Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 18, 1901, Image 3

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Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman-
ship. New Styles. $7-to $10 each.
Mercenized cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Po-
nlar colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each
For fine skirt linings and for shirt
- waits. Twelve shade. 60 cents per
S, & Young & Son
Albany, Oregon.
F. L. Miller."
O. h. Clark was a Portland pas
senger, Wednesday.
If you don't know F. L. Miller
ask some one who does.
Frank Lilly went
to the
Siletz daring the
week to
to some business. s , .
- Nightofficer C. B. Wells, who has
been quite ill with pneumonia! Is
now convalescent. .. ,
Mrs. Thorp goes to Toledo, Jan
uary 24th, to install officers of the
VV R C of that city
Services at the Baptist church,
morning and evening, Sunday, con
duct! by the pastor.
Dr. Thompson occupied the pul
pit of the Presbyterian - church at
Brownsville last Sunday.
Born, in this city, Tuesday, Jan
uary 15th, to the wife of Jesse Wil
ey, a 9-pound daughter.
'Albert J. Metzger is an exper
ienced watchmaker, and jeweler.
His place of ,, business is three doors
north of the postoffice. .
At the Methodist Episcopal church
next Mundav at 11 a. m.. " l na bar.
ward Movement," and at 7:30 p. m.f
"The Living Element in the Best
Grade Morality."
Cal Thrasher arrived home o few
days ago from a' ten-days' sojourn
at Lebanon. While over there he
was engaged in work for the order
of Modern Woodmen of Amerioa.
The Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, of this city, had installation of
officersiast Saturday evening. They
also initiated a new member, aftei
which a nice luncheon was served.
Services in the United Evangeli
cal diurcji Sunday at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. tnd at Ml, View school
hdnse at 2:30 p. m. Rev. L. M.
Boozer will preach at each service.
The Firemen will give a dance in
their hall tomorrow evening and
the bo, e are making special ar
rangements to have a good time on
this occasion. If you can go you
should not fail to do so.
Our best advertisements are not
printed; they are worn by our cus
tomers. Our clothing gives satis
faction, and there is' no better ad
vertisement than a satisfied cus
tomer. F. L. Miller. '
Parties wishing first-class photo
graphic work, copying, enlarging,
0lor work, photo buttons, pins,
etc., should call oner write to B. R.
Thompson. He makes a specialty
of view work. Residence near the
Catholic cemetery, west of Corvallis.
Their will be a game of indoor
base ball at the Armory tonight.
The g' me will be played by the
Harvard and Yale teams, and will
be called, promptly at 8 o'clock. An
admission fee of 15 cents will be
charged, but it is in a worthy cause
and everybody should respond.
A recent letter from A. F. Peter
son, posted at Fossil, Oregon, Btates
that he has secured the contract for
buildin? a conrt honsa for WhpfOur
county. The pnoe is in the neigh
a -
borhood of $10,000, and the work
will begin shortly. Mr. Peterson,
at the time of writing, was quite
busy. -
Mr. Ed Wiles, of Wells, was in
the city Tuesday completing ar
raDgemeats for the Farmers' Insti
tute to be held at that place in
February. Ihis institnte will con
sist of three sessions. An excellent
. program has been prepared which
will appear in the columns of this
paper in the near future.
A petition was being circulated
yesterday asking the legislature to
make the steel bridge over the Wil
. i ii. 'i . i 1 1 i 1 1
laiutsue river at mis cuy a ton
bride. This bridge question is
grave one for Albany, and one it
will be difficult to solve. A toll
bridge may be the best way out of
it, and that may not be a success
as it will probably involve the city
in expensive litigation. Many of
the citizens of Benton county sub.
scribed and paid liberally to the
construction of the bridge on the
condition that Linn county should
maintain a free bridge. The county
was let oil by the city on paying
gross sum of $40,000. The question
now is, can the city change this
without the consent of all parties?
In other words, are these vested Ian irrTrra9
Albany Herald
W. A ."'Sanders, the best watch
Mrs. E. R. Bryson roturned yes
terday from a.visit with relatives
in Portland -
Mrs. Plumtner, of Albany, is
visiting m this city the guest of
ner sister, Mrs. o. A. Uathey.
Mr. Thayer, of Wenatchee, Wash
ington, came to Corvallis this week
to be present at the Thayer-Gel-latly
nuptials. -
lifts. S. N. Wilkins gave a de
lightful tea Wednesday afternoon
from 2 to 5 o'clock, to about fifteen
of her lady friends.
