WEEKLY X'KIOR Eatab. July, 1807. GAZETTE! Katab. Uce, 1802. Consolidated Feb. 1899. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, lflOl. VOIi. XXXY1II. NO. 5. 51 IK From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap penings of the Past Week In a Condensed Form. Queen Victoria ia dead at her Os borne house Lome, at - Cowles, lale of Wight. Site was almost 82 years old, and had reigned longer than any other monarch in the world. , Verdi, the composer, is serionsly ill. The severest storm on record is re ported from Alaska. A strip of. Benton county, Oregon, may be annexed to Linn. A fire at Walla Walia -destroyed $25,000 worth of property. T I. .. i. II i . , will be held at Cleveland, Ohio. . -"' The Venezuela government . is trying to blackmail the asphalt company. Speaker Beeder, of the Oregon legia - lature, has announced his committees. A new pure food law is now being considered by the Oregon, legislature: . .. A bill is before the Washington leg' islature for the abolishment .of fish ' - Ex-Congressman George W. Cowles, aged 78, is dead at his home in Clyde, K: y. , . .'. A measure has been introduced in the Oregon legislature to increase the monument fund to $20,000. The senate has confirmed the nomi nation of James 3. Marian to be at ' tarney -general of Porto Rico. . . A new, countv, named Clearwater, will probably be created by this sear sion of tbe Idaho lgeislature. John H. Russel, a well known the atrical manager, is dead at - the state hospital at Middle'town. N. Y. ; The governor of Idaho has recom mended a memorial to congress asking for DODllldr elant.inn rtf flanutnra' ' . A measure is before the Washington legislature providing for the purchase of the Thurston county court house for a state capitol. '.v Rev. Charles E. Conrad, M. p., a noted missionary, died at Quincy, 111., aged 81. He was in Calcutta during the Sepoy outbreak..' '.' . The revenue cutter Grant is to make a cruise along the coast near the United States-Canadian line to investigate the .. n ....... MMo liUUtD ashore lately. 1 . West Point cadets airree to ahnlish -hazing..: - Enraged Omaha citizens burned a pest ho use. '-. - .- Germans" contemplate a cable - line around the world.-. r " - Thft nnvftl AnnKiiiriatinn Kill . ,..-.. .i .1 i.. lor .lour new warships. - --y .: Astoria's big export sawmill 'will fee luuHieu ai longue 8 mint. . - The term of -duty in the .Philippines . may be limited to two years. - Minister,: Wa .urges Americans to ; enter into trade with China. -:;' Havana citizens petition congress to lower unty on unban products. ; . ' -. America's protests "against Venezuela have been defied, by that government i lhe House, will devote most of its ttmA thlB WAOlr rt - ilia annMlwiBtiMi Dill. ... -. ,, British ebij?Muel Tryvan foundered m x-ugusn cnannei ana 11 lives were lost. .," '.. - ' . T. W. Bartlev. of Moscow, has been appointed hah. and game warden for Idaho. '. Anarchist plot to kill prominnnt Amei leans disclosed by member in a couit trial. - - - -. . ' .. v '. Severe cold -weather prevails in, CnVia Thr has hMn mmtli mffa;nn - HHW www.. U.UV.. OUUUlUJ at Santiago. : . : - ' Count de Lubersac and . Baron de Rothschild fought a:duel. In France in which the former was wounded. v '- .': An Idaho "bill for the repeal of the stringent law against "gambling has been introduced in the house.-'- iA- The O'recron lncriHlAtnrA twill 1ia aolrarl by the managers of the Spokane expo sition to appropriate $50,000 for an ex hibit at the fair. - .' Two men, while rowing aoross Ni agara river, lost control of their boat . and were earned. into the rapids.. One . of them was -swept - over the falls and drowned.-; The other was rescued, All noma for tha rftntwarp nf Onun . . - . -j uuuu Victoria are gone-and the announce ment oi ner aeatn is Hourly expected. -AH members of her family are either - at her bedside or going there as fast as .steam can carry them. - - Mayor-Elect Hurley,, of Salem, Mass., will give bis salary of f 2.500 to the poor. Chairman -Johnson and Secretary Walsh will keep national Democratic headquarters in Chicago' open till - An exneriment farm wilf-he Rturtnd 200 miles from ' Manila .