Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 30, 1900, Image 1

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I'MOS EatBb. July, 18S7.
GAZETTIS Estab. Dee. 1862.
Consolidated Feb. 1899.
nrs or VI
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penings of the Past Week in a
Condensed Form.
Another snow storm is sweeping over
British Columbia.
Seventy-five lives were lost in the
tornado in the South.
Negotiations are under way for a re
ciprocity treaty with Russia.
A difference of opinion has brought
the Chinese negotiations to a standstill.
Paul Krnger, ex -president of the
South African republic, has arrived at
The ways and means committee of
the house, decides to reduce the war
tax $30,000,000.
MacArthur is pushing the campaign
against the Filipinos, reinforcements
being sent to the several divisions.
The official count for Ohio is as fol
lows: McKinley 548,918, Bryan 474.
882; McKinley's plurality, 69,086.
Lampson P. Sherman, brother of the
late Senator John Sherman, of Ohio,
died at Des Moines, Iowa, aged 79.
The official count for Nebraska,
shows that McKinley's plurality in the
state is 7,832. The total vote of the
state is 251,998. McKinley received
121,8:5 and Bryan 114,013.
The population of the state of New
York as officially auuounc.d by the
census bureau, is 7,263,012, as against
5,997,853 in 1890. an increase of
1,270,159, or 21.1 per cent
At Republic, Wash., Charles Kramer
was found hanging by his neck, in a
slaughter house. He had been missed
since November 9. His body was
found by George Raglan, who visited
the slaughter honse. He was general
ly despondent, and having lost $100 on
the election, it is supposed that induced
him to take bis own life.
Labor troubles that have been smol
dering for some time at the Piano Har
vester Manufacturing Company's plant
at West Pullman, Illinois, culminated
in a lockout of 900 workmen. Notices
have been posted announcing a suspen
sion of work for an indefinite period.
The plant was shut down last July, but
work was resumed again the day after
The Vossiche Zeitung, of Berlin,
points out "the dangers of permitting
Boers to trek into German Southwest
Africa, since they are unmanageable
and incapable of accepting orderly con
ditions." Giving a word of warning,
it says: "The Boers would seek to
bold the groun I, thus forming a state
within a state. The German colonial
authorities should remember that it
would be generations before the Boers
forget that they once possessed an inde
pendent political existence."
The allies at Pekin resolved on
strong measures.
The opening of tho Milton creamery,
the first in Eastern Oregon, was cele
brated. Russia deals the Pacific coast a hard
blow by putting a high tariff on flour
to Siberia.
The house ways and means commit
tee considered the reduction of the
stamp tax.
An ex -rebel chief will start in pur
suit of Aguinaldo, who is said to be in
Northern Luzon.
The population of Florida is 628,53,
as against 391,224 in 1890, an increase
of 187,120, or 35 per cent.
The assistant postmaster-general ol
the United States pleads for a wide ex
tension of the rural free delivery.
E. Gates was convicted at South
Bend, Wash., of murder in the second
degree for killing Captain Beeson.
The situation in South China is im
proved so that the rebels bare been
conquered, and the rebellion is nearly
The population of Rhode Island was
announced to be 428,556, as against
345,506 in 1890; increase of 83,050, or
24 per cent.
John H. Ott, the comedian, died at
New York, of a complication of dis
eases. He was taken ill about two
weeks ago. He was 38 years old.
The big cotton mill operatives' strike
in Alamanie county, JMortn (jarouua,
has been declared off. The strike has
been in force about three months, and
several thousand hands were involved.
Dawson City advices brought by the
steamer Danube, arrived at Victoria,
are to the effect tnat on November-18,
Dawson was reported to have been free
from new cases of smallpox for 10
The British warship Pheasant, sta
tioned at Victoria, B. C, received rush
orders from the Admiralty dispatching
her to Panama to protect British inter-
sts in the revolution wnich has re-
rred there.
More than four-fifths of the popula
tion of Mexico are of mixed or Indian
Bresoi, slayer of King Humbert,
wrote to his wife in New York, that
he is kept in a damp well and com
pelled to stand all the time.
