Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 11, 1900, Image 3

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Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
Mercenieed cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular oolora. $1.50 to $2.2 each
For fine skirt linings and for shirt
waits. Twelve shade. 59 cents per
S, E, Young & Son.
Albany, Oregon.
Mrs. John Mulvey, of this city, is
vititing relatives in 0;egon City.
John Loomis, aged 59, an Ameri
can residing at Newport, was taken
to the asylum last week by Sheriff
Ross, of Lincoln county.
Portland shipped nearly 1,000,
000 bushels of wheat during the
month of August. This is not a
bad showing for such a poor season .
Mrs. A. F. Perterson ard family
moved into town, Saturday, from
the country. It is their intention
to resid in the city during the
rainy season.
F. L. Miller went to Portland
Friday and was expected to arri e
home yesterday accompanied by
his wife and son, who have been in
in Portland for some weeks.
Conrad Sandstrom, the bakei at
H. W. Hall's restaurant, went to
Portland for a three days' visit.
During his absence Jim Beer was at
his old post mixing dough for the
The alarm of numerous lady
friends of Carl Hodes iu this com
munity, has been albyed by a let
ter from that gentleman announc-,
ing that it is his cousin and not
himself who was recently engaged
in Germany.
During the week considerable
ounterfeit money was circulated in
the city. Several business men
found themselves possessed of bogus
half dollars. Some counterfeiter has
evidently passed it off for good
money in the city and then skipped
out. Oregon City Enterprise.
Mrs. E. H. Bryant came over
from Siletz last Saturday and left
Monday morning for Corvallis, Al
baViv and Portland, where she will
inspect pianos with a view to pur
chasing for three or four citizens
of Siletz. The supply of good music
at the Agency will soon be mater
ially increased. Lincoln Leader.
Miss Leona Smith entertained
about twenty young people Friday
evening in honor of Miss Myrtle
Shonkwiler, of Salem, and Miss
Winnie Miller, of Eugene. The
evening was pleasantly spent, the
guests being entertained with
music, cards of various kinds. Just
previous to their departure for the
evening choice refreshments were
The prune growers of the North
west want as much as anything
else to have a standard method of
packing their fruits; of course, if
they go into the Cured Fruit Asso
ciation this method will be adopted
and all fruit will sell at better
figure, because the dealer will know
what to expect without having to
open each box to see whether or
not it is up to the standard. Paci
fic Farmer.
Eugene has decided to follow the
good example of Corvallis and tear
up her street car lino. The Albany
Street Railway Company has sold
its line and the entire stock to John
Attison, a section foreman on the
C. & E. This is only deferring
dissolution, for the time Is inevita
ble when Albany and her street
railway must part. Horse cars
and dummy engines are going out
of style, anyhow.
In is reported that William Grif
fith, who is wanted in Lincoln
county on a charge of stealing cat
tle, has been seen by parties in the
neighborhood of Marys Peak. It
will be remembeied that his broth
er, Bert Griffith, and Frank Baker,
were recently convicted on this
charge ind sent to Salem for a term
of three yeais each. According to
the report, when William Griffith
was seen he was well armed and
wanted to buy food, also a saddle
Geoige Hod,;es, of Big Elk, has
hopes of securing a contract ot a
Portland firm whereby he will fur
nish them with 100,000 feet of
alder lumber. The Portland peo
ple will use the lumber for the
manufacture of fine furniture. This
is quite a large contmct for lumber
of this kind and it is thought that
on the Big Elk is about the best
place in Oregon to seeuie so
large an order. Mr. Hodges resides
about ten miles up the stream from
Elk City and has a small mill at
his place Should he receive the
contract the lumber will be rafted
down the Big Elk to Elk City, from
wnich place it will be shipped to
Portland by rail.
Clem Hodes and Geo. Belt re
turned homo Saturday evening
from a four-days' visit to the Port
land street fair.
Major F. E. Edwards, of the O
A C, returned home Friday from an
outing of several weeks at Belknap
Springs and Eugene.
Mi. Barker, on who ti surgeons
recently operated for appendicitis,
is getting along quite well and is
healing up very nicely.
Born, to the wife of James Moore,
in Jobs Addition, September 8,
1900, a son; weight 11 pounds. Dr.
