Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 22, 1901, Image 4

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    Salt Rheum-
You may call it eczema, tetter or milk
But no matter what you call it. this skin
disease which conies in patches that burn,
itch, discharge a watery matter, dry and
scale, owes its existence to the presence of
humor's in the system.
It will continue to exist, annoy, and
perhaps agonize, as long as these humors
It is always radically and permanently
cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilta
which expels all humors, and is positively
unequaled for all cutaneous eruptions.
Another Industry for Everett
Establishment of another sash and
door factory at Everett is planned.
Exceptionally Fine Sculpture,
The sculpture for the Pan-American
exposition is being pnt in position.
There are more than 125 pieces of
statuary and model groups by the best
sculptors in America.
Russia's Asiatic Possessions.
Russia's Asiatic possessions are three
times, the size of Great Britain's, bnt
hold only 23.000.0UO inhabitants, as
compared with Great Britain's 297.
000,000 subjects.
Tbe Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves.
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply
' iron and quinine in a tasteless form,
No Core, No Pay. Price 50o.
Seattle Public Library.
Seattle people expect to spend some
$200,000 in purchasing a site for a
library, and $50,000 a year in main
taining it after Mr. Carnegie's $200,000
building shall have been elected.
EASE, A powder. At this season yonr feet feel
swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. If
you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts;
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Believes corns and bunions of all pain and
is a certain cure for Chilblains, Sweating,
Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30,
000 testimonials. Don't get footsore get
Foot-Ease. Try it today. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
packajre Frkk. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Big Train Shed.
Tbe big nnion depot in Portland is
to have a train shed three blocks long
and then travelers will not step out
of the cars into the rain.
Petrolem for Diphtheria.
A country doctor in Bouen. France,
has discovered that swabbing the
throat with common petroleum is an
effective treatment of diphtheria. '
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Walla Walla Enjoys Sleighing.
For the first time in about 11 years
Walla Walla enjoyed an extended sea
son of fine sleighing during and after
the holidays.
A $15,000 Organ.
The great pipe organ to be used in
the temple of music at the Pan-American
exposition was built to order at a
cost of $15,000.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative l5romHJuinine Tablets
the remedy that eurea a cold In one day
Portland Big Show.
Let all the country know that a not
able centennial celebration and exposi
tion will be held in Portland in 1905.
Oregon and Washington Should Do It
One of the many appropriation Ques
tions which the legislature will have
to paea upon this winter will be that of
providing a fund for an exhibit at the
Fan-American exposition to be held
next summer at Buffalo, N. Y.
The skin is the seat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. . They are known
by various names, but are all due to the
same cause, acid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the skin.
To have a smooth, soft skin, free from
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
used in this class of diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotches and the red,
disfiguring pimples.
Etornal vlgllanoo I tho proo
of a beautiful oomplmxlon
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. Shobe,-704 Lucas Avenue, St. Irals,
Ho., says : " My daughter was afflicted for years
vrith a disfiffuruig eruption on her face, which
reiiated all treatment. She was taken to two
celebrated health springs, but received no bene,
fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but with
out resulC vatll wc decided to try 8. S. &., and by
the time the first bottle was finished the eruption
began to disappear. A dozen bottles cured her
completely and left her skin perfectly smooth.
She is now seventeen years old, and not a sign of
the embarrassing disease has ever returned."
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and tha
Bniy one guaranteed purely vegetaDie.
Bad blood makes bad complexions.
purines ana invigo
rates tne old ana
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body 'and keeps the
kin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the impurities from the body.
If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough
and pimply, send for our book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians about your case. No charge what
ever for this service,
sz-vg agr
Empress Josephine Cut a Coatlr Piece
and Napoleon Slapped Her.
For $2,000 has been sold In Paris a
piece of lace which was the cause of a
quarrel between Napoleon and Jo
sephine, in Which the cheeks of the Em
press were slapped. It had been the
property of Mile. Pernsset, daughter of
a favorite maid of the flighty Empress.
