Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 28, 1900, Image 3

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Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
Mercerized cotton. Looks like
ilk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
alar colors. $1.50 to $2.23 each
For fine skirt linings and; for shirt
waits. Twelve shade. 50 cents per
S, E Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
The United Evangelical parson
age has iust been improved oy me
application oi a coai. ui pmv.
TnBBdftv was Charlev Barnhart's
44th birthday and hiB relatives
enjoyed a family dmnr witn nun
A most enjoyable time resulted
TV ft. Trvin. formerly of this city,
but now of Salem, received the
first prize at the State Fair for the
best working exhibit on doois ana
OSO Humbert will preach at
the Christian church next Lord's
Tiav. Rubiect at 11 a. m. "The
Glory of Christ;" at 7:30 p. m
"The Mission ot tne True Man.
r Mrs George Bowers, now residing
in Albany, came over, Wednesday,
for a brief visit with relatives and
friends. Mr. Bowers is reported to
be doing a nice barber business in
that city. in "The Church of the
Good Samaritan" (Episcopal) next
m i . l r, l t
Sunday as louowe: ounaay ocnooi
at 9:45 a. m.; lay reading, 10:45
a. m.; evening prayer and sermon,
7:5U p. m. Subject oi sermon
"The Conscience."
Wednesday forenoon, J. R. Bar
clay, of Lincoln county, and Mrs.
Dora Sann. of Benton county, were
united in matrimony, at the court
house. County Judge Woodward
performed the ceremony. The
happy couple will make their future
home in Alsea.
Riley Shelton, oi Scio, has sent
samples of mineralized rook to l
W. Dillev. of this city, with the re
nuest that he eive it to the O A C
assay office for a scientific report as
soon as this department is ready to
take up work ot a semi-puouc na
ture along tms line.
Miannn Emma and Lena Rusk
ai rived Wednesday from MilwaU-
ki. Their mother is expected to
arrive soon. The young ladies and
their mother will be domiciled in
trm Howell nottaere. across Marys
river from Corvallis. They came
up to attend tne u A u.
The Christian Endeavor Society
of the Christian church will give a
reception to college students at the
church on Friday eveuing, uctoDer
5th. A short musical program, re
freshments and & good social time
will be the order ot tne even ng
All students are cordially invited,
Hop men are justified in believ
ing that they may yet receive 10
cents ner nound for their hops.
There are already two sales of hops
rannrteri at 14 Rents. Otto J. Wil
son, near Salem, sold 200 bales at
this figure. The other sale was
made by Charles Mattison, of Inde
pendence, who bad 4z bales.
At the Oregon Methodist Episco
pal conference recently in session
at Ashland, Bishop Andrews ap
pointed Rev. S. E. Memmineer to
th Mt. Tabor mil nit. Rev. F. L.
Moore was selected to occupy the
.... i . or. TT
pulpit in corvauis. iter, jairam
Gould, a former paster of this city,
is to be stationed at JNewberg
Rp v IT A Lark will occudv the PUl
nit. at. thn M E Church. South, next
Snnrlav mnxninir and evening. The
reverend gentleman was appointed
to this pastorate at the recent con
ference of his church at Albany,
and has moved with his family to
this city. Rev. E. L. Fitch was ap
pointed presiding elder of this dis
Between twenty-five and thirty
men passed througn uorvair.s en
i-rmtA tn the Silfii.z. Wednesday.
Thpv are frorri Portland. Seattle
and Tacoma, and it is rumored that
some of these gentlemen are in
nrnsnerons circumstances. Their
intention is to take up land that was
recently thrown open by tne gov
ommmt nnrl which in the past
formed a nart of the Siletz reserva
tion. In this connection it is also
rumored that there is a capitalist
hnV of the movement and the de-
mim in to become Dossessed of a
large tiact of fine timber land that
lies in that locality. It seems a
tv that men from a distance
should become possessed of valuable
holdings right under the noses of
local men who haye nau ampie op to acouire the same
Still, if they proceed to develop the
resources of the country they must
necessarily bring some capital into
the country with them and this is
or gain.
The Maccabees held a very en
joyable session of their order
Wednesday evening.
Miss Nannie Ungerman will at
tend the Agricultural College at
Corvallis this winter. Telephone
The weather of tbe past few
weeks has been ideal for the farm
ers and they are improving every
moment of it.
Mrs. L. G. Altman and daughter
will be home from Newport today,
after a month's absence. They
will be accompanied by Mrs. W. O.
