THE C0RVALL1S GAZETTE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1900. & ft Eor President: william Mckinley of Ohio. Fr Vice-President: THEODORE ROOSEVELT of New York. For Presidential Electors. TILMOX IOED Marion County J. 0. FULLERTON Douglas County W. J. FURNISH Umatilla County O. F. PAYTON-. - -Multnomah County BRYANITE INCONSISTENCIES. When the campaign fairly opens next month, the little boomlet which Mr. Bryan's can didacy is enjoying just at present will be dissipated by the search ing analysis democratic literature and florid oratory must undergo. In a letter, to a friend in this city, Hon. Binger Hermann considers a few points of Mr. Bryan's In dianapolis address. He says: Everything has an auspicious look to it at present, politically speaking; our friends are in high glee and are now analytically going through the recent Bryan manifesto and exposing the many inconsistencies as well as contra dictions which are quiokly point ed out. The attitude of the democracy in North Carolina in disfranchising sixty thousand legal voters is causing our demo cratic brethren a great deal of embarrassment in other sections of the Union, since it is a living contradiction of their oft-pronounced theory as to the "con sent of the governed" The con sent of sixty thousand American citizens in one of the oldest states of the republic does not seem to worry them, while their attention is entirely bestowed upon tho pirates and cut-throats of the Philippines. It is appear ing very prominently to many that there is more attention paid to the rights of man in the Phil ippine Islands under the flag and within the guardianship of the boys in blue, than is given the colored American citizen under democratic government in the state of North Carolina. Then again, the inconsistency of the Bryanites in contending for the ultimate abandonment of the Philippines under a gov ernment of their own, even though it .be a protectorate of the United States, is a contradiction to their boast that the constitu tion follows the flag. UHder that constitution the sovereignty of the Philippine archipelago has been transferred to the United States. This sovereign ty under the American flag is aoknowledged by all the world. Even Bryan himself urged con gress to ratify the Paris treaty which passed the title and the sovereignty from Spain to our own country. It is as firmly a part of our sovereignty as is New Mexico or California, or any of the states under the Lousiana purchase, and it being such it can no more be separated from that sovereignty than can any of the territory named. The great civil war taught a lesson in this regard. There is no power un der the constitution by which any portion of the public domain under the sovereignty of the United States can be transferred to another sovereienty. Not even congress has this power. Governor Geer has been invi ted by Chairman Dick of the Ohio Republican state executive committee to take part in the campaign in that state and if his official duties will permit, the governor will spend the last three weeks of October speaking in Ohio. In his letter Chair man Dick says: "While the republican party has fulfilled every pledge it has made, plac ing the country on a footing more prosperous than ever before in our history, the fact that the democratic party at its national convention in Kansas City, re affirmed the Chicago platform, with all its dangerous heresies, including free trade and free silver, makes it plainly apparent that we must tight over agais the battle ot 1896, for, notwith standing Mr. Bryan has raised the false cry of imperialism, it is manifest that the real point of i attack is the currency,, and the industrial policy of the adminis tration. " The Eugene Guard a fearful ly and wonderfully edited Bryan organ has persistently insisted that the Filipinos are now offer ing as strenuous opposition to the .American forces as during any period of the war. A letter from Louia A. Rauoff, now a . member ot to. is., 35tn miantry, stationed at San Miguel, Philip pine Islands, published in the Guard of August 27th, says: "There is no fighting going on now. I doubt if we ever see any more fighting; the war is all over. However, we are all very anxious to see a good scrap. We have had a few skirmishes, but nothing to speak of." This ar ticle doesn't seem to substanti ate the Guard's editorial utter ances. McKinley and Roosevelt will get the electoral vote of Oregon, not on account of the efforts of the Oregonian, but in spite of them. Nolan & Callahan's Remnant Sale. Bicycle for Sale. Lady's bicycle, new, for sale cheap. Inquire at Commercial