Napoleon bad brought the lace from
Italy. He often brought ber beautiful
things on his return from a successful
campaign, and Josephine never asked
him how he bad got them, for she
thought that perhaps he would not care
to tell.
It was a large square of the finest old
point de Venise, and Josephine, as soon
as she had it in ber possession, sent for
M. Duplan, her man-milliner, and asked
him to make with it a certain fichu and
a peplum.
'Impossible, your majesty," answered
Duplan, "the piece Is too Urge, and we
could not arrange it gracefully."
"Well, cut it, then!"
"Cut a treasure such as that! Oh,
madam, I could not do such a thing!"
"Nonsense!" cried Josephine. The
lace was draped on her shoulders j-'she
knew how she wanted it; so she calmly
took a pair of scissors, and in a second
had It set right, while long, narrow
pieces of the priceless stuff fell round
her. -
At this moment the Emperor entered
the room. "Cannlbale!" ha cried. And
he gave her a sounding slap on her
violently rouged cheeks, which were
soon covered with tears. Duplan dis
creetly withdrew, and the lace was
thrown Into a chest of drawers. Jo
sephine could not bear tbe sight of
after that, and gave it to Mme. Perus
set, her favorite maid. The odd bits of
It have now been sold for $2,000. An
other bundle fetched $1,000.
The passion of Josephine for lace
caused frequently scenes between her
and Napoleon. She would have lace,
and she seldom let anything stand In
the way of acquiring it. It is even
said that this frivolous fancy helped
to bring about her downfall, for Na
poleon, who at first would not hear of
forsaking ber, one day said to the
Prince De Wagram: "The cup Is full
now, Prince. . What do yon think Jo
sephine did lately? , 'Nobbled one of
my young generals, and made him pass
lace for her In his top boots through
my own frontier! Her soul Is made
of lace. Prince, and that Is too fragile
a stuff for an Empress' soul!"
I he Wisconsin Man Buys a Woman's
Fried Oysters in a Restaurant.
While the national convention of the
W. C. T. U. was In session In Wash
ington one of the California delegates.
an elderly lady, went Into a restaurant
on G street, looked the bill of fare over
carerully, ana ordered fried oysters.
"How many?" asked the waiter.
"Oh," she said, remembering the di
minutive oyster of California, "I guess
a dozen and a half will do."
The waiter lifted his eyebrows, but
took the order back to the kitchen. In
due time he appeared with an enormous
platter full of fried oysters, each half
as large as a man's hand. "
The California lady nearly fainted.
"Take them away," she gasped. "I
never, never ordered that great mass of
"That's a dozen and a half fried oys
ters, ma'am," the waiter replied.
There was some hysterical but vain
argument on the part of the delegate
rrom California.
She was told she would have to pay
ror the oysters, but she needn't eat
them unless she chose to do so. -
Just then Senator Spooner came In
and sat down at the next table. The
W. C. T. TJ. delegate, almost In tears,
leaned over and asked imploringly :"Oh,
sir, ao you like fried oysters?"
Senator Spooner stared. "I . have
eaten them, madam," he replied, with
dignity. .
"Then please buy these; please,
please do."
"But," said the SeDator, laughing,
"I never eat them now, for I find they
promote indigestion."
The lady exhibited ber white ribbon
badge and Implored again: "Oh, you
haven't eaten anything yet; please buy
"Well, I'll buy them, but I assure
you madam, I do not contract to eat
them." -
And he paid the check, while the
delegate from California almost ran
out of the restaurant.
The Business Instinct.
- Poverty-stricken Suitor Sir, I have
come to ask you for your daughter's
hand. '
The Merchant Prince I am quite
willing to believe you love my daughter,
but I am anxious to know why you
have brought your kodak at such an
inopportune time?
-Suitor I'm so passionately fond of
photography; besides, I am entered in
an amateur photographers' competition,
and I wished to take a snap at your
astonished face when you heard my
proposal. It will secure me a prize.
Thus I shall profit either way. .- '
The Merchant Prince My son, come
to my arms;-1 shall make you a part
ner in my house. Collier's Weekly.
