5upplement CORVALLIS ( rAZETTE. rlUOAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, UW. NO FALTERING UNDER THE NATION'S DUTY. Silver and Expansion Are the Paramount Issues. M. E. Ingalls, a Life-Long Sound Money Democrat, Writes of the Neces sity for Assuming a Larger National Life. One of the most successful, distin guished and popular railway presidents in the United States is the Hon. Mel ville B. Ingalls of Cincinnati. From the very ground of railroad construction he has worked his way up to the presidency of the Chesapeake and Ohio and Big Four railway systems, among the most prosperous of our great trunk lines. Mr. Ingalls is one of the people, and is prac tical in every idea. He is a lifelong Dem ocrat, and from the September issue of the North American Keview the follow ing extracts are made from Mr. Ingalls' Advice to Cold Democrats: What has happened since November, 1896, to warrant a reversal of the judg ment which the American people then pronounced at the polls? Under what conditions have we entered on the pres ent presidential campaign, and what, in this regard, is the duty of patriotic citi ens, independent of partisan afflfiation? To the Democrat who voted for Palmer and Buckner, as well as to the Democrat who voted for McKinley four years. ago, the situation to-day presents peculiar embarrassments. Preferring to act with his party, when possible, the patriotic Democrat must, nevertheless, answer the a)l of duty, no matter in what direction It leads him. The second and supreme trial of the great financial issue, which never should have been dragged into partisan politics, will be made at the polls in November, 1000. This test will, I believe, be con clusive. What are the conditions under which it is to be made? There is in the United States at the THE PATENT LAWS BREED MONOPOLIES. A Drummer Continues His Chats on Trade Changes. Reorganization of Employing Companies Affords Larger Opportunities to the Men Expansion Gives Drummers New Fields. (Concluded from last week.) Monopolies in this country are due more to the patent system than any oth er cause; the average trust could uot mo nopolize its product, and it will not try. If it does, there is the same old remedy which we free American citizens, who are supposed to have something to say In the election of our State legislatures, can apply. We can pass State laws for the regulation of those monopolies. And, by the way, speaking of politics, the Re publican national platform declares against monopolies and would propose national legislation against them. Gev. Roosevelt, a singularly clear headed public man on civic questions, let me tell you, sees the point. He would legislate against monopolies. I firmly believe that this legislation will come, and with it other laws intended to regu late industrial corporations, a good deal as railroads and banks are regulated now. Whynot? When the trusts really get to going so that they themselves know what they can do, and so that they won't be ashamed to show in what a cheap, prim itive, experimental stage most of their methods now are, then, like the banks and the railroads, they ought to be made to "show down," and they will be. Then the Wall street investor for .whom we don't care anything in particu lar will be protected from making bad investments, and the unwary investors, the widows and the orphans, whom cer tain sand-bagging plutocrats like to tell us about with so many tears, will be doubly protected. Moreover, the em ployes of the trusts, the clerks in the offices and the hands in the mills, can buy trust stocks, and they will want to. I spoke about the Wall street investor. He hasn't been making so very much money iu industrial stocks of late. He gqt caught lots of times. Perhaps you recall the case of the bicycle trust. The promoters of that scheme went to cer tain bankers in New York on an eighty million dollar basis. It wouldn't go. It wasn't worth the money. There wasn't the property in plants, good will, etc. About a year later the promoters, the same promoters, no doubt, who had learn ed a good deal in the meantime, came back with the bicycle trust proposition on a forty million dollar basis, and it went at that; could earn dividends on the forty mlHions. It is probably true that the American Bicycle Company is not fully satisfied with every single one of the mill ion details of its business, but doubt'e.