Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 07, 1900, Image 4

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Clara Eopp Wrote for M rs. Pinkhain'3 Ad
vice and Tells what ii did for Her.
"Dear Mrs. Pixkham : I hare seen
so many letters from ladies who werj
cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies
that I thought I would ask your aci vice
m regard to my condition.
I have been doetorint' for
four years and have
taken different pat
ent medicines, but
received very little
benefit. I am
j troubled with back
ache, in fact my
whole body aches,
6tomach feels sore,
by spells get short
of breath and am
very nervous. Men
struation is very ir
regular with severe
bearing down pains,
cramps and back
ache. I hope to hear
from vou at once.7'
Clara Korr, Kockport,
Ind., Sept. 27, 1893.
"I think it is my duty to write a
letter to you in regard to what Lydia
E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound did
for me. 1 wrote you some time ago,
describing my symptoms and asking
your advice, which you very kindly
gave. I am now health' and cannot
begin to praise your remedy enough.
I would say to all suffering women,
Take Mrs. Pinkham's advice, for a wo
man best understands a woman's suf
ferings, and Mrs. Pinkham, from her
vast experience in treating female ills,
can give you advice that you can get
from no other source." " Clara Kopp.
Rockport, Ind., April 13, 1899.
Malvern Hill.
The union and confederate troops en
gaged in a severe battle on this hill on
July 1, 1862, resulting in the defeat ol
the confederates. The hill .fs located
about 11 miles from Richmond, Va.t
and one mile from the James river.
Try Allen's Foot Ease,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At
this season your feet feel swollen, nervous
and Hot, and get tired easily. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes
walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails,
swoolen and' sweating feet, blisters and
callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions
of all pain and gives rest and comfort. We
have 30,000 testimonials. Try it today.
Sold bv all druggists and shoe' dealers for
25e. Trial package FREE. Address Allen
S. Olmstead, LeKoy, N. Y.
Not Involuntry.
Mrs. Brown Did everybody in your
society have to contribute to that fund:
Mrs. Malaprop O! no, it was made
op altogether of vulnerable contribu
tions. HOW'S THIS;
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in ail busin ss transactions and fia-ancial'-
able to carry out any obligations mad
by their firm.
Wist & Trtjax,
Wholesale Drue-rists, Toledo, '
Walding, Kink an & Marvin,
Y nolesale Drug-ists, Toledo, O.
nail's Catarrh Cure is t.-.ken.nnrnally, acting
CirecUy on the blood and m.cous surfaces ot
the sy st: m. Pr: -c 75c per bo tie. Sold by oi
drug; ists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills r' tin best.
A little salt added to an eg cools it,
and the egg consequently teats into t
froth more quickly.
hoi 1 i s SCHOOL.
Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.,
with its- new buildings, newly furnished
n,irf Rmm ,ere laboratories, beautiful sur-
roundinsrs and home influences, is one of !
the best eouinped schools tor the trainin
of hovs and voting men on tiie t oast. It
1 111 l-liillT- iik ir l . in..,. . 1 111 1 1 aim ... - .
1 1 . . 1 : : . : . I
cretin ti :u. wie uiuvuimucs. .-r-110 mi
alog. Tenth year begins August 6, 1900.
He I believe I'll go to church with
you this morning, Clara. Hhe Indeed
you won't; you've got your new suit,
and mine hasn't coma home yet.
Porcupine "I'm little, but if you
think you can sit on me, you'd better
If you would make time fly, give
your note payable in 90 days.
Swamp Angel.
During the defense of Charleston, S.
C, in the war of the rebellion, the un
ion forces erected a rampart upon piles
driven into the deep mud of ihe swampy
land surrounding the fortification, and
upon the rampart placed a huge piece
of ordnance, which was used with
good effect in the attack upon Fort
Wagner. The ordnance received the
name Swamp Angel from its peculiar
Reliefs grow in action, but doubts in
A young man who declines to be in
dustrious, because bis father had been
industrious enough to accumulate a
fortune, condemns himself by such a
course to perpetual babyhood.