Lee Wilkins, nephew of our fellow-townsman
S. N. Wilkins, is
seriously ill at a Portland hospital.
His sister, Dora, has left Roseburg
to be at his bedside.
Ed Clark baa taken a respite
from his labors as clerk in the
hardware establishment of Huston
fe Bogue, and is on a fishing expedi
tion to Newport. He will be ab
sent until Monday.
A meeting ot the Rebekahs is de
sired this evenintr in their hall at
the usual hour. . There is business
of the utmost importance to be Iran
saf ted and a full attendance is ex
pected. By order of the Noble
Word haa been received from
Miss Edith Gibson announcing her
safe arrival in Boston, and that she
has entered upon her studies at tne
New England Conservatory ot
Music. She is highly pleased with
her surroundings
At the recent conference at Alba-
nv of the M. E. church south. Vic
tor Moses, of this city, and Attorney
Skipworth, of .Eugene, were ap
pointed delegates to the general
Missionary Conference which oon
venes in Tennessee next April.
Regular Sunday services morning
and evening in the United Evan
gelical chnreh. A series of gospel
nervines will becrin with tne even
-- n
ing service and continue each even-
ins of the week. These services
will be conducted by the pastor
All are invited to attend
A. F. Peterson is at present in
Moro. the county seat of Sherman
county. He is employed in build
inr a fancy fence around tne court
house that he built at that place a
vear aoro. He has the prospect of
J . - ; .-. y
a enntraot for the construction OI
quite a pretentious residence.
James and William Sklpton ar
rived in Corvallis Monday, evening,
frnm Salem. They were up here
buvinff horses for the Holcomb
stahlea. of Seattle, where Jim has
been employed for some time
Th bovs have many friends here
who were pleased to see them
Frank Glass left Wednesday for
a trip to Eastern Oregon. He went
to Innmre about a tract ot desert
land that he had received indefinite
information of, and if conditions
are favorable he intends to pur
chase Rome of it. The time will
come when this land will be valua
Oacar Healy, now a groceryman
nf n.irvn 11 is was in Lebanon V n
day night and Saturday. He bought
up all the surplus butter he could
find in this nlace. saying it is a
scarce article in Corvallis. He also
bought a lot of cheese from Chea-
dle s cheese factory. express-Ad
Mai or F. E. Edwards began to
drill the O A C cadets Tuesday
moraine and from accounts given
it is safe te say that some of the
of certain members of
thA "awkward sauaa were noi
nnW lantrhable. but ouite trying
Some of the boys persisted in using
the carbines like pitcntorjcs
Rube Kisrer returned home from
Salem, Sunday. He had quite a
number of fine horses down with
him, some were his own aud he had
hnraea of other names in his charge
Mr Kver did not co to aaiem ex-
nectinr to enter his own stock, but
in order to exhibit some of hi fine
animals. He was there nearly two
Arthur Rinehart, a former stu
dent of the O A C. who is now in
Dawson City, Alaska, having ar
rived there August 24th, writing to
his father. L 11 Kinehart. ot union,
stolen that wa?es are from 5 to
$15 a day and meals from 1 to $3.
He bad ranted a cabin with one
room for $25 a month, and ex
pected to remain a year.
T. J. Cams came out from Alsea,
Tuesday, for a four-horse load of
merchandise for Wade Maione, tne
Alsea merchant. Early Tfednes-
day morning he hitched up in front
of the Eglin Stables, at which he
had put up, and started around
. . . arr m . a
on Main street. When just in front
of the Occidental hotel the right
fnre wheel of his wagon ran off and
the axle struck the ground witn a
thud. JMr. CarnB his seat with
the utmost unconcern, although he
was jolted amazingly, it seems
that the party who greased the
wagon in the morning had neg
lected to screw" the bur on and in
making the turn in the street it
ran off. Not a particle ot damage
resulted, and after much tugging
and lifthi! the wazon was raised.
the wheel replaced, and Mr. Cams
nroceeded on his way to the Alsea
---: . . ... .
in ev. tie states mat tne roaa
over the mountain is aireaoy get
ting quite muddy.
Hon. Wallace McCamant Discussed the
Issues of the Campaign at tke Court
Honse Wednesday Evening;.
It is doubtfnl if the voters of
Benton county hear another ad
dress during this campaign as
able as that delivered by Hon.
