When the big pipe organ's swellia' an' the city choir sings, An' "you almost hear the swishin' of the lovin' angels' wings. As' the' congregation's musin' on the proneness for to sin. Sort o' leanin' listless, waitin' for the preacher to begin; ' ' In that holy hash it happens that I clean forget the place. An' again I'm meek an' lowly 'fore a throne of savin' grace; A throne that wasn't nestlin' 'neath a spire or a dome. But the sinners sought their Savior in ' that little church back home. When we had protracted meetin's, why, 'twould done you good to hear The congregation singin' with a blend o' voices clear, -How the "Hock of Ages" towered like a shelt'rin' sort o' wall,. An our souls soared up to glory since the Bock was cleft for all. Ev'ry face was wreathed with sweetness, an' we always had a smile . For the stranger, saint or sinner, in the . pew across the aisle;. For a diamond's often gathered from the commonest of loam. . An' we didn't mind the settin' in the little - church back home. " . There were weddin's where the neigh bors gathered in from far an' wide, An' the boys looked on in envy, while their sisters kissed the bride; There were fun'rals, too, where neigh bors didn't feel ashamed to cry When they laid to rest the sleeper in the little yard close by. Each pew seems sort o' sacred, an' the . lowly pulpit there 'Pears like a holy gateway to a firma- . ment that's fair; Where the sweet, supernnl sunshine soft ly scattered sorrow's gloom An lets us enter heaven from the little . church back home. The city choir's voices rise in cadences so sweet As they sing about the river where the sainted ones shall meet. An' the-preacher's coice is pleadin' as he asks us, soft and low, To treat ' all men as brothers in this weary vale of woe. This city church is handsome, , an' the congregation's large. The preacher's doin' nobly with his heav en seekin' charge. The choir's swellin' anthems soar to heaven through the dome, --.: But my old heart is sighin' for the little " church back home. Roy Farrell Greene, in Leslie's Week- - . ly. 8 1 MY WEDDING DAY ELL, as I was saying, this Is the way it came about: I was a young thing then, just turn ed 18. Your grandfather had been my playmate, hero and protector from the time that I was old enough to go to school. I had never thought of marry ing any one but him, and. so when he asked' me to be- his wife, why, of , course, I said ."Yes." . ,' Well, it was in the spring of 1775 that . we were to be married. Mother and I spent the winter getting my things made up, and I had as fine an outfit as a girl could possibly have In those days. The day set for the wedding was the nineteenth of April yes, the very day on which the battle of Lexington occur red, as I have good reason to remem ; ber. The nineteenth of Aprtl was a beauti ful day, though a warm one for the sea son. We were all up early that morn ing, for there was a great deal to be aone. it was about a o clock in the forenoon when my mother, who had been looking over some linen, suddenly raised ber head, exclaiming as she did so, "Why, Mary, was that the meeting house, bell?" "What can It mean?" I cried, and, running to the window, I caught sight of our neighbor's sons, Joe and John Eaton, running down the road with their guns. Across the way Harry Wright was plowing the field. The boys called out to him as they passed, and without stopping to unhitch the horse, he seized his gun and was off across the fields. "It Is an alarm, mother!" I cried. "The boys are down by the brook," she said. "The sound will not reach them!" Without delay I hurried to the kitch en, and, seizing the horn, I ran out of the house and started for the brook, which was some distance from the house. I blew a blast on the horn as I ran, and as the boys caught sight of me I pointed toward the road, where several men could be seen running with their guns. The boys understood, and, waving their hands to me, they were off across the field to the road. "What Is it? Where are they going?' 1 asked. And as I spoke the men came hurrying out of the meeting-house, where they had heard a few words from Parson Smith, and, mounting their horses, rode off as fast as they could go I looked for your grandfa ther, but he was not there. Catching sight of my father, I ran to him. "Have you seen Henry?" that's your grand father I asked. "Henry was at the tavern when the messenger rode through here." replied my father, "and, as he had his horse with him, he rode away without wait ing for the company to assemble." My father had reached home before me, and as I opened the door I heard mother ask, "Do you think it Is any . thing serious, father?" "I am afrajd it may be, wife," he said. "The messenger said that Gov. Gage has sent some of the king's troops to destroy the supplies which have been stored at Concord. If the report is true, ' there will be resistance, and if It comes to that It will be very serious business for us." The first news that came to us from the fight at Lexington and the other do ings of that day arrived about 6 o'clock . In uie afternoon, when some minute men from another town stopped at the tavern on their way home. They told the story of the day to the little crowd of anxious women who eagerly ques- ; tioned them for news of some dear one. My father would not let me go down to the tavern, but went down himself and brought us the news. ; "Something unusual has happened, Mary!" exclaimed my-aother. "I never aw your father look so excited." 