Turkey has been taking a census of
Islam, and finds that the number of
Mohammedans in the world is 196,
600,000. Of these 18,000,000 are in
Floods and storms are causing great
damage in the East.
A young man was fatally shot try
robbers near The Dalles, Or.
Officers at Tien Tsin are in favor of
destroying thiYChinese fortifications.
Fire destroyed a cement plant near
Easton, Pa., causing a loss of $200,000.
United States geological surveyors
are mapping Eastern Oregon mining
The official vote of Indiana is as fol
lows: Bryan, 309,594; McKinley,
The official vote of the state of Vir
gins is as follows: Bryan, 146,179;
McKinley. 117,151.
Sarah Bernhardt and M. Coquelin
played their first night to a representa
tive audience in New York City. They
appeared in Rostand's "L'Aiglon."
Attorney-General Blackburn gives his
official opinion that reading the Bible
and repeating the Lord's Prayer are
permissible in Oregon public schools.
The president has decided to appoint
F. T. Bowles, naval constructor in
charge of the New York navy-yard,
chief of the bureau of construction and
repair of the navy department, upon
the retirement from active service next
March of Rear-Admiral Hichboin, the
present incumbent.
A dispatch received at Berlin from
Field Marshal Count von Waldersee,
dated November 24, says the German
expedition has hoisted the German flag
over the great wall, which was reached
November 22 by way of Hey Ling
Cheng, after a difficult mountain
march. The dispatch adds that tho
French bad a severe fight with Boxers
30 kilometers south of Pao Ting Fu.
Horses to the number of 50,000 are
to be purchased in this country in the
next six months by agents of the Brit
ish government for the use of Lord
Kitchener's forces in policing the
Transvaal and Orange Free State. This
news has been announced by John S.
Bratton, of St. Louis, who has sup
plied directly and indirectly to the
British army in the last two years
many horses suitable for cavalry use.
! Details are received of the killing of
the supposed Apache Kid, near Pa
checo, Mexico, recently. There are
three dead Indians one of them sup
posed to be the notorious Apache Kid,
for whom the United States govern
ment has offered a reward of $5,000.
The other dead are an Indian squaw
and pappoose, who fell in the fight.
The shooting was done by two men
whom the Indians had robbed, and
who had followed the band.
There are now 55 cases of yellow
fever in Havana.
Bryan says be will remain in poli
tics as long as be lives.
Russian iidiers in China will be
withdrawn to the north.
The United States battleship Ken
tucky has sailed from Naples for
The official vote of the state of Flori
da is as follows: Bryan, 28,007; Mc
Kinley, 7,499.
Ameiicans took a Tagal stronghold
at Pinauran which the rebels boasted
was Impregnable.
John Lawson Johnson, of Kent, Eng
land, the noted dietic expert, died in
France, aged 61.
The new United States monitor Ne
vada was launched at Bath, Me., with
appropriate ceremonies.
The Venezuelan government has re
ceived from Germany 10,000 Mauser
rifles and 3,000,000 cartridges.
The population of Kansas is 1,470,
495, as against 1,427,096 in 1890. an
increase of 43,399, or 3 per cent.
The population of Virginia is 1,854,
184, as against 1,655,980 in 1890, an
increase of 198,204, or 11.9 per cent.
The population of Maryland is
1,550,050, against 1,402,390 in 1890,
an increase of 147,660, or 14.1 per
Ex-President Kruger was received
by President Loubet, of France, at the
Ellysee. at Paris. There were no dis
turbances. Five coal mines near Parkersburg,
W. Va., were destroyed by a landslide,
entailing a loss of $300,000. No one
was injured.
At Chicago; 'the foreman of a sash
and door factory was shot and instant
ly killed by one of two men, uelieved
to be strikers.
The Yale football team defeated
Harvard's eleven by the score ot 28 to
0, at New Haven, Conn., before an im
mense crowd.
A St. Lawrence river steamer was
wrecked off Seven Islands, Quebec,
! and all on board perished, 19 of the
crew and seven passengers.
The population of Nevada as official
ly announced by the census bureau, is
42.335, as against 45,761 in 1890, a de
crease of 3,426, or 7.4 per cent.
