Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 08, 1901, Image 2

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The qnestien of adequate pun
ishment for kidnapping is being
discussed in sereral states. It
has been suggested by some that
the death penalty.- would net be
too severe for such crime. It is
understood that a bill is being
prepared for introduction to the
next legislature, providing a
penalty for this crime in the
state of Oregon.
A conservative estimate of the
freight paid annually on the ex
ports and imports of tke United
States is $200,000,000. Friends
of the ship subsidy bill beliave
that the competition which will
arise as a result of its passage
will reduoe freight fates 25 per
cent, making a saving of $50,
000,000 per year. . The proposed
subsidy is limited to $9,000,000.
per year.
One of the strong reasons
given for the decline in ship
building in the United States for
the foreign carrying trade, is
that our ships not only cost 25
per cent more than those of
England and Germany, with
operating charges at least 40
per oent greater by. reason of
higher wages and better living,
but. they are compelled to com
pete with the protested ships of
these and other nations. Take
16-knot ships up to 22-knot, and
in the world outside of the Uni
ted States there are only six to
day whiah are not running un
der subsidies from other govern
ments. . The appropriations and im
provements made upon the har
bor at Yaqnina Bay saved to the
producers ef Oregon vast sums
of "money in decreased freight
rates, because this additional
outlet served as a valuable com
petitor in reducing tha eosl of
transportation. This improve
ment has been long delayed and
temporarily abandoned in com
pliance with a steady and strong
opposition from large interests in
other localities, made because
the route through Yaquina .Bav
afforded the means t reduce
freights on the redacts of West
era Oregon, and for the reason
that this line did not pass their
Attorney General Grigg9 made
a strong, argument before the
supreme court against the con.
tention that the constitution
keeps pace with the flag in get-,
ting into new territory, says the
Globe-Democrat, but he speiled
some of the effect of his address
by saying "I am her in a feeble
and humble way" to support the
executive branch of the govern
ment in its position on this ques
tion. The "feeble and humble"
should have been left out. The
executive branch of the United
States government is , neither
teeoiener bumble, the attorney
general is part of it and its legal
representative, and his contention
on the issue involved is In line
with the position taken by such
eminent authorities as Marshall,
Webster, Benton, Jefferson and
" many other distinguished meu.
An official of the United States
government in the performance
of his duty is not called upon to
abase himself before any man or
body of men on earth. -
The Grout bill which recently
passed the lower house of con
gress and is now before the sen
ate, has for its object the pre
vention of the sale of oleomar
garine disguised as butter.
As the law now-stands oleomar
garine is taxed . two cents per
pound, , but leaves, the manu
facturers' thereof to color it to
represent pure batter. The
Grout bill reduces the tax to one
fourth cent per ponnd on un
colored . oleomargarine, but im
poses a tax of ten cents a pound
when it Is colored to represent
butter. Much information on
the subjeot shows that ninety
per cent of the oleomargarine
sold is so disguised that the pur
chaser believes it to ba butters
It is claimed- that so perfect is
the . deception . that keepers of'
puDiic nouses can purchase the
colored oleomarperine and tilare
it before their guests and it is
tuus consumed under the belief
that thev are eatincr'; hntter
The -friends of , the Grout bill
believe that if i t becomes a law
it will prevent the fraud of color
ing: aud passing' oleomargarine
off as butter, while.. those who.
still wish to consume oleomarga
rine in its unoolored condition
will make no mistake in the
quality of the food consumed.
It is a very just and proper bill,
indeed, and everv friend of the
dairy interest will do a good
aeea to request their senators to
vote and work for the passage of
the Groat bill. ; J".
The oeoele of Multnomah.
and other counties, daring the
boom of recent years divided and
multiplied public offices com-
tnaading largo salaries for the
tax-oarers to meet.- Some' of
them have been considering the
advisability ef asking fthe next
legislature to again consolidate
ths offices. It will be well for
the people of Boston county to
lalso invite the legislature to
place the offices of recorder and
clerk agaia under one officer.