When a girl is trying to have things
really artistic and stylish her mother
generally brings in some horrid old
brown teapot which the girl wouldn't
have come on the table at any price.
If you want people to think yonr are
smart don't compel them to hint a sec
ond time for favors they want you to
show them.
I!Iy wire had pimple on her face, but
he bad oeen taking C'ASOARKTS and tbey
have all disappeared. I hud been troubled
with constipation for some time, but after tak
ing1 the first Cascaret I have had no trouble
with this aiiment. We cannot sneak too faigh
Jy of Cascarets." Fred Wabtman.
auD ueruiiuiunQ avc. irnigaueipaia, r&.
1 n winMtric
Pleasant. Palataele. l'otent. Taste Good. De
Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 36c, 50c.
teritac mril UsasMj. Cfctoaa,. Maatrrtl. Tar. 314
H Til Blf 8old and guaranteed by all drag-
HW I w Mfaw gists to t HI. : :.,!-. lut
West' iS-'S
w w
am mm.
r m
1 - - - n
I Tonng Girl Reared in Luxnrjr Now
Makes Her Home in a Freight Car,
j While Her Husband Works Upward
as a Railroader.
"Love in a Box Car" is the title of the
romantic drama iu real life which is
now occupying the attention of Kansas
people. Fort Scott has had thrilling
I melodramas at the town opera house,
but none to compare in interest with
I the Hammond-Barrett '-Love in a Bos
j Car."
I Briefly it Is the story of young Char-
ley Hammond, who married a Miss
j Barrett, only daughter of a millionaire
! mine owner of Butte. Mont. Hammond
j Is the son of R. R. Hammond, general
superintendent of the Fort Scott and
Memphis Railroad. The couple mar
ried without the consent of anybody
who holds the Barrett-Hammond for
tunes in charge. They are now living
happily in box car No. 12,118, and Ham
mond is boss of a work train on the
Memphis road.
"Hammond'U rise," say the men on
the road. "He's got the grit and he's
got the knack." And young Ham
mond Is working with the vim of a man
who has made up his mind to succeed.
He Is alert to the possibilities of his
job, and has already won one promo
tion. Meanwhile the families of both frown
on the young people, and there is every
evidence that Hammond will need all
his pluck and his courage. Mrs. Ham
mond wears a trousseau made in Paris,
reads the latest novels, and haughtily
refuses to return the calls of the aris
tocracy of Fort Scott. Hitherto she
has had only to wish for things, and if
money could buy them they were hers.
The box car in which the Hammonds
are living has seen hard service. A
coat of dull red paint has served to con
ceal some of its scars and patches. The
floor is covered with 25-cent matting
in the drawing-room end, and 20-cent
oilcloth on the kitchen and dining-room
end. The dainty slippers of Mrs. Ham
mond, so used to heavy velvet carpets,
now "tap, tap" across floor covering
5 mas EM I'Tfri iT g TT1 rrir ' - - MTffg-Wllf .,1
costing precisely $6.70, made, fitted and
laid on the floor.
Story of Romantic Marriage.
The Hammonds were married at a
fashionable hotel in Hot Springs, Ark.
He was 24, gay, jolly and thoughtless,
depending upon the generosity of a
wealthy father to keep the wolf out of
the front yard. She was 20, pretty, im
petuous and self-willed. They had met
at Hot Springs just a year before. She
was staying then at the Park Hotel
with her parents, dazzling everybody
with her exquisite toilets and superb
jewels, the gifts of her devoted father.
Young Hammond was then recovering
from an injury sustained in a runaway
while employed as an operator at a
small Missouri town on his father's
railroad. His father had put him there
to "tone him down," he said. He began
paying attentions to Miss Barrett, but
his advances were not encouraged by
her family. They snubbed him and
made their objections very plain. Ham
mond laughed and said that he was
courting the girl and not the family.
