Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 08, 1901, Image 4

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    Who havo iho
Despondency In women
Is a menial oondltlon
directly traoeable to soma
distinctly female III
Well women don't have
the blues, but compara
tively few people under
stand that the right motil-
olne will drive them away
E. PWuWi Vefttabts
overcomes the blues, bo-
oause it is the sareguart
of woman's health ,
St regulates the entire
female organism as
nothing else does When
fha draaaina sensation
and the backache go, the
blues will go also
Read the letters front
women annearlna In this
aaner women who have
tried It and know There
are a million such women
Flattering ' Report Upon the Property of the
Chiapas Plantation and Investment Co.
The report of the committee of busi
ness men eent to Mexico to investigate
the property of the Chiapas Bubber
- Plantation and' Investment Company
bus just been made public. The doon
merit is an interesting one and gives
. valuable data concerning the enterprise
conducted by the company named.
The property of the company consists
of a plantation of 24,000 acres of the
choicest robber land of Mexico, upon
which over 700,000 vigorous yonng
robber trees now thrive. On the plan
tation also are numerous mahogany
trees, some of -which are of piodigioni
growth, tbns demonstrating the rich
ness of the soil. The property is lo
cated in the department of Falenqne,
state of Chiapas, and: it is unquestion
ably adapted to the productions of rob
ber and the growth of hardwood timber
trees of great variety.
"The committee of investigation con
sisted of Judge Lucien Shaw, Post
master O. VV. Maulsby, Rev., L. M
Hartley, of Redlands, Cat; E. A. Gir
viu and C. A. Westenberg. They visit-
ed the property during the current
year, and in their report the informa
tion is vouchsafed that the rubber tree
of the variety known as the Castilloa
Elttstica is indigenous to the country
'" and especially to the lands lying along
the river Michol, on which the prop
erty of the company has a wide front
age. Under one of these trees 1,467
young rubber plants were counted, all
- of which had sprouted from the seed
that had fallen from the tree during
the present year. The trees bloom
" in their fifth year, and may be safely
tapped the vear following. Nurseries
have been established for . the propa
gation of rubber trees, and all are
thriving. A large force of men are
employed in building roads, planting
trees and developing the property
Managing Director J. W. Ellsworth is
now on the property, and his careful
attention to the affairs of the company
has received the warmest commenda
tion of the directorate. The committee
pronounces the proposition of the Chi
apas Bubber Plantation and Invest
ment Company to produce robber for
sale by cultivating the trees in large
numbers as a feasible and practicable
enterprise. The only trouble thus far
encountered has . been the scarcity of
- labor, but plans for overcoming this
have Leen perfected. It offers excel
lent returns for the investment of small
capital, and an investment of $2.50
month for forty-eight months will in
mre a hne annual income after six
years. The company has a guarantee
ttock depcsit of $100,000 with the
American Bank and Trust company, of
Ban Francisco, as an evidence of good
' faith with investors. '..
Ihe officers of the company are: It.
B. Jionestell, president; L. S. Sher
man,- first vice-president; George
Haw ley, second vice-president; Dndlev
C. Bates, secretary. The offices of the
company are rooms 63-64-65, Crocker
building, San Franoisco. Send . for
. prospectus.
Expensive Views.
At a recent London book sale
"View of New York in 1674" cost the
purchaser $2,000, which . is' less than
it occasionally costs ' the stranger to
get ' a view of New York in 1900,
New York World. t
' Stops the Cough and
Works Off the Gold.
Laxative Bro'no-Quininn Tablets care
a coM in one day. . No cure, No Pay
Price 25 cents. . .-
To Benefit Rural Communities.
Rural free delivery and good roads
a e twin improvements wl io'i will do
m ire than anything else to. relieve
life on tLe farm, especially in the
west, of many of its social drawbacks
Minneapolis Tribune."
GARFIELD TEA is the original :
herb tea for the cure of con-. , -tlipation
and sick headache; .
It 1b a specific for all dis- - ;
orders of stomach and bowels. ' '
Should Be Fed on Oleomargarine.
It wonld be a proper punishment.