4 Jl - P - mm- A French scientist has found out that even the scorned and despised disease microbes can be used in making the softest and most beautiful light imaginable. While the light is strong enough to enable fine print to be, -read clearly at a distance of several yards, it has all the soft, mysterious charm of brilliant moon light. . . ... " . ' The laity generally would imagine that the first difficulty in making this light would be the collecting of the bacilli. ' But Prof. Raphael Du Bois of the Univer sity of Lyons has found that microbe lamps are eminently practicable. The phosphorescent bacteria are those containing water, sea salt, one ternary com pound, one nitrogenous compound, one phosphate, and traces of mineral. For purposes of decorative illumination the bacterial fluids are placed in bottle-shaped receptacles, with flat bottoms, covered by colored shades, which, direct the light downward. These, suspended from the ceiling of a room, supply a clear, delicate glow, that transforms the most hopeless room and makes the dullest complex ion brilliant. I hastened down the path to meet him. "Bad news, my child; bad news!" he exclaimed. "There has been an encoun ter with the king's troops," And then, reading the question in my eyes, he con tinued,. "But they brought no news of our men." ' . . ' 'The hour set for the wedding wag 8 o'clock, but it began to look as if there would be no weauing,- for it was now after 7 o'clock, and none of our men had returned home. , .' At last we heard steps outside, and then my brother ; Arthur,- who was among the first to reach home, stagger ed into the room. I sprang up and ran to him. He sank into the nearest chair, and his gun fell to the floor with a thud. Arthur was only a boy of 15, you must remember, and the day had been a ter rible one. ' ; ... ' . -. When he. had recovered a little, my father spoke. "What news do you bring, my son?" he asked. "Arthur," I said, "is it Henry?" "Listen," he said, speaking rapidly. ."The king's troops were in full retreat when we reached the road. We did hot keep witS our companies, but each one found shelter as he was able behind trees, walls op fences. I met Henry as I was crossing a field, and we took shelter together and awaited the com ing of the troops. . We had just got set tled when Henry caught sight of a flanking party, coming right down on us. He ealled to the men near us to run for their lives, and at the same time we both jumped the wall and ran for a house which stood in the field just op posite. I reached the opposite wall In safety and turned round' to look for Henry, but he was not with me. At that moment the troops came round a sudden turn in the road and sent some shots in our direction. At the risk of being shot, I stood up and looked across the road. He must have been hit by the flanking party, for he lay just by the wall." Suddenly I heard the sound of a horse's feet coming up the road at a furious pace. I sat up and listened. "Somebody is riding on an Important errand," I said to myself. Nearer and- nearer came the sound, and the rider, whoever he was, drew rein at our door. Then there were a murmur of voices and an opening and shutting of doors, and then my mother's voice calling to me: "Mary, Mary; child, come down! Henry Is here! He's come!" Scarcely believing that I heard aright, I got up and ran downstairs and into the kitchen, and there before me, his face pale as death, with a blood-stained bandage bound about his forehead, stood your grandfather. "Mary," he cried, holding out his hands to me, "I am In time!. The clock has not struck yet! We have beaten the enemy at every point, and won a great victory! I am hit, but not seri ously hurt!" . - Then Parson Elder, who had come over to hear the news from Arthur, came forward and said: "Shall I per form the ceremony now?" So right then and there your grand father, in his working clothes, all stain ed with dust and blood, and I, in my morning calico, were married. GLASS-EYE HUMOR. Bather Grim Fun Indulged In by the i ossessor of One. "There Is a certain resident of a city not 600 miles from the 'Hub,' " said L. A. Goodwin, of