Poetry. . ; ,
The Night Wind stirs uneasily. ; '
"Why do you croon?" asks the Owl,
In fretful cadence.
"Well, I have to do something that
rhymes with -moon, of courser' sighs
the Night Wind.
There is poetry , In nature. Detroit
Journal. ,
Vice Versa.
Tigg There's one good thing about
these college yells.
Wlgg What Is "it? ;
Tigg They can't sing those glee songs
while they are yelling. Baltimore
American. -
Electric Fountains Grow Popular.
Electric fountains have become very
popular, especially as attractions for
amusement parks. In England espe
cially they have lately been installed In
large numbers. .."-" -!
Why - do people have best clothes?
They always look better In their every
day ones. ,
Every time a man's wife looks happy
be flatters himself that he Is the cans
of it ; . . . .
Two of the largest Ruhmkorff coils
ever made have been ordered in this
ounti'y for a foreign government, and
will give .an electric spark forty-five
inches In length, expending energy
amounting to three or four horse pow
r, and having a potential of half a mll
,ion volts.
Japan and South America have been
shaken so often and so violently that
an earthquake there Is hardly worth
notice. In 1854 a wave traversed tbe
Pacific from Japan and broke on the
American coast. Sailors say a wave
over fifty feet high Is an Impossibility,
but a wave ninety feet high destroyed
Callao, Peru, in 1586. Mexico, the
East Indies, China, Argentina, Haw-
all, the Philippines, California these
places have been the scenes of fearful
disasters from earthquakes and vol
canoes. The question as to whether birds in
herit their ability to build nests re
sembling one In which they were
batched was discussed. Wallace's
theory that a bird learns to make its
peculiar kind of a nest by remember
ing the appearance of the nest in which
it was reared and by imitation was re
jected, and an Instance cited of a pair
of English chaffinches which, reared
apart from Individuals of their species,
and afterward released In an inclosure,
proceeded to build a characteristic
chaffinch nest " - . -
In describing the career of the Col
orado potato beetle. Professor Tower
relates that during the rush of gold
seekers to California In 1849 and 1850
the emigrants lost and threw away
potatoes which" took root, until there
was a more or less continuous line of
potato plants from Council Bluff along
the Platte River to the canons of the
Colorado region. The beetles, which
bad been confined to the potato patches
of the canons, took advantage of the
situation, and along the highway of in
vasion thus opened for them began
"heir triumphant and destructive march
The science of clouds has attracted
many devotees within the past few
years, and photography has greatly as
sisted in advancing it. Clouds, like
stars, become far more Interesting to
the non-scientific observer of nature
when he knows the names attached to
them. While the grandest and most
imposing form of cloud is the domed
and pinnacled cumulus which fre
quently accompanies thunderstorms,
the most beautiful is the feathery cir
rus. Cirrus clouds sometimes exist at
enormous elevations. While their
mean height is about 29,000 feet the
height of Mount Everest they have
been measured at an elevation of 49,
000 feet, or more than nine miles. They
move with great velocity, about ninety
miles an hour on the average, and in
winter sometimes more than 200 miles
an hour. v
Some of the astronomical photo
graphs made at the Harvard Observ
atory reveal the fact that in April,
1899, a new star appeared in the con
stellation Aquila. At first its spectrum
resembled the spectra of other new
stars, but in October a photograph
showed that the character of the light
had changed, and now its spectrum
was that of a gaseous nebula. Last
summer a telescopic observation of
this curious object was made by Pro
fessor Wendell at Cambridge, and he
confirmed the evidence of the photo
graph showing that it had become a
nebula. Such occurrences are rare,
and one explanation of -them is that
they , are the result of collisions in
space, the heat developed being suffi
cient to turn solid matter into gas and
vapor. ' . .
Short Sermon on 1he Proper Training
of Children.
