GAZETTE. CORVALLIS SEMI-WEEKLY. SEKi5?&rS i Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVALiLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1900. VOL. I. NO. 9. LOAFING ON A SUMMER DAY. 4?he lazy boy sprawled on his back and squinted at the sky. Wishing he were the long-winged bird that slantwise sailed on high; For day was lapsing swiftly, half way from dawn to noon, And the breeze it sang, "O, lazy boy, what makes you tired so soon?" But the lazy boy was silent, and he slowly chewed a straw, Vaguely mindful of the thrush that whis tled in the haw, And half aware of the bleating sheep and of the browsing kine Far scattered over slumbering hills to the horizon line. Happy, happy was the boy a-dreaming sweet and long, Fanned by the breeze that tossed the haw and raffed the thrush's song; For the whole glad day he had to loaf, he and himself together, While all the mouths of nature blew the flutes of fairy weather. The year's great treadmill round was done, its drudgery ended well. And now the sunny holiday had caught him in its spell. So that he longed, a lazy lout, up-squinting at the sky, And wished he was the long-winged bird that slantwise sailed on high. It's good to work and good to win the wages of the strong; Sweet is the hum of labor's hire, and sweet the workman's song; But once a year a lad must loaf, and dream, and chew a straw, And wish he were a falcon, free, or a catbird, in the haw! Independent. : : Cupid with a Jimmy J HEN John Trumbull fell in love with vivacious and sprightly Gertrude Moore no one would ever have suspected that he was a scholar, a thinker and a settled man of 40. His general actions were those of a youth of 18 undergoing his first case of love. The upshot of it was that when these two became en gaged Miss Moore pulled Mr. Trumbull around by his philosophical nose and made him dance to her fiddling as suit ed her capricious and changing moods. Matrimony found the same condition of affairs. Every domestic question was settled by Mrs. Trumbull, no mat ter whether it was the choice of an apartment or the selection of a new coffee grinder. Mr. Trumbull, being still in a state of blinding affection and admiration for the little girl of 20 whom he had wooed arid won, let her have her way, with the result that he was being henpecked to the queen's taste. But as the years went by, as the years have a way of doing, Mr. Trum bull gradually awakened to the one sided state of affairs. Mrs. Trumbull, being selfish and possessing a thistle down Intellect, fancied that It would not do to let Mr. Trumbull know that ehe was at all fond of him. Some old lady had told her once that when a man knows a woman loves him his af fection becomes chilled like whipped cream In an Ice chest. So she stuck up her nose It stuck up of Its own ac cord by the way and went her usual pace of bullyragging and worrying him. She would do this, she would do that what John thought didn't mat ter. It But, as said before, a change finally came over John's heart He still con sidered, that dainty wife of his quite the smartest, cleverest woman in the ,world, but, strange to say, he was be coming aware of her peculiar powers of dictating and laying down the law. John was quiet and inoffensive, and Just the kind of a man that offers splendid opportunities for the woman with a will of her own. For a long time Mrs. John did not observe that her husband's substantial admiration was growing thin almost to a shadow. But when she did realize it, the blow was something fearful. It had been her opinion that even though she were to sell her best clothes to the rag man or burn the house up or turn his hair white with her everlasting criticisms John would ever remain the same faithful, adoring, enduring. 1 One morning John didn't kiss his wife when he went downtown to busi ness. She moped and wept and scold ed the baby and the kitchen maid, and then decided she didn't care. From that time on things went from bad to worse and from worse to even worse than that. Once In a great while when John's old-time vision of love for his wife came up he would take her in his arms and tell her that she was the prettiest thing in the world. Follow ing her old-time tactics, Mrs. John would In turn comment on his bad choice of a necktie or let loose the pleasant Information that his collar was soiled on the edge. John's heart would sink and he'd tramp off to work feeling like an orphan asylum In a derby hat and creased trousers. As It was not John's nature to war against anyone, he simply kept himself out of Mrs. John's way. Sunday after noons he went out for a walk. Some times he went over to the North Side to see an old college chum of his. These trips were his only dissipations. One Sunday afternoon, when he and his old friend were discussing some particular exciting college scrimmage that had taken place fifteen years back, the telephone bell rang, and a woman's voice begged to speak to Mr. Trumbull. He went to the 'phone. "Is that you, Gertrude?" ' Yes, John. And won't you come home, please. I let Sadie take baby over to your mother's and everybody In the building is out and I'm having the fidgets. I don't know what