Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 28, 1900, Image 4

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The one thing that quail
i person to give am
vloe on any subject la
experience experience
creates knowledge
1 Me other person has so
wide an experience with
female Ills nor such a
record of success as
Mrs Plnkham has had
i Over a hundred thou
sand oases come before
her each year Some per
sonally, others by mall
And this has been going
on for 20 years, day after
day and day after day
. Twenty years of con
stant success think of
the knowledge thus
gained I Surely women
are wise in seeking ad
vice from a woman with
such an experience, es
pecially when It is free
If you are III get a bottle
of Lydla E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound at
once then write Mrs
Plnkham, Lynn, Mass
According to a return of the imper
ial customs authorities the total num
ber of foreigners resident in the open
ports of China, was 13,421 at the end
of the year 1898.
Do Your Feet Ache ami Burn?
Shake into four shoes Allen's Foot Ease,
a powtler for the feet. It makes ti'lit or
new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunions, it's the greatest com
fort disceveiy of the ajre. Cures swollen
feet, blisters ami rations spots. .Allen's
Foot-Ease i a ert:i in cure for ingrowing
nails. Mveatinr, smarting, hot, aching feet.
We have over 30.000 testimonials. Itrures
while you walk. All druggists and shoe
stores 'sell it. 25c. Trial package FKEE
hv mail. Address, Allen Si. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y.
Ten Chinese newspapers are pub
lished in Shanghai and the success they
have achieved has led to the establish
ment of others at some of the other
treaty ports.
hows this;
We offer One Hundred Dollars Egnretvl for tny
cue of Catarrh that can no: be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. . ,
F. J. CEENEY i CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
lor the past 15 vears, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all busin ss transaction : and lin
ancial1 - able to carry out any obligations mods
by their firm.
Wholesale Druugists, Toledo,, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wnolesale Drug ists; Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ist. ken n- rnally.actcf
Cirecily on the blood and m cons surfaces o
the system. Pri e 75c per bo -le. fco.d by al
drug, ists. Testimoni. Is free.
Hail's Family PHI? r th best.
During the year 1898, 52,061 ves
sels of 34,233,500 tons, entered and
cleared Chinese ports. Of these ves
sels 743, of 239,152 tons, weie Ameri
cans. Mothers will find Jlrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use fur their
Children during the teething period.
Lieutenant Robert S. Clarke, of the
Ninth regiment, now in China, is prob
ably the richest officer in the United
States army. Mr Clarke, grandson
and principal heir of the late Alfred
Corning Clarke, is still in his early
twenties, is a graduate of Yale and
commands a fortune of millions.
The tripping feet the sparkling
eye the graceful movement be
long not alone to the budding maiden.
These graces are the right aye
duty of every woman until the hair
whitens and regal dignity replaces
The mother who guards her
strength has so much more to de
vote to the care and education of
her dear ones. She should be a
comfort a cheer always.
Yet how many feel that they
have the strength to properly bal
ance the home ? The world is list
less, weary and morbid. Its blood
moves sluggishly and is full of im
purities. It needs a kindling, in
vigorating tonic to set it afire it
weeds Pe-ru-na,
in the world which women may
rely upon positively. Pe-ru-na is
good for everyone, but particularly
for women. The various weak
nesses which afflict their delicate or
ganism spring from inflammation or
catarrh of the mucous lining.and Pe-ru-na
is a specific for catarrh in any organ of
the body. Any congestion of a mucous
membrane simply means catarrh of. the
rgan affected. This is why Pe-ru-na
cures all sorts of troubles where other
remedies fail. If there is a catarrhal
affection the matter -with you acy where
Pe-ru-na will cure you.
H Beat Cousjh syron.TMes good.' Use H
B9 to time.. Sold by druffgiftf . H5
The watering-carts of a certain Irish
town are decorated with patent-medicine
advertisements. An innocent Irish
man from the rural districts looked at
one the other day, and remarked:
"Faith, it's no wonder D is healthy,
when they water the streets with
Jones' sarsaparilla!"
Upon beholding some life-like snap
shots of himself for the first time in the
papers during the campaign of 1892,
the day after he had spoken in the
Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Sena
tor John Sherman is said to have re
marked to a friend: "Well, well, our
time for criticising the newspaper men
is over. They have us to rights now.
Here 1 am just as I am, and I'm a cari
cature of what I have always thought
I was."
