Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 04, 1901, Image 1

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UNION Eatab. July, 1887.
,.S Consolidated Feb. 1899.
GAZETTE Eatab. Dee, 1862.
VOL. XXXVIII. no. a.
IBJ Of ffl VOI
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penings of the Past Week m a
Condensed Form.
Three children at Olympia were cre
mated alive.
There are said to be 30,000 lepers in
the archipelago.
Massacress of native Christians in
China continue.
Clements cannot force the Boers
from MagalieB Berg.
The lumber industry in Eastern Ore
gon is rapidly growing.
A squadron of Yeomanry is said to
have been captured by Boers.
Whitmareh, the new governor of
Benguet, is a Britisn subject.
Stocks of wool in the United States
exceed 850,000,000 pounds.
A receiver was appointed for the
Old Town bank, at' Baltimore.
The trial of Alvoid, the defaulting
note teller, has been postponed.
The grandson of ex-Attorney-General
Miller was abducted by his mother.
. Kitchener is making little progress
in driving the Boers from Cape Colony.
Robert Taylor, a well known resi
dent of Ashland, committed suicide.
The holliday rush at the New York
postoffice was the greatest ever known.
Three . hundred students' have been
arrested in St. Petersburg for propagat- I
ing Socialist doctrines - - . :
Fontela, a Filipino refugee, says the
United States will nevei succeed in
subduing the Philippine islands.
r : ;n l , . . ' -
vuiiiopb win ut9 aa&uu w recognize
Hobson's gallantry in sinking the Mer
riruao in the harbor of Santiago.
Fire partially destroyed the Method
ist Episcopal church (colored)-of Prov
idence, Vlo. The pastor was fatally
In the event of England rejecting the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty a new one may
be negotiated at the next session of
Inquiries into quarters most likely
to be correotly informed show that
nothing is known in Paris to justify
the report circulated in the United
States that ' Paderewski, the pianist,
was killed in a duel in France. '
A band, of probably 50 men forced
an entrance to the Green county, 111.,
jail, with the intention of lynching a
prisoner, but were oiled. The prison
er had been seen tly removed 10 an
other jail.
Prince Tuan and Prince Chung have
been arretted. '
. New Zealand will send more troops
to South Africa. ,
Yn Hsien was ordered to return to
Sinan Fu to be executed.
Two men were killed as the result o!
an explosion in an Idaho mine.
The adavnee guard of Eastern sheep
buyers have arrived at Heppner. -
The foreign ministers believe China
will accept the terms of the note.
- Fire in Eau Claire. Wis., destroyed
half the business section. ... The loss is
The Weston, Or., school will ask the
legislature to grant normal g aduates
diplomas under foimer conditions.
An unsuccessful attempt was made
to blow up a hotel in Oklahoma terri
tory. A suspect has been arrested.
Two noted Chicago scientists declare
after long experiments, that the beat
ing of the heart is caused by common
salt in the blood. v-
James Patterson, for the past four
years city treasurer of Aberdeen,
Wash. , is dead at his home in that
city, aged 67 years.
A shooting affray occurred at Burke,
Idaho, and as a result Pearley Gordon
and Charles Beck are in the hospital
suffering from shot wounds.
Alfred Harmswortb, editor and pro
prietor of the London Daily Mail, pre
dicts a complete revolution in journal
ism duiing the coming century.
John Tiger, a full blooded Indian,
living in Indian territory, while intox
icated, shot and killed three men and
wounded a boy. He was captured.
A cieamery will be founded at En
gene, Or.
Fifty-two Poles have been arrested
in Vienna for alleged political conspi
racy. A serious race war is expected at
Comentville, a. small Indiana, town.
The trouble was caused by two negroes
getting intoxicated and trying to in
timidate all the whites they met.
A French detachment of 100 men on
their way from TienTsin to Hung Tsu,
were fired upon by Boxers as they ap
proached a small village. One officer
was killed and another wounded. The
French burned the village.
The salmon output in the "Northwest
exceeds that of all former years.
