Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 22, 1900, Image 1

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UNION Kstab. July, 1807.
GAZETTE Batab. Dee., 1862.
Consolidated Feb. 1899.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Am Interesting Collection of Items Front
the Two Hemispheres Presented
in a Condensed form.
British marines killed and wounded
40 Boxers.
Robeits' line of communication is
again open.
General Grant reports the capture of
San Miguel, a rebel stronghold.
The summer residence of the British
minister at Peking has been bnrned.
Seven persons were drowned by the
upsetting of a boat on Lake Bennett,
Four people were killed by the de
struction of a large cooperage plant in
Robert's forces had a hard battle
wtih General Botha, but did not defeat
the Boer leader.
Pennsylvanians will push the candi
dacy of former governor Pattison for
the vice-presidency.
The money appropriated by congress
for use at the mouth of the Columbia
will be nsed at once.
Two persons were drowned at South
Bend, Ind., by the capsizing of a boat
on the river, at that place.
Methuen and Kitchener, in an en'
gagement with Dewet's troops, scat
tered the Boers in all directions.
Terry McGovern, champion light
weight of the world, knocked out Tom
White in three rounds at New York
New York capitalists have secured
concessions from the government of
Honduras to bnild a railroad in that
country. .
Wood workers of Chicago threaten to
go out on July 1, unless their wages
are increased. The strike will involve
8,000 workmen.
Two city detectives of Kansas City
undertook to stop a street fight between
a crowd of negro men and women and
as a result a man and a woman were
News has been received in New York
of the murder of Dr. Edna G. Terry,
In charge of the station of the Metho
dist Episcopal Woman's Foreign Mis
sionary Society at Taung Hua, China.
Thomas Lewis, a miner of Tucson,
Aria., has been arrested on a charge of
setting fire to the Catelina forests,
where 5,000,000 feet of timber wert
destroyed. A miner who was with
Lewis claims that Lewis became in
censed because the pine needles hurt
his feet and set fire to them, causing
the most disastrous ' forest fire ever
known in the Southwest.
Fifteen hundred Boeis surrendered to
General Brabant.
Half the town of Frances, Wash.,
was destroyed by fire.
San Francisco's Chinatown will be
released from quarantine June 22.
Boers have evacuated Laing's Nek,
and Bailer is encamped on Joubert'i
San Francisco Chinese have won an
other case against the board of health
of that city.
The steamer China arrived at San
Francisco from the Orient with 556
Chinese merchants.
Mrs. George H. Baker, widow of the
poet and ex-minister to Russia, is dead
at her home in Philadelphia.
Postmaster Graham, of Salt Lake
City, Utah, was convicted of unlawful
cohabitation and fined $250.
Americans at Chin Kiang are in
need of protection, as a large number
of Boxers have halted at that place.
Russian authority says the present
trouble in China will be put down, but
a terrible upheaval will come later.
Mme. Augusta Lehmann, once a
singer of international reputation, is
dead at Santa Cruz, Cal., aged 80
The president has issued a proclama
tion formally announcing the establish
ment of reciprocity agreement with
A score of passengers were injured,
some severely, by the derailing of a
train on the Great Northern, near Sum
mit, Mont.
General Otis says the Filipinos are
quick and anxious to learn and suggests
that an educational system be adopted
in the islands.
General MacArthur reports, the cap
ture of Rhizon, near Mexico, and Ca
restany at Aicala, both important, the
latter a very important leader of the
guerrillas in Pingasinan province, Lu
zon. The Yaqui Indians are causing trouble
for the Mexicans. They occupy, the
impassable Bacatete mountains, a range
60 miles in length, and it requires the
utmost vigilance on the part of Gen
eral Torres' 6,000 troops to hold them
in cheek.
The bubonic plague has entirely dis
appeared from Honolulu.
Harry Kimball Shaw, of Pittsburg,
Pa., gave a dinner at Paris to 25 per
sons that cost 8,000.
Ex-Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania,
has announced his candidacy for re
election to the senate.
