Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 14, 1900, Image 1

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2S4&?&ifM I Consolidated Feb. 1899. cokvallis, bekton county, Oregon, Friday, September 14, moo. vol. xxxvii. no. 38.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Interesting Collection of Items From
he Two Hem i spheres Pros i
iii a Cor'lensed i't .iu-
The siege of Lady brand has been
Natives of Alaska requite govern
ment aid.
Ex-Secretary of State Oluey will sup
port Bryan.
The yellow fever situation in Havana
is improving.
The allies marched through the for
bidden city of I'ekin.
New York Republicans nominated
B. B. Odell for governor.
Connecticut Republicans nominated
George 1. McLean for governor.
The body of a Pocatello, Idaho, fire
man was found in the Willamette river
near Champoeg.
An Eastern hop man says the pres
ent strength of hop prices is due to a
speculative flurry.
The National party nominated Senat
or Caffery for president and A. M.
DI own for vice-president.
Arthur Sewall, Democratic candidate
ffor vice-president in 1896, died at his
Bummer home at Bath, Me.
Montana Republicans nominated
David E. Folsom for governor and S.
G. Murray for congressman.
A man with $2,000 in his pocket was
sent to jail at The Dalles, Or., for
stealing 25 cents' worth of wood.
The viceroy of India, Lord Curzon.
of Kedleston, cables that the total num
ber of persons receiving relief is 4,810, -000.
The population of Salt Lake City,
Utah, according to the United States
census of 1900, is 58,531; 1890, 4i',
842. The population of Albany, NV V..
according to the United States census
of 1900, is 94,151, against 94,923 in
1890, a decrease of 772, or .81 percent.
Morgan Robbins, agent of the Armour-Ha
viland Company, of Chicago,
said that he, with his associates, had
just closed the first part of a deal in
volving $20,000,000 that is to be in
vested in Colorado gold mines by the
packers and London men. Mr. Rob
bins says contracts were closed for
properties in Gilpin county calling for
the payment of $2,000.000 but he re
fused to divulge the names of the prop
erties until he had succeeded in trans
ferring all the mines on which he has
an option.
Glasgow now has 13 plague cases
Emperor Kwang Hsu is still under
There is an outbreak of yellow fever
in Havana.
Senator Wellington, of Maryland,
will support Bryan.
General Chaffee reports satisfactory
conditions in Pekin.
Boers are making a stand in the pas
south of Lydenburg.
Foreigners in Shanghai protest
against the withdrawal of troops from
that place.
In the Vermont election the Repub
lican majority was about 29,000. a de
crease of 20 per cent.
Three mills owned by the American
Steel & Wire Company, of Cleveland,
Ohio, which were closed down June 1,
resumed operations, giving employ
ment to between 500 and GOO men. It
is stated by the employes that there
has been a general cut in wages,
amounting in some cases to as high as
23 per cent, and also that the hours of
labor have been increased.
John D. Rockefeller has made Shell
man seminary, a negro college of At
lanta, Ga., a present of $180,000. The
money has been paid into the treasury
of the American Baptist Home Mission
Society, of New York, which has
charge of the college. A new dormi
tory, a new dimng-hall, a residence
for the faculty, a hospital and a heat
ing and light plant will be built.
C. W. Vail is the turkey king of
Douglas county, Or. He has some 700
fouls now, apd many more contracted
for. Recently he leased the 4,500-acre
ranch of Fendal Southerlin, near Oak
land, and will graze turkeys upon it,
jircbably to the number of 2,000. Moht
of these will be put in condition for
the holiday markets, only the old ones
being placed on the market at present.
Judge De Haven, in the United
States circuit court at San Francisco,
held Julian B. Arnold, the English law
yer, son of Edwin Arnold, accused of
embezzling the funds of clients, for ex
tradition. The prisoner will be de
tained pending the signing of the nec
essary papers by President McKiniey.
The horse transport Frederick sailed
-from San Francisco for Manila. - She
lias 43 horses and the guns and ac
coutrements of Batteries C and M, of
the Seventh artillery, that sailed on
the Rosecrans recently.