Boston, at the Hotel Manhattan, reports the New York Trib une, "who in addition to a somewhat highly developed sense of humor is also the possessor of a glass eye. It is 'a wonderfully natural creation and did not its owner publish the fact of his proprietorship far and wide few would there be who would not suppose him still to be the possessor of both the op tics with which nature originally en dowed him. "Some time ago the eye-shy man was at that particular kind of a dinner pop ularly termed stag. His neighbor, it must be confessed, in a reprehensible spirit of pride, turned to him- with 'What do you think of that for a scratch. Blank?' at the same time scalp ing himself and revealing a pate as bald as that of the man whom the late lamented Travers once advised to sugar his head and go to a certain ball in the character of a pill. Blank glanced at the shining surface thus revealed and then his hand stole to his face. , 'And what do you think of that for an eye?' was the response he made, and from NEW BRIDGE FOR THE BOSPHORUS. JI - g-v Gk ..f the center of the other man's plate of soup the eye unblushingly challenged his opinion. The owner of the scratch did not give it. He simply howled aloud for frapped air. . ' "At another time a poker game was in progress and the entire party were casting about for a buck. 'And how will this do for a bock?' was the re mark that accompanied the eye to the center of the table. "Its last individual, appearance was brought about by golf. Its owner had golf aspirations and hired a high-priced professional to perfect him in the game. 'Keep your h'eye on the ball. Mr. Blank,' was the burden of the cry that wore out that person's patience. Fi nally," unable to stand it longer, and at about the twentieth . singsong reitera tion of 'Keep your h'eye on the ball. sir!' Blank deposited the glass sphere and with the query, 'Is my eye, suffl ciently on the ball now?' started In to make a long drive as his coach started hurriedly for home." TO BRIDGE THE BOSPHORUS. Fine Structure Will Be Constructed by a Railway Company. . The scheme of .bridging the Bospbo rus has been revived and it is an nounced that a "magnificent structure will span the river ere the lapse of an other year and will bear the name of the Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamid. It it-to be constructed by the Bosphorus Railway Company, which designs a junction between the railways of Eu rope and the Trans-Atlantic railway or Bagdad. Naturally the narrowest di viding line of sea has been' chosen for the point of connection, ' A military bridge, erected by a Corinthian long before the Christian era, once spanned these 600 yards of water at the same spot and over it marched King Darius and his 800,000 Persian braves. Lord Byron, impatient of bridges as Of many tnings, swam the flood and as a result was addressed in much minor verse as Leander. The new bridge is to be erected on lasting lines. Massive gran ite pillars are to be built and these will support the steel cables on which the bridge depends.' They will provide ac commodation for . artillery and orna ments will not be wanting in the shape of ' minarets and cupolas, decorated with tiles and arabesques. Why Short Girls Are Preferred. It Is an undeniable fact that the ma jority of men .prefer short women to tall ones. Perhaps this is because they like to be looked up to at all events by the fair sex and it is only natural for them to prefer the girl who. in her little caressings and fascinating, lover like ways, has, on account of her short ness, to look up at him for the purpose of peering into his love-lit eyes. Tall women are usually dignified, and appear to scorn kittenish ways, and although they manage to draw ad miration it Is rather of the awe-inspiring kind. No doubt, owing to the smallness of stature, and pretty, playful ways, men give to little women more petting than the tall, dignified woman demands. The lover's oft-repeated expression, "You little darling," could hardly be applied to the very tall girl without tickling the risibilities of those who overheard It This is certainly very hard and looks like a punishment for being tall, but who can help her stature? It is a fact, too, that men are rather shy about ap proaching tall women because of the restraint which theyi feel but cannot explain. They are under the impression why. it is hard to tell that tall women are built to be commanders, and they are In their natural element when Wt alone In their reserved dignity and musings in tneir lonely wanderings. " Co flfee Intoxication.' A visitor recently returned from Bra zil, says that the whole country Is per petually Intoxicated by coffee. It Is brought to the bedside the moment one awakes and just before he drops asleep, at meals and between meals, on going out and coming in.. Men