The shortage in Cuban revenues oc
casioned by the defalcations . disclosed
will be reimbursed by the general defi
ciency bill-
Roberts may seize Delagoa bay road.
Chinese forts at Taku fired on foreign
ressels, but were soon forced to sur
render. Russia has demanded of China an in
demnity of 50,000.000 taels for the
damage done to the railroad from Tien
Tsin to Pekin.
John Vass, one of the best-known
mining experts on the Pacific Coast,
died of consumption at Baker City,
Or., aged 46 years.
Trouble is rife in the northern part
of the Republic of San Doimngo. Many
arrests have been made, includng lead
ers of the former government party.
In consequence of the gravity of the
situation in China, England has order
ed the Seventh Bengal infantry at
Simla, India, to proceed to Hong Kong.
J. C. Pardee, aged 36 years, a brake
man on the Southern Pacific train, who
lives in Ashland, Or., was killed at
Dunsmuir, Cal., by bein run over by a
Information from Pekin, brought to
Shanghai by refugees, says that the
city is in a state of panic. Incendiary
fires are of nightly occurrence, and
scores of outrages are reported. Wo
men and children from Tien Tsin are
pouring into Shanghai. The chief
danger there is the fact that the native
town, behind the European settlement,
is full of bad characters, whose atti
tude is becoming every day more inso
lent and menacing.
At Needles, Cal., the federal quaran
tine inspector has been prevented from
molesting passengers on Santa Fo trains
at the state line and his authority is
ignorned by the railroad officials. Or
ders have been issued to all conductors
to take up the pass of the inspector,
Mr. Jenkins, if presented, and collect
his fare. Jenkins has wired to Surgeon
Kenyoun for instructions. The con
ductors have also been ordered to give
the inspector no information.
S. J. McCowan, superintendent of
the Phoen x, Ariz., Indian Industrial
School, haing been directed to inves
tigate the condition of the Pima In
dians on their reservation on the Gila
river, 30 miles from Phoenix, who
were reported ' to be suffering from
famine, states that 8,000 Pimas and
an equal numoer of Papa goes are in
great distress. Congress has appropri
ated 33,000 for the relief of the In
dians and rations will soon be distri
buted. A second-class naval station will be
established at San Diego, Cal.
Churches and residences of foreigners
in Tien Tsin have been burned.
An extra session of congress may be
convened owing to the Chinese war.
China will have a heavy bill of dam
ages to pay for the Boxer outrages
when order is again restored.
Fire destroyed the Home for the
Friendless children at Leadville, Colo.,
causing the death of four of the inmates.
Francis of Orleans, Prince of Join-
vine, son of the late Louis Philippe,
king of the French, is dead of pneu
monia, aged 82 years.
Three persons were killed and 16
seriously injuied by a collision between
an express train and a train filled with
race-goers near London, England.
G. P. Rummelin, a well-known
merchant of Portland, Or., was mur
dered in New York city, presumably
for the purpose of robbery. His throat
was out from ear to ear.
A native rising has occurred in the
Gambia colony, West Africa, and two
British commissioners and six members
of the police have been killed at Sann
kandi, on the south banks of Gambia
river, by Mandingoes. The party had
gone to Sannkanndi to settle a question
ot local administration, when the Man
dingoes suddenly attacked and mur
dered thsm.
The Mexican government, following
the example set by Texas, has quaran
tined against San Francisco, and until
notice to the contrary is given, all per
sons who have been in San Francisco
within a period of 15 days will not be
allowed to pass the border until they
have remained in quarantine for a suf
ficient length of time to make up the
15 days. The Mexican quarantine
relates to passengers only. The border
authorities have the matter in hand.
Journal specials from towns in South
west Nebraska tell of violent rain and
wind storms with some hail. At Syra
cuse, 5 a inches of rain has fallen in
24 hours. Damage to crops is heavy.
The Little Nehama valley is one vast
lake, and many families have been
compelled to abandon their homes.
Freight trains on the Burlington have
been abandoned. Weeping Water
creek, at Weeping Water, Cass county,
is the highest known for 10 years and
Missouri Pacific trains are delayed.