If it came to a question of money and
position the Hammonds did very well,
he thought, probably as well as the
Miss Barrett alone failed to share the
prejudices of her family. Young Ham
mond was handsome and clever and
athletic, and she fell in love with him.
The family finally consented to the
match and the bride's trousseau was
ordered from Paris by cable. Prepara
tions were made for an elaborate wed
ding and the fashionable society of Hot
Springs was bidden to the affair. A
few days before the date set for the
wedding young Hammond quarreled
with the Barretts, and rumor had It
that the match was broken off. But It
was not only the fashionable cere
mony was dispensed with. The young
people went to another hotel, and it is
said were married in defiance of pater
nal authority. At first the couple took
up their residence at Kansas City and
spent a few weeks there. Then mat
ters began to look dubious. Bread and
cheese and kisses are all right for late
suppers, but palates accustomed to
filets mignons, French peas, and straw
berry shotcake crave heartier proven
der. Kansas City wondered what
would happen, when one day young
Hammond disappeared. There was
talk of reconciliations, and next he ap
peared in the garb of a practical rail
road man as straw boss of a section
gang in the yards at Fort Scott.
To the further astonishment of the
400 of Kansas City and Fort Scott, Mrs.
Hammond accompanied her husband.
They took apartments in a fashionable
quarter, went to the theater and social
functions of various sorts evenings,
while the young husband, in working
clothes and broad-rimmed laborer's hat,
honestly worked all day. Nobody wore
such costly costumes as the wife of the
section hand of the Kansas City, Fort
Scott and Memphis Railroad Company,
and at afternoon teas, receptions and
card clubs the devotion of the Ham
monds was the popular theme for
weeks. Many women of the highest
standing called upon Mrs. Hammond,
but she, through entbarrassmeut or ec
centricity, acknowledged few of these
attentions. Mrs. Hammond appeared
to be under the wing of a social leader
of the town, and in response to her
kindly suggestions a half-dzen young
women of Fort Scott's upper crus;
called one day on the bride at her hotel.
She was lounging in one of her ex
quisite Paris tea gowns and reading
the latest novels. She sent down word
that she was "too weary to see any
body." Since then the upper-crust
young women who called have had a
tired feeling at the mention of young
Mrs. Hammond.
While this was apparently merely a
caprice, it created a sensation locally,
and the recent announcement in one of
the newspapers that the Hammonds
had gone to live in a box car was grati
fying in the extreme to those who felt
The box car runs over the division be
tween Fort Scott and Memphis wher
evet there is any repairing to be done.
The Hammonds' meals are furnished
by the regular cook with the work
train, and are very plain. Hammond,
however, seems cheerful and indus
trious. His young wife holds her head
high, wears her imported gowns, reads
the latest novels, and only to her inti
mates says from her heart: "We mar
ried for love, you know."
From section boss ycting Hammond
has already risen to the management of
a train of thirty men. Promotion did
not bring more extravagant habits. The
Hammonds still live in the car and are
apparently contented.
Webster Did Not Propose to Square His
Account a Fourth Time.
Daniel Webster was notoriously care
less in business matters. He did not
seem to know the value of money, and
scattered it about with a lavish hand
when he had it and borrowed it when
he could. An incident illustrating the
tlrst mentioned trait of his is related.
On one occasion a man presented a bill
to him for payment.
"Why," said Webster, "I have paid
that bill before."
The neighbor assured-tim that he
was mistaken.
"All right, then; call again in the
morning and I will settle with you."
As soon as the man was gone Web
ster called his sou Fletcher and told
him to look over his papers and see if
he could not find a receipted bill. To the
surprise of both, two receipted bills
were found, showing that the bill had
been paid twice. Webster put the re
ceipts in his pocket and said nothing.
In the morning the neighbor returned
for the money. Webster took his seat
under the old elm and ordered Wright
to bring out the decanter. Filling the
glass to the brim, he handed it to the
man and told him to drink. Webster
then began:
"Mr. Blank, do you keep books?"