-by -the United States Philippine commission -for the. growth of all sorts of seeds an,d plant from this country. - in m DIAMOND SMUGGLER CAUGHT Had Them Snugly Hidden in the Pockets of a Belt He WoroAround His Waist New York. Jan. 21. United States Marshal Alcott, of the Ferry district, has formally seized in this oity $17,600 worth of diamonds, wbioh - were brought into this country by Antonio Ansenias without paying duly on them. The goods were found on Ansenias' person by United States customs offi cials as Ansenias was leaving a steamer of the Hamburg-American line at Ho boken. Ansenias was not arrested, bnt the diamonds will be held pending a decis ion of the Treasury department as to whether he is giilty of smuggling. His defence is that he is a Cuban merchant, and that he is merely pass ing through this country on his way to Cuba. The diaomnds were concealed in the' pockets of a large belt which Ansenias bad around his body, and were accidentally discovered by a cus toms inspector who happened to place his band on Ansenisas back as the I at ter was leaning over a trunk. - There are 12b separate ai tides, of an ap praised valuation of $11,000, which with 60 per cent dutv added would make them worth $17,600. THE IRRIGATION MOVEMENT It Receives Strong Support From Secretary' -"v , :' Hitchcock. Washington, Jan. 21. Secretary of tb.9 ' Interior -Hitchcock was to hare been heard today by the house commit tee on public, lands on the subject of irrigation, which is attracting atten tion in many Western states, but being unable to come: to the capitol, he sub nutted a statement. This strongly supports the policy of irrigation, and says that a vast acreage capable of sup porting 50,000,000 people should not be left a desert. Mr. Hitchcock points ont the remarkable results experienced in the valley -of the Nile, practically redeeming Jigypt from : bankruptcy Professor Newell, of the geological sur vey; Trofessor Pinchott, ot the agri cultural department, and Represents tive Newlands, of Nevada, who started the ' movement by a bill for- irrigation storebi n-es along the Humboldt river in Nevada, also strongly supported the plan. '.The hearings today were on the Newlands biUt bnt- this has brought np the whole subject , as applicable to Western states, and particularly Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington,- Idaho Aevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Jianasa, .Nebraska,-- South and North Dakota. DARING HOLD-UP. Two Men Tried to Rob a Fifth Avenue, New York, Restaurant. .- . r New Tork, Jan.- 21. Two robbers, armed with 32 caliber Colt's revolvers, entered Maillard's restanrant and con fectionery store, near the rifth'A venue hotel, just as the place was "being closed at mi lnijht, and ordered the cashier to throw up his hands, tn the place were a half dozen waiters. and-the very boldness of the robbers attracted attention. The cashier had several hundred dollars -of tha i)' receipts on the desk before him, and it is supposed tnat - He did not move quickly enough to 'satisfy the robbers, for one of the men discharged his re volver... The' bullet crashed' into the wait back of- the cashier, who caught up tne ,; rash and dodged Underneath the connter.r.The waiters congealed themselves' underneath, tables. The shot attracted a Broadway crowd, and the police were notified.;. Brandishing their weaDOns the robbers dashed frnm Maillard's, the crowd falling back and giving tnem ait tne loom they wanted. One turned into Twenty-fourth street and succeeded in making- his escape. The other dashed across the pavement of Fifth avenue to Madison square, and was captured .by "a policeman. He said be was Edward Burgess, a steam fitter. : '.i - - : - - ' - Conference on Cannal Treaty. ,'' London, Jan. 21. United -States Ambassador Choate and the secretary of state for foreign affairs, the Mai quis of Lansdowne, had a secopd con ference today on the amended , Hay Panncefote treaty. " An outline of the action Great Britain intends to pursue was not developed, -and no definite de cision is likely to be reached by Great Britain for" several days. ,? . ,; - C General A. J. McKay Dead. - ,: New York, Jan. 2 1. General An drew Jackson McKay, a distinguished veteran of the civil, war, died .rln this city- today. : He was -quartermaster-general on the staff of General George W. Thomas in the army ot the Cum berland, r, . Bumedby Molten Copper.