Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 28, 1900, Image 2

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Since Mr. Bfryan has become
wealthy the "income tax" plank
has been eliminated from the
democratic platform.
While Mr. Bryan is quoting
from the sages, and telling the
laboring man that his employer
is doing nothing to earn his in
come, it might be well for him
to consider the wise words of
Franklin: "The eye of the mas
ter will do more work than both
his hands."
A few weeks ago the associated
press dispatches announced that
anarchists had threatened the
life of McKinley, and the demo
popic press immediately declared
that the report was started by
Mark Hanna to secure votes.
Now comes the announcement
that Bryan is to be the victim of
an assassin. Jones led right
back at Mark.
The boy orator's explanation,
that he favored the ratification
of the treaty of Paris, because it
"placed him in a better position
to wage a successful contest
against imperialism than he
would have been had the treaty
been rejected," reminds us of
the physician whe always drove
his patients into fits, because he
could cure fits.
Senator Jones, of Arkansas,
chairman of the Democratic
National Committee, is one of
the directors in the American
Cotton Company, a corporation
with 300 plants in the cotton
states and controlling the round
bale process, says the St. Louis
Crlobe-Democrat. The Ameri
can Cotton Company is shown
to have an omnivorous appetite
for smaller concerns and for mon
opolizing an important industry.
Senator Jones is not disposed to
let the Tammany ice trust put
on airs over the western branoh
of the democratic party. His
cotton bale trusts is one- of the
fattest monopolies yet taken into
the courts.
Hon. Charles Denby, of Indi
ana, ex-United States Minister
to China, and a life-long demo
crat, has announced his uaten
tton of supporting McKinley. In
a public letter entitled "Bryan's
Attitude Towards the Philip
pines," he says Bryan had the
power to defeat the treaty with
Spain, but preferred to let it ere
ate an election issue. In con
elusion he says: "I am not de
fending the republican party in
this article, but I am defending
William McKinley. He has
been subjected to more abuse
than any president ever was and
he has deserved it as little as any
one ever did. In the most diffi
cult period of our history he has
proved himself equal to all the
demands upon him. He has
acted with an eye single to the
good of the country. The war
with Spain was not the presi
dent's seeking, but he met the
issue with courage. In diploma
cy he displayed qualities of the
highest order, and in military
affairs he was remarkably suc
cessful. He eminently deserves
River Conditions.
The water in the Willamette
is now lower than it has been for
years and it is reported that
when the water is turned through
the locks at Oregon City the
Willamette Falls go out of ex
istence for the time being. Capt.
Galbraith, of the Mathloma, is
reported as doing excellent work
at Lambert's in building wing
dams, etc., and is materially im
proving the condition there.
The channel is becoming deeper
and it is said that there are now
xo inches of water at this place,
which makes it less difficult for
boats to pass over the bar at this
point. From Lamberts, Capt.
Galbraith will go to Eldridge
bar, where he will commence
work that is sadly needed. The
improvement of the Willamette
river is of interest to every resi
dent of the valley, as it is one of
the main arteries of commerce,
on the waters of which is yearly
floated to market thousands of
dollars worth of produce. Few
people realize the importance of
keeping the Willamette open
and in best possible condition
for navigation.
Bicycle for Sale.
Lady's bicycle, new, for sale cheap.
Inquire at Commercial restaurant.
Mrs. Fuller'S Will.
The will of Mrs; Louise Ful
ler, who died childlesf, has been
filed for probated. The proper
ty is supposed to be worth about
$15,000. Half of a 130-acre farm
near Corvallis, $1,200 cash andj
all personal property go to a
Mephew, Samuel B. Bane, who is
made executor without bonds.
The remain der of the farm goes
to Rev. Adam O. Bane, of San
Francisco, a nephew. A Corval-
is residence goes to a nephew,
Clayton R. Bane, of Gilroy,
Cal., a great-nephew, David A.
Bane, Corvallis, and a niece,
Susan Baker, of California.