Five hundred Indians in Western
Colorado are slaughtering deer by the
hundreds, and Governor Thomas bas
given orders to have them arrested.
Retaliatory measures are being de
vised by the United States govern
ment against Turkey for refusal to
grant an exequator tc Dr. Thomas H .
Norton to act as consul at Harpoot.
The Missouri is now claimed to be
the longer by 200 miles than the Mis
sissippi. Captain Hassell, who commanded a
company of American scouts in the
Boer army thinks the Boers will re
sume fighting in the spring.
James M. Lynch, the new president
of the International Typographical Un
ion, succeeded S. B. Donnelly, the re
tiring president. Headquarters of the
anion are at Indianapolis, Ind.
Ex-President of Transvaal Is
Now on French Soil.
Only Unpleasant Incident Caused
Englishmen They Threw Small
Coin at Oom Paul.
Marseilles, Nov. 25. Today proved
a triumph for Mr. Kruger such as even
the Boer delegates and his most ardent
admirers failed to anticipate. The de
lirium of enthusiasm whioh marked
every step of bis progress from tba
time be landed until the hotel was
reached was a revelation, even to the
people of 'Marseilles themselves. It
fully equaled if it did not surpass, the
frantio demonstration of patriotism
with wbicb France opened her arms to
Major Marchand at Toulon on his re
turn from Fashoda. An assembly of
such masses, exceeding even the most
sanguine estimate, might perhaps be
partly explained by the ceremonious
obsequies of the bishop of Marseilles,
including an imposing religions pro
cession from the cathedral, bnt noth
ing can minimize the spontaneous ex
plosion of sentiment displayed toward
Mr. Kruger by the entire population of
the first port and one of the largest
cities of France.
Yet the grandeur of this demonstra
tion perhaps ranks in importance to the
emphatic manifesto of "no compro
mise" which - Mr. Kruger delivered in
a low voice, but one vibrating with
emotion, accompanied by energetic
gestures of the right band, stiring the
hearts of all within hearing. The last
sentences of his declaration were ut
tered with a vigoi and a decision wbicb
bore out his reputation as to the incar
nation, of iron will and stubborn re
sistance. His mere delivery of a dec
laration of such far-reaching import
ance testifies to the independence of
nis character, as it came as a surprise
even to bis intimate political adivsers
who, up to the last, were in ignorance
of his determination. He announced
to the world this morning that the
Boers won 11 be free people or die, and
the faces of the men about him, Wea
sels, Froebler and the other Boer repre
sentatives, bore the look of fearless de
termination reflecting the spirit that
Mr. Krugei declared animated every
man, woman and child in the Trans
vaal. The unfortunate occurrence at the
hotel on the main boulevard' alone
marred the character of toe demonstra
tion, wheb up to that time bad been
unanimously and exclusively a tribute
of sympathy and admiration. "Vive
Kruger," "Vive les Boers," and
"Vive la liberte," were the cries that
that formed a hurricane of cheering
and swept over the city. Unfortunate
ly the high reprehensible foolishness of
half a dozen persons in throwing small
coins into the crowd as Mr. Kruger
passed acted like magic in conjuring
up an anti-British outburst, which it
needed all the promptitude and energy
of the police to prevent becoming a
serious disturbance. The hotel re
mained for the rest of the day in a
state of siege, while at one time a pro
cession, several thousand strong
marched in tbe direction of the British
consulate, shooting. "Down with the
English," and raising other threaten
ing cries. The result was that a strong
body of police was compelled to dis
perse tbe demonstrators, although it
was found not necessary to make more
thsn lew temporary arrests.
Trust Companies Consolidate.
New York, Nov. 23. The trustees
of the Atlantic Trust Company and the
directors ot the Bankeis' Trust Com
pany, at seperate meetings, decided to
consolidate under tbe title and charter
of the Atlantic Trust Company. The
consolidation will become operative as
soon as the stockholders ot both -companies
ratify tbe action of the directors.
The Atlantic Trust Company was or
ganized nearly 15 years ago, and it
has at this time capital of $15,000,000
and $500,000 surplus. The Bankers'
Trust Company was formed a little
more than a year ago, with a paid-up
capital of $1,500,000.