-praticahle, lo leen the congressmen
who opose the bill to tax oleomargar
ine and process butter on these pro
duet for awhile, instead of on genu
Ine, fresh "cow butter."
llllrJrS WHrrifr All flSF. r All Si.
t Goupta Syrup. Taste Good. Ui
in time. tom oj aruKeifts.
: atD
Recent improvement in telepboto
cameras are said to have obviated the
old difficulty which required long ex
posures, and have renderedJtjossible
to take pictures with such cameras as
quickly as with those of ordinary con
struction. The improvement has been
effected by placing a tube, containing a
positive lens at one end and a negative
at the other, in front of the ordinary
lens of the camera. - '.
It is with some surprise that' one
reads In a recent report of the director
of the National Observatory at Athens
that, taking area Into account, earth
quakes are about twice as frequent in
Greece as they are in Japan. The latter
country has usually been looked upon
aa par excellence the land of earth
quakes. It would appear that its earth
quakes are, upon the whole, more se
vere than those In Greece, although the
great architectural monuments of
Greece have suffered much from seismic
disturbances. '-
The commercial value of tobacco de
pends not upon Its nicotine, but upon
certain compounds, the chemical nature
of which is said to be wholly unknown.
that Impart the flavor or aroma which
consumers -like. ' These compounds dif
fer in quality and quantity In different
grades of the leaf. There Is no apparent,
relation between the color or the aroma
and the amount of nicotine. - Nicotine
diminishes during the processes of Cur
ing, while the flavor and aroma are de
veloped, it baa been suggested that the
latter are due to the action of bacteria.
Sir Norman Lockye'r points out that
the statues and plaques carved In stone
and wood to be seen In Glzeh Museum
prove that the priest-mummlfiers . of
Meuphls, 6,000 years ago, had a. pro
found knowledge of anatomy. Science,
he therefore thinks, is as old as art, and
they have advanced together. Another
remarkable fact is 4hat the excavations
in Italy have brought to light scores of
Snely finished surgical instruments- for
certain operations, which are, in almost
every particular of form, precisely like
those reinvented in modern times and
used by the most advanced surgeons of
The hollow bones of birds are fre
quently cited as beautiful instances; of
providential mechanics in building -the
strongest and largest possible limb
with the least expenditure of material.
and this Is largely true. And yet birds
like ducks, which cleave the air with
the speed of an express train, have 'the
long bones filled with marrow or satu
rated with fat, while the lumbering
hornbill, that fairly hurtles over the
treetops, has one of the most complete
ly pneumatic skeletons Imaginable, per
meated with air to the very toe tips.
and the ungainly pelican Is nearly as
well off. Still it is but fair to say that
the frigate bird and turkey buzzards;
creatures which are most at ease when
on the wing, have extremely light and
hollow bones, But comparing one bird
with another the paramount import
ance of a pneumatic skeleton to a bird
is not as evident as that of a pneumatic
tire to a bicycle. - .
A Little Mistake that Cost Senator
. . Chandler Some Uneasiness.
Senator Chandler, of New Hampshire,
is known as one of the most exact and
painstaking of men. He rarely makes
mistakes, and has little patience ; to
spare for those of others. But the wily
and careful Senator was recently guilty
of a blunder which cost him much trou
ble to rectify. ' It was nothing more or
less than .exchanging envelopes upon
two letters written about the same mat
ter. The story as related -by his very
dear friends runneth thus: -
Once upon a time Chandler received
an Invitation from Senator Fry e to go
up to one' of the Maine lakes and enjoy
a spell of hunting and fishing. Politics
would,-of course, come up during the
quiet evenings. Senator Chandler had
other plans, and thereupon he indited
two letters, one to his wife, which ran
to this effect:
'My Dear Lucy: I have received ;an
invitation from Frye-o go up with him
into Maine for a hunting and fishing
trip; but I shall not accept . Frye Is
temperance crank and never has any
thing for himself or friends to drink.
and therefore I have got out of the
thing as diplomatically as I can. - There
is not much enjoyment under the cir
cumstances.". .-;
The letter .then ran on to detail other
domestic confidences.
