Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 25, 1900, Image 3

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Merry Christinas!
Ladles' Silk Waists
Good material. Gool workman
ship! Xew Styles. $7 ':o $'0 each
wagons will run to
No deliver?
Editor Mathews, of the News, re
turned to Newport yestorday, after
a few days visit in Corvallis.
if saving money is a pleasure, it
viii delight you to huy a blanket
r an overcoat at P. L Miller's.
Mercenixed cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular colors. $1 .50 to ?2.2") each
For fine skirt linings and for shirt
waits. Twels-e shade. 50 cents per
S, E, Young & Son
Albany, Oregon.
Merry Christmas!
Alsea honey at Zierolf's.
Buy your holiday goods at Nolan
& Callahan's.
Grand concert at 2:30 p. m. to
day by "A Breezy Time" band.
Miss Leana Smith, who is attend
ing school at Portland, is home for
the holidays.
Miss E. J. Chamberlain, of the
O A C, went to Salem last week to
remain during the holidays-
Victor Moses left yesterday for
Woodburn to spend the holidays.
He expects to be absent until Sat
urday. New line of fine Overcoats just
received at Nolan & Callahan's.
Bought, cheap and at prices that
are right.
Mies Harriet Sheasgteen laft
Saturday for Portland, where she
will spend the holdays with her
sister, Miss Loretta.
Mrs. Harold Strong has been vis
iting for several days with her hus
band, at JJilley, where tfce iattcr is
managing a sawmill.
Ted Palmer and a number of oth
er students from the U of O, at
tended the military ball at the Ar
mory Friday evening.
Miss Helen Crawford, professor
of elocution at the O A C, came
over to Albany yesterday to spend
the holidays. Herald.
Rev. H. H. Gould, now pastor of
the M. E. Church at Nowberg, vis
ited the latter part of last week
with relatives in this city.
Don't believe anything we tel
you about our reduction in blankets
and overcoats, but come and see for
yourself. F. L. Miller.
Miss Margaret E. Currin, who is
teaching in the public schools of
this city, went to the capital cit'
Saturdaj' to spetu: her Christmas.
Mrs. C. Read and children went
to Wells, Siturday, to spend the
holidays with relatives. She will
return home the lattetcpart of the
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Perter, of
Oregon .City, will arrive today
to spend the holidays with Mrs
Porter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Spangler.
A petition, praying the county
court to establish a freo ferry across
the Willamette at this point, was
circulated among Corvallis business
men last week, and numerously
Miss Constance Holland came up
from her home in Salem on the
1 oat Thursday evening. She came
up to attend the O A C concert and
ball in the Armor', Fri lay night,
and to yisit friends.
Asa W. Hadley, of Sodaville, and
Mis3 LiUie A. Hite, of this city,
were united in wedlock at the reel
dence of the bride's sister, Mrs.
Geo. F. Eglin, in this city, Decem
ber 20th, Rev. M. Noble officiating.
Will Schmidt, the popular chief
clerk of the McClallen, says the
Roseburg Review, was presented by
his father with a fine diamond ring,
thus anticipating Christmas by a
few days. Will is pardonably
proud of his beautiful and valuable
Miss Nettie Spencer, a sister of
Mrs. E. Woodward of this city, is
now an instructor in Davenport
College at Lenoir, N. C. Since
leaving th s city a few years ago
Miss Spencer took a two-years'
course in English Literature at the
Chicago University.
Senator J. D. Daly, of this coun
ty, was in Portland, Saturday. The
Oregonian of that date contains an
interview with him in which he an
nounces his intention of voting for
H. W. Corbett for United States
Senator, and gives some of his rea
sons for so doing.
The October number of the Col
lege Barometer, a neat monthly
publication issued by the students
of the Oregon Agricultural College,
at Corva'lis is on our table. The article is from the pen of
Claude A. Riddle, of this county,
and is entitled, "An India Life."