restaurant. Elks' Carnival. On account of the Grand Carnival of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, to he held at Portland. September 4th to 15th inclusive, tickets will be sold at re duced rates from all stations on Oregon lines to Portland and return. These tickets will be on sale September 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th "and 13th, and are limited to three days after date of sale. For further particulars, call on or address Southern Pacific agent at Corvallis. Notice to Farmers. I don't want the earth and all it con tains, but I can handle 25,000 to 30,000 bushels of wheat delivered on hoard the cars at any point between Corvallis and "Wells, in carload lots, for which I will pay within one-half cent per bushel of Corvallis prices. Insurance in my ware house is just one-half what it is in a a flouring mili. Good sacks and twine furnished on the usual terms or at rul ing market price. 11. N. Williamson, Wells, Oregon. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Sewer Committee will receive sealed bids until the 31st day of August, 1900, at 8 o'clock p. m.. for furnishing materials and constructing sewer from Van Buren street through blocks 22 and 23, County Addition to the City cl Cor vallis, Oregon, in aceordnnce with the plans and specifications and ordinances therefor now on file in the office of the Police Judge of said city. All bids must be accompanied by certified check of bank of ten per cent, of amount bid, payable to the order of E. P. Greffoz, Police Judge, in accordance with section 9 of said ordinance, that the bidder will enter into contract for the construction of said sewer if the same be awarded him. The committee reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. The bids will be addressed to chairman, S. L. HayB, Cor vallis, Oregon. S. L. Hays, "W. J. WlLBANKS, W. O. Heckert, Sewer Committee. Notice to Property Owners. Notice is hereby given that the under signed have been appointed viewers by the common council of the City of Cor vallis, Or., to estimate the proportionate share of the cost of a sewer to be construc ted by the City-of Coryallis, Or., through the center of Block 5, Couuty Addition to Corvallis, Or., and the center of the alley in Block 19, Dixon's 2nd Addition to Corvallis, Oregon, and across Harri son aBd Taylor streets in said city, from the main sewer on Van Buren street, Corvallis, Oregon, to the northeast cor ner of the Creamery building on Lot 7, Block 18, Dixon's 2nd Addition to Cor vallis, Oregon, to be assessead to the several owners of the property benefitted thereby; said property and the owners thereof being, Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, owner Jane and Clara Hitchens; Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, owner Elmer E. Pad dock ; Lots 3 and 10 and the south 16 feet of 4 and 9, Block 5, owner Ceatta C. Hartless ; Lots 6 and 7 and the north 16J4 feet of 5 and 8, Block 5, owner Isabella Gellatly ; and the soutli 33 feet of Lots 5 and 8 and the north 33 feet of Lots 4 and 9, Block 5, owner Cora M. Uavisson, all the above lots be ing situate in Block 5 County Addition to Corvallis, Oregon ; also Lots 1 and the south half of 2, Block 19, owner J. H. Albright: Lots 3 and 7 and the north half of 2, and the south half of 8, Block 19, owner Jacob Whitaker ; Lot 4, Block 19, owner (Jharles A, Uarnhart; L,ots 5 and 0, Block 19, owner, Martha F. Smith ; Lots 9 and the north halt of 8, Block 19, owner B. F. Hyland, and'lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 19, owner Julia Cline, and Lots 7 and 8, Block 18, owner George Taylor, the last two named blocks No. 18 and 19, are situated in Dixon's 2nd Addition to Corvallis, Ore gon. And that said viewers will meet at the oftrce of the Police Judge of the City of Corvallis, "Oregon, on the 3rd day of September, 1900, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., of said day, and if said work is not completed on that dar the meeting will b.e adjourned from day to day till the same, is finished, and all persons interested may SDP.ear before said viewers and be heard in the matter of , making said estimate. - Wat. Cbees, K. E. Gibson, - Z. H. Davis. Soak the hands thoroushly, on retiring, in a hot lather of Cuticbba Soap, the most effective skin purifvins soap, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Dry, anoint freelv with Cuticuka Ointment, the great skin euro and purest of emollients. Wear old gloves during night. For sore hands, itchin", burning palms and painful finger ends, this one ntffki treatment is wonderful. SoM tlirou-hout the