Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 19, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. I. NO. 8.
Slir'&iTiW I Consolidated Feb., 1899.
When the mountain trout is bitin', in the ;
lazy aays o May,
Why, the spirit leaves the body, an' goes
wanderin' away
Strayin' by the fields, o' clover. whar' the
golden sunshine seems
Silenced waves o' song still hoverin' on
the pastur's an' the streams;
An you loll within the shadders nigh
some blossomin' wild ruse.
Jest a dreamin',
Half awake an' half adoze!
All the glory o' creation is compressed in
one short day,
When the mountain trout is bitin in the
lazy days o' May.
Now an' then across the medders rings
the tingle o' the bells
Like the orchestry o' Nature somewhar'
hid among the dells;
Orioles wing up and over, an infloatin'
from the hills
Comes the bluebird's hallalooyer in the
softest thrills an' trills.
'Tain't unnaterel fer a feller, eX he'B ever
loved at all, .
To be thinkin',
Of some one beyond recall,
An' to wonder ef her spirit ain't still
with you anyway.
When the mountain trout is bitin' in the
lazy days o' May.
New York Times.
The Odd Thing About It. I
HHAD been poring over a fourteenth
century manuscript In the window
sent, behind the library curtains.
The twilight and the end of the faint,
crabbed writing came together, and
then I supposed I fell asleep. I woke
at the sound of Vera Rutherford's
"The oddest thing about It is that I
don't really dislike him at all."
"You will tell me next that he doesn't
really dislike you," said Maud Leslie,
with an unbelieving laugh.
"I am afraid," said Vera, "there is no
doubt about that" I could have point
ed out grave doubts; but I wasn't more
than half-awake. Besides I couldn't
be quite sure that they referred to me."
"Did you say 'afraid,' Ve?"
"You needn't quibble over my words,"!
she answered, impatiently. There was'
a pause.
"Deal" old Ve!" said Maud, In a mo
ment. Here again I ought to have pre
tended that I had just woke up, and
announced myself.
"I hate him," Vera observed. Incon
sistently. "So," said Maud heartily, "do I!" I
could not well proclaim my presence
after these remarks.
"At least I think I do."
"I am sure I do," said Maud, posi
tively. "I consider him horrible."
"Oh, Maud; you know he isn't."
"He must be, or he wouldn't be so
rude to you."
"I I provoke him, you see."
"That is no excuse at all. Look at
the way he contradicted you about
those Tuscan vases, or whatever you
call them."
"I contradicted him first."
i "Why shouldn't you?"
; "Because he was right"
"Which made it all the more annoy
ing." "Yes," said Vera, with a sigh. I
wished I had let her have her own
"He is a great deal too 'superior,' "
stated Maud. I 'felt myself blushing."
"He really knows a great deal," sug
gested Vera, timidly. I made up my
mind not to quarrel with her any more.
"A lot of antiquated rubbish of no
use to any one," scoffed Maud. I could
feel that she was tossing her head.
"Jack calls him the 'lumber-room 1' "
Jack is a young ass!"
"I don't agree," said Vera, hotly,
"Jack is "
"No, he isn't!" He's very nearly en
gaged to Maud."
"A charming and Intelligent fellow, I
was going to say."
"Nasty little story-teller!" I thought
they were going to quarrel, but they
"Well, I'll admit the learning of your
Mr. Norton," said Maud, when they had
done laughihng, "but "
"He isn't my Mr. Norton," Vera ob
jected. There was a further pause. If
Maud had gone I should have felt in
clined to come out and place "Mr. Nor
ton" at pretty Vera's disposal, but
Maud didn't go.
"Do you really like him, old Ve?" she
"Only just a little."
"Yes almost sure."
"You are rather hard on Mm, Maud,
I think." So did I. "Won't you admit
that he has many good points?"
"Oh he can talk! He's very amus
ing when he comes out of the shell. I
rather like to talk to him myself." In
deed! "But I don't believe he has a
bit of sentiment in him. I'm sure he's
never kissed a girl in his life." Hasn't
he! "Unless" she laughed mischiev
ously "it's you."
"You are ridiculous," protested Vera.
"He wouldn't dream of such a thing."
Obviously Miss Vera understood me no
t better than other antiquities.