There never was any reason for
dividinsr the office. It has orov-
en to be an expensive luxury to
me tax-payers. Fossibly, some
of the salaries of officers should
ba reduced to correspond with
the ability of the taxpayers to
meet them. ' It wonld be well to
repeal the law providins salaries
for clk, sheriff, and recorder,
and enaet instead a Jaw paying
fees to the respective officers for
seryicta readered. The law pro
viding for these changes should
be made to take effect at the ex
piration of the terms of the pres
ent 6fficers. " The people desiring
these changes should make it
known to their senator and rep
resentative at an early date.
Lane county, one of the largest
counties in Western Oregon, ha
never changed front the old sys
tern of having the county clerk
perform the duties of recorder,
and her people exoreis maoh
satisfaction for not having made
a - a .' .
ine mistake of dividing the
offioe. -,-;f-; r; - ..
If you are looking1 for bargains in
Stock, Grain and Fruit Farms
1 have them. Come and -see me or write for
my list. HIKST AKBIBR,
Real Estate Agent,
Philomath, Benton Comity, Oregon.
Box 59-.
Notice for Publication.
Notice is hereby given thai the following
named aettlar hu filed notice ef hi intention
to mike final prool in eupport of hie claim, and
that .aid proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County , at Corvallia, Oregon,
on February 20, 1901, viz:
H. B. Ko. 11,058 for the Lot 1, 2, and S, Sec
tion , T. .13 8 R. 6 W. He namei the follow
ing witneuea to prove 1 continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Tames
Franklin, John Franklin, Mahlon W. Worth
ington and Franois 1. Spencer, all of Philo
math, Oregon, CHAS. b. moores, .
- -. Register.
For Sale or Exchange.
Ana l.nnJnJI.. A -I -.1. a, . . -- a ik ' '. '. . .'
blocks, in th ontn town of Newport, that health
ful sani4 HtTt1 L J V " .
uuiuici iDivi i, in liiacoia county,
Oregua; some business lots: residence lots bear the
principal churches, schooUhouse, and other resi
dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful
views of ocean andbar.
Fire fractional blocks; south of and sear the
w osiivuivuiM vuiiefre, an cvmpieseiy ciiea,
streets thrown up and graded: beautiful, convenient
UlH fcoalrhfivl A- nnul 1
TsUWA jtnfAilln. Iv.. ... iL ....
(miu vuuivuwb, ovnwauy
looatod on roomy and commodious rrounds. in
RnrvtaJHa will .hnr n m:
t " sv usiui uatu urvauin.
Twenty acres highly' Improved, all tile drained,
t .ir 01mm ui cuiutbuod; excellent roomy
building; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural
large and roomy bouse and stable and lot In Cor
Tttllis, frood residence, two bl cm k g iUm Cour
i ?tlM"Weow thoroughly tile drained,
in Wilkina Addition to Ooriauia. .
Onltandotel,11ie VInoent House, on Front
street, in OorvaUis, eentrally located. !.
Balance in puh, timber and pasture; situate west,
adjoining the Odd Fellows OametM-r. n (wih?
JT?, "ohK 'town property named lot
suitable farm or rrmTa - . ,
the acreage property desoribea7fopwn- property m
other faoua or acreage; or will setl any or all 0
rni-Z, k. 1 ZtTr vnm aoa ome e res
Cornllls, Oretron.
Billey The Fixer
. -aassawsBeaasaeeee - y,
is now rrepared. to So all kind of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing;
etc Beeidpfl bain a
- 13 - vaiwui pivu UAtH
of the "WHIamette vaUer, be eafTiesa foil
iui 01 Dioyoxe snnanes and Boppiieg
His shop Sa tha headqteretrs . tot wheel
Fy him a visit.
'AdminlatfaTor's Notice. ; J
NeUeeishersbv given that the nndenrisTea hu
been appointed administrator ef the estate of
Arthur Johnson, deceased, and ell creditors of said
estate are required to present their claims duly
verlned as by law required, with the -proper vouch
ers, to Said undflralraed at him
5!toncoantJ or y Yates, Tales ft Gibson i
.i iin, vorrauis, uregon, witbia sU months
from this data - , - ' ... - .