Wallace McGamant at the court
house last Wednesday even
ing. Mr. McCamant arrived on the
noon train from Portland, and
accompanied by Hon. J. D,
Daly and Chairman I. n. irvine,
of the Benton County Republi
can Club, left by private convey
ance for Philomatn, wnere ne
delivered a stirring address be
fore a considerable gathering of
citizens of that city and the sur
rounding country.
In the evening the court room
in this citv was filled with an
appreciative and attentive audi
ence to hear Mr. McCamant dis
cuss the principles enunciated in
the platform adopted by the re
publican party at Philadelphia.
After a sone by tne jeinpino
mmrtet. whidh elicited a hearty
encore. Senator Daly introduced
the speaker of the evening. Mr.
McCamant called the attention
of his audience to the prcwhecies
of Mr. Bryan regarding the dan
ger of the country trom imper
ialism" and "militarism" in the
event of the election of Mr. Mc-
Kinley. He said that Mr. Bry
an had made some propnecies
four years ago. If these had
proven true, we should place
confidence in the prophecies of
Mr. Brvan today: if they had
proven false, we had a right to
doubt him now. Mr. Bryan
said in 1896, that if the gold
standard were established
wages would be lowered, the
number of mortgages increased,
business failures would multiply,
money would become dearer and
disaster and panic would prevail.
This every man in America to
day knew was false. Mr. Bry
an's predictions had tailed in
every particular.
The sneaker auoted irom tne
platforms ot the two parties those
portions touching on the Philip
pines. The republican party,
said he, believe in bearing the
burdens of expansion and letting
the people of this country share
the blessings of such a policy.
The Bryan party believes in
bearing all the burdens of ex
pansion without deriving any
benefit therefrom. He said that
the democratic party contained
many good and patriotic men,
and they were oouno to get
around all right after awhile.
The party was like a man rid
iHg backwardslin a railroad train.
It never saw any ot tne gooa
thiues until they were past. The
democratic party always did the
right thing at the wrong time.
The republican party always did
the right thing at the right time.
To show to what a loolisn ex
treme the Bryanites were stretch
ing the principle ot "consent
ot the governed," the speaker
said he had a lively son. some
four years of age, who delighted
to watch his father shave. He
watched eagerly for an opportu
nity to seize the razor and cut
and slash to his heart's content.
This his father had not permit
ted htm to do? Had the father
done right? The boy bad never
given his consent to be governed,
and probably would deny sucn
consent if asked.
If the democratic idna of the
consent of the governed was cor-
rect, the boy's rights nao oeen
trampled upon. He should have
been permitted to use the razor
according to the dictates of his
Fortunately, Patrick Henry,
Thomas Jefferson and others
oftha framers ot the constitu
tion had left writines showine
their interpretation of this clause
in that document, and their ideas
did not coincide witn tne views
now being advanoed by Mr.
Bryan and his followers.
Turning to the money ques
tion, the speaker said that no
man need delude himself with
the fiooe that the gold standard
was safe if Mr. Bryan should be
elected. The revolution in pub
lic sentirnent that would be
necessary to insure Mr. Bryan's
success would fill congress with
democrats at the cominer election.
If Mr. Bryan is successful in No
vember, six months must elapse be-
fore his party could torce tree sil
ver upon the country, in tne
meantime every creditor in the
land would demand the gold tnat
was owed to mm. Jivery man
with money in the bank would
demand his gold. Money would
be boarded, tor no one would
make an investment where, un
der the oolicv of free silver, the
value of that investment would
be cut in two. and there would
equal the hard times of 1893.
In conclusion the speaker told
the story of Mark Twain's visit
to the tomb of Sir Walter Scott
An officious guide who was pos
sessed of an itching palm had
been accustomed to receiving a
tip from those to whom he re
lated the details touching the
tomb and its occupant. He told
of the heavy wooden casket
which contained the leaden coffin
of the departed poet. This
casket being contained in an iron
case weighing two tons. The
guide looked up expectantly, but
Mark toyed idly witb the cap he
held in his hand, and his face
wore a pensive look. The guide
proceeded, 'This in turn is con
tained in a vault of stone and the
whole is surmounted with a mar
ble block weighing nine tons."
He looked at Mark again, fully
expecting to see his hand reaching
for his pocket, but Mark re
mained motionless for a minute
and then said: "Well, I guess
you've got him. If he gets
away wire me at my expense."
"And," said Mr. McCammant,
"we have the Philippines. If
they get away, wire me at my
A Lncky Strike.
There May be a Snlt.