AUmau was the attending phy
sician. Miss Olive Thompson has accept
ed an engagement as pianist with
Mrs. Obertuefer, of Portland, and
leaves about the middle of October
to assume her duties.
Mrs. T. D. Campbell came up
from Independence last we k to be
prestnt at the wedding of her sis
ter Miss Allie, and Mr. Carl Porter,
which occurs this week.
There will be a temperance lec
ture in the Christian ehvu'ch next
Friday evening, by David Tatum.
All who are interested in this work
should not fail to attend.
For the last few days the show
windows of Kline's big store have
contained an elegant display of the
celebrated Percival B. Palmer capes
and jackets, which has attracted
much attention.
Miss Esther Simmons, of Corval
lis, who has accepted a positi m in
the pubjic school, arrived in town
recently to enter upon her duties at
the opening of ihe school year.
Roseburg Plaindealer.
Prof. Clyde Phillips, of the O A
C, left Friday for Portland, at which
place he took passage on the- steam
er Sunday night for San Franc'sco.
Among other points of interest, he
will visit Sacramento during the
state fair.
Mrs. V. Espy has purchased the
G. W. Shaw residence property and
expects to occupy the same as soon
ar. Mrs. Shaw vacates on her de
parture for Colorado, where she
will join her husband. This will
likely be in the course of a couple
of weeks.
The delay experienced in getting
the granite sand from Southern
Oregon for use in the -new college
walk, is caused by the negligence of
the (Southern Pacific R. R. Com
pany. They agreed to have the
sand here by August 27th, at the
very latest.
Attorney J. F. Yates and wife
are making a much longer stay in
the mountains than they intended
when they left. A letter received
in this city a few day3 ago states
that Fred had killed all sorts of
creatures running wild in the
mountain fastnesses that he had
W. F. Gates, who was in this city
during last winter, teaching a class
in music, has written to a friend in
this city. He is at present in Los
Angeles, Calif., and states that he
is gaining a foot-hold in the south
ern city. He is to occupy a posi
tion in the Academy of Music of
that city when it opens its doors
this fall.
Mrs and Mrs. Vincent, who were
engaged in the hotel business in
Corvallia for many years, have dis
posed of their interest in the Vin
cent house at Toledo. The Leader
says: "Mr. and Mrs. Vincent have
removed to their home on the south
side, where they will find more com
fort in their old age than goes with
hotel life."
Of all the poor yields of wheat
reported at this office during the
present season, the luck of John
Coffey, of Monroe-, and a gentle
man in Alsea is the poorest. Mr.
Coffey had a field of wheat that
only went If bushels per acre.
According to the report from Alsea,
a gentleman sowed 38 bushels of
wheat and threshed 37. It will be
pretty hard to figure out any profit
for either of these gentleman after
the threshing bill is paid.
Col. H. E- Doech, eecretary of
the state board of agriculture, and
who has paid great attention to all
foreign fruit markets for years, ad
vises fruit growers to look to the
Orient in the future. He sayB "the
Orient market is practically our
own, and when we realize this and
turn our attention to it, we will
sever the Gordian knot of competi
tion with one clean cut." There is
no doubt but that the Orient offers
the best market f jr the fruit of the
Pacific coast.
The Oregon Native Son Maga
zine of Portland gives the following
legend: The Shastas ascribe their
origin to the falling of one of the
daughters of the Great Spirit from
the top of Mt. Shasta to its base,
where she fell among a family of
grizzly bears. Until sh3 was grown
she was brought up in ignorance of
her parentage, and on arriving at
maturity, married one of the sons
of the mother grizzly who had
reared her from infancy. After her
marriage she gave birth to child
ren who were the progenitirs of the
Indians. This is why the Indians
living around Mt, Shasta will never
kill a grizzly bear, and whenever
one of their number is killed by
such kings of the forest, they are
burned where they fall, and all
passers by throw upon the place a
stone until a great pile is erected to
aiark the spot.
James McLatu 13 Burned to Death While
Working Near Philomath.