Russell Sage gave a picnic to poor
children at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
The native rebellion against the
Dutch in Sumatra is now said to be at
an end after lasting 27 years.
The sultan of Turkey has ordered the
construction of a telegraph line be
tween India and Constantinople.
.1. L. Wilkinson, 81 years old, of
Tannery, Pa., has married his 71 -year-old
sweetheart with whom he quarreled
50 years ago.
General Joseph Wheeler has retired.
Japanese troops will not withdraw
from Pekin.
The American troops will winter in
the Philippines.
Republicans carried Maine by 31,
000 to 33fO00 majority.
An appeal is issued by Texan's in be
half of the Galveston sufferers.
Germany and England are said to
have agreed to remain in Pekin.
Rumor is denied that stock grazing
Dn forest reserves is to be restricted.
Galveston's deaih list numbers fully
1,000. . Some estimates place it higher.
Texas City and many smaller towns
near the gulf were partially wercked.
Oregon has been asked to erect a
-building at the Buffalo Pan-American
Oregon prune prices have been
boomed by action of the California
Fruit Association.
Ninety-three missionaries are known
to havoeen killed and 170 are missing
from the recent uprising in China.
Henry Watson died at his home ne:ir
Albany, Or., aged 70 years. He was a
pioneer of 1847, and an Indian war
The Eureka shingle mill at Harrison,
Idaho, was burned recently. The'loss
will amount to about $15,000, of
which only $5,000 is covered by insur
ance. Chung Li, military commandant of
Pekin, who is responsible for the mur
dei of the German minister, has been
arrested and is confined under Ger
man jurisdiction.
At Rock Creek, in Park county.
Mont., Frank Forrest, a ranch hand,
aged 20, shot and killed Willis Hoard,
a well-to-do rancher, aged 30; fatally
wounded Miss Laura Linn, aged 1(5,
and then committed suicide by shoot
ing himself through the heart.
Henry A. Chittenden, a journalist ol
note and the man who (secured for Oak
land, Gftl., the $250,000 Carnegie free
public library, is dead at that city of
a throat affliction, aged 54 years. ' He
served as reporter and editor on
Eastern papers. For 15 years he was
employed by James Gordon Bennett,
working on the Herald and Telegram.
At Seattle, theTarge steamer Inver
ness, 3,313 tons, was formally turned
over to the United States officials for
use fpr transport service- in the Philip
pines. The vessel is large and com
modious, and will at once be placed in
commission. Two other ships have
been secured by the government from
the British-American line for a like
service. They will all be used for car
rying army and other supplies.
The A merican troops have orders to
get ready to leave Pekin.
Li Hung Chang will be permitted to
go to I'ekin lor a conference.
France agrees unwillingly to Rus
sia's proposal 10 evacuate the imperal
Seven vessels were wrecked or
stranded on the Florida coast by the
recent hurricane.
Two persons were killed and one ser
iously wounded in a row in a restaurant
at Reno, Nevada.
Commandant Theron, a noted Boer
scout, has been found dead on the field
near Krugersport, a small town about
20 miles northeast of Lydenburg.
The census bureau announces that
the population of Portland, Or., is 9jp,
426, as against 46,385 in 1890, an in
crease of 44,041, or 94.95 per cent.
Germanys' reason for rejecting the
Russo-American proposals of with
drawal from Pekin is that the time is
inopportune and calculated to prolong
the war.
The American ship May Flint col
lided with a bark in the bay of San
Francisco, then drifted onto the battle
ship Iowa, where she was split open
and sank to the bottom.
Ex-President Cleveland has declined
the presidents' appointment as a mem
ber of the International Board of Arbi
tration, under The Hague treaty. Ex
i'resideut Harrison has accepted the
The staff surgeon of the German lega
tion at Pekin announces that an ex
amination shows the cause of Baron
von Kettelers' death to have been a
bullet through the neck, which must
have been instantaneously fatal.
Francis Edward Hinckley, one oi
the incorporators of the Chicago Uni
versity, and prominently identified
w ith many important railroad and com
mercial enterprises, is dead at his
home at West New Brighton, Staten
Island, aged 66.