"Perhaps he Why don't you leave off
squabbling with him?"
"He won't let me. He generally be
gins by asking whether I am ready for
our usual quarrel."
"Why don't you say no."
i "Because he ought to say it" I re
solved that he should.
"Then you will find him deadly dull."
"I I don't think I should."
"Whatever would you talk about?"
"Oh the usual things!"
I "iiy dear Ve, he couldn't! Just fancy
r him whispering soft nothings In yoni
ear!" Maud laughed. Personally, I
didn't gee anything to laugh at. "And
vou blushing and looking down " l
Don't be so silly!"
"Whilst he imprinted a chaste sa
lute" "It is time to dress for dinner," said
Vera, frigidly. She walked toward the
"He has a ginger mustache," said
Maud, as a parting shot This remark
was absolutely untrue; it is golden al
most "He has not!" Vera departed.
Maud hummed a queer little tune to
herself for a minute. Then she sighed
twice presumably for Vera. Then she
shrugged her shoulders once I fear for
me! Then she went out also. After a
prudent interval I followed.
At dinner Vera and I were neighbors.
I avoided antiquities, and told iier
amusing stories, just to hear her laugh.
She looks very pretty when she laughs.
She also looks very pretty when she
After dinner our host, who Is proud
of his scenery, suggested that- we
should go and see the moon rise over
Tall hill. I managed to escort Vera and
to lose the others.
"Shall we have our usnal quarrel?"
she asked, when we had perched our
selves upon a big stile at the foot of
the hill.
"No," I replied; "I don't want to
quarrel, please."
"Don't you?" she said, brightly.
"Aren't you afraid we shall be dull?"
"Not in the least; but if you are "
"Oh, no. We can talk about let me
see "
"The usual things?" I suggested. She
looked swiftly at me, and gave a little
start I took hold of her arm. "I
thought you were falling,' I explained.
"Perhaps It would be safer if I held
you.' She didn't seem to mind, so I
gathered her arm comfortably in mine.
"I can't imagine you talking 'usual
things,' you know,' she said, with an
uncertain little laugh.
"Everybody says 'usual things' in the
moonlight" 1 explained. "See, it it
just rising over the hill."
We sat a few minutes In silence,
watching the yellow rim appearing, and '
the pale light streaming down tne nems,
dotted here and there with tall trees.
It Is very, very beautiful," she said
softly. "It makes one feel good. I am
so glad you didn't want to quarrel to
night" "Or any other night I have been go
ing to tell you so for a long time." She
"How strange! Do you know, I have
been wanting to say the same thing to
"It was right that the overture should
come from me." She started and
glanced at me again. The moonlight
lighted up her pretty, thoughtful face
and glinted in her golden hair. "The
prettiest effect of the moonrlse Is In
visible to you," I told her.
"I think,' she said, smilingly, "Its
nicest effect is that it has made two
quarrelsome people " She hesitated
for the word.
"Good friends?" She nodded. "One
of them Is very glad."
"So," she said almost lnaudibly, "Is
the other."
"Do you know, little Vera, dreadfully
as we quarreled, I liked you all the
time. Only I thought that you disliked
me so much."
She would certainly have fallen off if
I had not had the presence of mind to
put my arm around her waist
"Oh, no!" she cried, quickly. "Indeed
I didn't"
"That" I said, "was the odd thing
about It"
She gave such a jump at the quota
tion that she would certainly have fall
en off the seat If I had not had the
presence of mind to put my arm around
her waist! Mail and Express.
Cotton Manufactures.
"The South," says a Fall River cotton
manufacturer, "has gone into the cotton-milling
business very extensively.
With the cheap labor and long hours
of the South a cheap grade of cotton
goods can be turned out at much less
expense. The Northern manufacturers
could not stand this competition. They
decided to make a better quality of
goods. Heretofore the fine qualities
were Imported from abroad. Now as
good a quality Is manufactured by the
mllisof Fail River, and is for home con
sumption. New machinery was sub
stituted for the old. The old hands em
ployed In the mills were of sufficient
experience to turn out the good quality.
This has resulted In a decline of im
ported goods. I do not mean by this
that the South has all the cheap cotton
trade. There are ten mills In Fall River
and New Bedford which turn out the
cheap grade. The other seventy or
eighty mills are devoted to the flnei
grades." New York Tribune.
