservative "banking
business. '
- , . r , . - , . . v
. ' -If yoti are locikin for targainsin - - k
Stock, Grain: and; fruit; farms
, I have them. Cf,vi piid set me ot write for
my list. ; ; ' HENRY AMB1VER. : ..'
; -; Beal Kstate Agent, ';
. -f Philomath i Benton Ccunly, Oregon.
Montana, TJtak, Colorado
and all Eastern Points-.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
tue Union racihe Fast Mail Lm, 01
- the Rio Graede Scenie Lines.
Look at the Time . .
i4 days to Salt Lake
'" 2 days to Denver
- 34 days to Chicago
4 days to New York
Free Reoliaing Chair Cars; Upholstered
Tfcarist Sleeping Can, aed PbUtttaa
Palace Sleepers, operated on all
trains. . -
For further Informatlea, tpplyt
GEO. P. E3LIJT. Agent, CorvaHis, Or.
Tra. Pass. Aft Gen'l Aeent.
144 Third St., PortlaoA, Or. .
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
" Corvallis 1:50 p. m.
" arrives Yaquina 6:45 p. m.
1 Reluming:
Leaven Yaquina.. . . 6:10 a. in.
Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:80 a. ni.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany 7:C0 a. m.
Arrives Dettoit .... 11:20 V. m.
i Returning:
leaves Detroit 12:10 p. to.
Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. to.
One and two connect at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacifio
trains, giving direct Bervice to and
from Newport, and adjacent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach ramping grounds on the
Breitenbush and Sanliam river the
same day.
Edwin Stone,
H. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P. A. '
fl. II. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis;
Salt Lnke, I)enver,
Atlantic Ft Worth, Omaha Fast
Express ; Kansas City, St. Mail
9p.m. Lonie, Chieage 7:00p.m.
and East. .
Walla Wslla. Lew
Srmkane ilita" Spokane, gu-np
btmkane Minneapoli s t.
R.fn. Panl.Duloth.Mil- fl.fn'yer
6:00 p.m. wa,lkee Ghil.B(SO 8.40 a.m.
and East.
- Ocean Steemshios
All sailing dates .
8 p ,n" subject to change. 4 p" m
For San Franoisco,
Sail Dee. 8, 8, 13,
18, S3. 28, & every
5 days.
Daily Colombia Rivar
fcs Bun. StaaB)Br- 4 p. m.
8. p. m. , Except
SalniTlay, To Astoria & way- Sonaay
1 p. m. landing. -
7 Wil!Mett6 Rinr. m
Jj a. m. OJegon City, Ker- kx!,
Ex. Snn. Saeiu. and (Jav
. .' Wy-lfltidin.,B.
7 a. m. Willamette and Tan- fc-ss p--
T net dav Rivnrc Moaslay
Thursday 1 ni'Sr5' WedBas-
and Oregon City, Day- day and
Saturday ton Way-land's. Friday.
elm. Willa ette River. 4:30p.m.
Tnesday,.! ' . Monday,
T uurad'y Fortlund to Corval- W ednea-
ahd lis & Way-land'a. day and
Satuid'y Friday.
Leave" 8nEk8HllW. Leave
Kipana . Leviston
3 36 a. m, Ilipria to Lewis'n. Daily
. . 8:30ft. m
Local Agent
: JerEeys tor Sale.
For Sale One of the finest Jersey
bulls, full blood, born last Jnly,
solid color, gentle and kind, trill
registerjn the A. J. C. C. - - :J-.,
Olc very fine full-bleod Jersey
bull solid color, "prominently mark
ed, gentle and kind, born Jane 18,
ioy. His mother tented. Gi per
cent, butter fat. Will register In
the P. C. C C. - :
7 Two nice full blooJ Jersey heif
ers, solid co'or, well n tfiked, about
15 iik nths old, gent'e and kind,
register, d m the A. Ji C. C. Par
ties watiting tine reg'tlercd JJ6fy
stock will mips a rare chance if they
fail to inviPtigate tli-s epportunity
to get fine Jerseys.
. : M.S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Ore... .
Music LesMics.
Lessens given.on the piat.o and organ
in a nutnner that trains .the ear,- wind
and hands and faves years of - pijd.lesp
drodgerjv - " - , ,'M.;A, CcopKCt W(f . ;
Sttlscrite for- this jr er, ' - -,
- t v