The weather in India is now promis
ing for crops. Excellent rain has
fallen in all the famine districts and
the winter sowings are practically as
sured. The number now receiving re
lief is something under 4,000,000, an
encouraging reduction.
Ulysses Kellogg, aged 12 years, and
George Oglesby were killed by firedamp
in an abandoned shaft at Newcastle,
Wash. The lormer descended into the
hole to look for a chicken which he
had thrown therein, and was followed
by Oglesby. Both were overcome by
the vapor and fell to the bottom of the
A New York man who was knocked
insensible by a brick during a parade
30 years ago has just received an apolo
gy from the man who threw it.
To relieve the poor of Dublin Baron
Iveagh will build artisan dwellings in
a congested tenement district of the
city. The cost will be over 60,000.
Ulridi Ruppecht committed suicide
on his wife's grave at Norwich, Ont.
The latter died from poisoning three
weeks ago and murder was suspected.
Expected Storm- Strikes the
Florida Coast.
Two Vessel Were Stranded and It Is
feared Their Crews Wera
Washed Overboard.
Miami, Fla., Sept. 10. A. tropical
hurricane, which has done much dam
age on the islands of Jamaica and
Cuba, struck the Florida coast Wednes
day, the wind at one time reaching a
velocity of nearly 100 miles an hour.
It is feared that the orews of at least
two vessels were swept overboard about
30 miles south of here.
Tne barkentine Culboon, of St. John,
N. B.. laden with 300,000 feet of lum
ber, is ashoie five miles south of Casv
foot light, about 35 miles south of Mia
mi. She is waterlogged. The Cul
boon was driven by the torce of the
waves over one of the reefs forming the
inner passage, and is lying in 12 feet
of water. Nothing has been heard of
her crew. The Culboon encountered
the hurricane Wednesday morning. At
10:20, after losing her rudder and
nearly all her canvas, the vessel was
hurled upon the rocks.
Three miles south of Culboon is a
disabled lumber bark which stranded
during the night of the 5th. The
crew, it is feared, was swept overboard
during the storm. The vessel has a
windmill, and is consequently thought
to be Norwegian.
On the Louisiana Coast.
New Orleans, Sept. 10 The storm
which has been expected for several
days materialized today and all the
southern coast of Louisana has been
swept. The sea water has backed up
to the Mississippi river levees on the
east bank. Dr. R. Burford and Super
intendent Richard Quinn, government
officers at Fort St. Philip, went down
the river in a catboat Thursday even
ing, but today the boat was found float
ing bottom up. They have unquestion
ably been drowned. The damage to
crops from sea water is large.
Series of Murders.
Vancouver, B., C Sept. 10. Mail
advices from Austialia by the steamer
Warrimoo report an atrocious series of
murders in the country distiicts of
New South Wales by a band of blacks.
The murderers first entered the Mawley
homestead, at Gelgadia, where several
young ladies were living. The inmates
were killed in their beds. The blacks,
after the terrible butchery, fled through
the settlements on stolen horses, mur
dering and robbing as they went.
They were chased by 1,000 volunteer
policemen and 12 bloodhounds, and
one out of six of the gang only had
been caught at latest advices, as the
murdereis stole fresh horses in every
town. The bodies of their victims
were mutilated with hatchets.
American Energy Rewarded.
Cape Town, Sept. 10. American
energy promises to be rewarded by se
curing orders or 300 large coal trucks,
involving $150,000, about to be placed
by gold mining companies on the Hand,
in which quick delivery is vUally im
portant. Tenders were received from
British and American manufacturers,
but the latter quoted lower prices and
promised more speedy delivery. Brit
ish financial houses fear that the Eng
lish manufacturers will now allow for
eigners to reap the commercial benefits
of the wai.
fraud Order.
Washington, Sept. 10. The post
office department this morning issued
a "fraud order" against the American
Teachers' Agency, the American Civil
Service college, L. D. Bass, manager,
R. II . Himes, secretary and treasurer,
and L. D. Bass and R. M. Himes, in
dividually, all of Washington, D. C.