The letter -received by Mrs. Chandler
ran merrily along these lines:
'My Sear Frye: I received your in
vitation and am very sorry that I can
not accept; You know Mrs. Chandler Is
very disagreeable about such things,
and so I must decline. Some other time,
when I can get up a good story to justi
fy the fun." ..v
The first Intimation which Senator
Chandler had of his error was an Indig
nant missive from the wife of his bosom
berating him for bis ungallant conduct
In holding her up to his friends as
disagreeable woman. 5
Senator Frye, fortunately for Chan
dler, held his peace, as he did not know
whether or not the epistle .was loaded.
and fancied that the contretemps might
be merely one of Chandler's little jokes,
which Would have an ending disastrous
to tntermeddlefs. The truth of the that-
ter Is that Senator Chandler is just as
much of a teetotaler as his confrere
from Maine, but the other Senators who
have heard of the affair are chaffing
him unmercifully. Success. . :
Pink and White Cliffs Are Again Mak
ing; Their Appearance.
Henry M. Cadell, a Scotchman - who
some years ago wrote one of the best
condensed accounts of our Yellowstone
Park, has been visiting the volcanic
zone In North Island, ' New Zealand,
where he caught glimpses of the pink
and white terraces that were burled out
of sight fourteen years ago. This re
gion is a land of wonders. No part of
the world, except the Yellowstone Park,
Is so conspicuous for hot springs and
geysers. They burst from the ground
endlessly diversified in form, size and
chemical composition. Long before
European settlers saw New Zealand the
thermal and mineral waters attracted
the natives who had discovered their
curative properties. Mr. Cadell . says
that some sanatorirjms have' now been
erected here and are. visited by many
New Zealanders and foreigners.
Mount Tarawera, about- 3,000 feet
high, .was supposed to be extinct till
1886, when one winter's night It sud
denly awoke. " The natives who live
around the shores of the beantiful lake
of the same : name 'at the foot of the
volcano told Mr. Cadell that eleven days
before the catastrophe they saw a spec
tral canoe floating in the heavens above
the lake. They had never seen any
thing like it before and they believe the
spectacle was a forewarning that some
terrible "event would occur. Mirages
are. sometimes seen In that region. The
canoe may have been merely a phe
nomenon of this sort or perhaps only a
curiously shaped cloud.
The explosion came with scarcely a
moment's warning. A tremendous
shock disturbed the entire, region and
the ash-covered summit t the volcano
was blown into the air to a height of
20,000 feet visible for 150 miles. Flam
ing scoriae and a deluge of ashes fell
in dense showers on the surrounding
district Many villages were crushed
beneath the - weight of dry ashes or
burled under heaps of mud. Many
places were burled deep under layers of
volcanic dust - - ; v
One of the most regrettable features
of the explosion was the destruction of
the "Wonder.of Wonders," the famous
mineral spring which filled a crater
about 650 feet in circumference and,
overflowing, its 'transparent, alabaster
like margin fell in thin azure sheets
from basin to basin. As it fell the wa
ter, saturated with silica and sulphur
ous substances, became cooler and grad
ually changed color from the sapphire
tints of the upper basin to turquoise
blue lower down and a slightly,azure
shade where the waters entered the
lafce. These "white and pink terraces,""
as they were called, were among the
most beautiful of sights and few for
eigners going to New Zealand-failed to
pay them a visit' The terraces were
blotted out beneath a heat of scoriae.
Mr. Cadell "brings the interesting news
that here and there these gorgeously
colored rocks are again coming into
view and It Is evident from his descrip
tion of the region in its present aspects
that the phenomena of this wonderland
will always continue to rank among the
most remarkable of nature's spectacles.
New York Sun. - -
Performed by Laymen in the Cages oi
Wild Animals.
A few days ago a Parisian butcher,
for a wager, entered a cage In which
three large lions were inclosed, drank
a bottle of wine and played a game of
cards with the beasts' tamer. - When
he was about to leave he thrust a wine
glass under the nose of one of the
animals, and,. as a result, the lion leap
ed upon the man and mangled him
fearfully before the tamer could Inter
fere. , The terrible scene was witness
ed by a huge audience In a menagerie
at a village near Parjs.