The man assured him that he did not.
"Then I would advise you to do so,"
said Webster, and, pulling one of the
receipts from his pocket, handed it to
The man was covered with confusion,
while Webster continued:
"And while you are about it you had
better get a bookkeeper who under
stands double entry!" at the same time
handing him another receipt.
"Now," said Webster, "I am going to
pay this bill just once more, but I as
sure yon upon my word of honor that
I will not pay it the fourth time:"
Queer hevice for Gambling.
"The queerest gambling device that I
ever saw was a check perforator," said
J. H. Irons of the United States mar
shal's office. "I went into a downtown
bank not long ago at the noon hour to
serve a paper on the president. There
was a board meeting on in a back
room. I noticed all of the clerks in, a
bunch playing some game, and I went
over to see what it was. They had one
of those revolving check perforators
with numbers on it from 0 to 9. One
man was spinning and acting as 'bank
er,' while the others were laying bets
on the numbers. They were operating
on the old wheel-of-fortune system. I
got so deeply interested that I forgot
all about the paper I had to serve until
there was a sudden scattering of the
group and a disappearance of the per
forator and the cash on the board. I
turned and saw the president. When
he entered the banking room every
clerk was busy at his desk." Pittsburg
News. . ... ,
Do Just as Well. v
"Now, little Kit, remember you are
not to ask Aunt Kitty for cake the min
ute we get in the house."
Little Kit No, ma; but when we've
been there about five minutes I'm goin'
t' say I'm awful hungry. Indianapolis
A bachelor says that a tyrant is a
woman who fancies herself superior to
her husband and lets her neighbors
know IC
Joslah Flynt, the well-known ex
plorer of traiup life, has collaborated
with Alfred Hodder in the preparation
of a book entitled "The Under World."
Paola Lombroso, who has just pub
lished a book on the "Problem of Hap
piness," is a daughter of Prof. Lom
broso, the criminal anthropologist.
Miss Lombroso disagrees entirely with
the views of her father.
Andrew Lang asserts that novels are
almost if not altogether the only form
of literature that is remunerative now;
nevertheless, he thinks that a new
Froude, Macaulay or Tennyson would
even now find readers.
Albert White Vorse, the new editor
of the transformed Criterion, has writ
ten several stories of Arctic life and
adventure, some of which will soon ap
pear in book form, under the title of
"The Laughter of the Sphinx."
Anne E. Holdsworth, who makes a
specialty of pathetic and tragic stories,
has depicted invalid life in the German
Alps, in a novel called "The Valley of
the Great Shadow." It follows the
motif of "Ships that Pass in the Night."
It is reported that an American pa
per once contained this announcement:
"Mr. Browning has declined to furnish
us with a poem in exchange for a thou
sand dollars. We find ourselves more
than ever unable to understand Mr.
Herbert Spencer has completed his
autobiography, but it is not to be pub
lished until after his death. It Is prob
ably not all serious and philosophical,
for among the author's possessions is
an excellent sense of humor, and he
tells a good story and loves to hear one.
Among the autograph manuscripts to
be disposed of in the forthcoming sale
of the Peel library are four pages from
Dr. Johnson's memorandum book, con
taining prayers, meditations and reso
lutions. "My resolutions are: To con
quer scruples. To read the Bible this
year. To try and rise more early. To
study divinity. To live methodically.
To oppose idleness. To frequent divine
Inability of the attesting witnesses to
a will to remember the facts stated in
the attestation clause is held, in re
Thompson (111.) 45 L. R. A. 682, to be
insufficient to prevent the probate of
the will, if the signatures of testator
and the witnesses are proved and there
is nothing to disprove the recitals In
the attestation clause.
Right of the legislature to authorize
taxation for the purpose of making
gifts or paying gratuities to private in
dividuals is denied in Bush vs. board
of supervisors of Orange County (N.