The order states that the concerns
named "were using the mail for ob
taining money from teachers through
out the United States and from those
desiring to make preparation for civil
service examination, by means of false
and fraudulent pretenses, representa
tions and promises."
Frank McRrfde Pardoned.
Washington, Sept. 10. The presi
dent has pardoned Frank M. McBride,
who was convicted at Salt Lake City
in May, 1898, of embezzlement of
$3,072 poetoflice funds while assistant
postmaster at Salt Lake and sentenced
to four years in the Utah penitentiary.
The attorney-general, in recommending
the pardon, said that recently obtained
evidence raises serious doubt as to
whether there ever was such embezzle
ment as claimed, and in view of the
further fact that McBride has already
served one year, he thinks executive
clemency should be extended
Cut His Stepdaughter's Throat.
New York, Sept. 10. Samuel Hayes,
a plumber, is under arrest for attempt
ing to take the life of bis 10-year-old
step-daughter. Hayes last night, while
intoxicated, walked into the child's
bedroom and cut her throat while she
lay sleeping on a cot. Her screams
brought her mother and the man was
arrested. The physicians have some
hopes of saving her life.
Two People lrowned. , "
Indianapolis, Sept. 10. Thomas
Pot ten and his niece, Annie Potten,
aged 13, were drowned in White river
near Waverly. The girl had gone in
bathing and got beyond her depth, and
her uncle went to her rescue.
Accident at Military Maneuvers.
Vienna, Sept.. 10. During the Aus
trian military maneuvers today, on the
borders of Galacia and Bohemia, a big
gun exploded, killing four men out
right and fatally wounding 18 more.
Steamer Bertha Said to Have Brought
Down S30.0OO.
Seattle, Sept. 10. The steamship
Berbta arrived from Valdes last night.
She brought about $30,000 in gold
dust. Arthur Campbell, ofje Alu-ka
Development Company, returned from
Kyak, where the company has found
oil and coal.
Whether the earthquake disturb
ance's which were felt on Lynn canal
and at he bead of the Yukon river had
any connection with similar disturb
ances at Lituya bay is a mere conject
ure, but according to information
brought out by the steamer Bertha, a
vast amount of damage was done at the
latter place. Five Indians are known
to have been killed.
The news was brought from Lituya
bay to Yakutat by. Indians in canoes.
The disturbances there occurred on
August 11, one day after the earth
quake shocks above referred to. They
apparently proceeded from the district
in which Mount St. Elias and Mount
Fairweatlier are situated. On August
11 two heavy shocks were felt, accord
ing to the Indians. The second sho k
created great havoc, as well as destroy
ing five lives. , The Indian informants
told persons at Yakutat that five of
the immense glaciers which head into
Lituay bay weree dislodged by the
disturbance and were sent crashing
into the bay, partly filling it with great
mountains of ice.
The five Indians are reported to have
been killed on a small island situated
out about a mile from the face ot one
of the glaciers. They were in a cave
and were drowned by the great rush of
water which swept over the island
when the ice rivers crashed down into
the bay. Chief ' George, sue of the
best-known characters in the north,
was one of the drowned Indians. It is
said that the cave cache in which they
were caught was his personal prop
erty. No definite news concerning the
strike on Dornix creek, at the head of
the Copper river, had been brought out
to Valdes, outside of what was already
known when the steamer Bertha left.
The government trail, under the direc
tion of Captain Abercrombie, had ap
proached within 70 miles of the strike,
or a distance of 170 miles from Valdes,
and work was being pushed with all
speed, so as to connect the district by
trail with Valdes for the coming win
ter. Unless this shall be acomplished
it will be almost impossible to trans
port supplies to the scene of the gold
discovery through the winter months.
Cowboys Drove 3.000 Sheep Over a
High Precipice.