In Prussia an income tax is levied
on all whose income exceeds $225 a
year. .' :: --,'.. -
An agreement has been reached set
ting aside $20,833 a month for Count
ess Castellane, Jay Gould's daugter.
- H. M. Hanna, brother of the sena
tor, gave a Cleveland hospital Northern
Pacific preferred stock valued at $82,
000. .
An armistice hag been proclaimed at
Boers captured a train near Bosmead
with 60 soldiers.
Another six-day bicycle race bag
been started in Boston.
Conger reports China's acceptance
ot the powers' demands.
The Washington Post advocates the
Lewis and Clark centennial in 1905.
A severe cold wave is reported
throughout the middle Western states.
More than 46 tons of gold were re
reived at the Seattle assay office in
1900. -
The navy department has ordered the
gunboat Scorpion to La Guayra, Ven
ezuela. The Oregon supreme court decides
that the wife alone can convoy estate,
in entirety.
. Bobbers got $450 from passengers
and mail and express in a British Co
lumbia stage.
The Taft commission has' completed
the municipal government bill for the
Philippines. -
Fire in Williamson, W. Va., de
stroyed almost the entire town. The
loss is estimated at $75,000.
One person was burned to death and
another fatally injured by the explo
sion of a kerosene lamp at Alleghauv,
Pa. . V . . ;,--"..'
The new battleship Wisconsin has
been lormally turned over to , the gov
ernment at the Unim Iron Works, San
Amando Morales, a Mexican, ran
amuck at Morenci, Ariz., . A constable
attempted to arrest him and iu the
fight killed Morales.
A man and woman who went to
Courtney's hotel, Brooklyn, were found
dead in bed. Two nnligbted gas burn
ers were turned on full. ' "
Henry S. Easthara .the only surviv
ing member of Commodore Perry's
squadron, which opened the Japanese
ports many years ago, died at his home
in Berkeley, Cal : ' " ' -
A heavy explosion "of gas occurred
in the Hollenbeok mine, at Wilke:
barre, Pa. Five hundred men were
at work and all got out safely, except
two, who were badly burned.
The British foreign office expects a
renewal of the modus vivendi in New
foundland, but believes it will be im
mediately followed by negotiations
with the view . of finally settling the
dispute. " . . -
,. The kaiser is contemplating a visit
to the United States. . -
Seattle has started a movement to
suppress Vice in that city. '
JSoldiers may have to be called out
to quell a fued in Kentucky.
Coming Oregon Legislature will be
asked to fonnd normal school at Burns.
Edwin Bed tor le, a noted Kentucky
cattle breeder, is dead, aged -68 years.
""According to ailviccs"from Dawson
another rich strike has been made'
near there. - .' ' 1 '?;'
; Many Luzon . insurgents' have been
captured as a result of scouting by -Americans;
Kitchener reports that no progress is
being made against Boer inavders in
Cape Colony. : - : ,
; The Boers captured tee British out
posts at Helvetia, taking 200 prisoners
and killing 50. :
In an altercation over a came of
cards, a Soith Carolina sheriff anil
two other men met death,.
- The report that Germany is negotiat
ing to purchase the Danish Antilles is
denied in official Denmark circles.
The empress dowager will not be al
lowed to have anything to do with the
naming of the new emperor of China.
Fire in EanFas City, Mo!, for a time
threatened several business .blocks,
but was got under control with small
-lOSS. . . :' ' ;- ....
Severe snow storms prevail in Colo
rado, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Ne
braska. . In . places railroad traffic is
badly hampered. :
The United States government has
made an offer of $3,000000 for the
Danish Antilles. This price is as high
as the officials will go. .
A bill will be introduced at the
coming session of the Oregon - legisla
ture to reduce the railroad fare from
4 to 3 cents per mile. r; , :
The Philippine commission - has
added to tb pending school bill s pro.
vision fot the employment of 600
Americar teachers, at salaries ranging
from f ;i to $100 a month. ; -
Th : scranton street car strike has
been called off. I ' . '
A train on the Henderson road was
wrecked two miles east of Henderson,
Ky., and five persons seriously injured.