world. Potter P. aud C. Corp., Props., liobtou. ' Uow to have Beautifu JUands," free. NOTICE. Persons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. R. R. would do well to call on or correspond with the undersigned. There is a num ber of first-class timber claims to be taken up under the timber or homestead acts. W. L. CLARK, Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator. New Traia Service. The new train service on the Corvallis & Eastern should prove satisfactory to the citizens of Corvallis. The train now leaves Corvallis daily except Sunday at 6 a. m. and returning leaves Albany at 7:20 p. m, arriving in Corvallis at 8:05. It connects both ways with the Portland local at Albany, permitting the round trip to be made in a day giving six hours in Portland. (Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed executor of the estate of Martha Jane Rice, deceas ed, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for lienton county. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired lo present the same duly verified to me at my residence iu Kings Valley, Benton county, Oregon, or at the law office of E. Holsrate in Corvallis, Orezon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1900. Charles E. Rick, Executor. For Sale. 260 acre stock farm adjoining aii un limited outrange on the west, and good schools, churches and the Belknap settle ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm, good cultivating land. Address M. S. Woodcock, Administrator. Corvallis, Oregon. For Sale. We have now on band the finest and most complete stock of finish lumber 'and the be6t grade of flooring, rustic, etc., ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts in any quantity. Corvallis Sawmill Company. Notice for Publication. United States Laxd Office, Oregon City, Oreeoh, August 22, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the followiufr-named settler has filed untie of his intention to make final proof in rapport of his claim, ami that said proof will be made beiore the county L.ierK or Benson County, at Conatlis, Oregon, on October 12th, luoo. Viz: EL1SIIA V. "SPliXCEIi, H. E. No. 10293, for the N. W. J, See. 23, T. 13 S. K. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 said land, viz, William noweii or. corvallis, Ore gon, Thomas J. Childs, A. J. Kuble audit. Zahn, all of Alsea, Oregon. CHAS. B. J100RES, Register. Xotlce of Trustee's Sale. In-the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of James F. Powell, - In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. J Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Referee in bankruptcy for Linn county, Oregon, I will, at the hour of three o'clock p. m., on the 24th day of September, 1900, in front of the postotfice in the town of Philomath, Benton county, Oregon, sell at public aaction to the highest bidder therefor, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest w Inch the above-named bankrupt at any time had and which I now have by virtue of being trustee in the above-entitled matter, in the follow ing described premises, to wit: An undivided one-fourth of lot 96, in block 31 in the city of Philomath, in Benton county, Oregon, as the same appears on record on the maps and plats of said city now on file in the office cf the county recorder of said county. Such sale will be made subject to approval of Said Court. Dated this 24th day of August, 1900. JAMES ELKINS, Trustee in the MStter of the above-named Bank rupt. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, June 19th. 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington tTerritory," as extended to all the Public Land States bvact of August 4, 1892, EARL HUICHINSON, Of St. Charles Hotel, Portland, county of Multno mah, State cf Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6232, for the purchase of the SW yK of Section No. 14 in Township No. IS S, Range No. 7 West, and will offer praof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab tish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver oflthis office at Oreaon City, Oregon, on Fri day, the 7th day of September, 1900. He names as witnesses: Abraham Jones of Portland, MuUno man Co., lOregon, Rily Smith, of fortland. Mult nninah Co., Oregon, W. J. Allen, of Philomath, Ben ton Co., Oregon, Lewis C. btone of Valley City, Barnes Co., N. D. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descajbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 7th da3r of September, 1900. " OIIAS. B. MOORES. Register. .Notice for Publication. LASD Office at Oregon Citt, Oregon, July St, 1909. Notice is hereby given that tlie following-nimed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will oc uuuic uciorc tiic , " 1 1 1 l iierK ui m iiion Countv, at Corvallig, Oregon, on September 7th, 1900, "viz: WILLIAM n. MATTHEWS, H.E. No. 10234', for the S. E. Quarter of Section 32, T. 10 S-, R. 