Some parents, remember! Not all
parents. Various recent occurrences so
shocking as to arouse universal repul
sion and horror, seem to indicate that
there is a screw loose somewhere else
than in the laws of the country or In
the moral constitution of society. Such
things don't happen all at once. They
come from gradual causes and from an
increasing carelessness in the ordinary
safeguards to decent living. .,
If morality is the product of evolu
tion, as the scientists say, we seem yet
to be a long way from the perfect prod
uct. Possibly, if we were to try the
evolutionary theory of extinction of the
unfit, we might find a considerable
weeding out of parents to be a help in
the solution. The Greeks had their
convenient way of disposing of useless
people, but the Greek way seems to us
like the worst sort of savagery. It had
an element of modern force, however,
How would it do to try state manage
ment for the families of the parents
who cannot manage to keep their chil
dren at home nights or, keeping them
there, cannot manage to make them
happy there? . How about the parents
who don't even try and who have no
more idea of systematic training In
morality than they have of the world
wide economic value of the "ounce of
prevention?" - .
The modern method of bringing up
children is getting to be Increasingly
on the theory that "knowledge is pow
er;" that the more children can gather
of the life of the streets and the life
of the world the better. In fact, the
belief in knowledge alone is the bane
of the day. We have manual training
and physical training and athletic
training, but the finest training of all
the training of tbe home is slighted.
To give boys and girls sound, whole
some bodies is a fine thing; perhaps it
is even finer than to give them well
trained brains, but finest of all is It to
make them of pure heart and clean
speech. To Implant in a child that In
stinctive dislike of coarseness and
grossness which shall be like the spear
of Ithurlel to detect the weakness and
falsity of evil suggestions, even though
masked under the hood of truth this
Is a function which belongs first of all
to the parent No other human being
can oo It . '
The school can give lis many things.
It can give us boys and girls of intelli
gence and physical soundness. It can
Instruct our children In their duties as
citizens. It can even el ve them thm I
surface seemlngs of ethical instruction,
out tne parent and tbe borne alone give
them character. The finest -department
of ethics that a boy can graduate from
is that which opens when his own door
is reached. If be doesn't find ethics;
there and find them In his earlv davs'
he is pretty ant never to eet the cenn-
Ine thing. And some fine morning his
parents wake ud to see their ann'a
name figuring In some such tragedies
as have come to shock public knowl
edge lafely and will keep on coming,
doubtless, until the world realizes more
forcibly what a tremendous need there
Is of fathers and mothers innn,ki-o
Minneapolis Times.
Took Liquid Aapha't on Board Which
bolldinel In Transit,
When the British - ateamshln vTiir-
quolse, from Trinidad, arrived at the
Hanover street wharf CaDtain Thomas.
with a worried exnresslon on hia
bronzed face, hurried to the nearest
shipping office.
'I want a gang of miners to unload
my ship," he announced.
"Stevedores, you mean. All riirht
sir," said one of the clerks.
'No, I don't mean stevedores: I mean
miners," replied the captain, with feel
ing. "1 want 'em to blast out my car
go." "Why, what"
"Which consists of one asphalt mine."
the mariner added. "How'd I get the
mine aboard ship? Well, I didn't know
I had it till we got Into Dort It Inst
grew there on the way up," And then
ne spun a sad, sad yarn.
It developed that at Trinidad the
Turquoise took on 2.640 tons of as
phalt for this city. The stuff was load
ed In chunks through the hatches, and
according to the usual process would
nave Deen taken out in the same form.
Lnfortunately the ship on Its Das-
sage north' ran Into the torrid wave.
Anyone who has walked around the
city hall on a hot day knows what heat
noes to asphalt Captain Thomas
knew, but he had hoped that it might
De different at sea and he gave no more
thought to the matter until one day
when hi heard some of the men talking
about getting up a roller-skating con
test on the cargo. Then he investiga
ted. He found that as an effect of the
heat the chunks of asphalt had solidi
fied into one firm mass, stretchiner the
entire length of the hold. -Exactly what
he said is not a matter of record, hut
it is understood that after shivering
his timbers once or twice he remarked
that he didn't know he was carrying
"a blasted old boulevard" up to the
States. -
"Now you know whv I want n trantt
of miners," he said to the clerk at the
finish of his narrative. He was referred
to the proper persons and a little while
later a shaft was sunk in the cargo,
electric lamps were burnlntr below
decks, a force of men with picks and
shovels was laboring and .the frequent
swinging of huge chunks of asphalt
through the hatches Indicated that the
miners were progressing. Philadelphia
North American. r
t Told by the Grocer.