I'm scared about but I'm just nervous." "AH right dear," said John, and home he went not stopping long enough to finish up the recollections of the college fight. At home he found his wife sitting curled up on a little settee looking very much as she had looked when five years before he had begged and entreated and kissed her into saying "Yes." She was twisting her hand kerchief Into little wads and ropes, and he knew by that that she was dis tracted about something. "I know you think I'm a silly to feel this way when it's not even twilight yet. But I know positively that some body tried the kitchen windows while I was lying down, and I just couldn't get over It. I always was afraid of burglars and ghosts." And then she had a nervous chill. John said nothing. He took out a copy of Spencer and lighted a cigar. After a time the baby was brought home and put to bed. Mrs. Trumbull had recovered from her nervousness and was peeking 8ut from behind a window shade listening to a conversa tion that was going on in the court. The servant employed by the family in the apartment just below the Truin bulls' abode was in the flat opposite telling the occupants of that place thai she was unable to get into the house. "I can't turn the key, and if you don't mind, ma'am, I'll go through your window." The people didn't mind at all. They even held the girl's parasol and pock etbook while she clambered from one window to the other. Then came a crash. It was a ter rific crash. Had the girl fallen into the court? No. The sounds that came from the floor below were unlike those heard when Hendrick Hudson played ninepins in the Adlrondacks. At that point came a shriek, such as the stage heroine gives vent to when the villain gets after her with a butcher knife. It was sickening. Mrs. Trumbull waited half a second, then stuck her head out of the window, and with the help of half a dozen other feminine voices called: "Mary! Mary! What's the matter?" The reply was a volley of sobs and squeals winding up with: "The flat's been robbed!" Mr. Trumbull was surprised to see his wife with hair streaming down her back and hands clutching the folds of a bath robe, go scooting through the li brary out Into the hall and down the stairs. In ten minutes she returned. Her eyes were big and black and scared. Her teeth were chattering, and hei hands were busy with each other. She curled up on the divan and looked at her husband. "John, what do you think? The Smiths' flat has been robbed and there's hardly a scrap of anything left. They came through the kitchen win dow. They even took some Persian rugs and Mrs. Smith's sealskin. And the silver's all gone, and the house oh, you just should see It! It's knee deep with the things that they've pulled out of the dressers and ward robes." John continued to read his Spencer. "That's too bad," he said. Silence of five minutes. "John," she spoke very softly. "Yes?" he asked, not looking up from Spencer. "John, do you know I'd just be scared stiff if you weren't here." John smiled sadly. "You won't go off on that hunting trip, will you?" "Well 1111," he drawled uncertain ly. "I just won't let you, now. They might come In and take my old candle stick, or the baby, or my grandmoth er's set of china. And I'm not a bit afraid when you're here. Honest I'm not!" John's chest swelled up. This was something new. He threw Spencer on the floor and went and looked at his revolver. Then he tried the dining room windows. After that he threw his arms out and doubled them up to see if his muscle swelled up as it did when he was a lad at school. He walked back and forth through their bit of a flat and held his head up high. Then he sat down beside that little tyrant of a wife and looked her In the eyes. She giggled hysterically and ran her fingers across his mustache, just as she used to do when poor John was so crazy with love for her that she could have pulled out every hair of his head and he'd never have known It "Dear," John said softly, "I never knew before that there was any place for me in this house, that I filled any want here. But now I find that I am useful, that I am a burglar-scarer. God bless that man that stole those things downstairs. It'll be hard on the Smiths, but it's a mighty fine thing for me." And they lived happy ever after. Or had for a week, as the burglary only took place that far back. Chicago Times-Herald. Whole Town of 1 id lle-M Iters. The only place in the world where violin-making may be said to constitute the staple industry is Markneukirchen, in Saxony, with its numerous surround ing villages. There are altogether about 15,000 people In this district engaged exclusively In the manufacture of vio lins. The inhabitants, from the small boy and girl to the wrinkled, gray headed veteran and aged grandmother, are all constantly employed making some part or other of this musical in strument. The man who Is as honest as the day Is long never gets up at 4 o'clock in the morning to be led into tempta tion. Some women are near-sighted, but they manage to hear all that's going on. THflEE BIG CANALS. PROJECTED AND ENGINEERED BY AMERICANS Vast Sums Expended and Enormona Expenditures Contemplated