OcTraUis, Or., October 11, 1900. '
Adea'rBeUte Arthur Johosoo, Deod
Adntialstrator's Notice. s ; '
, --; hue unaerBigneo Bas
been appointed adminlitrator of the estates of Ban-
nm A italkn, anjl If.kA. .ik . i .
,, . ,. r wi&up, ueceaaea, ana
aU creditors ef s Id estates ere required to present
their claims ss per law res,' with proper vouch
ere, U said nadersigned at his residence near Mon-
m. HBtnn Mnnf, wt.hln .1 . L . ...
, . 7 v 1 wuuuu ixum TOIS
date. 1 .
Corvallis, Or., October 1, IDOe, ;
. .....-. Wit :
flakes the Hair grow. Clears
the Complexion. - Softens and
whitens the Hands. Preserves
and beautifies the skin of In
fants and Children.
aw Absolntely para, deneaMytaedieated, uipiblmrly
enectfra, Concua SOAr U not oclj tb most afflcscioua
of ikla pailflm aad beaatiaen, but the perest ead avet
e4otout,balh(Bnd babyaoapa.
Bold everywhere. BritUh dapoti NnriTWT. Ixtada
OTTsaZJ.AJHiC.CoarTBoki'rofa., Bortnn.U. ti.A.
The Light of the World
Our Savior in Art
Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Con.
tains nearly 100 full-page engravings of
ear Savior and His Mother by the world's
gteatest painters. True copies of the
greatest Masterpieces in the art galleries
of Europe. . Every piutnre is as beauti
ful as a eunriee over the hilltops. Con
tains description of the paintings, biog
raphy of the painters, the Dames aad lo
cations of the galleries in Europe where
the originals may be seen. Also contains
a Child's Department, including a Child's
Story of the Christ and His Mother,
beautifully written, to fit each picture.
This wonderful book matchless ia Its
purity and. beauty,' appeals io' every
mother's heart, and in every Christian
home where there are children the book
sells itself. Christian men and 'women
are making money rapidly taking orders,
A Christian man or woman can in this
community soon make $1,000 taking or
ders for Christmas presents. Mrs. Wait,
oar agent in Massachusetts, bas sold
over 3,000 worth of the books in a very
short time. Mrs. Sackett, our agent in
New York, bas sold OTer $1,500 worth of
books in a very short time. The book is
printed on velvet-finished paper, beauti
fully bo and in Cardinal Red and geld,
and adorned with Golden Roses .and
Lilies. It is,, without doubt, the most
beautiful book of this century. Write
for terms quickly and get the manage
of that territory. You can -work on
salary or commission, and when yon
prove your success we will promote yon
to the position ef Manager and Corres
pondent, at a permanent salary, to devote
your time to attending to agents and the
correspondence. . Wanted also a State
Manager to have eharge of office in Lead'
ing City of the State and manage ail the
business of the. State. Send for terms.
Address . '
Corcoran Building-, Opposite
' U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. c.
Prunes at Retail.
Fine lot of first-class prunes at retail
at the following- prices: Italians, 0c per
ponnd; Silver prunes, 8Jc; Petite
prunes, 8Kc For sale by
' D. C. Rose.
Southern California.
Notable amoag the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to
Sonthern California and Arizona. Re
newed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added industries, in its prolific vege
tation and among its numberless resorts
ot mountain, shore, valley and plain.
The two daily ShaBta trains from Pert
land to California have been recently
equipped with the most approved nat-
tern of standard and tonrist sleeping
cars, but the low rates of fare will still
continue in effect.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
01 ualitorma and Arizona may be had on
application to -
-. C. H. Markham, G. Pw A.,.
Portland, Oregon.
Notice tor Pnblieatldti.
TJhitis States Lax Omen,
Oregon fbtr. Or..nn Nw. laf 10AO
Votiee is hereby given that ia compliance with the
provisions ef the act ef Oongreat ot June t, 187s,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber taaes in the
States ef California, .Oregon, Rerada, and Wash
ington .Territory," as extended te all the FnbUe
una stales ey act ei august , 18UI,
Of Balem, eeuatv ei Marion, state- of Oraron
has this day f lad, in this eflce his swere statement
no. nub, tor uo purchase of tbe HW( of Section
Ko. 14, in Township So. IS a range No. 7 West, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable tor its timber or stene tban for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before theregister-and receiver of thisffice
at uregon uity, uregon, ou Tuesday, the 19th day
January, 1901. He naves as witnesses: Deville M.