-s it will get there. Other manufacturers, and big manufacturers, in the bicycle business will also get there; and other big trusts in the bicycle business are bound to get there, too. You can't keep a good man down or a good proposition. You can't corner all the capital and brains in the country. Remember that. But I was speaking about the investor, the wary one, not the widow or the or phan. He has suffered on account of the present day unparalleled prosperity, in which every citizen has a right to share. If any citizen is prevented from sharing in that prosperity, he is the victim of conditions which cannot be righted by the election of Bryan, strongly as he may be tempted to trust in that remedy. Un der the gold standard we have become "the leading creditor nation, and we are financing the world. We have produced three great crops in succession, and we are feeding Europe. We have had three years of unexcelled manufacturing in dustry, and we are finding a prompt and generous market all over the world. The American farmer, the American laborer and the American business man were never as prosperous as they are to-day. It is by their suffrages that this presiden tial election must be decided. In what direction do their interests lie? The American farmer is selling for 37Yi cents a bushel corn which it costs him 15 cents to produce. His wheat and cotton, his beef and pork are selling at profitable prices. He is spending his money in luxuries and enjoying himself. He is riding in railroad trains, and, as he looks from the car windows uver the bountiful harvests, he is taking a new view not only of his native land, which was never fairer or happier, but is also thinking of his new markets and ne"w "possessions" across the seas. The laborer Is to-ay receiving more wages than he ever received before, and he is receiving them in a currency that is good all over the world. In many in stances, undoubtedly, there must be a readjustment of wages, and the sporadic strikes now reported in various manufac turing centers point probably to the be ginning of this readjustment. In my opin ion, these and kindred difficulties will be safely and speedily settled. Now, can any sane man tell me how the laborer will help his condition, or the solution of the problems so vital to him, by voting to debase our standard of value and thereby reducing his own wages? What has labor to hope from Bryan, ostensibly the friend of the dissatisfied, the champion of the aggrieved, and the chosen candidate of all the long-haired reformers in the United States? Does not the supreme salvation of labor de pend, after all, upon preserving our standard of value, upon the non-partisan regulation of trusts, and upon the appli cation to those great commercial aggre gations, which are so peculiarly a pro duct of this age, of a system of license and taxation? Is it uot idle to denounce the trust as an evil, a menace to the na tional welfare? Is not the trust a nat ural and essential development of our time? A quarter of a century ago the word "corporation" implied an inherent reproach in the minds of exactly those citizeus who to-day regard the trust, which is the incorporation of corpora tions, with the same disfavor. Yet it is to the solution of the trust problem that the American business man, as well as stock-watering evil aloug with the trust "magnate" and the promoter. He is get ting down ou the earth again. Some of the trusts in which he invested have even gone to pieces. They were badly con ceived and badly managed. They couldn't hold together. They didn't "do business" on a business basis. There was no reason why they should expect to hold together. Perhaps there were too many purely ornamental per sons in the offices with high salaries. Perhaps there were too many sons and nephews of "the president," who sat around looking handsome and thinking that there was no other task of impor tance connected with their job. What ever the cause, the badly organized and badly managed trust has gone to pieces or is going. Nothing can help it, if it can't help itself. So, too, the people are realizing that the problem is economic after all, that no person, nor any party, is to blame for this condition of thiugs; nor, in fact, that any person, or party, or policy can prevent the good ones from succeeding, can prevent the bad ones from failing. That suggests another thing. I spoke of the more or less handsome nephew of "the president." He has got to be up to his job or he can't stay. It isn't enough for him to succeed in his new position in doing the same old things that he used to do in the old one. There is new study for him, new problems; buying, handling the labor situation, selling the product at a profit, studying the world's mar kets. All this he has got to do because it has got to be done; and if he hasn't the in- I clination or the brains to do it, you can j wager your last dollar at the risk of walking from Kokoino to Kankakee that neither the "President" nor any one else j will keep him in. That is why it is the i worst kind of fol-de-rol, unworthy of anybody as intelligent as the Great j American Traveler, to pretend that there : are no opportunities in manufacturing and trade now, and especially none for voung men. Fudge! There was never so good a chance for brains, and good health, and sobriety, and acumen, and vitality. Have these things and capital must have you. And if it must have you it must pay you. The larger the corporation, the more impor tant