About the time of the collapse of the
Confederacy, ex-Senator Wigfall was
crossing the Mississippi, making his
way to Texas. He assumed the char
acter of an ultra-Union man. On the
ferry-boat with him was a Federal of
ficer, with whom Wigfall got into con
versation. The officer confided to him
that he was chasing Wigfall. "If I fall
iu with the traitor, I'll hang him to the
first tree." "Yes," vehemently remark
ed Wigfall, "and I will be pulling at
one end."
There was one occasion when Sir
Henry Irving received from one of the
supernumeraries of the Lyceum Thea
ter in London an answer which seemed
to satisfy him. It was the man's duty
to say simply, "The enemy is upon us,"
which he uttered at rehearsal in a poor,
whining way. "Can't you say it bet
ter?" shouted Irving; "repeat it aa I
do." And he gave the words with dig
nity, with all his well-known dramatic
force. "If I could say it like that," re
plied the man, "1 shouldn't be working
for twenty-five shillings a week."
A clergyman who gave evidence in a
horse-dealing case became somewhat
confused in his account of the transac
tion in dispute, and the cross-examining
counsel, after making several blus
tering but ineffective attempts to ob
tain a more satisfactory statement,
said, "Pray, sir, do you know the dif
ference between a horse and a cow?"
"1 acknowledge my ignorance," replied
the reverend gentleman; "I hardly
know the difference between a horse
and a cow, or between a bull and a
bully only a bull, I am told, has horns,
and a bully" here he made a respectful
bow to the advocate "luckily for me,
has none."
When the gallant Welsh captain, Da
vid Gam, was sent forward by Hen
ry V. to recounoiter the French army
before the battle of Agiucourt, he
found that the enemy outnumbered the
English by about five to one. His re
port to the king is historic: "There are
enough to be killed, enough to be taken
prisoners, and enough to run away."
This quaint forecast of the result of the
battle at once spread through the camp,
and doubtless every yeoman-archer of
the valiant company felt an Inch taller.
We know that it was almost literally
Justified by the event. Poor Gam's dry
humor was equaled by his courage. He
was killed while In the act of saving
the life of his prince.
Just before "Max O'Rell" (M. Paul
Blouet) recently delivered a lecture to
the students of a religious college in the
East, one of the professors stepped for
ward and offered a pra'yer, injvhich he
said: "Oh, Lord, Thou knowest that
we work hard for Thee, and that recre
ation is necessary in order that We may
work with renewed vigor. We have to
night with us a gentleman from
France, whose criticisms are witty and
refined, but subtle; and we pray Thee
to so prepare our minds that we may
thoroughly understand and enjoy
them." "I am still wondering," said
O'Rell, "whether my lectures are so
subtle as to need praying over, or
whether those particular auditors were
so dull that they needed divine assist
ance to help them out. Of one thing I
am morally certain that they showed,
by their appreciation, that the profes
sor's prayer was not in vain."
Its Origin as Explained by Mrs. Dia
dama Chittenden.
Mrs. Diadama Chittenden, of Utica,
Mo., was borji at Shipton, Lower Can
ada, May 31, 1813, her maiden name
being Whitney. In 1852 she was mar
ried to Roderick M. Chittenden, and lo
cated In Utica in 1860, where she has
resided continuously ever since. She
was for many years engaged in the
mercantile business with her husband,
-and In the early '00s did much buying,
purchasing supplies at Quincy, Lexing
ton and other points.
Mrs. Chittenden made many long
trips on horseback in those days, and
encountered many difficulties and ad
ventures, always being active and alert
and able to cope with all obstructions.
This activity she still retains, and at
her present great age she is able to do
all her own work, to sew and read with
out the aid of glasses, and, being a
highly educated lady, she keeps fully
In touch with the events of the day.
She is an entertaining conversational
ist, and relates many interesting inci
dents connected with her early life.
One of her vivid memories is of the
origin of. the Mormon Bible. As she re
members, there was a Mr. Spafford, a
millwright and miller in the employ of
Esquire Wright, of Conneaut (then call
ed Salem), Ohio. He was afflicted with
consumption and did but little manual
labor, though he had the oversight of
several industries.
Id general conversation with some
associates one day he made the asser
tion that they knew nothing about the
Bible, and to prove It he said he would
write a chapter of his own and then
read a chapter from the Bible, and he
claimed they could not tell which was
which. The tests were many, and
chances were against Spafford, but he
won, and it helped much to relieve his
last days.