Abbe Mareux, the astronomer, has
discovered and sketched through the
big telescope in the optic palace of the
exposition, at Paris, a remarkable spot
on the sun, forming a part of an extens
ive group, and having a diameter of
nearly 40 kilometers. This spot, he
says, will remain for seven days, and
become visible to the naked eye. He
predicts the appearance of other spots
in July, August and September, inferr
ing that the heat during these months
will be very great.
Kansas has 300 flour mills, with a
capacity of 10,000,000 barrels a year.
The proposed ocean cable between
Copenhagen to Iceland will be 404
miles long and cost about $850,000.
Many Americans who went to Paris
with the expectation of making ex
penses by working are penniless.
The census office is to handle the
statistics of the 76,000,000 people of
this country with intricate electric
Members of the Foreign Le
gations in Trouble.
One Hundred Thousand Chinese Troops
Guarding the City's Gates For
eigners May Seise Xaku.
London, June 18. This is the situa
tion in China as it appears to the
Shanghai correspondent of the Daily
Express, cabling last evening:
"It is really a state of veiled war.
The members of the foreign legations
in Pekin are virtually prisoners, ana
the Chinese troops are only restrained
from attacking them by fear of the le
gation guards. Meanwhile, the minis
ters are altogether unable to communi
cate with the commanders of the relief
column, which is making an enforced
and isolated halt between Tien Tsin
and Pekin. The walls of the capital
are guarded by 100,000 imperial troops.
The gates are heavily defended with
modern guns. General Tung, acting
under orders from the empress dowager,
says that no more foreign troops shall
enter the sacred city.
' 'Monday the ministers sent a de
mand to the Tsung li Yamun that the
gates be opened, declaring that other
wise the foreign troops would enter
forcibly. To this no reply was given.
A second message was unanswered, or
had not been answered when the latest
news left Pekin. Sir Claude MacDon
ald's latest message says that the lega
itons are capable of sustaining an effect
ive defense unless attacked in force."
Russia, this correspondent asserts,
notwithstanding assurances to the con
trary, sides with China. Some of the
foreign troops are already reported to
be in the environs of Pekin, and the
attitude of the Chinese troops is in
creasingly menacing.
Neuva Kclja Insurgents Scattered One
American Killed.
Manila, June 18. Upon information
furnished by Major Wheeler to the ef
fect that General Lacuna intended to
attack Papaya, province of Neuva Ecija.
General Funston, with staff officers,
Captain Koebler and troop G, of the
Fourth cavalry, and half a company of
the Thirty-fourth infantry, repaired to
Papaya. General Lacuna was found
with 200 men occupying a position on
a ridge seven miles south of the town.
General Funston attacked vigorously,
60 Americans charging the enemy un
der a hot fire. The insurgents fled.
On their attempting to make a stand
later. Captain Koehler, with a detach
ment of troops, charged and scattered
them. The pursuit over the rough
country lasted until nightfall. Twen
ty two of the insurgents were killed.
One American was killed and one
An important capture of Filipino in
surgents was reported to the war de
partment this morning by General
MacArthur, in the following cable
gram: "General Macabulos, with eight
officers, and 142 rifles, surrendeied to
Colonel Liscum, of the Ninth infantry,
at Tarlao, this morning. Macabulos is
the most important insurgent leader
in Tarlao and Pangasinan."
Philippine Soldiers Returning-.
Washington, June 18. Adjutant-
ueneral (Jorbm received a cable mes
sage from General MacArthur from Ma
nila today saying that the transport
Hancock sailed today with the return
ing battalion of the Eighteenth infan
try. This battalion is composed en
tirely of men whose term of enlistment
is about to expire, and is being
brought home for the purpose of being
Quarantine Dissolved.
San Francisco, June 18. In the
United States circuit court, Judge
Morrow rendered a decision in the case
of Jew Ho against the board of health
of this city, dissolving the general
quarantine of Chinatown, enforced by
the board of health, owing to the al
leged existence of plague in this city.
Judge Morrow held that the quarantine
was discriminating in its character.