Wilson, Robert A.'Wiitsn, and E. . Spencer, all of
eaiein, eianen uounty, uregon, 'and tten v. epencer
of Alsea. Benton County. Oretron.
Any and aH persons claiming adversely tbe above-
escnoea lanae are reqnestea io me tneir claims in
this offioe on or before said 29th day ef January,
;?i"; v:'i, Register
Notice for Publication.
TJxmu States Laud Officii, ?V
. Oregon City, Oregon, Deo. 10, IfiOe. "
Notiee is hereby given that in eempliance with the
provisions of an act of Cemrress of June S, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ef timber lands in the
states or uamornia. uregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all ttip - frjblic Land
roues oy act oz August e, lsuz, : s. .-
. . CHABXES D. TICE, ; -
Of Fall City, county of Folk, State of Oregonj bas
this day filed inthfs office bis sworn statement Ko.
6333. for tbe purchase of tbe N. 4 N. W. 1-4, N. i
ix. a. i-v ui oociriuu Ha la xownsnip StV. Is D,
Range No. 7 W.. and w.U offer proof to'sbow that
the land sought is irore valuable for its timber or
stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish bis claim to said land before tbe Register and
ncueiver oi mis omce at uregon laty, Oregon, en
Friday, the 8th day of March, 1901. He names as
witnesses: Michael Flynn, Freeman Robinson,
Peter Miller and Alvin Kobinson. all of Falls .nitv
Oregon. . ,j . .... . ..
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 8th dav ef March 1901,
It is well to remember that yotl
can cover Benton County
' horoughly by placing
your advertisetneHt in the
They get Proper Display, Proper Position
and Propel
come to think over it,
you can easily under
stand why so many prom -nent
advertisers place ads
in this paper.
That's the Secret.
Notice for PabllcatiOB.
U. 8. Laid Oma
Orxocsi Crrt, Osmox, Sev. 19; 1900.
Notioe is hereby s;iven that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78,
entitled "An act for toe sate of timber lands in tha
States of California; Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of Angus!, 1882,
- BKIDfTET FLYNN,' ? " "
Of Fall Citr, county of Polk, Stats of Oregon, has
this dav filed in this office her sworn statement No.
5324, for the purchase of lot S, 8. i, N. W. U and H.
B. J, 8. W. X of Sectisn No. 2 In Township No. i S
Itanire No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her shim to said land before the Registel and Re
ceiver of this ' office at Oregon dity, Oreeon, en
Thursday, tbe 14th day of Fobruary. 1901. She
names as witnesses: Freeman W. Robinson, Lettle
M. Kobinson, Michael Flynn and Albert N. Robin
son, all of Fall City, Oregon. ,
Any and all persons claiming' adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
tnis omce on or before said isth dav of Feb.; 1901
. Register.
- Roforoe'S Sale.
Notice is hereby c-iven that in nurauance to a rie.
cree and order pf sale heretofore made and enteied
by the circuit court of .the state of Oregon, for the
county of Benton, on the 9th day of November A. D.
1900, in suit in equity for' a partition of real
property wherein J. H. Gibson and 'Edith Gibson
were plaintiffs, and Hay M. Gibson and Homer Gib
n,a minor, wore defendants, in which suit it was
ordered, adjudged and decreed that the follow
ing described real property, to-wit: Lots one. two
three, four, five, six,, seven, eight, nine and ten
in Block No. one, and Lots one. two, three, four,
five, six, seven, 'eight, .nine, ten, eleven and twelve
in Block No. 6, all the above described premises
situate in the Town of Wells. Benton conntv. stLt
of Oregon, Also the south half of the following de-
sennea premises; . Beginning 7.bU chains north of
the quarter section corner in the center of section
i, vownsnip lv smit h range 4 west of tbe WilL Mer.,
thence north 16.29 chains, thence west 18.K7 nh&ma
thence south t degrees west 16.29 chains, thence
east 18.97 chains to the placeof beginning, contain
ing in we wnoie trawl au.ou acres, in Denton county,
state of Oregon. Also, all of the following de
scribed premises to-wit: A part of chum No- 65
Not No 1763 described as follows: Beginning at the
suuuiea-n comer-oi josepa inamoerianrs ilonation
Land Claim in townsbin 10 south rane-e 4 wetf nf
the WilL Mer., thence north 38.25 chains toal.g
rock, thence east 87.77 chains to - stake 80 feet
west of tbe center of the railroad track, thence
south 2 degrees west 26.60 chains, thence west cnains, wence soucn lcuu cnams, thence
west 21.54 chaws to tbe place ot beginning, con
taining 124.99 acres, situate in Polk county, Oregon.