Greatest Artificial Waterway Ts a Sanitary Canal Plans for Erie Enlargement. The past hundTed years have often been denominated as comprising "the railway age:" quite as importantly is it the great canal era. With the excep tion of some of those crude but mar velous engineering feats in Egypt, In Europe, in Mexico, in the way of con duits and the like, nothing in the way of watercourse construction has ap proximated the gigantic canal enter prises which have been projected un der American auspices during recent years. With the foremost of the list the Chicago drainage canal the public is entirely familiar. Facts and figures PROPOSED FORTIFICATIONS are clear and fresh in mind, and there are few who do not comprehend and appreciate the great work accomplish ed. It is bewildering, however, to re alize what has been wrought through engineering science from a stream of wide fluctuations, with no constant and reliable fountain supply, now pouring over an artificial spillway 300,000 cubic feet of water a minute. To effect this 28,500,000 cubic yards of earth and 12,910,000 cubic yards of solid rock were excavated. The controlling works, the metal sluice gates, the masonry, the bulkheads, the bear trap dam, the walled-iu sections 160 feet wide, are PNEUMATIC LOCK, ERIE CAKAI,. monuments to human ingenuity and patience as lasting, as marvelous as the pyramids of Egypt. With the scheme for the enlargement of the Erie canal the public is less fa miliar. This is the second of the great waterway triumphs of the age. Its value as a direct course to tidewater was understood and appreciated fully a century since. Gov. De Witt Clin ton's prescient eye foresaw that one day "the big ditch" would be the great est element in the development of New York State. It was instrumental in making New York City the great ship- THE BEAR TRAP DAM, DRAINAGE CANAL. ping port of the nation. Until the rail roads entered Into competition for the carrying trade, all the vast products of the West found their way to mar ket through this commercial artery, and a considerable portion of it still reaches the seaboard through that channel, while the construction of the Welland ship canal from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, through Canadian terri tory, is diverting enormous quantities of grain in that direction. Recogniz ing that the capacity of the Erie Is no longer adequate successfully to com pete with rival transportation facili ties, the State of New York is about to expend $60,000,000 in widening and deepening the channel, and in improv ing the lockage by the construction of modern pneumatic balance locks of mammoth proportions. A few figures will give an idea of the proposed im provements. The -Erie canal runs from Buffalo on Lake Erie to Cohoes, on the Hudson River, above Albany. Its length Is 363 miles. It was finished in 1825, and enlarged thirty-five years later, the total cost being $50,000,000. The proposed canal will be 12 feet deep, 75 feet wide at the bottom and 122 feet wide at the surface, as against a depth of 9 feet a bottom width of 49 feet and a surface width of 73 feet It will accommodate boats 150 feet long and 25 feet wide, capable of carrying 1,000 tons cargo. It would have a ca pacity of 20,000,000 tons per annum, and on that tonnage the saving would be upwards of $12,000,000 annually. In the completion of the Welland ship canal the last link in the chain of im provements by locks and canals of the St. Lawrence Klver has been com pleted, with the result that vessels 255 feet long and of 2,200 tons capacity can now pass from the lakes to Mon treal, since the completion of fifteen 2,200-ton barges, besides wharf and elevator Improvements costing $4,000, 000, is now talked of. This would di vert about 35,000,000 bushels of grain from the New York route annually. In view of these facts, the people of the AT GREYTOWN HARBOR. Empire State and Indirectly the entire West comprehend that the expendi ture of $166,000 a mile for 363 miles will not be thrown away. The third great scheme is that of the Nicaragua canal. This has Justly been termed the most gigantic hydraulic project of any age. The preliminary estimate of cost Is $140,000,000, and the physical obstacles seem almost Insur mountable. For many years it has been the dream of enterprise to unite the At lantic and Pacific oceans by a maritime canal cut across either the Isthmus of Panama or Central America. The Panama project engineered by the late Ferdinand De Lesseps, was abandoned for lack of funds after nearly $100,000,. 