A coupling pin placed . in there witch
frog apparently by weckers caused the
wreck. ...... ":
Rumors of a cabinet crisis in Spain
increase. ; Senor Sagasta, ex-premier,
who has finally broken silence, declares
that a change of ministry is inevitable
on account of the differences in the
cabinet, as well as in the ranks of its
supporters. -
King Victor of Italy-bad a narrow
escape from drowning while viewing
the flood iu Rome. x .
Since' the repeal of the Colorado law
providing for capital punishment tbere
nave been 73 murders in Denver and
: Horseshoes weighing an ounce each
and just a trifle larger than a silver
dollar were turned out in a California
shop for a Shetland pony six months
old. . -
Michigan Robbers Secured Over
. $100,000.
Station Agent Left the Sacks Unguarded Over
Night in the Public Waiting Room
Letters Strewn Along the Track.
Detroit. " Dec. 81. A roAil nnnnh
containing $100,000 in negotiable pa.
per and an nnknown amount of money
was stolen from the Michigan Central
passenger station nt Wyandotte, Mich.,
jome time last night. The last mail
for Wyandotte arrives at 10:28 on tht
Vlichigan Central, and owin? to the
iateness of the hour it is left at the sta
iion until morning. When the two
siail sacks were thrown from the
wain last night, Night Operator Bich
rt threw the poncbes under a seat in
:he corner, of the waiting room. He
ihen went to his home in Detroit. To
3ay when Mail Carrier John McCleary
came to the station for the mail sacks
be. missed one. - About the same time
George Bessv. a driver of an oil tunonti
reported at the station that a poach,
nppea open and empty, was behind an
oil tank a short distance from Alia Bta.
tion. At about the same time two
employes of the J. B. Ford Alkali
works found a number of checks and
opened envelopes strewn along the rail,
road track. Postmaster .Tnhnsnn nf
Wyandotte.- was notified and want at
once to -the scene. The trail of the
thief was marked along the- railroad
track ' by strewn letters, checks and
drafts. Most of the nuilwas intended
for the J, G. Ford Company, and a
force of clerks was sent out to collect
the letters strewn alons th trnmir t
B. Ford, Jr., said he expected a draft
wjoay irom Aew York for $40,000.
The draft did not come, and it is be
lieved that the robber or robbers took
it, with , other, valuable nanern from
tha pouch.
Havoc Wrought by Storm in . English Channel
Many Wrecks Reported. :
London, Dec. 31. There hag been a
recurrence of storms - and violent gales
in the channel, and considernhla nam.
age has been wrought ashore; Tele
graph lines are down in many places.
Vessels are seeking shelter in tne har-1
bora, and a number of wrecks have
been announced. The gale Is so furi-:
ous in the channel that the Continental
services were suspended this evening. -?
Wales is said to have Buffered the'
worst effect of the eala. hoth mi 1 a rA
and sea, but everywhere the telegraph
wires - are mucn disorganized, and re
ports are therefore incomplete. Con
siderable damage to m-ooerlrv inlnnH
is certain to be' repoited. Some 50
barges and sailing oraft broke from
their moorings in the Thames alone. '
At Oswestry a theater was destroyed.
The hurricane is : increasing at
Qneenstown, where the observers say
it is the fiercest storm in years. - The
Maria, laden -with coal," sank at hei
anchorage.: The mails are delajed.
In response to rockets from Eddy
tonejight, Plymouth sent a dockyard
tug with a lifeboat to assist was
reported to be a large steamer in dis
tress in the channel. :
Incessant reports Of innumerable
shipping casualties show that the gale
was one of the worst ' known in many
vears. Probablv rbvbthI viica niii
elapse belore the full damage becomes.
Known.- ;'v- -. r
' In addition ; to some vessels not yet
identfied, several have been wrecke 1 or
placed in great danger, the fate of some
ot the cross-channel steamers being in
doubt. For instance, the Great West
ern Railway Company's steamer, ply
ing between Milford and Waterfoad,
is 12 hours overdue, and no tidings oi
her nave been received. It would be
impossible to enumerate all the minor
casualties. - v
Dynamite Explosion Killed Six Men at a Rail
- .- road Camp.
