Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 26, 1900, Image 4

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Frederick's Letters Show Row She
Belled on Mrs. Finkham and Wu
" Dear Mbs. Phtkham : I have a
vyellow, muddy complexion, feel tired
and have bearing down pains. Menses
have not appeared for three months ;
sometimes am troubled with a white
discharge. Also have kidney and blad
der trouble.
I have been this way for a long time,
and feel so miserable I thought I would
write to you and see if you could do me
any good." Miss Edna Frederick,
Troy, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1899.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I have used
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound according to directions, and can
say I have not felt so. well for years as
I do at present. Before taking your
medicine a more miserable person you
never saw. I could not eat or sleep,
and did not care to talk with any one.
Now I feel so well I cannot be grateful
enough to you for what you have done
for me. " Miss Edna Frederick, Troy,
Ohio, Sept. 10, 1899.
Backache Cured
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I write to
thank you for the good Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done me.
It is the only medicine I have found
that helped me. I doctored with one
of the best physicians in the city of
New York, but received do benefit. I
had been ailing for about sixteen years,
was so weak and nervous that I could
hardly walk ; had continued pain in my
back and was troubled with leucorrhcea.
Menses were irregular and painful.
Words cannot express the benefit I have
derived from the use of your medicine.
I heartily recommend it to all suffering
women." Mrs. Mart Barshinoeb,
Windsor, Pa.
reaving No Sting.
Our manner of doing a thing often
counts for more than the thing itself.
Some people have the gift of doing a
gratious things nngratiously. They
seem to think it of small moment how
they act, if they do the right thing.
Their gifts are felt like a blow. Oth
ers refuse with a kindness that falls
like a balm. The Italian who is asked
for alms, unable to help, replies:
"Pardon me, I also am a poor devil."
That leaves no hurt, while the open
hand of some others inflicts a sting.
"God cares more for adverbs than for
verbs, " says an old writer. Do the
right thing, but do it rightly, courte
ously, sympathetically. S. S. Times.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out
of corns and bunions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot
Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy.
It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails,
sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching
feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c. in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S.
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Representative Jefferson M. Levy
has introduced a bill into the house to
repeal the war revenue act.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucas County. j
Frank j. Cheney makes o&th that he is the
senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pav
the sum oi ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curb.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1888.
liii Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Pro Bono Publico.
In all the history of modern warfare
there have been no more picturesque
sieges than those of the Anglo-Boer war
which now seems about at an end.
The picturesque side of the three fam
ous sieges Kimberley, Lady smith and
Mafeking is brought out with telling
effect by General Miles in an article
contributed by him to this week's Col
lier's. Gen. Miles is a student of mili
tary science, who has also the faculty
of presenting his subject in a popular
and brilliant style.
Peruna as a Nerve and Ca
tarrh Tonic the Talk
of the World.
Hon. W. V. Sullivan, V. S. Senator from Mis
sissiDDl. Hon. W. V. Sullivan, United States
senator from Mississippi, in a letter re
cently written to Dr. Hartman from
Oxford. Miss., savs the following:
"For some time I have been a sufferer
from catarrh in its most incipient
stage, so much so that I became alarm
ed as to my general health. But, hear
ing of Pe-ru-na as a good remedy, I
gave it a fair trial and soon began to
improve. Its effects were distinctly
beneficial, removing the annoying
symptoms, and was particnlaily good
as a tonic.
"I take pleasure in recommending
your great national catarrh cure, Pe-
ru-na, as the best I have ever tried."
Peruna euros catarrh wherever locat
ed. Peruna has no substitutes ho
rivalE. Insist upon having Peruna.
Address The Peruna Medicine Co.,
bus. O.. for a free book on
catarrh .
pMoce wuTuc All fiSf PAH s.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time. oia oy uruHt
The famous Thad. Stevens had a col
ored servant In Washington named
Matilda, who one morning smashed' a
large dish at the buffet. "What have
you broken now, you black
idiot?" exclaimed her master. Matjlda
meekly responded: "'Taln't de fo'th
commandment, bress de Lawd!"