women and children drink it with the same liberality and it is fed to babies In arms. The effect is annnront- in trembling hands, twitching eyelids, yel low, dry SKin ana a enronic excitability worse than that produced by whisky. You recommend manv a man ta vn in- neighbor whom you would not trust yourself. OUlt BUiWET OF JTUN. HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO INGS HERE AND THERE. Jokes and Jokeleta that Are 8nppoeed to Have Been Recently Born Sayings and Doings that Are Old, Cnrions and Laughable -The Week's Humor. Mother (reading telegram) Henry telegraphs that the game la over and he came out of it with three broken ribs, a broken nose and four teeth out Father (eagerly) And who won? Mother He doesn't say. Father (impatiently) Confound it all That boy never thinks of anybody but himself. Now. I'll have to wait until I get the morning paper. Puck. "How did he acquire the reputation or being such a brilliant man?" In quired one voter. "By means of his convincing man ner," answered the other. "He got peo ple to beiievintr that ho thnmnirhlv nn derstood his own arguments, and they regarded him' as a genius." Washing- ion oiar. Justifiably Postponed. Mamma What's ' the matter, John nie? - Johnnle--Boo-hoo-oo! yesterday I fell down and hurt myself. Mamma Well, what are you crying to-day for? Johnnie-rYou weren't home yester day. Columbus Dispatch. A Fetching Compliment. She was not from Chicago. "Do not anger me," she said. "How am I to know when you are angry?" he asked. "I always stamp my feet," she an swered. He looked down at her dainty shoes. "Impossible," he said; 'there Isn't room for a stamp on either of them." That fetched her. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Preparatory Course. -'' - "Your son doesn't seem to be doing anything but play base-ball and row on the river, and all that sort of thing. I thought you said you iwere going to send him to school and prepare him for college?" , "No; I said I was going to prepare him for college, that's all." Philadel phia Press.; v" Sentiment in Circulation. "Never propose to a girl by letter." "Why not?" "I did it once, and she stuck the let ter in a book she was reading and lent it to my other girl." Chicago Record. Mr. Lurker Excuse me. Miss Knnn- per, but I have long sought this oppor tunity - , i,- Miss Snapper Never mind the nre- amble, Mr. Lurker. Run along in and ask na. He's been exneotin this wnnlri come for the past two years. Tid-Bits. A Plausible Kxplanation., "I tied a knot in my handkerchief a week ago, and I can't for the life of me remember what it was to remind me of." "Perhaps it was to remind you that it's time to put it In the wash!" Un sere Gesellschaft Matrimonial Lottery. Miss Asking Do you believe in church lotteries? De Witte Well er I rather like church weddings. Puck. His DishearteninK Outlook. Mrs. Goode You are the sixth man who has asked me for something to eat to-day. The Tramp (sadly) I s'pose so. If de competition in dis life gits any wuss, some of us'll have .to go to work. Brooklyn Life. Too Bad. Mrs. Bingo That's just like a man. Bingo What have I done now? Mrs. Bingo:-I spent a' day making that pillow, and now you've put your head on It Harper's Bazar. Very Dangerous. "It's dani'us." said Uncle TChn git into de way 6' complainin'. A man Kin alius stop workln' to kick, but it comes hahd to stop kickln' to work." Washington Star. He Wanted Tew Know. Ticket-seller (in theater box office) Seats in the parquet are S3 and In th dress circle $2. Uncle Pumpkinduster fof Swamn Junction) Say, be that your "askln' price' or what you expect tew get? Puck. Childhood Recollections. Admiring Son Were you the smart. est boy In school, pa, when VOn VAPo a a old as I am? Reminiscent Father If I wnsn'r it wasn't the teacher's fault He did his best to make me smart Louisville Journal. The Savages of Time. Mrs. Waile I'm sure the constant anxiety must have been terribly wear ing. . Mrs. Luers Wearing? Why, In the last three years I've grown to look at least six months older! Life. The Beal Reason. Mrs. Hauskeep Yes, my new girl fop merly worked for Mrs. DeStyle. She claims she left there of her own accord, but I think she was discharged. Mrs. Kaul What makes you think so? Mrs. Hauskeep I Judge so from cer tain things she's let fall since she's been here. Mrs. Kaul What were they? Mrs. Hauskeep Dishes. Philadel phia Press. Discoverel at Last. "You've got an ear-trumpet, I see. That's what I've been telling you to do for two years." "Oh! Is that what you've been tell ing me for the last two years." Puck. Sli rht Do There. "Maude thinks of applying for a posi tion as soprano in a church choir." "Well, there's a church for the deal up on 7th street." Philadelphia Even ing Bulletin. Dangerous. The Office Boy 1 was t'inkin" ' of Iookln' fer another