"I'll tell you how I lost a good custo
mer the other day," said the grocery
man. "I have one customer who Is ex
tremely deaf, and to make her hear I
have to just yell at her. It takes about
half an hour to get her order, and by
that time my voice Is pitched so high
that I can't get it down to earth again.
"Yesterday it happened that after she
left In came Mr. Oldboy, who is a per
feet crank. Was In the army once and
a, great stickler for bowing and scrap
ing and all that sort of thing; wants a
fellow he trades with to salute and pre
sent arms and do all kinds of things,",
quotes the Indianapolis Sentinel. "He
came In and said: 'Good-morning.' I
wish you had heard me yell at him
My voice made the windows rattle. -He
looked surprised, but went on talking
to me, and I kept up answering him In
a voice that could be heard a block
away. He got madder and madder, but
I never knew what was up until finally
he got red in the face and said: 'Mr.
Black, sir. I am not deaf, sir, and I re
sent your yelling at me as if I couldn't
hear a cannon fired In my ear. With
that out he went
"You see, I had been talking to the
deaf lady and couldn't get my voice
down again. You try It some time and
see if you don't yell at every one you
meet Funny, too, but I always yell at
blind people and foreigners, and I al--ways
whisper when I go in where any
one's sick."
Laws for the Soud-in.
Benign paternal government is to be
the general note of Soudan administra
tion in the earlier stages of its reorgani
zation, says a Cairo correspondent
Here are a few of the chief heads of
the new code just promulgated: The
Importation, manufacture or sale of al
coholic liquor Is prohibited. No person
will be allowed to sell his land or to
make loans- at usurious rates. Even
mortgages will be subject to formal
authorization. Trade, Industry and nav
igation are free, and every chieftain Is
a magistrate in his own district
Andrew Lane's Versatility.
No one knows how Andrew Lang
gets through such a stupendous amount
of work. He never works In the morn
ing, generally takes a stroll in the af
ternoon and dines late. The reason is
that he can write anywhere on any
thing. A story is told that he once
borrowed a farmer's hat. in the train,
wrote an article on the crown of It and
at the same time conducted an elabor
ate argument on the subject of ghosts.
Neutralizing Danger from Damp.
Houses which are damp, because of
proximity to undrained land may be
rendered more habitable by planting
the laurel and the sunflower near them.
. Cincinnati Street-Car Lines.
Cincinnati is enjoying a street-car-line
boom. Eight lines are to be extended.
"Every day of my life," said a pale.
dyspeptic-looking . man- to-day, "I eat
cheese." Yes, and that's what's the
matter with him. -
No man ever had a tooth pulled with
out thinking that the dentist seemed to
take particular delight In hurting him;
A married man says that he was al
ways fond of tongue and he likes It
Change of Agents at Salem.
W. W. Skinner,' who for nearly 80
years has been the S. P. agent at
Salem, Oregon, is about to leave that
position. The vacancy there will
most probably canse qnite a readjust
ment of the agents in the state through
the system of selection and promotion
in vogue.
Making Sacks at Walla Walla.
One thousand bales of jute will ar
rive at the- Walla Walla penitentiary
in a few days, to be manufactured into
sacks by convict lahor. It mmaa from
Calcutta and costs the state $16.65 de-'
livered at Walla Walla. -
To Abolish the Whipping Post
The law-makers are wratw-lint. nvpr th
abolition of the whipping post. The man
who succeeds in passing such a hill, will
prove as great a benefactor to the breaker
of man's laws as Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters has to the breaker of nature's laws.
If you've neglected your stomach until in-"
digestion, constipation, biliousness, liver
ana Kidney troubles are upon you, there s
uui. uue cure Hosteller s stomach Hitters.