in it Is the man. There are just ns many large corporations now as there were small ones before. As many big meu are required as there were small ones required before. What these so called magnates want is somebody who can do the work. Price is no object if they can depend upon you. You can't strike a $10,000 position all at once. You have got to show that you are worth $1, 000, or $2,000, or $3,000. It is the same old climb as it always has been; there is the same old ladder to go up by, and the same old persimmon when you get to the top round and the same old persimmons, too, all the way up at all the rounds. AH this seems pretty long unless it also seems to have some" bearing upon the drummer question. I don't know whether you ever thought of it or uot, but many different causes have been op erating in the last few years to throw commercial travelers out of work. Man ufacturers have sought to eliminate com mission men, who must have laid off a good many of their travelers. The cata logue houses, so-called, those doing busi ness direct with the consumer by means of catalogues and other printed matter, have grown enormously. They have laid off drummers if they ever had them; and one of the reasons why they can sell so cheaply to the consumer is that one ele ment of selling expense, the drumming, is eliminated. Any house that corre sponds extensively, that takes care with its correspondence, by just so much makes the selling easy; and if the pro cess were kept up long enough, this the American fanner and laborer, must adders .mself. And in the solution of that ,...olein he will find the present goal of patriotism. The business man who does not inquire into the politics of his bookkeeper is asked by the supporters of Mr. Bryan to allow partisan politics to be injected into the circulating medium through which he carries on his business. He refused in 189G, as he will refuse, I believe, in 1900, to impute either Democracy or Republi canism to the dollar. He will say that it is not a political question, and that it should uot be made such. Asking him self where he shall seek guidance in the casting of his ballot, he, like the laborer and he farmer, looks out upon prosper ity unprecedented. He sees trade follow ing the flag all around the world, and new markets opening to him under new national responsibilities. He realizes, as a business man, that these responsibili ties must be grappled with and adjusted on a business basis. No policy of evasion or retreat can commend itself to him. Yet, into the field of partisan discussion he finds these responsibilities dragged, like the dollars from his counting room, by the politicians who seek his vote. And, like the farmer and the laborer, he finds his next national ballot invested with unique importance. What will be the reply of the American patriot, who Is now asked to believe that his home and his pocketbook are staked on the next turn of the ballot, that a wrong decision spells ruin, and that he must decide issues of such moment as were never before submitted to the Amer ican electorate? Bryan's election appears to me impossible. Good citizens, irrespective of party, should vote for Mc Kinley in November. That it is the duty of patriots to do so I have no doubt. The safety of the American republic is not menaced by a bogey, crowned with an imperial diadem of straw. The cry of imperialism is simply a pretext of the Democratic leaders to save themselves from the fatal blunder they made in 189ti, the blunder of dragging the dollar to the polls and endeavoring to degrade it. Imperialism is not the paramount issue, despite all efforts tolnake it so. Now, as in 189(i, the real issue is the Silver Danger. That is the peri! threat ening this country, not the imaginary evils attendant on the acquisition of new territory, which was the inevitable re sult of a war for which the shriekers against imperialism were largely respon sible. The only peril now threatening the United States is ruin and retrogres sion under silver, the turning back of the wheels of progress and prosperity to the standards of China and Mexico, and the abandonment of our position as the greatest country in the civilized world. Shall we go forward or shall we turn back? That is the question for the vot ers in November. Under McKinley we would cause drummers to lose their places. Then consider that millions and mill ions of dollars are spent in this country for advertising purposes, not merely in the newspapers and the magazines, but on the fences and the bill boards, in signs, in distributions of printed mat ter, and what not. What is all this money spent for? To sell goods. And the study of hundreds of the brightest meu in the country is devoted to making advertising more and more effective, so that a given expenditure will result in greater and greater sales at a lower and lower expense. Why do the advertisers want to sell more and more cheaply? So that they can