Oman's Kidney Troubles I Why trifle with health when the easiest and surest help Is the best known medicine in the world 7 j Lydla E. Ptnkhsm's Vegetable Compound is known everywhere and thousands of women have teen oured of serious kid" noy derangements by it. Mrsm Plnkham's meth ods have the endorse ment of the mayor, the postmaster and others of her own oltym Har medicine has the endorsement of an un numbered multitude of grateful women whose letters are oonstantly printed In this paperm Every woman should read these letters m Mrs. Pinkham advises suffering women free of charge. Her address is Lynn, Mass. During the year ended May 31 the home circulation of the Chicago publio library was 1,749,775 volumes, which the Chicago papers say, exceeds the record anywhere else in the world. no Your Feet Ache and Burn? Shake into vour slices Allen's Foot Kase a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and buniona. Is's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Kase is a certain cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smarting, hot, aching feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials. Iteure while you walk. All druggists and shoe stores "sell it. 25c. Trial package FREE hv mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A project recently set on foot in Hungary to supply electric power it small quantites to home workshops in the vicinity of Budapest has received the sanction of the Hungarian diet. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear." There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in named condition of the mucous lining of the ustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed yon have a rumbling sound or iinper . feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing willbe destroyed forever; nine cases out oi ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family fills are the best. From the Missouri district, chiefly in St. Louis, the government draws far more revenne from tobacco mauu factred than it does from any other quarter in the country. Most Wonderful Medicine of the Age. This is an age of scientific wonders and C'as carets Candy Cathartic are among them, the modern laxative, perfect, unequaled. Drug gists, 10c, '25c, 50c. A young girl in Missouri was taken to an insane asylum the other day suf fering from the remarkable delusion that she is compelled to sit on a red hot stove and peel potatoes. She has been working in a hotel kitchen. Mothers will find Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their Shildreu during the teething period. Good roads will be appreciated in the winter. At this Reason all may be well, but when the roads are mud dy the time lost in hauling but a few loads will be much greater in valve than the amount of taxes necessary to make good roads. This fact becomes painfully apparent when the farmer must use four horses to draw only half a ton over roads that could be put in such condition as to permit of a heavy wagon and a ton load to be drawn by two horses. Rheumatism Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison ; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Ke!L of 707 Ninth street, N. H., Washington, D. C, writes as follows: "A. few months ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheuma tism in its worst form. The pain was so intense that I became completely pros trated. The attack was an unusually severe one, and bit condition was regard r condition was regard- ed as being- very danger oua. I was attended by one of the most able doc tors in Washiasrton. who is also a member of the fac ulty of a leading medical college here. lie tcld me to continue his prescrip tions and I would get well. After having 1: filled twelve times without receiving the slightest b-wie-fit, I declined to continue his treatment any longer. Having heard of 8. S. S.( 8wif t's Specific) recommended tor Rheumatism, I decided, almost In despair however, to give the medicine a trial, and alter I had taken a few bottles I was able tc hobble around on crutches, and very soon there after had no use for them at all, 8. 8. 8. having cared me sound and well. All the dutressins pains have left me, my appetite has returned! and I aa happy to be again restored to perfect health. the great vegetable purifier and tonic, is the ideal remedy in all (rheumatic troubles. There are no opiates ot minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about esse. Wa make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT 6FECIFI0 CO., ATLANTA. OA. VHf!!t cJ I FtSE I A;- S. I Bast Coach Sjrnp. Tastes Gooa. Use I in t'ruo. Sold bT druiorist WHAT WE HAVE PROMISED. The Philippine Policy Is Fully and Succinctly Stated. 