Also, the following described premises, to-wit:
Beginninfr 84.48 cnains east of . the nort.hwest.nAr.
ner of section 5, township 10 south ranged west of
the Will. Mer thence east 8.57 chains, thence south
13.00 chains, thence west 7 degrees south .8.0&
cnains u asiaKesuieet east ox the center of the
railroad track, thence north 2 degrees east 14.06
chains to -the place of beginning, containing 11.46
acres,' situate in Polk county, Oregon, te sold by
me, the unuendgned,-a referee appointed by said
court, ia the manner prescribed by law fur tbe sale of
real property under execution; I, Punderson Avery,
a referee appointed by said circuit court, in the
above entitled suit to sell said leal property, will
on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1901, at the
hour of 2 p'clock p. m. of said- day, at the front
door of the county court house in Coryallis, Benton
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash in band, all of the real property
above described and-all the right, title and interesf
of the above named plaintiffs and defendants there
in. eaia sate to oe made subject to tpe confirmation
of said court. . -.
Dated December 6, 1900. '
,, PUNDEESQN AVERY, Referee. "
Notice of Ottardla-a'B galo of Real
Notice is hereur given that bv virtue ef an imtii
ot sale and license from the county court ef Clack
amas county, state ot Oregon, made and issued at
the December term thereof, to-wit: en the Srd riav
of Dec., 1900, licensing me to sell certain real estate,
I will on gaturday, "the 26th day of January, lost,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the
court house door in the piur pf Corvallis, in Benton
county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tha high
est bidder, for cash in hand, the following described
real property, to wit.- Lot No. 8 in Block No. f in
Dixon's Addition to the city of Corvallis, in Bentna
county, statp of Oregon, said real property here-
Thomas O.. Cook and Base) Copk,'tnnior8' Who' are
under the guardianship of the undersigned,
; . - MINNIE COOK. -.
.- Guardian of Said Minors.
Get your Job Work done here
Execntrlx Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
bf en duly confirmed and appointed sole executrix of
the last will and testament of L. Q. Kline, deceased,
by the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton county for -probate. All persons having
claims against said estate are lequired to-present the
Fame, duly verified, .to me at mv residence in Conal
lis, Oregon, or at the law office ti K. ilolgate in
Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date
oi tne nrst publication of this notice..
Dated at Corvallis, Or. this 2nd day of Nov., 1900.
Paulixa Kunb,
Rotlee of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as
administrator of the estate of Susan Gibson, de-
"eaeeo, nas lllea his bnai account in said estate in
tie county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county, and Mondav. the 7.h rlav nf J.nnor 1011
athe hour of 2 p. m. of said day, -at the eounty
court room in the court bouse in Corvallis, Benton
county, Oregon, is the time and place set for hear
ing (injections, u any, to sua nnal account and the
settlement thereoL
Dated this 6th day of December, 1900.
Adm'r of the Estate Susan-Gibson, Dec'd.
Nattco for PnWieafionr
Dkiteb Btatu Lain Omet,
Orogoo City, Orcvon, Nov. w, 1909.
Notiee is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the .act of Coagress of June Srd,
1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States byact ot August 4, 189S, -
Of Fall City, county of Folk, State of Oregon, hat
tbis day filed in this office her sworn statement No,
5323, for the purchase of the N. B. quarter of Sec
tion 14 in Township No. 13 a . Range No. 7 West,
and will offer proof to thowthat the laad sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th day of
February, 1901. She names of witnesses: Michael
Flynn, Freeman W. Robinson, Bridget Flynn and
Albert N. Robinson, allof -Fall City, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 14th day ot February.
