Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 29, 1900, Image 1

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UNION tab. Jaly, 18T.
GAZETTE Betab. Dm., IMS.
Consolidated Feb. 1899.
Epitome of th Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Interesting Collection of Items From
the Two Hemispheres Pres 'lit I
In a Condensed Form.
Hunter's advance column occupied
Krugersdorp without opposition on
June 18.
Admiral Schley's squadron, which
has been in quarantine at Montevideo,
has been released.
A Russian admiral was in com
mand of the fleet that bombarded and
destroyed the foits at Taku.
Railway and telegraphic communi
cation between Cape Town and Pre
toira is now completely restored.
Thieves cracked the safe of the Gam
brinns brewery, in Portland, Or., and
escaped with between $600 and $700 in
A young man named Robert Jackson,
of Riddle, Or., accidentally shot him
self while deer hunting. He was in
stantly killed.
By the death of David D. Wells, son
of the late David A. Wells, of Norwich,
Conn., Harvard University is richer
by about $37,000.
After July 1 the office of Indian
agent at Warm Springs, Or., will be
dispensed with, at which time -Agent
James L. Cowan will be dropped.
. Hawaiians have met in convention
at Honolulu and have formed an inde
pendent political party. They have
already begun the fight for statehood.
The statue of Washington presented
to the city of Paris by the Daughters
of the Americen Revolution has arrived
in Paris- The pedestal has already
been prepared, and the unveiling will
take place July 3.
Uniform wages of $2 for nine hours'
work a day is demanded by the line
men working for the Canadian Pacific
Telegraph Company, the Great North
west Telegraph Company, the Canada
Atlantic, the Bell Telephone Company.
Over 200 men have quit work owing
to the refusal of the companies to ac
cede to their, demands.
Assistant Secretary Taylor has ren
dered a decision adverse to the appeal
of James Fitzharris and Joseph Mullet,
from the decision of the immigration
officials at New York, who held them
for deportation on the ground that,
having been convicted of felony in con
nection with the murder of Lord Cav
endish and Thomas Henry Brice, in
Phoenix Park. Dublin, in 1882, they
cannot be permitted to land in this
country under our immigration laws.
Two thousand stand of -arms, have
been given up by the Boers at Pretoria.
The battle-ship Oregon and 5,000
American troops will go to Taku at
American ships took no part in the
bombardment and seizure of the Chi
nese forts at Taku.
A special session of congress may be
called. The situation in the far East
eeems to demand it.
Three of the forts at Taku were com
pletely destroyed by the bombardment
from foreign ships, and the British ves
selscaptured fonr Chinese torpedo boats.
Mrs. Beveridge, wife of United States
Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, died in
a sanitarium at Dans vi lie. N.. Y., of
heart failure. Sht had been ill several
Half of the business portion of the
city of Blooimngton, 111., including
five squares of the finest business blocks
of the city and the court house, 'were
destroyed by fire, with losses estimated
at $1,000,000.
Negotiations for a commercial treaty
with France have been satisfactorily
concluded by the Brazilian minister of
foreign affairs at Rio Janeiro. Fiance
will grant a reduction of 20 per cent
on the duty on Brazilian coffee.
The Pacific Oil Works Company was
incorporated at Tacoma, Wash., with
a capital of $250,000, to bore for oil in
a gulch, almost in the heart of the
city. Sample oil from outcropping in
dicate rich deposit. Work will be
prosecuted at once.
A dispatch from Lord Roberts sent
from Pretoria, June 16, gives an official
version of an attack on a British pest
at Zand river, Jnne 16, by 800 Botre,
with three guns. It says that General
Knox, with a mixed force, drove off the
Boers, who left four dead and four pris
oners on the field. The British loss
was Major Seymour and two men. killed
and nine wounded.
The French government will have
4,200 troops at Taku when the rein
forcements just ordered have arrived
there. They will reach Taku before
Jane 80. The dispatch of a cruisei
division, which was decided upon,
will give France a strong naval force,
consisting of seven modern cruisers
three of the first-class and four of the
second class four gunboats and a dis
patch boat.