News to the effect that James
McLaiu had burned to death
reached Corvallis Sunday. From
what is learned it appears that
James McLain was helping to
operate the fruit drier of his
brother, Samuel McLaiu, the
drier being: located a little less
than a mile southwest of Philo
math. James McLain and his
helper, Mr. Kitson, had gone on
duty at 12 o'clock Saturday
night and a little after 5 o'clock
Sunday morning Mr. Kitson left
to go to breakfast and attend to
some other duties. The heat in
the furnace room registered 154
degrees at the time of his de
parture. Shortly after 6 a. m.
Samuel McLain arrived at his
drier and found his brother James
lying with his head and shoulder
against the heated furnace, be
ing slowly consumed by the in
tense heat. He was dead when
first discovered. He was lying
on his back, and everything in
dicated that he had fallen back
ward down the slight incline
leading to the furnace door.
Whether he was knocked insen
sible by the fall is not known,
but, as he was subject to attacks
of epilepsy, it is thought that he
experienced one of these fits and
fell against the furnace and in
his unconscious and helpless state
was burned to death.
James McLain was about 63
years of age and never had been
married. He was a native of
Ohio and has been a resident of
Oregon for nearly 30 years, the
greater part of this time having
been spent in Benton county.
In disposition he was quiet and
unassuming and had many other
manly traits of character that en
deared him to everyone.
Deputy District Attorney E.
R. Bryson and Coroner S. N.
Wilkins were notified of the
death and went out and investi
gated the features ot the case.
They found everything in ac
cordance with the facts above
stated. The remains were interred at
10 a. m. yesterday in the Hen
kle graveyard, on Greasy.
mi binge! wmm
Will address the voters
of Benton County on the
political issues of the day
On Saturday,
September 15, 1900
At 7:30 O'clock P. M.
A program will be provided and a
club organization perfected at that
O. Ar C. Affairs.
At the O A O there is con
siderable work being done pre
paratory to the opening: ot the
school year, September 24th.
The gymnasium is nearly
ready for use and by the time
the students arrive everything
will have been placed according
to the most approved and- up-to-date
plans. This work has been
under the personal supervision
of Profs. Prichard and Phillips
and has been most critically car
ried out:
There has been much unex
pected delay in securing the
granite sand for the completion
of the new college walk. This
sand has been ordered from
Southern Oregon and they seem
yery slow down there about fill
ing the order. This delay has
been the cause of much annoy
ance to those who have this work
in charge. It has also eausod a
great deal of telegraphing.
Prof. Crawford is expecting a
good attendance this year and
his expectations are based on
the large demand for informa
tion regarding the O A C and
the vast number of catalogues
he has mailed to persons who
have solicited them.
The Freshmen classes will be
examined Friday and Saturday,
September 21st and 22nd.
Musical Instruction.
Pupils taught piano and organ after
Dr. Mason's celebrated Method. Parties
desiring instruction will please leave or
ders at Daniel's Book Store, or confpr
with the undersigned. Terms reason
able. Mobdaunt Goookough-
The New Postoffice.
Several months ago the citi
zens of the southern part of Ben
ton county circulated a petition
for signers praying the govern
ment for the establishment of-a
postoffice between Corvallis aud
Monroe. Said office was to be
located twelve miles south of
Corvallis aud six miles north of
Monroe, said office to be known
by the name of "Bruce." The
authorities deemed it fitting to
establish the office but on ac
count of some misunderstanding
on their part there is no pro
vision for carrier's pay. Ac
cording to rules and regulations
the carrier is entitled to two-
thirds of the income of the office
thus established, and in this case
nobody could be induced to take
the job at the pay thus derived.
Mrs. A. R. Norwood was ap
pointed postmistress at Bruce.
The idea was to secure a daily
mail route between this city and
Monroe, Corvallis to be the dis
tributing office. In order to
gain their point, or at least fully
apprise the authorities of the
present condition of affairs, A.
R. Norwood had another peti
tion drawn up a few days ago
and was very successful in secur
ing signers. It is desired to
have the mail carried between
Corvallis and Monroe, via Bruce,
and have the carrying of the
mail between these points let in
the usual way, by contract, to
the lowest responsible bidder.
This is a want long felt by the
citizens of Southern Benton and
if they are successful with their
petition it will be a great con
venience to 2,500 or 3,000 peo
ple. The office paraphernalia ar
rived a short Itime ago and the
new office, would have been
opened at once had it not been
tor the fact that there were no
keys for the mail sacks which
were sent. As it is, the route
was put in operation yesterday.