It graphically portrays the conflict
between the white people and the
Cow Creek Indians under the
leadership of Micneta. The article
shows careful re earch and much
literary merit. Roseburg Review.
Miss Olive Thompson came home
from Portland yesterday to spend
the holidays. She will return Fri
A. F. Peterson, who has been
employed in Portland for several
months, came home Saturday for
the holidays.
'Gene Weber is convalescent
from his attack of pneumonia and
will be able to attend college, again
after the holidays.
Revival services will begin at the
M. E. Church, South, on next
Thursday evening at 7.30. The
public is cordially invited to attend
these meetings.
The military ball at the Armory
Friday night, was a magnificent
affair. Tho attendance was large,
the musio excellent, and the occa
sion most enjoyable.
There will be a game of football
today at 2:30 p. in. on the flat near
Mary's river. The contestants will
be the Corvallis lightweights and
an eleven from Philomath.
The familiar sign, "Vincent
.House, wnicn has hung lor years
over the entrance to the building
north of the Ray brick, has given
place to the new inscription,
"Farmers' Hotel."
Chester Rust, who was bound
over some two weeks ago to appear
before the April term of court on
the charge of larceny of a cow, after
ten days in jail, secured bonds and
was released last week.
The river and harbor bill report
ed by the committee Friday, car
ries with it $2,340,500 for Oregon.
Of this amount $i2,500 is provided
for the revetment opposite Corvallis
and $r,000 for the Long Tom.
Corvallis Lodge No. t4, A. F. &
A. M., and the chapters will install
their officers on the evening of
St. John's Day, Dee. 27th. All
Masons, with their wives and adult
sons and daughters, are cordially
Cal Thrasher returned home,
Friday, from a few days' visit at
Dallas. While there he organized
a lodge of Modern Woodmen of
America with a membership of 25
men. After spending Christmas, at
home he will go to Lebanon for a
week's lodge work. He will proba
bly go tomorrow.
Our overcoats are not "just re
ceived;' they were bought last tall,
but Owing to the mild weather in
the early fall we are overstocked.
That's why we are selling them at
20 per cent discount. There's noth
ing in Corvallis to compare with a
Raglan. It's cut 20 per cent, too.
F. L. Miller.
T. J. Cairns, who is teaming for
C. L. Malone, the Alsea merchant,
arrived in Corvallis last Friday.
He has been teaming over Alsea
mountain all fall and winter, but
states that the road over the moun
tain has now reached a terrible con
dition. On his last trip out he got
his wagon stuck in a mud hole and
had to use blocks and tackle to pull
it out.
Dr. Thompson has resigned tho
pastorate of the Presbyterian
church in this city to accept the
charge of the vacant churches in
Presbytery of the Willamette. He
will make Corvallis his headquar
ters and home while engaged in
this work but while absent on the
Sabbath and some days of the
week, he will spend most of his
time in 'his city. He has been
pastor of the chureh here for over
fourteen years, and tho church has
grown from seventeen members to
A largo audience assembled, at
the Presbyterian church last night
to witness the distribution of pres
ents from tho tree and enjoy the
following program by the Sunday
school classes under the direction of
Supt. J. Fred Yates: Processional;
invocation; song by school; read
ing, Merle Simpson; recitation,
Gordon Rosendorf ; recitation, Hat
tie Norman; quartet, little girls;
recitation, Earl Heckart; eok,
Kathleen Geary; recitation, Alta
Altman; violin solo, Gordon Rosen
dorf; recitation, Ethel Kyle; talk
to the children, Dr. Thompson; song
by the school; distribution bf pres
ents. Henry Elliott, for many years a
resident of Benton county, died at
his home at Monroe, Friday. For
several years Mr. Elliott had been
a sufferer with cancer of the face
and many operations were neces
sary . Recently cancer of the
stomach developed, and this was
the immediate cause of death. Mr.