Keyser, W. Va., Dec. 81. By a dy
namite explosion at Baker Camp, near
Durban, Pocahontas county,' on the
line of the Coal & Iron railway, now
building out from Elkins, . six men
were killed and several others fatally
injured. The accident happened yes
terday while the men trere at dinner.
Some dynamite had been placed about
the stove to thaw, and . shortly after a
terrific explosion wrecked the camp,
killed three men outright .and injured
eight others, $hree of whom Jiave since
died. The three men were blown to
atoms, legs, arms and hands and even
parts of their bodies being found in
different directions from - the building
in wnich they lived. Tie names are
not obtainable tonight. - -
Minister Buck Coming home.
Atlanta, Ga., Deo. 31. A private
telegram received here from Colonel
A. E. Buck, Unitad States minister to
Japan, says he has sailed for San Fran
isco en route home.
r; . Stage Fell Over a Cliff.
Ouray, Colo., Dec. 81. In a . runa
way accident about three miles above
the city the Bed Mountain stage was
overturned and six passengers precipi
tated over a cliff about 70 leet in
height.- Mrs. B. S. Hiokey passen
ger on the coach, received' serious and
perhaps fatal injuries. The - driver,
John Bates, sustained a compound frac
ture of the right leg and many body
bruises. Other passengers were mora
or less injured
Drowning of Forty-nine School Children Near
r '-.- Foster, Iowa. .
Davenport, la., Dec. 31. A start
ling rumor is : current here that 49
school - children were drowned while
skuting on the river near Foster, la.
It is impossible to confirm the report.
A traveler who arrived at Seymour,
la., 15 miles west of Foster, early to
day, states he left Foster late last even
ing and knew nothing of such an acci
dent. .i
Say Report Is True.
Des Moines, la., Dec. 81. Tele
phone messages by way of Oskaloosa
and Ottumwa say the report of tha
drowning of 49 school children at
What Cheer is true. The children
were skating on a pond hear the fair
grounds and the accident occurred
about 9 o'clock in the evening. Wire
communication with What Cheer can
not be obtained at present.
1 No Particulars Obtainable.
Chicago, Dec. 31. A special to the
Record from Des Moines, , la., says;
At 2 o'clock this morning communi
cation was secured with the mayor's
office in Oskaloosa over the telephone,
and - it was stated there that informa
tion had been received from Ottumwa
confirming the rumor that 49 children
had been drowned in What Cheer, this
state. ;.'-' - .- -
. It was stated that the children had
been skating on a pond near' the fair
grounds. There were only a few es
capes. The tragedy occurred about 9
o'clock in the evening. Beyond this
no particulars were known in Osoa
loosa. What Cheer cannot now be
reached by wire. ,
Through . the office of .a telephone
company at Indianola it was learned
from the Oskaloosa office that the Ot
tumwa office had learned that the ru
mor of toe drowning of 49 children
was true. No particulars eould be obtained,-;;
- .; - r :-
After a Long Suit a Woman Gets $4,000 for the
- : Killing of Her Husband. i 1
Chicago, Deo. 81. Mrs.. Lulu C.
Jennings, now of Chicago, : has juf t
been awarded $4,000 for the lynching
of her husband in Ripley county, led.,
three years ago. The money will be
paid over by the eight . bondsmen of
ex-Sheriff Henry Bushing, and is the
result of, a private settlement of the
indemnity suit instituted by tbe wid
ow three months : after the murder.
This puts an end to a case that has
aroused attention all over the United
States. ,--; ' ";v---
; . William Jenkins was one of five men
lynched in ' September, 1897, forl
leged complicity in the stealing of a.
horse from Lisle Levif.eJ Osgood,- In
diana. . Levi also was a victim of the
mob. The men-, killed were Robert
Andrews, Heine'" Schuter,' William
Jenkins, Clifford Gordon a 17-year old
boy, and Lisle Levi, an aged soldier.
There was a" fight in which shots were
fired at a deputy sheriff. -
Jenkins, with tbe others, was arrest
ed and taken to jail at Versailles, Ind.