When James Whitcomb Riley and
"Bill" Nye traveled together giving a
Joint entertainment, the humorist had
great fun with the poet. Once, In In
troducing Riley and himself to an au
dience, Xye remarked: "I will appear
first, and speak until I get tired; then
Mr. Riley will succeed me and read
from his own works until you get
At the Battle of Trafalgar, a sailor
found kneeling by his gun, as his ship
was about to engage the enemy, was
asked by the first lieutenant if he was
afraid. "Afraid!" answered Jack, with
an expression of the utmost disdain;
"no, your honor; I'm only praying that
the enemy's shot may be distributed
like the prize money the greatest part
among the officers."
As a rule, Joseph Jefferson never
guys the members of his company, but
Congressman Kahn, who was former
ly his support, tells of one occasion
when the venerable actor yielded to the
temptation. "The Rivals" was the
play and everything proceeded smooth
ly until the scene was reached in
which Falkland, Captain Absolute and
Bob Acres have a wordy altercation.
At this point the actor playing Falk
land ranted violently, and finally, In
a burst of anger, slammed a door as
he made his exit. It is part of the busi
ness of Captain Absolute to say at this
juncture, "Poor Falkland!" He did
so, and Mr. Jefferson promptly replied,
"The poorest I ever saw!"
Gen. Sir Herbert Chermside, who is
now in South Africa, was formerly .a
consul in Asia Minor. Once, in a weak
moment, he sent a couple of beautiful
.Angora cats as a present to a lady in
Constantinople. The lady was so pleas
ed that she asked him to send some
more. Sir Herbert gave his native ser
vant some money and told him to go
and buy two or three. Then came a
demand for more cats from the con
sul's friends, and he gave his servant
more money with which to buy eats.
This went on for two or three months,
and the native servant waxed exceed
ing fat. One morning, however, the
general, on coming out of the consul
ate, was surrounded by a host of in
furiated veiled women, who besought
Mohammed to curse him because he
had stolen all their cats. It appears
that the native servant had pocketed
the money for himself, and gone round
with a sack and confiscated every cat
In the place.
Alfred Montgomery was a member of
the English board of internal revenue
half a century ago. At one of the ses
sions of this body, held on a baking
hot day, he was shocked to see the
chairman's private secretary come into
the board room with his coat off. As
the secretary was leaving the room,
Montgomery called him back and said:
"Mr. , if you should find it con
venient in this hot weather to take off
your trousers, pray do not let any feel
ing of respect for the board stand In
your way." One day a canon wrote
and asked if he must pay a license
duty on a carriage which was only
used to take his infirm parishioners to
church on Sundays. "What do you say,
Montgomery?" said the chairman.
"Oh," answered he, "tell the canon that
the board will not insist on the old
people going to church." He complain
ed of having been bitten at a country
house to a certain lord wno was not
remarkable for his personal cleanli
ness. "I never have been bitten there,"
said the nobleman. "No," said Mont
bomery, "even bugs must draw the line
somewhere." On another occasion,
when his carriage ran away, he called
out to the coachman: "Drive into some
thing cheap."
Some Travelers in the Wooda Are
Strangely Affected Mentally.
One of the woodsmen had told me of
a waterfall on a trout stream of consid
erable size which emptied into a lake
near by us, and in the hope of finding
a subject on it I took the boat one af
ternoon and began to follow the course
of the stream up from the mouth. After
a half mile of clear and navigable wa
ter It became so logged with fallen
trees that more lifting than paddling
was required, and as its course was ex
tremely tortuous I occasionally got out
and examined the vicinity of the
stream bed and the course above If per
chance there might be better naviga
tion beyond. On one of the digressions
I suddenly came on the stream running
back on its previous course and parallel
to it. Instantly, In the twinkling of an
eye, the entire landscape seemed to
have changed its bearings; the sun,
which was clear In the sky, It being
about 3 o'clock, shone to me out of the
north, and it was impossible to con
vince myself that my senses deceived
me or accept the fact that the sun must
be in the southwest, the general direc
tion from which the stream was flow
ing, and that to get home again I must
turn my back to it if I had lost my boat,
as seemed certain.