Venezuela Buys Gould's Yacht.
New York, Nov. 28. George J.
Gould's yacht, the AtaUnta, with the
war equipment with which she was
armed for Colombia, which was to
have bought her, is to go to Venezuela.
Mr. Gould has completed arrangements
for her sale to the latter country for
$125,000. General Nicanor Bolet-Pe-raza,
conbdential agent of the Venez
uelan government, who belongs to the
Castro, or Liberal party, conducted
the negotiations witb Mr. Gould per
sonally, and bas paid him the first in
stallment of $30,000.
The storm In the East.
Buffalo, Nov. 25. Inspection of the
government breakwater shows that a
section about 1,100 feet in length was
demolished by the storm last night.
This section was being repaired, and
the waves which pounded upon it
dashed i.wav so much of the structure
that extensive repairs will be neces
sary, ine damage is estimated at
An Appeal for Help.
Memphis, Nov. 25. The people of
Lagrange, Tenn., have sent out an ap
peal for help. They say all the busi
ness portion and nearly all tbe resi
dence portion of the town are in ruins,
and many of tbe inhabitants destitute.
They ask that contributions be sent to
W. B. Hancock, mayor of the town.
Oil Derricks Destroyed.
Toledo, O., Nov. 25. Yesterday's
storm destroyed nearly 8,000 derricks
in the oil fields south and east of here.
Colorapo Springs Is Recovering From
the Storin.
Colorado Springs, Nov. 26. The
city is rapidly taking on its normal ap
pearance after yesterday's storm. The
damage will approximate $200,000 and
is due entirely to destruction by the
wind, all reports if serious fire losses
being unfounded. There were 10 alarms
of fire in 10 hours, but no serious fires
occurred. Incandescent lights are
ourning tonight, but the streets are
still dark. Light wires and telegraph
wires are still strewn across the trolley
wires in many places and the street
raiway traffic will not be resumed un
til some time tomorrow. About 500
houses and business blocks are damaged
and 150' trees uprooted.
No lives were lost in the storm, and
Colonel E. T. Ensign, who was struck
by a telegraph pole and suffered a
broken leg, has tbe most serious in
jury. The storm was not attended by rain
or snow. The gale came direct from
Pike's Peak, which is west of the city,
and it blew from 1 P. M. to 2 A. M.
At 2:30 P. M., when the wind gauge
at tbe Colorado college was destroyed,
it had registered a velocity of 82 miles
per hour. The weather today has been
fair and warm, with little wind.
The damage is greatest in the busi
ness part of the city. Tbe El Paso
National bank, Durkee building, Gin
ding block, opera house, high school,
postoffice, Antler's livery, Colorado
Springs Transfer Company and Min
ing Exchange buildings, all in tbe
center of the city, bad roofs torn off or
were badly damaged and wreckage
blockades the principal streets. Plate
glass windows all over the city are
shattered and tbe -loss in these alone
will amount to many thousands of dol
lars. From outlying sections of the
city reports have come of destruction
of many small dwelling houses. In
Ivy Wild, a suburb, Smith's green
houses were blown down and burned.
There were about a dozen alarms of fire
during the aay and night. Firemen
did valiant service 'and prevented the
spread of the flames. Mayor Robin
son is commended on all sides for his
prompt action in organizing a commit
tee of safety. Major Shapcott was
placed in charge and he at once organ
ised a force to patrol the streets and
insructions were positive to show no
mercy to anybody starting a fire in the
Company Organized to Found Industry
in Clark County.
Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 26. The
Columbia Fruit Gaining Company is
the name of a new corporation organ
ized in Clark county this week. The,
object of the concern will be to do a
general fruit canning business. Suit
able grounds have been purchased at
Fishers, six miles east of this place,
upon which it is proposed to erect, in
tbe spring, an extensive factory. The
plant will have frontage on the Colum
bia river and be provided witb ample
wharves for shipping purposes. Its
capacity will be about 30,000 csaes of
fruit, during the season
The promoters and principal stock
holders are J. C. Pancher and Fred G.
Pickett, and the capital stock is fixed
at $4,000. -
, Apache Kid Dead.