Don Holgate left yesterday for
Seattle, vWash., where he will ac
cept a position as stenographer with
a prominent law firm. '
We are jisked to ntter a word of
warning to the parties who recent
ly forced an entrance to a
residence in the northwestern
portion of this city. They ' are
known, and a repetition of the
offense will bring summary punish
ment. -
A trio of fine poultry were re
ceived by M. O. Wilkins today.
Ihe variety is White Plymouth
Rocks Pollard strain, Sattlesboro,
Mass. This trio of hens added to
Mr. Wilkin's psn gives hiin one of
best yards of White Rocks in the
county. Register. '
What was said to haye been . one
of the most valuable as well as
interesting papers delivered .before
the Dairymen's Association recent
ly held at Hillsboro, was Prof . A. L.
Kniseley's discussion of the rela
tive effect of dairying and grain
growing on the Boil. , .
Losses ; due to the recent flood
were not heavy, so far a reported.
The greatest, perhaps was that sus
tained by Judge W. S. McFadden.
A band of 120 sheep, belonging to
this gentleman, were drowned on
his place near Harrisburg. They
were valued at about $600.
. .
A. D. Morrison left Tuesday for
Elgin, where he- has au interest
in a drugstore together with S. E.
Harris, a member of last year s
graduating class of O A C. Mr.
Morrison will be home Monday.
During his absence, Thomas Jones
will dispense prescriptions at Gra
ham & Wells'. '
Blind people don't read our ads,
but they are about the only ones in
Corvallis who' don't. They are
read because it is just .as much a
matter of news to learn where and
on what article yoa can save a dol
lar when buying, as it is to learn
that "John Brown was in town last
week," or any other local item.
h . L. Miller.
Claude Riddle leaves Monday for
Grants Pass, where he will assume
the dutie9 of city editor on the Ob
server of that city. Claude is well
fitted for this position. Ho has a
natural scent for news, -and his
ability as a practical printer has been
attested by the artistic appearance
of the College Barometer this year,
for which he is entitled to all
It seems like old limes to an
nounce a game of football to take
place on the college campus. The
contest occurs tomorrow afternoon,
between two O A C elevens. An
admission fee of 15 cents will be
charged, the preoeeds to be used in
liquidating bills owed by the ath
letic association, when inter-collegiate
sports, were prohibited by the
board of regents.
At the residence of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Andrew Gellatly, in
this city, Wednesday evening,
January 16, .1901, occurred the
marriage of Mr. Hilmer lnayer and
Miss Nettie Gellatly. The cere
mony waB performed by Dr. E. J.
Thompson, in the presence of rela
tives and numerous mends ot tne
high contracting parties. Mr.
Thayer is the genial agent of the
(J K & JN company in tins city,
which position he has filled for the
paBt two years. During his resi
dence here he has made nimseii
popular both in social and busi
ness circles. The bride is the
youngest daughter of Mrs. Andrew
Gellatly. A graduate ef the Agri
cultural college, she is a young lady
of refinement and culture. Her
entire life has been spent in this
county, where she commands the
respect and esteem ot all wno Knew
Installation of officers of E lis
worth W. K. V., Tuesday evenlnsr
was made a very pleasant social
affair. Mrs. Mandana C. Thorp
acted as installing officer. A beau
tiful feature of this -ceremony, was
the new service with tbe flag. Fol
lowing are the new officers: Mrs
Prudence Chipman, president; Mrs
juizanetn uuoier, S3 V: Mrs Sarah
Elgin, J V; Mrs Jane Lane, chap
lamjTtfrs C Reed, conductor; Mrs
T 0 Case, treasurer; Mrs Emily
Henkle, secretary; Mrs Frankie
Smith, guard; Mrs. Ada Farmer,
assistant conductor; Mrs Robinson,
assistant guard; Mrs S T Kerr,
Mrs baran uronk:, Mrs A M Max-
field and Mrs Stewart, color bearers,
At the conclusion of these exercises,
Mrs Chipman, on behalf of the
Corps, presented Mrs Thorp, retir
ing president, wiln a beautiful sil
ver bread tray. Mrs Thorpe made
a happy response. The entertain
ment concluded with music and
short addresses by comrades, and
serving ot appropriate refreshments,
An Unfortunate Habit Into Which The
People of Orcsoti Have Fallen.