Walsenbnrg, Colo., Sept. 10. Re
ports received from Sharpsdale, a small
town near Monnt Blanco, in Southern
Colorado, say tliat the feud over the
use of the range, which has long exist
ed between cattlemen and sheepmen,
reached a climax this week when the
cattlemen drove 3,000 sheep over a
high precipice. The trouble has grown
out of the scarcity of water along the
water courses. Where grass still re
mains the sheep weie pastured and af
ter they had once passed, cattle re
fused to eat, and either died or became
very poor. The cattlemen rose in re
volt and taking horses, corraled about
8,000 sheep. The sheepmen protested,
but being unarmed, could do nothing.
The sheep were then driven down a
narrow gulch at the foot of which an
ancient waterfall had hollowed ont a
pit over 200 feel deep. Faster and
faster the animals ran, urged on by the
shouts of the cowboys, until the leader
paused at the brink. The press be
hind him forced him over and the
others followed. Some of the last who
fell on the bodies of the first were not
killed, but the majority were killed.
It is stated that the entire country has
taken up arms.
The Boer flag Incident.
New York, Sept. 8. A meeting of
the New York committee to aid the
South African republic was held to
night to consider the Boer flag incident
at Bar Harbor, when a Boer flag,
raised by Edward Yanuess, one of the
members of the committee, at the ap
proach of the fleet of English warships,
was taken down by the authorities at
Bar Harbor. A letter which had been
prepared before the committee met was
read and ordered sent to Mr. Vanuess.
The letter compliments him on his ac
tion in raising the Boer flag in the
face of the British fleet, and reiterates
the devotion of the committee to the
Boer cause.
Plot Against' the Sultan.
Constantinople, Sept. 10. Abdul
Hamid's enjoyment of the jubilee fes
tivities, which began Sunday, on the
completion of his 25th year as head of
the Ottoman empire, has been spoiled
'by the discovery of a plot against his
life. One hundred and eighteen ar
rests, including several officials, have
already been made and a secret inquiry
is proceeding.
Cyclone in Cuba.
Havana, Sept. 10. The mayor of
Trinidad, province of Santa Clwa, has
wired to the military governor froir
Casilda for assistance, claiming that a
cyclone yesterday destroyed all the
crops of the district and that the peo
ple are .destitute. Efforts will be
made to relieve the situation.
Murder in Montana.
Butte, Mont., Sept. 8. Bullus Par
rott, an old-time resident of Deei
Lodge county, was murdered about 14
miles fiom here some time last night.
When discovered ths morning, Parrott
lay on the floor of h's store with his
hands and feet bound and a towel
bound tightly around his face. The
money drawer was open and the cash
gone. The robbers did not make a
thorough search of the place, as noth
ing was disturbed but the cash drawer.
There is no clue to the murderers.
Devastation Extends 100
Miles Into the Interior.
Four Thousand Buildings Wrecked in
Galveston, and 3,000 People
Lose Their Lives.
Houston, Texas, Sept. 11. The West
Indian storm, which reached the gulf
soast yesterday morning, has wrought
awful havoc in Texas. Reports are
conflicting, but it is known that an ap
palling disaster has befallen the city of
Galveston, where it is reported, a
thousand or more lives have been blot
ted out and a tremendous property
damage iuiflcted. Meager reports
from Sabine Pass and Port Arthur also
indicate a heavy loss of life, but the
reports cannot be confirmed at this
The first news to reach this city from
the stricken city of Galveston was re
ceived tonight. James C. Timmins. of
Houston, superintendent of the Na
tional Compress Company, arrived here
at 8 o'clock from Galveston. After
remaining through the hurricane on
Saturday he departed from Galveston
on a schooner and came across the bay
to Morgan's point, where he caught a
train for Houston. The hurricane,
Mr. Timmins said, was the worst ever
The estimates made by citizens of
Galveston was that 4,000 houses, most
of them residences, have been de
stroyed, and that at least 1,000 people
have been drowned, killed or are miss
ing. Some business houses were also
destroyed, but most of them stood,
though badly damaged.
The city, Mr. Timmins avers, is a
complete wreck, so far as he could see
from the water front and from the Tre
mont hotel. Water was blown over
the island by the hurricane, the wind
blowing at the rate of 80 miles an
hour, straight from the gulf, and forc
ing the sea before it in big waves.