Residence property in Eugene
is left to a niece, Louisa Hen ton,
Denver, Colo., and to a great
nephew, Elias Eskridge, of Cam
den Point, Mo. Eight lots and
two strips of land in Wilkins'
Additon to Corvallis go to the
Masonic Lodge, with provision
for sale and application of the
proceeds to keeping up the fam
ily burial lot in Crystal Lake
Nolan & Callahan's Remnant
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Sewer Committee will receire
sealed bids until the 31st day of August,
1900, at 8 o'clock p. m.. lor furnishing
materials and constructing sewer from
Van Buren street through blocks 22 and
23, County Addition to the City ol Cor
vallis, Oregon, in accordance with the
plans and specifications and ordinances
therefor bow on file in the office of the
Police Judge of said city. All bids must
be accompanied by certified check ot
bank of ten per cent, of amount bid,
payable to the order of . F. Grefioz,
Police Judge, in accordance with section
9 of said ordinance, that the bidder will
enter into contract for the construction
of said sewer if the same be awarded
The committee reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids. The bids will be
addressed to chairman, S. L. Hays, Cor
vallis, Oregon.
S. Li. Hays,
W. O. Heckebt,
Sewer Committee.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed have been appointed viewers by
the common council of the Citv of Uor
vallis, Or., to estimate the proportionate
share of the cost of a sewer to be construc
ted by the City of Corvallis, Or., through
the center of Block 5, County Addition
to Corvallis, Or., and the center of the
alley in Block 19, Dixon's 2nd Addition
to Corvallis, Oregon, and across Ham
son and Taylor streets in said city, from
the main sewer on Van Buren street.
Corvallis, Oregon, to the northeast cor
ner ot tbe Ureamery building on Lot 7.
Block 18, Dixon's 2nd Addition to Cor
vallis, Oregon, to be assessesd to the
several owners of the property benefitted
thereby ; said property and the owners
thereof being, Lots 1 and 2, Block 5,
owner Jane and Clara Hitchens; Lots
11 and 12, Block 5, owner Elmer . Pad
dock ; Lota 3 and 10 and the south 10
feet of 4 aod 9, Block 5. owner Ceatta C.
Hartless ; Lots 6 and 7 and the north
16K feet of 5 and 8, Block 5, owner
Isabella uellatly; and the sonth 33
feet of Lota 5 and 8 and the north 33
feet of Lots 4 and 9, Block 5, owner
Cora M. Davisson, all the above lots be
ing situate in Block 5 County Addition
to Corvallis, Oregon ; also Lots 1 and
the south half of 2, Block 19, owner J.
H. Albright: Lots 3 and 7 abd the north
half of 2, and the south half of 8, Block
19, owner Jacob Wbitaker; Lot 4, Block
19, owner Charles A, Barnhart: Lots
5 and 6, Block 19, owner, Martha F.
Smith ; Lots 9 and the north halt ot 8.
Block 19, owner B. F. Hvland, and lots
10, 11 and 12, Block 19, owner Julia
Cline, and Lota 7 and 8, Block 18, owner
George Taylor, the last two named
blocks No. 18 and 19, are situated in
Dixon's 2nd Addition to Corvallis, Ore
gon. And that aaid viewers will meet
at tbe office of the Police Judge of the
City of Corvallis, Oregon, on the 3rd day
of September, 1900, at the hour of 8
o'clock p. in., of said day, and if said
work is not completed on that day the
meeting will be adjourned from day to
day till the same is finished, and all
persons interested may appear before
said viewers and be heard in the matter
of making said estimate.
Wm. Crees,
R. E. Gibson,
Z. H. Davis.
$50 Reward
Is hereby offered for the arrest and
conviction of the thief who broke into
the "Jersey Creamery" building, about
one mile west of Corvallis, on the night
of August 7 th, 1900, and stole therefrom
18 or 20 cheese, size "Young America."
M. S. Woodcock.
Elks' Carnival.
On account of the Grand Carnival of
the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks,
to be held at Portland, September 4th to
15th inclusive, tickets will be sold at re
duced rates from all stations on Oregon
lines to Portland and return. These
tickets will be on sale September 3rd,
4th, 6th, 10th and 13th, and are limited
to three days after date of sale. For
further particulars, call on or address
Southern Pacific agent at Corvallis.
Notice to Farmers.