A pretty Irish girl had a queer whim
of this nature during the past summer.
She had been asked to become the wife
of a young solicitor, and she promised
to give him an answer the next even
ing n the tent of a traveling menagerie
at the conclusion of the performance.
When the -would-be benedict arrived
on the scene he was thunderstruck to
see the yonng lady smiling sweetly at
him behind the bars of a cage In which
were two 'full-grown lions. - Although
she promised to marry him If he enter
ed the cage he swung round on his
heels and disappeared without a word.
Herr Becker of Vienna, an" eccentric
man of considerable means, took it Into
his bead to spend the last few days of
his.-life in a cage of lions. When be
knew his endrto-"Be near he had his
bej removed into the cage, and In this
queer bedroom he lay .for one week,
when he died. -''
During the. visit of a menagerie to
Salem, Mass., last spring a young Iad.v
of 24 made up her mind to enter
tiger's den and. in the presence , of tht
savage beasts, knit, a scarf -for theii
master. ''. The tigers y endeavored . tt
spring upon her when she entered tht
cage, but the tamer beat them back.
Presently they began to toy with the
ball of wool that was used In the mak
ing of the scarf. - The plucky young
woman remained In the cage for two
hours, and before she left it she placed
the scarf she had knitted wKh her own
hands round ihe tamer's neck.
Ill Luck of Peacocks' Feathers.
There is at least one house in London
where you will as soon see a python as
a .peacock's s reamer. xne drawing
room was once decorated with a frieze
of them, biade into, fans, and from that
moment the Shadow of Death descend
ed 6n the house. The master of it, his
sister and two sons died in little more
than a year, and then an explosion of
gas in the hall, burned the servant al
most to death. But the malign Influ
ence of the peacocks' feathers was ex
hausted, and they perished by their own
act . Though the -drawing-room door
was shut the fiery blast rushed in over
the top of it and, flying round just be
low the ceiling, .burned them all - to
ashes. No other damage was done in
the room, and it was some years before
-t-there was another death in the family.
xne umooKer. - -
: French Society Cultivate Music
Music In Paris society has undergone
a great change, r While formerly on the
programs of soirees, music-ales and
charitable Concerts professional narae3
only appeared, fashionable women now
figure and, so to speak, crowd out the
artists. 'Countesses, . barenesses and
the bearers of less resounding titles are
beheld, who bave studied singing cor
rectly, are glf ted . with beautiful voices
andlack nefther -feeling nor powers of
expression; these have completely dis
placed professional performers. - This
Is less, frequently, the. case In respect
ton instrumental . work never in truth
but In regard to singing the situation is
just as described. Harper's Bazar.
. When "War Was Declared.
He This pie is just like that
mother used to bake. J.
She I'm so glad to hear you' say so,
lie ies; mat was -wnat made me
run away from home when I was
boy. New York Evening Journal.
Dainty Appofifo
Easily satisfied , a feeling of distress after
eating, and more or less nausea between
meals, every day DYSPEPSIA 1
No need to say anything about the belch
ing, vomiting, flatulence, headache, paiu
in the stomach. ;
Dyspepsia cannot be cured except by
what gives vigor and tone to the stomach,
functional activity to the whole digestive
system. The medicine that does this, ac
cording to the resulu of its use in thous
ands of completely cared cases, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hood's Pills core liver ilia; the non-irritating and
only cathartic to take' with' Hood's SaraapazUla."
Coos Bay Butter. -
Coos .Bay, Oregon, creamery,
about 250 pounds of butter a
day. -.
Washington Unas Come High.
John - Shaffer's ranch near Odessa,
Lincoln county, Wash., sold recently
for (7.000. :
Good Horses Hard to Find.
" Horse " buyers ' throughout Washing
ton report difficulty in finding good
animals of 1,600 broken to harness. .
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonio because the formula- is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste
leal form. No Cure, No Pay. 60o.
" . Epworth League at Frisco. ; ' '
July 21 next the international con
vention of the Epworth League meets
in San Francisco. .. '-
. Because He Stole Horses,
Four years is the very light sentence
given L. Clark at Colfax, Wash., for
stealing horses.