Regarding the existence of the
plague, Judge Morrow stated that he
was not qualified to pass judicially on
the question, owing to. the conflicting
testimony of physicians, but that if it
came within his power to decide in the
matter, he would declare that plague
does not, nor has not, existed.
At a meeting of the board of health
this afternon the quarantine was de
clared dissolved.
A Net York Mystery.
New York, June 18. The body of a
man with the throat cut from ear to
ear was discovered today in the upper
bay. , An autopsy showed that the cut
had been inflicted before the body en
tered the water. In his pockets were
an account book with the inscription
on the outside, "Ladd & Tilton, Port
land, Or." There was alec a billhead
of G. P. Rummelin, of Portland, Or.;
a business card of M. F. Phillips, rep
resenting E. W. Bedell, 93 Bleeker
street, New York, and a visiting card
of J. D. Williams, 263 Wickoff street,
To Kxplore Greenland Coast.
Copenhagen, June 16. The Norweg
ian stfamer Antarctic, with the Dan-,
lsh East Greenland exploration, com
manded by Lieutenant Ambrup, sailed
this morning to explore the coast be
tween Cape Brewster and Aggai island.
Havana, June 18. Yellow fever has
broken out at Qnemados, eight miles
from Havana, where United States
troops are stationed. ' Thus far there
have been four cases, three of which
proved fatal.
s. Louis Street Cars Now Bun
tested All Quiet.
St. Louis, June 16. The predictions
that yesterday witnessed the beginning
of the end of the great street railway
strike were corroborated today when
the police department withdrew its
officers from all the cars and power
houses of the St. Louis Transit Com
pany and returned them to their regu
lar beats. The Transit Company con
tinues to augment its force of non
union men and its transportation facili
ties at a ratio that promises to see the
system in full swing before many more
davs have passed.
Much interest is being shown by the
general public in the coroners' inquest
at present in progress over the bodies
of strikers and a citizen killed last Sun
day by members of the sheriff's posse
oomitatus. The testimony adduced at
todav's hearing does not denv that
Deputy Sheriff Marsh shot Frederick
Bohne, the citizen in question, but the
witnesses disagreed as to the deputy's
provocation for shooting. There was
testimony from about 35 witnesses,
consuming three hoars, after which the
jury returned a verdict of homicide.
A sensational feature of the inquest
was the conflicting statements made by
witnesses as to whether Police Lieu
tenant Stack ordered the deputy sher
iffs to fire on the crowd. Several of
the deputies testified that he ordered
the posse juard to shoot, while Staok
declared he did all in his power to pre
vent the deputies from firing.
The disappearance of Deputy Sheriff
Marsh was a startling development at
the inquest. It is believed that Marsh
has left the city. No further search
will be made for him probably, unless
friends of the dead man seek to prose
cute him, the verdict of the coroner's
jury being practically an exoneration.
Charged With Conspiracy.
San Francisco, June 16. Ernest
Emmrich, chief clerk in the quarter
master's department, C. S. A., has
been arrested, charged with conspiring
with J. W. Bartholomew, also under
arrest, to defraud the government by
approving bills for supplies that were
never furnished. He was released on
$3,000 bonds. On his person was
found a note made payable to him from
the American Box Factory, which has
been paid considerable money for sup
plies that it is claimed were never de
livered to the government. Bartholo
mew is the secretary of the concern.
The boxes were used in packing guns
and ammunition for shipment.
Eight Miners Killed.
Canmore, Alberta, June 16. A ter
rible gas explosion occurred in Can
more coal mine yesterday afternoon,
lesulting in the instant death of eight
men and the injury of several others.
The cause of the explosion is supposed
to have been the carelessness of one of
the miners in opening his safety lamp
in violation of the rules, and in a por
tion of the mine where to do so was
dangerous in the extreme. This miner
is believed to be one of the unidenti
fied victims.
A Wedding in June.
Astoria, Or., June 18. Governor T.
