County Clerk GAZETTE. CORVALLIS SEMI-WEEKLY. KxEKtKb.v;,u,T,e1c8.9i78.i Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1900. YOL. I. NO. 17. WAKING AT NIGHT. When I wake up alone at night I feel as if I had no eyes; I stare and stare with all my might. But only blackness round me lies. r listen for the faintest sound, And, though I strain with either sar. The dark is silent all around; It's just as if I could hear. , But if I lie with limbs held fast, A sort of sound comes like a sigh Perhaps the darkness rushing past. Perhaps the minutes passing by; Perhaps the thoughts in people's heads, That keep so quiet all the day, Wait till they're sleeping in their beds, Then rustle out and fly away! Or else this noise like whirring wings, That dies with the first streak of light, May be the sound of baby things, All growing, growing, in the night. Children, and kitty-cats, and pups. Or even little buds and flowers. Daisies, perhaps, and buttercups, . All growing in the midnight hours, And yet it seems of me a part, And nothing far away or queer. . . . It's just the beating of my heart, That sounds so strange as I lie here! I do not know why this should be; When darkness hides the world from sight, I feel that all is gone but me A little child and the black night. London Spectator. f it Mrs. Basset's Boarder. $ m RS. BASSET was dismayed to the verge of tears. 'I never thought you'd take it so hard, sir," she said. "How long have I boarded with you, Mrs. Basset?" "Seven years come September, sir." "Quite right. During that time you have occasionally accommodated men ,who wished to board here, but never women. I understood that no woman was to be received here. For the last year I have been the only boarder and the solitude has been delightful. Now, this woman ' "I'm that sorry!" The emotion in her voice was genuine. "When she wrote and asked me to let her corne, I said yes right off. Once, sir, a long way back, before John and me were married, I was in service with Miss Jeannette's mother. They were rich folks then, and held their heads high. All that's changed now. It's me and John that have done well and got money. Her parents are dead. She supports herself. She teaches school night school. She wouldn't be here in the evenings at all." "She attends clubs, I suppose," he ventured. "She is president of one and secretary of another. She is bright." He groaned. His opportunities to study the progress of women had been limited. "When is she to to honor us with her presence?" "Not not before to-morroW after noon, sir." He muttered something about twenty-four hours of grace, and went off to his big, beautiful front room, wherein were gathered together his accumula tion of literary and artistic treasures. A moment later he opened his door in response to a tentative knock. "I'd like to ask you a favor, Mr. Freer, sir," be gan Mrs. Basset. "I've just got a tele phone message that my sister, who lives on the West Side, has come down with pneumonia. She's the only sister I've got, and I'm worried to know how bad she it. I thought seeing how you were staying In, sir " "Yes. That's all right." "But It's Thursday, and Delia is go ing out. The new housemaid was to come at 3. I thought if it wouldn't be asking too much if you'd let her in when she rings " "Certainly. Any directions?" "Xn She won't nwil tn do anything till I get back. Thank you, sir." She took her portly person away, au.J Alexander Freer went back to his book. He left his door wide that he might hear the ring. He did hear it in an hour after Delia's crackling skirts on the stairs had Indicated her festive de parture. He went down, opened the door. The girl in the vestibule wore a trim black gown, a tan jacket, and an audacious little spring hat. She had rippling reddish hair and the milk-white skin that goes with It, a scarlet mouth and eyes of forget-me-not blue. Some thing singularly youthful and fragile about the slight form, something lonely In the lifted eyes, appealed to him. "Mrs. Basset was obliged to go out," he explained. "The cook is also absent. You are the new housemaid, I believe. Come In. Mrs. . Basset desired me to mention- there would be no task for you until her return." For a moment she regarded hhn blankly. Then her lips drooped. "I am sorry," she said, advancing. She took off her hat and jacket and hung them up. "I could do a good deal if I knew iwhat was to be done." To do! Hadn't he been staring off and on since breakfast at the dusty books on his topmost shelves. Had he not been cherishing a secret plan of flight? But he could not pack his pre clous possessions himself. "I wonder," he cried, In a somewhat volcanic fashion, "If you would be good enough to help me pack my books and