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Viz. : John Miller, Taylor Miller, Daniel Sher wtn and Willard L. Price, all of Kings Valley, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOKES, Register. Notice of Appoiutifeejf t Of Adminst'r. Nntica is hereby elven that the undersigned has beeu appointed by the county court of jjcuiou cuuuiy. Oregon, aumiiusirator wun the willaunexed of the estate of Francis L,. Such, deceased; and fII persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the residence of Thomas Daniels in Benton county. Oregon, withiu six moiitljs Itbm the date of this notice. Dated this l'fh diy of July, 1900. PERCY R. KELLY, Administrator. Kelly & Curl, Atty's for A8tmTjpy, . . remember Our Great Remnant and Odds and Ends Will Close Friday, August 31, 1900. Our New Fall Stock is now arriving. When com plete it will be the largest and most attractive ever opened in this section. Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly oil hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. HODES & HALL, PROPRIETORS. 5" v v w ,v v ' sr v v:.v The Corvallis Commission Store Keeps constantly on CORVALLIS AND MONROE FLOURS A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given free with every sack of the latter Hay, Oats, Grain. Bran, Shorts, Potatoes Fish, Eggs, Poultry, Etc JOHN LENGER, Manager TRY . . . FOR Fresh FINE Tixss- PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CIGARS COFFEES CORVALLIS OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, OREGON. September 17th Bigger and Better Than Ever Before. Grounds Greatly Inproved, Buildings Repaired and Renovated, All Stock - BuildlnzB Thoroughly Disiafected Everything in First-Class Condition for the Largest ai.d Best Live Btock Show and Agricultural Exposition EVjiK HELP THE COAST. $20,000 IN premiums and PUfEs Good Racing Every Afternoon Music and Fun at Night. AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK will be made a leading feature. All live stock and other exhibits hauled FREE over the Southern Pacific Kailroad. Reduced pas senger rate on ajl railroads. For premium lisp and other information, Jiddpess ! W. H. WBHRUNG, Pres., M, . WISDOM, Sen., Hlllsboro, Oregon. Wanted. OJd cast iron of any kind. Farmers, we will pay yea irofn pne-iourin to one- IliiU UIUIC 1U1 TUUI IIVU HlttU j""n dealer. We are ready to do repair work of any kind, at any time. Patronize us. Bring your old iron and get your money. Tub Foundby, Corvallis, Or. Try this Office for Job Work. -vv v,nx v hand the celebrated Groceries to 22d, 1900 - Portland, Oreycn. Hilley The Fixer is now prepared to do all kinds of bi cycle repairing, epapaeljng, varnishing, etc. Resides being a champion "fijter' of the Willamette valley, he tarries a full line of bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel men. Pay him a visit. Qregon) short) she) BAILEOAD THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. Look at the Time . . T.y2 days to Salt Lake 2.y2 days to Denver 3 yz days to Chicago 41 days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pnllmau Palace S'.eepers, operated in all trains. For further information, applyto GEO. P. KGLIS, Agent, Corvallis, Or. C. O. TERRY, W. K. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent. 124 Third St., Portland, Or. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done in first cliiss manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. CROWN ANO BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite the post office. Corvallis. Oregon. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician 4" Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. ra . ii ) 10 to 12 a. m. Office Hours 2 to 4 p.m. Residence: Corner oth and Adams, west of Catholic church. Telephone at ollice and residence. Corvailis, - Oregon. A. STANDLEE, M. D. Physician, Surgeon Obstetrician. Office at residence, 6i2 Madison street, and Graham Si Wells drugstore. Office Hours-'9 to 12 a-m ' at drugstore, umee Hours. ( , t0 4 p m at residenee. is & Eastern TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:5C p. in. " " Corvallis 1:40 p. m. arrives xaquina oo:o p in. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina. Leaves Co'vallis. Arrives Albany . 7:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 12:10 p. m. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a in. m. Arrives Detroit . 