T. Geer, Oregon's chief executive, and
Miss Isabella Turllinger, were married
in Astoria this afternoon, under cir
cumstances as happy and surroundings
as pleasant as could be desired. The
weather did not promise well, but re
sulted in a beautiful sunset as tht
bridal party started away on their spe
cial car, amid a shower of rice. The
ceremony was performed at the First
Presbyterian church, by Rev. Henry
Marcotte. pastor of the church.
The Ashantee Rebellion.
London, June 16. The Daily Ex
press has the following dispatch from
Prahsu, dated yesterday: "There has
been another fight on the line of com
munication of the Kumassie relief ex
pedition. There are 10,000 Ashanteei
surrounding Kumassie, and 5,000 fac
ing the relief force. The leaders of the
rebellion include Ashantuah, Queen ol
Tortuing a Murderer.
London, June 16. A Shanghai dis
patch, dated yesterday, says: "A
Chinese steamer, laden with arms and
ammunition, cleared from Shanghai
today, bound for Tien Tsin. A notor
ious murderer, who was delivered by
the municipality of Shanghai to the
Chinese authorities, is being slowly
stoned to death in a cage. Thousands
of spectators watch his agonies daily."
Thirty Miles From Peking.
Berlin, June 16. The Berlin pa pew
have a dispatch from Tien Tsin saying
that the international force has arrived
within 80 miles of Peking, but that tht
distance remaining must be traveled
on foot, as the railway is completely
destroyed. This, the dispatch says,
will require three days.
Six Million Destitute.
Simla, India, June 16. Over 6,000,
000 persons are now receiving relief.
There was an increase in Bombay ol
8,200,000 last week, owing to the re
turn of destitute people who deserted
the works on account of the cholera
care. The prospects of a fair mon
soon are somewhat improved.
Bishop Wllmer Dead.
Mobile, Ala., June 16. Right Rev.
Richard Hooker Wilmer, Episcopal
bishop of the diocese of Alabama, died
here this morning, aged 84 years.
Five Miners Killed.
Biwabik, Minn., June 16. A terri-
Kla annifiant n r r 1 1 iro rl tnHav at. thn Haln
mine, three miles from here, in which
five men were instantly killed by an
explosion of dynamite.
Druggists and Hotel men"Exoladed.
St. Paul, June 16. The grand lodge
of Odd Fellows today voted to exclude
druggists and hotel-keepers from the
ordei in this state. William McGreg
or, of Minneapolis, was elected grand
warden I
Had No Trouble Getting to
Cape Nome May 25.
Brought Back Four Passengers, Wit
a Quarter of a Million Claims
Kicher Than Reported.
Vancouver, B. C, June 19. That
the gold fields of Cape Nome are richer
and more productive than has yet been
represented, is the story brought down
by the steamer Alpha, which arrived
from the North tonight. From a single
claim, worked by 20 men in the employ
of Jack Brady, $15,000 was taken out
in one week and the same claim panned
out $56,000 within a month. As an
earnest ol Cape Nome's golden pro
ductiveness, the Alpha brought down
$250,000 in gold dust. There were
five passengers on board, and the dust
belonged to four of them, in the fol
lowing amounts:
Jack Gill, of Seattle. $145,000; J. C
Mongaban, of Denver, $40,000; Frank
Green, of Kansas City, $30,000; Glen
Tinsley, an old Dawson minar, who
went to Nome last year, $35,000.
Unusual interest has followed the
Alpha's trip, not only because she was
the first steamer to sail for Cape Nome,
but more especially on account of pos
sibility of international complications,
the Alpha being a Canadian bottom
and Uome not being a sub-port of en-
tiy. But the skipper had no trouble
with the customs regulations. He
sailed from Vancouver on April 5,
clearing for St. Michael. He says he
was so menaced with icebergs as he
approached St. Michael that he pro
ceeded directly to Nome, landing 153
passengers and their supplies on the
beach on May 25. and sailing for Van
couver on May 80.
The Alpha was carried by the ice to
the Siberian coast, and for five days was
packed in the ice unable to move.