Buried with $500 in Hie Pocket.
It Is not often that a man is buried
with $500 in his pockets. His relatives
generally look to that. But such a case
has actually happened.
A few days ago Don Sablno Trujlllo
died and was burled in Dolores on Mon
day last. After the funeral the niece
of the deceased informed the relatives
of the dead man that he had at th
time of his death the sum of $500 in one
of his pockets; for he was buried In his
ordinary clothes. She had seen him
pay the doctor, a short time before his
death, some money and put the re
mainder, $500, in his breast pocket As
no one had thought of looking for the
money, and as the young lady was
prostrate with grief at the death of her
uncle and so did not remember any
thing about the matter until after the
funeral, the money was buried with
the corpse. Two Republics.
The jolly barber is always ready to
scrape an acoualntance.
Something that Will Interest the Ju
venile Mem ben of Every Household
Quint Action and Bright Sayings
ef Many Cote and Canning Children.
Once there was a little boy named
Jimmy. And he had always lived in the
city, and the only animals he had ever
seen were hordes, dogs and tats. But
he had heard of leopards, because one
of his boy friends had told him all
about them and how they had spots on
them and they could climb trees and
eat people.
Well, one day he went to the country,
and in course of time his cousin, who
was older than he, helped him into an
apple tree and then went into the house
to get something maybe it was an
Jimmy was rather alarmed at being
left alone In the tree, but he managed
to stay there. Suddenly he saw a beast
come prowling up the road. It was
about the size of a leopard, as he imag
ined, and it was covered with spots
even larger than a leopard would have,
so it must be (thought Jimmy) a very
awful kind of leopard. And, to make
things worse, this leopard had a pair of
horns, and large, ferocious-looking ears,
aud every now and then it roared like
this: "Moo-oo, nioo-oo." Jimmy was
frightened half to death. But he had
the slim hope that the beast would go
away without seeing him.
Oh, horrible! The animal came right
to the tree, and put its head right up
among the branches, and began to sniff.
Then it ate an apple. Jimmy was sure
that In a moment it would climb the
tree after him, so he got up to the top
of the tree, though how he did it he
couldn't tell till next day. He was weak
and white with fear when he reached
the top branch. The dreadful beast now
came close to the trunk and began to
rub up and down. Now he would
, sp.tng up into the tree, beyond a doubt!
But iUBt as Jimmy thought
be was
c. ouonnc for a spring he saw his uncle
eome out of the house, aud he scream-
ed to him, "Oh, Uncle Ed, save me,
save me! This leopard Is going to eat
Now, some uncles would have thought
the mater a huge Joke, but Uncle Ed
was not that kind. He knew that to
little Jimmy the horned beast was as
bad as the most terrible leopard that
ever roamed the jungle, and so he went
over to the tree and said, "My boy, you
are safe while I am here, because, In
the first place, this kind of leopard can't
climb a tree; and, m the second place.
It isn't a leopard at all, but a cow; and,
in the third place, it Is Daisy, our pet
cow; and if you take my word for it
vou can ride on her back as if she
were a horse."
There was something in Uncle Ed's
voice that had a very calming effect on
Jimmy, and Inside of two minutes the
dreadful leopard that had come to eat
him was turned into a good-natured old
cow. and he rode her all around the
place, holding on to Uncle Ed's hand.
Now Jimmy Is grown up and has a
Jimmy of his own, but he will never
forget the horror of that five minutes
with a horned leopard. Outlook.
The Care of Clothes.
No self-respecting eh fid bat knows
The proper thing to do with clothes;
They should be hung upon the chair
At night, ar.d not thrown anywhere.
Chicago Record.
Couldn't Fool Her.
Speaking of kindergartens for colored
children calls to mind the experience
sf a "befo de wah" matron, who was
teaching one of the little darkies on
her plantation how to spell.
The primer she used was a pictorial
one, and over each word was Its ac
companying picture, and Polly glibly
spelled o-x, ox, and b-o-x, box, etc. Bat
the teacher thought that she was mak
ing right rapid progress, so she put her
tand over the picture and said:
"Polly, what does o-x spell?"
"Ox," answered PojJy, nimbly.
"How do you know that it spells ox,
"Seed his tall," replied the apt Polly.