The tobacco trust has established s
virtual boycott on independent dealers
doing business in New England.
Statistics of the criminal population
of the United States shows that only
ix per cent of the total number of
criminals are women.
The Montreal Star claims it has evi
dence that the Clan-na-Gael planned
the We Hand canal explosion as a re
prisal on Canada for sending troops to
South Africa.
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, will not
run tor governor of Illinois.
Prohibitionists, in national conven
tion assembled at Chicago, say they
will poll 300,000 votes.
W. H. Wade, an expert billiard
player, and by many considered the
best bank shot in America, is dead at
Martin J. Russell, one of the proprie
tors of the Chicago Chronicle, died at
Mackinac Island from a complication
of diseases.
There were 10,377 deaths from chol
era out of 15,479 cases during the week
ending June 16, in the province of
Bombay, India.
Oregon's vote, officially canvassed,
on the equal suffrage amendment was
as follows: for equal suffrage, 26,265;
against 28,402.
The United States district judge at
St. Louis has issued a restraining order
to prevent interference with the run
ning of street-cars.
General Wheeler says the war in the
Philippines is practically ended. A
force can easily be spared from the is
land for work in China.
A hot wave is prevalent in North
Dakota. Crops are in a parched con
dition. The thermometer at Grand
Forks registered 104 in the shade.
Affairs in Cuba are now so tranquil
that soldiers are no longer needed.
The troops will be withdrawn and sent
to Manila to relieve the volunteers.
The Yaqui Indians have nearly all
abandoned the warpath. Several hun
dred are still hidden in the maintains
and make an occasional descent on iso
lated ranches.
The secretary of the navy has author
ized the following names for the new
battle-ships and cruisers: battle-ships,
Virginia and Rhode Island; armored
cruisers, Maryland, Colorado and South
Dakota; protected cruisers, St. Louis,
Milwaukee and Charleston.
A strike has occurred among the la
borers employed by the Havana Elec
tric Company, Cubans and Spanish, on
the ground that they do not receive the
same wages as Americans who do sim
ilar work. ' The contractors reply that
Americans are worth far more than
Cuban a.
It is officially announced that Arch
duke Francis Ferdinand, the Austrian
heir-apparent, will formally renounce
the right of succession to the imperial
throne. He will wed the Countess
Sophie Choteck, hi? morganatic mar
riage being the reason for which he
will withdraw fiom the succession.
Americans and Russians fought side
by side at Tien Tsin.
Five children perished by the bum.
ing of a house at Solomonville, Arizona.
Men from the U. S. S. Monooacy
have been sent from Chee Foo to Tien
Brigham H. Roberts, found guilty
of unlawful cohabitation at Salt Lake,
was fined $150.
Charles Mefford, r maniac, of Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, slew a whole family,
then killed himself.
Four miners lost their lives by an
explosion in the Champion mine,
Champion, Mich.
Cologne, Germany, was visited by a
cyclone, which demolished many build
ings and threw down a number of
factory buildings.
Eight people were killed outright
and 54 severely injured by a collision
between a freight and excursion train
near Green Bay, Wis.
Frank Gilomre, a white man, of
New Orleans, was lynched by a mob
for the criminal assault and brutal
murder of a 60-year-old woman.
A detachment of 40 Americans were
caught in ambush by Filipinos -on the
island of Minuanao, with the result
that nine were killed and 11 wounded.
Five men were killed by a cyclone
which visited No Man's Land, Okla
homa. The storm swept the country
for 60 miles. Thousands of cattle
were stampeded and many killed and
Joseph Mullet and James Fitzharris,
the Irishmen, who served sentences in
an English prison for complicity in the
Phoenix park murders, and who ar
rived at New York, May 27 last, have
been deported.