Wednesday, just after noon,
while engaged in taking up the
alley way near the Hulburt
property Hank Bier picked up
three dimes in succession. Geo.
Reed, who happened to be stand
ing near, suggested that they
dig deeper. Then and there
they formed a miners' partnership
and began energetic operations.
They scratched like dogs after
woodchucks and dldn'.t quit
scratching until they had exca
vated $8.75, all in nickles and
dimes. They showed plainly
that thev had been hidden for
years. The deposit was made
just under the edge of tha walk
at one corner, and the supposi
tion is that the coins were not
buried, as none of them were
more than six inches in the
earth, but that time had assist
ed in covering some of them to
this extent. The dimes were
fairly brieht, but the nickles
were badly tarnished. Most of
the coins were in a heap and
were cemented together solidly
with dirt until they resembled a
clod, and they had to be broken
apart. The latest date any of
the pieces bore was 1888, so it
may be concluded that they had
been buried between ten and
twelve years.
Many are the conjectures as to
how the money came to be there,
and it is generally conceded that
some oartv had stolen it and
hidden it there. Possibly there
were two of them and if either of
them ever returned for the money,
a hasty "feel" under the walk
may not have revealed it and the
party may have concluded that
the "other fellow" got away
with it and for his own safety
kept quiet. But all of this is
'the merest conjecture, and the
true history of the attair in all
likelihood will always remain
a mystery.
Hank and George divided
even, and both aeree tnat tms
is an era of prosperity. When you
can get money out ot tne earth
already coined it beats anything
yet realized at Nome. It may
be well to advise against too
general a removal of cross-walks
throaghout the city.
A Correction.
There is a possibility of Sher
iff Burnett being involved in a
lawsuit, but up to yesterday
forenoon he had not been in-
formed officially of any proceed
ings against him. Nor had any
papers relating to the matter
been filed with Clerk Watters. '
Should auv suit be brought
against Sheriff Burnett it will be
for the replevin of forty sacks of
exain. or the value thereof, and
John Stalbusch is expected to be
the plaintitt. From wnat can De
learned of the. matter it appears
that Mr. Stalbusch held a mort-
eaee on certain wheat raised by
Walter Cline, which he claims
was a bona fide mortgage. A.
Fifcher, having a claim against
Mr. Cline, had the sheriff attach
the wheat, and the papers were
served by S. L. Henderson, act
ing deputy for Sheriff Burnett.
Should the matter be pusneo,
Sheriff Burnett is amply pro
tected, as he exacted an indem
nity bond from the plaintiff for
whom the wheat was attached
before he proceeded in his offi
cial capacity in the matter. Our
contemporary stated in its last
isiue that the suit had been com
menced against Sheriff Burnett;
such is not the case. It further
stated that Coroner Wilkins, as
elisor, served the papers on the
--- -i : r - M,
sheriff. This in turn was incor
rect, as no papers had been
served, and if they had been
Coroner Wilkins is empowered
to serve papers on the sheriff and
na farther act is necessary. An
elisor is a party appointed by
the county judge, or court, to
act in a matter of this nature in
case there is no coroner, or when
through any unforeseen circum
stances he is incapacitated as
Additional Local
John Bier is putting in a fine
concrete sidewalk in front of his
residence property. This Is the
kind of improvement to make and
Mr. Bier is setting a pretty pace for
of bis neighbors. It may be
well to add in this connection that
tWn am many nlaces in Corvallis
where people walking in company
must either walk single-file or use
the utmost caution to both step on
the same plank at the same instant,
for fear oi one end nymg up ana
cracking the other fellow's "shins."
From the report of Albert Tozier,.
secretary of the Oregon Press Asso
ciation, the following is gleaned:
There are in this state 16 dailies,
1T3 weeklies, fiye semi-weeklieB, 44
monthlies, two 8emi-monthlieB, one
quarterly, a total of 244 publica
tions. I class these papers accord
ing to the field they represent, as
tollows: xvepuDiioan, t ew
cratic, 24; people's, 14; indepen
dent, 34; religious, lb; poultry, z;
mining, 6: miscellaneous, 14; btock
and agricultural, 6; fraternal 9;
youth's. 2: college, 5; lumber, 1;
medical, 1; labor, 2; commercial,
1; prohibition, 1; total,
From inadvertence the word
"elk" was .permitted to creep
into our Item on game laws in
our last issue, placing them on
the same footing witn deer as
regards the time when they may
he killed. At the special ses
sion of the legislature in 1808,
the following: act was passed tor
the protection of elk in this
T "
'It shall be unlawful, except
as hereinafter provided, for any
person within the state of Ore
gon to take, kill, injure, destroy
or have in his possession any
elk. between the 'list day of
January, 1899, and the 1st day
of December, 1910." Xne pro
vision alluded to in this section
is in effeot, that any municipal
ity or person may keep any num
ber of elk as an attraction or
adornment of any private park
or grounds.