The Ideal Laxative.
No more ancient pill poisons and slack
draughts, bat up-to-date, scientific, harmless,
nalatakle, potent Casoarets Candy Cathartic.
jwuggiata, lvCi ZDC ouc.
Montana Insurance Business.
Some way or otbei a living is made
jby 1687 fire and life insurance agents
in Montana, representing 121 compa
Dies. .- .-- :- - --. ' - '-
Public Instruction In Oregon.
The department of public, instruction
for Oregon was oteanizsd in 1873, and
since then the state has spent f 22,000,-
W0O in pubiio school work. - - --
War Tax On Mining Brokers.
Spokane mining brokers are asking
congress to abolish the war revenue
tax of $80 each annually, in the bill
bow before eongress. -
Breaking Range Horses.
At Lewiston, Idaho, 75 range horses
are being broken to the saddle, and the
work makes a big show every day at
the corrals where the fun goes on.
Gold Output for 1900. -
Oregon's gold output for 1900 will
reach over $2,000,000.
Wheat Crop In Washington.
The wheat crop of Washington this
year amounted ' to almost 24,000,000
bushels. - Lincoln county raised the
most, 6,500,000 bushels, and Whit
man county was next with 6,009,000,
- Wheat Crop of Idaho.
The Idaho wheat crop - this year is
placed at 2, 800.000 -bushels.
Big Steamers in the Oriental Service.
The O. R. & N.- company now has
four enormous steamers in the Oriental
service, operating from Portland, the
net tonnage of each being 9,000.
- Never Missed a Trip. .- i
Caring the recent heavy storms
along the North Pacifio coast, the
steamers of the O. R. & N. company
between Portland and, San Francisco
never .missed a trip, and only twice
were they delayed," and then - only a
few hours, w ;
Sold Six Tons of Wool.
George Chambers, Ontario, Oregon,
sold this . year's . wool - clip, 12,500
pounds, to Boston parties at ll
cents. -v 1 .- - -. . .
Washington School of Mines.
Louis Patnand, of Everett, has draft'
ed a bill ior a school of- mines in
Washington, to present to the legisla
ture this winter.
Washington National Guard.
The national guard of Washington
has- 79 commissioned officers and 783
enlisted men. . .
S- , 'Artillery Coispany for Seattle. .
The annual report of the adjutant-
general of Washington recommends
a battery of artillery for Seattle, so as
to receive instruction from ' regular
army officers, at Fort Law ton.
: C -' Fifteen Acres of Strawberries.
H. Hobart is preparing to start a 15
aoie stt aw berry farm near New .What
com, Wash.
Electric Line Between Seattle and Tacoma.
Jacob Furth says the eleotrio line
between Seattle and Tacoma' is assnred,
as details for its construction are
about completed.
Over Two Million Bushels of Wheat ,
Over 2,500,000 bushels of wheat
have been chipped from Lincoln coun
ty, Washington, this fall . by the Great
Northern Railway. . .
High Railroad Taxes. -
- Northern Pacific railroad taxes were
paid in Latah county, Idaho, last week,,
amounting to. $7.000. . - l
Tho Only Bare
Care and
Relief for
a bottle today an have it in the house. It will
save suffering and doctor's billa Harmless for :
children's use. Contains no opiates or other harm
ful ingredients. Absolutely pure and concentrated.
Ijerae bottle of S0O doses for ft, prepaid by mail oe
express, or we will send yoa (postpaid) a trial
bottle for 25 cents. Agents wanted,
IMBfll KEUWIlt (US KhVUI. IM Lett A, Oils tit
- Indian Relics Manufactured.
Indian "relics" are now being
turned out in regular - factories, one
of which is located in Wisconsin. The
relic makers have a eeoret process by
which an anoient appearance is im
parted to bones, pots, arrow heads, etc. '
V Minnesota Flax Seed.
The Minnesota experiment station has
concluded that flax seed grown for
seed in Minnesota is identical with
Russian Bar, and probably equally as
good as that imported from Europe
at a high price. : '
Strive for Punctuality. . ''
In all business affairs strive to gain
a reputation for punctuality.