I don't want the earth and all it con
tains, but I can handle 25,000 to 30,000
bushels of wheat delivered on board the
cars at any point between Corvallis and
Wells, in carload lots, for which I will
pay within one-half cent per bushel of
Corvallis prices. Insurance in my ware
house is just one-half what it is in a
a flouring mill. Good sacks and twine
famished on the usual terms or at rul
ing market price.
R. N. Williamson,
Welle, Oregon.
Prevented by warm shampoos with CtrrlCUBA
Soap, and light dressings of CimcnRA, pur.
est of emollient skin cures. This treatment
at once stops falling hair, clears the scalp of
crust., scales, and dandruff, soothes Irritated,
Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles,
and makes the hair grow upon a clean, whole
some, healthy scalp when all else fails.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. R. R.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber of first-class timber claims to be taken
up ondr r the timber or homestead acta.
Oates, Manon Co.. Or. Looator.
New Train Service.
Tho raw train aprvipA nn the Corvallis
& Eastern should prove satisfactory to
the citizens of Corvallis. The train now
Ilia riai.v firrent Knndav at
v w " " " "
6 a. in. and returning leaves Albany at
as. f -.,ii;a a, q -rVa
4 liU p. Hi) arriving m vui io .w.
t Ar,r,fl,.tD KttH Trave with f hp Portland
local at Albany, permitting the round
trip to U luuuw in n uay givtug '"u
in Portland.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed executor of
the estate of Martha Jane Rice, deceas
ed, by the County Conrt of the Bute of
Oregon for Benton county. All persons
having claims against said estate are re
quired to present the same duly verified
to me at my residence in Kings Valley,
Benton county, Oregen, or at the law
office of E. Holgate in Corvallis, Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice.
Dated this 22nd day of June, 1900.
Charles E. Rick,
For Sale.
260 acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and tbe Belknap settle
ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm,
good cultivating land. Address
M. S. Woodcock,
Administrator. Corvallis, Oregon.
For Sale.
We have now on hand the finest and
most complete stock of finish lumber and
the best grade of flooring, rustic, etc.,
ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts
in any quantity.
Cohvalus Sawmill Company.
Notice for Publication.
United State La .yd Offici,
Oregon City, Oregon, August 22, 1000.
Notice is herebv iriven that the followinir-named
settler has filed notice of hit Intention to make final
proof iii support of his claim, and, that aaid proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Benton
Countv, at Curtains, Oregon, on octooer mn
.1900. Vis:
n E. No. 10293. for the N. W. L Sec. 2S, T. 13 S.
R.7W. He names the following witnesses to
nrore his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz, William Howell of Corvallis, Ore
gon, Thomas J. unnas, A. J. nuoie ana n. .ami, an
of Alsea, Oregon.
(.'HAS. 1J. JlOUliLS,
Notice of Trustee's Sale.
In the District Court of the United States for the
District of Oregon.
In tbe Matter of )
James F. Powell, - In Bankruptcy.
Bankrupt. J
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of the Keferee in banrraptcy lor uin county
Oretron. 1 will, at the hour of three o'clock p. m.
on the 24th day of September, 19M, in front ot the
postoffice in the town of Philomath, Benton county.
Oregon, sell at public suction to the highest bidder
therefor, for cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the abeye-named bankrupt at any
time had and which 1 now have by virtue or being
trustee in the above-entitled matter, in the follow
ing described nremises. to wit:
An undivided one-fourth of lot 96, in block 31 in
the city of Philomath, in Benton county, Oregon,
as the same appears on record on the' maps and
plats of said city now on file in the office cf the
county recorder or Bala county.
Such sale will be made subject to approval of
said Court.
Dated this 24th day of August, 1900.
Trustee in the Matter of the above-named Bank-
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oreton City, Oregon, June 19th, 1960.
Notice is hereby riven that in compliance with the
previsions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1178,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wash
ington (Territory," as extended to all the Public
LAHG states OT act oi Augan . isvz,
Of St. Charles Hotel, Portland, ceunty of Multno
mah. State cf Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 6232, for the purchase of
the Sw of Section no. 14 in Township no. JZ s.