An order from Adjutant-Genera
Corbin has been received at the Pre
sidio, San Francisco, directing that the
troops of the Sixth cavalry shall be re
cruited to their full war strength. In
view of the fact that this organization
was ordeied recently to proceed to
Manila and the order to recruit to the
limit was sent sone time later, the
opinion is expressed that the regiment
is to be sent to China instead of the
Philippines. The recruits will be
teleoted from those now at the Presidio.
Ninety persons were killed and 372
wounded in the rejent conflict between !
the troops and tenants in the Varna
district. Bulgaria. A state of siege has
been proclaimed in the districts oi j
Varna, Shmala. Tirnova, Rasgrand,
Rustchuk and Eistovats. The govern-'
ment is anxious to limit the number
of newspapers, and has issued string
ent regulations as to the qualifications
which must be possessed by the editors.
By the death of Thomas E. Miaco
in New York six theaters and a large
fortune are left to his 15-vear-old
daughter Edna, hit, sole heir.
A monument to Maj. Gen. John
Sedgwick has been set up at his birth
place, Cornwall, Conn., and it was
dedicated on Memorial day.
Berlin postal authorities estimate
that no fewer than 160,000 postal cards
without any addresses at all are mailed
in the German empire ereiy year.
President McKinley Renomi
nated at Philadelphia.
Speeches of the Day Were Mad br
F oraker, Depew and the K as
pire State Governor.
Philadelphia, June 23. President
McKinley was unanimously renominat
ed for president of the United States
by the Republican National convention
it 1:48 o'clock today, and an hoar and
10 minutes later Governor Roosevelt,
of New York, was unanimously' select
ed to stand beside him in the coming
battle. -
Snch unanimous demonstrations In
honor of the nominees of a national
convention have never before been
equaled perhaps in the history of poli
tics in this country. It was a love
feast, a jubilee, a ratification meeting.
There was a fine setting for today 'a
spectacular drama. Bright peonies at
either end of the stage made two flam
ing bits of color. Throughout the vast
multitude fans moved ceaselessly to
and fro like the wings of a crowd of
alarmed gulls beating the air. There
were no preliminaries. The wrangle
expected over the question of reducing
the representation in the South was
averted by the withdrawal of ex-Senator
Quay's proposition. The great
hall became quiet as Senator Lodge,
standing before 15,000 eager faces,
gavel in hand, announced that nomina
tions for president of the United States
were in order. The reading clerk ad
vanced to the front of the platform.
He was about to call the roll of states
for the presentation of candidates.
When Alabamal was called, a thin,
red-whiskered delegate from that state
rose and surrenered the first right to
speak to Ohio. A flutter of handker
chiefs filled the air, and cheer after
cheer went up from thedelegates in the
pit, as Senator Foraker, of Ohio, strode
oward the platform.
At the end of a half hours' speech,
the senator placed McKinley in nom
ination, amid enthrusiasm unbounded.
Seconding speeches were made by
Theodore Roosevelt, Senator Thurston,
John W. Yerkes, an orator from the
Blue Grass state, and Governor Mount,
of Indiana, but before the latter con
cluded the convention was impatient
for a vote, and several times tried to
how 1 him down.
Calling; the Roll.
Then the roll of states was called
and delegation after delegation rose in
solid blocks and cast their votes for
McKinley. When Chairman Lodge
made the announcement that the presi
dent had been renominated for the term
beginning March 4, 1901, there was
the same wild storm which had been
raised by Foraker, and when it was
over Roosevelt's nomination for the
vice-presidency evoked a succession of
similar demonstrations.
Lafe Young, who was with Roosevelt
in Cuba, nominated him on behalf of
the state which had originally came to
Philadelphia for Dolliver. His nom
ination was seconded by Delegate Mur
ray, of Secretary Long's state, and Del
egate A ah ton, of Washington, Who
came here for Bartlett Tripp. Chaun
cey Depew wound up the oratory on
behalf of the state whioh declared for
Woodruff. Depew 'a speech aroused
the most dazzling dreams of the coun
try's future. During every pause, the
band played but one air, the tune
which Colonel Roosevelt had heard in
the trenches before Santiago.