... The Twentieth Century.
We now stand at the threshold of the
twentieth century, and the nineteenth is a
imng 01 tne past, it win. However, da
known as the centurv of invention and
discovery, and among'soiiie of the greatest
01 mese, we can trutniuiiy mention ttoa
tetter's Stomach Bitters, the. celebrated
remedy for all ailments arising from a
weak or disordered stomach, such as dys-
pcpsin. LiiuigcBiiun, natuieucy, constipa
tion and biliousness.
, - S
y " Graveyards Too Big in China.
Dead ancestors . are said to oooupy
to much of the arable land in China.
Famines would be less frequent it the
country was not one vast . cemetery.
N. Y. Journal. -
. .. " Must Furnish Gas. .
By a decision rendered in the appel
late court of Indiana, a oompany deal
ing in natural gas must provide for a
customer who has paid In advance for
his' supply.
Pendleton Retail Clerks. -Retail
clerks of Pendleton, Oregon,
now have 100 members in their union
formed last fall.
Complete. . - ;
Parke I had no idea that your new
honse was finished.. . . '
. Lane Oh, yes; not only finished,
but all my friends have had time to
tell me how much better it might
nave been. Fuck. ' ;
Coming to the Coast
1 Railroad and other comraaies inter
ested in immigration report that more
people will come to ' the coast to make
homes this year than last, or- for sev
eral years back. " '
a .
Straight and strong is the
statue when the twists and
curvatures oi .
arectired and
. St.
, Man and His Money.
Money is always a -great bother; be
tween the desire to get more and the
fear of losing what we have, men are
kept all the time in hot water.
This signature la on every box of the gennlnf
Laxative Bromo'Uuinine Tablets
the remedy that cores cold la one day
- 1 .
Chickens Will Show Themselves..
. Six big Northwestern poultry shows,
are booked for this month. At Tacoma
Jan. 1 to 5. At Portland Jan. 7 to 12,
At Spokane Jan. 8 to 12. At Pullman
Jan. 24 to 27. At Seattle Jan. 23 to 81
At Lewiston, Idaho, last of month! -
v One That Corns Never Bother.
The author of a love story never sees
the corns on the feet of his hero. -
Ho'tt's School.
Boitt's School 'for -bovsl. Menlo Park. Cat
has more students and is In better condition
tnan ever. Spring term ofgins January 7th,
lwn. bena ior catalogue. Ira u. Hoitt, rb. D,
principal. -. -. .
Will Celebrate Hea -Fiftieth Anniversary.
' Kansas will in 1904 celebrate the
50th anniversary of her admission into
the union as a territory by holding an
interstate exposition in Topeka.
Church Incorporated. "
The First Christian Scien- e
of Lewiston, Idaho, has filed
of incorporation - ;
- . Ci.lifo.nia Crops.
Reports from the Agricultural val
leys of California say that pros pec ti
for good - crops ' were never better
The ground baa been just - right foi
plowing and seeding. ,
I fctm Mlac C1IC1RITI am
a mild and effect ia,xAtlT tbey an limply won
derful. My daughter and 1 were bothered, with
iok atomaeh and our breath was very bad. After
taking a few doaee of Cascareta we Lave lmprored
wonderfully. They are a treat help 1b the family."
WlI.HatLallXA Njtfl
113? SUtteaooaae St,, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tarta Good,
flood. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. (OcTSe.
MeTO.ElR 8oW andruaraiitesd or all drug-
I WbAiJ (tats W Ct JtE Tobaoso HaouT
- TSADlaUHH T1 ' - "' -gat1
7 Storm Causes Heavy Loss.
. The recent severe storm that extend
ed all along the coast from Alaska to
Southern California has a number of
wrecked ships to Its credit, the last
one being the Alpha, which is report
ed a total wreck on the coast of Van
couver island. ' ' The loss to shipping in
consequence ot these several wreoks
runs into the hundreds of thousands
of dollars. - "
- The Beat Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is bottle of Groves.
Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply
iron and quinine in a tasteless form.
No Cure, No Pay. Price EOo.
' Court Decides Contract Void.