000 had been expended on eighteen miles of the forty-six miles of survey. A new company was organized, and work is being done by some 4,000 men. The progress, however, is slow, and unless this government decides upon the Panama route, It is probable that the work will be abandoned and the millions put into it will be wholly lost. A new company has formed to con trol the enterprise. It got into difficul ties, and Congress was appealed to. It appointed an investigating commission, with Rear Admiral Walker at the head. This body reported a feasible route, 170 miles long by way of Lake Nicaragua and the Rio Grande plain. The excava tion in part would be through rock. Many difficulties present One is the excessive rainfall of the district twenty-one feet annually, or eighteen times the average of the United States, which means at times a river discharge of 300,000 cubic feet of water a second. The second Walker commission report asks for $140,000,000, but expert engi neers say that the work will require $250,000,000. This canal would be a great commer cial highway, obviating the long voyage around Cape Horn, and opening up a direct route from Europe and the At lantic coast to Asia. The tonnage is variously estimated from 300,000 to 8,000,000, the toll averaging $1.55 per ton. The cost of operation and mainte nance would be $6,000,000 per annum. The rate of progress through the canal would be eight miles an hour, or forty five hours for the trip. Two artificial harbors would have to be constructed. The labor and the sanitary problems are the hardest to handle. Chinese, Italians and Jamaica negroes have uo far proven the best workers, but the local conditions need not Imperil even white lives, if proper precautions are taken. The strategic value of the canal is appreciated, and defensive works would be constructed so that in case of war mines operated by electrical keys would keep an enemy at bay, while strong fortifications would guard eitiar end of the canal. With the completion of these three projects, the Chicago drainage canal, the Erie and the Nicaragua, the United States would score up some $350,000,003 against a trio of waterways not pos sessed by any other nation on the earth. The- commercial advantages are enor mous, while tne profits and the prestige comprehend elements that lift the na tional standard to the very highest plane of modern progress. COSTLIEST RABBITS ON EARTH- Each One Caught on a Plantation Was Worth Twelve Hundred Dollars. "The most expensive ra-bb.t on ieo ord," said a well-known river man, "lived and is probably still living on a big sugar plantation in Jefferson par ish. No, I am not joking; I am in dead earnest. The place I refer to is owned by an old friend of mine and Is on.' oi the finest on the whole river. It has been worked of late years almost en tirely by Italian labor and the foremen have had a good deal of trouble in cop ing with some of the racial peculiari ties of the hands. Among other things they were exceedingly fond of wdd game of all kinds, and had an especial and particular liking for rabbits. The consequence was that whenever a cot ton-tall would be scared up in the field the entire gang would drop their hoes and dart in pursuit The Italians we.e good sprinters, and the rabbit was gen erally caught but every episode of that kind meant the loss of at least half an hour's time. "There were a great many rabbits on the plantation, and these impromptu cbases became so frequent that the foreman finally realized he would have to take drastic measures to stop them. Accordingly, he put all hands on notice one morning that the next man who stopped work to run after a rabbit would be docked $5 pay. About an hour afterward a fine, fat bunnie leap ed suddenly out of a furrow and started across the field. Instantly the cry went up and 250 Italians went galloping across the field. After the fugitive had, for a wonder, escaped and the excite ment abated the foreman quietly re marked that $5 apiece would be deduct ed from the payroll Saturday- night. He was as good as his word, and that lone rabbit, which they didn't get, cost the Italians exactly $1,250. It was the last ever chased on the plantation. When one appears at present the swarthy la borers look wistful, but keep on hoeing. 'You costa too mucha mun,' they say sadly." New Orleans Times-Democrat. Russian Sect that Honors Ju las. In his last report to the Czar, the Procurator of the Holy Synod tells of a new sect discovered In the government of Yakutsk, Eastern Siberia, and orig inated by a peasant, Fillp Likhacheff, who was exiled to that remote region from the Uflmskaya government for be longing to the sect of the "Skoptzl." The Anglo-Russian says that the doc trines of the new sect are explained in a MS. headed "My Profession," and its chief points are: (1) The first real disciple of Christ was Judas, for he repented of his sin and hanged himself. The same method of death Is recommended to the mem bers of the sect who wish to part from this sinful life. (2) Reverence is due only to God; that shown to any man is idolatry. (3) Man being sinful in his very nature and inclined to induce oth ers to sin, he must not have any author ity over his fellow man. (4) Hence no obedience must be shown to any secu lar or ecclesiastical authority. (5) The powers that be are from the devil, of ficials of the state as well as priests of the church. (6) Property Is a sin as the result of the greed, likewise family ties as the result of the lust of the flesh. Likhacheff on being arrested openly acknowledged himself to be the author of "My Profession." ' The heresy was spreading among workingmen, espe cially among "Skoptzls" exiled to Si beria from European Russia. London Globe. Mean Man's Mean Trick. It was a mean trick, of course, and some day she