Then began to come over me, like an
evil spell, the bewilderment and the
panic which accompanied it and which,
fortunately, I recognized from the ex
periences I knew of, and I was aware
that if I gave way to it I was a lost
man beyond any finding by the woods
men even If they attempted to track
me. Fresh wolf tracks were plenty all
along the bank of that stream, panthers
and bears abounded In that section,
and the wilderness beyond me was nev
er explored and hardly penetrable, so
dense was the undergrowth of dwarfed
firs and swamp cedars. I had one ter
rible moment of clear consciousness
that if I went astray at that Juncture
no human being wonld ever know
where I was, and the absolute necessity
of recovering my sense of the points of
the compass was clear to me. Sy a
strong effort of the will I repressed th
growing panic, sat down on a log and
covered my face with my hands and
waited I had no Idea how long but
until I felt quite calm, and when
looked out on the landscape again 1
found the sun in his proper place and
the landscape as I had known it. 1
walked back to my boat without diffi
culty and went home, and I never lost
my head again while I frequented th
wilderness. Atlantic Monthly.
Sarcasm Paid the Coal Bill When
Pleading- Failed.
Money for any kind of a collection is
rather a difficult thing for the rectors
of a church to gather in sufficiently
large quantities to meet the existing
expenses, but a demand of money for
a coal collection is certain to be attend
ed with the most disastrous financial
results. All the more Is this the inev
itable result when money is asked foi
the winter's coal bill and winter is ovei
and spring at hand, and the bare men
tion of coal and heat makes the unen
thusiastic congregation grow soporific
and unheeding.
Such was the case the other Sunday,
not so very long ago, in the interior ol
a large ecclesiastic edifice in Chicago.
The congregation had beeii warned two
weeks in advance of the time of the col
lection and the size of the bill and the
necessity of its payment had been
dinned into their unwilling ears for
several preceding church days. Finally
the appointed Sunday arrived and the
special baskets for the collection were
passed throughout the church, and,
while there was an occasional jingle of
silver coin, the persons who did not
contribute seemed in the familiar ratio
of sixteen to one who did.
The Sunday following the day of the
collection the pastor mounted his pulpit
to announce the amount accumulated
by the ushers. And this is the way he
did it:
"Brethren, the collection for coal
taken up last Sunday amounted to
$123, which averages about one-fourth
of a cent for every person in the parish.
To say any more would spoil this!" And
he descended the steps with dignified
The very next morning the deficit
was forwarded to him through the
efforts of a group of thoroughly asham
ed and thoroughly awakened parishion
ers. The American College at Rome.
The American villa stands on land
that once formed part of two villas, one
belonging to Clodius and the other to
Titus Sextius Gallus. Of the historic
temple there is but little left to-day. A
road, paved in the antique style with
large polygonal blocks of lava well and
closely set together, leads from the ad
joining Appian way to this temple, and
indicates the honor in which it was
held and the frequency of visits to it.
A few low walls in reticulated work,
formed of tufa, some square blocks
scattered here and there, the bases of
columns and slabs of pavement, are all
that is left of this suburban shrine to
which the women of the neighborhood
thronged of old. Three columns of
peperino stone are standing here, but
they are of very recent date, erected to
commemorate events or persons con
nected with the recent proprietors of
the villa. On one of them Is an inscrip
tion in Italian referring to the day of
suffrage for the soul of Prince Don
Domenieo Orsini (3d July, 1874), whose
children came here Giacinta, Filippo,
Giulia with a number of his nephews.
Another column bears an inscription re
lating that, on 3d of September, 1874,
there were brought here the mortal re
mains of Paolo Giordano Rodolfo Or
sini. These are family memorials of the
Orsinis who owned the villa, and they
relate chiefly to death and sorrow.
Catholic World Magazine.
"Mit Lota of Feddmra."