1.1 Against Bryan's General Idea of a Sinble Government, the Repub licans Place Their Pro gramme in Full. Certain Democratic and semi-Demn-eratic papers are much troubled by an alleged lack of an affirmative Republi can policy in the Philippines. It is true that the Republican party now ooccu pies pretty much the position Lincoln held at the time of his death in re spect to leconstrnction, namely: that it is not absolutely and irretrievaoly committed to any policy. It is to a considerable extent feeling its way. and the policy in the Philippines will be not to deal with some events and problems until they arise. At the same time the administration has an nounced and declared a general policy of a clear and comprehensive character. The Philippine commission in its proclamation to the people of the isl ands gave a clear and comprehensive outline of the general administration. They stance as follows: (1.) The supremacy policies of the were in sub- of the United States to be recognized throughout the islands. (2.) The fullest self-eovernment to be granted which is compatible with a just, stable, effective and economical administration and with the sovereign authority of the United States. (3.) The civil and religious rights of the Filipinos to be assured with the equal standing of all before the law. (4.) An honest civil service with the natives preferred. No exploitation of the people. (5.) Honest collection and disburse ment of taxes. Local funds not to be used for other than local purposes. (6.) A pure, speedy and effective administration of justice in the courts with protection for the rights of all. (7.) The promotion of railtoads ami other means of communication and transportation. (8.) Domestic and foreign trade and commerce and the promotion of native industry to be the constant pur pose of the United States. (9. ) Ample provisions for free schools in which the children of the people will be educated. Appropriate facili ties also for higher education. (10.) Reforms in all departments of government, all branches of the public service and in all corporations closely touching the common life of the people, to be undertaken speedily and executed conformably with riaht and justice. Fledged to these purposes the Unit ed States warned the rebellious Fili pinos, who are estimated to constitute less than five per cent of the popula tion, that they could accomplish noth ing by their resistance exceept their ; own ruin. Bryan's Two-Faced Platfoi-iii. It is a pity for Bryan that there is no way of having expurgated or celi sorized for reading in the West, his Eastern speeches about the paramount oy of "imperialism." Free silver be lievers in the Western states cannot relish the Democratic Eastern talk that the 16 to 1 plank in the platform does not mean anything, except a trick for catching votes in the silver states. And if anti-expansion is paramount to free silver, these same people well wonder what their own place can now be in the Democratic party, expansion being a policy they themselves view with paramount favor. In this age of easy communication between locali ties, it is not possible for principles of a party to be confided to one part of the country secreted from other parts. In the wholesale desertions from Bryan of Silver-Republicans like Senator Stewait, of Nevada, and ex-Senator Mantle, of Montana, there is interest ing proof that a modem Janus-faced statesman cannot stand much show of success. He cannot talk from face No. 1 without the impertinent tele graph instrument telling it to those for whom the words from face No. 2 were meant, and vice versa. Silver and Savings Banks. The volume of savings banks' bank deposits and what free silver would mean in reference to them, is a bound less subject. Take, tor instance, the state of New York and read what the New York World, a leading Demo cratic organ, says upon the subject: "From the annual report on the sav ings banks of this state it appears that 415,870 new depositors took out books last year. The total'deposits were in creased by $15,853,004 over the total of the previous year. The savings hanks of New York re port 2,036,017 depositors. They are creditors of the banks for money on de posit at interest amounting to the huge sum of $858,443,277. This shows that there are 858,443, 277 reasons, every one of them worth a sound dollar, why the vote of New York will not be easily secured for the proposition to pay back 100 cents de posited "as good as gold" with 50 cents' worth of silver. Teacher (after some explanation) Now, children, what is an epidemic'.' Bright Scholar It's where every body gets sick and we don't have to go to school for ever so long. Railroads Were Embarrassed, In 1898, under Democratic rule, 74 railroads, representing 29,340 miles of line, and stock and Lends amounting to 1,781,046,000, went into the hands of receivers, owing to the stagnation of business, and a scarcity of freight traffic Under McKicley and pros perity in 1899, but 10 railroads, repre senting 1,019 miles of line, and $52, 285,000 stocks and bonds, went into the hands of