In the employ of Squire Wright was
a boy named Joseph Smith, who was
observed to be an attentive listener at
many of the readings.
Shortly after Spafford died, and, al
though these papers were diligently
searched for, they were never found.
Some years after the Mormon Bible,
said to have been "revealed" to Joseph
Smith, appeared, and the three ac
quaintances of Spafford Dr. Hart,
Esquire Wright and Zapb Lake after
examining it, made an affidavit and
published it in the Salem Reporter to
the effect that the greater part of the
Mormon Bible was Identical with the
manuscripts written by their friend
All of these parties were well known
to Mrs. Chittenden, whose memory is
very clear and distinct. Kansas City
French Colony Promises to Become a
Competitor of China and Japan.
In a recent report to the State De
partment United States Consul John C.
Covert at Lyons writes of the tea and
coffee production in Anam and Mada
gascar. He says:
The year 1804 was the first In which
tea from one of her colonies was offer
ed in France. In that year 7,500
pounds were received from Anam. In
1896 the receipts jumped up to 10,296
pounds, in 1897 to 13,000 pounds. In
1898 the imports of tea from Anam into
France were 42,262 pounds. The fig
ures for 1899 are not accessible, but it
is estimated that the exports will be
not less than 140,000 pounds.
"Up to 1892 Anam tea was cultivated
only for use among the natives, and the
proposition to cultivate it for European
consumption seemed a chimera. But
the consumption of tea in France was
Increasing very rapidly. From 1,147,
635 pounds consumed in 1S92 the quan
tity rose to 1,794,832 pounds in 1898,
and it Is believed to have increased by
nearly another 100,000 pounds in 1899.
The supply was almost entirely from
China and Ceylon.
"This tea from Anam is said to equal
the finest article produced in China. It
is in very general use in the French
army and in Anam, and it is believed
to be only a question of time when it
will fill the entire demand in France.
The production is daily increasing. The
old colonists are going into the busi
ness of raising tea, finding it more
profitable than any other occupation.
"The production of coffee on the east
ern coast of Madagascar is expected to
soon develop into important propor
tions. In the past it has been insignifi
cant, but the government has published
figures setting forth the estimated crop
for 1894 at 713.475 kilograms (equal to
1,573,000 pounds). This estimated re
sult is considered very satisfactory, in
asmuch as the area planted is not half
the cpltivatable territory of the island.
The receipts of coffee from all the
French colonies in 1899 were only 963,
000 kilograms (2,123,000 pounds)."
Regarding Rights of People Who Ob
ject to Profanity.
What reason under the sun can be
given why men should be permitted to
curse at their own pleasure in public
places to the discomfort of some and
to the shame of others? We recall au
incident last summer which struck us
forcibly as an illustration of what
should happen everywhere In this free
country where the circumstances are
the same, says the New Haven Regis
ter. A tipsy loafer boarded the car at
Savin Rock and took a front seat. Al
most Incidentally he began to talk,
using language which was both pro
fane and indecent. There was no rea
son why the women and children pres
ent should be obliged to listen to his
talk. Although the. man had paid his
fare, the demand was made that he be
put off, which, after some delay, was
done, to the relief of every passenger.
The philosophy which justified the
ejectment of the profane swearer from
the car justifies his suppression wher
ever he makes others uncomfortable.
Not one of us would hesitate longer
than was necessary to take the legal
steps against a swearing neighbor who
made .himself a terror and nuisance
from morning till night. A man or a
woman has a perfect legal right to
walk freely about the city and demand
that his or her ears shall not be as
saulted by oaths and indecent speeches.
It is not at all a question of boarding
school government. It is as legitimate
a function or obligation of the authori
ties as it Is to keep the streets clean.
It of course does not follow that be
cause a man freely uses profane lan
guage he Is an evil member of society.
It is, in a majority of cases, a habit
pure and simple, but even habits are
to be condemned which make other
people uncomfortable and wretched.
The Power of Music.
"Music has charms to soothe the sa v
age breast," and it has other uses, as
will appear from the following anec
dote: A famous musician was spending a
short holiday in the country. On Sun
day he went to church and asked the
organist If he would let him play the
organ "exodus."