will doubtless get even with him. She saw him take a piece of paper from his pocket, carefully fold It up, put It In an envelope and then place the envelope in one of the far corners of the drawer of the library table. "What's that?" she asked. "Oh, .nothing ol any Importance," he replied. Now, If he had simply thrown it carelessly Into the drawer she would have thought nothing of It but the care he took to put It clear over in the far corner and the fact that he seemed 111 at ease after he found that his action had been observed aroused her curiosity. She wondered what it was, and she reasoned with herself that he had said it was "nothing of importance," so be would have nobody but himself to blame if she took a look at it. She was justified in in ferring from his words that there was j no reason why she should not. And this is wnat she read on the paper: I "I'll bet you a new hat your curios ity will not permit you to let this alone." It was a terrible predicament in which to place a woman. How could she claim the new hat without giving herself away? Costume of Japanese. The hard-working laborers and cool ies seen everywhere in Japan wear only j a narow loin scarf and straw sandals. ! In cold and rainy weather they wear a mackintosh of loose straw over their shoulders and a mammoth rude hat The Plague In Canton. In 1894 the plague destroyed 80,000 of the 1,000,000 inhabitants of Canton. A dollar will buy a lot of necessltiea but tew pleasures. J 1 Georgie's Gab Pa and His Neighbor's Chickens. Paw's got a Garden sints we mooved Out here, but maw Says the only Thing he raised so Fur is trubble. The man that Lives the other side of us Yoost to be a sea captun on the lakes, and if we had a Parrut they woulden't be hardly enny use trying to make it a morrel Buid becoz when the captun talks you can hear him nearly all Around the naber Hood. About the First thing we notust after paw Got his erly crop in Was the Way the Cap- tun's chickens wouldn't let It come up Itself. Paw went to the captun and Told him about it, and the Captun sed it must be a Mistake. He told paw His chickens didn't haft to Go way from Home for thair meals, and Every little while you could hear Him say things that showed He wasn't a Christian, be tween his Other words. When paw came Home he sent me and Little albert to the store for Ten sents worth of Fishen hooks and Lines, and When we Got back he says: "I don't never want to Take a mean advantidge of a Dum Creacher, but umthing hast to be done to Sho the captun it ain't always the man who Swalrs the loudest That gets the big gest Lump of shugger in his coffey." So he cut the Fishen lines Into about twenty peaces and Put a Hook on Each end of Every peace. Then He baited the Hooks with Worms and chunks of Bred and other Things chickens like pritty well and went out to do some more planten In the Garden. Every time he planted a seed He would put a Baited fishen Hook in with it Then he went and Told the captun he better keep his chickens at Home, and the Captun sed: "This Is the Last time I want you to Come lnsultln me about My chickens. Abuddy would think this wasn't a Free country whare peeple Could raise chickens if They wanted to, the Way some people talk. Now shoo yourself out Of here." About a nour after that we herd a good deal of squawken in the Garden, and when we peeked Out we seen The captun's chickens There bizy scratchen up Baited hooks and swallowing them Like a boarder eats when He goes home for the Hollow days. Every little while, when one chicken had swallowed the Hook on one end of a String and some other Chicken had the hook on the other end of Its Sistum they Would start away kind of pulling apart and Looking suspisfaus at Each other, and pritty soon all but two or Three got Hitched together. Then trubble commenct When one chicken tried to fly over the fents it would get jerked back by its partner at the Other end of the Line, or else if it Got over they would kind of Hang thare. One on each side, and pull and scold about it and brace their feat against the boards And try to Back up. Maw sed it made Her hart bleed for the poor things, and Paw told Her that was Becoz she was chicken harted, only it Was probbubiy the Chickens' gizzurds that was Bleeding. Then he went Over where the Captun was settin on his Frunt portch smoken, and I went Along to see what hap pened. "Did you ever notus How burds and chickens and such Things go around in pairs?" paw ast "No," says the captun. "I've herd some Birds take Their mates fer Life, but I never paid mutch a Tenshun to it" "Well," paw says, "I don't no as Chickens always mate For life, But I guess most of yours Have got Into that Habbut laitly." "Say," the captun says, swalrlng a Lot more, "it's stralnge you can't quit harpen on my Chickens. Some peeple when they Get started on a Subject al ways run it in the Ground." About that time the Captun's wife came around from the Back of the House and told him sumthing Seemed to be the matter with the Chickens. "Chickens!" yelled the captun. "Is everybuddy crazy on the Chicken sub jeckt? Can't I hear about enny thing But Chickens enny more? The next purson says chickens to me I'm