Job. -S '.The Messenger Boy You better look out You might git one where, you'd have to work. Puck. His Definition. Willie Pa, what is a publisher? Author My son, a publisher is a squatter on the unearned increment of thought Life. Why He Loved Her. "Are you proud of your baking pow der biscuit?" he asked.. "I should think not," she'' replied. "I've tried dozens of times, but I never could equal those made by the cook." "Has any one ever told you that your pie crust excels anything in that line ever before made?' "Never. - My pie crust is worse than my biscuit." "" : ' "Are you an adept at preparing dain ty little desserts?" "Oh, I've done-something in that way, of course," she answered, "but I never would think of doing the cooking for any pne for whom I rea'iv cared." He gave a sigh of relief. "Will you marry me?" he asked. London Answers. ' Eiin't Count. Clergyman My child, beware of pick ing a toadstool instead of a mushroom. They are easy to confuse. Child That be all roight sur. Us bain't a-goin' to eat 'em ourselves they're a-goin' to market to be sold. Tit-Bits,- - ..' Extravagance. - Rich Widow Yes, my poor dear hus band died in Florida. We had three doctors. Dr. Sawyer (sotto voce) What ex travagance, when one doctor could have killed him. Convalescence. Jinks W'hafs the matter, old man? Haven't seen you for two weeks aud you look like you had been ill month. fer a Spinks Only a little attack of vaca- i non, dui me aoctor says that a week of my regular daily work will bring me around all right Denver News, Her 1 efinition. 'Yes," said Miss Cayenne, 'he is un doubtedly a cynic." "What is your idea of a cynic?" "He is a person who keeps you con tinually in doubt whether he is unusu ally clever or unusually disagreeable.' -Washington Star. attentions. You don't send me any more violets or American beauties or boxes of can dy," she murmured. 'No," answered Mr. Blykins. "But that is no sign I am not as attentive as ever. If you would rather have violets and roses and boxes of candy than the cabbages and potatoes and sirloin steaks that I send around say the word. Your slightest wish shall be gratified even if I have to eat at a dairy lunch room." New Golf Stick. "I see that you have added to your collection of golf sticks, Miss Frocks," said young Postiethwaite. "I do not understand you, Mr. Postie thwaite," rejoined Miss Frocks. "My collection of golf sticks has been com plete, so far as I know." Perhaps, but I saw Cholly Goslin on the course with "you this morning." Harper's Bazar. Man and Modes. What did Alice wear to the box party, Harry?" "She had on a spotted silk frock, a kind of pink velvet windmill in her hair and a white lace cascade hanging down her back." Chicago Record. Her Distinct Advance. "British Museum Newton, the archae ologist, was a capital story teller, and Mr. Hare has preserved two or three of his tales. One is a spiritualistic seance. where an old cockney was informed that the spirit manifested was his' de ceased wife, whereupon the following dialogue took place: "Is that you, Arriet?" "Yes, It is me." "Are you 'appy, "Arriet?" "Yes, very 'appy." " 'Appier than you was with me, 'Ar riet?" "Yes, much 'appier." "Where are you, 'Arriet?" ' "In 'ell." A. J. Hare's "Story of Mj Life." Immense Coal Beds. The beds of the immense coal fields lately discovered in Zululand extend downward to forty-five feet in places and the coal Is of good quality. Disappointment doesn't affect men and women the same. When a man runs across an old love letter he wrote to his wife he laughs, but his wife cries. TAKING SHOTS AT HORSCS. Photographer Must Employ Tricks to Get ( Old Pictures. ' "It Is no easy matter to make a good .horse picture," said Alfred J. Meyer of Pach Brothers, "although every ama teur thinks himself equal to the task. A horse must be taken from the proper point or bis owner will not recognize the picture. , If the camera is too near the subject certain points will be ex aggerated In the photograph. The best results are obtained by placing the horse on a slight incline, so that the fore feet are a trifle higher than the hind feet. This position throws the head up. Then snapping the fingers or making any slight noise will cause the animal to prick up bis ears, and at the moment when he is In this position jf attention the photographer makes the picture. "When horses in harness are to be photographed they must be posed on level ground or on a slight incline. To make them look alive a hat or a card is sometimes scaled 'in front of them, and at the moment when they look up the snap shot is made. When pictures of horses In action are made we usual ly place the camera near the ground, and by that means we get the best hoof position, which cannot be secured when thecamera is held or placed at the or dinary height. To make pictures