Robert Frank, the well-known' artist,
is a self-made man, and not until he
had become self-supporting did he
have a chance to pursue the regulai
studies which most people have in ear
lier life. When he began drawing fot
a living his workmanship was so excel
lent that he had no difficulty in secur
ing orders. One day he delivered some
sketches to an employer, who said: "By
the by, Frank, I want a picture drawn
in a great hurry. It is a novel thing,
a boxing kangaroo."
"Ja wohl," answered the artist, "I
will have It ready to-morrow for you."
"You know what a kangaroo is, of
Frank must have been thinking of an
ostrich, because he answered with a
complacent smile:
"Ja, gewlssllch. It is a long, tall
thing mlt lots of feddars." And "Fed
dars" has been his nickname ever
since. Philadelphia Post.
llow Pena Are Hade.
Pens are made by machines which
seem almost to think. The steel is cut
into ribbons as wide as the length of
one pen, and these are fed to machines
which cut out blanks, then fashion,
stamp them, split the points and place
the maker's name on the backs. The
pens are now complete save the anneal
ing, and this forms a separate opera
tion. After being annealed they are
counted and placed in boxes. A ma
chine has been invented for performing
both these operations.
Stationary Youth.
Rich Father My daughter is too
young to get married. She is only 18.
Impecunious Lover I know, sir, but
I have waited patiently for years, and
she doesn't seem to get any older.
Couch Bath.
The latest combination in furniture
is the couch bath. On the top of the
couch being removed, "which can be
done very easily, a regulation bathtub
is disclosed, with a water tap at the
pillow end of the couch.
Opposed to Electricity.
The Turkish government has issued
an trade prohibiting the Importation
of all apparatus connected with elec
tricity. No one ever saw it rain cats and
dogs, but hailing street cars is a daily
When a man dies the world proceed
to forget that he ever lived.
Miasonrian Near Death Saved His Life
Insurance and His Farm.
In the office of an old physician in St,
Joseph there hangs the skeleton of a ,
man and with it there hangs a tala J
that la somewhat grewsome, but never
theless true. The physician bought the
man's skeleton before he was dead,
paid for it and It was delivered to him)
after death by the man's wife, accords
ing to contract The man who used)
the bones first and to whom they be-j
longed In life was a Doniphan County;
farmer, living across the river from St
Joseph. He was in bad health andi
needed money. In fact, he had to have
money to keep up his life insurance!
and there had been a partial failure ofj
crops that year. The farmer knew the
end of his life was not far off and he
must have money at once to pay up his
life Insurance. He had a wife and chil-,'
dren and he would not mortgage the
One day he came to the city and said
to the physician, whom he knew very
well: "Doctor, what will you give me
for my skeleton?" It was a startling
proposition at first, and the physician
shrank from making such a purchase,
but after the farmer had explained his
situation It did not have such a bad
appearance. The sale was finally made,
the contract drawn and signed and the
physician paid for the skeleton of the
living man. The amount paid was more
than enough, the farmer said, to pay
for the life insurance as long as he
would need it He lived longer than he
expected, however, and came back
again to see the physician. He had
spent part of the money for other pur
poses, and another payment was almost
due on the life insurance. "I am still
using these bones, doctor," he said, "and
came over to see if you could not afford
to advance a little more on them." The
physician demurred, but finally made
another small advance, over and above
the price he was to pay. Soon after
ward the farmer died, and his wife de
livered the body to the physician. It
was dissected in a medical college and
the physician still has the skeleton. It
was a grewsome bargain, but it was
business. The Kansas woman still has
the coffin in which her husband's body
was brought to the city. St Joseph
(Mo.) News.
After Saving; a Baby's Life He Modestly
Takes to the Woods.
Train No. 20 on the Indianapolis and
Vincennes, In charge of Conductor F.
W. Russe, of Indianapolis, was tearing
along towurd Indianapolis, th other
evening fifty miles an hour. The train
was loaded with passengers and was
behind time. East of Edwardsport En
gineer Dorsey saw on the track far
ahead a dog that was jumping about
and acting in a peculiar manner. The
dog's actions looked suspicious, and, as
a measure of caution, Dorsay shut off
the steam, so as to have his Lain nudcr
control. When the train reached, a
nearer point the dog stood and barked
at it aad then, with a yelp, started lor
the woods.