Range No. 7 West, and will offer preof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish bis claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver oflihis omce at Oregon City, Oregon, on r n
dav. the 7th day of September, 1990. He names ai
witnesses: Abraham Jones of Portland, Multno
mah Co., (Oregon, Rily Smith, of Portland, Mull
nomab Co., Oregon, W. J. Allen, of Philomath, Ben
ton Co., Oregon, Lewis C. Stone of Valley City.
Barnes Co.. N. B.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
cescaioea lanua are roqueatcu to nte bncir cianm iu
this office on or before aaid 7th day of September,
1900. CUAS. 11. MOOKES.
Notice for Publication.
Lane Office at Orkuon Cm, Ormox,
July 21, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Bntou
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on September 7tn,
1900, vii:
H.E. No. 10234, for the S. E. Quarter of Section 32,
T 10 S.. H. 5W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land. Viz.: John Miller, layior Miner, uaniei sner
win and Willard L. Price, all of Kings Valley, Oregon.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Notice of Appointment of Admiast'r.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by tbe county court of
Benton county. Oregon, administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of Francis L. Such,
deceased; and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present the same with the proper vouchers
to the undersigned at the resioence ot Thomas
Daniels in Benton county, Oregon, with 1 six
months from, tbe date of this notice.
Dated this Hth day of July, 1900.
PERCY R. KELLY, Administrator.
Kelly 4 Curl, Atty's for Administrator.
Our Great Remnant and Odds and Ends
Will Close Friday,
August 31, 1900.
Our New Fall Stock is now arriving. When com
plete it will be the largest and most attractive ever
opened in this section.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Fresh bread daily. A cqrnplete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty. I
S The Corvallis Commission
p Store I
v Keeps constant! v on hand the celebrated V
J A package of Arm & Hammer Soda is given free with
v every sack of the latter
Hay, OatH, Grain. Braa, Shorts, Potatoes g
Fish, Ekks, Poultry, Etc. R
JOHN LENGER, Manager g
Mil !
I FOR . j
Fresh Groceries I
- gpfsw 17th to 22d, I960.
Bigger and Better Than Ever Before.
Grounds Greatly Inpreved, Buildings Repaired and Renovated, All Stock
Buildings Thoroughly Disinfected Everything In First Class
Condition for the largest and Beat
Live Stock Show and Agricultural Exposition
$20,000 IN PREMIUMS and PURSEs
Good Racine Every Afternoon Music and Pun at Night.
AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK will be made a leading feature. All live stock
and other exhibits hauled FREE over the Southern Pacific Railroad. Reduced pas
senger rates on all railroads. For premium list aud other information, address
W. H. WEHRUNG, Pres., If. B. WISDOM, Sec,
HUlaboro, Oregon. Portland, Oregon.
Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one
half more for your iron than any jnnk
dealer. We are ready to do rep&ir work
of any kind, at any time. Patronize ne.
Bring rur old iron and get your money.
The Foukbry, Corvallia, Or.
Try this Office for Job Work.
IHlley The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley, he carries a full
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headqnaretrs for wheel
men. Pav him a visit.
Dreqoh) (short) fig)
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes', via
the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
Look at the Time . .
1 yt days to Salt Lake
days to Denver
3j5 days to Chicago
44 days to New York
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered
Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pnllmau
Palace Sleepers, operated on all
For further information, applyto
GEO. F. EGLI5J, Agent, Corvallis, Or.
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent.
124 Third St., Portland, Or.
Dentistry of every description done in first
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposit
the post omce, uorvains. Oregon.
Physician 8? Surgeon
Rooms 14 in Bank Building
10 to 12 a. m.
Office Hours
to 4p.m.
Residence : Corner oth and Adams, west
of Catholic church.
Telephone at office and residence.
Corvallis, - Oregon.
Physician, Surgeon
Office at residence, 6i2 Madison street, and
Graham & Wells drugstore.
off,, xi.,.9 to '2 a.m., at drugstore.
Office Hours: to 4 p m ,t resi(fene.
Corvallis '& Eastern Railroad
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:50 p
" " Corvallis 1:40 p.
" arrives Yaquina
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina....
Leaves Gorvallis. . . .
Arrives Albany
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany
Arrives Detroit
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany
No. 5.
Leaves Corvallis ....
Arrives Albany ....
7:00 a.
11:30 a.