- " ' : Tuscon, Ariz., Jan. 21. Juan- Lo pez, a workman at the- Copper Queen smelter, -was burned lo deatn Dy molten copper which fell frctn a swinging pot under which he stood. His clothes were set on fire and his body horribly I disfigured by the liquid metal. . ';' ; ; " "New Ships Building. Ships that will - be worth in the ag gregate $29,725,000 are cow in pro cess of construction at the shipyards along the Delaware river.' -' -- " v 'i ' .. Mail Boxes for Rural Routes. - - Salem, Jan. 21. Twenty-five dozen mail - boxes n. featured . hv thn ivvatn. o---- - meut Ivi- the rural' -mail routes, have been -received - in Salem, and the ance are 'expected- in' a ;few days. Thay are made- of galvanized iron,, J6 iuchea,lon?, six inches wide and six inches lush. Each family or person on the route desirinu mail hr thn oar. ner must put up one of these boxes and pay $1 each for thetn. - ;.v ' " Will BE ON HD Farquhar's Squadron Ready to .' Move "on Venezuela. IF THE TROUBLE IS NOT SETTLED Minister Loomi's Dispatches Tampered With The Scorpion Will Remain at La Guayra, : Where Her Presence is Necessary. Washington, Jan." 21. Nothing has been r heard over night from Minister Lomis regarding the situation in Ven ezuela.. Navy department officials deny that any instructions have been given to the North Atlantio squadron to move over from Florida to venezue- la. The shins, however are in Trf cruising trim, and could sail within a few hours after the receipts of orders, thouKh it is not believed . here that there will be any necjssity for their movement toward Venezuela. , The orders to the Scorpion to pro- ceed to Guanoco from La Guayra have been countermanded, and she will re- main at La Guayra where her pres ence is regarded as necessary. By di- came "igntened, withdrew and refused rection of the state department, Min- ca"y ont ho mission entrusted to ister Loomis has protested to the Yen- hilm From the time he left the organ ezuelan government against the exer- i izarion he claims he was annoyed and cise of censorship over any of his offl-1 tnreatened by members of the Spciety. cial communications, and it is under-1 He remained firm in his determination stood that the protests have been effec! no to obey the orders, however, and tive. .yesterday six of the men came here ' It cannot be eatliered that n vr and begged him to return. When he late advices-have caused the change in the department's plans relative to the movements of the Scorpion - In fact, it ' is said that nothing has been received ; to show any marked change in the I .nn. ) status in - Venezuela sinoe yesterday. when Minister Loom is snoke of th ' suppression of a rebellion among the committed t"? prisoner to jail, pending troops in Caracas, the inception . of ' furtner examination. Masuras was which was unknown to the depart-! examiaed by tne Plice- "". a re mentof state.;! The fact that such a Dlt tbe. waivaats were issued. Joseph movement. could gain headway in Uaa- I and Janes KSptaukas and Frank Hcs taro's own capital, however, is very sig- tai8nB were arrested by the police. One nificant, and this rebellion among the ,otner Yonkers man and two New York troops may have led to the decision to" rs are named "n other warrants, and iretain the Scorpion at La Gnayra. the I ... - nearest port to Uaracat : .-ai'--- : "I 5T naval authorities were consulted duTing the )ay as to the; feasibility of e-et forcing the American naval' force now in Venezuela, but while some uch tmng is m , prospect, it cannot be learned that any positive orders hare yet - gone out. - The Hartford is not within reach of the cable, being on a cruise from Port of Spain for Barba does,, at - which ; place she f is due in about two days. She may be tinned back from that port, unless the situa-; tion im Droves. The I.flnirectoT sil1 ; The Lancester sailed from Port of Spain for the Cane Verde islands, so she is entirely beyond reach "r 8ncceedln8 January J the fall was par There is no disposition on the part ticularly heavy,- completely