Elliott was born at Mount' Vernon,
Knox county,- O., in 1833. At the
age of 30 he came to Oregon and
located in Benton county, - near
Corvallis. In i859 he was married
to Miss Elizabeth Kendall, of Mono
quet, Intl.. who, with three children,"
suivives him Dayton Elliott, of
Prin?ville; Mrs. E. Grimm and
Mrs. W. H. Kay, of Monroe.
Imported Swiss Cheese, Zinrolfs
Latest novelties in China Dishes
at Zierolf's.
The Teachers in Our Public Schools and
what They are Doing.
Classical Corvallis is a city of schools;
hence destined to be a community of
scholars. Two thousand population;
four hundied public school children and
an increasing army of four hundred in
the college on the hill; such is Corvallis
steadily advancina on the grand march
toward refinement and culture. Mon
day vacation is on ; and nearly a thous
and boys and girls over one third of
our population have been turned loose
to enjoy a national week of rest, to take
up their work again after New Year's
day, when the busy hum will begin
Patrons should visit our schools more
and more so shat they may become ac
quainted from personal observation with
the needs of the children, the embryo
voters, housekeepers and lawmakers of
the country. However, it may be safe
to say that it is impossible for one to
visit oar city schools without being
gratified with the excellent work being
done. There seems to be a Rood degree
of push and energy, and order and sys
tem pervades every department.
In conformity with the state course of
study, which has been authorized by the
board of diretors as the course for the
Corvallis schools, the work has been
divided into three departments the
primary, embracing the first, second and
third grades; tho intermediate, embrac
ing the fourth, fifth and sixth grades;
and the advanced, embracing the seventh,
eighth and ninth grades,
Each grade is sub-divided into two
divisions (known as the A class and the
B class) and consists of one year's work,
or nine school months. The year is
divided into two terms of eighteen weeks
each, thus providing one term's work
for each class. It will thus be Seen that
a pupil, entering the first grade, B class,
will complete the Work for that clas in
eighteen weeks and be promoted to the
A class. At the end of the second term,
the pupil, having finished the work of
the A class, is promoted to the second
grade, B class, and so on through the
succeeding grades.
fsy this systematic arrangement the
work can be made thorough as every
class has a definite amount oi work to do,
and each pupil must make the required
grades or take the work over. Parents
and pupils see the importance of punc
tual and regular attendance, and are un
der constant stimulus to do the best
work possible.
But the organization of a school may
be ever so perfect, if there is a lack of
energy, or it the well laid plans are not
closely followed, the school is a failure;
for after all, the success of school work,
like everything else, depends very large
ly upoa the amount of push and energy
back of it. System is the track upon
which the engine of energy draws the.
load. Both are essential and each use
less without the other.
Upon visiting our schools one is im
pressed with the spirit of work eyident
in all the rooms. The energy and push
so essential to good work are not lacking.
Every teacher is a teacher of successful
experience. A most excellent spirit of
co-operation and harmony is noticeable.
Prof. McDonald, the principal, informed
us that there has not been a word of dis
cord among the teachers, thus far.
Mrs. May J. Nelms has charge of the
first grade. She was born in Ulysses,
Potter county, Pa. Having come to Ore
gon when quite young. She was edu
cated in Corvallis and Monmouth. She
began teaching before her sixteenth
birthday, and by hard work and applica
tion has secured a state life diploma.
Her twelve years experience in the city
schools of Independence, Moscow, Idaho
and Corvallis, renders her exceptionally
strong in her work. She has been teach
ing in the Corvallis schools for the past
six years, this being her third year in
the first grade. Primary work in her
The second grade is in charge of Miss
Ida Maxwell. Miss Maxwell is a native
Oregonian, having been born near Hal
soy in Linn county. After receiving the
benefits of the country schools, she en
tered the Albany college Jfor one year.
