Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 15, 1900, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900.
Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
Mercenized cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each
For fine skirt linings and. for shirt
waits. Twelve 6hade. 50 cents per
S, E, Young & Son,
Albany, Oregon.
Geo. E. Smith shipped a carload
of fine mutton sheep to Portland
A. F. Peterfon went to Portland
Wednesday. He went ftrictly on
business and could not state just
how long he would be absent.
Mrs. E. E. Paddock returned,
Wednesday, to her home in Inde
pendence, after visiting several
days with old friends in Corvallis.
Mrs. H. Watkins, of Prescott,
Wash., arrived in Corvallis Satur
day, fine will remain about a
month visiting with relatives and
J. M. Cameron went to Portland
Tuesday for the purpose of laying
in additional stock for his harness
shop. From what Mr. Cameron
says, business is quite lively with
The Rev. H. L. Boardman, A. M.
president of McMinnville College,
will preach at the Baptist church
Sunday evening. Service com
mences at 8 o'clock; a cordial wel
come to si1.
Dr. Edward Bennett was in Cor
vallis Wednesday arranging some
business matters. He is located at
Dusty, having recently returned
from St. Louis, Mo., where he took
a post-graduate course in medi
cine. Tuesday G. Hodes received a pos
tal card from Carl Hodes, who has
reached his old homein Herselle,
Germany. The note was quite
brief, but it gives assurance of Carl's
safe arrival at the end of his long
There are two first-class oppor
tunities afforded for pleasure-seekers
tomorrow. One is the grand
picnic at Calloway's grove, and the
other is the excursion to the bay,
given by the O A C students. The
train will leave Corvallis at 6:15 a.
The Corvallis Orchestra will furn
ish the music for the O A C com
mencement exercises. This will
insure good music, as there are
eight members in the orchestra and
they have had sufficient practice on
concert music to handle the very
best selections.
The annual prize drawing ot the
San Francisco Examiner has taken
place. Thousands looked in vain
for their name on the list of prize
winners. Ed Phillips, the photog
rapher, was the only one in Cor
vallis so far as is known who drew
a prize. He drew a pair of shoes.
The census enumerators are as
busy as bees and are about early
and late. They are allowed three
cents a head for the living and five
cents per head for the enumeration
of the dead. They can make pretty
good wages in a city, as the noses
to be enumerated are not a great
distance apart.
On July 4th the eagle will scream
in Corvallis. Everything points to
a good celebration this year. The
committees are all able and willing
to carry out the program as they
may decide upon it, and from the
present indications it is possible
the celebration will commence on
the 3rd and continue two days.
The Albany Herald in comment
ing on the bail game Sunday be
tween Corvallis and Albany, states
that the score against their boys
was so large that no one has figured
it out yet. But adds that the de
feat suffered set them to thinking
and they have gone to work in
earnest fcr the strengthening of
their nine.
Al Johnson, who was at one time
connected with the Occidental
saloon bet his mustache rgainst
another fellows on who would be
elected mayor of Portland. Al
lost and an exchange remarking on
his appearance stales that "as he
hands out the bottles and glasses
he looks more like a minister than
a liquor dealer."
The Klin ball team are to play
the McMinnville team tomorrow at
a big picnic that is to be gi en at
Amity. On Sunday they again
p!ay thj same team, but this game
is to be played in McMinnville.
if any of the local sports are willing
to back Corvallis as a winner.
However these affairs are about as
uncertain as many other things in
Mrs. Ora Porter will arrive in
Corvallis today from her home in
Oregon City.
George Horning will ship a cou
ple of carloads of beef cattle to Port
land tomorrow.
Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach in
the Mt. View school house Sunday
afternoon at 2:30.
Just a few left. Ladies' skirts to
close at 25 per cent reduction.
Miss Jessie Corbett arrived in
Corvallis Saturda.y, from Iowa, and
will visit during the summer with
the family of her brother, W C Cor
bett. There will bo no preaching at
the United Evangelical church next
Sunday morning. In the evening
the pastor will preach at 8 o'clock.
Sunday School at 9:15 a. m., and
C. E. at 7 o'clock.
A postal card was received Wed
nesday from Fa'ther Jureck, now
in Germany. The card is quite a
curiosity in many respects and is
looked upon as something to treas
ure by the recipient, Miss Adelaide
Work is being cariied on with
great dispatch at W. C. Corbett's
brick yard. On account ol Mr
Corbett's inability to procure more I
than one moulder there is but one
crew at work at present. A kiln
of tile waB fired W ednesday.