Mrs. - Jenkins, suspecting that mob
violence was brewing, walked from
Osgood to Versailles at night and
paced the streets till dawn, armed
with a revolver. For several hours she
waited under the window of her hus
band's cell, ready to challenge any who
came to do him harm. : Her fears be
ing finally allayed, -Mrs. " Jenkins
started for home. No sooner was she
out of sight - than a mob gathered.
Dragging out the five men, the mob
killed them in succession by beating
them over the head with a musket stock.
Mrs. Jenkins was compelled to flee
to save her own life, coming to, Chi
cago. Here she brought suit for $5,000
damages . r against Sheriff Bushing's,
bondsmen before Judge Baker in the
United States circuit court. . The suit
dragged along ior , three years and
finally the bondsmen decided to settle
outside of court. - .- ";
Mrs. Jenkins, when compelled sev
eral months ago to go to Kipley county
to attend the tiial of the case, was pro
tected by a body guard of government
dete-tives. She will go to Versailles
next week to get the $4,000. :
.. found An American Diamond Mini,
Alamo Gordo,- Deo. 81'. A promi
nent railway official here today re
ceived a box of 50 gems closely resem
bling and alleged ; to be diamonds
found near Capitan, the coal camp on
the line of the El Paso & Northeastern
railway, company, 80 miles north of
lhia place. . The stones were found by
J. J. Blow, formerly associated with
the De Beers Consolidated company at
Kimberly, South Africa, -who has been
secretly investigating . the field for the
past month, and a letter from him ac
companying - the shipment states that
they are either diamonds or something
so . closely - resembling tha- gem that
thev deceive him.- They will success
fully stand every crude test known,
l'he gems will he sent away for final
analysis. .
Mother and Children Perished.
Brookville, Pa., Deo. 31. Fire to
todpy destroyed the residence ot Mrs.
tlarxiger, and the mother and two
(laughters, aged 5 and 7, perished.
Burned to Death.
Chicago, Deo.' 81. One woman.
Mrs. Mary Kennedy, was uurned to
death and two others and a child wore
seriously: injured in a fire of myster
ious oiigin at 224 West Monroe street.
The -injured are: Mrs. Mary Mason,
face and body - badly . burned, may die;
Mrs.;.-Lonise Hauuon, overcome by
smoke, 5 will recover; Hannon,
7-montha.old child of Mrs. Hannon,
svercome by smoke. 4 . t .
Commission Will Raise Revenue
From Land.
Alejandrino's Mm Trying to Escape From
Mount Arayat Question of Coinage
Laid Before Congress.
Manila, Jan. 2. The Philippine
commission has completed the prepara
tion of a general municipal government
bill. The provisions, in many respects,
are similar to General MaoArtbur'a
order regarding municipal governments
and authorizing elections, but they
are much more elaboiarfc, covering
all details. , The - most notable new
feature is the establishment of land
taxation and the doing Away with the
sedula tor head tax) and taxation on
people's occupations. ' A - feature new
to the Philippines is that the revenue
from land .taxes is to be . expended
where it is collected.' The manner of
holding elections and the duties of offi
cers are prescribed. A decision in the
San Jose medical college case has been
. deferred nntil Saturday.
I General Frederick D. Grant wires
that General Alejandrino's men are
trying to escape from Mount A ray at,
'Two of them were killed Sunday.
There is no water on the mountain,
and food is scarce.
r An official report says the Fourth
I infantry and the Fourth Cavalry in
Cavite province have captured 109
armed insurgents and taken possession
of their camps at Ana bo and Malagran.
Captain Biddle, chief of engineeis.
has returned on the transport Meade
irom the Island of Guam. . He says
tbe conditions there have greatly im
proved by the planting of trees. . The
Arethnsa, a United States water cai Ty
ing ship, laden with supples, arrived
there December 21, after a tempestuous
voyage from Cavite, during which her
boats were swept overboard. There is
much suffering from hunger in the out
lying districts of Guam, but no starva-
. tion. ; Two-thirds of the population
, are at Agana, the ohief city of tlje
island and its vicinity.