The gale was a steady one, the heart
of it striking the city about 5 o'clock
yesterday evening and continuing with
out intermission until midnight last
night, when it abated somewhat, al
though it continued to blow all night.
In the bay the carcasses of nearly 200
horses and mules were seen, but no
human body was visible
The scenes during the storm, Mr.
Timmins said, could not be described.
Women and children were crowded
into the Tremont hotel, where he was
seeking shelter, and all night these,
unfortunates were bemoaning their loss
of kindred and fortune. They were
grouped about the stairways and in the
galleries and rooms of the hotel. What
was occurring in other parts of the
city he could only conjecture.
Provisions will be badly needed, as
a great majority of the people lost all
they had. The waterworks power
house was wrecked and a water famine
is threatened, as the cisterns were all
ruined by the overflow of salt water.
This, Mr. Timmins regards as the most
serious trouble to be faced now. The
city is in darkness, the electric plant
having been ruined.
Extended loo Miles Inland.
Houston, Texas, Sept. 11. The
storm that raged along the coast of
Texas last night was the most disas
trous that has ever visited this section.
The wires are down, and there is no
way of finding out just what has hap
pened, but enough is known to make
it certain that there has been great loss
of life and destruction of property all
along the coast and for 100 miles in
land. Every town that is reached re
ports one or more dead, and the prop
erty damage is so great there is no way
of computing it accurately.
The small town ot Brookshire, on the
Missouri, Kansas & Texas, was almost
wiped out by the storm. The crew of
a work train brought in this informa
tion. When the train left there, the
bodies of four persons had been recov
ered, and tbe search for others was pro
ceeding. Hempstaed, across the country from
Brookshire, was also greatly damaged.
Sabine Pass has not been heard from
today. Yesterday morning the last
news Was recevied from there, and at
that time the water was surrounding
the o'.d town at the pass and the wind
was rising and the waves coming high.
From the new town, which is some
distance back, it was reported that the
water had reached the depot and was
running through the streets. The peo
ple were leaving for the high country
known as the back ridge, and it is be
lieved that a'l escaped.
Three bodies have been brought in
from Seabrooke, on Galveston bay, and
17 persons are missing.
Distress in Labrador.
St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 10. Reports
from Northern Labrador reveal the ex
istence of great distress among - the
shore men, owing to the ice remaining
on the coast so long. Many vessels
have been crushed in the floes, losing
their supplies and fishing outfits. The
others are meeting with but poor suc
cess. The Labrador cod fishery is a
virtual failure.
Close Call for OOO.
Cohasset, Mass., Sept. 11. The ex
cursion steamer John Endicott, on the
Boston and Plymouth line, struck a
sunken rock just east of Minots Light
this afternoon and tore a hole in her
side, so that she was obliged to run
full steam for the shore off North Scit
uate, where she foundered. There
were on board 600 passengers at the
time of the accident, but by tbe hasty
use of all her life boats and with the
assistance from the boats near by,
very person aboard was saved.
Large Appropriation for Such Improve
ments In View.
Manila, Sept. 12. The Philippine
commission, at its first public session
to be held in the near future, will dis
cuss the appropriation of one-third of
the treasury's $6,000,000 for the con
struction and lepair of roads and
bridges throughout the archipelago.
The people profess to be much gratified
at the prospect of this work of develop
ment. The revenue authorities of Manila
collect under the Spanish laws a tax of
5 per cent upon the salaries of Ameri
can civilians earning $300 per annum
and upward. Tbe tax is unpopular
and provokes protests among them.
The Filipinos and foreigners who are
used to it do not accept the levy.
The reports of military operations
show that of late these have been triv
ial. Manila is now experiencing the heav
iest typhoon for years.
Operations in Philippines.