Ed Crawford is expected to ar
rive from Salem today. He will
visit relatives and friends during
the day and will attend the Junior's
dance at the armory in the evening,
Early tomorrow morning he will be
driven to Albany in order to catch
the morning train to Salem, where
he holds a position in a clothing es
tablishment. In about ten days F. G. Clark
will go to Baker City to reside per
manently. Mr. Clark's sons, Mert
and Guy, are at present engaged
in the furniture business in Baker
and are doing well. At the time
of Mr. and Mrs. Clark's departure,
their guests, Mrs. Beckwith and
daughter, Mrs. Digby, will start
for their home in Minneapolis.
There will be no services' at the
Presbyterian church next Sabbath,
on account of the Baccalaureate ex
ercises at the college. Sabbath
School at 9:30 a. m., and C. E. at 7
p. m. Let all members, both active
and associate, be present. There
will be no preaching service in the
evening, as Dr. Thompson goes to
Philomath to preach the annual
sermon before the college there.
H. W. Hall, during his recent so
journ in Portland secured the ser-J
This gentlemen has accepted the
situation hitherto held by Jim Bier.
Jim has concluded that his life
work shall be on other lines; al
though he did very nicely, he was
not an enthusiastic baker and did
not wish to work at the trade any
longer. Mr. Sanstrom comes highly
recommended as a baker.
Arrangements have been per
fected by the citizens of upper Al
sea for surprising Miss J. Reed, who
recently arrived from California,
and is visiting her mother. Miss
Reed is quite an accomplished vio
liniste and in order to afford her
an opportunity to play under fav-!
orable circumstances, a piano is to
be taken to the residence of her
mother today or tomorrow. The
surprise is scheduled for Sunday.
There was a bicycle race from
Albany to this city and return Mon
day evening, on a wager of $5 be
tween Leo Payne and Tom Johnson,
colored boot-black of Albany.
Each started out to deliver a mes
sage to a designated person at the
Occidental Motel, the hrst one back
to Albany, to draw down the $10.
Payne was hrst to reach Corvallis,
also back to Albany, easily win
ning from the colored lad. The
time for the distance, a little over
20 miles, was 85 minutes.
Wedding Bells.
Near Approach of the Day Long Looked
For by Many Students.
As commencement day draws
near at the O A C public attention
is directed to the event, and much
interest manifested in the various
exercises. Tonight there will be a
dance given at the armory by the
Juniors, and this practically starts
the series of entertainments that
always make .commencement so
important in the eyes of the youth.
At 10:45 Sunday "morning, at the
armoiy, President H. L. Boardman,
of McMinnville college, will deliver
the baccalaureate sermon. Mon
day, June 18, is class day, and
there will be a procession in honor
of Ceres, Goddess of Grain and
Harvests. This event will take
place on the campus at 8 o'clock in
the evening. A little later an en
tertainment will be given in the
Armory by the Seniors. At 2 p. m.
Tuesday in the chapel, the Phila
delphian Society will unveil a lab
let in memory of Edwin C. Young,
Company A Second Regiment O. V.
The address for this occasion will
made by Chaplain W. S. Gilbert,
of Portland. A.t 3:30 on the campus,
there will be a battalion and skir
mish rrill by the cadets. In the
Armory at 8:30 p. m. there will be
an oratorical contest. Wednesday,
June 20th. commencement day, at
9:30 a. m., the graduating exer- !
cises take place in the Armory. At j
2:30 p. m., a business meeting of
the alumni will take place in the
chapel. The alumni will hold pub
lic exercises at 8:30 p. m. in the
armory; at 10:30 the reunion of
the alumni will take place in
Cauthorn Hall. "Learn to see by
seeing. Learn to do by doing."
A Bad Accident.
All old-timers will remember
Johnny Goins, who for a long time
was in the delivery business in this
city. He has been the victim of a very
unfortunate accident as related by
the Albany Herald of the 12th
inst: Just before noon yesterday
John Goins, son of Ed Goins, one
of the proprietors of the Magnolia
mills, was working at the top of
the big wheat bins, and while cross
ing over one of the bins he stepped
on an old iron pipe which was lay
ing across the bin, his foot slipped
and he fell to the bottom of the
empty bin, a distance of about 12
feet, striking on the side of his head,
cutting a deep gash in the side of
his head and almost severing one of
his ears. It was a very difficult
task to get him out of the deep bin.
A block and tackle was fastened to
the top gilts in the mill and he was
hoisted out in that manner, and
taken home. Dr. W. H. Davis was
called and atteuded him. He was
severely hurt, but will probably recover.