I - '
Dispatch to Spragge Was Sent by Some One
Enabled to Tamper With the Wires. -
London, Jan. 2. Since his arrival
in London, Major-General Sir Henry
Colville has received " information
tending to " show that Lieutenant
Colonel Spragge actually received 'a
forged telegram purporting to be signed
by General Colville, '. dated Lindley,
May 23, saying:
"I am badly in -want of mounted
troops. Come here at. once."
' The telegram was sent off three days
before General Colville reached Lind
ley, and was the oause of Lieutenant
Colonel Spragge hastening there. One
of the principal charges against Gene
ral Colville is that, after appealing to
the Yeomanry, for help, he abandoned
them to their fate. f
"I , never heard of this telegram,"
said General Colville," "until now.
But it explains the mystery of my
alleged message to Colonel . Spragge.
It was known- at the time that some
one was tampering with the wires near
Lindley in the interest of the Boers J'
; General Colville reported himself at
the war office today. General Sir
.Evelyn Wood, the adjutant-general,
merely sent a subordinate to meet the
general. ' -
Magill's Sentence Commuted. -" .-"
Springfield, 111., Jan. 2. Governor
Tanner today granted a commutation
of sentence to nine-months in the case
of George L. Magill, convicted in Chi
cago in April last of receiving deposits
in his bank aftei it was insolvent, and
sentenced to Joliet prison under the in
determinate sentence law. ' Tha peti
tion for executive clemency was signed
by some of the leading men. -
President Wants England to Accept.' ,
London, Jan. 2. The Washington
correspondent .of the Daily Telegraph
wires another interview with President
McKinley, in the course of which he
expresses a wish that the United States
and Great Britain might-continue in
amity during the new centuiy. Mr.
McKinley, according --to 5 the corres
pondent, saidlie hoped for the accept-
treaty, ana nopea to see tne .Nicaragua
oatiaI RnmmanRAri thnmn.Vil. ;
.uvavuku. j u ma
' .1 i
secuna iiutui oi umce.
r Paris Exposition Pictures Sold. "" -
Pang, Jan. 2. The Luxembourg Ga
zette has purchased . several pictures
displayed at the Paris exposition.
Among these are Walter McEwen'g
"A Sunday in Holland," and Humph
rey Johnson's "Portrait of a Woman,"
both from the United States section.
- An Appeal for Funds. -The
Princess of Wales has written
to the London newaspapers appealing
for funds for the Soldiers' and Sailors'
Family Association, to maintain the
families of the men engaged in war.
" Contest Over Dead Miner's Fortune.
-Seattle, Jan. 2. A contest is on for
j of Peter Grant McDonald, a Yukon
pioneer who died at Dawson recently.
Frank Buteau, the dead man's part
ner, and Colin. McDonald, a brother-in-law
; of the dead man, are the rival
claimants. The latter alleges that he
represents the heirs, who live in San
Francisco." The estate g estimated at
from $15,000 to $20,000. - i .:
Heavy Snowfall at Several Places, Interferes
With Railroad Traffic
Denver, Jan. 2. A blizzard visited
Colorado last night,' and has continued
with varied strength throughout the
state today. The temperature is fal
ling tonight in most sections, and at
several places the fall of snow has been
quite heavy. Bailroad traffic though
not seriously affected, has been inter
rupted, and trains are all arriving
late, jno great damage to livestock is
reported. - .
Severe Snow Storm in Missouri. ;
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 2. A severe
snow storm set in tonight, and the
temperature is falling. Beports from
Northern Missouri, Kansas and Iowa
show the fall to be heavy. Winter
wheat in many sections of these states,
as well as throughout tbe West gener
ally, - has been greatly in need of a
heavy blanket of suow, which will
afford ample moisture as well as pro
tection to tbe grain from severe freez
ing. .'
Furious Blizzard in Nebraska.
Omaha, Jan. 3. A furioua blizzard
began in tbe eastern part of Nebraska
at 8 o'clock this morning, continuing
throughout the day, and tonight ex
tends over the stats. In this city the
street car traffio is badly hampered.