beat their competitors by giving the consumer bet ter things for the same money, or just as good thiugs for less money. All this effort to sell things cheaper means that drummers are going to be laid off if they by their methods have been selling things more expensively. There is another thing that we owe it to ourselves to look fairly in the face. Many drummers in the past have consid ered that the business that they helped their houses to do belonged to them and not to the houses. Others, surely all the houses, used to take a contrary view; and of late years they have resorted to the various more or less direct methods of selling in order to get their business back into their own hands. No doubt about it! No doubt about it! One of the things which a trust aims to do is to reduce its selling expense. If four manufacturers making the same ar ticle are drumming Indiana, and their four able and persuasive representatives light into Indianapolis some day, they all go around among the trade doing lit tle except neutralize one another. About four times the talk, nerve force and money are spent to sell only ns many goods as Indianapolis wants that day, as needs be spent. This is one of the many things that the trusts have found out that they knew before they started in. Now, it is inevitable in the very econ omics, iu the very natural law of the situation, that some of those drummers must go some time; they may be sent into new territory, they may lie recalled to work in the office at home, or they may be dismissed entirely. Just so much of their work as has been unnecessary will surely be dispensed with in time. Competition does that, and we couldn't have any better illustration of the fact that competition is always active. Here it is potent, actually. Fn the case of the glucose trust that was afraid to encour age too much competition (of other capi tal and brains) by making more than sev en per cent, it was active potentially. It i3 preposterous to say that fifty thousand commercial travelers, or thirty five thousand, have been thrown out of work by the trusts. There are probably not sixty thousand of them in the whole country. Besides, if ten per cent of them have been thrown out of work by the various changes in producing ond dis tributing that have come about in the last few years, other causes have probably contributed equally with the combination movement. Even so, and putting the case at its very worst, the general im provement ic business, the wide expan sion of trade at home and abroad, which all of our producers, manufacturers and traders have helped to bring about, and by which they have all inevitably profit ed this has put all of those commercial travelers back into places just as good, or better, or will do so. It is inevitable. More people were employed after ma chinery was introduced simply because the wants of the human race became greater and wider every year, and these wants had to be supplied, and could be, because things were so much cheaper. We hav taken over Porto Rico, Ha go forward, under Bryan we torn back. The coming test of silver question at the polls must, in all human proba bility, be the final one. The will of the voters twice registered will not be he third time disputed. Each year that we preserve our present money standard gives it additional security. The Amer ican people do not like experiments with their currency, their school houses, their churches or their savings banks. A. re versal of the popular verdict of 1896 would mean a reversal of all the achieve ments that make up our national pros perity. Bryan's election would mean that the sovereign people had decreed that our laborers shall be paid in silver, while pur foreign debts must still be -paid in gold. Convinced as I am that the financial question is the paramount issue in No vember, 1900, as it was in November, 1896, it is worth while for Democrats who supported McKinley, as I did, four years ago, to ask what are the issues upon which our party could have appeal ed to the American people with fair pros pects of success, and what we can con tend for in future contests, after this economic and financial question is finally settled. To my mind these define them selves as reform in governmental admin istration, economy in governmental ex penditure, the taxation and regulation of oppressive trusts and combinations, and the immediate enactment of a just and honest scheme of colonial government. These would have been issues upon which every patriot could have been honestly asked-to vote. Why should we not set fairly about a reform in our old system nf taxation, and, at the same time, initi ate a departure which might well result in throwing the cost of government upon those who can best afford it? The silver problem solved once for all, as it will be in November, the colonial probJ lent at once becomes paramount. We must either give up Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, haul