Washington, Sept. 11. The war de
partment has made public a report of
Major-General Otis, giving details of
the operations of the United States
army in the Philippines from Septem
ber 1, 1899, to May 5, 1900. Tbe re
port covers the operations of the arm
ies and commands of Generals Lawton,
MacArthur, Wheatou, Schwan, James
M. and J. F. Bell, Hughes, Bates and
Young, as weil as different colonels,
who had separate or independent com
mands during that time. Nearly all
the facts contained in the report and
all important matters were published
during the campaign. Besides con
taining an account of the movements
of the United States forces, there is
considerable space devoted to the poli
cies of the insurgents shown to a great
extent in the publication of the cap
tured correspondence and documents
found in possession of persons in sym
pathy with the insurgents.
General Otis says he desires to cor
rect an ' 'erroneous impression that the
war with the insurgents was initiated
by the United States." After explain
ing the conditions that existed at the
breaking out of hostilities, he says:
"War with the insurgents was forced
on us and was inevitable."
He asserts that this is shown in Fili
pino correspondence captured by the
Americans, which, he says, proves that
the war was planned by Aguinaldo.
He says another erroneous impression
prevails that the Filipinos endeavored
to stop hostilities after the first out
break, but were refused by the United
New Diggings Reported Further Up the
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 13
The steamship Elihu Thomson arrived
from Cape Nome this evening, bringing
200 passengers, most of whom are prac
tically "broke." While the vessel was
in the stream being inspected by the
quarantine officer, a boat pulled along
side with fruit, and before purchases
could be made a collection was taken
up and enough raised to purchase two
or three boxes of apples.
The Thomson sailed from Nome Aug
ust 28, and her 'officers report condi
tions but little changed. About 15,000
people are there, any of them in desti
tute circumstances, and as winter ap
proaches much uneasiness prevails
among the unfortunates, as they can
see no prospect of getting away and
nothing ahead but suffering and per
haps death.
Before the Thomson sailed from
Nome the report reached there that
rich diggings had been struck on Blue
stone creek, this side of Cape York,
and men who came down from Blue
stone and reported the find had plenty
of dust. This caused a stampede, and
all the small steamers and schooners at
Nome headed for the scene of the new
strike, loaded with passengers, while
many started out in small boats, and
it is said that by the time the stampede
is over and the last steamer sails south
Nome will be almost depopulated.
The captain of the Thomson reports
that several other of the earlier claims
located at Nome are showing up well,
it having taken the entire season to
place them in working order. Nome
is practically free from sickness, small
pox and other diseases having disap
peared except among Indians at the
village south of Nome. A number of
them are down with smallpox, and
with their method of handling the di
sease the village stands a good chance
ot being wiped out.
Akron Rioters Arrested.
Akron, O., Sept. 10. Andrew Hal
ter, brother of the rpolice court clerk,
was arrested today on the charge of
having participated in the recent riot.
He was bound over in $1,000 bail, hav
ing waived examination. W. A. Hunt,
a well-known contractor, was also ar
rested in the same connection, being
accused of using dynamite which blew
up the city building. He was bound
over in $2,500.
Big Railroad Gang.
Weisei, Idaho, Sept. 10. The rail
road enterprise here is resuming con
struction and about 1,000 to 1,500 men
will be put to work shortly. This will
mean great improvements for business
in and around Weiser. Building oper
ations here this summer have amounted
to over $90,000.
Damaged Railroad Tracks.
El Paso. Texas, Sept. 12. The heav
iest rain storm known in several years
here occurred north, south and west of
El Paso during the past few days.
The Mexican Central tracks are wash
ed away in several places this side of
Chihuahua. and trains are running very
irregularly. The Southern Pacific
tracks are gone in several places in
New Mexico, and no through trains
have arrived here from the west since
Fiiday night.
Extent of the Disaster Is
People in the Island City Were Caught
Like Rats Nearly All the Soldiers
at the Fort Were Drowned.
Houston, Texas, Sept. 12. The first
report of the appalling disaster which
has stricken the city of Galveston do
not seem to have been magnified.