She finally made Nunivak island, where
she found the San Francisco whalers,
Alexander and Jeanette, with about
100 passengers each, also trying to
reach Nome. After spending three
days more in very heavy ice near Pri
byloff islands, the Alpha finally made
Nome, whither the Alexander had pre
ceded her two days. So overjoyed
were the miners at the double arrival
of the Alexander and the Alpha that a
civic holiday was declared, and the
Canadian boat was received with s
lutes, all the customs regulations being
waived, although as she had cleared
from Vancouver for St. Michael the
discharge of her freight was in direct
contradiction of the custom laws.
Nome was rather dull during March
and April, work being entirely sus
pended on account of cold weather.
Several times duiing the winter the
settlement narrowly escaped total de
struction by fire. All the buildings
are said to be flimsey structures, and
no fire piotection is afforded.
The extent of the gold-producing area
of Nome seems much greater than was
at first supposed, and all over the coun
try men are reported to be washing
from 15 to 25 cents to the pan in gold.
Golden Gate and Mascot creek are
turning out well. Topcock is the big
gets find of the season, where it is con
sidered nothing remarkable for a miner
to make $30 a dav on many of the
claims, although the gold is found in
intermittent streaks. It was on Top
cock creek that $56,000 was cleaned up
in 30 days. Topcock is 15 miles from
the sea, and 50 miles south of Nome.
One thousand people are' working there
now, and there have been clean ups
from $25,000 to $50,000 on 100-foot
The Colombian Rebellion.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 19. The
Royal mail steamer. Don, Captain
Davis, which ariived here today from
Colon, brings news of an important
battle fought on Friday last about 10
miles outside of Panama. According
to this information the insurgents
forces were victorious and some 200 of
the government troops were killed. It
is inferred that Panama may already be
in possession of the rebels. The latter
are strongly entrenched at San Joaquin,
near Santa Marta, and all the govern
ment troops at Baranquilla had been
dispatched to Santa Marta, when the
Don left Colon.
Help From Manila.
Manila, June 19. The Ninth regi
ment has been ordered to Manila,
whence it will proceed to China.
Manila, June 19. The gunboat Con
cord, with marines aboard, has sailed
under sealed orders, supposedly for
China. The British cruiser Buenaven
tura has sailed for Hong Kong with
troops and stores for Hong Kong and
Tien Tsin.
Died In a Mining Car.
Chicago, June 18. John H. Donlin,
a prominent contractor here, died while
sitting at the table in a Chicago &
Northwestern dining car between
Waukegan and Kenosha Wis., last
evening. Donlin, with two friends,
were on their way to Eagle river,
Wis., where they intended to spend
several days fishing.
Des Moines Auditorium Burned.
Des Moines. June 19. The D
Moines auditorium, used for a conven
tion hall, which was constructed a
year ago at a cost gf $50,000, was de
stroyed by fire today. It was insured
for $25,000. It was occupied by the
Commercial Exchange and the T. W.
P. Chase Amusement Company, the
latter holding a lease and conducting a
vaudeville show. All the seats, effects
and scenery were burned, making a
total loss, as now estimated, of $40,000,
with $27,000 insurance.
All Windows on One Side Were Broken
and Much Damage Done.
Kansas City, June 20. The Burling
ton passenger train from Denver reach
ed the Union depot late last night in a
sadly wrecked condition, having passed
through one of the severest bail and
wind storms whioh railroad men say
they ever encountered. The train ran
into the storm between Falls City and
Rulo, Neb., 40 miles west of St. Jo
seph, Mo. The railroad men say that at
times it seemed as if the cars would be
lifted from the tracks.