down our flag, and shamefully abandon the rigljteousj fruits of our prowess by land and sea,; or we must prepaVe to govern these dis tant additions to our country fairly and honestly and capably. A per petual, constitutional barrier must be erected against the statehood of all our' non-contiguous possessions. That su premely important problem is to be metj and overcome, not by cowardly evasionj or disgraceful retreat, for the American people will tolerate no such course. We; muSt institute honestly and wisely and) administer economically au American co-, lonial system, worthy alike of our new possessions and of their mother country. We are not incapable of governing them: We are, as a nation, incapable of nothing.; I fully believe in the future of the' American republic, and that we are wise, and brave enough to bear the burdensj and fulfill the task Providence has allot ted us. Let us not falter at the threshi old. M. E. INGALLS. waii and the Philippines, and have some interest in Cubaj and I venture to say that the increased and increasing busi ness in those distant islands has already more than absorbed the work of all the drummers in the country who have lost their positions through industrial com binations. If that is true, and I believe it is, consider what a chance there is for ten per cent of our commercial travelers, or for fifty per cent of. them, in time in foreign lands or at home here, helping their new employers, or their old ones, to meet all the numberless new and in creasing demands of our prosperous and proud American men, women, sweet hearts, wives, cousins, aunts and chil dren, and all the countless millions, who, as we can be certain, are going to want our American products more and more' because the counted millions that we know of have begun to take them now almost faster than we can supply them. That is expansion. You cannot stop it in a million years!. It has been going on since the world began, and it will continue to go on,1 faster than ever, I gues3 to the end of time. It happens when a people fairly bursts its manufacturing and commercial bounds. There must be an outlet for the; products of our farms and factories, for the capital and talents of our business, men and hustlers. Sometimes this expansion of new strength, which amounts to an explosion of new strength, must be preceded by a battleship, even by a part of a standing! army, or a permanent garrison, as in Porto Rico or the Philippines. At other times the battleship and the standing1 Urmy. or a part of it, just enough to hold our own and make no doubt of it, must follow. The missionaries (who typify in a way the advance of civilization into heathen lands,- as we call them) are best of all the daring forerunners of the commerce and the progress that have "to get there too. The human race, especially the Anglo Saxons, are always wanting more and better things; they are climbing, elirubtng, climbing, always upon a higher plane of living. These things they work for, and fight for, and die for. So long as that restless, world-conquering sentiment ex ists, there will he expansion. So long, too, the races of the earth which have found themselves, and are still finding themselves, unequal to the trading, and selling, and fighting, and civilizing capac ity of the Anglo-Saxons, must step aside; they must learn to fight and to trade, and to trade and to fight, much better; that is all. I try to say these thinfts thoughtfully, as a drummer, notorious as he is for talk ing, may sometimes do. This expansion that I speak of is what we optimists mean by destiny; we are not afraid of it, we welcome it. We have done in the last three years a hundred years of work which, however, .we couldn't have done, if we hadn't been prepared, if we hadn't been that kind of people. There is not a true American man in these United States that is not better off, in his patriotism or his pecuniary pros pects, for the tasks of war and of states manship that have been undertaken and discharged in the last three years. You are better off. whoever yon are, and I am better off. Even if T had not been nec essary to1 my employer in the field and had not been kept on the pay-roll, then there would have been ten times the freedom of opportunity, which is all any good man can want. There is freedom of opportunity for everybody; but opportu nity won't come looking for ns. We must go running for it. watching every open ing, looking for improvement, looking for the way which our employer must find if we do not make his capital and his ef forts pay hi m a little better. In that way our efforts, which are our capital, will pay us better and better. A DRUMMER. THE COMING MAN. A pair of very chubby legs Incased in scarlet hose; A pair of little stubby boots With rather doubtful toes; A little kilt, a little coat, Cut its a mother enn And lo! before us strides in state The future's "coming man." His eyes, perchance, will read the