Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 20, 1900, Image 2

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FRIDAY. JULY 20, 1900.
Professor Cordley, entomolo-1
gist at the Oregon Experiment!
Station, has determined tnat tne
specimens of insects sent to the
station by a Lewisville, VVasli.,
wheatraiser, are the true Hessian
fly. ' 'This is the principal wheat
pest of the world," says Prof.
Cordley, ' 'one that is estimated
to destroy annually not less than
40,000,000 bushels of wheat in
the United States alone, but one
which has hitherto attracted no
attention in the Pacific North
west. "It is supposed to be of Euro
pean origin and to have been in
troduced into the United States
in straw which was brought by
Hessian troops. It has since
spread over practically all
the wiuter wheat regions of the
world, reaching California in
1884, and Oregon very near the
close of the century.
"It has obtained a firm foot
hold in the nery midst of the ex
tensive wheat-growings sections
of Western Washington and Ore
gon, and in view of the fact that
our system of extensive farming
with wheat is particularly favor
able to the development of this
pest, we may expect it to spread
rapidly and in the near future to
exact a heavy tribute from the
wheat-growers of this region.
"No. methods have been found
whereby this insect can be held
in check by application of insecti
cides. Reliance must be placed
wholly upon the practice of such
agricultural methods as are least
favorable to the development of
the insect. Among these may
be mentioned cutting the wheat
high and burning the stubble
immediately after harvest, the
destruction of all volunteer wheat
that starts during the summer
months by harrowiug and plow
ing, that there may be no plants
in which the supplemental spring
brood of flies can develop; early
sowing of strips through the
field to wheat which is later to
be plowed under, this to be fol
lowed by late sowing of the main
crop; rotation of crops."
Prof. Cordley does not view
with alarm the spread of this in
sect pest, but sees in it, rather, a
blessing in disguise, for he wise
ly says, in conclusion :
"The last method mentioned
will undoubtedly prove one of
the most important. In fact, if
the Hessian fly shall prove a
means of breaking up our exten
sive wheat fields and converting
them into fields of clover,
Tetch ad various other
crops, it will add not only to the
revenues of the state at large,
but of the wheatgrower himself. ' '
Speaking of the O A C the
La Grande Observer says: "This
chool occupies a field of its own
and the fact that its enrollment
is constantly increasing is con
clusive proof that the advantages
here offered are becoming gen
erally known. This is the only
school in the state where a prac
tical education can be obtained
and where a student can secure
industrial training. Aside from
other liites of education he can
become a competent mechanic,
civil engineer, electrician, chem
ist, dairyman, farmer and many
other trades, as we have in the
past made frequent mention.
Union oounty has sent several
students to this school, all of
whom have only praise for the
advantages there presented as
well as the capable managers
and instructors at its head. ' '
Taxes rolled in heavily at the
sheriffs office' Wednesday, over
$1,500 being paid to that officer.
Tne delinquent list tms year
will be the smallest in years.
When the money is paid over to
the county treasurer, warrants
can be paid up to about Febru
ary, 1900, leaving the county
practically out of debt. These
are arguments in favor of the
improved financial condition of
the country.
The general moving about ot
merchants into larger and im
proved quarters; the addition to
the number of our business
houses, and the great revival in
building, show the improved
business conditions of the coun
try and manifest an abiding con
fidence in republican legislation
to continue itso.
When in congress in
Stevenson voted for free
and against the retirement of
greenbacks, and yet it ts claimed
he was nominated for vice-president
as a concession to the gold
Ex-Senator H. W. Coibett has
aunouncRd himself a candidate
for election to the United States
The Fourteenth Regiment, or-
Idered to China, was formerly
stationed at Vancouver, Wash,
Whereas it has pleased the Su
preme Ruler to enter the home of
our esteemed neighbor, James W.
Larkin, Monroe Camp, No. 493,
Woodmen of the World, kas lost a
faithful neighbor and his family a
loving husband and kind father.