tying up of.the authorities here to go to anynn- "a WnitB ' FaBS ' nkon railroad, usual length in dealing with this sitn-' :The hi1"r8-r was stU blockade when ation, as they eay irankly that it is not the Seattle ai'Bd. a part of their purpose to browbeat or ' BetBeu Skagway and White Horse, coerce the Venezuelans by a formal tbe interiot terminns of the road, there naval - demonstration, -unless such were8ht engines and three rptanes course is forced on. them, which ia not stalled- Several of the engines were believed to be at all likely- But it inlawing trains, on which were from 10 quite certain "that Amiral Varqahar ; to-12 . passengers each. All of the en will shape the movements of the North 1 B"18 were "wittiout water, having to Atlantic: squadron so as to keep in: melt snow. " A train near, the anmmit close touch with the navy department f the mountains bfick of Skagway ran and he will not be far away from a ! hort ?f Pvi8ins' the crew having to cable end for mnr at pack food for the passengers from after he' leaves Florida; Mr. Loamis' protest against any cen" sorshtp of his official mail on the rjart -of the Venezuelan government was not 1 idly lodged, and lie acted by the de-! partment' direction -only upon a well ' gionnded suspicion that his cables were being tamired nith or unreasonably delayed. .,.".' ' .' " . WATCHING v AN r EMBrizLrlR. The ConHdential Clerk of a New York Whoie. - tit House Sails for Europe. --. ' V London, Jan. 31. The alleged for cer", for whnfiA ATtvaili inn tha .TT4 t.A States-authoriites asking is said to I be bimund Hertz,- :alias. Bmden, of New. Yorkcit'y.;. He is supposed to be on board the steamei -Corinthian, which left Ilaiifax, Sunday,,; Jan. 7 for Qneenstown and -Liverpool.' - The police of those cities are-watching for him. : ' ' - . 'i-.:;.'';'i si-i--: -Actipg-under instructions from Chief of Detectives - .George rV Titus. - the Scotland vYard officials were cabled yesterday.: to- arrest at Queenstown or Liverpool as he steps off an incoming steamer, the alleged defaulting confi dential t lerk of a large wholesale house on Walker street, New York City,' who is said to have embezzled $50,000 of the firm's funds at tbe time of bis flight, and to have embezzled' n'earlv $200,000 before he was even, suspected. - ' Want Back Payv Bane. Vt., : Jan. 21. Many granite cutters and tool sharpepera are takins .action toward pushing ; their claims of back pay for work done in the service of the government of the United States neaily 80 jeara ago.- The claims arise oat of the building of the Boston and New York postoffices, the work on Dix, Hurricane and : Fox islands, and' work in navy yards. The Aclaimanjs worked 10 hours a dav instead of eight, and they are now trying' to collect pay for the extra two hours a day. 'The navy aid men got their pay : two years ago. ".." The Peace Protocol. Washington, Jan. 21. A message was received- today-- from Minister Conger, at Pekin, stating that the Chi nese plenipotentiaries bad signed" and delivered ..the protocol. " This removes the last doubt that had -arisen a to the sealing of the government aereemant, .or it would not hav-e been accepted by the Spanish- minister",, who is dean of the corps, unless it bore all the seals and signatures necessary, to give it fill force. . - ' ANARCHISTS' PLOT. Planed to Kill Prominent Americans Disclosed in Corut Trial. New. York, Jan. 23. Elias Masuras, a Greek, the complainant in an assault case, which .came before Judge Kel logg, of Yonkers, N. Y., this morning, told a startling tale of a plot of Greek anarchists to kill prominent Americans, and would have told more' had the court not stopped him and turned him over to the police, that they might qnietly investigate the case. Several arrests have already been made, and a number more are planned. .! .: On the stand Masuras eaid that in Greece he had been a member; of an anarchist society. Some time - ago it fell to his lot to kill a public man in the United States, and he was ordered to come to this country and place him self under the ordeis of the American branch of the, society..' He had never neara name of the man be was to mD1er. and understood that, as in 0ne1, case, the man "who was to be - e 'iotim wa? to.be selected after bis "rrival in this country, T After reaching America, Masuras, laocordin8 to his own story, went to Yonker8 5 affilUted himself with " bra,lch ot the organization, as well f'one " New York.; Finally he he- 'till refused, one of the six. which one he could not say, attempted to stab him. The blow was aimed too high, however. ; . Masuras was apparenty willing to. tell more about the society, but Judge Kellogg adjourned the heariug and Ule P0lIce ar8 "earching for them. fflL . - . t a- 1 1 . 