St. Louis, Nov. 26. A special to tbe
Globe-Democrat from El Paso, Tex.,
says that President Joseph F. Smith, of
the Mormon church, who has arrived
there, accompanied by O A. Woodruff
and Dr. Seymour, after a tour among
the colonies in Mexco, reports the kill
ing of the notorious Apache Kid in tbe
recent Indian raid at Colonia Pacheco.
Mr. Woodruff was one of the party
that pursued the retreating Indians and
assisted at the burial of the killed.
Among these was one, apparently the
leader, and who is now positively iden
tified as the notorious Apache Kid.
Mr. Woodruff said they will put in an
application for the reward offered for
him in tbe United States.
Population of Three States.
Washington, Nov. 26. The popula
tion of Missouii, as officially an
nounced by tbe census bureau today,
is 3,103,665, as against 2,679,184 id
1890, an increase of 427,481, or 15.9
per cent. The population in 1880 was
2,148,380, showing an increase of 510,
804, or 23.8-'per cent from 1880 to 1890.
The population of Buchanan county is
121,838; of Jackson county, 195,193;
St. Louis city. 575,238.
The population of West Virginia is
958,800, as against 762,794 in 1890, an
increase of 196,006, or 25.6 per cent.
Tbe population of Mississippi is
1,551,270, as against 1.289,600 in 1890,
an increase of 261,670, or 20.2 per
Dynamiter Gets Ten Tears.
St Louis, Nov. 26. Maurice Bren
man, arrestei for dynamiting property
of the St. Louis Transit Company dur
ing the recent street railway strike,
was found guilty today and sentenced
to serve 10 years in the penitentiary.
Fred Northway and James Schwartz,
who were indicted with Brenman, will
be tried soon.
Strike in Welsh Quarries.
London, Nov. 26. About 5,000 men
recently struck in tbe Penrhyn (Wales)
quarries because the management re
fused to install a dismissed overlooker.
Lord Penrhyn afterwards closed tbe
quarries. Violence is expected, and
troops were sent there several days
The Tote in Illinois.
Springfield. 111., Nov. 26. Follow
ing is the official vote of Illinois on
president and governor:
President McKinley, 597,595; Bry
jn, 501,598; Woolley, Prohibition,
17,825; Debs, Social Democrat, 9,672.
Governor Yates, Republican, 580,
198; Alsobuler, Democrat, 518,966;
Barnes, Prohibition, 15,643; Perry,
Social Democrat, 8,617.
Refusal to Grant Exequatur
to American ConsuL
Request Rejected on the Grounds That
Harpoot Is Not a Commer
cial Point.
Constantinople, Nov. 26. The porta
has definitely rejected the request lor
an exequatur for a United States con
sul at Harpoot. This refnsal is regard
ed by the United States legation as a
direct violation of the treaty rights,
and, Consequently, despite tbe refusal,
Thomas H. Norton, who was appointed
by President McKinley some time ago
to establish a consulate at Harpoot,
bas been directed to proceed to his
post. The expected visit of the battle
ship Kentucky to Smyrna is believed to
relate quite as much to this matter as
to tbe indemnity question.
More Rebel Victories Colon and Pana
ma Terror-Slrieken.
Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. 26. The
British steamer Barbadian, which has
just arrived here from Colon, reports
that severe fighting occurred Monday
and Tuesday at Culebra. Tbe govern
ment forces attacked tbe rebels, who
occupied a good position, witb the re
sult that the losses of tbe former were
heavy. The fighting was proceeding
when tbe steamer left Tuesday night.
Tbe stores and restaurants nt Colon
were closed and tbe rebels held a por
tion of the railroad line. Another
rebel force was reported to be engaging
the government troops near Panama.
Business is entirely suspended at tbe
latter place, and both Panama and Co
lon are in a state of terror. Tbe rebels
are attacking in a determined manner,
and it is feared tbe slaughter will be
great before decisive results are
reached. The liberals, it is asserted
by tbe passengers of tbe steamer, still
hold Buena Ventura, though the Co
lombian government is making great
effort to regain possession of it.
Floods in Southern California.