To the 2iroR Gazette:
The agitation in iavor of reduc
ing the South's representation in
congress as a punishment for
suppressing the negro vote ended,
naturally, in smoke. Practical
republicans admit that the great
republican mistake was the fif
teenth amesdmeat and recent
legislation limiting suffrage,
adopted by several Southern
states would be enforced in
Northern commonwealths were
conditions there similar, ,
Several Northern States have
now educational or property lim
itations or both and the tendency
is toward restriction rather than
toward liberality. Sober stu
dents predict a' general limiting
of the suffrage, in the selection
of legislative officers to actual
taxpayers, regardless of sex. In I
voting for administrative and I
judicial officers the test, they say,
will be sex and education. There
will thus be a patriotic reward
for thrift, and the improvident
will not be able by then ballots
to waste 'the accumulations of
the prudent';
Senator Doloh ones remarked
to Editor Lighter, of Astoria.
that a constant source of disap
pointment to him was the lack
of personal evidences, of -appreciation
from his home people
when, after perhaps a long hard
fight, he accomplished some
thing favorable to their interests.
Not a telegram of congratula
tions, not a letter " of thanks-.
The victories were often hardly
won; sometimes gained by un
imagined sacrifices, Senators
and congressmen are human and
a "thank you" from those tbey
are trying to serve is often ap
preciated as ' much as a re-election
would be, aid gives heart
for renewed exertion. It is un
fortunate for Oregon that her
people are falling into the hurt
ful habit of criticizing and fault
finding' her . representatives "at
Washington out of office as soon
as they begin to gain committee
experience and legislative" power.
It has-been very difficult to. see
Mr. Tongue lately, for he has
been constantly busy day and
night, as a member of the river
and harbor committee, - and a
study of the bill as presented by
the committee will show that
his efforts in behalf of Oregon
have - been phenomenally suc
cessful. Yet, when I pressed
him the other day for informa
tion concerning' the manner in
which Oregon people received
the news, lie reluctantly admit
ted that he had only received
messages of congratulation from
Corvallis for the liberal allow
ance for the revetment near
there. Judge Burnett, and I
believe some others, wrote him
personally.. Later, other places
voiced their commendation, but
Portland well, we all know
The Oregonian not only failed
t give Mr. Tongue credit, but
actually said that the" results
were due to the action of the
members from Wasbington, in
spite of the fact that not one
man of the Washington or Idaho
delegations aided in the slight
est degree a single Oregon pro
ject mentioned in the bill as
presented by the committee.
The injustice to Mr. Tongue is
the grosser because the great
bulk of the appropriations
secured for Oregon are for the
second district. The whole
state, it is true, will be benefitted
by the improvement of the Co
lumbia bar, but broadmindedness
merits more than misrepretation
and blame. H, L,. H.OI.GATE.
Wasbington, D. C, Jan. 9, '01.
Each package of Putnam Fade
less Dys colors moie goods than any
other dye and colors them better
too. Sold bv Graham & Wells.
Try this Office for Job Work,
Latest Music.
under this head will be found the
latest popular music. Kept constantly
on hand by I. E. Daniel at the Book
Store: .
Vocal "Mother," by Tobani.
Instrumental ' 'Snowdrops Wal tz,'
piano, 4 handB; Waltz, "Violets," Wald
leuiei; --.a itese" iiiiml Ascher, an
Intermezzo for two Mandolins and
Guitar. ' .,
Don't forget Nolan & Callahan's
Graat Reduction Sale.
AiDeri ti meizger, practical jew
n...ATmir.j .
eler, carries an extensive line of
watches, clocks and jewelry.
All that is mortal of the late
Mrs Mary Smith now lies at the
home of her son, Jobn Smith, in
this city.' Wednesday of last
week she was stricken with pneu
monia. The best medical skill
and loving attention were of no
avail, and dissolution came Mon
day night at ten o'clock.
Mary,- daughter of John and
Elizabeth Baker, was born March
4, 1829. in Cumberland county,
Tennessee. Together with her
parents, she moved .from that
state to Missouri in 1843, and
three years later all the members
of the family began that weary
journey to the Pacific coast Cal
ifornia was reached in the autumn
of that year, and the train moved
on to Oregon under the guidance
of Capt. Lindsey. Applegate, be
ing the first to enter the western
portion of this state .through the
Rogue river country. Passing
tbe spot where the city of Eugene
now stands, they found the pio
neer resident," Mr.-Skinner, lay
ing the foundation for .his log
house, the first building erected
oii the site of the present county
seat ot L,ane.. Marys river was
crossed by swimming, January
15, 1847, and the party discov
ered the first residence seen by
them since taking the plains.