Consent was given, and the stranger
produced such wonderful and beautiful
music that everybody kept th'ir seats
to enjoy it. This vexed the regular
organist, who had his own Ideas of
what an exodus was Intended for.
"That kind of playing," he whispered
anxiously, "will never get ';he people
out. I'll show you how to dc It."
With that, he pushed the volunteer
aside, took his place, and begtn droning
away fn his usual style. Speedily the
congregation arose from the pews and
"There:" cried he, with a self-satisfied
senile, "that is the way to play them
Prussian Millionaires.
At the head of the list of the big mil
lionaires of Prussia stands M. Roth
schild with 10,740,000 and an income
of about 350,800. In one year his for
tune increased by more than half a mil
lion sterling. After him comes M.
Krupp with 6,400,000 and an income
of 450,000. After them come two land
ed proprietors with 4,260,000 and 3,
200,000 respectively, and a third with
Monument to Potatoes.
A seven-foot granite monument in the
upper Harz, Germany, has an iron tab
let inscribed: "Here, In the year 1847,
the first trials were made with the cut
tlvatloa of the potato."
The s'on is the seat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. They are known
by various names, but are all due to the
same cause, acid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the skin.
To have a smooth, soft skin, free from
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
used in this class of diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotches and the red,
disfiguring pimples.
Eternal vigilance ht the price
of a beautiful complexion
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. Shobe. 2704 Lucas Avenue, St. Louis,
Mc says : "My daughter was afflicted lor years
With a disfiguring eruption on her face, which
resisted all treatment. She was taken to two
celebrated health SDrimrs. but received no bene
fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but with-
out result, until we decided to try S. S. S. , and by
the time the first bottle was finished the eruption
began to disappear. A dozen bottles cured her
completely and left her skin perfectly smooth.
She is now seventeen years, old. and not a sign of
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed purely vegetable.
Bad blood makes
Had Dlood makes bad complexions.
purines ana invigo
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body and keeps the
skin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the impurities from. the body.
If you have Eczema, Tetter. Acne, Salt
Rheum, Psor.asis, or your skin is rough
anl pimply, send for our book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians ebout your-ase. No charge what
ever for this service.
'ape Nome is situated on the shoie
of Bearing sea at the mouth of Snake
river, Seward peninsula, central-western
Alaska, D. S. A., 65 degrees north
latitude and 166 degrees west longti
ttide, and, by ocean -oute, distant fiom
its base of supply, Seattle, 2,700 miles.
In making the ocean trip from Seattle
one steams westward for 1,900 miles
across the North Pacific ocean to
Dutch Harbor, on the Aleutian archi
pelago, and thence northward 800 miles
to the land of gold, passing en route
the government's sealrookeries on the
l'ribyleff islands.
In Utica, N. Y., a block of new
apirtment houses has just been fur
nished with a complete installation of
electric eooktag utensils in each flat.
The electric kitchen furniture consists
of three round platters or "stoves," an
oven snd a broiler. It is declared that
meats broiled ou the electric gridiron
are much more palatable than those
scorched and charred over rati hot
coals. The electric "stoves" are
placed on an ordinarv kitehen table
when in use, and when their work is
over, they are stowed away in a drawer
or on a shelf.
A new use far the phonograph has
been found in New South Wales. A
candidate for office found it impossible
to visit all parts of the sparsely settled
region he wished to represent in the
legislature, dictated his speech into a
phonograph, hail an orchestra play a
few pieces into tins machine, and then
sent a number of the machines out over
the country in the hands of political
workers. He senta picture of himself
with each machine, and had the work
ers give the people a description of his
life and his ability. That man de
eerves success.
Siberia is not such a desert as you
may think. The limited trains on the
Siberian railway have most everything
one con la ask for in the way of com
forts. They have a library, a piano, a
barber shop, a gymnasium, hot water
as well as ice water, double windows
to protect the passengers from dust,
heat and cold, a writing room with all
necessary materials, and an observa
tion car at the end of the train. Each
train has a doctor, who remains aboaid
to administer to the care of passengers
free of charge. The time from Irkutsk
to St. Petersburg is seven davs.
A vajrraut lad was arrested in Phila
delphia the other day for some misde
meanor, and in response to the ques
tions of the police justice, he declared
that he was 14 years of age and an or
phan. "How long have your parents
been dead?" asked the sympathetic
justice. "Over 20 years," was the
prom pt reply of the little liar.