of jumping horses the same method is em ployed, and the height of the jump Is sometimes exaggerated by placing the camera below the track level. An ex cavation is made in the ground for that purpose, and pictures made from there increase the apparent height of hurdles and make a small Jump look something remarkable." New York Tribune. Max Pemberton has In "contemplation a novel dealing with Cambridge uni versity life. He is a graduate of Caius college. The latest volume In which Jeanette Gilder has discovered material for a drama Is Mrs. Schuyler Crowninshieid's new story, "The Archbishop and .the Lady." It Is pleasing to note that the author of "The Love Affairs of An Old Maid" has dedicated her new novel, "The Ex patriates," to her husband, Arthur Hoyt Bogue. Mrs: Bogue, who is at present r living in New York, Intends to continue her literary work and her author's read ings. Miss Lyda Farrington Krause, better known as Barbara Yechton, has pub lished through Houghton, Mifflin & Co, Fortune's Boats." The story has been running serially In the Churchman. Miss Krause never fails to give one a pleasing picture of the freshness and the purity of girlhood. Amelia m. uarr has completed a novel called "Souls of Passage," a story based upon the doctrines of reincar nation, which Dodd, Mead & Co. pub lish. She is at present Planning a novel centering around Cromwell, in which she will endeavor to illustrate the do mestic side of his character. "The English-American," a novel of love and adventure, the scenes of which are laid in England and America, is a book by Emma Homan Thayer, pre sented by the Continental Publishing Company. Mrs. Thayer. It will be re called, is the author of "Wild Flowers of the Rocky Mountains" and "Wild Flowers of tho Pnoifln rnnst A story of Jane Austen's dealings with her Bath publisher relates how, like Milton, she sold her first book for $50 outright The publisher allowed "Northanger Abbey" to lie on his desk for fifteen years, when Miss Austen bought back her manuscript at its orig inal figure. She had become famous during the time, but obviously this had not affected the Bath publisher. LAW AS INTERPRETED. Policies of insurance made in another state where the applicant resides and where the policies are delivered to him are held. In Mutual Life Insurance Company vs. Dingley (C. C. App. 9th C), 49 L. R. A. 132, to be subject to the statues of New York, when they are made, executed and payable in that state, and the premiums are to be paid there, and they contain a waiver of the service of notices required by statute. Constitutional amendment giving the Supreme Court jurisdiction in all cases, both of the law and the facts, Is held, in Cassel vs. Tracy (La.), 49 L. R. A 272, to require the remanding of a case which was pending on appeal when the amendment was adopted, but In which the record did not present the evidence or an agreed statement of facts. This was done in order that on a second trial the testimony could be reduced to writ ing and give opportunity for the Su preme Court to discharge Its constitu tional duty of Judging the facts as well as the law of the case. Liability of bank directors for de posits received after they knew the bank to be insolvent or in failing cir cumstances is held, in Utley vs. -Hill (Mo.), 49 L. R. A. 323, not to extend to deposits received when they, actually believed it to be solvent merely be cause they neglected to Investigate or keep posted as to its affairs. The case also holds that false statements in a report to the State Department would not make the directors liable to a common-law action for deceit In favor of one who deposited In reliance on the re port. If the statements were made In good faith, believing them to be true. An Easy-Going State. Bishop Thompson of Mississippi said the other day: "I suppose there is a larger percentage of old men In Mis sissippi than in any other State at least It 'seems so to me, and I have been In a good many. By old men I mean from 80 to 90. They are not decrepit old men, who hug the fireside, but are quite lively old fellows." "How do you account bishop, for this large proportion of old men In Mississippi?" asked someone. "Well," said the bishop, "there is no chance to become rich In Mississippi. Everybody knows It and does not worry himself Into an i early grave trying to." CONFIDENCE. Improvement in. Cereal Markets Active De mand in Iron and Steal. . ' Bradstreefs says: Business is still of a between-season character in most lines, bnt a livening tip of. interest in several trades bas been noted this . eek. Relatively best reports come from the iron and steel, lumber, leath er and rug trades, but there . has been some enlargement of wholesale distri butive trade on spring account, in the South atrd West. Spring trade in dry goods is j'ist