etchings? I can bring my packing boxes out of the basement. I am going to change my quarters. We would have a few hours before Mrs. Basset gets home," he went on, hastily. "I shall be glad to pay well for the assistance." , The milk-white skin grew pink under his glance. For a moment she did not reply. " Iwill help you," she consented. Somewhere in the kitcnen regions she found and donned a big blue check apron. She presented herself at the first room of his suite, her sleeves rolled up, a soft old cloth in one hand, a feath er duster in the other. The woman hater watched her as she worked with an anxiety that finally merged in com placence. How well she knew how to handle a book! "I feel like a criminal," he told her, laughing. "I know now how men feel who go off leaving their board bill un paid. I tried to tell Mrs. Basset this morning that I would leave, but I lack ed the courage. The dear soul! It will be many a day before I find a place that suits me as this does.-" "Why are you leaving, then?" she asked. "You may not think mine the best of reason. I am leaving because Mrs. Bas set is to receive another boarder a woman." "Yes?" Clearly she expected him to say more. "I understand she is one of those ap palling creatures they call new wom en," he went on". "She supports her self, you know, teaches school, and even w-rites books on abstruse subjects." "Dear! Dear!" ejaculated the pretty housemaid. Sympathy is sweet. If any one had told Alexander Freer that morning he would have been glad of its gift from a housemaid he would have been in credulous. But here he was, hugging it to his flattered soul and fishing for more. He told her how he had never known a real home since his mother died, when he was a boy of 10. After than there were schools and colleges. Then travel, hotels and boarding houses. "Here," he concluded, "I've been comfortably anchored for seven years, with leisure for my own interests :md pursuits, and quite secure from in terruption. But now I must give It up. I never can face that gaunt creature in spectacles, who will talk pedantically to me across the table three times a day!" "Does she wear spectacles?" Freer lifted his head out of the pack ing case. "I'm sure she does. They all do the clever ones. She might expect me to take up municipal reform. She" the sweat of fear breaking out on his forehead "might give me worsted slippers or a birthday edition of poems she might!" "That's so," assented a solemn little voice from the ladder. In the silence that followed they beard the .hall clock strifce. "Four!" Freer exclaimed. "So late! Mrs. Basset may be back any minute Hark! Tsn't that her now?" He stum bled to his feet, looking like a detected schoolboy. "There! One box is ready, anyhow. You must let me thank you. Miss Miss " "Jean," she prompted. "Miss Jean and take this." There was a sound of the door, which had been opened with a latchkey, swinging shut again. A heavy step came up the stairs. "You are welcome, but I can't take any money. Here is Mrs. Bas set!" And there, indeed, was that worthy woman, leaning against the open door and staring in wild astonishment at the scene presented. The packing cases the heaped-up books the confounded owuer of the latter the girl on the lad der. "Jeanette!" . she cried. "My dear! What does this mean?" "I did not intend coming until to-morrow." Miss Jeanette Wallace had de scended from her elevated seat and was greeting her friend warmly. "I changed my mind at the last minute and came. Now I'm going to change it again and go away." "Mr. Freer," pleaded the embarrassed landlady, "what is all this about?" "My blunder, madam!" he cried, re morsefully. "Took this young lady for the housemaid and asked her to help me pack my books! I beg her pardon, I'm sure!" "But packing! Were you going to leave? Oh, Mr. Freer! And all on ac count of " "Of me!" cried Jeanette, gayly. "But I shan't be your boarder, Mrs. Basset. Mr. Freer will stay." Whereat Mr. Freer Immedl.itely,de veloped a most irXlraorJ.nary ion r..dic toriness. "Not unless you do!" he declared, stubbornly. Mrs. Basset looked helplessly from one to the other. "Well, it's all right now," said Freer, contentedly, "and I'm going te unpack these books and put them back where they belong." It was pouring rain one afternoon a couple of months later when Jeanette Wallace came forth from a meeting of the Woman's Club. An umbrella was raised as she stepped out, and a famil iar figure walked beside her through the rain. "This Is rash!" she cried. -"It is al most as bad as taking me to lectures! But I haven't given you worsted slip pers yet nor a birthday edition of poems!" Alexander Freer held the umbrella lower leaned closer. "No, but there Is a gift I'd