Communication was had with the city
by boats, and reports tonight indicate
that the deaths will exceed 600, while
the property loss cannot be estimated,
although it will reach several million
The burial of the dead has already
begun. The list is only a partial one,
and the names of all who perished in
Saturday '8 great storm will never be
At the army barracks near San An
tonio a report is current that more
than 100 United States soldiers lost
their lives in Galveston. The report,
however, lacks confirmation.
Today a mass meeting was held, and
liberal contributions were made for the
immediate relief of the destitute.
Governor Sayers appealed to I 'resident,
McKiniey for aid. This appeal was
met by a prompt reponse from the pres
ident, who stated that 10,000 tents and
50,000 rations had been ordered to Gal
veston. Governor Sayers also ad
dressed an appeal to each municipality
in the state, asking for prompt assist
ance in caring for the sufferers.
Telegrams of inquiry and help have
been pouring in throughout the day
and night lrom every state in the
Union, and in almost every instance
substantial relief has been offered.
The stricken city is in imminent,
danger of a water famine, and strenu
ous efforts are making here to supply
the sufferers. Relief trains are being
organized, and will leave here at an
early hour tomorrow.
On the Main Lsnd.
Dallas, Texas, Sept. 12. The first
train from Houston arrived at Dallas
last night over the Houston & Dallas
Central. It left Houston yesterday at
8:30 A. M., and arrived here practical
ly 10 boms late.
When it left, Texas City was deso
late and devastated. Buildings had
been wrecked, roofs had been torn off
and hurled hundreds of feet through
the air. The electric light plant had
been demolished and all night long the
city had been in darkness.
Along the road north of Houston
scenes of devastation and distress were
witnessed. Buildings had been torn
down and the material of which they
were built scattered over the ground
for miles. Trees had been pulled up
by their roots and denuded of their
branches. Fields that had been smil
ing the day before with all the great
fertility of this record-breaking year
were bare, the plants having been
grasped by the hurricane and scattered
far and wide. Hundreds of heads of
cattle had been killed. At least 40 per
cent of the structures in the towns of
llerkely, Cypress and Waller have been
totally destroyed. Twenty per cent of
Homestead is in ruinsj Hearne was
damaged somewhat, but the situation
there is not regarded as serious.
Sabine Pass and Port Arthur.
Beaumont, Texas, Sept. 12. The
city of Sabine Pass and Port Arthur
passed through the terrible storm of
Saturday virtually unscathed. Every
where the water spread over the town,
but it did not reach a depth sufficient
to destroy buildings. Tbe town pleas
ure pier was washed away complete
ly, as was also the pier in front of the
Gates and Elwood homes. The dredge
Florida, property of the New York
Dredging Company, which cut the
Port Arthur channel, was sunk at the
mouth of Taylor Bayou.
Damage in Houston Light.
Houston, Texas, . Sept. 12. The'
damage in Houston from wind and
water is comparatively light. One
life was lost hero from falling wires.
At Bayside resorts, about 25 miles
from Houston, the houses were mostly
blown away and five or six deaths are
known, while 15 or 20 people, sup
posed to be drowned, are still missing.
West and southwest of Houston for
50 miles the country has been swept
and losses are heavy, but few deaths
are reported. Cotton has been widely
The losses on the mainland in an
area of more than 50 miles square are
more than $1,000,000, with probably
a score of deaths.
East Bernard Blown Away.
Eagle Lake, Texas, Sept. 12. Three
churches, together with many houses,
were completely blown to pieces. The
rice and pecan crops are ruined. The
cotton crop is nearly ruined, and the
cane crop is considerably damaged.
The loss to this community from the
storm is estimated at $250,000. No
lives were lost here but tbe town of
East Bernard has been blown away and
three persons were killed.
Two Thousand Dollars Raised.
Colorado Springs, Colo. .Sept. 12. At
a meeting tonight, called by Mayor
Robinson, a draft for $2,000 was order
ed sent to Governor Sayres, of Texas,
to be used to relieve the storm suffer
ers. .
Louisiana Rice Crop Damaged.
Jennings, Texas, Sept. 12. The
Southwest Louisiana rice crop has suf
ered heavy loss from the storm. Kice
men estimate the damage at 10 to 15
per cent of the crop as a whole.