The wind is piling the snow badly.
It Is Now Discovered Not to Be a. Likeness of
the Famous Pioneer Explorer.
New Ycrk, Jan. 2. According to
the Washington correspondent of the
Heiald, the statue of Pere. Marquette,
in the statuary hall in the capitol,
about which there was almost a relig
ious war a few years ago, turns out
not to be the statue of Pere Marquette
at all. .The statue-was presented to
the nation by the state of Wisconsin.
Objections were raised to its installa
tion in the oapitol by persons of other
than Catholic denomination, and for
many months the authorities hesitated
as to what tbey should do. They fin
ally gave Pere Marquette a place with
other prominent men.
A discovery has now been made of
an oil painting of Marquette in Mon
treal, which indicates that the statue
is as far from being an accurate repre
sentation of the famous priest as day
is from night. The painting in Mon
treal, it is said, is undoubtedly authen
tic, and was so covered with dust that
uo outline of the portrait could be
had until it had undergone a careful
cleaning. It is believed that this
painting is the only likeness of Mar
quette in existence, and the face in
oil is not the face of tbe Marquette
in marble at the capitol.
That Is What the Pan-American Exposition
'. -; Will Be.
What a veritable mine of valuable
information the Pan-American Exposi
tion will be for business and profession
al people, mechanics, agi icult urists,
and in fact all .who are engaged in the
various vocations in life, besides afford
ing them tbe rarest entertainment im
aginable. From this wonderful exposi
tion of the achievements of the West
ern hemisphere during the nineteenth
century, they will return to tBeir
homes and pursuits better equipped
rfor their work. Those who would not
avail themselves of the benefits to be
derived from this unprecedented con
gress of ideas would find themselves
outstripped by others who had wisely
accepted the golden opportunity to fa
miliarize themselves with 'what has
made so much for progress. No one
with a progressive turn of mind can
afford to remain away from an exposi
tion which will be so rich in Its educa
tional aspects and lasting in its pleas
ant impressions as the Pan-American.
: V Caught In, a Prairie Fire. '
Wichita, Kai Jan. 2. Gotlieb
Stacker and his entire family, moving
troni Stillwater, O. T., to Rogers,
Mills county, were caught while asleep
in their wagon in a prairie fire last
night. A 17-months-old baby was
roasted to death and a boy will die.
A young lady will lose both limbs and
no hopes are entertained of saving the
mother's life..In their roasted condi
tion, and wittu'therByend hair of
their horses burned out, they reached a
dugout owned by Dennis Carr, a few
miles south. : The prairie fire was
fanned by a wind traveling 60 miles
an hour. - -----.-
Shoshone National Park. ;
Washington, Jan. 2. The entire
Idaho delegation and Governor Steu
nenberz have nnitad in
r-" o
against tbe establishment of Shoshone
national parK. on snake river, which
thev unitedlv Tflrnm monHa iinn tv.a
summer. They contend that the land
proposed to egi brace in the park is sus
ceptible to irrigation, and would be
worth many millions if irrigated ac
cord in e to a clan rjromised hv a cnm.
pany recently organized for that pur
pose, ine matter is neio in anoyance
pending a report of a SDecial asent of
the department. , ...
l For an Immense Storage Reservoir.
Phoenix, Ariz., Jan 2. Arthur P.
Davis, one of the most noted members
of the government faydrographio bu
reau, has arrived from Washington to
conduct soundings on the Gila river
with a view . to tbe construction on
that stream by tbe government of one
of tbe biggest storage reseivoirg in tbe
world. The main purpose in view is
the relief of 8,000 Indians whose water
for . irrigation has been diverted by
white settlers. ' ' '" "'"
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ments of the Many Industries Through,
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Condon is digging another city well.
The Salem tax levy for 1901 will be
10 mills.
The Oregon Agricultural College hag
406 students.
Dallas will refund its debt of $2,500
at a !ower rate of interest.
Pendleton water consumers will have
to use meterg after April 1.
The sheriff of Grant county hag col
lected over $25,000 since July.