dearly love to have, little Jean and only you can give it to me!" "Oh!" said Jean, softly. Chicago Tribune. Mushroom Culture in France. The annual crop of mushrooms In France is valued at $2,000,000; and It is said that there are sixty wholesale firms In Paris dealing exclusively Id them. In the Department of the Sein it appears there are some 3,000 caves In which mushrooms are grown; anc about 300 persons are employed in the! culture, and rarely leave these caves. CHILDREN'S COLUMN. A DEPARTMENT FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. Something that Will Interest tbe Ju venile Members of Every Household Quaint Actions and Bright Sayings of Many Cute and Cunning Children. Several boys In Chicago improved the stilt season with an exciting game which they call "stilt fighting." Nearly svery afternoon they gather in an open lot, and the stilt contests attracted no little attention. Each boy has a pair of stout stilts, with the steps about eigh teen inches above the ground. Two of the boys are chosen as leaders or cap tains and they pick out their men, tak ing turns in making the selections. Then the sides separate and line up as in playing pull-away or any of the old games. At a word of command from the umpire they advance on each other, walking steadily on their stilts. When they get up close together they jostle and push one another In the endeavor to throw the soldiers of the other side from their stilts without tipping over any of the soldiers on their own side. The moment a man falls the umpire ;alls time, the man who Is down goes sver to the side of the enemy, and the U BAULK AKBAY. battle begins over again. Sometimes a skillful stilt soldier will plunge into the ranks of the enemy like a mailed knight of old and tip over a whole row of them without once losing his bal ance. The game is never out until every man is won over and lined up on one side, and oftentimes when only the general of an army is left he can, by making a few bold strokes, win back all his soldiers. This is what makes the game particularly exciting. Several times the boys have brought brooms along with them for arms, and each of them, with a broom held fast under his arm, charges down on the enemy. In this warfare a soldier may hit the eu ;my anywhere but In the face or head, using his best efforts to push him o,ver. If a soldier drops his broom he Is 'dead," or out of the fight. This sport s even more exciting than the ordinary aattles, but it Is hard on the brooms. An Orthographical Adventure. I once went a-riding, although My friends told me not to do sough; As a matter of course I fell off my bourse, Who left me in tatters and wough. A man passing by in a sleigh Saw my sorrowful plight as I leigh, And said, "you're a muff! But it is rather tuff, 3o I'll just lift you out of the weigh." He fitted me into a seat was bruised from my head to my feaL I had ruined my clothes, I had broken my nothes; And truly the cushions were sweat! Then he hustled me over the snow As fast as his horses could gow. And drove me up straight To a doctor's front gaight 'Hi, doc! Here's a vision of wow!" The doctor was drinking his tea. But he came and considered of mea; "He can't use his tongue, And he's spoiled his right tongue, And his ribs are not where they shoulc bea. 'There's unusual puffness here, And his shoulder-blades seem out of gere; This ear's coming off, And that singular coff ts rather less pleasant than quere." But he settled my various aches, Vud he splintered my numerous breaches; And the lesson I learned When my powers retearned Prevents any future mistaches. Youth's Companion. An Arab Legend. Once upon a time, away out on the lesert, an Arab was traveling with a caravan and a large amount of valu able silks and rich goods. He knew :hat the portion of the desert through tvhich they were passing was frequent id by robbers, and he was anxious to each the end of his journey before light The men and the camels were all weary, for they had come a long way across the dry country, but now they were looking more cheerful, for they would soon be at a place where they :ould rest and not fear. The chief was leading the caravan md looking carefully in every directiou. jo as not to be surprised by the enemy. All at once he heard a cry of pain, and, peeping around, saw a boy not far from the path. "Are you sick?" asked the chief. "I have a thorn In my foot," said the joy, "and I cannot walk." Then the chief got down from the Back of the camel and went to the boy and gently drew the thorn from his foot. He even delayed to cleanse the sore and rub some ointment on the wound made by the thorn. He inquired about how far the boy had to go and If he had any money. Learning that the boy had