Y.), 45 L. R. A. 656, In case of an at
tempt to raise money by taxation to be
paid to drafted men for services in the
civil war or for commutation money
paid by them.
A subcontractor who has agreed with
the contractor to carry mails in accord
ance with a contract between the Unit
ed States and the contractor, in which
the latter assumes liability to any per
son aggrieved by his default, is held,
In Lawton vs. Chilton (Wis.), 45 L. R.
A. 616, to have no liability upon the
contract to a postal employe for per
sonal injuries caused by the subcon
tractor's negligence, though a liability
in tort may exist.
Extent of the territorial limits of a
municipality being a matter of legisla
tive discretion which is not subject to
judicial revision, it is held, in Kimball
vs. Grantsville City (Utah), 45 L. R. A.
628, overruling a prior decision, that
the collection of taxes on property
within the city limits cannot be re
strained on the ground that the proper
ty was outside the range of municipal
benefits and therefore not subject to
municipal taxation. . i
Served Him Right.
He carefully prepared the small gar
den plot, while his wife, deeply Inter
ested in his labor, stood watching him.
After he had put in the seeds and"
smoothed over the bed, his wife took
his arm to accompany him to the
house, and on the way she asked:
"When will the seeds come up,
Laying his hand caressingly on her
shoulder, the smart man said:
"I don't expect them to come up at
all, my dear."
"You don't!" she exclaimed. "Then
why have you gone to all that trou
ble?" With a smile that springs from su
perior knowledge, he answered: "The
seeds won't come up, but the plants
and flowers will, by and' by." - ,
Yet he was wrong; for his neigh
bor's hens got into his garden, and the
seeds did come up. Collier's Weekly.
Passing of the Old Maid.
The old maid of the past sour, scandal-loving,
sharp of temper and of fea
tures is now almost an unknown
quantity. The unmarried woman of
to-day who has passed her twenties is
cheery, active, busy, and useful. Gen
erally she is in business or has some
special art, profession or accomplish
ment to which she devotes herself.
Anyway, she is not idle. She finds
many things to employ her hands and
brains. She has little' time for gossip
and less inclination. Culture and occu
pation have broadened her nature and
given her charity and wisdom. Macon
Telegraph. . V
A Glib Witness.
A female witness, possessed of a rich
brogue, was on the stand in Judge
Donovan's' court the other day. Her
tongue moved so rapidly in the narra
tion of her story that her words were
quite unintelligible. Finally the court
"Hold on! Not so fast! Not so fasti
This man (pointing to the court stenog
rapher) can write about 300 words a
minute, but you are going at the rate of
400. Give hiin a chance to catch up."
"Arrah, why dun't yez git a good
man, Jedge? What does yez kape a
slow skate fur, at all?" was the ready
retort Detroit Free Pres. -
Early Egyptian Laborers Were the
First to Inaugurate Them.
It Is often asserted that the labor
itrike as such does not date back fur
;her than Capt. Boycott, in the early
part of the century. As a matter of
tact the earliest strike dates back to
ibout 1450 B. C, or upward of thirty-
three centuries ago. Pharaoh was
building a new .temple of Thebes. The
masons received very little cash, but a
quantity of provisions, which the con
tractors thought sufficient, was handed
to them oh the first of each month.
Sufficient or not, they mostly ate it be
fore the time had elapsed. On one oc
casion many of them had nothing left
quite early in the month, so they
marched to the contractor's house, be
fore which they squatted and refused
to budge until justice was done. The
contractor persuaded them to lay their
Distress before Pharaoh, who was
about to visit the works, and he gave
them a handsome supply of corn, and
so all went well for that month.
But the same state of things recurred
by the middle of the next and for some
lays the men struck work. Various
conferences took place, but the men
ieclined to do a stroke until they were
given another supply of food. They
declared the clerks cheated them, used
false weights and so forth, familiar
enough complaints in this country un
der the truck system. The contractor
not complying with their demands,
they marched to the governor of the
city to lay their grievances before him,
and he tried to get them to return to
work by smooth words, but that was
no use and they insisted on having
food. At last, to get rid of them, he
drew up an order for corn on the public
granary and the strike was at an end.