1801. . '
CHAS. B. M00RE8,
- - Estray. .
A small liaypony, with white stripe on
face, and lpft'liinrl font, srliil- matia nnrl
tail cropped, has been at my place for
sometime. Owner -may have same by
claiming properly and 'paying for this
uuuub. ffl. U. ilABT.
Corva His, Or., Dec. 7, 1900.
Notice for Publication.
: lui Office at Oxiaoit Citt, Oseooit,
V h - v v December 15, 1900.
- giTvu uiab tue loiioin-nnmeu
settler nas filed notice of his intention to make final
F'wt i supppn pi nis claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Pountjr Clerk of Benton
cntSkV cO"Ui. Oregon, on February tb,
. Father Of Parson (1 ateuam iImmu
TT E r. II lUt . .v. m .
u,wv ui 1. j oecwon aso, x ia a, K
6 " .
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence -upon and culti ration ot said
land.' Via; T Imm1 U7 u 11 : 1. t
vale, Benjamin F. .Ireland and Geo W Armstrong, of
- .fat - B. MOORES. Rci8tr.
YEARLY io Christian f
m n fl nr vomnn tn lnL. ID
alter, opr grow leg business m this
and adjoining Cod n ties j to act as
Manager rfhd Correspondent, work
can lie done at home. Enclose
seif-addressed, stamped envelop
a. iui pariiuumrB 10 ti. A- Crifrman,
I Creneral Manaeer, Corcoran Bnild-
a lTlff'. Annnaito TinitA1 Ci,A. T-
SouthJrn jacifiqf Company.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland -8:30 a ni
Ly Albany 12:J p m'
Ar Ashland .12:33 a m
Ar Sacramento -5.00 p m
Ar San Francisco-7 :43 p m
S :30 p m
1050 p m
11 :30 am
4 :3d a m
9.30 a m
ArOgden 6:45 pm.
Ar Beaver 9:00 am
Ar Kantae City 7 :S5 a m
Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m
11:45 am
9 :00 a m
7 :S5 a m
9:30a m
7:00 a m
6:00 pm
9:15 a m
4:00 am
6 :42 a m
12:43 p ffl
Ar Lea Angelas 1 :20 pm-
Ar El Paso. 6:80 p m
Ar Fort Worth .6 :80 a m
Ar City of Mexico 8 :65 a te
Ar Houston 4 :C0 a m
Ar Ks Orleans 6 :25 a m
Ar Washington 0:42 a m
Ar New York 12 :43 pm
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento ts
Ogden and El Paso, and Tonrist cars to
vnicago, bt Lonw, Kew Orleans and
ConnecliBc at San Fraiicisco witli eav'
eral ateatnebip lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines. Central and South
America. .. .
Seo F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
station, or aaareaa
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A..
Portland, Or,
Dentistry of every description done in first
ciass manner, ana satisfaction guar
an teed. - '
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposi'J
post omce, uorvaius. uregon.
B. A. GATH EY, M. D.
Physician ,' $ Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank 'Building.
Office Honrs Lj0 ,
... ) 2 to 4p.m. .
Residence : Corner College and 8th. Sts.
Telephone at offioe and residence.
Corva'lis, - ,- Oregon.
Office Coroer 3rd and Monroe etreels
Hoces 9 to 12: 2tn5-- 7to - Run-
uay a to iu.
Kesidknce Corner 3rd and Harrison
streets, (Jorvaliis, Oregon. :,
' G.r-H, NEWTH ;
Physician $ Surgeon--
Titles. . Cosveiancing
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office ingFireti National Bank BuHdinir,
Bryson Woodson
' Corvallis, Oregon.
OfEce In Foetoffice Building.
Office la Wbitehorn Block
Corvallis, . Oregon
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and conservative banklne
business, " . . .
W. tt. McBrayer and li Crow WeiE
fcys, Kise Wkies,' Liquors uni Cigars.
.-f - For Rent.
Will rent 200 acres of land rest of
Monroe and' take part payment' of rent
in Vork and improvements on the place.