but little, he gave him a piece of gold and then went on his journey. Many years after the chief died and went to Paradise. What -was his sur prise to find himself at once in the midst of the most beautiful roses. "Why have I so many roses?" he ask ed of an angel near him. "There are many others who have done more good who have not as many beautiful roses." The angel smiled and answered: "Years ago you drew a thorn from the foot of a boy who was crying in the desert. That thorn has grown to be a large rose tree, and the roses you see around you are the blossoms from that tree." One good deed done here below is re turned many-fold in Paradise. Not Allowed to Talk. Little 4-year-old Tommy was visiting his aunt In the country not long since. One day at the dinner table the lady complained that a small jar of pre serves had mysteriously disappeared from the pantry. Each one present dis claimed any knowledge of them except Tommy, who remained discreetly silent. At last he was asked If he knew any thing about the missing fruit. "You'll have to excuse me," he replied. "My papa don't allow me to talk at the ta ble." Take Up the Water. Clara, aged 5, was at the seashore one day, accompanied by her mother and 4-year-old brother Johnny. "Mamma," asked the latter, does all the water from everywhere flow Into the sea?" "Yes, Johnny," was the reply. "Then why don't it get full and run over?" he asked. "I know!" exclaimed Clara, "It's because the sea is full of sponges." Thought It Should Be Called "Lait" Willie, aged 5, was told of an arrival in his uncle's family and earnestly In quired if it was any relation to him. "Why, certainly," replied bis mother, "he is your first cousin." After think ing it over for a few minutes the little fellow said: "Well, perhaps you know, but I should think he was my last cousin." Might Be Improved. "Don't you think you have a good mamma to spread such nice, large slices of bread with jam for you?" asked little Ethel's grandma. "Oh, I don't know," j replied the little miss. "She'd be a heap sight gooder if she'd let me spread the jam myself." She Was Going To. Little Flaxen Hair Papa, it's rain ing. Papa (somewhat annoyed by work tn hand) Well, let it rain. Little Flaxen Hair (timidly) I was going to. ODD MARRIAGE PROPOSAL. A Nuremburg Lover Finds His Sweet heart in an Oven. A baker in Nuremberg, Germany, re cently proposed marriage to a girl in a singular manner. Minna and Henry are their Christian names, but as to their family names there is no clew, since the German papers which tell the story considerately refrain from pub lishing them. Minna had been keeping house for Henry for the last two years, and gradually the two had fallen very much in love with each other. Minna, however, would have died sooner than let Henry know how she felt toward him, and Henry was equally bashful. Finally he went for advice to an old woman in the neighborhood who makes a living by telling fortunes, and she counseled him to go during the next full moon into the large kitchen where his bread was baked, and when the clock struck midnight to open the oven and look into It. She assured him that he would then see the face of his fu ture wife. Henry went home well satisfied, not knowing that Minna had consulted the same old woman on the previous even ing, and had been told by her that she would surely obtain her heart's desire If she would only get into the oven in the kitchen a few hours before mid night during the next full moon and keep her face turned toward the door. Minna did so, and, though the oven was uncomfortably warm, she lay as still as a mouse until the clock struck mid night, when, lo! the door opened and before her appeared the well-known face of her beloved Henry. Even then she hardly stirred, but stared at Henry, who, utterly amazed at sight of her, speedily retreated, evidently under the Impression that what he had seen was some ghostly vision. The old woman's ruse, however, succeded admirably, and In a fortnight from that memor able night Henry and Minna were made man and wife. New York Her ald. As to Naturalization. A person born in the United States, of foreign parents who have not taken out naturalization papers in this coun try. Is a natural-born citizen of the Uni ted States, having been born within its territory, and is therefore entitled to all the rights of a citizen. He is a native-born citizen, independent of the citizenship of his parents. A man com ino here from a foreign land, having a : minor son, if he become a naturalized citizen before the son attain his ma jority, that operates to make the son a citizen also and the latter need not :ake out naturalization papers. If the father should not become naturalized, however, the son could not become a citizen without going through the con stitutional process, even though he were but a babe in arms when brought over. How Some Rivers Enter the Sea. Recent studies of the ocean bottom near the coast line of continents have shown that rivet's of considerable size ! sometimes enter the sea beneath the aurface. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning Notes Calling the Wicked to Hepentance. HAT you look at you will look like. Purse riches do not bestow heart wealth. Little compro m i s e s are the most dangerous. Great men are the natural and normal ones. Nothing pleases the devil better than a prayer meeting joy worked up with a background of every-day growl. He who molds the child makes the future. Christianity is an experience not an opinion. Cheating cheats no man more than the cheater. ft Is never gain to die unless It Is Christ to live. A toad Is not transformed by being in a gold mine. Where there Is God's will there is al ways man's way. The grumbler would complain of the weight of his wings. The foulest carrion birds are those who fly to moral filth. The most permanent safety vaults are In the skies, but the depositaries are in human hearts and hands. BONNER'S FIRST HORSE. It Was Bought by the Publisher's Doc tor to Force Him to Exercise. "I well remember the first driving horse that Robert Bonner purchased," said Dr. Samuel Hall, of New York Gtty. "To be more accurate, it was I who purchased the animal for Mr. Bonner. I was his family physician during the fifties, and one hot summer day met him on Broadway. He had been so busily engaged with the New York Ledger, which he purchased in 1851, that I had not seen him for some time. When I met him I was actually startled by the man's appearance. He was well-nigh unrecognizable. Dark Hues showed under his eyes and his skin was pale and drawn like the skin of a consumptive. " 'Bonner,' I cried, 'what have you been doing to yourself? Here, come into the shadow. You're In an excel lent condition to suffer a sunstroke.' " 'Oh, there's nothing much the mat ter,' he answered, 'I'm simply worked out, trying to njakeJhjajBaper of mine a go. That's all.' '"That's all!' said L WelI, that's nearly enough to put you In your grave. Here, jump Into this omnibus and get a breath of air.' ' " 'Can't do It, doctor!' he replied. 'I have an important engagement which must be kept.' " 'Bonner,' I persisted, gripping him by the arm and detaining him, 'It's my duty to tell you that you are killing yourself. You must take a rest.' But in spite of the most direful warnings and strongest pleas, the Scotch-Irish in him insisted on having its own way, and he left me not, however, until I had made him promise to drive regu larly in the country at least once a week. "To make sure that he would keep his promise, I bought an excellent roadster, which cost, I remember, $350, and seut the animal to Mr. Bonner. Shortly afterward I met him out driv ing. His cheeks were aglow, and on recognizing me he pulled up alongside, and reaching his hand to me, said in great enthusiasm: 'Doctor, I want to thank you. I never would have known the joy of sitting behind a good horse had it not been for you.' "Two or three months later he bought a span of iron-gray horses, for which he paid $1,500. "From the time of this purchase un til his death Mr. Bonner was the best known strictly amateur horseman in this country. To gratify his taste for fast horses he purchased some of the most celebrated trotters in the world but withdrew them from the race course. Probably his greatest horses were Peerless, Dexter and Maud S., marking as they did three distinct epochs in thshistory of trotting horses In this country. "To my mind," continued the doctor, "although Robert Bonner's purchases were prompted for the most part by an honest, real love for thoroughbred trotters, there is no doubt that he was the shrewdest advertiser of his day. Whenever he bought a horse at a seem ingly exorbitant figure, the issue of every prominent paper in the country on the day following would contain a description of the animal purchased, and, parenthetically, a very complete description of the New York 'Ledger.' The result was that for every dollar Mr. Bonner gave to horsemen he re ceived, the amount a dozen times ove In return from the public, which was attracted to a man who had the un selfish spirit and generosity to practi cally pension the Idols of the turf by buying the best of them for use In his own buggy. I have no doubt that this clever advertising had much to do with bringing the 'Ledger before the people and its ultimate success." New York Mail and Express. Traveling in Past and Present. One hundred years ago, to go from New York