At 2: 14 o'clock the convention, which
had done the unparalleled thing of
nominating both the candidates for
president and vice-president unani
mously, adjourned.
Governor Roosevelt drove from the
convention hall with Mr. Odell, seated
in the rear of an open landau. He
lifted his broad-brimed hat to the "con
tinuous salvos that greeted him as he
passed through the densely paoked
street, like a conquering hero fresh
from new victories. Tonight the faces
of McKinley and Roosevelt are on all
the badges, and their names are on
every lip.
Roberts Found Guilty.
Salt Lake, June 23. The jury in the
case ot B. H. Roberts, on trial for un
lawful cohabitation, returned a verdict
of guilty. Roberts, in an agreed state
ment of facts put before the jury, ad
mitted that he entered into a polyga
mous marriage with Maggie B. Shipp
and lived with her and his legal wife,
Sarah Louisa. It is claimed that Rob
erts relies on the supreme court to re
verse the verdict on technical grounds.
Strikers Wreck a Bridge.
Gunnison, Colo., June 23. The
Colorado & Southern Railroad Com
pany's iron bridge across the Gunnison
river, 2 miles above this town, was
wrecked by an explosion of giant pow
der early ths morning. The explosion
is believed to have been caused by sym
pathizers with the strikers at the coal
mines, to prevent the running of trains
to the mines.
The animal that first succumbs to
extreme cold is the horse.
Terrible Tragedy In San Francisco.
San Francisco, June 28. Henry E.
Pike, a bookkeeper, shot and killed his
former wife, and then committed sui
cide tonight at the home of Mrs. Pike.
Pike left a letter full of abuse of hie
former wife, accusing her of many im- '
proprieties. Pike formerly lived at
Denver, where he was in the employ
of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad.
He came to this city about eight yean
ago. It is thought that his mind waa
Party's Principles Adopted by
Philadelphia Convention.
Philadelphia, June 28. The follow
ing is the text of the platform adopted
by the Republican National convention
The Republicans of the United
States, through their chosen represen
tatives. met in national convention,
looking back upon an unsurpassed rec
ord of achievement and looking for
ward into a great field of duty and op
portnnity, and appealing to the judg
ment of their countrymen, make these
The expectation in which the
American people, turning from the
Democratic party, entrusted the power
of the United States four years ago to a
Republican chief magistrate and a Re
publican congress, has been met and
satisfied. When the people then as
sembled at the polls, after a term of
Democratic legislation and adminstru
tion, business was dead, industry par'
aiyzed and the national credit disas
trously impaired. The country's capi
tal was hidden away and its labor dis
tressed and unemployed. The Demo
crats had no other plan with which to
improve the ruinous conditions which
they had themselves produced, than to
coin silver at the ratio of 16" to 1. The
Republican party, denoucing this plan
as sure to produce conditions even
worse than those from which relief was
sought, promised to restore prosperity
by means of two legislative measures
a protective tariff and a law making
gold the standard of value. The peo
ple, by great majorities, issued to the
Republican party a commission to en
act these laws. This commission has
been executed, and the Republican
pledge is redeemed; and prosperity
more general and more abundant than
we have ever known has followed these
There is no longer any controversy as
to the value of any governement obli
gations. Every American dollar is a
gold dollar or its equivalent, and
American credit stands higher than
that of any nation. Capital is fully
employed, and everywhere labor is
profitably occupied.
McKinley 's Administration
We indorse the administration of
William McKinley. Its acts have
been established in wisdom and in
patriotism, and at home and abroad it
has distinctly elevated and extended
the influence of the American nation
Walking untried paths and facing un
forseen responsibilities, President Mc
Kinley has been, in every situation,
the true American patriot and upright
statesman, clear in vision, strong in
judgment,' firm in action, always in
spiring and deserving the confidence of
his countrymen.
Sound Money.
We renew our allegiance to the prin
ciple of the gold standard, and declare
our confidence in 'the wisdom of the
legislation of the t if ty -sixth congress,
by which the parity of all of our
money and the stability of our cur
rency on a gold basis has been secured.