Address - M. S. Woodcock,
, Administrator,
- Corvallis, Oregon.
Fei epne . desiring to- locate on Umber
claims tributary ;to the D. & E. B. E.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. . There' is a n Dum
ber oi firBt-class timber claims to be taken
Op under the timber or homestead acts.
....'..-' W. L. CLARK '
Gates, Uarioo Co.. Or. ' . Loeatcr.
the Direct rqutk to
Mcatens,1Ttafe, Golersdo
and aU Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the TJ1110H Pacific Fast Mai) Line, or
the Rio Grande Sccnie Lines.
Look at the Time . .
i days to Salt Lake
2j4 days to Denver
3 j days to Chicago
tt1. days to New York
Pre Recliainj Ckair Cars, TJ&ataart4
sfcariet Starptag Cars, aSt nQtata
False Sleepers, operated M all
For ftirthtr informatta, tjrp ryt
6ED. P. EGLIIT, Aftitit, OotmlTH, Or.
6. 6. TERH.V, ft. COMAR,
Trav. Pass. AgL efl'l Agaat
144 Third St., Porflarfi, OK
Corvailis & Eastern Railroad,
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
" . " Corvallia 1:50 p. to.
" arrive" Yaquina 6:45 p. ui.
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina.,.. 6:10a.m.
Lea ves Corvallis.... 11:30 a. tn.
. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany 7:C0 a. m.
Arrives Detroit .... 11:20 m.
I Returning:
IeaveB Detroit ..... 12:10 p. ia.
Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. to.
One and two connect at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct, service to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach tamping -ground's on the
Breitenbush and Santiam river the
. Edwin Stone,
H. I,. Waldkn, Manager.
' T. F. & P. A.
II. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
Sslt Ijike, Denver, 'x
Ft Worth, Omaha Fast
K&nsas City, St. Mail .
Louip, Chieage 7:00 p.m.
and Bast
Walla Walla. Left- . '
istsin, Spokane, ev..
Minnpolis, St. S"e
PaQl.Dalnlh.Mil- ..f"
wankee, Chicago, 8,40 m
and East. 4,
Ocean StezmshiBS ,;
All taiilifjg datfa . ,
eubject to cfesnge. P- m-
For San FrS,reiso,
Bail Dte. 3, 8, 13,
IS, 3, 28, A every - -5
CoiBmbla Rival-
. Steamer. J:
To Astoria & w ay- SflBiay
. . 4iS0b. m.
OJegon City. Ke- nxcfpt
Willaffifitta aadTEfi- P-
- feillRiurs. a
Oi'on lty. Day- day aad
ton & Way-land's. Friday.
ftiila Etta River. 4:soP .m.
Portland to Ccrval- W ednee-
lis & WaT-lhud'8. day and
Snake River. Leav
. . Lrwtstcn
Kiparia to Lewie'n. lsilv
9 p. m.
6:C0 p.m.
8 p m,
Ex. Ban.
6. 6. m.
i p. m:
6 a. m.
Ex. Son.
1 a. m.
8 alurday
6 a. in.
3- 36 a. m.
- Local Agent
Jerseys far Sate..
For Pair rino nf Va T.,
. vxiv UI1CD1 UVlOtSY
hnllfl full kl,1 1 ... .i '
uu.ic, tun uiuuu, uui li Jaei July,
Bdlid Color, gentle and kind,- wfll
n-gioier in ine At J. J, u.
Ore very fine full-blood Jertey
bnll eoUd color, prominently mark
ed, gentle and kind, born Jnne 18,
1893. His molher tested 61 per
cent, butter fat. Will reenter in
(ha P. CCD.
ers, solid color, well n.arked, abont
15'iEonths .old, gentle and kind,
regisletfd m the A. J. C. C. Par
ties Wfll-.tinlT Mno rrrr'L r.rA T,
stock will miss a rare chance if they
fail to invtstigate (his oppoitunity
to get fine JerBeyg, .
Al. b. opDcpcw,
. . CoTva'llis, 6re.
;Mti6lc tesgens,
lestons given on the piato and organ
in a manner .that trains the ear, mind
and hands and f ves years of needless
drudgery, a , M. A. Goodnoioh. .
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