Dou't fail to try it for la grippe.
India's Noted River. ' ' j
The Sutley, in India, is the fastest
flowing river in the world. Its descent
in one section is 12,000 feet in 180
Appropriate Souvenirs.
Ida What kind of souvenirs did
that tear-prodncing drama distribute?
May Pocket handkerchiefs.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 26c.
To Extend Its Line.
It is reported that the Northern Pa
cific will extend its road from Ho
quiam, Wash., to Long Beach this
coming summer.
Queer Ways of Authors.
"Mr. Flambeau, have yon any
special methods in writing your nov
els?" '
"Yes, I generally try to begin at tha
beginning and -wind up at the end." .
The beneficial results of
GARFIELD TEA upon the system
are apparent after a tew days
use; the complexion is cleared
For the Blood has been Vitrified.
Ooverment Regulates Prices.
The prices of medicines in Prussia
are regulated by "the goveinment.
Every year a new price list is pub
lished. -
Odd Fellows Will Celebrate.
If present plans are carried out Odd
Fellows from all over -Oregon and
Washington will be invited" to come to
Portland on April 26 to celebrate the
anniversary of the founding of this
fraternal order
Stops tho Oough and
Works Off tho Gold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
A" Novel Sight "
Did you' ever Bee a house and its con
tents upside down? The novel sight
will be a feature of the Pan-American
exposition midway. '
Portland Death Rate.
During 1900 there were 909 deaths
in Portland, 63 being Chinamen
"CUOllUTS do all elulmed for them
and are a truly wonderful medicine. I have often
wished for a medicine pleasant to take and at last
nave found It in Cascarets. Since taking tbem. my
Stood has been purified and my complexion has im
proved wonderfully aud 1 feel inncli better in every
way.' MH3.Sajj.lbK. SiiAAUs. LuttreU. Teuu.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Bood, Never 8ieken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c SOc.
St.rll.r eSjr Crapny, Cblem. tml. Sew Y.rfc. SIS
M-T0-B4R 8P,d and anaranteed by all drng-
W"BJlW gists to CVKE Tobacco Habit
' ' Can Anybody Tell. . .
Can . anybody explain why so few
people go into the poultry and egg bus
ines, when at prices that have obtained
for many months there must be a for
tune in it?
Must Keep After Wolves.
Eastern Oregon seems to be united
in favor of the scalp bounty law.
or store, with this company. Tet us
tell you how. rrospectus and fuU
particulars free.
Standard Oil. Promotion and Invest-
ment Co..
675, 576, 577 Parrott Bldg ,
San Fkahcjsco i t i Car."
Have mads Dropsy and its com
plications a specialty for twenty
years with the most wonderful
success. Have cared manv thous
and cases.
SB. B. B. oSZIH'S sons,
Box H, Atlanta, da.
Send for my book "OIL PIELD8 OF CALI
FORNIA," Illustratkd, mailed free.
Buy Vesuvius at 85c and make money. Now
drilling. Adjoins the big Lion well.
Government License Broker ' --
537-38-39 Parrott Bldg,, S. r., Cal.
HEN writing te, advertisers please
I "yOU can earn substantial promts H
x monthly by investing M
f lllllliT
. P. K. U. . Ho. 3 1BQ1. I
Scores Another Victory
A Terrible It.a. Gonqnered bf Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills Doctor's Ef
forts Had Proved Unavailing;
and a Care was Despaired of.
From the Journal, MmntPtevanttlotn.
Another person released from tho
terrible grasp of an agonizing disease,
another name added to the long list of
those who have received new life by
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People.
For years a sufferei from tbe cruel
disease of St. Vitus' Dance, scarcely
able to move, the power of speech al
most gone, and all efforts to cure her
proving in vain, Mrs. Minnie Fiedler,
Mt. Plesant, Iowa, thought her case
hopeless and sne bad sunk to tbe
blackest depths of despair.
She turned as a last resort to Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, and the won
ders worked by this remarkable medi
cine are told in her own words:
"I was afflicted for years with St.