We renew our faith in the policy ol
protection to American labor. In that
policy our industries have been estab
lished, diversified and maintained.
By protecting the home, competition
has been stimulated and production
We commend the policy of the Re
publican party in maintaining the effi
ciency of the civil service. The ad
ministration has acted wisely in its
effort to secuie for public service in
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the
Philippine islands only those whose
fitness has been determined by training
and experience. We believe that em
ployment in the public service in these
territories should be confined, as far as
practicable, to their inhabitants.
Publio movements looking to a per
manent improvement of the roads and
highways of the country, meet with
our cordial approval, and we recom
mend this subject to the earnest'eonsid
eration of the people and of the legis
latures of the several states.
We favor the extension of the rural
free delivery service whereve its ex
tension may be justified.
We favor home rule for and the early
admission to statehood of the territories
of ' New Mexico, Arizona and Okla
homa. We favor the construction, owner
ship, control and protection of an isth
mian canal by the government of the
United States.
In the interest of our expanding com
merce, we recommend that congress
create a department of commerce and
industries in the charge of a secretary
with a seat in the cabinet.
We approve the annexation of the
Hawaiian islands to the United States.
The Philippines.
In accepting, by the treaty of Paris,
the responsibility of our victories in
the Spanish war, the president and the
senate won the undoubted approval ol
the American people. No other course
was possible than to destroy Spain's
sovereignty throughout the West Indies
and in the Philippine islands.
The largest measure of self-government
consistent with their welfare and
our duties shall be secured to them by
law. To Cuba, independence and
self-government were assured in the
same voice by which war was declared.
The Republican party, upon its his
tory and upon this declaration of its
principles and policies confidently in
vokes the considerate and approving
judgment of the American people.
Portable Sawmill Blew Up.
Hamburg, N. Y., June 22. A boiler
of a portable steam engine used to pro
pel a cawmill exploded near the village
of Eden, Erie county, this evening, in
stantly killing three men John Flem
ing, Alexander Fleming and Bert Mam
lnoser. Tacoma will offer a $150 silver cup
for a competive drill between the 12
companies of the National Guard,
which will celebrate there July 4, I
Thirty-five People Lost in
Georgia Train Wreck.
Tremendous Rains of the Past
Weeks the Cause of the
Atlanta, Ga., June 26. A passenger
train on the Macon branch of the
southern railway ran into a wash out
ne and a half miles north of Mo-
Donough last night, and was complete
ly wrecked. The wreck caught fire
ind the entire train, with the excep
tiou of the sleeper, was destroyed.
Every person on the train, except the
occupants of the Pullman car perished
Not a member of the train crew escap
ed. Thirty-five people in ell were
The train left Macon at 7:10, and
was due in Atlanta at 9:40 last night.
Mc-Donough station was reached on
time. At this point connection is
made for Columbus, Ga., and every
night the Columbus train is coupled
on and hauled through to Atlanta
Last night, however, for the first time
in many months, the Columbus train
was reported two hours late, on ac
count of a wash out on that branch,
and the Macon train started on to
Atlanta without its Columbus connec
tion. Tremendous rains, of daily occur
rence for the past two weeks, have
swollen all streams in this part of the
South and several wash outs have been
reported on the different roads. Camps
creek, which runs into the Ocmulgee,
was over its bank and its waters had
spread to all the lowlands through
which it runs. About a mile and a
half north of McDonough the creek
comes somewhere near the Southern's
tracks, and, running alongside of it for
some distance, finally passes away
undei the road by a heavy stone cul
vert. A cloudburst broke over tha'
section of the country about 6 o'cloci
last night, and presumably shortly
after dark washed out a section of the
track nearly 100 feet in length.
Into this the swiftly moving train
plunged . The storm was still raging
and all the car windows were closed.