She graduated from the Oregon State
Normal School at Monmouth in 1889,
after which she taught successfully in
the schools of Linn county. She held
the position of first grade teacher in the
Albany schools for three years, and
gave excellent satisfaction. Last year
she graduated from the Oread Institute
I of Household Science of Worcester, Mass.
She holds a state life diploma, and is an
exceptionally strong teacher.
Miss Lena JMcCormick; the third grade
teacher, is a graduate from the Scientific
Department of the Albany College, claas
'94. She also graduated from the nor
mal course of same college, one year
later. She holds a state diploma and
has had six years of successful teaching.
This is her fisst year in the Corvallis
The fourth grade teacher is Miss Alice
Lettie Wicks, a native of Illinois. She
resided in that state until she was four
teen years of age, when she came to Ore
gon. She graduated from the O A C in
1894, and at that time received a state
certificate. After two years of good
work in the schools of Linn county, she
began .teaching in the public schools of
this city. In 1899 she secured a state
iife diploma. Miss Wicks i doing ex
cellent work. . -
Miss Margaret E. Currin is found in
the fifth grade. Letting Miss Currin
speak for herself, as she responded to re
quests for information, we have the fol-
; lowing: .
"I was born in Clackamas couuty,. Ore
gon, I spent ono year in the Portland
High School, 1898--1899, and the follow
ing year taught in the common schools
of Clackamas county. The next two
years I spent at the Oregon State Nor
mal Sehoofc at Monmouth, from which
institution I graduated in 1892, and was
granted a state life diploma. Then fol
lowed another year of 'Teaching the
young ideas how to shoot' in the com
mon s; bools of Clackamas county. My
next experience was in the primary de
partment of tho Park Place Public
Schools, Clackamas county, 1893 -9'4.
I then cast in my lot with the Salem
teachers, where I passed four delightful
years. At last it was possible to gratify
the desire to go to college, so in 1898 I
resigned my position in Salem, and
studied for the next two years at Stan
ford University. While at the Univer
sity, my attention was largely devoted
to educational subjects, including the
History of Education, laboratory and
lecture courses in Psychology, supple
mented by work in Biology, Physical
Training, German and English. This
year finds me in the Covallis Public
Schools enjoying my work immensely. '
Another native Oregonian lias charge of
the sixth grade Miss Edith Buth Alder
son. Miss Aluersori was born in Jack
sonville, Jackson county, Oregon. She
being the daughter of Rev. Alderson, of
tne Methodist church, received her edu
cation in the various schools. Her at
tendance at the Salem Public Schools,
and later on, at the AVillamette Univer
sity of that city, gave her the splendid
qualifications she possesses for her work.
She, like most other successful teachers,
began at the bottom in the work and,
by toil and application now stands well
up in the professional line. She has
taught in the schools of Stayton, Wood
burn and Salem. This is her first year
in our schools.
The work of the seventh grade is in
charge of Miss HortensePerrine Greffoz,
a native Oregonian, she having been
born in this city. Miss Greffoz received
her education in the Public Schools of
this city and at the O A C. In 1893
she received the degree of B. H. E., and
in 1895 that of B. L. from the Agricul -tural
College. She holds a state life
diploma, has had five years teaching ex
perience. She taugnt one year at Mon
roe this county, three years in the Wood
burn city schools. Her work, like that
of all the other teachers is highly com
mendable. Probably no school depart
ment in the state excels the work in pen
manship done in this room.
Entering the eighth grade we'find Mr.
N. Tartar, another native Oregonian, in
full control of the room, and directing
the energies of the pupils close along the
line mapped out in the course of study.
Mr. Tartar was born and raised in Polk
county. After attending the public
schools for a number of years he entered
the Dallas Academy, Later on he at
tended the Agricultural College in Cor
vallis. He began teaching at the age of
eighteen and for the past twenty years
has made teaching his principal occupa
tion. Mr. Tartar holds a state iife
diploma, secured after years of hard work
and successful teaching. Being wbat
one might term a self made man, he pos
sesses a rich experience along the line
of educational struggles, which enables
him to sympathize with the difficulties
of his pupils. The eighth grade
examination, given by direction of the
State Board of Education, under County
Sup't G, W. Denman, must bo success
fully passed before pupils are promoted
from this grade.;
Prof. A. S. McDonald is the principal
of the schools and has charge of the
ninth grade work.. The regular sub
freshman work of the O A O is taken up
in this grade.