The police force in London is an
army in itself. An official report is
sued by the city shows that the force
numbers 13,564 men. That is 19
policemen to the square mile.
It is impossible to please yonr
frieads; it von can say agreeable things
to them you are accused of insincerity; near that can serve it; it has a mag
if you say disagreeable things they get netic power that draws to itself what
mad. 1 ever is kindred.
The Kind Vim H:iv.-r Inn-c
, - "j uuiuc fcuvj signa
ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
! ii"as,"?oodi are but Experiments, and endanger the
Health or Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, lrops and Soothingr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its agfe is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Peverisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Co!lcIt relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation
ana Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
V Cats sometimes move worthless in
the destruction of rats, but it is dne to
the feeding of the caiB. Not being
compelled to work, they will not do so.
The best cats are those that are not al
lowed to come to the house, being given
a little milk once a day at the barn.
They will then spend a large portion
of their time seeking rats and will
work industriously.
The first essential in the keeping of
livestock for market is jiever to allow
any animal to lose flesh. A pound lost
means two pounds to be gained. It is
not the most food that makes the great
est gain, but the kind. Variety of food
promotes digestion and will give better
results when concentrated foods are
used exclusively.
Supreme Court Sustains the Foot-Base
Justice Laughlin, in Supreme Court,
Buffalo, has ordered a permanent in
junction, with costs, and a full ac
counting of sales, to issue against Paul
B. Hudson, the manufacturer, of the
foot powder called "Dr. Clark's Foot
Powder," and also against a retail
dealer of Brooklyn, restraining them
from making or selling the Dr. Clark's
Foot Powder, which is declared, in the
decision of the court, an imitation and
infringement of "Foot-Ease," the pow
der for tired, aching feet to shake into
yonr shoes, now so largely advertised
and sold all over the country, Allen
S. Olmstead, of Le Koy, N. Y., is the
owner of the trade-mark "Foot-Ease,"
and he is the first individual who ever
advertised a foot powder extensively
over the country. He will send a sam
ple Free to any one who writes him for
it. The decision in this case upholds his
trade-mark and renders all paXies lia
ble who fraudently attempt to proJt by
the extensive "Foot-Ease" advertising,
in placing upon the market a spurious
and similar appearing preparation, la
beled and put np in envelopes and
boxes like Foot-Ease. Simitar suits
will be brought against others who are
now infringing on the Foqt-Ease trade
mark and common law rights.
Man's character is the highest pro
duct of the creative power of God. It
is invested with the mighty power of
choice and endowed with the exercise
of judgment between right and wrong.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Very small sad as easy
to takesjimfai.
oausBjjsfai auav jssjsj sumiatuh i.
2S eTnfc I Purely V
Tn the course of a speech at the re
cent general council of the .Reformed
Episcopal church at Baltimore, Bishop
Stevens rather astonished his coworkers
by declaring his fondness for tobacco.
"I smoke," he said, "and I shall con
tinue to smoke. I don't believe the
use of tobacco is as bad as it has been
described; I believe it is all a piece
of will worship. God has never said
anywhere that we shall not be minis
ters of His Gospel if we do use it.
God provided for every need in nature,
and I thank God for my cigar."
Ten Cents Will Prove Their Merit.
A cheap experiment, so cheap one cannot
afford not to try it, when health Is at state.
Try Cascarets Candy Cathartic today I All drag
gists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
One of the baffling mysteries of
nature is the pie that melts in the
mouth but feels solider than a brick in
the stomach.
A strong, defiant purpose is many
handed, and lays hold of what ever is
T..,.i,4 - i IS? 5
Signature of
The dependencies of China are Man
churia, 862,000 square miles, with
7,500,000 souls; Mongolia, with 1,288,
000 square miles and 2,000,000 sonls;
Tibet, with 651,500 square miles and
6,000,000 souls; Yungaria, with 147,
500 square miles and 600,000 sonls,
and East Turkestan, with 431,800
square miles and 580,000 sonls.
as, OOO For Flying; Machines.
Our government is to devote $25,000 for
experimenting with flying machines for
use in the army. This is a large sum and
yet it cannot compare with that spent by
those who experimented with so-called
dyspepsia cares. Take Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters. It is made expressly to cure
constipation, dyspepsia and all stomach
Instead of a little position in this
world exalting a man to honor, it is
service that exalts man and makes him
worthy of any position in this world.