Dust Baths.
Some birds use water only, some wa
ter and dust while others prefer dust
and no water In their toilet Birds are
not only nice In the choice of bath wa
ter, but also very particular about the
quality of their toilet dust
Wild ducks, though feeding by salt
water, prefer to bathe in fresh-water
pools, and will fly long distances in
land to "inning brooks and pond.
where they preen and dress their f eath-
era in the early hours of the morning.
Sparrows bathe often, both In water
and in duBt They are not so particu
lar about the quality of water as about
the quality of the dust. The city spar
row must take a water bath where he
can get it Road dust the driest and
finest possible, suits him best. Par
tridges prefer dry loam. They like to
scratch out the soil from under the
grass, and fill their feathers with cool
earth. Most birds are fond of ashes. .
Take a walk some early morning across
a field where bonfires have burned, and
see the numbers of winged creatures i
that rise suddenly from the ash heaps.
A darting form, a small cloud of ashes,
and the bathers disappear.
A Girl's Accomplishments.
Some one has suggested twelve things
that every girl can learn before she is
12. Not every one can learn to play or
sing or paint well enough to give pleas
ure to her friends, Ibut the following
accomplishments" are within every
body's reach:
Shut the door, and shut it softly.
Keep your own room In tasteful or
Have an hour for rising, and rise.
Learn to make bread as well as cake.
Never let a button stay off twenty-
four hours.
Always know where your things are.
Never let a day pass without doing
something to make somebody comfort
able. Never come to breakfast without a
Never go about with your shoes un
Speak clearly enough for everybody
to understand.
Never fidget or hum so as to disturb
Never fuss or fret
Are So Enormous as to Be Practically
The stars are suns and they look like.
mere shining points of light because
they are so far away. The nearest is
bo far that a cannon-shot fired in Ad
am's time from the Garden of Eden,
and flying continually with undimin
ished speed, would even now naraiy
have started on its journey. It would
be as if a train bound for another town
had just pulled well out of the station.
On a summer evening you may see
Arcturus high up In the south or south
west In June or July, and further
down in the west In August or Septem
ber. You will know it by its red color.
That star has been flying straight
ahead ever since astronomers began to
observe it at such a speed that It
would run from New York to Chicago
in a small fraction of a minute. You
would have to be spry to rise from
your chair, put on your hat and over
coat and gloves, go out on the street
while It was crossing the Atlantic
Ocean from New York to Liverpool.
And yet if you should watch that star
all your life, and live as long as
Methuselah, you would not De ame to
see that It moved at all. The Journey It
would make In a thousand years would
be as nothing alongside Its distance.
Many, perhaps most, of the stars are
really much larger and brighter than
the sun. Canopus, as it appears to us,
1b the second brightest star in the heav
ens. It never rises in our northern lati
tudes: to see It well you would have to
go at least as far south as the gulf
States. Although it shines to us oniy
as a very bright star, it is really thou
sands of times as bright as the sun. If
our earth should fly as near to It as It
Is to the sun, the whole sky would
seem to be ablaze, and everything com
bustible on the earth's surface forests,
houses, and fences would be burned
by the fervent heat as if thrown into a
hot Are. But the distance of Canopus
Is immeasurably great so that astrono
mers have not been able to learn any
thing certain about it. The most in
teresting conclusion from this is that
CanoDus. although It is only a star in
the sky, is really thousands of times
brighter than the sun. Professor Si
mon Newcomb in the xoutn s uompsu
ion. t
Two Widows Get Wealthy After Being
Tm nosed Uoon by Sharpers.
A good story is going the rounds
about how two prospectors had salted
a mine in the Galena district in order to
rob a couple of rich widows, which re
suited in the aforesaid widows becom
ine much wealthier.
The prospectois had spent their last
cent In digging a hole in the ground to
the extent of sixty feet without striking
nvrhintr hut vellow clay. But one of
them knew of two rich widows who
were just spoiling to have their money
sunk In a mine. Accordingly they spent
two nights in salting their mine. They
hadn't sufficient money to buy some
paying dirt, but they stole this from a
neighboring mine and hauled a lot of
it over to dump into tneir mine, vviien
several tons of this "paying dirt" had
accumulated In the bottom of their
mine the widows were sent for, and
while one was talking about the in
creasing value of the district the other
was dumping out all kinds of lead and
zinc ore before their astonished eyes.