Vitus' Dance. The first symptoms of
the disease began in 1889, when the
nerves began twitching in my left
hand. I consulted physicians of this
city, but none of them ever-did me
a particle of good. After I bad suf
fered for two and one half years, the
disease continuing to grow worse, I
heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People.
"It was in 1891 that I was induced
to try them, and I was surprised at my
rapid improvement. I took only two
boxes, and was entirely cured.- It was
hard to ' realize that I, who for over
two years was scarcely able to walk, and
who often found it almost impossible to
talk, should be restored to perfect
health and in full possession of all of
my powers by two boxes of this wonder
ful remedy.
"I am happy to state that my health
is still perfect and I have never had
the slightest symptoms of a return of
the disease, although it is eight years
since I was cured.
"I know of others who have been
likewise benefitted and are as grateful
as myself."
All the elements necessary to gjve
new life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves are contained,
in a condensed form, in Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. They are
also a specific for troubles peouliar to
females such as suppressions, irregu
larities and all forms of weakness.
They build up the blood, and restore
tho glow of health to pale and sallow
cheeks. In men they effect a radical
cure in all cases arising from mental
strain, over work or excesses of what
ever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk)
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,50, and may be had of all druggists,
or diiect by mail from Dr. Willims
Medicine Company, Schnectady, N. Y.
Some Broad Streets in Europe.
Berlin boasts that '.'Unter den Lin
den" is tbe broadest street in any great
city. It is 215 feet wide. The "Ring
strasse" in Vienna is 188 feet; the Paris
"Grand Boulevard" 122 feet, and the
"Andrasae Strasse" at Budapest 155
feet wide.
GARFIELD TEA is an Herb Medi
cine; it is oi inestimable value
in all cases of stomach, liver,
kidney and bowel disorders; it
promotes a healthy action of
all these organs.
- Made Good Showing.
Assay reports just received on some
rock from the Ninety-Nine mining
property, on Slate creek, Wash., show
an average of $400 to the ton.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sumption has an equal for coughs and
colds. John F. Boxeb, Trinity Springs,
lnd., Feb. 15. 1900
New Mining Company.
- A new mining company, known as
the Co-operative Mining and Develop
ment Association, ".has been formed in
Seattle. The company has a capital
stock of $2,000,000, divided into 2.
A Guaranteed Cure.
Most difficult to cure Chronic Constipation.
Yet Cascarets Candy Cathartic are guaranteed
to cuie any case or money refunded. Drug
gists, 10c, 25c, 60c
For Municipal Ownership.
Boise, Idaho, is considering prospect
ive municipal ownership of an electric
light and water plant.
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
'Tonio because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste
less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50o.
British Columbia Coal Fields Sold. -The
Groat Northern Bailway Com
pany, through President Hill, has pur
chased 275,000 acres of coal land from
the Crow's Nest Coal Company, near
Crow's Nest Pass, B. C. The purchase
price is approximately $5,000,000.
Sunday Shaving a Crime.
Portland barbels are moving to have
the Oregon legislature declare Sunday
shaving s misdemeanor. .
- . Hoitt's School. .
. Hoitt's School (for boys), Menlo Park, Cal.,
has more students and is in better condition
than ever. Spring term begins January 7th,
1901. Send lor catalogue. Ira U. Boitt, Ph. i).,
Stagway's Taxable Property.
I The taxable . wealth of Skagway,
Alaska, according to the corrected val
uation made by the board of equaliza
tion, is $931,370.
. County Grows Fast
Clackamas county has been settling
up during the past 10 years more rap
idly than any other county in Oregon.
" Mothers will find Mrs. Wiitslow's Sooth
teg Syrup the best remedy to use for thrt
children during the teething period.
Dust at Sea.
- Great quantities of dust collect on
tho decks of vessels at sea, no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day.
Most of it, too, is found on sailing
vessels. The inferenco is that tbe sails
act as dust collectors, arresting the
particles which drift in tbe air.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Ul
in tune. Knia oy aniSFuna.
Cold Agony
Pain intensified by
cold is unbearable.