Therefore, be it resolved, that we,
the neighbors of Monroe Camp, ex
tend our heart-felt sympathy to our
neighbor's sorrowing wife and chil
dren, and be it further resolved,
that as a token of our regard for
our deceased neighbor our charter
be draped for thirty days and that
a copy of these resolutions bespread
upon the camp minutes and a copy
thereof sent to the bereaved family
and to the Pacific Woodmen"
Fraternally submitted in L. H. R.
R. H. Yates,
Jas. F. Phattts,
George Rickard,
Monroe, Or., July 14, 1900.
Wheat Aphis.
Yesterday, J A Klakenshid, who
has a forty-acre wheat field in Polk
count', about two miles from this
city, brought in the Statesman
office a groen worm about three
fourths of an inch long. He says
his wheat is literally covered with
the green aphis. The first of the
week this worm appeared and on
Tuesday he counted ten on a patch
of wheat four feet square. Yester
day they appeared to be on every
other head of wheat. They seem to
be the thickest near the timber and
are increasing very rapidly. It
to lies about two hours to clean all
the aphis from one head of wheat.
One of the worms sent to Prof A D
Cordley, Corvallis, Oregon, for ex
amination. The Statesman awaits
with interest his report upon it.
Salem Statesman.
Real Estate Transfers.
J B Goodman to L H Hawley et
al, 2 acres for M E church, 2 miles
south of Dusty; con, $50.
Kate Starr and husband to Adam
Wilhelm, 4 lots in Monroe; con, $80.
Martha A Carter to John Tom
liuson, 74 acies near Wells; con, $1.
The last mentioned deed was
made to correct an error in a de
scription in deed made by Tolbert
Carter and wife in April 26, 1857.
Letter List.
For week ending Jul v 14. 1900:
Edward Barber, Joe Caskey, Miss
Mannie Grant, Gorham & Roth
child, Mrs E S Heckart, John Ham
ilton, M Skiff Morrison, Johnny
Sapp, R A Wells and Daisy Woods.
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
Ko-nut for sale at Zierolfs ;
nomical than lard.
more eco-
About May 10th, a gray mare, 12 years
old ; weight about 1300 pounds. Finder
please report at this office, or return to
C. A. Woods.
J. C. Kennedy. Roanoke. Tenn.. savs.
"I cannot sav too much for TlnWitt.'a
Witch Hazel Salve. One box cured what
they called an incurable ulcer on nay jaw."
Cures all piles and skin diseases. Look
out for worthless imitations. Graham &
To Exchange.
Property in Corvallis and vicinity for
rortland property. For particulars ad
dress Box 77, Portland, Oregon.
Milch Cows for Sale.
Two Jerseys, one Holstein, one
ham. For particulars nridrpas
J. H. Edwards,
Dusty, Or.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. E. R.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber ol first-class timber claims to betaken
up under the timber or homestead acts.
Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests trie food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latestdiscovered digest
ant and tonic. Mb other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. Tt. in.
stantly relieves and permanently onres
iia. Inni?psf inn TTaq rfVin
fafojence, Sonr Stomach, Nausea'
SickHeadaefte, Gastralgia.Cramps.and
ail other results of f njperf eGt digestion.
Prepared by E. C. De Witt Co. Chicago.
Crahajn Weirs
Soft White Hands
Luxuriant Hair
Produced by
The most effective skin purifying and beauti
fying soap in the world, as well as purest and
sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. The
only preventive of pimples, blackheads, red,
rough, and oily skin, red, rough hands with
itching palms and shapeless nails, dry, thin,
and falling hair, and simple baby blemishes,
because the only preventive of the cause, viz.,
inflammation and clogging of the Pores.
Sold evervwherc PottheTV C.Cobp., Prop.. Bos
ton. How to llftve Beautiful Skill, Hands, and Hair, free.
Shirt waists, crash skirts and j
crash suits at 20 per cent discount.
Some men s suits at half-price at
Ko-nut, the purest, sweetest, most
healthful cooking material made; cal! for
it at Zierolf's.
For Sale.
Clean, bright stock of Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods and Fancy Goods. Address
Box 415, Corvallis, Oregon.
Mid-Summer Reduction Sale.
Shirt waists, crash skirts and
crash suits at 20 per cent discount.
Some men. s suits at half-price at
Jerseys for Sale.