The passengers, secure as they thought,
and sheltered comfortably from the in
clement weather, went to death with
out an instant's warning. The train,
consisting of baggage car, a second
class coach, first-class coach and a
Pullman sleeper, was knocked into
kindling wood by the fall. The wreck
caught fire in a few minutes after the
fall, and all the coaches were burned
except the Pullman car. Every person
on that train except the occupants of
the Pullman car, perished in the dis
aster. There was no escape, as the
heavy Pullman car weighted down the
others, and the few alive in the sleeper
were unable to render assistance to
their fellow passengers.
Be Grants the Filipinos Nearly All
They Ask For.
Manila, June 26. General Mac
Arthur has given a formal answer to
the Filipino leaders who last Thursday
submitted to him peace proposals that
had been approved earlier in the day
by a meeting of representative insurg
ents. In his reply he assured them
that all personal rights under the
United States constitution excepting
trial by jury and the right to bear
aims would be guaranteed them.
The promoters of the peace movement
are now engaged in reconstructing the
draft of the seven clauses submitted to
General MaoArthur in such a way as
to render it acceptable to both sides.
The seventh clause, providing for
the expulsion of the friars, General
MacArthnr rejected on the ground that
the settlement of this question rests
with the commission headed by Judge
That portion of the Forty-third in
fantry which formerly garrisoned tht
island of Sainar will proceed to the
island of Leyte. giving the garrison
there the needed reinforcements. The
battalion of the Twenty-ninth infantry
which was sent yesterday to Sainar
will act as the garrison there.
The Ashantee Rebellion.
Prahsu, June 26. Sufficient sup
plies have at last been collected and
the final advance to open communica
tion with Kumassi is ready. On the
road from Ashantee to Kwabou are
three villages where are garrisoned
some 7,000 righting men, wno nave
practiced the rites of Fetish worship
and pledged themselves to help the
Ash an tees.
Roosevelt to McKinley.
Washington, June 25. The follow
ing is the text of Governor Roosevelt's
message to President McKinley:
"New York, June 25. Hon. Wil
liam McKinley, Washington, D. C: I
appreciate greatly your congratula
tions, and am proud to be associated
with you on the ticket.
Birmingham. Ala., June 26. Heavy
rains the past few days have done
heavy damage. It has rained every
day this month in this section, the to
tal rainfall since the first o April be
ing 24.92 inches. Reports from the
farming districts are that the fields
have been so soaked with water that
the farmers have been unable to do any
work for several weeks, and grass is
running away with the crops. Cotton
has suffered more than any other crop,
while fruit and vegetables are rotting.
Eight Killed Outright, One Missing and
54 severely Injured.
Green Bay, Wis., Jnne 27. A north
bound passenger train on the Chicage
& Northwestern Railroad, loaded with
excursionists bound for the Saengrefest
in this city, collided at 10:15 this
morning with a freight train at Depere,
five miles south of here. Eight persons
were killed and 54 were injured.
The accident happened just as the
passenger train was pulling into the
station . A double header ' freight was
backing into a side track, but had not
cleared the main track. Those injured
were nearly all in the second coach.
When the two trains came together the
first oar, which was a combination car,
was driven through the 'second ooach,
where the loss of life occurred.
None of the trainmen were injured,
the engine crew jumping in time to
save themselves. Both engines were
badly damaged and two coaches were
broken into kindling wood.
Of the injured 30 are in a serious
condition, and several may not recover.
The excursion train was made up at
Fond dn Lac and was paoked with peo
ple from that city, Oshkosh and
The first two coaches of the passenger
train were telescoped and demolished,
few of the passengers escaping injury.
Some were killed outright, others were
terribly mangled. Others were badly
crushed and maimed all hemmed in
amid the debris of the wrecked oar.
Passengers poured out of the rear
coaches, and it was but a moment be
fore hundreds of willing workers were
busy extracting the unfortunates.
Some of the injured were barely alive
when they were taken out and died be
fore they could be removed.
The bodies of Charles Miersa, of Osh
kosh, and Edward Koske, of Fond du
Lao, were terribly crushed, and could
scarcely be recognized.
The cause of the accident, so far as
has been determined at this time, was
due to the freight crew failing to give
the passenger the right of way.