It was the log hut of the late J.
C. .Avery, standing upon the site
of the present Avery residence.
The journey was. continued into
Polk county, where the winter
was spent on the place of J, W.
Nesmith. In . the autumn of
1847, Mr. Baker filed on a dona
tion claim six miles south of
Corvallis, and immediately occu
pied it with his family.
Green Berry Smith met and
won Mary Baker, and their mar
riage occurred in 1849. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith soon filed the
donation land; claim of 640 acres
twelve miles north of this city,
and here they resided until 1862,
when they moved to Corvallis.
Four years later they removed
to the farm four miles south of
Corvallis, not returning here un
til 1 883. " Upon the death of her
husband in , 1886, Mrs. Smith re
tained a large share of the vast
property he had amassed:"-
Besides her son, John, the im
mediate surviving relative, is a
brother, William ;Baker,' of Ar
lington. Her brother, John, and;
sister, Mrs.' Butterfield, mother of
Mrs.- E. H. Taylor,, died years
Concerning . the . character and
social and home" life of . the de ,
ceased the Gazette .-; can say.
nothing that is not familiar to
old and young of this community.
All knew iier, and all . honored
and respected her. "No eatef
tribute could be paid to her mem
ory; her loved ones could ask no
prouder heritage.
Ihe luneral services will be
conducted at the residence of
John Smith, this afternoon at
2 o'clock, by Dr. E. J. Thomp
son. Interment will occur at
Crystal Lake cemetery.
Has Proved Unsatisfactory.
Following are the resolutions
presented to the board of regents
at its recent meeting by the stu
dent body of the O A C. Rep-resent-alive
students were per
mitted to plead their cause be
fore the board, and - were given
respectful hearing. It is be-
leved their arguments had much
weight with the various regents:
To the) Honorable Board of Re
gents of the Oregon Agricul
tural College:
Whereas, T&e plan of hav
ing no intercollegiate athletic
contests between the Oregon
Agricultural College and other
institutions . of learning has
proved unsatisfactory for many
reasons, among which are: That
it causes an increased use of to
bacco and intoxicants, as well as
an inorease in gambling and fre
quenting publia resorts; that it
causes a lack of college spirit
and an inefficiency in the work
of the students a9 shown by the
largely increased ' number of
failures and oonditions; and that
it discourages beneficial exer
- Therefore, Be it resolved that
the students of the Oregon Agri
cultural College request that in
tercollegiate athletic contests be
again permitted. -
Pianos and Organs for Sale.
.. Call at residence in "Wilkins Addition
and see samples of high grade pianos
and organs juBt unboxed. Can give bar
gains on good 8 of the highest merit as
they are shipped direct from the factory
thus saving middle men's profits and
giving the benefit of this economy to
patrons. . All invited to inspect goods.
." A Sudden Death..
J. L. Clegg, a veteran of tt;
civil war, and a resident of -Coi ';
vallis for the "", past four, months,
died Thursday morning at 6 o'clock
in his room at the residence of Geo.
W. Smith after a very short illness.
Tuesday evening he appeared in
his U8Ual hsaltb: retirinc at. O
o clock. Mr. Smith' heard him
tossing in his bed during the night,
but thought little of it. Wednes
day afternoon S T Kerr had occa
sion to visit hiD room1 and "found
him in a state of stupor, .His
efforts failed to arouse Clegg, and
Charley Young, a friend of the
deceased was sent for. The sick
man recognized Mr. Young and
said,"Is that you, Charley?" the last
words he ever spoke. -a Dr. Pernot
was summoned, but his efforts were
unavailing. fThe immediate cause
of deathjwas paraylsis, due to uranic
poisoning. - ' - ;
Clegg saw service in many, im
portant engagements of the civil
war, being a member of Co C 4th
Illinois Cavalry. He served for a
time as dispatcher for Gen. Grant.
He. was employed for many years
as a railway conductor. Of recent
years he has lived with his wife and
step-son at Elk City. These rela
tives now reside in Idaho. The
deceased was about sixty years of
age. The funeral will oceur this
morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. F. L.