The Montana supreme court in a
case between a - water oompany. and
the city of Helena, has held the con
tract void, on the ground that thereby
the city contracted to incur an indebt
edness beyond its constitutional limit.
A powder. ' At this season your feet feel
swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. - If
yon have smarting feet or tight shoes. tr-
A lien's root-n-ase. it rests ana com tort
makes walking easy. Cures swollen ai
sweating feet, busters and callous spots.
Kelieves corns and tminons 01 all pain and
is a certain cure for Chilblains, Sweating;, I
Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30.- !
000 testimonials. Don't get footsore get'
Foot-Ease. - Trv it today. Sold bv all
druggists and shoe stores for yc Trial
package r asa. Address, Alien a. uim
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
- Most Powerful Gun In the World.
It is claimed by experts that the new
13-inch gnn recently made and tested.
for the navy is the most powerful gnn
in the world.' At a trial test it fired a
projectile weighing 850 pounds with a
velocity of nearly 2,700 feet per second
Its -maximum range is 21 1-5 miles.
The Famous German Wood Preserver
...mPerntanen tly Destroys. . -
Msm One application is all that
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following; distributing- agents: Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle,
Wash. Fisher, Thorsen & Co, Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn &
Co San Francisco. CaL
To Tell the Age of Fish.
Science now claims, to tell the age
oi fish by their scales. So scientist,
however, has yet discovered a method
bv which to tell the age of a fish story.
Take Laxative firomo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 85c.
Bad Showing for Married Men.
It will be shown by the United
States census that fully 1,000,000 mar
ried women - are - employed in the fac
tories of the countiy. It is rather a
ad commentary " upon the married
men of the land. -
It Is well to remember that "- -O
ARFI KLD TEA cleanses the .
system, purifies the blood, ,
regulates the liver and kidneys,
and cures chronic constipation.
Women as Telegraph Operators.
Fonr hundred women are employed
as telegraph operators in the postoffice
building of Manchester, England.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth
T.e Svruo the best remedy to use for ther
shildren daring the teething period.
Income Tax In United. Kingdom.
In the United Kingdom an income
of 170' per annum vt ill pay this year
10s. tax. Before Sir William Harcourt
arranged matters it would have paid
2 10s.
For Infants and CbH&r en.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Maine Scalp Bounty Law.
It is the law in Maine that the
bounty for bears must be paid when
the animal's nose is shown, and in
(lew Hampshire the money is payable
pn exhibition of the ears: -
Jtj local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. . There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. Wbcn this tube gets In
flamed Tori have a fumbling sonnd or imper
fect hearing, and when it la entirely closed
deafness is thn result, and unleas the inflamma
tion can be taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
.forever; nine cases out ol ton, are caused by I
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed f
tonditlon of the mucous surfaces. i
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Peainess (caused by catarrh) that can
not do eureo. oy uairs iwiarrn vure. oeuu n
circulars, free. . .
F. J. CHENEY a CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 76c .
Hall's Family Fills are the pest.
Small Town, Bij Hops. r .
. Union, Oregon, a hamlet in Clacka
mas oonaty, having barely a dozen bop
yards, marketed $23,000 worth this
fall. -: ;
Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever
used for all affections of the throat and
lungs. Wm. 0. Endslet, Vaubureii, Ind.,
Feb. 10, 1900. : - -
Paper Money at Premium. ;
- Paper money- is at a premium in
Nome. Miners find it more convenient
than gold, and pay aa much as 2 per
cent in-advance of its face value for it.
hair to Its original color, removes dand
ruff, strengthens and Invigorates; no
f TT1 Sample bottle 10 cm, in plain
I 5xs J wrapper. ------
w a rnnn. A n exquisite toilet cream,
esVIH TUUU. removes wrinkles, pimples
V and blemishes, restores the bloom of
ar youtb. Sample 10 cts, in plain wrapper.
1037-1029 Masonic Ten-pl-.
I HI AL aiawaax vwn uuiutj, way
furniah the gcaauie and
to any reader ot ibis paper.
me mmuj h utuMf wn hs
Mi nn lew
1&h witto most sail other trmtmrant. Cam
ITHInfl 1
wutm sii stwor si 7
WW Mtttv tiMaasM mmm waicss ra'u
t Cor airaei-Toaa -.