Late tonight 19 other injured, mak
ing a total of 53 hurt, were ' found at
different houses in the nighborhood,
where they had been taken by friends.
Of these the injuries generally consist
ed of bruises and dislocations.
He Then Got a Revolver and Faded His
Own existence.
Cedar Rapids, la., June 27. Charles
Mefford. a maniac, today killed James
Fitzsimmons, fatally injured Joseph
Drake, seriously and possibly fatally
injured Mrs. James Fitzsimmons,
slightly injured Miss Kate Fitzsim
mons, and then ended his own life.
Mefford, who is 27 years old, came
here from an asylum two years ago,
and had never been returned. Late
Saturday he became wild, and darted
out of his home, a raving maniac. The
police tried unsuccessfully to find him.
Shortly before 5 o'clook this morning,
Regniald Andrews, the janitor at the
Old La. lies' Home, was awakened by
crashing glass. The next moment
Mefford stood before him, stark naked,
swinging a neckyoke.
"I have murdered a whole family
tonight, and I am going to kill you
next and then everybody in the home,"
declared Mefford. With this he at
tempted to brain Andrews. The latter
choked him into submission. Rushing
through the house, Andrews locked the
old ladies in their rooms, notified the
police, and ran across the street to the
home of James Drake tor assistance.
AsAndrews and Drake emerged a few
minutes later, Mefford, carrying an ax,
was seen to plunge through a window
in the home of James Fitzsimmons
near by. As he entered the room,
Mrs. Fitzsimmons uttered a scream,
Mefford swung the ax and brought it
down toward her head. Her uplifted
arm saved her life; the arm was broken
in two places, and she suffered a seri
ous scalp wound.
Mr. Fitzsimmons rushed into the
room and grappled with the maniac.
Mefford -shook hint off and split his
skull with a blow of the ax. Then
dashing up stairs, Mefford attacked
Miss Kate Fitzsimmons, inflicting a
number of severe scalp wounds.
When Mefford came down stairs he
encountered Drake, struck him on the
head with the ax, and, taking Drake's
revolver, ran out of the house. After
running several blocks he put a bullet
into bis left breast, just below the
heart. Running on two or three
blocks farther he sat down oil the curb
stone. Placing the revolver to the
center ot his forehead he fired again.
He continued to wave the revolver
above his head. But just as the first
officer grabbed the revolver from be-1
hind. Mefford fell over into the gutter
Mrs. A. P. Lowrie, a Presbyterian
missionary, who has been stationed at
Pao Ting Fu for the last six years, and
who has arrived at San Francisco, re
ports that on the night of May 16 many
native Christians, principally women
and children, were murdered by the
Boxers while fleeing from Pao Ting Fa
toward Tien Tsin.
Pekln Legations Mot Injured.
Brussels, Juue 23. The Petit Bleu
states that telegram was received
yesterday by an important Brussls firm
from China, saying that Admiral Sey
mour's relieving force and the Russian
column entered Pekin simultaneously.
The legations were reported intact, and
all the Belgian residents are said to be
The Taquis Again Aggressive.
Ortiz, Mexico, June 26. General
Torres has divided his forces into two
parts and proposes to march against a
new stronghold of the Yaquis, located
about 60 miles north of Torin. One
army of 3,500 men is on the east side
of the Yaqui river, and the other army.
numbering about 3,000 men, is on the
west side. The Indians have become
aggressive again.
British Join Allied Forces
Near Tien Tsin.
Foreign Officials at Shanghai Believe
the Worst Has Happened to the
Legations at Pekln.
London, June 27. The British
eruiser Terrible has arrived at Che Foo
from Taku, with the latest news,
which is as follows:
"Eight hundred sikh and 200 Welh
fusiliers have effected a junction with
the American, German and Russian
forces which had been cut off by the
Chinese about nine miles from Tien
Tsin. It was proposed to deliver an
assault upon the Chinese forces at Tien
Tsin last night."