The widows bought a half interest in
that hole in the ground for $1,500. The
next day there was no more ore In the
shaft and the fellows declared they
would dig no longer. Then the widows
bought the other half interest at a total
cost of $2,000, and the men hiked out
for Missouri, laughing in their sleeves.
But the women, blindly believing that
there must be more ore, continued with
the digging, and at a depth of ten addi
tional feet struck the richest vein of the
; whole belt realizing $75,000 in less than
one year's time.
A pessimist is a person who believes
hat whatever is Is wrong.
Observations on Commonplace Thing
by the Atchison Globe Man.
The trouble seems to be that most of
us have $50 tastes and $25 salaries.
An old man is usually too conserva
tive; his son is usually too "enterpris
ing." "When you smell sugar," said an old
fly to her children, "look out for fly
A giti can.t SDeak about anv one be-
jng m jove wjti,out using the word
The wh hnfo nnama
will have a hard time getting recon
ciled to heaven.
If It were necessary for you to satis
fy everybody, you would have been
hanged long ago.
It is one evidence that a girl Is grow
ing fond of a man when she begins to
tell him her real opinion of her girl
It always makes a man mad to have
his name misspelled In a newspaper,
because he believes everybody ought to
know his name.
A pretty woman can look sympatheti
cally at the happiest man In the world,
and he will at once begin to feel that
he has troubles.
When a man has such a bad cold he
can't talk above a whisper, how he
does enjoy talking if there are any
sympathetic women around!
A hen trying to steal a nest doesn't
act more suspiciously than an old girl
wno is preparing for her wedding,
while trying to keep it secret
Have more patience with those who
rubber. It Is said that stretching the
neck does more than anything else to
aeep on undesirable wrinkles.
Wherever you find a big fat woman
married to a thin, weazened little man,
you will find a wife so affectionate she
likes to sit in her husband's lap.
A woman can buy an Inferior article
in groceries, because a better is too er-
pensive and keep her contentment but
sue can t do it in a dry-goods store.
Every man who practices hvnnorlsv
buuuiu kiiow mat ne is not fooling any
one. Other people know he Is a hypo'
r. 1.7 1 . . . .
crjie as wen as ne knows it himself.
When a fool stays up half the nleht
and blows in a lot of money he calls it
uvmg, and points to his savin? n-
wj-ueu-eany neighbor with contempt
A young man seems to be willing to
make almost any sacrifice for the girl
ne loves, except to go home early and
save ner rrom a scolding next morning.
It would be hard to estimate the con
tempt a woman feels for a sister In her
church who leaves It and devotes her
labors to the entertainments of another
After a woman has seen the new hats
she goes home and looks thoughtfully
at the servant girl, as If wondering
how much of a cut she will stand to her
It is the secret desire of every girl of
sixteen to have her picture taken look
ing down at a rose, but it would be
more practical if she looked at a pud
ding she was mixing.
The Fearful Devil of the Hindoos and
His Principal Wife.
Siva Is both typical of destruction
and of reproduction. But the latter at
tribute was doubtless a later addition
to the sum of his qualities. The orig
inal conception of this deity was that
of a power delighting In destruction, to
the achievement of physical evil and
wrong, and in hurling death and de
vastation upon the people and their
bind. He is represented to the sacred
books of the Hindoos as "the terrible
destroyer," "the one who delights in
the destruction of men." But in all
this there Is no whisper as yet of any
moral qualities of evil. The concep
tion is entirely one of physical power,
used with the utmost malevolence and
injustice against men.
Along with his principal wife, who is
variously called Devi. Durga, Uma,
and Kali, he 1b portrayed as the Incar
nation of physical evil, wrong. Injus
tice, or misfortune. In the "Puranas
Siva is described as wandering about
surrounded by ghosts and goblins, In
ebriated, naked, and with disheveled
hair, covered with the ashes of
funeral pile, ornamented with human
skulls and bones, sometimes laughing.
aud sometimes crying. Devi, his con
sort, is represented with a hideous and
a terrible countenance streaming with
blood, encircled with snakes, hung
round with skulls and human heads,
and In all respects resembling a fury
rather than a goddess. The only pleas
ure which Siva and Devi feel is when
their altars are drenched with blood,
which, of course, could not be shed
without the destruction of some form
of life. Westminster Review.