receivers. Prosperity and a revival of business has truly benefit ted the railroads. Musical Fish. Many fish can produce musical sounds. The trigia can produce long Jrawn notes ranging over nearly an octave. Others, notably two species of ophidnm, have sound -producing ap paratus, consisting of small movable bones, which can be made to produce a sharp rattle. The curious "drum ming" made by the species called urn brivas can be heard from a depth of 20 ; fathoms. A tongue may inflict a deeper wound j than a sword. GERMANS STANDING FIRM. They Supported Lincoln Once aa They Support McKlnley Now. Mr. Bryan has opene 1 a Pandora box in quoting so profusely from Lin coln. Not only was Lincoln arraigned by the Democrats in IStii as etin,g the part of an emperor and "sitting en throned in the White House." but he was denounced specifically as McKia ley is now for violating the Declara tion of Independence and governing without the consent of the governed ; and as if to make the parallel absolute- j ly complete, there was also a deter I mined movement in 1 85 4 to turn the I German Republicans aaainst Lincoln. I Lincoln, of course, could only expect the denunciation of the copperheads who thought the consent of the yov urued doctrine forbade the suppression of the rebellion. The unkindest cut of all was that Republicans should go off into opposition against him, but there were Boutwells in that day. iney held a "liberty convention" and nomi nated Fremont, because forsooth, Lin coln was not f. uood enough Kepub- lican for them. This was bad enough, ; but there are always some cranks, ex tremists and malcontents. The worst , defection threatened the one most trying to Linclon and his supporters was one projected in the name of the German Republicans. As late in the campaign as Septem ber 21, Horace Greely said in the New York Tribune: "Until a short time ago it seemod as though nearly the entire vote controlled by the German National clubs would be lost to the Republican party." But the keen sighted Greely now saw how the Germans had been misrepre sented. He now made bold to predict that Lincoln would get an overwhelm ingly majority of German voters and a few weeks later in November, that prophesy wits made good. The men who predicted a great German defec tion from Lincoln had reckoned with out their host. The Germans instead of being carried off on a tangent had coolly and calmly reviewed the situa tion. They saw the folly and fraud in the cry of imperialism against Lincoln and the preposterous dogmas about the consent of the governed ami the Decor ation of Independence. They dis- , missed the utter folly, the charge ot Lincoln "sitting enthroned at the White HouEe" and setting himself up as an emperor. They rallied to Lin coln's support in November, and in- j dee.i it is to be said that without the help they gave, Lincoln could not have been re-elected. He had no truer or firmer friends than the Germans at home and the boys who "fought mil Sigel" in the field, and sent their Lincoln ballots homo to be counted j Morgan' Straight Talfc. Senator John T, Morgan, of Ala bama, though a leading mem bar of the party which is trying to prove that Re publican policies are "imperialistic," is not afraid to give the McKinley ad ministration policies credit for being the opposite of "iniperialisitc." An interviewer for a Southern paper asked him: "Do yon approve of Secretary Hay's polioy in negotiating with the Chi nese?" "Thoroughly," came the emphatic reply. "Mr. Hay has been wise and statesmanlike, and his course has been beyond criticism. He has reflected credit in a remarkable manner on tnis government abroad and has excelled the achievements of the foreign chan cellories." Oriental Trade Growing. It is especially interesting to note that our exports to Asia and Ocennica are gaining with a greater proportion ate rapidity than to any other part of the world, our total in 1890 amounting to $857,828,684, and in 1900, were $1,394,479,314, an increase of C3 per cent; to Europe our exports in 1890 were $683,736,397- and in 1900 were $1,040,167,312, an increase of 52 per cent; to North America our exports in 1890 were $94,100,410, and in 1900 were $187,299,318, an increase of 100 per cent; to Oceanica our exports in 1890 were $1,460,269 as against $43, 890,927 in 1900, or an increase of 164 per cent; while to Asia our exports in 1890 wore $19,696,820 as against $64, 918,984 in 1900, or an incraese of 230 per cent. Wltut Democracy Means in 1900. Join the Democrats and what does it mean? Answers Helping to cheat Ameri can labor with 42-cent dollars. Help ing to close mills and put honest work men out of jobs. Helping to "bust" banks and wipe away savings. Sym pathizing with the shooting of "nig- ! gers" and the stuffing of ballot boxes. Helping to haul down the Americnn flag over, the Philippines. Helping to throw away the fruits of the hiost re markable