Mr. McDonald is a native of Illinois.
He was educated in the public schools of
that state and of Kansas. At the age of
twenty he entered the Holton Normal
University where he received excellent
training for the profession ot teiching.
Coming to Oregon in 1887, Mr. McDon
ald worked as printer in the S. W. Baltea
& Co's job office in Portland. In the
spring of '88, he taught his first term of
school in "the little red school house on
the hill'' just east of Tualatin. After
teaching a few years ia the better grade
of publie schools, he took up the work
in the graded schools. His work in the
Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Harris
burg schools gave him a standing as a
progressive, up-to-date teacher and edu
cator. As superintendent of schools in
Linn county, he impressed all with his
ability and energy. At the Eession of
the state teachers' association held in
i oriiano, iys, ne was eiecieu as nrst i
"A Gold Mine."
The local dramatic club held
out two inducements to theatre
goers when cliey presented "A
Gold Mi lie," " last Thursday
night, and the result was a
crowded house, despite the mis
erable weather of the afternoon
and evening: The efforts of the
company in the past have com
pared favorably with those of
traveling performers; and the
proceeds of the entertainment
were to be used in purchasing
books for the Coffee Club library.
Although lack of preparation
marred to some extent 'he en
joyment of the performance and
smothered the best effrts of the
players, the audience as a whole
has well pleased with their in
vestment in a "Gold Mi-ie."
The play has more real merit
than anything yet attempted by
the company; no prettier stage
setting has been seen here;
make-up and costuming could
net have been better, and the
music was excellent. These
things contribute at least one
half to the success of this form
of entertainment and stock be-
eran going: uo with the rise of
the curtain.
As the play progressed, the
brightness of the lines, smooth
ness of incidents and interest of
the plot held the attention of the
audience, and the nice concep
tion of the various role -and at
times exceptionally clever bits of
acting, atone for an occasional
twisting of a cue, or tardy en
trance. The local players de
serve to be classed witn the pro
fessional companies which ap
pear in the smaller cities, and
their work is necessarily sub
jected to as severe Criticism.
One feature of the evening
that cannot be too highly com
mended, was the numbers ren
dered by the band. This organ
ization is rapidly becoming one
of the best in the state, and no
better program has been heard
in the Opera House this season
than the one given by them
Thursday evening.
"A Breezy Time" Tonight.
A flash and a crash, a whirl and
a swish, an electric, magnetic, sys
tematic combine of grotesque, ex
centric and pretty figures extolling
a veritable cyclone of fresh, breezy
acts and tuneful melodies loaded
with the distilled essence of parody
and fun. That's "A Breezy lime"
to a dot. Eveiy feature of this
play is refined and there will be
nothing to offend or bore. Prices
35c, 50c and 75c.
Something Mew.
J ust published by the Southern Pacific
Company is a pamphlet upon the re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
cludes an excellent map of the etate,
and contains information on climate,
lands, education, etc., existing indus
tries Bnd their capabilities.
Attention is also directed to such new
fields for energy or capital as promise
fair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregoniane, in replying to
inquiries of Eastern friends.
Copies may be had of local agent of
the Southern Pacific Company, or from
C. H. Markham,
G. P. A., Portland, Oregon.
Vermont maple syrup, 95c per
gallon; bring pail. Zierolf.
Fine Holiday Slippers' for men,
women and children jugt received
at Nolan & Callahan's.
vice president of the department of.
superintendence. The next year he was
chosen as president of the department
which he now holds. Mr. McDonald
holds a state life diploma.