1 r i l ue poe asspri tuac tney oeiieve me "tory told Masuras, and they say taat he "i1 naa ,ed t0 tne discovery of an anrchist band of a dangerous char- ' acter. SNOW 'STORM IN ALASKA. Cwnpltte Tie-Up Resulted on White Pass'and . 1; . Yukon Railway.. ': Seattle, Jan. 28. The steamer City .'of Seattle, 'January "14 from Lynn r.ow1t "ports a great snow storm in Southeastern Alaska.; For five days Fraser, over two. miles distant. The storm appears to have extended well towards Dawson, carrying down "the wires "f the Dominion Telegraph Com-' pany.x ' - Highwayman Will Die. " - : Spokane, Wash.,' Jan. 23. P. B. Callahan, a highwayman, lies dying at Sasrect Heart, hospital, as the result of last night's adventures.-. At midnight Callahan entered - Garabaldi Albi's ea loon. i'he ilock from polioe headquar ters, took a drink with the proprietor, and covered him , with a gun.--AIM I an away and gave the alarm. Callahan- -robbed tbe .til), then ran : down fn"PP,-. reei In the' darkness he plunged over the Great Northern retaining wall, falling on boulders 18 feet below; -vBoth hir jaws were brok en, and the base of his brain injured. He was taken to the hospital where he will probably die. Albi is a brother of William Albi, " who killed a robber named Laoey two years ago, in revenge, for having held him up.- - : " Xjlass Works to Close Down. ' Haitford City,' InL, Jan. The American "Window Glass Company and the Independent Manufacturer's Asso ciation today agreed to close their plants until Aripl 1, instead of June J 1. Eighty factories and about "80)00 workers ..will bs affected. - The object of the shut-down is to curtail produc tion an maintain prices. ' , - '.' Soldier Commits Suicide. '- fian-Francisco, Jan. 23. Ed ward M. Baytel, a convalescent . soldier, . com mitted suicide at the Presidio " yester day by "shooting himself through.: the headjWith a Krag-Jorgense'n rifle. He was a TJu'sian,. enlisted in Chicago, and "assigped to company Et Thirty -seventh infantry i -His sister resides ro Pullman, 111. -. - - ., - s: v -; New Negro University. ' . . .. The Dniversity of -West Tennessee,, which has ju t - been chartered in that state, ia to be built at Jackson 'by prominent negio educators. - " ." .' Charges Against Militia Colonel. : Columbus, O., Jan ; 23. Charges have been filed .-with Governor Nash against Coonel C. X. Zimmermari, of the- Fifth Regular Ohio -National Guard, by Major Dodge, and it is ex pected that a court martial will be ihe result. The charges incude -false en-tries-on the muster rolls and Tailing to account for public funds; -So action will be taken until Governor Hash re turn! from Washington. - . . PuPjIJM Venezuela. Trying to i Squeeze an American-. Concern. ENGLAND WILL GIVE NO PROTECTION Offers to Restore the Asphalt Property for , One Million Dollars Insurgents ' ' Gain a Battle. . Indies, Jan. 23. The arrivals today from Venezuela confirm the . reports ' of the existence of a critical condition of affairs in that renuhlin. a form at Venezuelan minister asserts that the politicians at Caracas are making a de termined 'raid on the" ; Bermudese Asphalt Company. He adds that tbey tried it before on " a modest scale, squeezing $30,000 out of the company, When United States . Minister Lnnmia protested and stopped lurther action bt mis description. Tne government, the minister also says, listened to reason then, bnt has now Inst its head - mil offered to restore the property for $1,- uiw.uuu, although it is said to have been illegally taken by a dictatorial decree. In addition, the- assertion is again made that if foreign governments 'permit the aotion of the Venezuelan