opening op, and it is noted that a heavy shipping movement on orders is now proceeding at the West. Some gain in wool sales is noted at Eastern markets, bnt weather conditons have not ben favorable as a whole, except in stimulating the retail trade in sboBS and inbber goad. A special feature is the generally good tenor of reports as to collet tions fro-n all Western and Southern points, from which it is inferred that trade rela tions to retailers must have been quite good. Summed up briefly, the situa tion is one of widespread confidence in the general business outlook. Corn is slightly higher, in sympathy with wheat and small receipts of con tract. Inquiry rather than' active demand is a leading feature in iron and steel, bnt quite an increase ' of activty is noted in Bessemer pig iron and billets at Pittsburg and in plates at Chicago. Iron production is increasing, bnt has . not yet overtaken ' consumption, and stocks are reported ' smaller t ban a month ago. " ' . Wheat, including flour,' shipments -for the week aggregate 6,961,095 bush els. . . ' . .. Business failures in the ' United States for the week - number S22, against 368 last week. Canadian failures for the week nam- , ber 36, against 23 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market ' . Onions, new yellow, 22o. . Lettuce, hot house, $1.60 per oase. Potatoes,- new, $18; ' Beets, per sack, 85c fl. ; i Turnips, per sack, $1.00. Squash lo. ' , Carrots, per sack, 75c ''.""- Parsnips, per sack, $1.00 1.85., Celery; 50c doz. : - Cabbage, native and California, 22Jic per pounds. - . Butter Creamery," 80c; dairy, 18(3 22c; ranch, 16c18o pound. : Cheese 14c... . Eggs Ranch, 80c; Eastern 25c, . . Poultry 14c; dressed, native chick ens, 15c; turkey, 16c. ' . -. . Hay Puget Sound timothy, $15.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, . $19.00. . Corn Whole, $34.00; oraoked, $25; feed meal, $24. - Barley Rolled or ground, per" ton, $20. ' :V . - Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.80; " blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gr&, ' ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheat' flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3. 804.00;- Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15,00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. .. - Feed Chopped feed, $15.00 per tout' middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal, per ton, $29.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed: 'beef steers, price 7 Kc; cows, 7c; mutton 7; pork, 7c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 11 12c, : Hams Large, llc; small, 11 breakfast bacon, 13c; dry salt sides. 1 8Xc. ' . Portland Market Wheat Walla Walla. 6556or Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 68o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham. $2.60. Oats Choice white, 42c: choice gray, 41c per bushel. Bailey Feed barley, $15.50 brew ing, $16.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per ton. Hay Timothy,$12 12.50; clover.$7 9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery. 50 (3 55c: store-, 82c. Eggs 27 o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o: Young America, 14c; new cheese 100 per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs, $2.003.50; geese, $6.009.00 doz; ducks, $5.00 6. 00 per dozen; turkeys, live, lc per pound. Potatoes 50 60c per sack; sweets. lc per ponna. Vegetables Beets, $li turnips, 75c': per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, lo per pound; parsnips. 85o:- onions, $1.502; carrots, 75c. Hops New crop, 12l4o ner pound. . Wool Valley, 18 14c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 34c; dressed mutton, 6 7c per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5.75: light and feeders, $5.00; dressed. $5. 50 6.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.5004.00: cows, $3.003.50; dressed beef, 6 7o per pound. Veal Large, 77se; small, 8J4" 9c per pound. San Francisco Market Wool Serine Nevada. Ilia 13c pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 14c; Val ley, 15 17c; Northern, 910o. Hops urop, lauo, 13S176o. Butter Fancy creamerv 23c: do seconds, 20c; fancy dairy. 19 do seconds, 18c per pound. Eggs Store, 25c; fancy ranch. 38c. Millstuffs Middlines. $17.00 o 20.00; bran, $14.0014.50. Hav Wheat S9a 13: whp.t. r.i oat $9.0012.50; best barley $9.50 alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw, Ho 47-20 per bale. Potatoes Oreeon Burbanlcs. fin at QSn- Salinas Burbanks. 85cra$l .15: rivai. Burbanks, 40 45c; sweets. 85 85c. Citrus Fruit Orancaa. . Vol $2.758.25; Mexican limes, $4.00' 5.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $1.762.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananaa. SI.KDia 8.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 6 6 Ho pel pound. WIDESPREAD