Anaheim, Cal., Nov , 26. The flood
situation here is alarming. A break
in tbe Santa Ana river has brought the
water to within a mile of tbe town,
which is 15 feet below the bed of the
river, and if the rise of the latter con
tinues the town will be swamped. The
Catholio cemetery wa3 reached last
night and is under a foot of water. In
tbe peat lands breaks in the Santa Ana
river have let in a large volume of new
water, and tbe celery men fear tbe en
tire crop of 1,500 cars will be lost.
Over 100 families bave been driven
from their homes and there is fear that
people in isolated sections bave been
Black Flags at Canton.
New York, Nov. 26. One thousand
Black Flags have returned to Canton,
says a Herald dispatch from Hong
Kong. Although the rebellion has sub
sided in tbe East River district, the
disturbed villagers are repudiating the
rule of tbe Mandarins, refusing to pay
taxes. Tbe French are extremely ao
tive, relying on the visits of the gun
boats as an effective means of settling
indemnities. Three gunboats remain
at Sban Tak to enforce their claim of
170,000 taels. The Man. Sarins offer 60
per cent, which has not been accepted.
There are fears of fresh outbursts of
Rryan Still a Chicago Democrat.
Mexico. Mo., Nov. 26. In a letter
received here today from W. J. Bryan,
he says:
'Still believing in the- principles set
forth in the Chicago platform, I shall
continue to defend them, believing
the American people will yet see the
necessity for the repudiation of -Republicanism."
Brands' Boers Defeated.
Bloemfontein, Nov. 25. The Boers
under Brand were defeated November
18 at Baderspan, with heavy losses, the
Lancers charging through the Boer
line, doiug deadly damage, as a num
ber of riderless horses demonstrated.
Brand himself was wounded. The
British casualties were not serious.
Caleb Powers' Appeal.
Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 26. In ths
court of appeals today tbe case of ex
Secretary of State Caleb Powers vs. tbs
commonwealth, was submitted without
argument, with leave to file briefs De
cember 1. Powers is under life sen
tence for being an accessory to the Goe
bel murder.
Expelled Germans Wants Damages.
Berlin, Nov. 25. The Pan-German
Association bas taken np the cause of
several hundred Germans who were ex
pelled from tbe Transvaal by the Brit
ish. It is announced that "it wlil
force tbe government to make an ener
getic demand upon Great Britain for
adequate damgaes."
Plotters Sentenced.
Bucharest, Nov. 26. The trial of
tbe Macedonian Bulgarians accused of
participating in a plot to assassinate
King Charles of Roumania, was con
cluded today. All were sentenced to
bard labor for life in the salt mines or
to long terms of imprisonment.
West Virginia's Vote.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 26. Tht
Intelligencer has received complete re
turns from all but two counties of West
Virginia, and, with unofficial figures
for these counties, the figures show Mc
Kinley's majority to be 21,039.
South Carolina's Population.
Washington, Nov. 26. The popula
tion of South Carolina, as announced
today, is 1,340,316, as against 1,151,
149 in 1899, an increase of 189,167 or
(16.4 per cent. -.
The Final Session of the Diplomatic Body
in China.
Pekin, Nov. 28. The diplomatic
body held a final meeting this morn
ing, and agreed upon the terms oi the
preliminary treaty. Nothing now re
mains except to secure the approval of
the respective governments before deftv
nite negotiations with the Chinese
peace commissioners are begun. The
precise terms of tbe settlement bave
not yet been made public here, but it
is believed, outside the diplomatic
corps, that tbe main points are in sub
stantial agreement with those contain
ed in the French note to the powers,
namely punishment for the guilty, in
demnity to governments and individ
uals, retention of strong legation guards
and the occupation of ceitain places
between Pekin and Taku.
A party of American cavalry went
today to disperse a band of bandits in
a village, 16 miles from Pekin. The
village was found strongly fortified, but
the Americans attacked and captured
it, killing seven Chinese.
A secret edict from Sinanfu to the
provincial viceroys and governors or
ders them to cease the manufacture of
modern arms and to revert to tbe old
style of weapons, because modern arms
"have proved utterly useless against
the foreigners."
0. W. Traylor Killed J. Hardcnbrock, Then
Took His Own Life.
