THE COBVALLIS GAZETTE FHtPAY, NOVEMBER 2. rOO. Eor President: WILLI AM. McKINLEY of Ohio. For Vice-President: THEODORE ROOSEVELT of New York." For Preeidential'EIectors. TILMON IOBD Marion County J. C. FULLERTON----Douglas County W. J. FURNISH Umatilla County O. F. PAYTON Multnomah County WHICH IS RIGHT? Our contemporary has abused us roundly for our defense of the volunteers against the vile at tack of the young man Sanders It says Sanders was right and we are wrong. Major Edwards, who was corporal in the 2nd Oregon and is now commandant at the O A C, was in the islands from No vember, 1898, until the regiment returned home. He was severe ly wounded at the battle of Mala bon.. He says: "I heartily en dorse your article. You may quote me as saying that during my entire residence in the islands I never saw or knew a private to rob or 'hold up' ' any native or any one, nor do I know of an in stance where an officer was guilty 01 unbecoming conduct." Arthur Stimpson, late sergeant in the 2nd Oregon, now librarian at the O A C, said Wednesday "Your article was timely and just right. I was sergeant of the guard, and as such had charge of all the posts in the Oregon regi ment, while I was on duty. Such charges as Mr. Sanders made against our officers and men never came under my ob- sarvation, nor did I ever hear of such outrages. His attack was unwarranted and uncalled for." 'Gene M. Simpson, who served with the Californians, and whose articles from the islands the Times was glad to print, ex pressed himself as follows: "I read your article and it was man ' ly and full of good sense. San ders uttered many falsehoods, not only concerning the volun teers, but regarding conditions in the islands, and the character of the Filipinos." Geo. F. Reed, private in the 2nd Oregon and a veteran of Malabon: "Who is this fellow Sanders? He speaks falsely when he says the natives never looted or burned, or that we were responsible for the beginning of hostilities. His attack was with out foundation. ' ' These were the only volunteers whom we had an opportunity to interview. They were unani mous in their endorsement of our article and emphatic in their denials of the assertions of San ders. This should be a sufficient answer to Sanders and those who endorse his utterances. Our contemporary has taken it upon itself to assure its readers that there is no question about the political honesty of the edi tor of the Gazette. We thank him. But the assurauce was unnecessary. We wish we could i say as much for the editor of the Times. When the editor of this paper changes his political faith for business reasons, he will feel that the public and the party ho represents will have cause to doubt his sincerity, as the editor of the Times recently complained to us was the predicament in which he found himself. OregoH at Buffalo. The oommissioners to the Pan American exposition held a meeting a few days ago in the Chamber of Commerce building at Portland and began active work in the matter of securing an appropriate exhibit from this state, and to secure sufficient funds for the collecting aud in stallment of the same. The board is composed of A. P. Tifft, president; John Bogard, secre tary; Henry B. Thielsen, treas urer; E. L Smith, A. J. John- a son, W. T. Gardner and Edyth Tozier Wetherred. Members have been assigned i to the different departments, i Mr. Smith will look after horti- i ouiture. He is president of the; ' state hoard of horticulture, and a nan of wide experience and knowledge i;i fruit culture. Mr. Henry B. Theilsofi, a prominent business man of Salem, and a man who is thoroughly inter ested in the welfare of his adopt ed state, will pay strict atten tion to agriculture, selecting with care grains, grasses and all that comes under this head. He has already been assured of able assistance in his collections. A. J. Johnson's work in the forestry exhibit! is too well known in Oregon 011 other occasions to ex plain what I13 expects to do at Buffalo. Oregon, being justly proud of her natural endowment of timber, will endeavor to have a display at the Pan-American exposition which will surpass anything heretofore attempted. Mr. Johnson is already in re ceipt of an order from Buffalo for a carload of small Oregon firs with which to decorate the grounds. John Bogard will make a specialty of the manu facturing interest?, and will not only show to the world that Ore gon is coming to the front in this line of enterprise, but that the possibilities and opportuni ties are many for futere invest ment. Music Lessons. Lessons given on the piano and organ in a manner "that trains the ear, mind and hands and saves years of needless drudgery. M. A. Goodxougii. For Sale. Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull, 4 Tears old, weighs about 2000 pounds. Is A No. 1. Is very gentle and easy to handle. Can be seen at my place about i, milrs from Corvallis, on the island back of Fischer's mills. John Saiilktscii. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby adven that the uiidersimiail ban been appointed administrator of the estates" of Kan- som A. Belknap and Mnrnla Brllrimn Hrr.nrmil nn.i all creditors of sid estate? are reooirad to nreaent their claims as per law required, with proper voneh- , wi aiu unuersiyneu at ins residence near Mop. , Benton county, within six months from this date. Corvallis, Or. , October SI, 1000 W G. Belknap. -Achn. Estates of Hansom A. i:e!knan mui MuhrJn Belknap, deceased. " . D. M. Osbura & Company take the Grand Prize at Paris. D. M. Osburn & Co., who are exhibit ing their line of harvesting machines at tne .fans imposition, have great reason to feel proud of the distinction won there i. it. n.,.1 , . .. . uy me excellent snowing ot their ma- Chines. They have secured the highest award obtainable, not only for their Mower, Reaper and Self-Binding Harvester, but t includes their tedder, Rake, and also their complete line of Peg, Spring Tooth and Disc Harrows. Notwithstanding the tremendous com petition of both American and Foreign exhibitors, the jury extended the Os borne line their highest tribute. In addition to the grand prize, the Osborne fcelf-Binding Harvester and the Osborne Mower took the first prize at the great field trial held June 15, at La uarrie, jc ranee. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs CflOVRIAUTe Jtif -5Sone.?in.dl,nc sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an iES?-?"9 P'objbly Patentable. Communiea iLS2ctAn.flaont'aIVHanaboo, 0 Patents - Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Hum & Co. receive tportai notice, without chareo. In the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Ijumest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 3 a VS" 2. montus, . csoia Dy all newsdealers nn361Broadway. fijoyu VrirL- Jfflce. 625 F St., Washington, D. C. lli .tire This is beyond question the most successful Ccmjrtf Medi cine ever known to science: a few doses invariably cure the vorst cases of Cough, Croup find Bronchitis, while its won derful success in the cure of Consumption is without a par allel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it ha3 been sokl on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryit. In United States and Canada Sic., 50c. and 1.00, and in England 3s. 'd., s. 3d. and 4s. 6d. SOLE PROPRIETORS r LEROY, N.Y. TORONTO, CAN. Sold bGraham &. Wortham. Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse tbc skin, CUTICURA Ointment, to heal the skin, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool tne blood, is often sufficient to cure tee most torturis?, dis figuring skin, scalp, and blood cantors, rashes. Itcbings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail Bold everywhere. Price, The Set, $1.23; or CrTlcrSA Bftar.SSB ; Ointmkht, 50c.i Resolvent (half aize, ."fie. Pott eh Ditto and Cnsu. Cost'., Sole Trope., hv-i. :i. 03- ' Uow to Cure Humors," G4-poge book, free. Estray. Cray pony; branded "R" on left hip; weight about 900. Owner may have the same by coming after the animal and paying the damages. C. V. Dennick. Corvallis, Or., Oct. 19, 1900. Shirm'tes and Doors. We are overstocked with shingles and are offering standard A (or -U 25; also cedar doors for $1.25 apiece, Cokvaiais SawmiU, Co. Administrator's Notice. Notice is heebj jriven that the unt)e-s'rred bos lwjen appointed administrator of the estate of Arthur Johnson, deceased, and nil credl tors of said estate are required to present their claims dulv verihed as by law required, with the proper vouch ers, tosanl unaerournerj at ms residence near Wells, Benton county, or to Yates, Yates & Gibson at their offices, Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from tins date. Corvallis, Or., Octob:r 11, lflfO. JOHN D. HARRIS, Adm'r Estate Arthur Johnson, Dee'd, Notice of Trustee's Sale. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of James F. Powell, J In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order ot the Reieree m bankruptcy for Linn county Oregon, I will, at the kour of three o'clock p. ni. on tiie 2-lth day of September, 1990, in front of the postofHce in the town of Philomath, Benton county Oregon, sell at puhlio auction to the highest bidder tiieretor, for cash m hand, all the right, title and interest which the aboye-named bankrupt at any time had and which I now have by virtue of Deity; trustee in tne anove-entitieu matter, in the lollov insr described premises, to wit: An undivided one-fourth of lot 1X1, in Mock 31 in the city of Pnnomath, m Benton county, Oregon as tiie saire appears on record, on the maps and plats of said city now on file in the office cf the county recorder of said county. Such sale will be made subject to approval of sain noon. Dated this 24th day of August, 1300. JAMES KLKIXS. Trustco in the Matter of '.he above-named Bank rupt. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby triven that the undersigned ex editor of the : estate of Elizabeth A. Beach, de ceased, has. Hied in the C-nntr Court of Benton county, Oregon, his final account as sueh executor cf the last will and testament of Elizabeth A Beach deceased, and that Saturday, the 6th day of October A. D., 100, at the hour of 10 oclocfc a. ni. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing objec, tions to said account and the settlement thereof. WILLIAM BOG UK. Administrator of the Last Vfill and Testament of Llizabeth A. Beach, Deceased. Wonted. Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers, we will pay you from one-fourth to one half more tor your iron than any junk dealer. Ve are ready to do repair work of any kind, at any time. Patronize ns. Bring vour old iron and pet your money. The Foundry, Corvallis, Or. Jerseys for Sale. For Sale One of the finest Jersey bulls, full blood, born last July, solid color, egntle and kind, will register in the A. J. C. C. (JLe very fine ftill-blood Jersey bull solid color, prominently mark ed, gentle and kind, born June 18, 1899. His mother tested 6i per cent, uuiier lar. u at register in A 1 1 1 P t T T 1 1 the P. C. C C. Two nice fuil-biood Jersey hoif- ers, solid color, well marked, about lo months old, gentle and kind. registered in the A. J. C. C. Par ties wanting fine reg;stered Jersey stock will miss a rare chance if they fail to investigate this opportunity to get fine Jerseys. M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore. ret One Free! An Osborne Self-Binding Harvester, Reaper, Mower, Rake and Harrow will be given free to successful guessers. Send 2c. Starr p for POLITICAL CHART and GliESSiftG CARD and particulars. Contest Closes, November 6th D. M. Osborne & Co,AEJ&urn, N.Y. Room 130 Adv. Dept. For Rc:it. Will rent 200 acres of land west of Monroe and .take part payment of rent in work and improvements" on the place. Address M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. Arnvas Fine Black Separate Skirts-. New Black and Colored Dress Goods. New Velvets, Silks and Satins. Ferris, Jackson and Chioago Corset Waists. German town Yarns, Saxony and Ice Wool. Fascinators, Shoulder Capes and Tarns. Satin and Moire Petticoats. Novelties in Golf Skirtings. New colors in Kid Gloves. Shopping Baskets and Satchels. New Buttons for Tailor-Made Suits. AlloverL,ace and Applique Trimmings. Ladies' Army Duck Boots and Leggins. Crib Blankets and Quilts. New Flannelette Wrappers. New Arrivals Weekly. GOOD GOODS Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House TH Pioneer Bakery 1 Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. H. W. HALL, Proprietor. The Corvallis Commission I, IK''' Store " C Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated corvallis m mnmt flours A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is ph-en free with every sack of the latter Hay, Oats, Graiu. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes Fish, Eees, Poultry, Etc. JOHN LENGER, Manager TRY . . . FOS. Fresii FJN.E TEAS AND COFFEES CORVALLIS t C. A. Barnhart, Manager. Paints, Oils and Varnishes VALL PAPERS RAMBLER AND IDEAL Bicycles, Ma?cs(ic Lamps, Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc t 5 Job Printing at this RESTAURANT. Groceries mmm, notions, cigius office THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Moatans, TTtalo, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. Look at the Time . , iy2 days to Salt Lake 2 days to Denver 3 days to Chicago 432 days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered Tourist Sleeping" Cars, and PnDtaau Tatace S!eepers, operated on all traiiis. - For further infoimation, applyto GEO. F. EGLIif, Agent, Corvallis, Or. C. O. TERRY, Y. R. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent. 124 Third St., Portland, Or. E. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dt-ntistry of every description done in first class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. GR3WH &ND BP.ID0E WORK & SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf's frroeery store, opposf'j the poi office, Corvallis, Oregon. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician 8r Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours P V0' ) 2 to 4 p. m . Residence: Corner College and 8th Sis. Telephone at office and residence. Corva'lis, - Oregon Notice for Publication. Unites ?rTATK3 Lax Office. Oregon City, Oregon, Aaust 22, WOO. Kotiee 13 hereby given that the foUeu$cg named settler lias filed notice cf his intention to make final proof in snppert of hi3 (bum, acd that said proof will be made before the bounty Clerk of Kenton County, at Corvallis, Orezcn, on October 12th 1900. Via: ELISILi V. "SPKNCER, II. E. I7o. 10238, for the N. W. J, Sec. 2S, T. 13 S. I:. 7 W. He names the following witness to prove bis continuous rwidence npon and cultivation of said land, viz, William Howell of Corvallis, ore iron, Thomas J. Child, O. -J. Ruble and R. Zahn, ail of Alsea, Oregon. ciias. n. sioonrs, Register. For Sale or xciiuuge. One liundredjand eighteen lots, in half and whole blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln county, Orejron; some business lots: residence lots near the principal churches, school -houee, and other resi dences; also residence lots commanding: beautiful views of ocean andbay. Fi ve fractional blocks, south of and near the State Agricultural Coilece; all completely tiled, streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient and healthful for residence. Large dweliinp;, bam and outhouses, cent-alh located on roc-my and commodious grounds, 111 Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvallis. Twenty acres highly improved, all tile drained, and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy buildings; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural College. Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor Tallis, good residence, two blocks from the Com House; high, rolling ground. Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained, in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis. One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, on Front street, in Corvallis, centrally located. Seventy-three acres, 0 in orchard, 18 in wheat, balance in grubs, timber and pasture; situate west, adjoining the odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis. Will exchange the ' town property named for suitable farm or acreage property; or will exchange the acreage property described, for town pronerty or other farms or acreage; or will sell any or ail of said property on reasonable terms and time at rea sonable rates and prices. M. S. WOODCOCK, Corvallis, Oregon. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. Corvallis 1 :50 p. tit. " arrives Yaquina 0:45 p. ni. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina.. Leaves Co-vallis. . Arrives Albany . . 3 For Detioit: Leaves Al bany Arrives Detroit . . C:0 a. m. 11:30 a. in. iz:xo p. ti 7:00 a. m 11:20 1. rn 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:10 p. m. Arrives Albany .... 5:45p.m. One and two connect at Albat y and Corvftllie with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam river the same day. Edwin Stone, H. L. Walden, Manager. T. F. & . A. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis. H. H. IH ey Tiie Fixer is now prepared fo do all kinds of bi eyclo repairing, enatnelinfr, varnishing, etc. Besides being acliampicn "fixer' of the Willamette valley, he carries a full line of bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel men. Pay him a visit. NOTICE. Porsons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. R. R. would do well to call on 6r correspond with the undersigned. There is a num ber of first-class timber claims to be taken up nnd( r the timber or homestead acts. W. L. CLARK, Gates, Manon Co., Or. Leeator. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Company. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Corvallia fe and way stations at 1 r Portland 20 p. m. Lv Portland 8:30 a rn Ly Albany-"- 12:30 p Ar Ashland 12:33 a m Ar Sacramento- - - 5 .00 p m Ar San Francisco-7 :4o p m S :30 p m 10:50 p m 1 1 :30 a m 4 :35 a m 9.30 a m Ar Ogden 5:45 p ni Ar Denver 9:00 a m 'Ar Kansas City. --7:25 a in Ar Chicago---'----7 :55 a m 11 :45 a m 9 :00 a m 7 :25 a m 9:30 a m Ar Los Angeles---! :20 p m ArEl Paso 6:00 p m Ar Fort Worth 0 :30 a m Ar City of Mexico 9:55 a m Ar Houston 4:00 a in Ar New Orleans--0 :25 a m Ar Washington --0:42 a in 7:00 a m 0:00 p m 6:30 am 9:65 a m 4 :00 a m ft :15 p jji :42 a m 12:4S p m j Ar New York 12 :43 p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on both trains-. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at r-an Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. I See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis i station, or address C. II. MARK HAM, G. P. A., Portland, Or, Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Louis, Chieago and East. Atlantic Express it p. 111. Fast Mail 7:00 p.m. Walla Walla. Leu iutoh, S p o k a ne, ' Spokane I Fiver 1 6:00 p.m. Minneapolis, S t. : Paul, Dulnih, Mil-! waukee, Chicago, I and East Spokane Flyer 8:40 a. in. Gsaan Skattsfelcs All sailing datcnj subject to Image, j For San Francisco. : Sail Dec. 3, 8, 13, 1 18, 3, 23, & every j 6 days. 8 p. Ill, 4 p. m. Daily Ex. Sun. 8. p. m. Saturday, 1 p. m. Gciuxbia River Steamer. ; To Astoria & wny landing. ; Wllrsmsiii River. : Oaegon City, New j berjr, fialen-., .and Way-landings. Wiiisniciis asd Yam hill iiivers. I Oregon Hit-, Day : ton & Wny-lhd'. I 4 p. m. Except Sunday 6 a. in. Ex. Sun. 4 :S0 p. m. Except Sunday a. m. Tuesday Thursday aud S aturdav 3.30 p.m. Monday W ednes d a y and Friday. 4 :38 p.m. Monday, W ednes d a and Friday. Kcave L etviaion Haiti' . . 1 6 a. in. T ties day, T iiursd'y and Sutu id'y Leave Kiparia 3' 3d a. m, Daily. Wiila etta River. Portland to Corval lis & Wav-laud's. Snake River. Kiparia to Lewis'n. ! 8::j.t m MR. THAYER, Local Agent. TEEFiPjW.ep.BP OF Corvallis, Oregon. lot-s a sencnil ami conservation lia.ikinc JEl,. BRYSOU, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallis, Ore-cn. Office in Zieiolf but ding-. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office In ITbitehorn Flo. k Gcrvallia, Oregon "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHGRN, Prop. W. II. MeBrayer and Old Crow Whis fcys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. G. H. NEWTH Physician $- Surgeon PHILOMATH, OREGON. Titles. OoVEYANciNa. JOS. E. WILSON. ATTORf EY-AT.I.AW. Practice in all State ar ?Fderal Court, Office irFifst National.Blttk Bnildfng, j Depakt TIME SCHEDULES, arkhe i . .