The storm struck the train in an
open piece of country, and the engineer
threw open the throttle in the hope of
running away from it. The train was
filled with people, and in the cars there
was great excitement. With all the
wind and ram came hail. Hail stones
fell as large as baseballs. Every win
dow in the north side of the sleeper,
three coaches and one mail-car wait
samshed. Glass flew all over the cars,
and many of the passengers were cut
by flying fragments. Water poured in
through the windows, and fairly flood
ed the cars. The mail clerks in the
mail-car climbed up near the roof of
the car to keep dry. Much of the mail
matter was damaged by water. The
damage done the cars and sleeper will
amount to about $500. Every window
in the engine cab was smashed by the
Commissioners Are at Work on One fos
Manila, June 20. Judge Taft and
his colleagues of the civil commission
are studying the different legislative
phases of the situation preparatory to
the work of enacting new laws on Sep
tember 1, when they will assume legis
lative powers. The subjects have been
tentatively divided among them as fol
Judge Taft Crown lands, land titles,
the church and the civil service, the
last-named with a view ot bringing
from the United States a good class of
government employes, who shall event
ually replace army officers in the civil
Judge Wright Internal improve
ments, constabulary, commerce, corpor
ation franchises and the criminal code.
Henry C. Ide Banking and currency
and the organization of civil courts.
Bernard Moses Revenues, taxation
and schools.
The commissioners have established
offices in the same building with Gen
eral MacArthur, and are receiving, dis
cussing and absorbing the opinions of
army and navy men and of foreigners
and Filipinos. The people of Manila
seemed pleased with the democratic
course of the commissioners.
St. Louis Transit Company
Strikers' Offer.
fit. Louis, June 20. War
knife was the slogan adopted
striking employes of the St
to the
by the
Transit Company today. This extreme
action was decided upon this afternoon
when the proposition adopted by the
striking street-car men yesterday look
ing to a settlement of the strike was
turned down by the Transit Company.
President Gompers, of the Federa
tion of Labor, called on President
Whittaker, of the transit company, to
day in the interests of the strikers and
remained in conference with him and
the board of directors for some time.
The conference broke up'at 1:15 P. M.,
and Gompers announced that all nego
tiations between the strikers and the
transit company were again off. Whit
taker refused to submit the question of
reinstatement of the striking employes
to arbitration. Whittaker said the
beat he could do if the strike were de
clared off would be to place the strik
ers at the bottom of the list, and give
them woik as they are heeded.
President Mahon, of the Interna
tional Association of Amalgamated
Street Railway Emploves, made this
statement this afternoon:
"This is now a fight to a finish.
President Gompers told me this after
noon that he proposed to turn the en
tire power of the American Federation
of Labor, with it membership of 2,
000,000, against the transit company
and fight the issue out if it takes five
years to do it. The boycott to be de
clared will apply not only to the tran
sit company, but to every person, every
business man, every corporation or in
dividual favoring them in any way."
Two Fights With Filipinos.
Manila, June 20. The United States
forces had two engagements of import
ance last week. The ti oops under Gen
eral Funston and General Grant organ
ized an advance with part of five regi
ments and two guns against 500 rebels
in a mountain stronghold east of Biaba-
cota, where it was supposed Captain
Roberts, of the Thirty-fifth regiment,
who was captured last month at San
Miguel de Mayumo, was held captive.
The Americans operated under many
difficulties and over an exceedingly
rough country; but the rebels retreated,
only a few resisting, and the stiong
hold was occupied and burned.
As a result of last week's scouting.
60 Filipinos were wounded, 200 killed
and 240 rifles, with 24,000 rounds of
ammunition, was surrendered. Two
Americans were killed.
Washington, June 20. The follow
ing cablegram was received at the Jap
anese legation from the Japanese gov
ernment at Tokio: "The situation in
North China is daily growing more se
rious. The imperial government has
consequently, in addition to the fleet
already at Taku, decided to dispatch a
military force of about 1,000 men to
Tien Tsin in order to strengthen the
hands of the Japanese minister in
China. The latter is in full concert
with the other representatives of the
principal power."
Chinese Forts Open Fire
Foreign Warships.
Fortifications at Taku Opened the Cam
flir, by the Empress' Orders
- Now in Hands of Powers.
London, June 20. China declared
war against the world when the Taku
forts opened fire upon the international
fleet. The accounts of what took place
are still unsatisfactory, the best semi
official information being the dispatch
received at Berlin from Che Foo. A
press dispatch from Che Foo, dated
yesterday afternoon, says:
' 'The forts on both sides of Taku are
now occupied. The Chinese opened
fire unexpectedly. The casualties to
the mixed force were as follows:
"Killed British, one; German,
three; Russian, one, and French one.