Tnn It was that Dorsey saw that
there was something red between the
rails, and he threw on the emergency
brakes and opened the sandbox. The
train came to a standstill within ten
feet of a pretty, flaxen-haired baby In a
red frock. The child was about' two
years old and had been playing with
the dog. The train crew ran forward
and Baggageman Franklin picked up
the child, which laughed and crowed
and patted his face In glee.
About 1,800 yards distant was a farm
house and toward it Franklin started
with the baby, to meet a man running
toward him like an insaneperson. It
was the child's father, who had missed
the baby just as the train stopped, and
supposed that the little one had been
killed. How It got so far away from
home and into such a dangerous place
no one could understand. The passen
gers were considerably jolted by the
sudden stopping of the train, but no
one was hurt, and when they learned
the cause of it they clustered about
Engineer Dorsey and congratulated
blm on his caution. Indianapolis News.
A Curious Result.
Amateurs of the woods and wild
scenes' sometimes have queer luck.
Here is an instance of a girl who took
a picture of a party of friends near a
patch of trees. When she came to de
velop it she found that there had been a
bear beyond the group, making for the
woods at full speed when the shutter
was snapped. Another amateur pho
tographer got a curious result from a
snap shot at a clump of woods. When
he developed the plate he found that
three partridges had been sitting on the
ground eight or ten feet from him, deep
ly interested in his actions, as the posi
tion of their heads plainly showed. An
other of his "shots" also developed curi
ously. It showed a fox trotting across
an open space ha the woods. The ears
were sticking up and Inclined forward,
and it was evidently in search of some
small prey.
Lacking In Experience.
"I don't see "why there is all this
opposition to women voting," said a
beardless young fellow from his van
tage ground beside the Lyceum, watch
ing the women going in to the equal
suffrage meeting. "It Just means that
a man has two votes instead of one
his own and his wife's," concluded the
youthful sage.
"Young man," questioned a gray vet
eran Benedict, "are you married?"
"No, no; I'm not married."
"Well, then, you don't know anything
about It It means that the women
-will have two votes and the men won't
have any vote at all." Memphis Scim
itar. Point of View.
The beautiful Griselda deprecated his
passionate praise.
"I am but a worm after all!" she
sighed, the traditions of her Puritan an
cestry being strong upon her.
"But you look nice enough to eat!"
protested the youth.
"Oh, you're a bird!" the shy girl fal
tered, as If to indicate that she deemed
his attitude of mind largely a matter
of point of view. Detroit Journal.
When a nreacher wants to tell a
piece of gossip, he excuses himself by ,
saying that be does It "to illustrate
doW-- - - - 1
There Are No Longer Gentlemen oi
Dianity and Breeding;.
The "grand manner" has gone from
the world and the world seems little
put out at its departure. Time was
when It was a token at once of breed
ing and education. Scholarship un
adorned with It was held up to naked
scorn as naked pedantry; manners with
no touch of the grand air could not
pass muster In polite circles; literature
saw in it the sum and substance of its
being. It did duty for a whole lexicon
of qualities, but Its outward aspect
was unmistakable, depending upon a
very simple theory of society and hu
man life. If men are to wear honors
and successes lightly, the background
of ease will come into prominence, and
they will study to amuse. And so came
that social finesse which our great
grandmothers adored, those bowlngg
and smirkings which their grandchil
dren scoffed at, and tlie whole pleasing
science of the beau monde.
The tear of sensibility may be drop
ped over Its tomb, but there can be no
question of its revival. The most Its
admirers can do Is to write the history
of Its floruit It belonged to an age
when wealth, leisure, culture and all
the good things of life were confined
to a class, and It drooped and with
ered at the advent of democracy. Our
modern seriousness and our modern
business-like air killed it, and they
chose the crudest of weapons. It might
have survived frank opposition; It
could not endure being made to look
But with the rubbish went much that
was admirable. At its best this grand
manner meant an exuberant vitality, a
genuine zest for life. Its exponents
might fall, but they failed gallantly.