For Sale One of the finest Jersey
bulls, full blood, born last July,
solid color, gentle and kind, will
register in the A. J. C. C.
Oi.e very fine full-blood Jersey
bull solid color, prominently mark
ed, gentle and kind, born JuDe 18,
1899. His mother tested 64 per
cent, butter fat. Will register in
the P. C. C C.
Two nice full-blood Jersey heif
ers, solid color, well marked, about
15 months old, gentle and kind,
registered in the A. J. C. C. Par
ties wanting fine registered Jersey
stock will miss a rare chance if they
fail to investigate this opportunity
to get fine Jerseys.
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis, Ore.
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
finest pills I ever used.'' D. J. Moore,
Millbrook, Ala. They quickly cure all
liver and bowel trouble. Graham &
New Train Service.
The new train service on the Corvallis
& Eastern should prove satisfactory to
the citizens of Corvallis. The train now
leaves Corvallis daily except Sunday at,
6 a. in. and returning leaves Albany at
1 :20 p. m, arriving in Corvallis at 8:05.
It connects both ways with the Portland
local at Albany, permitting the round
trip to be made in a day giving six hours
in Portland.
The easiest and most effective method
of purifying the blood and invigorating
the system is to take DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
cleansing the liver and bowels. Graham
& Wells.
Notice of Appointment of Adraia st'r.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed by the county court of
Beuton county. Oregon, administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of Francis I,. Such,
deceased; and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
pre-eut the same with the proper vouchers
to the undersigned at the residence of Thomas
Daniels in Benton county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated thfs 14th day of Jniv, 1900.
PERCY K. KELLY, Administrator.
Kelly & Curl, Atty's for Administrator.
For Sale or Exchange.
Four lots, improved, in Avery's Add.
to Corvallis, for sale; or will exchange
tor small stock rancli . For further par
ticulars enquire of U. G. Bessy,
Peoria, Oregon.
Wall for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked "not paid for- want of funds'' np
to and including those of November 30,
1899. Interest will be stopped on same
from this date.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer of Benton Co . , Or.
Corvallis, July 14, 1900.
Notice of
Executor's Sale of Real
To Whom It Mav Concern; Rv
order ol the coumy court of Marion county
Oregon, daly made and entered, the under
signed executor of the estate of ; .1 umt..
deceased, late of Marlon county, Oregon, will'
receive bids for the interest of said estate in
and to the following described lands, towif
vi.iiu tr hi lotviiMJip i, eouih oi ranrro 5
west of the Willamette Meridian
at the southeast corner of said claim, ruuninic
thence north no decrees and 24 minmu ?,
69.90 chains; thence west 16.62 chains; thence
south no degrees 24 minutes east G0:S3 chains
to the FOUfh boundnrv lino nf .-n;.l
thence north 89 degrees 15 minutes east to the
place of beginning, containing 100 acres of m cniuu county, uregon.
Terms of sale to be cash in hand on the date
of the confirmation of said sale by the said
county court, and that Irom and after the 23rd
day oi June. 1900. that km ov..nm,.k.
cod to sell said real estate at priyate sale ; said
wiua w ue uuuroEcu lu my attorney, w . H
Holmes, nt his office on Commercial Street In
Salem, Alarion county, Oregen. The said bids
will be received up to and including the -ilrd
day of June, 1900, MILES LEWIS.
Lxecutor of the Estate of C. J. Mulkev Dee'dV
Dated this 18th day of Maj , 1900.
W. H. Mussar, Millheim, Pa., saved
the life of bis little girl by given her One
Minute Cough Cure when she was dyins?
from croup. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results.
It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grippe, asthma and all throat and lnng
trouble. Graham & Welle.
Remnant Sale.
A quantyty of remnants have accumulated during the past
three mouths. There are remnants of Silks, Satins, White Goods,
Wash Dress Goods, Woolen Dress Goods, Table Linens, Towel
ings, Muslins, Curtain Nets, Skirtings, Ginghams, Prints, Sheet
ings, Tickings, Shirtings, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Etc.
The lengths and prices are marked in plain figures on each piece.
will be sold
Our Premium Dishes have
I Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
I Pioneer Baker
Fresh bread, daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
For catalogue containing full
W. A. HAnn, sec. or racuiiy.
For Sale.