For eoniDleta
moratsan&OaUnMnts. OHLISCJBSCUU
nd diaorders.
aled oonfidenttal catalotros, swtlkto s4 sat Mseaall toss j
SEAR8, ROEBUCK CO., Chicago.
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood
Poison and Consumption. The parent
who is tainted by cither will see in the
cnila tne same disease
manifesting itself in
ine lorm ot swollen
glands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak .
eyes, offensive tores,
and abscesses and of- J
tentimes white swell-)
ing sure signs ofi
Scrofula. There mav(
be no external sisms for 7 VJt"---
a long time, f orthe disease develops slowly
in some cases, but the poison is in the
blood and will break out at the first favor
able opportunity. S.S.S. cures this wast,
ing destructive disease by first purifyini
and building up the blood and stimulating
and invigorating the whole system.
I J- M.?SU, ' '5 P0011' Square, Nashville,Tenn,
CJSiv 5 ye5 M ?y "Tter fell and cut
ik. Jj a. T.V : wound UK Citnoi os
the side of her face became swollen and hunted.
s"me.f bt doctors here aad elsewhere
attended her without any benefit. We decided
totry S. S. S., and a few bottles cured her en,
makes new and pure
blood to nourish and
strengthen the body,
and is a positive and
safe cure for Scrofula.
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited , or acquired, and no
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If yon have any
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get
the blood in good condition and prevent
the disease doing further damage.
Send for our free book and write out
physicians about your case. We make no.
charge whatever for medical advice.
is required. It lasts for years. If
Yob can't make a mistake it yon get t
IWiteheil, Iieoiis & Staver Co.
Until von hive sen and tested our watch
Wej .ell at Factor- Price at Oat-Half am
leu than what you have to pay clMwhen
Our wat' hes ar fitted with the tujqall
im. It Jeweled Sueeial Ltnllett, or 1 iewa
Walthasa or Eta-bp. aveaseat know
the worm over as the Dest, an
Case it- hontintr.aoHd gold patten
eitaravinr;, extra 14 karat gol
plate; sooa eroutn ior araiiross
president. Special Offer to U
aseat SO dajat Send your addrea
and we will send watch C. O. B
with privilege of full axamina
tton. Call in any expert and I
Xontul perfectly utitlactorj am
1 beet watch ever offered for auct
a price pay $5.7& and express charg'
otherwiM not ana esmt PREl
nteh. Blate If ladies or Gents watch is wantAd. Write at one si
-.OO ehaimfor next SO diva with avert
sUoelsior Watch Co., 347 Central Bin Bid., Cueaw
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dy-
pepBla, Rjmo -e Pimples. Purify toe Blood, Aid Digest
' ia,rreventlMHorj8ne8a. DonotGrtpeorElcken. To
lvlnceyon.wUliiiaflsamp efree;fullbox,25& DR
OSANKO CO-vfuiatdeipUa, Pa, Soldby Drtiggisti
Have made Dropry and its com-,
plications a speoiahy for twents
vainiwitli the most wonderful
and oases.
" Sox H. Atlanta. Qs,'
Send for Tending matter to the Keelejr
Institute,. 314 Sixth Sr., Portland. Or
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh audi
Consumption. SI .00. D Lock Box 145.-
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, N.Y.Piop's.
mm.1 m kusseu. co.
The "Russell"" Comoound
Is here to stay.' ' It is the Most Economical
and Powerful Engine built. . '
- Write us for full particulars. .
' Then
I yon U want beautiful thlnps In your
ine n mi uiiukb you ininK oi weseu
Mantels of all kind?. Andirons of every sort.
ias, metric and Oil Wilts in endless variety.
A Christmas present that beautifies vour honie
Is the best present. Call or write for photo
graphs and catalogues. THE JOHN MAR
KET COMPANY, 91 FIrat Street, fort,
lajtd Orwgon.
K. P. N. D.
Ho. 1 ltt.Ot.
WHEN writing t adT.rtlsare please
m.ntioB this paper.
I a.