For some time the residents of
this city have been fully satisfied
that a wedding was pending, but
the majority of them were ignorant
of the identity of the contracting
parties. Wednesday evening in
the presence of some twenty guests,
consisting of relatives and friends,
E. F. Bryant and Mrs. Anna S.
Fisher were united in matrimony
at the residence of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E Walden, of
this city. Rev. H. Gould, formerly
of this city, but now stationed at
Lebanon, was in attendance and
tied the nuptual knot. The cere
mony took place at 8:30 o'clock,
and after many and sincere con
gratulations the contracting couple
and their guests repaired to the
dining room where a most elabor
ate spread awaited them. The par
lors were most beautifully decora
ted. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant were
the happy recipients of many valu
able and costly presents.
The bride is a native daughter of
Oregon, and is well known here.
She was elegantly attired in rich
and costly silk, while the groom
was dressed in the customary black.
Mr. Bryant is a Nebraska man,
but for eight or ten years he has
been a resident of this state. For
three years past he has held a posi
tion in the First National Bank of
this city and he will continue in
his present position. During his
residence here he has made many
friends and is looked upon as a
worthy citizen of the place. For
the present the newly united couple
will make their home with the
bride's parents. A host of rela
tives and friends join in good wishes
and congratulations.
John Buchanan's Will.
Common Council.
The city council met Monday
night and transacted business as
The petition of W. S. McFadden,
J. T. Phillips, and others for com
pleting the sidewalk on the south
side of Madison to the college
grounds, was referred to the street
Fifty dollars was appropriated
for prizes for a firemen's contest dur
ing the Fourth of July celebration.
The bonds of the police judge for
$2,000, and the city treasurer for
$4,000, were approved.
Something like $1,200 was appro
priated irorn the general fund,
largely in payment of sewer con
struction, and $40 from street fund.
C B. Wells was re-elected night
watch for the ensuing year. Joseph
Emerickwas Mr. Well's only op
ponent and the vote stood six to
three in favor of the latter.
There was some further consider
ation of the matter of purchasing
the gravel bar of Sol King.
The will of the late John. Buchan
an has been filed for probate. After
directing the payment of all just
debts, funeral expenses, etc., all
real and personal property is be
queathed to Ruth Buchanan, wife
of the deceased, during her natural
life. The property consists of 840
acres of land and improvements
valued at $15,000; also stocks,
notes, mortgages, etc., valued at
$15,000, making a total of $30,000.
The will was filed Monday in the
probate court, and Ruth Buchanan
has made application for letters of
The will directs that the widow
may in any way she desires help
all or either of the following-named
children: John Frederick, Ruth
A., Ernest G., Edith, Claude, Mil
dred, Caroline Lizzie and May.
Of th above-named children Edith
has died since the will was execu
ted. The instrument continues:
"And, lastly, I appoint my wife,
Ruth Buchanan, as executrix of
this, my last will and testament,
hereby revoking all other wills,
legacies, and bequests by me here
tofore made and declaring this and
no other, to be my last will and
testament, and I especially desire
that no bond shall be requited of
said executrix."
The will was executed December
15, 1897, and was witnessed by E.
C. Wells and R. W. Scott.
Corvallis Will Celebrate As She Never
Celebrated Before.
On July 4 tli, 1900, Corvallis is
is to have the grandest celebra
tion in her history. In the lan
guage of Adams, this great an
niversary festival is to be com
memorated "with pomp and
parade, with shows, games,
sports, guns, bells, bonfires and
illuminations." Over $800 will
be at the disposal of the commit
tee having the matter in hand
and the posters announcing the
event will contain the display
line "2-days-a" for the celebra
tion will include the 3rd and 4th
of July.
No better opportunity has ever
been offered for a successful ob
servance of the day. No city
nearer than Eugene will cele
brate, and Corvallis will be the
Mecca for all patriotic citizens
for a radius of thirty miles.
The program has not been ar
ranged in detail, but a splendid
list of horse and bicycle races is
scheduled for the third. On the
fourth hose races, athletic con
tests, and exciting features will
fill every hour of the day. As
a special attraction, the services
of a troupe of seven bag-pipers
have been secured. A feature
of the program will be a sword
dance, and four brass bands will
furnish a grand carnival of music.
Creditors Object.
A Popular Enterprise .
A business house which is steadi
ly gaining favor is the Corvallis
Commission Store. Under the
management of John Lenger its
field of operation is broadening and
the amount of produce handled is
steadily increasing in volume.