We have now on hand the finest and
most complete stock of finish lumber and
the best grade of flooring, rustic, etc.,
ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts
in any quantity.
Corvallis Sawmill Company .
J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Cros
by Minn., makes the following state
ment: "lean certify that One Minute
Cough Cure will do all that is claimed
for it. My wife could not get her breath
and the first dose relieved her. It baa
also benefitted my whole family." It
acts immediately and cures coughs, colds,
croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and aU
throat and lung troubles. Graham &
Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one-
nalt more lor your iron tnan any junt
dealer. We are ready to do repair work
of any kind, at any time. Patronize us.
Bring roar old iron and get your mooey.
Thk Foundry, Corvallis, Or.
"After suffering frem severe dyspepsia
oyer 12 years and using inanv remedies
without permanent good 1 nnauy iook
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so
much good I recommend it to everyone,"
writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Record
er, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you
eat. Giaham & Wells.
Get your Job Work done here
regardless of cost.;
arrived. Present your cupons.
State Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 18th.
The students of the Normal School are
prepared to take the State Certificate imme
diately. t.raauates readily secure gooa positions.
Expense of year from 120 to tfi50.
Strong Academic and Professional courses
New Special Department in Manual
Training. Well equiuped Training Depart
ment announcements, address
r, L.VAinrDBLi, rnaium.
Magnolia Laundry.
We respectfully solicit your patronage.
Our agent will call at anv address for
laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays, and
deliver on Saturday!. Strict attention
given family washing. All work guaran
teed first-class. Give us a trial.
I. It. Daniel,
Local Train Service.
Beginning July 2nd there will be a lo
cal train lea vine; Corvallis at 8 a. m.
for Albany ; returning, leaves Albany at
7 :20 p. m. for Corvallis, arriving here at
8:05. This train connects at Albany
with S. P. Albany and Portland local.
Daily, except Sunday,
Mller The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer
of the Willamette valley, he carries a full
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headqnaretrs for wheel
men. Pay him a visit.
For Sale.
260 acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and tbe Belknap settle
ment oa the east. Also ISO acre farm,
good cultivating land: Address
M. 8. Woodcock,
Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon'.
Oregon) (short) M
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
ine union racinc Fast Mail Line, or
the Ri Grande Scenie Lines.
Look at the Time . .
yi days to Salt Lake
2 4 days to Denver
3 Yi days to Chicago
days to New York
Fret Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered
Tourist Sleeping Cars, and
Palace Sleepers, operated on all
For further infonuation, applyte
GEO. F. EGIJif, Agent, Corvallis, Or.
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent.
124 third St., Boitland, Or.
Onion Laundry Go.,
All white labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdays sue arrives
Saturdays. J. D. MANN, Agent,
Second-Hand Store.
Dentistry of every description done in first
class manu?r, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf's grocery Store, opposite
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon.
Physician 8p Surgeon
Office over Allen & Woodward's drusl are
1 in -. .
Office Hours JY""
I to 4 p. m .
Residence : Corner 5th and Adams, west
of Catholic church.
Telephone at office and residence.
CorvaHis, - Oregon.
Physician, Surgeon
Office at residence, 6r2 Madison street.
Graham & Wells drugstore.
Office Hours:? Jo 12 a. m., at drugstore.
i 1 to 4 p. m., at residence.
"I had stomach trouble 20 years and
gave up hope ot being cured till I began
to use Kodol Dyspvpsia cur. It has done
me so mnch good that I call it the savior
of my life," writes W. R. Wilkinson,
Albany, Tenn. It digest wbat you eat.
Graham & Wells.
Notice for Publication.
Unitid 8t4tes Land Offici,
Oregon City, Oregon, June 1Mb. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tha
provisions of the act of Congress of Juna S, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tha
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington I'i'erritory," as extended to all tha Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
Of St. Charles Hotel, Portland, county of Multno
mah, State of Oregon, haa this day filed iu this office
his sworn statement No. 6232, for the purchase of
the SW X ot Section No. 14 in Township Me. 12 S,
Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that
the land aaught is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver oflihis office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
day, the 7th day of September, 1900. He names as
witnesses: Abraham Jones of Portland, Multno
mah Co., Oregon, Rily Smith, of rortland, Mult
nomah Co., Oregon, W. J. Allen, of Philomath, Beu
ton Co., Oregon, Lewis C. 8tone of Valley City.