It all worked out to a kind of intense
self-respect, which might be ludicrous,
but was rarely ignoble.
Most great men have been rnany-sld
ed, but with the gentlemen of tha
grand air It was a social duty, and all
traces of the process must be hidden
from sight
Disraeli was almost the last of the
"grand manner" disciples, and the
abuse of him which was current for so
long shows how people had come to re
gard the affectation. For an affecta
tion it was, though a charming and
sometimes a noble one. Versatility can
never be abolished, but a pretense of
ease and Insouciance and a parade of
divers accomplishments may easily be
discredited. The splendid Impassive
ness of the great gentleman has suc
cumbed to modern worry and haste,
and for the most part we frankly con
fess that dignity is a nuisance and an
anchronlsm. But the other side of the
thing the taste for a liberal culture
shows signs of revival and we may see
a return to the grand manner, brought
up to date and purged of Its silliness.
London Spectator.
The chance of two finger prints being
alike is not one in fifty-four billion.
There are nearly two thousand
stitches in a pair of band-sewed boots.
San Diego, Cal., has a lemon grove
covering one thousand acres. It is said
to be the largest In the world. It was
begun in 1890, with 170 acres.
Eighteen thousand bills and joint res
olutions were presented by members
in the last Congress 12,608 in the
House and 5,855 in the Senate.
Table Mountain, Cape Town, South
Africa Is a magnificent natural curi
osity. It is nearly four thousand feet
in height and has a lever top about
three square miles in area
Wedding festivities In Cairo, Egypt
usually continue for three days, during
which time there Is constant feasting
and jollification. The guests are ex
pected to remain while the festivities
last .
In .the western part of British Colum
bia Is a novel railway, two miles In
length. The rails are made of trees,
from which the bark has been stripped,
and these are bolted together. Upon
them runs a car, with grooved wheels
ten inches wide.
At Bosco Reale, on tbe slopes of
Vesuvius, near Pompeii, excavations
have brought up the most remarkable
paintings of tbe Roman period yet dis
covered. In the grounds of the Del
Prisco villa a great peristyle and four
large rooms have been unearthed, the
walls of which are covered by twenty
large frescoes of rich covering and care
ful execution. The figures are life
A Rat'a Tall.
A rat's tall is a wonderful thing. The
great naturalist Cuvier says that there
are more muscles in this curious ap
pendage than are to be found In that
part of the human anatomy which Is
most admired for Its Ingenious struc
ture namely, tbe hand. To the rat In
fact, its tail serves as a sort of band,
by means of which the animal Is ena
bled to crawl along narrow ledges or
other difficult passages, using It to bal
ance with or to gain a bold. It Is pre
hensile, like the talis of some mon
keys. By means of it the little beast
can Jump up heights otherwise Inac
cessible, employing It as a projectile
A Belli serent Archdeacon.
Canon Bellalrs, of England, who died
recently, was an old enemy of the bel
ligerent Arcbdeacon Denison. He was
a school Inspector before the act ol
1870, and East Brent was in bis dis
trict The archdeacon objected to gov
ernment iuspectlon of bis school, taught
the children to sing some lines of ridi
cule when bis brother clergyman ap
peared, and at last wrote to Mr. Bel
lalrs, telling htm that be would put blm
In the village horse pond If he again
dared to show his face In that part of
The Match Trust Spreading; Out.
' The match trust has several factories
Id Europe, aud has now absorbed an
important establishment In South
Every one should put a guard on him
self, or he will find that be enjoys
those occasions most when be Is en
couraged to talk freely of bis grler
An Kxrlilng Bon.
The following incident in Lord Wo!
seley's military carreer is recorded as
having taking place when he was in
his twenties, and had been in the Brit
ish army three years. He speaks of it
himself as the most exciting experience
of his life. It was in Burma, and
Wolseley was in charge of a small de
tachment. During the advance he had
the bad luck to fall into a deep hole,
and when he crawled out found him
self on the enemy's side. As he
emerged he was met with such a show
er of bullets that he slid back in short
order. After a few minutes he came
out again, and, amid a vigorous volley,
ran for his life. He was nearly 300
yards from the British line, and was
hit three times before he reached a
place of safety. Youth's Companion.