stars, And search their unknown ways; Perchance the human heart and soul Will open to their gaze; Perchance their keen and flashing glance Will be a nation's light Those eyes that now are wistful bent On some "big fellow's" kite. That brow where mighty thought will dwell In solemn, secret state; Where fierce ambition's restless strength Shall war with future fate; Where science from now bidden caves New treasures shall outpour 'Tis knit now with a troubled doubt, Are two, or three cents, more? Those lips that in the coming years Will plead, or pray, or teach; Where whispereH worlds on lightning flash From world to world may reach; That, sternly grave, may speak command, Or, smiling win control Are coaxing now for gingerbread With all a baby's soul! Those hands those little busy hands So sticky, small and brown; Those hands whose only mission seems To pull all order down Who knows what hidden strength may lie VvithHi their future grasp, i Though now 'tis but a taffy stick In sturdy hold they clasp? I Ah, blessings on those little hands Whose work is yet undone! i And blessings on those little feet I Whose race is yet unrnn! I And blesings on the little brain That has not learned to plan! i Whate'er the future holds in store, j God bless the "coming man." Elmira Telegram. PERCY. I was at work. We had been furnishing my wife and I. We thought we had done it cheaply, but a few charming things In the bric-a-brac line, added at the last moment, had so overbalanced our ac count that I felt It imperative to make up a better check than usual that week on the daily paper upon which I earned my dally bread. So I was hard at work. But my wife had been hard at work, too. She had been to Paul Jones' sale It was "remnant day" and she had got a few little things which dear baby ab solutely had to have, besides a few more quite Indispensable trifles for her selfall of them "dirt cheap." She had been forced to confess, however, that the week's housekeeping money bad been severely encroached upon, and I am afraid I was not enthusiastic over the Jones sale. "In fact I took some credit to myself for my silence both over the interrup tion and over the advisability of the purchases; I did not even endeavor to stop her when she had quickly gather ed up all her little soft parcels and had deprived me of her presence. Instead of chasing the passing cloud from her sweet eyes as I knew how to do I had even heaved a sigh of relief as the door slammed after her. But, there, the bills were banging over my head, and I had written one para graph! So I was hard at work, and within sight of the end at last, when a voice on the staiis. shouting, "I know my way," made me swear a gentle oath under my breath before the door open ed and one Percy Falmouth stood be fore me. 1 was a college friend one of those who always prevent one from working, but to whom one is never able to say nay. I smiled a sickly smile of welcome and pushed the cigarettes toward him, but eveu as I did so I forgot his offense iu sudden alarm at his appearance. His face, that was wont to be fresh, was sallow and gray, and his eye, that was always merry, was dull and down cast. "AV-hat's the matter, old man?" said L "You're down on your luck." It fook him some time to bring the trouble out, even to me. But at last he managed it. He was In love. "Is that all?" cried I cheerily. "Well, don't be alarmed. I assure you, when you have got over the beginning it Isn't bud at all." "It isn't that," said my friend gloom ily, after a pause. "Isn't what?" I asked. "It isn't that I mind being In love." he explained, "but how am I to keep a wife?" My chair spun around again of Itself." "You!" I cried, almost fiercely. "Why, haven't you got $2,500 a year of your own?" and a vision of the weekly books and the monthly bills swam be fore my eyes and made me run my fin gerswildly through my hair. "You're a uice one to talk!" Percy smiled sarcastically. "Two thousand five hundred dollars!" echoed he. "Why, it wouldn't keep her In frilled underwear and short silk pet ticoats '." I looked grave instantly. "O!" I mur mured. "And It wouldn't keep any of them." said my friend, rising and throwing his cigarette away as he warmed to his subject. "And one wouldn't wish that it should. What man cares to see his wife looking a frump, and dowdier thau other women? And it isn't only the clothes; It's the house, and the fur niture, and the servants, and every thing. Dinginess is out of date. Peo ple don't cover up their carpets with washing drugget now, or let their wives go about in linsey-wolsey gowns and dust the kuick-knacks, or give their friends herrrag and mutton curb for dinner. Ca ne se f ati pros, and you know it." I sighed. Yea, I did know It more or less. "If I were to marry on $2,500 a yesr," continued Percy emphatlcally,"l should be in debt two months, and my wifa and I would have quarreled forever." Why didn't I smile? 