authorities to pass without some pro test, all foreign investors will lie driven from South America, for. the latter al ways claim they are being illegally plundered. ': In this connection, the assertion is made that no former Ven ezuelan government would have dared to act as this one does toward Wash ington. It is explained "that the Ven ezuelan authorities are counting on the disinclination of strong nations to co erce weak ones. , - At the. office of, the Orinoco Com pany, whose two .' steamers were re cently seized by tbe Venezuelan au thorities, the manager says the British minister at Caracas, Mr. Haggard, has informed the American minister that the British "government, will-not pro--tect the company because its share holders are Americans. The company is said to be losing heavily through the seizure of the steamers. . - The commander of.the French cruiser Suobel, stationed at 'Curapano for the protection of the large French interests in that vicinity, reports that disturb ances are- increasing. - The insurgents of Venezuela have just gained a battle near Gucia. . . . - ' -; Germany Not Interested. ' ' T ' Berlin,: Jan. 28. The German for eign office shows no inteiest whatever in the reports regarding "the situation in 'Venezuela,- and characterizes" the newspaper accounts of the difficulty as exaggerated. . ' :; ;. -. " A WESTERN FIGHT. But the East Is Willing lo Help Obtain' Appro. - priation tor National Irrigation.- ' ' -; . . . -i- . . --1 . . Washington, Jan. , 23. Some hun dred prominent daily Eastern; newspa pers recently have editorialy expressed views favorable to a system of national irrigation. '. It ' would seem that the East is well in line in wishing the de velopment and reclamation of . tbe great area west of the hundredth meri dian, and that it ia . realized . that sueh4 a development would benefit the entire country and be a national .benefit," add ing jto, the general wealth and power of the nation.: - While the' East is thus willing to assist and co-operate; it ex pects, of . course, that the -West will make: its own, fight. "'- Every . lofat Western . organization - of whatever character chambers of . commerce, boards of trade, commercial clubs, business associations everything with a president, and secretary' aliould dis cuss and take action upon this ques tion of national irrigation and govern ment appropriations for-the building of storage leservoirs,, and then stand ready to co-operate with -the National Irrigation Association, for whatever procedure is necessary. Accident to the Bailey. - : ... - -Washington, "Jan. 28. The . torpedo boat Bailey; has come to -grief again. The accident ''which disabled ' her in this case is- peculiar. .. While ..lying in Newport,, about to : undertake a trial trrp on the following day the; intense cold .froze the water In her boHera, bursting a number of the tubesj-'i The boat has been Bent to New York for repairs,-and the' trial--board baa been ordered home. . i - School Act Passed. " - - . ' Manila, -JanA23. The act establish ing the-department of public instruc tion was - unanimously passed, by the Philippine commission today, .after a debate "between- commissioner' Moses and Judge Taft, over the' section per mitting religions instruction in school houses. ' :-- ' : ' . - ' , flMM Tw Hinidred earfc42;, D. Decker, "of Cnarlottwillef jnd.V is the possessor of a - piano made 200 years ago and which-is yet inr good con" dition. and of 'excellent; tone: it is made of solid mahogany. . r . s. - Florence Strike Settled. -Florence, Colo., Jan. 23. The strike or the. mill men of Florence was-- set tled today. . .'President Gorman, .of "the State " Fedei ation' of ' Labor, who ' has been. ' here - in- conference with both sides, announced tonight that the mill mangaexs had .sigued an agreement granting tbe main demands of tbe men, including the, eight-hour day v and of the union wage scale. The mills will resume work: at once; v The agreement it for one year. , - . z-., ' x . : - - Interestintf Events and Gosslo of ' . Uties and I owns in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. " - - OREGON. - The Dalles has levied a 6-mill tax. ; Burns has seoeived a chemical fire