"Foreign official opinion here,"
says a dispatch from Shanghai to the
Daily Express, dated yesterday, "in
cline to the beUei that the worst has
happened to the legations at Pekin and
to Admiral Seymour. Even if the
legations were safe Jnne 14, there is
no guarantee that they are safe now.
The situation, in fact, grows more and
more gloomy. The entire absence of
reliable news from the capital seems to
justify the worst construction which
can be put upon it. ,
"Bad news comes from Yan Rung,
where the unrest is said to be growing
hourly. Viceroy Liu Kin Yih has tele
graphed the British authorities that
he has ordered the five Chinese cruisers,
which have been lying off the harbor
there, to proceed to Nankin."
"General Ma's army' says a corre
spondent at Shan Hai Kan, "consist
ing of 45,000 men, left a week ago for
Pekin, and General Sung Ching'a
troops, numbering 2,500, left for the
same place June IS.
"A careful estimate of the number
and armament of the Chinese troops
around Pekin puts the total at 860,000,
and it is calculated that these troops
possess 227 centimeter Creusot guns,
18 Krupps and 150 Maxims. Their
supply of ammunition is practically in
exhaustible. It has been mainly sup
plied by a German firm at Carlwitz."
Another Shanghai dispatch says:
"Li Ping Heng, ex -governor of Shan
Tnng, who is intensely anti-foreign,
has gone to the Kiang Yin forts, on the
Yangtse. He has declared his inten
tion of resisting the landing of British
forces in that region."
Extensive preparations by the allies
are going forward. The first regiment
of British India's 10.000 men embarked
at Calcutta yesterday, and 883 . more
marines received orders to go out from
English ports. The British war office,
in anticipation of a prolonged cam
paign, is contracting for winter cloth
ing and fur caps.
The Amur army corps, ordered out
by Russia, numbers 52,100 men, with
84 guns. Japan purposes to land 15,
000 men on Chinese territory within a
fortnight. Among the minor military
preparations, the Portuguese governor
of Macae, island of Macao, at the
southwest entrance of Clinton river, is
sending arms to the Portuguese con
cession. The Germans in Hong Kong
have cabled Emperor William to ask if
they may serve in the local forces in
defense of Hong Kong. A million
rounds left Hong Kong yesterday for
Taku by the British steamer Hailong.
The Shanghai correspondent of the
Times sends the following under yes
terday's date:
"A military correspondent at Taku
says the operations of the allies are
suffering from .want of a recognized
head, defective organization and the
lack of transport."
St. Iouls Strikers Must Mot Interfere
With Mall Cars.
St. Louis, June 27. Judge Elmer
B. Adams, of the United States district
court, today granted a temporary in
junction in the case of W. D. Mahon
and all members of Division No. 1311
of the Amalgamated Association of
Street Railway Employes of America,
restraining them from interfering in
any way with the running of mail cars
over the lines of the St. Louis Transit
Company. None of the defendants
were present. They were represented
by W. S. Anthony, while District At
torney Hitchcock and Rosier acted
for the government.
In summing up the contents of the
affidavits presented, Mr. Anthony de
clared that it was not shown that any
of the defendants named had been
guilty of lawlessness. "On the con
trary," he added, "the strike leaders
and all the members of the Street Rail
way Men's Union have counselled law
and order. The Transit Company is
not responsible, perhaps, for the un
settled conditions whioh existed. It
is the union men who have been made
to suffer and bear the brunt of all the
disturbances. The president of the
nnion, Mr. Patterson, is dying in the
hospital as the result of being stabbed
by an assassin."
The London, England, Times says:
"England, with 500 years of license,
is the worst liquor cursed nation in the
1 California Wheat for Peru.
Lima, Pern, via Galveston, June 27.
I An excellent impression has been
made by the announcement that in ad
dition to the 50,000 tons of California
wheat which has just arrived at Cal
lao, as equal quantity is on the way to
I Manitoba Craps Failed.
Winnipeg. Manitoba, June 27. Of
1,800,000 acres of wheat, 1,000,000
acres will never be oat. Rains can.