Jacksonville, Or., Nov. 28. There
was a double tragedy here last night.
G. W. Traylor shot and killed J. Har
denbrook and then ended his own life.
Tbe facts developed before the coion
er's jury are as follows: G. W. Traylor
bad lived near Drain, Douglas county,
for two years past. He arrived in this
place, with bis family, two weeks ago.
His wife's sister, -iiss Sarah L. Bee
son, daughter of W. N. Beeson, of
Sbubel, Clackamas county, oame here
with them. Mr. Hardenbrook bad
been paying his addresses to ber, and it
is understood tbey were engaged to be
married. Mr. Traylor objected to the
marriage, and on several occasions
threatened Mr. Hardenbrook's life.
The day before the shooting Traylor
said Hardenbrook would, not live till
Sunday, though he gave bis consent for
him to come to the house to see Miss
No More. Troops for South Afrlc on the
Score of Expense.
London, Nov. 28. "We under
stand, " says the Daily Express this
morning, "that Lord Roberts recently
requested tbe government to send 20,
000 regulars to South Africa to relieve
the same number still in the field, but
that bis request was deolined on the
score of expense." After condemning
the government's refusal as "ruinous
economy," tbe Daily Express goes on
to describe Lord Kitchener's "drastic
plan of operations."
"He will endeavor to isolate the
commandoes," it says, "and to move
suspected Boer families into garrisoned
towns. He will clear troublesome dis
tricts, confining the population in laag
ers, if necessary, and will take or de
stroy all lood supplies, punish treach
ery by death or transportation, raze
villages guilty of treasonable acts, and
destroy all farms in the vicinity ol
tail way or telegraph cutting."
The Damage to Property Is Considerable
No Lives Lost.
Cincinnati, Nov. 28. Floods are re
ported all along the Ohio valley today.
In almost the entire valley it has been
raining since last Tuesoay, and almost
continuously since Friday. While no
Hives are . reported lost, the damage to
property is considerable. The Licking
liver, in Kentucky, is very high, and
bas caused some damage on the Ohio
side by its waters ruhing across the
Ohio channel and sweeping the Cin
cinnati landing. One of the bridges
over the Licking connecting Covington
and Newport was swept away. The
lumber yards, mills and shipping gen
erally suffered great loss. On tbe Ohio
side, tbe Great and Little Miami rivers
are both bigb. and floods along tbe tri
butaries of tbe Ohio river are reported
everywhere. The Ohio rose eight feet
here during tbe last 24 boors, and is
rising more rapidly tonight.
William Wants a Large Navy.
Berlin, Nov. 28. Emperor William
bas sent to the Reichstag charts, maps
and statistics showing the growth of tbe
Russian, British, French and United
States navies, and also their strength
in far 'Eastern waters. In view of
this, tbe members oi the Rbiohstag
fear that another bill to increase the
strength of tbe German navy is coming.
Iowa's Cigarette Law.
Dubuque, la., Nov. 26. An order
came to all tobacco dealers today at
once to ship out of the state their en
tire stock of cigarettes and oigarette pa
pers. The order oame from the Ameri
can Tobacco Company in conformity
witb the recent decision of the United
States supreme oourt.
To Determine Andrce's Fate.
Stockholm, Nov. 25. Professor Na
thorst has offered a reward of 600
crowns for each of the remaining ten
buoys taken by the Andree Arctic bal
loon expedition. He Is also taking
steps to fit out an expedition to search
tbe Iceland coast for wreckage of tbe
balloon, and also to search tbe south
west coast of Greenland for tbe same
purpose, as he considers this tbe only
manner in whioh the fate of Andree
can be learned.
h in ii ctsr
Great Damage Caused by Floods
and Rains.
Fright Caused by a Story, Afterward De
nied, of a Serious Accident in
West Virginia.
Hinton, W. Va., Nov. 28. There
have been various reports tonight about
bridges on the Chesapeake & Ohio be
ing washed out and trains tunning into
the liver witb all on board lost. There
is nothing in any of these reports. All
of the trains are accounted fur, either
at Alderson or White Sulphur Springs,
and the passengers on the delayed
trains are being entertained at the ho
tels in t'ne best manner possible.