Toney Hansen, of Five Rivers,
has been hired by the citizens
to carry the mail for the present,
pending the action of the author
ities at Washington, D. C.
Stolen Wheel Recovered.
Last spring Frank Vanhousen
bought a new Dilley bicycle, and
three days later rode it out on a
fishing trip to Henkle creek beyond
Philomath. When he had con
cluded his day's sport, he ap
proached the log where he left his
wheel, but it was gone, and a most
thorough search failed to reveal its
whereabouts. Later in company
with T. W. Dilley and others, search
was again made, but to no purpose.
Last week, Mr. Marsh Allen, who
has been doing considerable haul
ing past the spot where the wheel
was stolen, told Mr. Dilley that
there was a wheel hanging in a
tree, which he believed was the
missing ;bicycle. Sunday, Bert
Vanhousen and Dilley went to the
place indicated and found the lost
wheel suspended from the limb of a
tree, about 25 feet from the ground.
It was safely lowered to the ground,
and aside from being a trifle rusty,
was as good as the day it was
Surgical Operation.
On last Thursday Drs. Pernot
and uathey, of this city, and Dr.
Newth, of Philomath, operated on
Miss Dixou, daughter of William
Dixon, who lives three miles south
of Philomath, removing ebout 5
quarts of ascytic fluid from the
abdomen and a multilocular ova
rian tumor nearly as large as a
man's head. The tumor was ad
hered by inflammatory action to
the omentum intestine and abdom
inal wall anteriorly, laterally on
the right side, and posteriorly.
This, adherent condition added ma
terially to the formidability of the
operation. The contents of the
tumor being gelitinous could not be
removed to lessen the size of the
tumor so as to give more room for
the necessary manipulation to break
up the adhesions, consequently all
separations had to be done by feel
ing and not by sight.
The patient survived ihe opera
tion and up to the present writing
seems to be doing well.
Boiler and Engine.
Sixteen-horse power boiler and ten
horse engine for. sale. For particulars
inquire of M. S . Woodcock.
To Hop-pickers.
The parties who wish to pick hops, but
dislike to camp at the yards, I desire to
state that I will convev all who assemble
at the Occidental hotel corner at 5 :45
every morning, to the yards by wagon
and bring them home every evening. I
will pay pickers 42 cents per box.
Sam Sex.
Shingles and Doors.
We are overstocked" with shingles and
are offering standard A for $1 23; also
cedar doors for $1.25 apiece,
;Cobvai&is Sawmiia Co.
Drying Prunes.
Everything is bustle and stir
at the big prune orchard north of
town. Picking has only com
menced and only about twenty
persons aie employed at present.
Ten cents per bushel is the price
paid for picking, but later on
this will probably be reduced to
five cents, the usual price. The
prunes are of unusual size and
quality, and Manager Johnson
states that at least fifty acres of
trees will bear a full -crop.
What the total yield will be in
the orchard of 156 acres can only
be conjectured, but it will be
very large, and at least a mouth
will be consumed in drying.
Park McDonald is head engi
neer and the pumps, fans, dip
pers, graders and all other ma
chinery incident to a big dryer arc
kept working away like clock
work. Many visitors inspect
the workings of the plant, and
the number last Sunday would
have done credit to a small ex
position. A feature which attracts much
attentioa is the dipper. Mana
ger Johnson explains that the
skin of an Italian prune is tough,
and as it is necessary in the
process of drying that this skin
shall burst in order that the
moisture within may evaporate,
something must be done to ren
der the skin tender. Experi
ence has taught that the proper
plan is to dip the prunes in boil
ing lye water and rinse oft in
clear water before it goes to the
dryer. This is usually done by
placing a few prunes in a wire
basket and dipping them by
hand, a process which is slow
and unsatisfactory. Mr. Fred
Oberer has called into play his
inventive genius, and the result
has been an automatic dipper
which is a marvel. By an in
genious mechanical device, three
hoppers arranged m a row and
working upon a hinge, do the
work. Three hoppers alternate
ly rise and fall. Into the first
one is poured a box of prunes and
it dips them into the vat of lye
heated by stoam. In a few mo
ments it rises, the lye water
passes out through the wire bot
tom and the prunes are spilled I
back into a similar hopper which
is just desoending into a trough
of clear cold water. They are
dipped, and as the hopper raises
it spills them back into a third
which dips them into another
trough of clear water, and as it
raises it spills them onto a tray.