engine. The Southern Pacific is staling ice at Ashland. - The Dalles will purchase 600 feet of ure nose. - The Oregon legislature deficit foots up $50,000i-; Maohinery for the new laundry at Eugene has arrived." The Grant county tax levy as been fixed at 85 X mills. . Coyotes are numerous in Coles val ley, Douglas county. ; - The Douglas county tax levy- has been fixed at 20 mills. . The Pendleton school district has levied a special tax of 8 mills. Several herds near Montgomery have been visited by coyotes of late. - It is reported the Dallas organ fac tory may be moved to Albany'; The approach to the Upper Calapooia bridge was ' carried, away by the flood. Baker City has v rescinded street Hunting contract, and is in darkness. . The walls of the first story of Mal heur county's new court honse are fin ished. ' . ' .' ;i Collision of a train and handcar near Woodburn, Or., was narrowly averted. Famous Uncle Ben group of mines in Idaho has been sold to a New York syndicate. ' -: The coal shaft being sunk by W. A. Maxwell of Coos City, is now down about 800 feet. . Plans for tbe new creamery at Sum merville are taking shape. It will oost about $4,000. - , Athena has invesetd $1,500 in school warrants. - The city, besides, -has a balance oh hand of $1,100. Lincoln countv- has awnrdad thn contraot for building the depot bridee- . . . iu uwrjo aacJuniou lor $ 385. The old Coos Bay .road is said to be in better condition than for several years at this time of the year. - J Henry Znta, Jr., a 17-year-old boy. of Vale, Or., aocientally killed him self while examining a revolver. I. J. Straw, of Klamath county, rode off a bridge into a snow bank last week, and had to dig his horse out. . Contract for building the Wheeler oonuty court houje has been let to A. F. Peterson, of CorvalliB,.for"$9,025. Sixty-five thoroughbred sheep belong ing to O. F. Knox were drowned neap Cottage Grove by the recent freshet. -. Howard v& Stearns are" feeding 600 cattle on Crooked river and about 600 head at Silver Lake, in Lake county. r-A petition is in circulation asking that -the .publio roai from. Cottage Grove to Lorane be widened to 60 feet. J.'W. Waiters Son, proprietors of the Elmira mills, have ; floated their logs into the Long-Tom from the JS'oti river. , '. :: .., . .--'.. - . - Several car loads of Weston bricks have been shipped to ; Mission: station. They - will ;. be. used for government buildings. , . ' " '. . . . An acetyline gas plant belonging to J. P. Williams, of Long Creek, ex ploded last week, and -slightly injured Mr. Williams.- ;V ' " A petition is being circulated asking an appropriation of $1,000 to repair and improve the state buildings and property at Sodaville. - . ,' . A herd of 110 -sheep was shipped from Huntington to" Salt Lake Citv by the Baldwin Sheep & Land Coin pany4 of Crook -county. . " : It is reported' that Ed Lambson, of. Willamina, has leased a large -tract of land on Salmon . river, which he in tends to stock with cattle'. . v - The sale of "land belonging' to' the Leonard ' Lang estate in Pinn vallnr which ' escheated to ' the state of Ore gon recehtly, has ; been confirmed hi Judge Eakin, of 4he circuit court. ' '.- A meeting was held at McMinnville in the interest' of the woodcutters of the county,:-- Every "precinct was well represented-. " They advanced the price of -cutting oak wood from 76 cents to 90 cents a cord, and fir from 70 to 90 cents.' .' . - - . - -. ' - The farmers and stockmen of Malheur county feel confident that the coming season will be a prosperous one for them, " While the "winter thus far has been an open One compared with thoee generally experienced - here, the indi-' cations are that. there will' be plenty of water for irrigation durinz the coming summer,- and - that the-' feed on ' the range will be good, :- . - V.- .. ':' :t.