to Philadelphia meant two days by the swiftest stage; to-day It la done in two hours. To go from New England to Oregon it took Doctor At kinson eight months, even in 1847. To day one can go from New York to San Francisco In one hundred and two hours. In Brazil a scarlet coffin and hearse are used when the deceased person is a spinster For Controlling Horses. The control of vicious and runaway horses is a matter that has often been the study of the inventor, as numerous devices already on the market attest; but there is always room for improve ment, and the illustration shows one of the newest forms. It Is the inventor's intention to have the appliance used especially for those animals which are in the habit of taking the bit be tween their teeth, which, as is well known, makes it almost impossible to control them with tbe ordinary reins. The new apparatus consists of two straps threaded through guiding de vices attached to the thills of the vehi cle, the forward ends of the straps connecting with the bit In the animal's mouth and the rear ends passing VICIOUS HORSES EASILY CONTBOLLII). through rings located on the carriage, with links to be grasped iff the hand for use. The straps normally do not in terfere with the movement of the head, but when the animal attempts to run the links are grasped in the hands and the straps pulled taut, the force exerted being much greater than is possible with the reins, because of the increas ed leverage when pulling in a direct line with the driver's feet, enabling him to draw the animal's head down and dislodge the bit. Salting the Sheep. I would like to describe an apparatus for salting cattle and other stock so they will always have salt before them and no waste, writes Joseph H. Yoder in the National Stockman. For cattle or horses I would prefer to use rock salt placed in boxes or troughs for the winter, and scattered about the pas tures on the grass in summer. Rains have little effect upon it, and this will be found both convenient and economi cal; For sheep, however, this plan does not work so well. The rock salt is so slow to dissolve that they are not able to get a sufficient amount of it to satis fy their wants, hence it Is necessary to use the loose salt for them. During the winter a box can be fastened up at a convenient place in the shed, and at the proper height so they can have access to it at all times of the day. In sum mer, if they have not a shed to run under, the box can be fastened to a gate post and have a roof placed over it so as to keep out the rain. If it is de sired to use loose salt for cattle, the same arrangements can be used as have already been described for sheep. The roof over the box should be high enough to be entirely out of the way of the ani mals. Where loose salt is used it Is necessary to be careful to keep a sup ply In the box all the time, as the ani mals are liable to eat too much If they go without for several days. Giving Medicine to a Pig. As it is difficult to make a pig swal low medicine we give the accompany ing sketch of a pig tied In the way be should be when giving medicine; al ways In a liquid form, or it cannot be given. The medicine is given through an old shoe, the toe of which Is cut so TO GIVE MEDICINE TO A PIO. that the medicine runs down into the mouth, when it is swallowed with ease and safety. The pig pulls back on the Tope, keeping it tight, and does not struggle, and Its attention being di verted from all other things it seems that he swallows his dose without knowing it. Chinch Bugs. One of the most destructive pests the farmers of this country have to con tend with is the chinch bug. says the Iowa Homestead. It of course original ly subsisted on wild plants, but it learned very early to prefer cultivated oues. The new food supply being al ways at hand when the bugs lay their eggs and the young are growing natu rally causes their numbers to increase, and the loose soil about the roots of cul tivated plants furnished conditions more favorable to the work of the young than could be found in the un cultivated ground. These facts largely Increased the facility with which the chinch bug was propagated, and it un fortunately has few natural enemies. lit Its bedbug flavor makes it no very de sirable morsel to insectivorous birds, and the fungous diseases to which it is subject require a wet season for their propagation in the field, and in a wet season the chinch bug is not very dan gerous. In normal seasons, therefore, all the natural conditions are quite fa vorable to the chinch bug in cultivated fields, and the farmer must mainly rely upon his own efforts for protection. One of the best remedies in . the world for the chinch bug Is to clean up. If infested