Several farmers of Goose Lake valley
are boring for artesian water.
There are now about 80 logging
camps on Lake oreek and Siuslaw.
The treasurer of Lake county has re
ceived a large safe for his office.
Mark Wolf, of Perrydale, killed a
silver fox. near that place a tew days
Emmet Kimberland was fined $25 at
Prairie City for having stolen a quan
tity of barley.
The Garibaldi beach roadway is re--ported
washed out in places, and filled
with driftwood.
A petition is being signed asking for
the construction of a new steel bridge
at Cottage Grove.
McKinley Mitchell, of Gervais. is
shipping large quantities of potatoes to
the Arizona market.
A carload of tile has been received
at Creewell from Salem for the nnrnnm
of draining the town.
In the recent storm the surf washed
away Mr. McMillan's house at the
mouth of the Nehalem.
Peter Peterson, of Snrnrise vallev haa
purchased 2,800 head of young sheep
troni ueorge .unrbardt.
Persons who have been hnnr.ino
geese in Sherman county, Bay they find
Diros scarcer tnan ever known.
Business men of Pendleton are can
vassing for a $5,000 fund With -nrhinh
to erect a Y. M. C. A. building.
Thomas Martin and son's are figuring - -3n
building a creamery at Merrill next :
spring. The institution will begin
business with milk of 250 cows. T
Two colts', belonging to Charles Hab
ershon and Frank Kareri. of (Innflnn
got into a granary several days ago and
aieo trom tne enects of overfeeding.
A new wire cable in use nn th farrv
connecting Kiger island with the main -
iana was stolen tne otner day. The
wire was 300 feet Ions. There is no
clew to the thief. - - -
- Professor Merrill left Central Point -several
days ago without giving his ad
dress. He also left some board bills
unpaid, and forgot to leave the church
and organ keys of the Baptist church.
Granite has refused to allow a liquor
license to a dealer who persists in keep
ing his saloon in the street. He
claims the right to remain because he .
was there, before the town was incoipo
rated. .
A freighter who passed through An
telope last ' week said the road down
Antelope canyon was getting to be in
good condition , and that hereafter
teams which have been going by Cow
canyon will go that way.
T Active work is progressing in the
LLiberty mine at Eiverton, under tha
supervision, of Superintendent Camp
bell. Ten men are at work, und it is
expected that the output will reach 5 .
tons a day in the course of a few weexs.
It is proposed to establish one or two
rural free delivery routes from Pendle
ton. The one most talked about is
that leading np Wild . Horse creek,
northeasterly from . Pendleton, thence
across the country to Fnlton, thence
back to Pendleton.
H. T. Anderson, whose ranch is sit- -uated
four miles northwest of Merrill,
ia building a reservoir a quarter of a
mile in area. It will not only irrigate
400 acres for himself, but will be of
sufficient capacity to contribute water
to other land in the neighborhood.
A fatal accident occurred at Glen
dale. A young colored mm, fairly
well dressed, who had been in Rose
burg a day or two, had managed to
beat his wav that far on Vie overland.
Being put off there he attempted to get
upon the brakes of the local. In the
darkness he missed his hold and fell
between the wheels of the moving
train. His right leg was cut off at the
thigh and the left was terrlibly crushed
and mangled. - He was picked up and
cared for by tbe people there, but lived
only an hour or two. He said that his
name wag Lane Hopkins, and that his
parents were wealthy and lived upon
one of the finest avenues in Lob Ange
les, - 'j ....... .; ' : --'-: - ; .... . . '-
The new ferry at the Liverpool cross,
ing of the Long Tom will be in opera-
tion this week. The ferryman is Mr.
Brown, who resides near the crossing.
For running the ferry he is to receive '
2 per month. ' The boat nsed is that - -of
J. M. Herron. It was :in use -last V
winter at tbe Bundy crossing of tbe
Long Tom, but ia no longer needed ; i
tbere by reason of the completion of the
drawbridge. For the nee ol the boat a .
monthly rental of $5 is to be paid.
The cable for the ferry was hired from
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