--'. -'-' -. " " WASHINGTON. '. The new $16,000- school house at Davenport ia finished. . TJbe railroad ' agent - at . Hamilton, Barry Beeardsley, was robbed of $200. ' '. A school house will be' built at Dav. ton to cost: between $20,000 and $80,- 000. . - Ed 6ievers. of Iowa, la considering a proposition to buy a shingle mill at Everett. the Past Week Rtrmrforf FrAm WASHINGTON. Tacoma butchers have formed an -association. A petition is being circulated to have the postoffice name of Gay changed to Albion. The Simpson Lumber Company, ol South Bend, has accepted plan for a pony band saw mill. Fire partially destroyed the ship chandlery "store of J. C. Todd & Co., on the water front, Tacoma. Loss $4,000, fully covered by insurance. :. ' Mr. H. P. Harrington, a prominent, citizen of Rosalia, died of pneumonia. His remains were taken to the home of his parents in Monroe, Mich., for interment. During the recent snow 80 tons of ore was hauled from the Cedar Canyon district - to Davenport for shipment. Had the sleighing continued good, still more would have been brought out. , . Larkins' hotel at Garfield," leased by J. W. Keown, was entirely destroyed by fire, together with most of the con tents. Loss on the building, $1,600; insuranoe, $650; loss on contents,' $1,000, with $650 insurance. While fording Toppenish creek, near North Yakima. WilljCarrat was nearly drowned. He was on horseback and tbe swift current of the stream carried horse and rider several yards, when they lodged in some willows. -" from which, with difficulty both succeeded in landing safely on shore. Owing to technical error in writing the boundaries of a small strip of land, amounting to . nearly three sections, lying on the east side of North Bay, between Mason and Pierce counties, is left out- of tbe . jurisdiction of both counties. An attempt will be made to have the neutral strip incorporated with Pierce. . . ---' Oscar - Bates, ex-sheriff of Stevens county, received fatal injuries at the Drummer's mine, near Curliew. He had set three .shots in the 125-foot level, and started to climb the . ladder, -but missed his footing on the second landing and fell back 20 feet. The shots exploded before- he could regain the ladder. ' Hopkins D. .Jones, until recently a hotel porter at Wilbur, Wash., who was arrested at Spokane on a charge of horse . stealing, has been- releaed. Word came from Wilbur that the "man Chance, whose horse and saddle Jones had appropriated, would not:' prosecute Jones. The Wilbur man said he owed Jones money, and that he' would be satisfied to have him keep the horse and saddle to settle the bill. : - IDAHO. A free ferry at Weiser is proposed. Caldwell merchants have made an early closing agreement. . John Hunt was arrested at Omfinn on a charge of cattle stealing. -A publio meeting was held at Lewis ton to protest atrainst division of Ni Perces county. ; . .' ? ' '' The postoffice of Leduo, Blaine - uouuiv. naa oeen moved twn mi lea southeast, without change of post master. - : - - . -At weiser's regular city electisn in April, the - citizens will vote whether' -or not tbey want the city bonded for an nnn ' It ia announced that shinmenta nf crude ore and concentrates from the Coeur d'Alene last year ag year aggregated, v 175,000 tons. V- - There were several "mow llidoi in Bear gulch last week, but no damage is i reported except, that .the Orctincr blaoksmith shop waavswept away.. several carioaaa of steel rails nave teen unloade'd' in tha Weisnr varda . iney. aie to - be used in extending tae Pacific & Idaho Northern next sum- mer. -'-'"- : . . .. '- :.':-' ::. Meetings, have been held and resolu tions adopted by several G. A. B. post moving tbe soldiers' home from Boia to Fort Sherman, ? , a . -. H. M. Merrin; of. Spokane, has taken a , bond on the Father lode and two. claims' adjoining Hrthe Coeur d'Alene district. " It is uaderstood . that . workv win uummeuco' immeaiaieiy. - - .. Lew GraDger, who is charged with ' . . . . r i i . . . . . pamura li ear iuoacow, uai neeo arrest- vu. - uuiugw nam m uuiuwu VI aiutBoa,' bat it is said bis true name is Lai king. - - St...- l..... t. i: " - 800 feet more tunnel -will be driven, in -the claims of the Silver Eagle. Mining;; Co. There is also talk of building a . cog-wheel road from the Silver Eagle to the tummit.. : . y . . i : - .. A Mountain Home drug store was. broken into and an attempt made to1 rob tbe place. The proprietor, who , has sleeping apartments in the rear,' wa awakened Jjy the noise of tbe rob bers. JtJpon his appearance they ran, having secured nothing. ..-