Moore, officiating. Intermeut will
take place at Crystal Lake cemetery
under the auspices of the GAR.
Additional Local
Last Friday was the 43rd anni
versary of the birthday of John T.
Hurlburt, arid he was agreeably re
minded of that fact ; when a bevy of
young people forced an entrance to
his home, south of this city, on the
evening of ;that day.- They were
abundantly supplied- with refresh
ments, and had arranged a program
of entertainment, which made the'
occasion a delightful one. ' Mr.
Hurlburt was completely surprised,
but soon regained composure and
Joined heartily in the merriment.
Rev. S. H. Shangle left Friday
morning lor (Jorvallis, but will
return this evening to resume his
work on the college proposition.
He was feeling more encouraged
when he went away, $2,600 having
been subscribed up to that time.
Frpm promises and pledges not yet
placed on paper, it now looks as If
the full $5,000 will be raised, en-i
suriag Roseburg a permanent edu
cational institution that will grow
with the growth and development
of the country and be always a
source of pride to the city, as well
as contributing to its growth, and
raising ..its standard among the
pities, of the state. Roseburg Re
view.. - . .- . ; ; - . ,
It requires no experience to dye
with Putnam Eadeless Dves, Sim
ply boiling your goods in the dye is
all that's necessarv. Sold by Gra
ham & Wells.
A Bargain.
Good farm for sale 4 miles southwest of
Corvallis ; Marys river is south boundary
line. A fraction over 90 acres ; 50 acres
in cultivation ; 8 acres in hay, 124 acres
in fall wheat ; rest plowed ready to sew
in spring. .Good 2-story house 6 rooms,
1 pantry, 2 clothes closets, woodshed,
barn, etraw shed, smoke house, young
orchard bearing, good well of water right
at door, I plow, 1 cultivator, 3 horses
and harness, 1 light rig, 1 new farm
wagon, 4 milch cows, some 'poultry : all
for $3,600. Well known as the Frank
Davis farm. Mbs Lydia Taylor.
Notice to M. W. A.
Notice is hereby given that by request
of three neighbors of Corvallis Camp,
No. 6029, M. "W. of A., I have called
a special meeting to be held Satur
day evening, January 19, at 7 :30 o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of adopting new
members and balloting on preliminary
Oscati Hkaly, Ten. Consul,
Corvallis, January 18, 1901.
Get your Job Work done here
Sore Lungs lC '
mean weakened lungs- al
caused by a cold and cough,
Weak lunp-s sooner or later
mean consumption.
will heal and strengthen the
lungs, cure cold and stop the
"I coughed for yean had hemorrhages.
Doctors said I was in last stage of consump
tion. - Had given up all hope. I finally tried
Shiloh and it cured me completely. Am
today in perfect health."
- East Oakland, CaL
SWlori'a Consumption Care Is sold ry all
druggists at 25c, 50c, SI.OO a bottle. A
f Tinted guarantee goes with every bottle,
r yon are not satisfied go to your druggist
and get your money bade.
Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sent
without cost to you. S. C. Wells ft Co., LeRoy, N.V.
Sold b- Graham & Wortham.
1 tf&aPb
; Unload! .Ig Sale
M Mackintoshes.
A T THE LOWEST PRICE that fine, up-to-date gar-
v Special -prices on Men's
nice line to select Irom.' "
If you are in need, of Underwear, we have a few odd
numbers left in Shirts , and Drawers that will be sold very
cheap. ;, - r' '.. ; ' '."':'- '
See us for the famous Xion Brand Shirts and Collars.
Shirts $1.00; collars, 2 for accents. - " .
Sole agents for Nelson Custom Fit Shoes for men, made
for hard service and to fit; $3.50 per pair. " - - ; "
A nice line of Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,' Suspend
ders, Gloves, Hose and all kinds of Rubber Goods, all at low'
prices. . , . . - , .. ;' .. ; ' .
The White House
- V Store
Keeps constantly on hand tbe celebrated
A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given red With
every sack of the latter
Hay, Oats, Grain. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes
. . - Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Eto.
ine commercial Kestaurant
and Bakery
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc.
' Kept Constantly on Hand. '
Leave orders for Dressed
C. C. CHIPMAN, Proprietor.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating, House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
ritits kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.
Job Printing
at this office
of fine Ovt-xdats
and Boys' Fancy Vests. A
Reliable fcl
Goods ; g
Chickens. Yaauina Oysters