Wanted to Sell His Teeth.
The kins of Bavaria was kept very
short of money when he was a boy; in
fact, the allowance for pocket money
granted to him and his brother was
only about two shillings a week. One
day he heard some one say that sound
teeth were salable, and off he went to
a dentist and offered to have his own
extracted for a monetary consideration.
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sumption has an equal for coughs and
colds. John F. Boykk, Trinity Springs,
Ind., Feb. 15, 1900.
No Salvation Army In Mexico.
The Salvation Army for the second
time has failed to get a foothold in
Mexico. Mexican laws forbid all re
ligious processions in the streets of
cities. -
Chicago tailors, who have been on
strike for two months, have compro
mised and gone back to work.
If Your Blood
Is Good
Your nerves will be strong. If your blood
is bad and you feel nervous, tired, miser
able and weak, you should take Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It will change the condition
of your blood and the state of your feelings,
also. It will make your blood rich and
pure and give you strong nerves and sweet
sleep. It is America's Greatest Medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is sold by all druggists. Price $1.
Hood's Pills are the favorite cathartic. 25c.
We Are Direct Importers of
The Famous German Wood Preserver)
One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. Price, 50 cents,
per quart, Write for circulars and information
FISHER, THORSEN & CO., Portland, Oregon
If You Are Awake to Your Own Chances Read This and Then Write
Us for Full Information and Prospectus.
California is destined to be the greatest oil field of the world. Already vast riches have been
amassed there in petroleum, and great fortunes are sure to be made In that section this year.
We own a quarter section of land, 160 acres. In the heart of the famous Kern County Oil D is
trict. The oil is there and all we have to do is to drill a well and tap it.
For development purposes we will sell 25,000 shares of Treasury Stock at fl per share. Peo
ple who buy this stock will see it increase in value fast and they will make money fast. Fullest
investigation invited. Our property has been examined and reported on as unquestionably
valuable by M. M. Ogden, Field Expert, Producers' Oil Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., and by C.
W. Fox, for fifteen years expert for tbe Standard Oil Company. Our deeds and abstracts are
now deposited in the Merchants' National Bank, Portland, Or. Our officers are without salaries.
512 Chamber of Oommercs, Portland, Oregon.
H. C. ECKENBERGER, Pres. R. L. DURHAM, Vice-Pres. H. C. STRATTON, Secy.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: (To any and all of whom we refer yon.) J. Frank Watson.
President Merchants' National Bank, Portland, Or.; R. L Durham, Vice-President Merchants'
National Bauk, Portland. Or. ; H. C. Breeden. of II. C. Breeden & Co., Portland, Or. ; H. C. Ecken
berger. Com. Agent Michigan Central Railway; Charles V. Cooper, Contracting Freight Agent,
Union Pacific Railway.
aEiSWrite us today. You will be glad yon did so. If you have any means at all you owe
it to yourself to investigate this opportunity for investment.
Force Feed Elevator, warranted
to waste less grain than any other.
Send for Catalogue.
First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon
Branches: Salem, McMinnville,
La Grande, Medford, Seattle, Spo
XVVi. ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dys-
pepsta. Remove Pimples, Purify the Blood, Aid Diges-
A postal addressed to P. O. Box 41, Portland. tlon.PrcventBlllouBiieBs. DonotGrtpeorSlcken. To
Oregon will bring you a handsome Ko-Nut convince you, will mall samp e free; full box. 25c DR.
Cook Book. Ko-Nut is the latest lard substi- BQ8ANKOCO.,ruuriku,r. SoldbyDrngglats.
tute; and purer, cheaper and more economical.