Away from the idea that some have that
you must have position to be great.
I hue been rasing CASCASITS Md aa
a mild and affective laxative tber are simply-wonderful.
Mv daughter and 1 were bothered with
sick stomach and our breath was verr bad. After
takiug a few doses of Cascarets wa Lave improved
wonderfully- They are a great help in the family."
Wii.hki.mika Nag-si,.
1137 Kitten house St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2oc. 50c.
Sterh.g R..M.S. Compaar. CUcaf. Hmuvsi. w Tort. SIS
M.Tii.R Aft 8old d guaranteed by ail drug-
1 U-DHb gists to CTJ KE Tobaobo Habit.
Rfetw THA01 MAAN wtaiSTlwCO
(The Famous German Wood Preserver)
....Permanently Destroys....
a One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by competent workmen. It stand
without an equal. Call on our Agent, or address
320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
Mitchell Wagons
Are the best that can be made. Nothing
is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon,
because it is made of the best material
by experienced workmen which, cou
pled with 65 years' experience in building
wagons, during which time the manu
facturers have had but one aim, and that
to produce the best possible to build, is a
guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell
AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vicinity, we will sell to you direct.
Send for circular. '
Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnville,
Medford and La Grande.
Mention this paper.
Have made Dropsy and its com
plications a specialty for twenty
years with the most wonderful
and cases.
23.B.B.QSES1T3 BuHS,
Box H, Atlanta, Oat
Here's a Proposition
Isn't it reasonable to suppose that a firm of
30 vears experience could tell you Hie best way
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making improvements in your house, or build
ing a new house, no matter how small or large
the sum von wish to spend in electrical or gas
fixtures, 'fireplaces, mantel furniture, etc., yon
will save monev and be well suited if you con
suit THE JOHN BA ;HE 1 T CO., 91 first
Streot, t ortland, Oregon.
Ensilage Cutters
Cbop Hills
Cheapest and Best.
Write for Catalogue.
lortlaDU, Oregon.
ir &r.r.:NN?.HNR pension
IT BICKFORU. Washington, D. C.. they will re-
I ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Staff
2uth Corns. Prosecuting claims sine. 1878.
j Weak Nerves
Are made strong when fed by the rich, pure
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refreshing sleep returns, mental and physi
cal vigor is restored, and the terrors of
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man has found help in this great medicine.
All nervous people should try it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine.. Price $1
Hood's Pills cure liver nig; thenon-lrritatlngand
only cathartic to take with Hood's Snrsapanila
Each of the 18 provinces of the Chi
nese empire 'is ruled by a governor or
governor-general, who is responsible to
j the emperor for the entire administra
tion, political, judicial, military .and
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken
of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Rkikn, 322
Third Ave., Nl, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.
6, 1900.
What this world needs today, and
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Every Boy and Girl
should learn to write with Carter's Ink,
because it is the best in the world. "Ink
lings in Ink," free. Carter's ink Co., Bos
ton. The pasture gives the best results
when cattle, horse and sheep are al
lowed on it, as the grass will be then
more evenly grazed. Sheep will take
off weeds and certain grasses that the
larger animals refuse. When the past
ure begins to fail remove the animals
to another field, so as to permit the
gTass to make growth.
Living for great things is living in
the spirit, the thoughts, feelings mo
tives that make all living noble. Our
age is full of false ideas, false stand
ards.' V
Chisel Bit SAWS
Solid Tooth SAWS
Shingle SAWS
Cross Cut SAWS
All Kinds of SAWS
Portland Branch,
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Wagon, you get the best that can be ma.
Can find qnick and permnnent relief
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troubles in
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thousands have used it and thousands
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, per bottle at your druggist's.
DayfOB's H Killer
Used a few minutes even
ings, will rid yonr house
of Flies and -Mosquitoes.
No mark or stain left on
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Works like magic. Price
25 cents. Write for book
let. Dayton Hardware
Co., Portland, Oregon.
ITCHING Piles produce moisture and cauae Itching.
Tbls form, as well as Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles are cured by Dr.Boaonko's Pile Domed).
Stupe Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a.
Jar at druggists or sent by mall. Treatise free. XTrtte
me about your case. DR. BOSANKO. Pb i-wi "
can give you the best bargains in generaE
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold bv hint, is tin
equalled. N. P. X. V. No. 34-1BOO.
BIN writing to advertiser, please
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