They keep constantly on hand
the celebrated Corvallis and Mon
roe flours, and give with each sack
of the latter a package of Arm &
Hammer soda. Potatoes, bran,
shorts, all kinds of feed stuffs,
chickens, eggs, and, in fact, evciy
thing kept in a first-class commis
sion house is handled by them.
They are also agents for the famous
Lea's Lice Killer.
A case in which the creditors
object to the final account of J.
L,. Aiken, executor in the estate
of Peter Mason, deceased, and
attempt to cut down his charges
as executor about $ 100, to pre
vent him from collecting com
missions, attorney's fees, and to
compel him to charge himself
with a certain . note of $830 and
interest due from himself to de
cedent, has been having a hear
ing before Referee E. E. Wilson
for the past four days. E. R.
Bryson appeared for the creditors
and Attorneys J. H. Wilson and
E. Holgate for the executor.
From the evidence it appears
that some time prior to his death,
Peter Mason took J. E. Aiken's
note for $830, for money borrow
ed by said Aiken, six acres of
land in Lincoln county being
given as security. Mason made
Aiken executor of his will.
After the death of Mason, his
wife yielded up to Aiken the
note, upon the latter' s represen
tation that a contract had been
entered into between himself and
decedent whereby he was to be
released from his debt by deeding
to decedent the six acres of land.
The court, by an ex parte order
released the executor and took a
deed to the land. Afterward
when the land was sold at execu
tor's sale it brought but $25.'
The estate failed to yield revenue
sufficient to satisfy all claims
against it, and the creditors now
hold that Aiken should be held
for the note and interest, and be
deprived of commissions and at
torney's fees.
Dilley The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley, he carries a full
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel
men. Pay him a visit.
Ko-nut for pies and all pastr3' once
used, always used ; for sale at Zierolf 's.
2 ipwi
3 i
Reduction 3
Sale! H
A liberal reduction will be made
on all our Boys' and Men's Clothing
for the months of June and July.
Suits with fancy vests. Price $1.50
TWO PIECE SUITS in all ebadeaS
and prices ; $150, upwards. 3
FOR YOUTH'S in long pants, I
age 10 to 19 years, $4,00, upwards.
suits for men will also be in the sale j
at a reduction. Suits, $5 up.
Additional Local
C. E. Woodson has been ad
mitted to the bar by the Oregon
supreme court.
The beautiful and artistic ap
pearance of the tables at the ban
quet at H. W. Hall's the other
evening has been . the subject of
much favorable comment. The
credit for this elegant display is
due Mrs. Hall.
The college commencement
exercises begin promptly at 9:30
a. rn. Wednesday. At 9 a. m. the
regents, faculty and alumni are
requested to meet in the admin
istration building. In order that
there may be no disturbance
whatever it is urgently requested
that all be present promptly at
the beginning of these exercises.
"Old dog Tray is ever faithful."
Dick Zahn, during his recent visit
to Corvallis, was recounting his ex
periences in the Alsea mountains as
a hunter and his conversation turn
ed to the subject of dogs. He has
five dogs at present, and one of
them has been with him on all of
his hunting expeditions during the
past six or seven years. With this
dog Mr. Zahn has killed sixteen
cougars. The dog. although as
deaf as a post, is still as agile as a
oat and as keen a hunter as ever.
Arthur O. Bowersox.
An Attractive Lot of Lion Coffee Prem
iums in Allen & Woodward's Window.
We frequently hear the claim, "some
thing given for nothing," hut do not
often see an actual demonstration of the
principle, like a display of Lion Coffee
premiums now on exhibition in Allen &
Woodward's display window.
Here are many valuable articles, all
given free for the lion-heads cut from the
Lion Coffee wrappers. These are not
cheap' articles, but comprise clocks, um
brellas, watches, gold rings and jewelry,
besides many things useful and orna
mental in the household, or will be en
joyed by the children. Lion coffee fully
deserves the popularity which it has
gained, because of its superior strength
and flavor.
For some 18 or 20 years Arthur
O. Bowersox had been a resident of
Benton county, and at the time of
his death he was respected by all
who knew him. His death occurred
Monday in Salem and the remains
were interred there Wednesday un
der the auspices of the Odd Fel
lows, of which order he had been
an active member during life.
The deceased was a native of
Ohio, and was aged 36 years when
death overtook him. He owned a
small farm a few miles south of
Philomath. In 1888 he was united
in wedlock to Miss Cetta Arm
strong, a daughter of Mr.- and Mrs.
William Armstrong, of this county.
Six children were the result of this
Death undoubtedly was the re
sult of a kick he received on the
forehead from a horse during
March. Nothing was thought of
it at the time, and until about two
weeks ago Mr. Bowersox seemed as
well as ever. He then became de
ranged and was so violent ' that it
was considered best to transfer him
to Salem for treatment. This was
unavailing and death resulted.
There are many friends and ac
quaintances in this vicinity who
heartily sympathize with the be
reaved relatives.
Ko-nut, the purest, sweetest, most
ueaumui cooKing material maue : can lor
it at ziieron s.
Dressmaking Wanted.
Dressmaking by the piece or by the
day, Miss Bektha Thrasher.
For Sale.
260-acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and tbe Belknap settle
ment oh the east. Also 130 acre farm,
good cultivating land. Address
M. 8. Woodcock,
Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon.
Ko-nut for sale at Zierolf s; more eco
nomical than lard.
Ko-nut a pure sterilized vegetable
fat, at Zierolf's.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. R. R.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber ot first-class timber claims to be taken
up under the timber or homestead acts.
Gates, Manon Co., Or. Locator.
Try this Office for Job Work.
LADIES who wish to avoid
the bother of home work, or
the details of dressmaking, will
be interested in our new line of
dress skirts. All the fashionable
fabrics of the season are included
in the line, and the skirts have the
fit and ' 'hang' ' af the best dress
makermade. Take a look at
them and you will agree with us.
Prices from 45c to $6 50
j-ROCERY selling in a depart
ment store no longer attracts
attention because of its novelity,
but for the reason that the best of
food products costs less there than
the exclusive grocer charges.
This store is easily in the lead in
this respect. Our grocery de
partment is appreciated by well
posted buyers because it offers an
opportunity to supply the family
needs in this line at closest prices.
Country produce taken.
Whenever you find a
properly organized and
rightly conducted men's furnish
ing stock in a dry goods store
there you will find a successful
one. Men no longer shun dry
goods store furnishings, for they
know they can get correct styles
at close prices. We invite the
attention of our customers to an
especially fine and complete line f
ot neckwear just opened.
iHOE value consists in wear,
style and comfort. If any
of the three are lacking the foot
wear is not good value. Our
shoes are strictly reliable in qual
ity, therefore long wearing; they
are stylish, as can be seen at-a
glance; they are comfortable, be
cause fitted by an expert. All
our customers will bear out these
statements. We believe this is
the best place for you to buy shoes,
and solicit your patronage,
F. L. Miller.
Every item offered below is proof of
the above assertion.
The quotations are only a very meagre representa
tion of the values which place this store unquestionably
in the lead. This store is crowded with the most com
plete and comprehensive stock of dry goods we have
ever shown. Every line was bought at close prices, and
the goods will be passed along to our customers at the
usual small margin of profit which has made this store
so successful and popular.
The New Spring Parasols
Are Here,
This store offers many attractions to
economical buyers.
A store that relies solely on low prices to win and
hold trade is playing "a losing game." To win such
success as this store is winning it is necessary that the
low prices should represent goods of strictly reliable
quality, Every woman in this city who is posted on dry
goods, and who takes the time to compare goods and
prices will admit that our values are superior. We make
and hold customers by treating them right. We lead;
others follow.
T F you want a stylish spring hat
for $3.00, just as good as the
$5. 00 kind, come here. The only
difference is in the absence of the
name, and "what's in a name. "
If you are willing to pay two dol
lars for a name, buy the five dol
lar hat. If you want to pay only
for the hat, come here. Agent
for Kingburry hats.
UR glove stock is the best
patronized and most popular
in this vicinity, because we make
a constant effort to show a larger
line, and offer better glove values
than any other local dealer. It is
not easy to do a satisfactory kid
glove business. It requires long
experience, careful buying, con
scientious selling and a willing
ness to be content with a small
profit. We recognize all these
requirements and conform to them.
That's why Corvallis women can
get better gloves here for the
price than elsewhere.
-1EFORE your spring gown
are fitted a new corset wil
be needed. That goes almest
without saying, for everyone
knows that an ill-fitting worn
out corset spoils the fit of the
dress. Our corset woman can
help customers select the proper
model one that will improre the
figure. Consult her and you will
be better satisfied with your cor
set, and the fit of your dresses.
Prices from 50c to $1.50
RECENTLY advances have
taken place in all lines of
cotton goods. Before the advance
we stocked up with cords of do
mestics shirtings, sheetings,
ginghams, prints, and other cot
ton goods. We are now selling
these goods at just about what
other merchants have to pay fer
them at present prices. You will
find this store a good place to sup
ply your needs in this line.
F. L. Miller.