naval victory in history. Helping to withdraw troops from Ma nila so that the horrors of Fekin may be repeated, and the native" allies of the United States be slaughtered by thousands that Aguinaldo may have his revenge. Helping to give away.our markets and our territory to other j nations. Helping to restore the spoils j system in the civil service. Helping to degrade the supreme court of the United States. Hamburg had 82 days in 1899 when the sun was not visible at all. There were in all 1,867 hours of snnsbine, or 400 hours Ihss than in Heligoland. The Spirit of discontent, i Weary Williami De courts are run ; in de interests o' de rich. Us fellars don't stand no show at all. j Count De Ties Dat's right! When 1 odder chaps gets hurt on de railroad de j company pays 'em fer de damages, j When us fellars gets hurt dey usually promotes de brakeman. The golden rule is made to be laid on the cloth ol life, not to be hung on the wall.- l.abor Has Steady Employment. The prosperity of Chicago at the present time is admirably reflected in the "want advertisement" columns of the newspapers of that city. Of course a relative increase in tire number of advertisements for "help wanted" means that there is a tendency for positions to seek men instead of men seeking positions in other words that the opportunities for employment are more abundant. The sultan possesses no crown, coro nation being unknown in Turkey. Absolutely Pure Hot-breads, hot biscuits, cakes, muffins, puddings and crusts made with Royal Baking Powder are wholesome, delicious, quickly made, always light, never sour, and most economical. Royal Baking Powder is specially refined, and equally valuable for the preparation of ' the finest, most delicate cookery, and substantial, everyday food. In the easy, expeditious and economical preparation of whole some and appetizing food it is indispensable. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. Handles of forks and knives are utilized for the storage of salt and pep per under a new patent, each handle being formed of a tube, which has spring clips to hold it on the shank, with an internal reservoir for the salt and pepper, which is shaken through the ends. The silk worm was originally found in China, and fabrics of this material were made in that country about 2,700 B. C. About 900 yards of silk are produced by a single worm, and there are nearly 13 pounds of waste silk, designated as "thrown silk," for every pound of good silk. The average annual total of water which falls as rain or snow in the United States is 1,407 cubic miles. This amount of rain would more than twice fill Lake Ontario. To raise this water to the clouds from which it fell would require the work of 500,000,000 horses working 10 hours a day throughout the year. "I suffered tlie tortures of tli e damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell, la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and leel like a new man." C B. Keitz, lill Jones St., Sioux City, I. CANDY taos mask ftssMmntiD Flenant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 26c. Sue. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... gMSsSf CaT. CMggBj wrtrssl. S.w 311 20 to 40 Per Cent That's Good Interest Isn't It We can name a Stock which pays about 20 per cent per annum now and will pay about 40 per cent before the end of thia year if bought now. This stock is steadily advancing and will go much higher. Another Stock we can tell about that will be a Dividend payer and is now Belling as a prospect. We will be glad to advise you about these stocks and any of the others on the Mining Exchange. Write us. WAGY, HENGEN & WAGY 318 and 319 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. REFERENCES : Exchange National Bank, Colorado Springs, Colo. ; Mer chants' National Bank, Portland, Ore., and many others. The Famous German Wood Preserver) ..AVENAMUS GARBOUNEUM.. ....Permanently Destroys.... ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. One application is all that your deafer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following: distributing- agents: Perfection Pile Preserving; Co., Seattle, Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen &" Co., Portland, Oregon.; "Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by competent workmen. It stands without an equal. Call on cur Agent, or address STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Baking Powder Sowing seed in dry weather may re sult in but few of the seeds germinat ing. If the ground is veiy dry it will take moisture from the seeds, but if the soil is damp -the seeds draw moist ure from the soil. The lack of moisture is the cause of seed being slow germi nating unless when covered too deep, which causes the seed to be longer in pushing through the ground. Four times as much can be grown on an acre of land by the use of wheel hoes and hand seed drills