Collier's Weekly. .- f:
Scbool for Paris Cabbies.
There are coachmen and coachmen,
the newest type being the conductor of
the automatic car. The city of Paris
secures his proper training at Auber
villiers, where the Compaguie General
des Voltures has its school. A circular
track of 700 meters in extent serves as
the training ground. It is what the
French call accidente in one place flat
and macadamized, elsewhere gently
sloping upward, or falling in abrupt
descent; here paved with wood, and
there with stones, while a little further
on the road is "up," and sand heaps,
loose bricks and broken glass threaten
the tyro and the tire. The wayfarers
who are dotted along the route must be
"humored and not druv." Fortunately,
they are not flesh and blood. They are
merely metal dummies propped up by
a stick from behind and ready to fall
at a touch. Each figure presents the
familiar personalities of the Paris
streets bourgeois, soldiers, scorchers.
Tommy playing marbles, and the cur
that goes for every wheel. There also
are nurse, baby and go-cart The cast
iron baby shows complete indifference,
which also is true to life. The track of
Aubervilliers is nothing if not realistic.
-Fall Mall Gazette.
Barrister and Solicitor.
Lawyers in England are divided into
two great classes counsellors or bar
risters, and attorneys or solicitors. The
counsellors or barristers, as these terms
Imply, confine themselves to the actual
trial and argument of cases in open
court, and to consultations with attor
neys or solicitors who represent the
clients. It is contrary to professional
etiquette for a barrister to confer or
consult directly with his client. The
attorneys, or solicitors, as they are all
now styled, see the client, take his
statement, gather the facts, and put it
all down in writing in what is called
"the brief." The brief is then handed
by the solicitor to the barrister, with
his retaining fee, and thereupon the
barrister and solicitor confer; the bar
rister gives his advice and opinion, and
if the case goes to trial he does all the
work in court, such as examining and
cross-examining witnesses, and argu
ing or summing up the case before the
court or jury. The solicitor does not
speak in court at all.
Clay Images Are Worshiped.
The effete religious systems and idol
atrous practices of China represent an
annual expenditure of $400,000,000.
There are 4,000,000 deities, 300,000 tem
ples. Some temples are served by a
hundred priests. These men are illiter
ate, and often from the very scum of
society. About 70,000 pigs, rabbits,
sheep and deer, and 27,000 pieces of
costly silk are annually offered at the
They worship clay images of men,
dogs, turtles, snakes, lizards and in
sects. The people live in dread of evil
spirits, which are supposed to cause
disease and calamity. They propitiate
the evil spirits rather than pray to the
good, having a belief in the cruelty and
heartlessness of the gods.
Oldest Manufacturing Industry.
The oldest manufacturing industry in
Great Britain is that of flints and flint
locks, which has been carried on since
the beginning of the fifteenth century,
If not farther back still, at the Ling
heath mines, Brandon, on the borders
of Norfolk and Suffolk. The flints are
all made by hand, being placed on the
operator's knee and chipped with a
hammer to the proper shape. Oi
course, a number of. these flints ar
used for fire-making, being principally
used in countries like Spain and Italy,
where the duties on ordinary matches
and wax matches are so high as to con
vert them into luxuries.
On the Wane.
Horse racing in Russia is on the
wane now that the reindeer has been
Introduced as the rival of the horse.
The reindeer is among the swiftest of
quadrupeds, and can outstrip the
swiftest of horses. It is estimated that
he could give the fleetest Derby win
ner a start of half a mile and beat him
easily over the Derby race track.
Snowstorm Started a Fire.
A snowstorm started a fire on the
premises of a farmer living at Hebu
terne, Belgium. He placed a quantity
of quicklime near a shed on a farm
and left it there all night. In the course
of the night snow fell onto 'the lime
and the heat thus developed became so
great that It set the shed on fire, com
pletely destroying it and Its contents.