A Ractlehead.
Farmer Dunk (catching them) Ar-
har! So you are tryin' to elope with
the hired girl, are ye?
His Son Ye-es, sir.
Farmer Dunk-Wa-al, if you ain't the
gol-vummedest feller for wan tin' ex
citement all the time! Didn't I let yon
go to the circus last summer, and to
your gran-mother's funeral in the fall,
and didn't you stay up as late as you
wanted to seein' the last eclipse of the
moon? What to tunkett do ye want
anyhow a continual hooraw ?" Puck.
The Storm.
The heavens wept violently.
After that the face of nature looked
a fright.
Her face was enough to ditch
freight train.
In fact several such trains were
ditched by It Detroit Journal.
A woman never thinks of anything
special she wants to say until some to-
r woman is talking.
Jerusalem Artichokes.
The Jerusalem artichoke is of the
easiest culture. Its treatment is essen
tially that of a potato. If grown for
the tubers, the stalks should be allowed
to mature, so that If It is the purpose
to allow the hogs to have the run of the
lots and root for themselves, they
should not be turned in till after mid
summer. The seed is sown in the form
of detached tubers, just like potatoes.
except that they are not cut to Imitate
single eyes. This plant belongs to the
gieat sunflower tribe, and is called
Slngla Tuber Shown at the night.
Helianthus tuberosus. A recent report
of one of the experiment stations states
that in fatening hogs excellent results
have been secured, by giving them the
run of the artichoke plot and supple
menting this food with a small amount
of cornmeal each day. Artichokes wlil
persist in the ground from year to year,
wherever the soil is covered with a fair
amount of snow during the winter. In
case it was thought that the soil was
too poor to give good returns, it might
be enriched by sowing in the drill, at
the time of planting, superphosphate
at the rate of eight hundred to ten hun
dred pounds per acre. The feeding
value of the Jerusalem artichoke has
not been investigated to the extent that
its importance deserves.
New Hay Stacker.
A Colorado man has invented a hay
stacker which is very simple in con
struction, strong and durable, and has
no castings. It is a combination of base
frame, swinging derrick and stationary
standard. The standard is the most
novel feature about this machine. It
serves to shoiten the draft and elevate
the draw rope to the arc of a circle, the
derrick being pivoted in the center of
gravity, thereby minimizing the power
required to elevate. The draft Is the
same at all points until the hay Is de
livered. One horse does the elevating.
It is claimed that the new invention
will do an equal amount of work in less
than one-fourth the time required by
the old-style derricks. Its capacity is
estimated at from 75 to 100 tons a day.
Tomatoes as a Farm Crop.
The tomato seed was planted in a bed
made by driving down stakes and nail
ing up wide boards and covering its
nights and cold days. It was planted
April 15 in rows 5 to 6 inches apart
and covered one-half Inch deep. The
plants came up slowly, but grew well,
and we raised about 8,000 from one
fourth pound of seed. The variety was
Stone. The ground was plowed 7 to 8
inches deep, harrowed, cross-harrowed
and marked in rows 3 feet apart. We
set just an acre, beginning to transplant
May 24 and finishing June 7, setting the
plants 3 feet apart and using 4,136. A
few plants had to be reset principally
on account of cutworms.
The young plants were hoed June 12
and the weeds were cut out with a hoe
on June 10, 24 and July 11. They were
cultivated June 14 and 22. The tomato
worms were not bad, but we went over
the patch and. killed 100. Some of the
tomatoes were In bloom July 6 and the
first were rioe Aug. 12. We began pick-
Ing for the canning '.actory Sept I
and until Sept. 28, when we had a se
vere freeze, sold 14,530 pounds at $5
per ton, 18 bushels to the neighbors at
25 cents per bushel, and used 8 bushels
at home. At the time of the freeze
there were 3,0t)0 pounds of tomatoes on
the vines. Besides the above, there
were sold 1,000 plants at 10 cents per
100, making a total of $44.43 received.