For Sale by all Grocers. Sg?R
Ever since grate fires were Invented, household- jffi ggSSUSSZ,
ers have been wasting 80 per cent of their fuel, for ,M rW- agg"'L"' TT"
most of the heat went up the chimney. But mow S3BE$EiBviSBm KtrH
there Is h wonderful change, for everybody who .srSSM BmSBSS''StSIL
sees it adopts the New Columbian fire irnitr that dmSMmrBffW!aKaKam'J:-fi
has a new system of d mug tit, makes a white
numtftiio moKe at an. ana miiob tu me unu
the room. For pictures and lull description apply
to THK JoHN KAKKKTT JO., 91 irt
Street, Portland. Orsgon.
Can find quick and permanent relief
for serious- and strength destroying
troubles in -
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thousands have used it and thousands
now praise it. It cures permanently. SI
per bottle at your drHgglst's.
Building or remodeling residences and
stores, we carry a complete line of Mantels,
Grates and Tiling, Tile Flooring. Tile Wain
scoting, Andirons, Fenders, Screens, Electric,
Gns and Combination Chandeliers, and all sup
plies pertaining to Klectric and Gas Lighting.
We also carry all kinds of Batteries, Bells aud
Indicators. " Photographs cheerfully sent on
application. Kit A N K HOLCOKB & CO.
845 Washing-toil St., Portland, Or.
SvMuQloil fliul Tmo
iwibu uuu iiuu.
Drink in India.
Mary Clement Leavitt, honorary
president of the World's Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, said, in
a recent article: ' 'The best physician
in India told me that if white people
woudl let drink entriely alone, and eat
not more than half as much meat,
they might have as good health as in
England or anywhere else."
The Typewriter Invention.
A statistician has proved that the inven
tion of the typewriter has given employ
ment to 500,000 people, but he fails to state
how many cases of weak stomachs and
dyspepsia" it has induced. All people of
sedentary occupation need Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters. It helps nature to bear
the strain which ensues from confinement
and it is a wonderful medicine. No one
realizes this more keenly than the man or
woman who has been cured of stomach
trouble by its use.
Twenty-six thousand arrests for
drunkenness a year and 8,000 impris
onments is tbe appalling record of one
of the most enlightened American
cities. It means one arrest to every
four families. The net cost to the
city therefore was more than $100,000.
Menlo Park, San Mateo County, Cal.,
with its new buildings, newly furnished
and complete laboratories, beautiful sur
roundings and home influences, is one of
the best equipped schools tor the training
of boys and young men on the coast. It
is in charge of Dr. Ira O. Hoitt and is ac
credited at the universities. Send for cat
alog, Tenth year begins August 6, 1900.
Customer I've got money to burn,
and I want the best wheel you have.
Dealer That's all right. We have
bicycles to scorch. Detroit Free Press.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thH
children during the teething period.
A Comparison.
From the official report of the Wash
ington police it is shown that while the
whole number of arrests in the Dis
trict, with a barroom for each 441 of
its population, was equal to one arrest
for every Jl of its population, the num
ber of arrests made in the First pre
cinct, with a barroom for every 113 of
its population, and in the Ninth pre
cinct, with a barroom for every 1,048
of its population, the arrests was only
one for every 18 of its population. A
petition to congress to prohioit the
liquor traffic in the District of Colum
bia is being prepared.
.. Best On Earth
Eccentric Sprocket "Wheel, chain pulls
on the long spokes when doing the hardest
work, which is compressing' the bundle, ty
ing the knot and discharging the bundle.
We guarantee a gain of power of 16 2-3
per cent at this time.
Call on the Agent, or address A. H. Boy
Ian, General Agent, 321 Hawthorne Ave.,
Portland, Or., for Catalogue.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon.
can rive you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. If
Wrle toNA'HAN T C. IH O I J Fl
RICKFORI). Washington. D. C. thev will re-
reive a nick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Staff
20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
Use Big 3 for unnatural
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membranes.
Painless, and not astrin
gent or poisonous.
' MfkfDranliti,
or M&t In nl.ln wrinnn.
Sexpraas, prepaid, for
06, or S bottles, 12.75.
rcular sent on request.
N. P. H. V.
No. 251900.
O KS writing to advertisers please
mention mis paper.
VSW in 1 to b W
VV tiniM
not u viotara.
SiS Prcnata Conugion.
RSIthe Etrut OhehicaiOo