To tlie Gentlemen.
Nolan & Callahcn's New Fall
Stock has arrived. Its a big one.
Housekeeper Wanted.
Lady without family. Pleasant home.
For particulars address, Box 138, Cor
vallis, Oregon.
Belgian Hares.
Onrvnllia Kabbitrv in A F Peterson's
shop, 813 Ninth St, has for salepaWgreed
hares of finest strains. Prince Cayenne,
son of Lord Cayenne, is at the head
of the rabbitry. Prices reasonable. Oaii
at rabbitry or write for prices.
Elegant Tailor-Made Suits, Golf
Capes, Jackets and Wraps, New
York made, iust received at Nolan
& Callahan's.
Patronize tne Magnolia.
During the past two months the busi
ness of this laundry has doubled. This
is Droof noaitive that all work is satis
factorily done and that prices are
verv reasonable. All laundry called for
and" delivered. Gall on I. K. Daniel at
Book Store.
Ladies are respectfully invited
to call and inspect Nolan & Calla
han's New Fall Stock.
Pupils taught piano ana organ after
Dr. Mason's celebrated Method. Parties
desiring instruction will please leave or
ders at Daniel's Book Stere, er confer
with the undersigned. Terms reason
able. Mobdacnt Goodnough.
Don't fail to see our extra large assort
ment of Overcoats for boys and gents.
Adler Overcoats are not equaled by any
other ready-made "line. No other maker
uses as fine a class of linings and gen
eral trimmings. This is one reason why
our garments are better than others
About prices, no one need go away on
that account. 8. L. Kunj.
be a financial panic which would1 Get your Job Work done here
Musical Instruction.
IDon't Think of Buying
Your Overcoat before seeing our
large assortment. We have the larg
est, best-made, most-stylish gar
ments in the city.
are known as the leading line. They
are made up as no other clothing is
made, and they will be sold at prices
to suit all.
VICUNA MIXTURES in black and
gray, very swell ; prices, $14, $15,
proper thing; prices, $10, $13.50,
$15, $18.
lar and good wearers; $10, $li-50.
for rough wear ; prices, $5, $6, $7.50
$8.50, $10.
and Mackintoshes ; prices, $3 up.
Youths we have a big showing;
prices, $2.50 up,
S. L, KLINE, Corvallis, Or,
My Friend:
Don't buy me if I fit you
snug.. I was made lor a smaller man.
Don't fold me up and sit on me, nor hang
me near the fire. When wearing me,
unbutton me occasionally and let the air
circulate between your and me. -
Webfoot is my native land and I am
never happier than when serving my
country. While in this city I make my
headquarters at F. L. MILLER'S,
where I may be had for the asking and
the price.
I look well, topped off with a hat
that costs two-bits, and better with pan
taloons of same material for a dollar-ten.
Treat me well and I will serre you
long and faithfully,
though only
? Cbe Paint Store.
C. A. Barnhart, Manager.
Paints- Oils and Varnishes
5 lwall papers
Bicycles, MaTestic Lamps, Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc.
Lost. Saturdav. on road between Mon
roe and Corvallis, ladies purse contain
ing $8.25 and a gold ring. Finder leave
at this office and receive reward.
Cetswoid Rams.
Persons wishing to purchase, will find
a few yearlings two miles west of Corval
lis, at tbe home of John E, Wyatt.
Planing Mill and Box Factory
... We Manufacture Boxes Of ...
Sugar Pine, Cotton Wood, White andjYellow; fir
Is made of Pine Ends and CottonwoedSides j We have sold
thousands of them amd never a cemplamt.
We Carry a Full Planing Mill Stcek.
Our Lumber Sheds
Contain TEN times more dry fine Yellow (mountain) Fir floor
ing, rustic and finishing lumber than any other yard in the
county. Call and be convinced.
We buy all kinds of logs, Bed and Yellow Fir, etc:, and our prices
ranee accordingly. When you buy of us, you patronise Home Industry.
Our prices are as low as the lowest and our atock is the best.