1 had been mar ried more than two months, and. though I had certainly been In debt most of the time, my wife and I had not quarreled yet. But a vision qf pouting moutb and tear-dimmed blue eyes rose uncomfort ably before me; instead of sniffing it was I now who sighed. Perhaps my wife had not brought home small, soft parcels enough from Jones' sale instead of as 1 bad measly supposed that moruing too many. "But a man can work," said i, as bravely as I could, drawing my papers toward me. "Work!" echoed Percy, bitterly. "That's all very well If you've got brains. I have no qualifications for earning money, and love In a cottage isn't good enough nowadays." Somehow this speech restored me to my balance. He smoked another clgaret, and then took up his hat, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "It's a devil of a mess for a fellow to be In," he said, gloomily. "Yes," said I, I'm afraid you'll have to find a wife who can work on her own account. There are a good many of them about nowadays." He looked at me doubtfully. "O, I hate that sort," he said. "A gtrl with money's better, but that won't help ma Just now." "So I supposed," said I. And I let him out. I had sworn at his entrance, but he had brought me luck. The words literally flew from my pen when I sat down again; there was something spurring me ou there was a goal in sight that 1 knew of. And when I had put my name to the last sheet and was free I sought It. Upstairs in the nursery my wife sat beside the cradle; she bad our child la her arms and was lulling him to sleep. Her eyes shone as she looked up at me, her face was fresh, and she was as dainty as any man could wish in a plain, white frock ready to welcome me to dinner aftermy work. As I bent) down to kiss her I said gayly: "Pve made up a splendid week, darling; so you needn't worry about the pur chases." And she laughed, saying: "There weren't so many after all, you know.! Only a few dollars' worth. But I shouldn't have interrupted you while you were making them!" And then we went together to the dainty meal of her frugal ordering, and I was sorry that I had uot been able to explain to Percy what It was that made it "good enough." Exchange. ARTIFICIAL TREE INDUSTRY. Factory-Made Palms of Life-Like For mation Are Now Numerous. This is the age of things artificial. A. palm manufactory has recently opened a salesroom on Upper Broadway, and a huge sign lower down on the same thoroughfare notifies the mob that an other store of the same sort will soon be ready for business. The artificial tree industry Is comparatively new and it must be profitable. All over town oue sees counterfeits. Many of the large stores, and most of the more prominent hotels of this city, Includ ing some of those that are most taste ful in their decorations, now have huge palms in their halls or entrances, and even in private houses it is not uncom mon to find plauts with removable leaves. The prepared palms, such as are used to-day, are infinitely more real In ap pearance than the old artificial plants of a few years ago. Many are so close in their resemblance to the live plant that it is hard to detect them as imita tion without close scrutiny. The leaves are real leaves, and not constructed out of enameled tin, like the old kind, and the fiber ou the trunk is real fiber. It is only on approaching them and ex amining them that the leaves are seen to be painted and the stalks inserted into, but not growing out of, the stem. The price of the manufactured article varies from 50 cents to $25 for the or dinary specimens, but some of the larger and finer ones amount to $50, or even $100. A small fern palm sprig of some fifteen iuches high is sold at half a dollar; a tree, such as those that ore seen in the hall3 of hotels, measur ing, say, nine feet high, and with about eighte-iii removable leaves, will cost $17. The sago palm is a more expen sive variety, a tree of five feet selling for as much as $20. We may rail against humbug to our hearts' content, but, somehow or other, the laugh Is sel dom on the fellow who fools us. Pitts burg Dispatch. Work's Great Work. The movement in G. A. R. circles to erect a monument over the grave of Henry Clay Work, atHartford, Conn., revives the fact that his father was once confined In the Missouri peniten tiary on the charge of aiding slaves to escape from the State of Missouri to Illinois. Wheu the elder Work was re leased, one of the conditions of his par don being that he should return to the State of Connecticut, whence he came originally, and remain there for the rest of bis natural life. Thi3 obliga tion he faithfully kept. The son, Hen ry C. Work, was born at Middletown, Conn., and saw the end of American slavery while thousands of soldiers and citizens sang "Nicodemus," "Ring the Bell, Watchman," and "Marching Through Georgia." The Czar's Scepter. - The Russian scepter is of solid gold, three feet long, and contains among Its ornaments 268 diamonds, 360 rabies and fifteen emeralds.