lands be burned off and all the rubbish gathered and burned in early spring much will, have been accomplished. All the rubbish ac cumulating along the fences and head lands should be cleaned; uncultivated prairie lands adjoining fields should be burned off early; corn stalks should be broken down and burned In tbe spring following a chinch bug year, as it will destroy millions of the insects that have hibernated between the leaves and the stalks. Wherever, by reason of the prevlons presence of the chinch bug, another visitation is probable, no pains should be spared to thoroughly clean up and destroy all the stubble, corn stalks, dead grass, fence row rub bish and the like possible, and it should be destroyed by fire. It is work, of course, but It Is the work that will pay where there Is any reason to anticipate the chinch bug visitation. Honesty on the Farm. As a rule the farmer is honest. Some are so eager to get rich that they are not very honest with themselves, and it is hardly to be expected they will be with anybody else. In discussing this topic, a writer in the Homestead right ly concludes that a farmer can be the most dishonest man in the world, if he desires to be. All the good of every thing can be put in the top of " the heap if he is inclined, and there is room in so many places to be dishonest, but as a class they are not dishonest. The best man In every special line likes to make his packages good in quantity and appearance. He will and should put a few of the best in the top of the package, but all in the package should be merchantable. It is the honest far mer that prospers. The dishonest may prosper for a time, but he will lose the respect of his neighbors and friends and sometimes even that of his own household. The dishonest farmer Is trusted by nobody, and everybody will soon learn of his tricky ways, and even if he should feel like doing the square thing at any time, he will be watched. Get a 'good name and keep it. It is worth everything to a man. Barnum's Midland Farmer. Cost of Milk. It is Important to know the cost of production, and if weighing milk will induce us to compute the cost let those of us who do not know begin weighing at once, says S. W. Marble in Practical Dairyman. Mr. Carnegie, the great steel manufacturer, It Is said, paid $40, 000 a year to keep records of tbe cost of production of his steel. It Is stataS that every wheelbarrow of material that went Into the furnaces was weigh ed and recorded. It was the special work of a bookkeeper to keep those records, and every time they turned out an order for steel, whether for a bridge or for a ship, or whatever It was, It was figured out down to the very last detail. He knew the cost of every piece of steel that was turned out. Now, if he could do it at an expense of $40,000 on his business, the farmer, with twenty cows, says Prof. Henry, could afford to spend five days' work a year on his business, because the per centage of difference would be a great deal less on the five-day investment, which Is all that is needed, than to Mr. Carnegie on his $40,000. Dairy Figures. There are 16,000,000 milk cows in the United States, distributed over 4,750, 000 farms of three or more acres, and 1,000,000 more owned in towns and cities and on small country places, making about 17,000,000 in all. The product of 5,000,000 of these cows Is consumed as milk and cream, either fresh or condensed, that of 11,000,000 is made into butter and that of 1,000, 000 into cheese. The average yearly consumption of dairying products per person is twenty-five gallons of milk, twenty pounds of butter and three pounds of cheese. There are about 11,000 creameries and cheese factories in the United States. Nearly all of the cheese is made in factories. Only about one fourth of the butter is factory or cream ery made, the other three-fourths be ing farm and home produced. The an nual consumption as milk and cream is 1,750,000 gallons. The production of butter is 1,500,000,000 pounds and of cheese 300,000,000 pounds. To Save Cow Peas. To harvest cow peas, cut with mow ing machine, says Robert C. Morris of Olney, 111. "Cow peas may lie one or two days after being cut, then cocked and allowed to remain until the peas get fairly dry. They may be bulked greener than beans, as they do not have so much oily matter in them. Cow peas cannot be threshed on separators until the speed of cylinders is greatly re duced, but they are easily flailed out." The Tomato Tree. Californians are beginning to culti vate the. tomato tree, which bears clus ters of a delicious fruit, thousands of boxes of which are sent yearly from Ceylon to London, and for which it it believed a good market cov.'d be foum) in our Eastern States,