agoin' to to " But he had to stop Thare Becoz thay was a Rush of blood to his hed and I thot his face mite expload. Then he went around to the Back yard to See what the Trubble was, and when he Got so he understood how It Happened Paw took me By the Hand and we Went Home. After while when we Couldn't hear the Captun saying ennythlng More about it paw Went out to Work in the Garden again, and Just as he bent Over to plant things the Captun rose up from Behind his Fents and turned the Hose on paw. So paw Went to Grab up a chunk of durt to Thro at the Captun and he Run a fishen Hook neerly thru His finger. The Captun's girl told our gurl they Haven't had ennythlng but chicken to Eat at thare house Laitely, but the dockter says it'll be Too late to put In A nuther crop when paw's hand Gets well. Chicago Times-Herald. As Illustration. An Irishman was telling me that Irishmen are creatures of Impulse. "An Irishman would kill a man in one min ute," he said, "and be afther standing him a dhrink the next" London Plck-Me-Up. English Sales of Vessels. England sold to foreign countries 388 steamers and 266 sailing vessels in 1899. Procrastination is the thief of time because it takes one bo long to say it RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning- Notes Calling the Wicked ts Repentance. E N O M I N A tions are but view points. lour living speakslouder than all your logic. Washing a pig will not make it stop liking mud. Walking with God will always lead you toward man. What you are to men depends on what God is to you. Only a tool forgets his folly. A cigar Is usually a bar-magnet The nourished soul makes steady nerves. Every man is serving some kind of a master. He who loves folly may well listen to flattery. Nothing can be done till the past is undone. Power with man proceeds from power with God. A man is never poorer for the ques tions he asks. We are punished by our sins rather than for them. When the devil is sure of you he will let you alone. The stilts of pride do not help In the walk with God. A creed may be either a compass or a strait-jacket The saddest truth is less severe than the merriest lie. Conscience Is the better man within the best of men. The biggest coward is the one who is afraid to do right The sun Is always shining to the man who walks by faith. We all hate self when we see it crop out in somebody else. Christ's rule Is everywhere, but His throne is in the heart The Bible is the mirror of conscience held up to man's heart A short prayer will get to heaven quicker than a long one. The harm or a creed is in converting it from a staff into a club. The perfect man In Christ was before the imperfect one in Adam. No parent weeps over the fact that the boy outgrows his clothes. Every time you turn your eyes on evil Its shadow falls on your heart The way to flee from the Justice of God is to flee to the Justice of God. It will hurt you more to live a day without prayer than to live it without bread. One reason why Job did not get en tirely in the dark was because he kept looking up. It is better even to stumble along in the right road than to step firm in the wrong one. Many a man fights for his creed who never thinks of carrying an umbrella for his wife. Better the pessimism that persists against odds than the optimism that makes no effort at all. It is the privilege of every Christian to have a mountain-moving faith, and yet how many grow faint at the sight of a mole hill? The nation holds open the front door of the saloon while the devil tends the back door, that leads to the gutter, the brothel and hell. Whit Ran Across the Floor? A Lake View father had impressed his little son with the value of observ ing things and reporting anything that seemed strange and Interesting. Though not more than 5 years old, he had already taken his father's advice, although his reported discoveries of a halo around the moon and the manner In which the hens scratched up the early vegetables were more enthusias tic than valuable. The other day he came running in to his father in great excitement and said: "Oh, papa, I just seed something run across the kitchen floor!" "Rats!" exclaimed his father in amusement "No, it wasnt wats." "Cats?" "No, it wasn't cats, either." "A dog a bowwow?" "No," he continued. In great glee at puzzling his father. "Your "No." "Brother Tommy V "No." "Little sister?" "No. It was sometning that hasn't any legs. "A worm?" "No." "A snake r "No, It wasn't a snake.' By this time the boy had excited mi father's curiosity, but exhausted his knowledge. So he had to say: 'What was It? I can't guess." 'Why, papa, It was just some water." Instructions in Bread-Making. Secretary Wilson has undertaken to teach the women of this country how to make good bread. He has prepared and published a bulletin which will be sent to all who apply to the Agrlcultu- al Department for copies. It begins with the kernel of wheat and gives both a scientific and a popular descrip tion of its properties and the way to use It to the best advantage. Diamond Cutters in Amsterdam. There are ninety-two firms in Ams terdam registered as diamond cutters. in one 350 to 400 workmen are constao- y employed. r ,