The picking cost 2 cents per crate, or
70 cents per ton. The cost was as fol
lows: Preparing ground and planting
seed $2.25, seed 30 cents, transplanting
and resetting $3.05, cultivating $5.50,
harvesting and marketing $12.95, totaj
$24.05, and profits $20.38.
Distance Apart of Corn Hills.
When we were young we were taught
to make the furrows for corn hills four
feet apart each way, but later on we
decided that 3 feet each way was bet
ter, as giving many more hills to the
acre, and afterward when truck farm
ing we put sweet corn 3 feet apart
one way and three the other for all but
the large evergreen varieties, and we
found it to produce Just as many ears
to the hill and to fill them out just as
well as when we used more space. We
manured liberally, had the wide rows
run nearly north and south to let the
sun In, and used the cultivator only
one way. The difference between the
last method and the first one was the
difference between 16 square feet to a
hill and 11 ya square feet or we had
3,787 hills to the acre instead of 2,722,
a gain of 1,005 hills or nearly a half
acre. We never weighed the crop or
counted the ears to know the actual
gain in production, but our observation
convinced us that there was a gain in
the closer planting. If anyone has
made or will make the test carefully
to know the exact results we should
be glad to publish it, but we shall stipu
late that it must be on god soil made
rich enough to produce a good crop and
shall be well cared for. American Cul
Valne of Shade Trees.
Trees have a distinct value on a place
and add greatly to the enjoyment of
the farm as a home and also to its sell
ing value. The worth of a well grown
tree will differ in different localities, of
course, and there are few places in
the west, comparatively treeless as the
prairies are, where trees are worth as
much as in the Eastern States. In a
recent lawsuit In Niagara County. New
York, a row of shade trees had been
destroyed in front of a country home
by the building of a trolley line, and
expert testimony was called to settle
their value. The trees had been plant
ed twenty-six years and were mostly
maple. The testimony showed thir
teen of them to be worth $100 each,
nine were worth $65 each and a few
others were appraised at $125 each.
These values were not reduced by the
testimony of the defendant company
that had destroyed the trees. As a
country grows older adornments of this
kind become more valuable because
more appreciated and it would be hard
to predict what a good, well-located
shade tree would be worth twenty-six
years hence.
Improved Horseshoe Nail.
Here Is an Invention which will not
only decrease the cost of keeping
horses shod, but will also be the means
of preventing many
eases of sore feet and
lameness. All horse
shoes wear unevenly,
and when so worn,
though thick and un
worn in many places,
the whole shoe has to
be removed on ac
count of a part which has worn thin,
but with this invention the thin part is
made up level with, or thicker than,
the thick part by the enlarged nail
heads. By their use a shoe which would
otherwise have to be removed can be
retained, and the expense of a new
shoe thereby be avoided, in addditlon to
which a better grip or adherence on the
surface of the road is obtained by a
horse's foot so shod.
Wool Prices.
It Is evidently safe to predict that
there wiil be higher prices on wool,
both in this country and England, for
the next five years than we have now,
and It 1g not all due to the tariff. The
number of sheep destroyed in Africa
will have some effect in reducing the
amount of wool produced there, but
probably the largest falling off in wool
production will be due to the number
of sheep killed in Australia to furnish
mutton for the armies in South Africa
and the Philippines. There Is little
gain if not a decrease in the sheep kept
In the Argentine Republic, as they
have been killing many ' for mutton
since the United States has ceased kill
ing off her flocks. We anticipate an
advance of 50 per cent, above present
prices within five days. American
Egg Bating".
A recent Canadian government re
port advocates beheading as the best
remedy for egg-eating. This plan is
too radical. Often egg-eating hens will
be cured simply by furnishing dark
nests. At other times, the cause of the
habit is thin-shelled eggs, and feeding
oyster shells will stop it Furnishing
animal food, especially chopped veal.
Is sometimes a cure. In some cases
the fault is confined to two or three
hens in the flock, and removing them
will prevent the habit from spreading.
Bat Bemedy.
Our barn and outbuildings were over
run with rats. Tried wire, water and
steel taps all to no purpose; neither
would poison do the business to our sat
isfaction. At last catching a live rat,
she was promptly tarred with coal tar;
after that released to have her own
way. Well, she must have told the
other rodents of how she had been
treated. We do not see or hear much
of them since. Herman Ockela ,