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit . . Arrives Albany , No. 5. Leaves Corvallis . 11:20 -4. 12:10 p. in. 5:45 p. m. . 6:00 a.m. Arriver. Albany 6:45 a.m. No. 6. Leaves Albany 7:20 p m Arrives Corvallis.... 8:05 p. in. One and two connect at Albai y and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent r beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiain river the same day Five and six connect at AJhany with the Albany local to and from Portland. Edwin Stone, IL L. Wat.uen, Manager. T. F. & P. A. H. H, CroxisE, Agent, Corvallis. "Meet lis oa The Midway." The Event of the Times. Great Street fair And Carnival Occupying many solid blocks, taking in an entire street from curb to cw Portland, Oregon, Sept. 4th to 15th, 1900 Under- the auspices of the Portland Elks. Surpassing in magnitude aud grandeur anything of the kind ever attempted on i'he "Pacific coast. Something to remem her up to the date of your heart failure. The Streets of Cairo The Oriental Theatre The German Village The Dancing Girla An Arabian Pageant Crowning I he Queen Rex, Ring of the Carnival, Attended by HU Mgnifieent Court- The great parade of the Elks and other orders. The Italian Park and Fountain. The Magni ficent triumphal arch aud grand Midway filled with wonderful attractions. Mining, Mercan tile, Agriculture, Horticulture and other indus trial exhibits. The Women's Pavilion, designed by women, built by womea, and decorated by women for the exhibit of women's industrial york; The grain palace bilt "qf- Qregen"4n'4 Washington grasses. . ' ' :,! Music, Cayety and Fun. Night turned into day, lowest rail and water rates ever given to Portland ftom all parts of the Pacific Northwest. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Oompanv. THE SHASTA ROUTE i Trains leave Corvallis for Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :30 a m Ly Albany 12:30 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 a m Ar Sacramento 5:00 pm Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m 8:30pm 10:50 p m 11 :30 a m 4 :35 a m' 9.30 a m Ar Ogden. 5:45 p m Ar Denver J:00 a m Ar Kansas City.- -7 :25 a m Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m 11 :45 a m 9:00 a m 7 :25 a m 9 :30 a m I Ar Los Angeles---! :20 p m 7:00am C :00 p ni 0 :30 a m 9 :o5 a in 4 .00 a m :25 p m i .42 a m 12:43 p m Ar El 1'aso (5:00 p m Ar Fort AVorth 0:30 a m Ar City of Mexico 9 :55 a m Ar Houston 4:00 a 111 Ar New Orleans-- 6:25 a m Ar Washington --0:42 a in Ar New York 12 :43 p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on I both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdcn and El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and j Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, I China, Philippines, Central and South I America. j See F. J. FARMER, agent a Corvallis i station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. Q.R.&N. TIME SCHEDULES. Sa't Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha Fast Kansas City, St. Mail Louis, Chicago 7:00p.m. and East. i : Walla Walla. Lew-1 istjn, Spokane, Snnkan Minneapolis, St. ! b,De Paul, Duhith. Mil- yer waukee, Chicago, -41' a-m-aud East Ocean Staamshios- j All sailing dotes! . subject to change, j ' For San Francisco, i Sail Dec. ?, 8, 13, ! 18. i3, 28, & every j 5 dajs. Columbia River Steamer. i 4 p- Except To Astoria & way- t Sunday landing. Willamette Rim. " 4:30 p. m. OJegon City, Isew- Kxcept herg, Salem, and gundav Wiy-landinKS. Willamette and Yam- o p--hill Rivers. Oregon City, Day- day and ton & Way-land's. Friday. Willa Etta River. 430 p.m. Monday, Portland to Corval- W edneB lis & War-land's, day and Friday. Atlantic Express H p. m. Spokane Fiver 6:00 p.m. 8 p. in. Daily i ! Ex. Sun. i Saturdav, I 10 p. ni. 6 a. tn. Ex. Sun. 7 a. Hi . Tuebday Thursday and S aturdav G a. in. T uesdiiy, Thorsd'y and Satuivl'v Leave Riparia Snake River. Leave L e ision Daily 8 :30 a m 3' 35 a. in, Riparia to Lewig'n. Dailv. MR. THAYER, Local Agent. THE FIRST IflTiOMLBHHK OF Corvallis, Oregon. Dovm 11 general and conservative imnking. business. IEL R. BEYSOU, ATTORNEY AT - LAW Corvallis, Ore-'on. Office in Zierolf lultuy, OR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST OfBc in WMtfhoin llorfc Corvallis, Oregon "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITE1I0R.N, Prop. W. II. McBrayer and Old Crow kys, Fine Wtncg, liquors an4 Cigafj. C. H. NEWTH Physician Sf Surgeon, PHILOMATH, OREGON. Notary. Titles. Costetancij-o. jpp. p. wilsojt. ATTORNY-T.I,Ar, m Practice in all State andlFederal Court. Office inFirfcf NalionalBankBuiiaiHg,