A superstitions individual saya it la
a bad sign to write another man's nam
on a aote. ,
VIK- Fitness at Things.
"See, the sheriff is asleep," said the
first convict. "Let us jump from the
train." WS'G1
"No, we cannot jump now," object
ed the second convict. "The train is
not yet running 60 miles an hour."
This shows that even the criminal
classes read the newspapers, and have
an idea of the propriety of conforming
to conventionalities.
Cod Is There.
iry to realize God's presence; the
realizing it ever so little has a wonder
fully soothing and calming influence
on the heart. Say secretly: "The
Lord is in His holy temple (His tem
ple of the inner man); keep silence, O
my heart, before Him." The mind
wants steadying many times a day.
World to End This Year.
This is the recent decision of one of the
societies of the world, and while there are
few people who believe this prediction,
there are thousands of others who not only
believe, but know that Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters will cure dyspepsia, indiges
tion, constipation or liver and kidney trou
bles. A trial will certainly convince.
Potato salad is much more savory if
mixed with the salad dressing while
hot. f
Xo More Cannon Ball Pills.
frtience has retired the pill. A toothsome,
frajrrant, medicated tablet fills the need of the
horir Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Druggists,
10c, 25c, 50c. 'i-
"And now, child j en," said the
teacher, who had been talking about
military fortifications, "can any of you
tell me what is a buttress?" "Please,
ma'am," cried little Willie, snapping
his fingers, "it's a nanny goatl"
The recent fad for perfumed beds has
gained great popularity. The perfum
ing is managed by spreading a cotton
pad, thoroughly sach'eted, beneath the
lower sheet. By this one's bed can be
made to seem stuffed with roses or
"So there," said Mrs. Henpeck, con
cluding her remarks, " 'A word to the
wise is sufficient.' " "Yes, my
dear," replied Henpeck, "and to the
average married man a word in edge
wise is sufficient."
"Gracious! That's a disreputable
looking umbrella you are carrying."
"Yes; if I were Markey I'd be ashamed
to own such a thing." "Ol It's his,
eh?" "Yes. I borrowed it from him
about a year ago."
"No, he hasn't proposed yet!"
sighed Genevieve. We suggested that
the fellow doubtless knew when he was
well off. "No, I suspect the trouble
is he doesn't know when I'm well off,
the way papa is plunging into pork!"
said the beautiful girl, with a sad
smile. Ah, love was indeed a great
(The Famous German Wood Preserver)
0 One application is all that is required". It lasts for years. If
yout dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing; agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle,
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn Sc
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Made of the Best Materials, thorounly seasoned, by competent workmen. It star
aithout an equal. Call on our Agent, or address
320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon
Are the best that can be made. Nothing
is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon,
because it is made of the best material
by experienced workmen which, cou
pled with 65 years' experience in building
wagons, during which time the manu
facturers have had but one aim, and that
to produce the best possible to build, is a
guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell
Send for circular.
Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnville,
Medford and La Grande.
Mention this paper. 15'"
In OHIO wbo had hare-
ly made expenses wltb a
ebea Well Drtllin Out
fit took our adTlce and
bouxtit One of our mod
ern and rl-cli.....
Well Machines,
ind did T.OOO worth of drilllnr with It last year.
f hero are meti wbo rt use to takopood advice when
it is offered lliem on n silver P'atij! Ciruijjrjfree.
..OOM5S & s v m a y . -, qjtgriM. ohio.
Here's a Proposition
Isn't it reasonable to suppose that a firm of
30 years experience could tell you the best way
to'get jroosl value for your money? If you are
making improvements in your house, or build
ing a new bouse, no matter bow small or large
ihe sum vou wish to spend iu electrical or gas
lixtures, 'fireplaces, mantel furniture, etc., you
will save monev and be well suited if you con
sult THK JOHN BAIIHETT CO., 1 'irat
Street, Portland, Oregon.