"Wounded British four; German,
seven; Russian, 45, and French, one.
"Chinese torpedo boats were seized."
The Shanghai correspondent of the
Daily Mail telegraphing yesterday says:
' 'The forts began firing in obedience
to the orders from Pekin, conveyed in
the personal edict of the empress dow
ager, by advice of Kang Yi (president
of the minister of war.) Several war
ships were struck by shells from 12
inch guns of the forts. The heavy
Russian losses were due to the blowing
up of the magazines of Mandshar.
"Four huudred Chinese are reported
killed. The Chinese, who were re
treating, fell into the hands of the Rus
sian land force."
The Daily News has the following
from Che Foo:
"Two of the forts were blown up.
The 32 warships at Taku aggregated
200,000 tons, and carried more than
300 guns."
Account of the Journey From
to Dutch Harbor.
Dutch Harbor, June 7. Thus far
has the good ship Elder, with her en
thusistic collection of goldseekers, pro
grossed on- her way to the land of
promise. Under lair auspices has the
journey been thus far, and the light of
hope kindles each eye has the future is
contemplated. Many have suffered
from the trials which the capricious
mood of "Old Briny" has inflicted on
them, but not severely; for, to give
Old Briny credit, thus far he has been
very lenient with us. Our time has
been passed in visiting the sick and
needy, who, like the poor, are always
in evidence on a sea trip, and various
social diversions, consisting of enter
tainments in the afternoon and song
services in the evening. Our worthy
leader has been Judge Galbraith, and
to him we are deeply indebted for his
many kindnesses in helping out the
programme. We are also honored by
having in our midst a poet, John E. M.
Shea, who has been inspired to write
a poem aboard, entitled, "The Voyage
of the Elder." Among the faces fa
miliar to Portland people are: W. T.
Hume, W. S. Chapman, Captain Wat
son, George W. Hazen, Joe Ben Lane,
Silvey Stuart, J. D. McKinnon, Cap
tain Lyons. ' We have bnt few ladies
aboard. Among them are Mrs. Gal
braith, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs.
Wilson and Miss Jewell.
Captain Randall is quite popular,
and has won much praise by his gen
tlemanly and considerate deportment.
Mr. Heywood, the purser, and Mr.
Owens, the freight clerk, also deserve
special mention for their courtesies.
As the days go by and the trials of sea
sickness are over, the jollity at meals
increases, revealing many original char
acters, and there is much by-play of
talk. At our entertainments, too,
much of originality is brought out in
the remarks made, creating no little
merriment. And so, day by day, in
our lonely floating home on the track
less ocean, we have our simple pleas
ures, each hoping in his heart, that
Dame Fortune may smile upon his ven
ture and that he may return to bis
friends in dear old Portland a success
ful and happy man.
Colombian War.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 20. Pas
sengers who arrived from Panama on
board the British steamer Don, from
Colon, bring details of a battle which
was fought June 13 and 14 on Bejuca
plain and Anton hill, between, govern
ment forces composed of three battal
ions and numbering about 1,500 men,
and a force of revolutionists under Gen
eral Belasarobe Parrae. It is asserted
that 400 soldiers and 35 officers of the
government force were killed and that
the forces of the government army
were divided. The passengers of the
Don further assert that General Parras
addressed a letter to General Campos,
the governor of Panama, demanding
the surrender of the oity. adding that
otherwise the place would be taken by
force. When the Don left Colon, June
15, General Parras was 15 miles from
Panama, with 1,500 well-armed infan
try and 500 cavalry. It was believed
that General Campos wonld be com.
pelled to surrender the city.
New York Apartment House Burned.
New York, June 20. The Miner
apartment-house, a six-story structure
at Madison avenue and Sixty-third
street, was destroyed by fire this morn
ing. The property loss is $260,000.
Only three of the ten apartments in
the building were oeoupied, bnt so
rapidly did the fire spread that many
of the persons in the building escaped
with difficulty. Several were over
come by heat and smoke, and were car
ried out of the building by the firemen,