than when the land is cultivated by horse power, as both the rows and the plants can be closer together. Whether the hand system will pay depends upon the kind of crops grown and the location of the farm to markets. In selecting seed corn in the field the vigor and growth of the stalks shold be observed as well as the ears. If a stalk produces two or three good ears mark it. By using seed from the most prolific etaiks the tendency will be to produce more ears every year, until as many as four and five ears per stalk will be the result. Red cedar is a desirable tree, but the seed seems to fail in germination. The fact is that it requires two seasons in which to grow. Seeds sown at any time will not grow for about 12 months. Sow them in a bed and leave it undisturbed, except to occasionally water it, for a season. The burdock is a weed that is exter minated with difficulty, as the plant produces a great many seeds and they remain in the soil for years, ready to grow as soon as conditions are favor able. If the plant is cut off below tne ground and a handfnl of salt thrown on the root the plant will soon die, as the root is soft and the salt rots it. France is pounding iron and steel into cruisers with snch a big hammer that England is tempted to put cotton in her ears. is required. It lasts for years. If Refuse to Be Civilized. China is often alluded to as a be nighted region, but there is one little kingdom, the Hermit kingdom of Corea, that is entitled to the palm of j darkness as far as civilization and modern progress goes. The trouble with China is that the people will not adopt systems of the foreigners, while Corea, it seems, cannot. Missionaries and others have been endeavoring to instruct the Coreans in the nse of American tools, but, with all the labor involved, they prefer to do the work as their forefathers did. Developed by Cultivation. All garden vegetables are merely types improved by long cultivation of wild species. The wild cabbage is common enongh in places by the sea, but is of no nse for food in its wild state. Indeed, it will take a botanist to tell that it was a cabbage at all. Scotland owes the cabbage to Crom well's soldiers. The cauliflower is but a cultivated improvement on the cab bage. It was brought to perfection in Cyprus and was very little known un til about a century ago. The parsnip is another native of this country. You may find it along almost any hedge row, but it is small and intensely bit ter in its wild state. Dairying is a business, and some farmers will succeed where others fail 1 because they have more energy and in telligence, adhering strictly to busi ness principles. The dairyman who gives particular attention to the care of his stock will always be repaid for his labor with larger yields and greater profits. A catalogue of the national observa tory at Athens shows that 3,187 earth quakes were felt in Greece in the years 1893-1898, and of these 2,018 were re corded in Zante alone. The shocks were more numerous in April and May than in other months. Are namerons and substantial. Large school rooms, perfect equipment, capa ble teachers, complete courses of study, enable us to do superior work in all wa undertake. We teach Reading, Spelling. Grammar, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Bookkeeping, Banking, Business Forms, Business Practice, Shorthand, Typewriting, Letter Copying, Manifolding, Mimeographing. Legal Forms, Court Papers, Office Work, Etc. School is open all the year. Students may enter at any time our catalogue explains all this fully. Call or send for a copy. It will pay. PORTLAND BUSiMESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Streest A. P. Armstrong, LL B., Principal. NOTHING BETTER MADE Yob can't make a mistake if you get a ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Lewis & Stave? Co. PORTLAND, ORECON. FINE OLD ...WHISKY... Gin, Brandy, Rum 12 full quarts. JQ.oo. Per gallon, 12.50. XXX PORT AND SHBRKY, $1.60. ALL GOOQ GOODS Orders for $25.00 and upward delivered free to nearest Railroad or Steamer Landing. Blank Cases and Kegs. LOUIS CAHEN & SON Established 30 Years. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. DROPSY 10 DAYS' TREATMENT FREE. Have mads Drops y and its com plications a ppooialty for twenty years with tne most wonderful tuoocss . Have cured many thous and cases. SS. E. B. BSEEH'S BOHIS, Box H, Atlanta, Qs, Righteousness Versus TUg-htS. The golden rule is not a "bill of rights," Rather does it represent the will to do right. In all the teaching of Christ the word "rights" finds no place; but the word "right" or "right, eousness" occurs with exceeding fre quency. True, no man ever did so much as Jesus to secure the rights of every member of the human race. Woman's rights, children's rights, the rights of servants and masters, the rights of the poor and the weak and the ignorant, all have found an increas