While none of the bridges is washed
out, yet tbe road has suffered much
damage for a distance of about 30 miles
in embankments being washed out and
in landslides, the most serious being
the landslide near one of the Green
Brier bridges, not far from White Sul- '
pbnr Springs. The company -will have
construction crews here both from the
coast east and west tomorrow, and it
is expected trains will run through to
morrow night, as usual, although there
will be transferring during another day.
The railroad is not the only sufferer in
this district. The floods have done
gieat damage in this oity and surround
ing towns, and to the In m ber trade
everywhere as well as to the crops.
Floods in West Virginia.
Gnyandotte, W. Va., Nov. 28. Con
tinuous rain for the past 48 hours bas
produced unprecedented floods in the
Gnyandotte valley. Some 9,000 logs
have gone out, taking with tbem the
false works of tbe two new Gnyandotte
valley railroad bridges south of Bar
bourville. The loss is $25,000. Tbe
track of the Gnyandotte valley railroad,
just completed to Salt Rock, a distance
of 18 miles, has been almost ruined.
Rise in the Kanawha.
Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 28. The
continuous rainfall of the past 48 hours
has caused a rapid rise in all streams
in this section of the state. The Kan
awha has almost reached tbe danger
line here, and people in tbe lowlands
are already moving out. The Kanawha
at :30 o'clock' tonight was 27.4 feet,
and rising one-half foot per hour. At
Kanawha Falls tbe river is 23.6 feet
and stationary. The rainfall here for
24 hours ending at 8 A. M. today was
2.7 inches.
Storm in Pennsylvania.
Dubois, Pa., Nov. 28. This sectiun
of the country experienced a severe
flood today. All of the mining plants
situated on low ground were compelled'
to close down this morning, and many
residences in the lower parts of tbe
town have four to six feot of water on
the ground floors. Ine Beaver madows
are covered to a depth of three and
four feet for miles around. At Nar
rows creek, three miles east of here,
on the low-grade division of the Penn
sylavnia, a bridge was washed away
about noon, stopping freight traffic and
necessitating transfer of all paesengers.
Murder of an Ohio Physician.
Marvsville, Ohio, Nov. 28. Dr. H.
A. Hamilton, a prominent physician
of this place, was shot today. Alfred
Alin, 35 years of age, who had accused
tbe doctor of causing the separation of
Alin and his wife, is under a j rest,
charged with firing the fatal shot. No
one Ban the shot fired, and the physic
ian died witbout making any state
ment. Dr. Hamilton left his residence
soon after breakfast to go to bis barn.
He had passed within the line of some
trees when a shot disturbed tbe silence.
A moment later he staggered back to
ward the house, where he fell dead.
Fast Train Jumped the Track.
Cornwall, Cal., Nov. 28. The fast
owl train jumped tbe track, between
Antiocb and Cornwall this morning.
Tbe cause ot the accident was a patched
rail. This rail was only about five
feet long. It flew out and "ditched the
train. Two colored cooks were the
only ones seriously injured. The oars
which left the track are complete
wrecks. Enigneer Neff was running
at terrific speed, trying to make up
time, as the train was late.
Cigarmakers' Strike.
Tampa, Fla., Nov. 28. In spite of
the agreement made last night to bold
the general strike in abeyance until the
committees for the Resistancia and the
International Cigar-Makers' Union
conld get together, tbe general strike
was declared today. Nine local unions
obeyed the order of the Trades' As
sembly and refused to go to work. It
is estimated that 1,400 men bave an
swered tbe first call and are out.
Fire in Beatrice, Neb.
Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 82. Fire today
dstroved the brick block occupied by
Begole & Vanarsdale, general merchan
dise and other firms. Loss $85,000.
Revolt in Somaliland.
Zanzibar, Nov. 28. The Somalis
bave risen in Jubaland, a province of
British East Africa.' About 4,000'
well-armed men are on the warpath.
Sub-Commissioner Jenner, who has
been on a tour inland with a small
foicu, is said to have been attacked.
His position is grave. It is doubtful
whether he will be able to return safely
to the .seaport, Kiamayn. Reinforce
ments from Moombasa have been sent
to Kismayn.