Labor Unions to Join Hands.
A movement has been started at
Tacoma for a federation of all the labor
unions in Washington to accomplish
harmony of action among the laboriing
Yoa can't make a mistake 11 you get t
Mitchell, Leaiis & Staver Co.
Until you hiw scn and tested our watch
wll tvt Faeierj Vrii t UatMUIr tuil
than what you bnve to pay elsevrhei
wat' hes are fitted with theunequalieC
17 aVweled Special Muilled, or 7 jew
WallhaB or KIb'b Hwveaiest, koowc
the world over ai the beat, an
Casa ! hunting. ollc'. gold patten
ngravinf, extra 14 karnt goM
plate; good erooph for a railroad
president, finer la 1 Offer far tbi
next SO dayai Send your addrea
andwewillacnd watch C. O. D
with privilege) of full exatnina
tion. Call in any expert and It
fonnd perfectly antiifactory snc
toe treat watch ever ottered lor iuci
a price pay (5.75 and expreii ehnrg
Otherwise not on. emit CRFP I
V7.0Oetiln for noTtSii din with averi
rstch. State If Ladies ot Uenta watch ic wanted. Writo at once ni
re may not advertise this watch t th li price agin. Catalngue f
SxcelsiorWfttrhCo., 347 Central3eBld&.Caiiea
Femr's Seeds are
the mnt Wlinhln K Am t hn
ran h. T I....
nickel on cheap seeds and lose a
iwiimr un (no Harvest.
1901 Seed Annual free.
D. M. FERRY 4 CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
If Yoa Need a
ROII PD or any piece of Maehinerv, ft
Lv-"1-'I-,rv will pay to write us for cata
logae and prices.
RUSSELL & GO., Portland. Or.
A guaranteed Care for Catarrh and
Consumption. H.OO. D Lock Box 145.
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, K. Y , Prop's.
a TRIAL In your own borne, w
luraisn tne (renuine and
to any reader of tola paper.
Maaaeaey U advanei wn loir
aattpoalllvegvaraalea.' COST!
aVIftinCT UflTUIMa nmn.rJ
With most all other treatment. Urea waa all ether tiee.
trie belta, appllaaeee aawt remedial falL OUICK CURE for
more than bailment. OK LI 8CRK CfRl for allnerroaa
diseases, weaknesses and disorders. For complete
ealed confidential catalogue, eattblaadeat aadaialltssa
Send for reading matter to the Reeley
Institute, 314 Sixth Sr.. Porllund, Or.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache sad Dys
pepsia, Remove l'lmples.rnrif j tbe Blood, Aid Diges
tion, Prevent Biliousness. DonotGrlpeor&lc&en. To
convince yoa.Tvlllmailsamp efree;fullbox.zc. DK
BOSAMKO CO..miniln, ft, Sold by Druggists.
For 14c-
We wish to gala this year 100,000 new
customers, and heno offer
l Pkg- Saucer's 121ue Blood Tomato.. He
Kama's larorlte Onion 10c
Emerald Green Cncnmhor.... 20o
City Garden Beet............. 10c
IB Day Radish 10c
LaCr.ase Market Lettoee.... 16c
lUeirant Flower Seeds, , 16c
Wertfc 91.00 far 14 e to. LW
v will mall von this entire tl.Ws
worth of splendid seed noTelties free.
together with onr larfre Illustrated
nans ana neea uaua. oiruei db "f
Ot tale wtlee aa X4e In postage
OWIee OwlaaSeed lie lb ti4 p
Potatoes at 1.90 per barrel and ap
Catalogue alone. 6 oenta. ft
JM k. HL7EH SECT C0.,UCmw,W1t.
v..V',hf?n PENSION
RlAKFflRIi wackilnalaa n f tluv wrsll -
Miicuitia lt'licn. it. tiu 11 . u. T '1B. OMhSJ
aoth krpa. Prosecuting- claim Biuce LS7&.
I in winter must seek
St. Jacobs 03 j
lor the surest relief sj
and promptest cure.