From the above it will be seen that
six of the nine teachers are native Ore
gonians; that all are experienced
teachers who are making teaching their
life work ; that all hold state diplomas,
seven of the nine .being for life ; t hat five
of the nine are graduates of colleges;
that six of the nine have had experience
in graded schools, and that altogether
our teachers bring to our public schools
a diversity of training and accomplish
ments that will result in broad and deep
foundation in the present rising genera
tion of Corvallis.
Holiday presents for men, women
and children, all worth 100 cents
on the dollar the day after Christ
mas, at Nolan & Callahan's.
Latest novelties in fancy glass
ware at Zierolf's.
Buy your holiday goods of Nolan
& Callahan.
Property Wanted.
House and lots wanted in Corvallis.
Only a few hundred dollars to invest.
Address, "X" P. O. Box 165.
Pianos and Organs for Sale.
Call at residence in Wilkins Addition
and see samples of high grade pianos
and organs just unboxed. Can give bar
gains on goods of the highest merit as
they are Shipped direct from the factory
thus saving middle men's profits and
giving the benefit of this economy to
patrons. All invited to inspect goods.
Bargains in lamps at Zierolf s.
Home ground buckwheat at Zierolf's.
Ripe olives In bulk at Zierolf's.
Lowest prices in stand lamps,
banquet lamps, hanging lamps and
night lamps; get our prices, we will
suit you. Zierolf.
Music Lessons.
Lessons given on the piano and organ
in a manner ;that trains the ear, mind
and hands and saves years of needless
drudgery. M. A. Goodnouqh.
Latest Music.
Under this head will be found the
latest popular music. Kept constantly
on hand by I. R. Daniel at the Book
Store :
VocAii "A Bird in a Gilded Cage,"
"I Never Liked a Nigger With a Beard."
"I Love Thee, Columbia," by Tobani.
Instrumental ''Hearts are Trumps,"
a Two-Step March: "Miss Jollity;"
"Chewin' the Rag." a Rag-time March.
"Moments Musical," by Kretchmer;
"Valse" byMargis; "Hearts and Flow
ers," for violin and piana, by Tobani.
1 1 GdS fOB CHRISTMAS I Right T,mC 1
To worry about. Just run through this
No use trying to
describe all we've
got. We have
them big and lit
tle, oblong . and
square, decorated
and plain cellu
loid fronts, includ
ing musical and
easel albums from
50c to $10.
Collar and Cuff Boxes
From 50c to $3.00.
Glove and Handkerchief
From 50c to $2.00.
Work Boxes
25c, 50c, 75c. $1.00.
Tie Boxes
25c, 5oc 75c $1.00.
Dressing Cases
Celluloid Cases in
fancy shapes,
handsomely deco
rated in the high
est art colors, ivo
ry, ebony, or gold,
either in toilet or
manicure and toi
let pieces combin
ed. From $1 to $18.
Toilet Articles, Fins Perfumery, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties
and Gloves.
5c, ioc, 25c, 50c, $i.oo, $1.25, $r.50, $1.75, $2,00 and
up to $3.50.
Fine Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Fine Suits
for Men and Boys, Dress Goods, Fur Collars,
Jackets and Capes.
At Kline's.
1 Attractive I The White Blouse
g Prices g
An Immense
TRY . . .
Fresh Groceries
The Corvallis Commission
Keeps constantly on hand the celabrated
A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is giTen fre witn
every sack of the latter
Hay, Oats, Grain. - Bran, Shorts, Potatoes
Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Etc.
rtm JVA.iift h ftA IMM MMMMMMMmii ttttiifa
1 ne commercial Kestaurant
and Bakery.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc.
'. ?Kept Constantly on Hand.5- C I - .
Leave orders for Dressed Chickens. Yaquiaa Oysters' f
in Season.
! Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantlv on hand. bmokers supplies &
a specialty.
H. W. HALL, Proprietor.