12:10 p.
6:00 a. m.
6:45 a. in.
No. 6.
Leaves Albany 7:20 p. m
Arrives CorvalliB. . . 8:05 p. in.
One and two connect at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacifie
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for tbe
at noon, giving
reach camping
mountains arrive
ample time to
grouods on the
Breitenbush and Santiam river
same day.
Five and six connect at Albany
with the Albany local to and from
Edwin Stone,
H. L. Waluen, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
H. H. Ckonise, Agent, Corvallis.
"Meet Us on The Midway."
The Event of the Times.
Great Street Fair
And Carnival
Occupying: many :tod blocks, taking in
an entire street from curb to curb,
Portland. Oregon,
Sept. 4th to 15th, 1900
. Under the auspices of the Portland Elks.
Surpassing in magnitude and grandeur
anything of the kind ever attempted on
the Pacific coast. Something to remem
ber up to the date of your heart failure.
The Streets of Cairo
The Oriental Theatre
The German Village
The Dancing Girls
An Arabian Pageant
Crowning the Queen
Rex, Ring of the Carnival. Attended by
His Magnificent Court.
The great parade of the Elks and other orders.
The Italian Park and Fountain. The Magni
ficent triumphal Jarch and grand Midway filled
with wonderful attractions. Mining, Mercan
tile, Agriculture, Horticulture and other indus
trial exhibits. The Women's Pavilion, designed
by women, built by women, and decorated by
women for the exhibit of women's industrial
work. The grain tpalace built of Oregon and
Washington grasses.
Music, Gayety and Fun. Night turned into day.
Lowest rail and water rates ever given to
Portland from all parts of the Pacific Northwest.
Southern Pacific Company.
i Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8 :30 a in
Ly Albany- 12:30 p m
Ar Ashland 12:33 a m
Ar Sacramento---5:00 p m
Ar San Francisco- 7 :45 p m
Ar Ogden 5:45 p m
Ar Denver 9 :00 a m
Ar Kansas City- - -7 :25 a ni
Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m
8:30 p m
10:50 p m
11:30 a m
4:35 a m
9.30 a m
11 :45 a m
9:00 a m
7 :25 a m
9 :30 a m
Ar Los Angeles---1 :20 pm
Ar El Paso 60pm
Ar Fort Worth 6 :30 a m
Ar City of Mexico 9:65 am
Ar Houston-. 4:00 a m
Ar New Orleans- - 6:25 a m
Ar Washington --0:42 a m
Ar New York 12:43 pm
7:00 a m
6:00 p m
6:30 a m
9 :65 a m
4:00 a m
A -.25 p m
6 :42 a m
12:43 p m
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to
Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See F. E. FARMER, agent a CorvallU
! station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chieage
. and East.
i) p. m.
7:00 p.m.
Walla Walla. Lew-
iston, S p o k a ne,
Minneapolis, S t.
Paul, Dulnth, Mil
waukee, Chicago,
and East
Ocean StumshiDS-
6:(H) p.m.
8:40 a. m.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco,
Sail Dec. 8, 8, 13,
18, S& 28, & every
5 days.
8 p. m,
4 p. m.
i Ex. Sun.
i 8. p. m.
i Saturday,
10 p. DO.
Columbia River
To Astoria & w ay
landing. Willamette River.
Oregon City, New
berg, Saleua, and
Way-landings. .
Willamette and Yam
hill Rivers.
4 p. ni.
4 :S0 p. no.
ti a. m.
x. Sun.
j 7 a. m.
! Thursday
1 and
S aturday
3:30 p.m.
W ednea
d a y and
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way-land's.
G a. la.
T uesday,
3' 35 a. m.
Willa etta River.
Portland to Corval
lis & Wav-land's.
4:30 p.m.
W ednes
d a y and
Snake River.
Riparia to Lewis'n,
L ewiaton
8:30 a m
Local Agent.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Due.- a general and conservative banking
Corvallis, Orcon.
Office in Zierolf bui diner.
Office In Wbitehoni Blerk
Corvallis, Oregon
W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis
kys. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Physician 8? Surgeon
Titles. CosverAxciNo.
Practice in all State an d Federal Conrt.
Office in First National Bank Building.