ingly clear recognition and respect with the spread of the gospel. Yet this has come about by the persistent inculcation of the principle of right and the equally persistent restraining of the spirit which demands "my rights." French Style of Starting; Foot Ttaces. In an American srpinting race the starter orders the runners on their marks, then tells them to "get ready," then calls out "set" and a coupl of seconds later fires the pistol. At the Paris races the starter ordered the men on their marks, called out "attention'" and fired the pistol so soon fftetward that the Americans could not et into a crouching position. After the first heat or two the Americans were always set by the time attention was called and started at the word instead of pis tol, thus gaining a yard or two. A Much-Married Centenarian Turk. In the village of Bodra a Turk named Ismail, aged 120 years, is in such good health that he frequently walks to Bar tin, six hours distance, to sell eggs, for he is a poultry dealer. He has had 84 wives, the last of whom he married only a few days ago. The bride is 60 years his junior, and the marriage was celebrated with much solemnity to the sound of drums and fifes and of volleys from firemarms. The whole village was en fete. The wedding procession included all the male progeny of the patriarch bridegroom, consisting of 140 sons, grandsons and great-gi and sons. The number of his female progeny it not stated. Depreciation of Money. In 1873 a silver dollar was worth one dol lar and six-tenths in gold, and in 1896 forty five cents. Money may depreciate but there is one standard medicine, which has not changed in half a century, and that is Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters. It always has been the one ren.edv for indigestion, dyspepsia or kidney troubles. The eailiest authenticated sea fight is said to have been that between the Corinthians and the Corcyreans, in which the former conquered 66 B. C. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a courh cure. J. W. O'Hhieh, 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900. Within the last 20 years the number of American and English female phy sicians in Asiatic countries has in creased from 20 to 220. The storage and keeping of apples is a matter of great importance where there is a large crop. The main point is to keep them cool. It is warmth, not cod, that injures them. Some one who has tried it states that apples can be kept in water at a few degrees above the freezing temperature. The majority of growers pack them in bar rels ands store them in a cool cellar, first picking out every imperfect speci men. What are Humors? They are vitiated or morbid iluids cotirs ini the viens and affecting the tissues. They are commonly due to defective diges tion but potnetiihes inherited. How do they manifest themselves T In many forms of cutaneous eruption, salt rheum or eczema, pimples and boils, and in weakness, languor and general debility. How are they expelled? By Hood's Sarsapariiia Which also builds up the system that has suffered from them. It is the best of all medicines for all humors. offered to our students J. A. Wesco, Penman and Secretary Home Grown Seeds to Sow This Fall Two of the greatest Grass seeds, two of great est food producers the world has ever tried. BUO.UUH I.NKRM1S, 20c lb or 15 per 100. TAIL ME - DOW OAT Git A SS, IOC per lb or 1 10 per 100. RVitSI . N SPEf.TZ, 10c per !b nr $5 per 100. CORN WHEAT, 10c per ft or fu per 100. For further particulars, address M. J. SHIELDS St CO.. Moscow, Idabo. growers and importers all kinds of grass and field seeds. ..ALlSffY'S WINTER GARDEN.. Third and Morrison Streets rOBTLAND ... OREGON C. A. ALISK.Y Prop. Do not fail to visit Duffet Oafe ..VENETIAN LADY ORCHESTRA... JOHN POOLE. Portland, Orkgok. can eive you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. If CLAIMANTS FOR IL Wri'e to NA'HAN PENSION If EICKFUR: . Washington. 0. C. they will re II ceive quick replies. B. 5th X. H. Vols. Staff 20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878. CUTLER'S CARBOLATE OF IODINE POCKET INHALER. A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and Consumption. All Druggists, 11.00. W. H. SMITH a CO., BafUio, N. Y , Prop's. of mm io PiPtRif Mo Building or remodeling their homes that we cany a full line of Mantels, Tiling and Fire nlaces. Electric. Gas and Combination Chan deliers and supplies, Batteries, Call Bells, etc Catalogues on application. M. J. WALSH, Successor to Frank Holcomb & Co., 245 Washington St.. Portland, Oregon. 'Si.'' v PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Blelt Headache and Dys pepsia, Remove Pimples, Purify tho 131ood, Aid Ilges tlori. Prevent Biliousness. Do not Gripe or Sicken. To couvtnen you, ir!U mall samp e free; full box, li5c DR. EOSANKOOO,, ruiuicipLis, c Sold by Druggists. N. F. N. U. No. 3V 1900. ring to this pa; mention per.