Cnn find quick and permanent relief
for serious and siren;;th destroying
troubles iu r -
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thousands have used it and thousands
now praise it. I; cures permanently. Jl
per bottle at your druggist's.
Wrie UNA HAN KCIlOlxil
BICKF0R". Washington. 0. C. they will re
ceive uuick replies. B. oth V H. Vols, btafl
auih Cor pa. Prosecuting claims since 1878. .
The Purest
and Best
Articles known to medical science are nsed
in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every
ingredient is carefully selected, person
ally examined, and only the best retained.
It is prepared by a combination, propor
tion and process peculiar to itself and
known to no other medicine, and by which
the full medicinal power of all ingredients
used is retained. It cures wheti a cure is
possible. Get only Hood's, because
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Best Medicine Monev Can Buv.
White grapes, asparagus ;tips and
English walnuts, with whipped cream
dressing, make a novel and dainty
salad. - -.5s-f ' ".
1 am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago. Mrs. Tuna.
Robbers, Maple Street, Norwich, .N.' Y.,
Feb. 17, 1900.
A substituted forefinger was shown
by a Koenigsberg doctor at a surgical
congress in Berlin. He had cut off
the patients second toe and sewed it to
the stump of the missing finger.
Primary union followed, and the new
finger could be moved by its owner.
Mothers will find 51 rs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thf'T
ahildren during the teething period.
There is more need of common sense
in culinary science than is ordinarily
supposed, for we cannot become a
strong people mentally unless onr phys
ical beings are well nourished.
Minister Now, little girl, you want
to he a Christian,, don't you? Ethel
No sir, I'd rather sing in the choir.
Girls employed in the crepe manufac
ture are under a curious contract not
to engage in any housework after their
hours of labor. The reason is lest their
hands should become coarse and unfit
ted for the delicate nature of their em
ployment. "How is it that Crimper did not
have a penny last year, and now he is
assessed on $25,000 worth of property?"
"None of his daughters had to nrenara
for graduation this summer."
Magnetic Character.
While there is any iron of true man
liness in the soul of man, he must feel
the magnetic attraction of the charac
ter of Jesus. But let that true metal
be eaten out by the corroding acids of
world liness, or rnsted out by the airs
of. careless self-indulgence, and there
will be a power of response iu the poor
clay of man's completed earthiness.
Therefore it is that Christ takes the
hammer and the fire that we may be
rid of the clay, not robbed of the iron,
and, putting His own power in us,
would make us in our measure magnets
like himself.
Wagon, you get the best that can be made.
your vicinity, we will sell to you direct.
Dayton's Fly Killer
Used a few minutes even
ings, will rid your house
of Flies and Mosquitoes.
No mark or stain left on
the ceilings or walls
Works like magic: Price '
25 cents. Write for book;
let. Dayton Hardware:
Co., I'ortland, Oregon.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure 8!c Headache ami Dys
pepsia, licino-- e I'imples, Purify tbo Blood, Aid Diges
tion, Prevent Biliousness. 1 net Gripe or Siefeen. To
cortvlneo yni. will uia.1! samp efree;fuUbox,2Jc DR
BOSANKC CO., Philadelphia, Pa, b;;ld by Drugglata,
ill mail you a pair of our
We win mail von a nalr
81 gold spectacles or eyeglasses
and case, warranted ten years,
with onr eve-testinlr 3UchiM.
Glasses warranted to Ut your eyes or money refunded,
rtur iriijwi will rpmanpntlT cure hen.iache. nnrvous-
ness-, mflaraed eyes, styes, astigmatism, tnke wrinkles
out oi yonr race, cross eyes maae to see Hnivai. wan
references. CafcM, gfiSjE 38 Hoyt St., jjggsjgg
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, .
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. n. r. N. c.
So. 31 18O0.
WHKX writing; to advertisers please
mention this paper. i
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