Barnes Co., N. D.
Any and all persons claming adversely the above
descaibed lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 7th day of September
notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed executor of
the estate of Martha Jane Rice, deceas
ed, by the County Court of the State of
uregon lor .Benton countv. AH uersons
having claims against said estate are re
quired to present the same duly veriBed
to me at my residence ia Kings Valley,
Benton county, Oregen, or at the law
office of . Holgate in Corvallis, Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice.
Dated this 22nd day of June, 1900.
Charles . Rice,
Dc ShiloLW
Couqh and
This ia beyond question the
moat successful Cough Medi
cine ever known to science: a
few dose invariably cure the
worst cases of Couch, Croup
and Bronchitis, while its won
derful success, in the cure of
Consumption is without a par
allel in the history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it has
been sold on a guarantee, a
test which no other medicine
can stand. If you have a
Cough, we earnestly ask you
to try it. In United States and
Canada SSc., 50c. and $1.00, and
in England is. 2d., Its. 3d. and
Sold byGraham fc Wortham.
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland. -8:30 a m 8:30 pm
Ly Albany 12:30 p m 10:50 p m
Ar Ashland 12 :33 a m 1 1 :30 a m
Ar Sacramento- - - 6 :00 pm 4 :3d a in
Ar San Francisco-7:46 p m 9.30 am
Ar Ogden 5 :45 p m 11 :45 a m
Ar Denver 9:00 am 9:00 am
Ar Kansas City.--7 :25 a m 7:26 am
Ar Chicago---" 7:65 am 9:30 am
ArLosAngeles---l:20 p m 7:00 am
ArElPaso--- 6:00 p m 6:00pm
Ar Fort Worth 6 :30 am :S0 a m
Ar City of Mexico 0 :65 am 9 :55 a m
Ar Houston 4 :Q0 a m 4 :00 a m
Ar New Orleans--fl :25 am (:25pn
Ar Washington - -6 :42 a in 6 :42 a m
Ar New York 12:43 pm 12:43 pm
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Ogden and El Paso, and Tourist cars to
Chicago, St Lonis, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines. Central and South
! Sea F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
j station, or address
C. H. MARK HAM. G. P. A.,
! Portland, Or.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, Si.
Louis, Chi ease
and Bast.
1) p. m.
7:00 p.m.
, Walla Walla. Lew
iaton. S p o k a ne,
I Minneapolis, S t.
' l'aul, Dal nth. Mil
'' wauke, Chicago,
i 8
8:4 I a. in.
I 0.w p in
i and Eaut
Ouai SliaftuhiBs i
8 p. m
All sailing dates;
subject to change. !
For San Francisco, j
Bail Due. 3, 8, 13, i
18, 23, 28, & every !
5 days.
1 p. ni.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. at.
10 p. in.
Columbia River
To Astoria & ay-
4 p. m.
Willamette River.
Oregon City, Km
hvrg, Salem, and
6 a. m.
Ex. Sun.
4:30p im.
1 , a. in .
j Tuesday
' Thursdav
Willamette aid Yam
hill Rivers.
3:30 p.m.
Monday '
W ednea
d a v and
4:30 p.m.
W ednea
day and
I and Oregon City, Day-
S aturdsy j ton & Way-land's.
6 a. m.
T uesday,
3' 35 a. m.
Willi itteRifer.
Portland to Corval
lis & Wav-laad'a).
Siiki River.
Riparia to Lewis's.
L ewiaton
8:30 a. m
Local Agent.
Corvallis, Oregon.
a federal and consar vativ banking
i business.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office in Zierolf bulidfug.
Oflee la Wkitshera Blark
W. H. McBrayer and Old Crew Whis
ky, Pine Wines, I. i oners and Cigaae.
Physician Surgeon
JOS. 1. WILSOff.
!:. 13
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office in First Nat ion ai;Bank Building,