This operation is performed en
tirely by the machine.
The blower now in opera
tion has proven to be too small
and Manager Johnson left yes
terday for Portland to secure a
larger one.
Additional Local
Night Officer Wells visited the
Portland street fair last week and
pronounces it first-class in all par
ticulars. The grocery business, formerly
conducted by A. F. Hershner has
passed into the hands of D. D. Ber
man. The transaction was closed
Friday. Mr. Hershner left that
davror Hood River, where he is
looking for a business opening.
We bespeak for Mr. Borman a
liberal patronage.
" Raymond Henkle and Fred
Kruse left yesterday for New York.
Ihey went via Seattle and will
travel over the Canadian Pacific as
far as the Great Lakes. They in
tend traveling over the lakes by
steamer, as this is one of the finest
trips to be enjoyed in this country.
Raymond will attend the New
York College of Pharmacy of that
city, while Fred will stop at Ithaca,
N. Y., at which place he will enter
Cornell University.
Next Saturday evening the cam
paign will be formally opened with
a stirring address by Hon. Binger
Hermann. Mr. Hermann was for
fourteen years a representative from
this district in congress, and is now
commissioner of the general land
office at Washington. Coming as
he does, direct from the capital
where he had an opportunity to ob
serve at short ranee the many per
plexing problems that have con
fronted the present administration,
he is in a position to give much in
teresting information. He is a flu
ent and forceful talker and has th e
ability to entertain as well as in
struct. A program has been ar
ranged for the occasion, and a club
organization will be perfected.
Everyone is invited to be present,
and those from the country especi
Patronize the Magnolia.
During the past two months the bust
ness of this laundry has doubled. This
is proot positive that all work is satis
tactorny done fand that prices are
very reasonable. All laundry called for
and delivered. Call on I. R. Daniel at
Book Store.
Cotswold Rams.
Persons wishing to purchase, will find
a few yearlings two miles west of Corval
lis, at the home of John E, Wyatt.
I 1 W'V IHMSLWta " n Mill I i
jl They're
M Here
Just arrived last week. There's no garment
made anymore correct for style than the
"Palmer." Anything higher priced than
the "Palmer" is a way -up, trig price; don't
pay it.
Come and see them. Tell your friends.
We are proud to show them.
tbe Paint Store.
C. A. Barnhart, Manager. A
Paints, Oils and Varnishes 2
Bicycles, Ma?estic Lamps,
Planihg Hill and gpx Factory
... We Manufacture Boxes Of ...
Sugar Pine, Cotton Wood, White and Yellow Fir
Is made of Pine Ends and Cottonwood Sides. We have sold
thousands of them and never a complaint.
We Carry a Full Planing Mill Stock.
Our Lumber Sheds
Coatain TEN times more dry fine Yellow (mountain) Fir floor
ing, rustic and finishing lumber than any other yard in the
county. Call and he convinced.
We buy all kinds of logs, Red and Yellow Fir, etc., and our price
range accordingly, wnen you Duy oi ua, you pnuomso xiuoie iuuusirv.
Our prices are as low as the lowest and our stock is the best.
New Fall Clothing
in all the hew style collars and weaves
we have the largest range of suits and
overcoats that we ever had the pleas
ure of showing, and they will be sold
at prices to'please the most economi
cal. MEN'S medium and low-priced suits
made up nice and very durable;
Prices : $5, $7, 8, $9, $10. $12 50.
SELECT LINE ot Blue Serges, Clay
Worsteds and Cassimeres finely
tailored ; Prices: $10, $12 50, $15,
$16 50, $18.
AVE are ihe topnotchers on fine Over
coats and Ulsters. Largest line
in town. Some very swell ones;
Prices: $5 to $18. ;
LARGE LINE of Boys and Youths
Suits made for hard wear.
BOY'S All Wool double seat and knee
pants for 50 cents per pair.
S, L KLINE, Corvallis, Or.
The finest line of Ladies'
Cloaks and Jackets ever
brought to Corvallis.
We are Exclusive Agents for
the celebrated
B. Palmer"
Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc