Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 12, 1900, Image 3

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TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900.
Ladies' Silk Waists
Good material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each.
Mercenized cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular colors. $1.50 to $2.2 each
For fine skirt lining and for shirt
waits. Twelve shade. 50 ceuts per
S, E Young & Son
Albany, Oregon.
John Osburn shipped two car
loads of fine beof cattle to Portland
Mrs. F. G. Clark, of Corvallis,
Mr. Beck with and son, Mrs. Digby,
and son of Minnesota, and Miss
Chapman, of Philomath, are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taft, of this
city. Yaquina Bay News.
Lawrence Kaarsbuig, of the Uni
versity of California, has been
secured by the U of O's to act as
coach for their foot-ball team dur
ing the coming season. He will
begin his duties about October 1st.
Misses Elinor and Maud Tobin,
of San Francisco, after a three
week's visit with J. F. Yates and
wife, left for Portland Saturday,
and after a brief visit there will re
turn to their home in the big me
tropolir. S. L. Kline has placed his fall
orders for young men's and boys'
clothing with Ederheiiner, Stein &
Co., of Chicago, one of the leading
manufaetiurers of the United States.
Prior to the arrival of the fall stock,
his present goods will be sold at
special prices.
H. W. Hall, J. B. Horner, J. F.
Yates and wife spent Sunday in
Portland. The three gentlemen
were delegates from Ferguson Chap
ter No. 5 Masonic Lodge of this
this city, to the meeting of the Ma
sonic Grand Lodge which was held
in Portland yesterday.
It may be interesting to some of
our loial athletes to learn that at
the Chautauquan Assembly, soon
to be held in Oregon City, there are
to be a series of field events con
ducted. The events are open to
all, and there is evidence of perfect
fairness, both in conducting and
judging all contests.
On the highest authority it is
reported that the California hop
crop will be about 10,0C0 bales
short this year. Should this prove
true it will have the effect of bright
ening the prospects of our local hop
growers, insomuch that a crop that
is short of the demand will
al ,vays cause a rise in prices.
Willis E. McElroy, one of the
foremost cornetists of Chicago, has
a march entited "March of the 2nd
Oregon." The march is dedicated
to General O. Summeis and his
gallant men, and it is !ast becom
ing a favorite in the East. The
composer is a son of Prof. E. B.
McElroy and wife, who now reside
in Eugene.
The boys of O A C report a fine
time during their three days' en
campment between this city and
Philomath. The only thing that
transpired to mar their enjoyment
was a sudden attack of cramp colic
suffered by Cadet Hamilton. His
condition became such that his
comrades brought him to town
for medical attendance. He is at
present feeling about as well as
Neil Newhouse returned Friday
from a trip to Portland and Seattle.
He has been looking in the chances
for business in the sound country.
Niel recently disposed of his inter
est in the 500-acre tract of hard
wood timber near Dallas, Polk
county, to Samuel Whitesides, one
of Neil's partner. Mr. Newhouse
has not yet determined in what en
terprise be shall engage in the im
mediate future.
The students of the O A C are
having examinations this week. It
is their intention to take a well
earned holiday Saturday, J une r6,
and to this end they have arranged
an excursion to the coast on this
date. The 0 A C Cadet Band will
be jn attendance to render the air
melodioug. The train will start
from Albany at 5:30 a. m.; Corval
lis 6:15 a. m., and returning leaves
Newport ot 6 p. in. Fare for the
round trip is placed at $1.50,
Many of our exchanges contain
an account of a laige sturgeon re
cently caught in a fish trap on the
Columbia river, and turned back
into the river again, as the Wash
ington laws prohibit the taking of
sturgeons at this season. Ihe ac
count concludes with the state
ment that the fish weighed 70Q
pounds. Phis must be a curiosity,
abnormal in some respects, that it
could be taken from the river,
transferred to the scales, weighed
and turned loo3e again without
bodily harm. yuit9 a hsh story
Mrs. J. S. Booth went to the coast
yesterday to spend a few weeks at
Nye Creek.
Miss Bessie Barker arrived in
Corvallis yesterday from Astoria
where she holds a position in a
store. This is her old home and
there are many friends here who
will unite in making her vacation
most pleasurable.
Mention was made a couple of
weeks ago of the fact that Bert Bar
nett, son of Monroe's postmaster,
had gone to Idaho for the benefit
of his health. A few days ago his
death occurred. The remains are
to be interred there, according to
authority obtainable.
E. R. Sheppard and Ivan Brown,
who have been attending school at
the O A C and who were sent as
delegates to the Y. M. C. A. con
vention recently held in Pacific
Grove, California, returned last
Thursday. They had a very enjoy
able as well as profitable trip.
J. M. Nolan was most agree
ably surprised when he entered
his residence Saturday evening,
after closing up the business of
the week. He found a number
of ladies and gentlemen awaiting
him. The surprise was in honor
of the tenth anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Nolan's wedding. A
most enjoyable evening was
passed and' everything was as
"Merry as a marriage bell."
The board of directors of the pub
lic schools of Corvallis met Satur
day to consider the matter of select
ing teachers for the ensuing school
year. Miss Letty Wicks, Miss
Hortense Greffoz and Mrs. May
Nelms were selected. Among the
applicants from abroad Nick Tar
tar, of Polk county, and Miss Ida
Maxwell, of Halsoy, were selected.
Mr. Tartar will likely be given
charge of the eighth grade. The
board meets again Saturday night
for further consideration of this
"Uncle Collins," of the Southern
Pfccific Railroad, has undertaken to
dictate to the City of Corvallis what
she shall or shall not do in the mat
ter of running the sewer, now in
course of construction, under the
S. P. track. His agents have given
notice that consent must be asked
in this matter before it is safe to
proceed any farther. What may
be the result is not known, but the
sentiment of the authorities in this
city seems to be to manage the
affair without any consultation with
the "Uncle" of the Southern Pa
cific, Andrew Porter passed through
Corvallis a few days ago with!
several gentlemen en route to the
Siletz country. Mr. Porter is a
suryeyor and it is thought that
the gentlemen with him have an
eye open for the location of tim
ber land, and that the above
mentioned gentleman is to assist
them with his knowledge regard
ing the lay of the land. A por
tion of Siletz reservation is to be
thrown, open and the surveyors
are expected to begin work about
July ist. Shortly after this it
will be open for script.
Rev. L. F. Stephens preached a
sermon Sunday at Camp Edwards,
where the O A C cadets were en
camped. There was a large attend
ance, as many people from the city
and country had congregated there
for Jin outing. The boys are gen
eral favorites at home, and are of
such interest to the public in gen
eral that the managers of the Sun
day Oregonian felt justified in giv-
ng them a two-column write-
up with cuts ot the orhcers.
About 5 o'clock Sunday evening the
cadets broke camp and marched to
O A C. They looked very war-like
with rifles, knapsacks aud blankets.
Many of the O A C cadets are
already looking forward to the en
campment of 1901.
Something on Foot that may Prove to Our
Advantage in the Future
Died ill Jail.
For a number of years the people
of Yaquina Bay and the country
adjacent to the railroad line of the
Corvallis & Eastern have enter
tained hopes that some day the line
would be extended on st, and
eventually become a factor in trans
continental traffic. From certain
things that have transpired there is
reason to believe that the managers
of this road are keenly alive to the
fact that the buildinsr of the Col
umbia Southern railroad from the
Deschutes river south will mean an
encroachment on the territory that
the extension of the C. & E. would
traverse. In the eastern part of
the state the Sumpter Valley rail
road is extending its line towcrd
Central Oregon, while on the south
the California, Nevada & Oregon
line has crossed the state, and a
couple of companies have been in
corporated for the purpose of secur
ing a hold on the commerce of the
great interior country.
The mysterious party of survey
ors that left The Dalles some time
ago has been identified with the C
& E. It is headed by T. H. Curtis.
The information is gleaned from a
reliable party who billed most of
the goods that the surey party did
everything possible to "blind" their
movements. The head men even
boxed their instruments in the
shape of merchandise so that their
purpose could not be guessed. They
took along two months' supplies
and went into the interior prepared
for business.
Since leaving Tha Dalles they
have not been heard from, and
some people very much interested
have been inclined to doubt their
existence. But mysterious as. their
actions have been, it was impossi
ble to keep everyone ignorant of
their movements, and the chances
are they will soon be heard from in
the vicinity of Prineville.
The Corvallis & Eastern is as
much interested in Central Oregon
as the Columbia Southern. It was
the original purpose of the company
to extend its line into the heart of
Oregon. It had run surveys through
Prinedlle to Ontario on the eastern
border of the state. In fact, it
shipped in scrapers and other grad
ing material which are still on the
ground. The work was not con
tinued owing to the hard times, it is
But the revival in all kinds of
business has reawakened interest.
The Corvallis & Eastern now ex
tends east from Albany almost to
the summit of the Cascade Range,
and it is but another step to Prine
ville the natural key to the heart
of Oregon. It is said that the road
has already surveyed an exellent
pass through the mountains, and
can be extended without much
trouble. The party of surveyors
recently, sent in has for its object
either the relocation of the old sur
veys, which perhaps might have
run out, or else the locating of per
manent surveys for the purpose of
constructing the line immediately.
Each of the roads interested is
moving as secretly as possible in
order to steal a march upon its com
petitors, but it is likely an open
warfare for territory will soon be
A sudden death occurred in the
county jail at 10:30 Friday night.
The deceased was known as Thos.
Murphy. He was incarcerated in
the county bastile about five weeks
ago for stealing a coat and vest of
A. Baxter, a farmer living in the
north end of the county. Murphy
was awaiting the action of the No
vember term of court. The life of
Murphy is veiled and nothing was
known of him until he was appre
hended by the sheriff on the charge
of theft. Since his incarceration
he has stated that he is a native of
Pennsylvania, and that he followed
the business of a professional cook.
He was not a bad appearing man
and there was something about him
that suggested better days. He
was aged about 52 years. He first
complained of feeling ill Friday
morning and shortly after noon
Sheriff Richard summoned Dr. Alt
man to attend him. The doctor
attributed death to neuralgia of the
heart and did what he could for the
sufferer during the short time that
he survived after medical aid was
called. The remains were taken
to the morgue, from which place
they were buried in the Masonic
cemetery. Services were held at
9 o'clock Sunday morning and were
conducted by Dr. Thompson. It
is well to state here that there is a
movement on foot to have a part uf
some cemetery set aside for the
burial of unknown citizens, that
they may not be interred in the
potter's field.
A Revolver Causes His Hands To Be
Lifted for Mercy.
Rose Carnival.
The. Opera House was well filled
Thursday night with people who
were interested in the rose carni
val. The entire house was beauti
fully decorated with choice loses.
On one side of the stage there was
a flag and on the other a shield,
both made of roses. In front of the
stage there was a small arbor con
structed of beautiful roses. Along
the south side of the Opera House
there was a fence of laths covered
with ferns and evergreens in imita
tion of a hedge. Behind this the
refreshments were retailed. On the
opposite side were placed all sam
ples of fancy needle work, point
lace, battenberg work, etc., some
rare samples were exhibited. The
first prize for choice roses was
awarded Mrs. N. B. Avery, and
Mrs. W. T. . Wiles received prize
number 2. A nice literary and
musical program helped to make
the Cirnival oue of Tare merit. It
is generally thought that next year
it will be best to hold the carnival
earlier in the season, for, although
there was an abundance of rare and
beautiful roses on exhibition, had
it been a few weeks ago roses could
have been obtained with less effort.
A Creditable Affair.
Attention Co. Q.
After mature deliberation, we, the
committee on arrangements appointed
by the Veterans' Association of Benton
Co., believe it to be to the best interest.
of the association to postpone, indefin
itely, the reunion announced at this
place for the 15th and 16th of this month,
W.w. Lane,
Oliver Trees,
Levi Oren,
G. A. Robinson.
Corvallis, Or., June 6, 1900.
Ko not for sale at Zierolf's; more eco
nomical than lard.
The graduating exercises of the
city public schools took place at
the Opera House Friday evening.
There was quite a large class of
graduates aud those who gave ora
tions acquitted themselyes in a
manner most creditable to them
selves and Prof. Pratt. Karl Stei
wer was valedictorian and did ex
ceedingly well, speaking distinctly
and understandingly at all times.
The invocation was by Rev. Noble
and the address to the class was
made by Rev. Boozer, both of which
were excellent. Victor Moses con
tributed a trombone solo, accom
panied by Miss Mamie Cauthorn;
Miss Lulu Spangler sang a solo,
and Ruthyn Turney rendered a
violin solo. Miss Edith Gibson
was the accompanist for the last
two numbers. The entire program
was very nicely given and was
highly appreciated by the large
audience. The graduating exer
cises of schools and colleges are
always well attended by the citi
zens of this city and on this occa
sion the Opera House was packed
until there was hardly any stand
ing room.
Constable Looney, of Monroe, ar
rived in Corvallis Saturday noon
and turned over to Sheriff Rickard
a prisoner giving his name as Fran
cis Pryor. He was caught in the
act of housebreaking and given a
hearing before W. J. Kelly, justice
of thep2aee of Monroe, who bound
him over in thej sum of $400 to
appear at the November term of
court. He broke into the store ot
Adam Wilhelm at Monroe.
According to the information at
hand it seems that Bennett Wil
helm has been running the flouring
mill the fore part of the night,
quitting at midnight. At the hour
of 12, Friday night he went off shift
as usual and went to the store
where he and another man slept.
Not feeling sleepy he concluded to
read for awhile, but was disturbed
by different noises. These dis
turbances he first attributed to
stock that might be at large, but it
finally dawned upon him that some
party was forcing an entrance to
the store. Securing a revolver and
taking a good position, Bennett
awaited the fellow's entrance when
he bade him throw his hands up.
The request was buriiedly com
plied with and Francis Pryor found
himself a prisoner.
Francis Pryor is not of prepos
sessing appearance by any means.
He was fairly well dressed, but has
a decidedly tough loik. He is of
medium size, dark complexioned
and about 30 years of age. Little
is known of him and he has only
been at Monroe for a short time.
Pryor's personal effects would
not bring much if sold at auction
A razor, pocket comb, some chew
ing gum, one dice, two memoran
dum books, a purse containing six
cents and several photos were found
in his possession. Three of the
photographs are of young women;
one is the work of a photographer
of Waterloo, Iowa; another is issued
from a photograph parlor in Pleas
ant, Hill, Oregon. He also had W.
S. Tomlinson's card and other val
uables. Throughout his memoran
dum books were notes that proved
him to be very systematic in
affairs of a shady character. There
were addresses of people of various
sections of the United States; little
memorandums of conversations, etc.
The most incriminating thing in
his books was the following inser
tion: "Alone, with property val
ued at $10,000 to $50,000." From
this it is impossible to form a favor
able impression of the man. It is
plain that his name was at one
time in the books and it is clearly
seen that it has been erased. This
does not look well.
Ko-nut a pure sterilized vegetable
fat, at Zierolf's.
Ko-nut, the purest, sweetest, most
healthful cooking material made ; call for
it at Zierolf's.
Dressmaking Wanted.
Dressmaking by the piece or by the
day, Miss Bertha Thrasher.
For Sale.
260 acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and the Belknap settle
ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm,
good cultivating: land. Address
M. 8. Woodcock,
Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the G. & . R. B.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber ot first-class timber claims to be taken
up under the timber or homestead sets.
Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator.
A liberal reduction will be made
on all our Boys' and Men's Clothing
for the months of June and July.
CKffVMlB i and prices; $150, upwards. M
f 'l.HBpf FOR YOUTH'S in long pants, T
S l-' '' ' ' ' ' If jSSKS'T' age 10 to 19 years, $4,00, upwards.
j wmMl ' suits for men will also be in the saleg
Additional Local
Try this Office for J6b Work.
Ira Hunter went to Portland
on business a few days ago.
The steamer Gypsy struck a
snag and sank in ten feet of water
near Independence, yesterday
Paul Schmidt, formerly of this
city, but now in business in Al
bany, visited a few hours in Cor
vallis Sunday.
F. R. Overlander is to play
double-bass for the Salem orches
tra when they come up to play
for Junior evening.
Rock Bryson arrived home
Friday from New York city,
where he has been attending the
Columbia Law School.
A telephone message received
as we were going to press bore
the sad news that A. O. Bower
sox had died at Salem yesterday
The Kline baseball .team are
gaining quite a reputation. Sat
urday they were the victors in a
game between them and the
the Philomath team by .a score
of 15 to 16. This was close and
the game was hotly contested.
Sunday in a game with Albany
they were successful, the score
being 16 to 34.
Invitations are out for the mar
riage of George H. Carl and Miss
Esther F. Berry. The marriage
will occur June 20th, at the resi
dence of Mrs. Susan M. Berry,
of this city. Mr. Carl was at
one time a student of O A C.
Both the young people are well
known here and many friends
here wish them happiness along
life's journey.
On account of the date ot the
picnic conflicting with that
chosen by the Veteran Associa
tion of Benton County, the re
union that was to have taken
place in this city on June 15 and
16, has been posponed. It
is barely possible that no
further effort will be made to
have a reunion this year. Should
the association attempt to have a
meeting it will likely take place
in the fall.
Left at this office, three pack
ages addressed to G. W. Denman.
Owner may have same by paying
for this notice.
Miss Bertha Thrasher returned
home last week from Portland,
where she has been employed for
the last two years in the dress
making establishment of Miss
Rev. Mark Noble gave a party
Saturday afternoon at the resi
dence of his daughter, Mrs. Hab
berset. The party was given
for the enjoyment of the younger
pupils of the Baptist Sunday
Fred Oberer had the misfor
tune to have some emery fly in
his left eye Friday, while at
work at the emery wheel at the
sawmill. Although no serious
results are anticipated, it has
been quite a painful experience.
After commencement there will
be improvements made in vari
ous ways at the O. A. C. One
improvement to be made is the
placing of a large exhaust fan in
the blacksmith shop. It is to be
inaugurated for the purpose of
carrying off the smoke and keep
ing the air pure.
M. W. Simpson arrived in this
city Sunday from Southern Ore
gon and the northern part of
California. He went over to his
home at Elk City Monday.
Marsh has secured an "exten
sion" on a quartz proposition
across the state line not far from
Ashland. At present he will re
main home, and it isa safe guess
that he will do considerable fish
ing this summer, as he is the
Isaac Walton of his section.
DIHej The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley, he carries a fall
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the beadquaretrs for wheel
men. Pay him a visit.
. Ko-nut for pies and all pastry once
used, always used ; for sale at Zierolf's.
LADIES who wish to avoid
the bother of home work, or
the details of dressmaking, will
be interested in our new line of
dress skirts. All the fashionable
fabrics of the season are included
in the line, and the skirts have the
fit and "hang" af the bestdress
makermade. Take a look at
them and you will agree with us.
Prices from 45c to S6.50.
GROCERY selling in a depart
ment store no longer attracts
attention because of its. novelity,
but for the reason that the best of
food products costs less there than
the exclusive grocer charges.
This store is easily in the lead in
this respect. Our grocery de
partment is appreciated by well
posted buyers because it offers an
opportunity to supply the family
needs in this line at closest prices.
Country produce taken.
"lAfHENEVER you find a
properly organized and
rightly conducted men's furnish
ing stock in a dry goods store
there you will find a successful
one. Men no longer shun dry
goods store furnishings, for they
know they can get correct styles
at close prices. We invite the
attention of our customers to an
especially fine and complete line
of neckwear just opened.
CHOE value consists in wear,
- style and comfort. If any
of the three are lacking the foot
wear is not good value. Our
shoes are strictly reliable in quab
ity, therefore long wearing; they
are stylish, as can be seen at a
glance; they are comfortable, be
cause fitted by an expert. All
our. customers will bear out these
statements. We believe this is
the best place for you to buy shoes,
and solicit your patronage.
F. L. Miller.
Every item offered below is proof of
the above assertion.
The quotations are only a very meagre representa
tion of the values which place this store unquestionably
in the lead. This store is crowded with the most com
plete and comprehensive stock of dry goods we have
ever shown. Every line was bought at close prices, and
the goods will be passed along to our customers at the
usual small margin of profit which has made this store
so successful and popular.
The New Spring Parasols
Are Here,
This store offers many attractions to
economical buyers.
A store that relies solely on low prices to win and
hold trade is playing "a losing game." To win such
success as this store is winning it is necessary that the
low prices shoujd represent goods of strictly reliable
quality. Every woman in this city who is posted on dry
goods, and who takes the time to compare goods and
prices will admit that our values are superior. We make
and hold customers by treating them right. We lead;
others follow.
F you want a stylish spring hat
for $3.00, just as good as the
$5. 00 kind, come here. The only
difference is in the absence of the
name, and "what's in a name."
If you are willing to pay two dol
lars for a name, buy the five dol
lar hat. If you want to pay only
for the Aat, come here. Agent
for Kingburry hats.
OUR glove stock is the best
patronized and most popular
in this vicinity, because we make
a constant effort to show a larger
line, and offer better glove values
than any other local dealer. It is
not easy to do a satisfactory kid
glove business. It requires long
experience, careful buying, con
scientious selling and a willing
ness to be content witn a small
profit. We recognize all these
requirements and conform to them.
That's why Corvallis women can
get better gloves here for the
price than elsewhere.
I-2EFORE your spring gown
are fitted a new corset wil
be needed. That goes almost
without saying, for everyon
knows that an ill-fitting or worn
out corset spoils the fit of the
dress. Our corset woman can
help customers select the proper
model one that will improve th
figure. Consult her and you will
be better satisfied with your cor
set, and the fit of your dresses.
Prices from 50c to $1.50.
RECENTLY advances have
taken place in all lines of
cotton goods. Before the advance
we stocked up with cords of do
mestics shirtings, sheetings,
ginghams, prints, and other cot
ton goods. We are now selling
these goods at just about what
other merchants have to pay for
them at present prices. Yon will
find this store a good place to sup
ply your needs in this line.
F. L. Miller.