THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. Should the present boxer up rising end in a partition of China by the powers, the silver mine- owners' trust may rind a solution for increasing the value of their product, that will beat Bryan, 16 to I. The republican national con vention will meet in Philadel phia, June 19th; there will be another campaign of education, and in November it will be four years more of McKinley and good times. The Oregon State Journal, H. R. Kincaid's paper, finds in the fact that the republicans carried Oregon by a large majority a circumstance "remarkable and unaccountable." That's so. The Journal did assist the opposition. Those who only read the head lines of the yellow dailies, are shocked at the dishonesty of Americans in Cuba. Perusal of the official statement of General Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba, will allay these appre hensions. Gov. Wood says: "Only one case of embezzlement has been discovered among the 60,000 American soldiers sent to Cuba. The amount stolen was Sr 80. and the ;uiltv party is serving a three years' sentence. At the beginning of our war with Spain, the attacks upon Secretary of War Alger over the embalmed beef scandal were more desperate than the assaults upon the dons. When England's difficulty began with the Trans vaal, some embalmed beef found its wav into the haversack of Tommy Atkins, and now Cana dian army officials are running from the stench of embalmed beef. How far does the influence of this man Alger extend any how? Clumsy copper coins of ex ceedinerly small denomination comprise a large part of the cir culating medium of China. Eu ropean control of that vast coun try, and the adoption of Euro pean customs by its enormous population, would cause the cop per coins to be replaced by silver ones. If America looks to her interests in the orient there will some day be a wonderful market for the output of our silver mines and a great appreciation of their value. County Court. At its regular June session the commissioners court transacted the following business: Cost bill, amounting to $25.65, in the case of the state of Ore eon vs Henry Kubli, was al lowed. The petition of Cyrus H. A. - James, asking the court to ap point three disinterested house holders to review and resurvey county road 2 14 miles north of Blodgett station, for the purpose ot restoring monuments or straightening said road, was granted, and John McGee, J. E Tohnson, and E. F. Strouts were appointed viewers. The proposition of H. M btone to change the plan ana specification of the draw bridge to be built bv him across the Long Tom at Bundy's bridge, was accepted subject to the ap proval of the secretary of war Henry Clemens was admitted as a charge to the poor farm. W. J. Warfield was granted a bounty for one wild cat. All road supervisors were or dered to make a list of all tools of whatsoever kind in their dis trict belonging to the county and file same with the county clerk before July 1, 1900. Commissioner Irwin was given power to expend the road fund of district No. 14, in improving the road between Corvallis and John Rickard's place, in such manner as he should deem proper. The county clerk was ordered to deliver to the sheriff a certified delinqnent list from the tax roll of 1899. The court agreed that Benton county should purchase an un divided one-half interest in the Sol King gravel bar, upon the city of Corvallis purchasing the other half. In the matter of assisting in the improvement of the Corval-lis-Philomath road between the lands of Peter Gellatly and Jas. Hayes, it appearing that $44. had been raised for this purpose, it was ordered that "when this amount had been expended the court should appropriate a like amount for this purpose. The petition of James Pfonts and others for the county to pur chase a steam gravel loader, was continued for the term. The matter of assistance for the Wyatt road was continued for the term. It was ordered that the coroner and all justices of the peace of Benton county be notified that before proceeding upon any ex amination or trial of a criminal charge or any inquisition upon the body of a deceased person. that the district attorney or his deputy be notified to appear and conduct said proceedings on be half of the state of Oregon. E. J. Elliott, Robt. Matheny and Win. Crees were appointed to view the proposed county road leading from the center of the Western terminus of college street in Philomath to a point near the N. E. corner D. L. C. of Wayman StClair. To Exchange. Property in Corvallis and vicinity for Portland property. For particulars ad dress Box 77, Portland, Oregon. Magnolia Laundry. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Our agent will "call at any address for laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays, and deliver ou Saturdays. Strict attention given family washing. All work guaran teed first-class. Give us a trial. Trask & Settlemier, Agents. Improved Service to the Koo tenia Mines Via the O. R. & N. Effective Sunday, June 3rd, the Spo kand Falls & Northern Railway will change time, and will establish double daily train service between Spokane and Kossland, close connection being made for all Kootenai territory. Day train will leave Spokane 10 :35 a. na., arrive Kossland 5:30 p.m., ar rive Nelson 8:00 p. m. Night train will leave Spokane 9 :45 p. m., arrive at Boss land 6:30 a. m., carrying a palace sleeper. Passengers arriving at Spokane on our No. 4 at 9 :00 a. m., make close connec tion with the S. F. & N. day train, and arriving at Spokane on our No. 8 at 5 :45 p. m., make good connection with the S. F. & N. night train. Money to Loan On improved farm security, long or short time, in sums of $500 or more. No com missions, no agents. For particulars, address P. O..Box 145, Albany, Or. Wanted. Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers, we will pay you from one-fourth to one half more for your iron than any junk dealer. AVe are ready to do repair work of any kind, at any time. Patronize us. Bring yeur old iron and get your money. The Foundry, Corvallis, Or. Opened in Albany. J. A. Kotan, for 20 years a business man of Salem, has opened a furniture and undertaking establishment in the Balti more block, Aibaay, and invites the pub lic to call and inspect his goods. No ex tra charge for hearse where undertaking foods are purchased of them. Phone, Hack, 401, Albany, Oregon. For Sale or Exchange. Four lots, improved, in Avery's Add. to Corvallis, for sale; or will exchange for small stock ranch . For farther par ticulars enquire of TJ. G. Bekry, Peoria, Oregon. "After Buffering from severe dyspepsia oyer 12 years and using many remedies without permanent good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so much good 1 recommend it to everyone," writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Record er, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. Otaham t Wells. er Sale or Exchange. One hundred and eighteen lots, in half and whole blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln county, Oregon; some business lots: residence lots near the principal churches, school house, and other resi dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful views of ocean and bay. Fire fractional blocks, south of and near the State Agricultural College; all completely tiled, streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient and healthful for residence. Large dwelling, barn and outhouses, centrally located on roomy and commodious ground?, in Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvallis. Twenty acres highly improved, all tile drained, and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy buildings; about one-fourth mils from Agricultural College. Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor rallis, good residence, two blocks from the Cour House; high, rolling ground. Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained, in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis. One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, on Front street, in Corvallis, centrally located. Seventy-three acres, 6 in orchard, 18 in wheat, balance in grubs, timber and pasture: situate w..i adjoining the odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis. Will exchange the town DroDertv named far suitable farm or acreage property; or will exchange the acreage property described ,f or town property or other farms or acreage: or will sell anv or all of said property on reasonable terms and time at rea sonable rates and prices. M. B. WOODCOCK, Corvallis, Oregon. Lost Notice. Lost, recently between this citv and Monroe, a parse containing about $3 in coin, belt rings and other articles. Finder vrill please leave same at this office. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mat quickly ascertain car opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Oommoniea ttons strletly eonadentiaL Handbook on Patents Best free, Oldest as Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive e. uiaesi agency lor securing patents. jpprMH none, witnout onarge, in too Scientific flmericam A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir culation or any srten tino Journal. Term s. $3 a ytjuoar nitthj. U SoliS truliicwbJaier Branen Office, 626 7 Bt, Washington, , C. State Treasurer's Third: Notice. Slate of Oregon, Treasury Department. Salem. June 2, 1900. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand with which to redeem all outstanding state warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed "Pre sented and not paid for want of funds," prior to this date, except those drawn for conveying insane for the years 1899, and 1900 ; also to pay all warrants drawn on the state scalp bounty fand aud en dorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds," prior to May 20, 1899, and that all such warrants properly endorsed will be paid upon presentation at this office, interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. Chas. S. Moore, State Treasurer. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed executor of the estate of Geo. W. Buckingham, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton county. -All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same duly verified to me at my residence, neat Dusty, in Benton county, Oregon, or at the law office of E. Ho! irate in Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated June 1, 1900. J. P. Gragg, Executor. For Sole. Wa have now on hand the finest and most complete stock of finish lumber and the best grade of flooring, rustic, etc., ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts in any quantity. We have a good fair grade of cedar shingles which we are offering for $1.40 per thousand. Corvallis Sawmill Company . Twenty Per Cent Off od Eggs. Eggs from Black Minorcas first prize winner heads first pen, regular price $1.50, now $1.25; second pen, now 80 cents for 13, a setting. Reduction at yards, near Cathotic cemetery. B. R. Thompson, Corvallis, Oregon. "I had stomach trouble 20 years and gave up hope ot being cured' till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It has done me se much good that I call it the savior of my life," writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. Graham & Wells. "After suffering from piles for 15 years. I was cured by using two bottles of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve," writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N. C. It heals everything. Beware of counterfeits. Graham & Wells. The easiest and most effective method of purifying "the blood and invigorating the system is to take DsWitt's Little Early" Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels. Graham & Wells. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Cros by Minn., makes the following state ment: "I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose relieved her. It has also benefitted my whole family." It acts immediately and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. Graham & Wells. J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says, "I cannot say too much for DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salve. One box cured what they called an incurable ulcer on my jaw." Cures all piles and skin diseases. Lok out for worthless imitations. Graham & Wells. W. H. Mussar, Millheira, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by given her One Minute Cough Care when she was dying from croup. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, grippe, asthma and all throat and lung trouble. Graham & Wells. call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there i money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked "not paid for want of funds'' np to and including those of September 9th, 1899. Interest will be stopped on same from this date. W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer of Benton Co. , Or. Corvallis, June 2nd, 1900. "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the finest pills I ever used." D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They quickly cure all livr and bowel trouble. Graham & Wells. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of Tolbert Carter, deceased, has filed his final account with the county clerk of Benton county, Oregon, and the ceunty court ef said county has set Friday, June 8, 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day in the office of the county judge in the court house, to hear any and all objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. V. A. CARTHK. Executor of the Estate of Tolbert Carter, Dec'd. I Dated this 7th day of May, 1900. For Sale. Clean, bright stock of Ladies' Furnish mg Goods and Fancy Goods. Address Box 415, Corvallis, Oregon. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tne food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest disco vri ri ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour 8tomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. OeWItt A Co. Chicago. Graham ft Wells. Kodol The Ea In Corvallis, July 4th, 1900, We have a store full of wearables appropriate to the and at right prices. Wash Dress Goods, Shirt and Children's Shoes, Ribbons, Etc. For Men and Boys we have Weight Suits, Bicycle Suits, White Duck Pants, Negligee Shirts, Linen Dusters, Summer-weight Weight Shoes, Flags, Bunting, You will have money left for other purposes if you let us sup ply your wauts for this occasion. CORiZKLLIS, 6 m y c C. A. Barnhart, Manager. Paints, Oils and Varnishes . WALL PAPERS RAMBLER AND IDEAL Bicycles, Ma?estic Lamps, Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc. I I Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House I Pioneer Bakery I AND RESTAURANT. as p Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand.- Smokers supplies a specialty. HODES & HALL, PROPRIETORS. iff f Seeing, Liking and Buying IS I, 2, 3 EVERY TIME A Large and Elegant line of Wall Paper, Mattin?, Floor Oil Cloth, Lenolium and all" kinds of Tlonse Fur nishing Goods at lire and let live prices. Also The Famous Charter Oak Stoves J. D. Mann & Co. CORYALLIS, t5fSecone'hand goods bought or FINE TEAS AND COFFEES t TRY . . . , S ! Jfeitt , 1 I FOB, . CORVALLIS occasion Waists, Separate Skirts, Ladies Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Serge Suits, Crash Suits, Light Underwear, Straw Hats, Light Etc. ORECON. 3 Oh yes, This is nice But you should see others. We don't make much noise, but sell goods, or rather they sell themselves. OREGON. taken in exchange for new. Store. Fresh Groceries PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CIGARS isl TIEHWIIuiLBP OP CorvaHis, Oregon. Does a general and conservative bnalllBB business ZED. lEti. BRYSOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office in Zierolf uuUiMng. For Sale By an expert French chemist. Up-to-now commercial formulas a chance to manufacture the goods yourself. An. gestura and Stonghtou Bitters, no imi tations but the genuine. Shoe Blacking, Polish and Patent Leather Dressing; Bicycle Enamel Recipes. For the farmer and fruit man, workers in iron, steel and other metals; painters and barbers, amateur and professional photographers ; how to make the tinted prints, green, blue aud browYi ; pastes and glue for commercial or family use; toilet extracts, perfumes and Eoaps; cement for wood, metal, metal, leather, rubber. Write for mv list. Geo. DeLee, 523 W. 6th St , l,os Angeles, Cal. Oregon) cohort) IW) EAILEOAD THE DIRECT ROUTE TC Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. Look at the Time . . y2 days to Salt Lake y2 days to Denver 34 days to Chicago 412 days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars, Upholstered Tourist S eeping Cars, and Pnllmau Palace S'ecpers, operated on all trains. For further infoimation, applyto GEO. F. EGLIix, Agent, Corvallis, Or. C. O. TERRY, W. R. COM AN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent. 124 Third St., Portland, Or. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stutc of Oregon for tiie County of Benton, George K. Allan. Plaintiff, vs. Birdie Allan, Defendant. To Birdie Allan, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, You are here by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against vou in the above-entitled suit, on or before the lath day of April. 1900, following six consecutive weeks publication of this summons; and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you as prayed for in the complaint, towit: A decree of this Court dissolving the marriage contract heretofore made and existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and gen eral relief as the Court may deem just and equit able. This Summons is served upon you by publication and published in the Uniox-Gazktte by virtue of an an order made by the Honorable E. Woodward, judge of the County Court of Benton County, Ore gon, and is published for a period of six weeks prior to April 13, 1000, and the date of the first publication is March 2, 1!)C0, CAKE & CAKE. Attorneys for Plaintiff Notice of Executor's Sale of Real Property. To Whom It May Concern : By Virtue of an order of the county court of Marion county, Oregon, duly made and entered, the under signed executor of the estate of C. J. Mulkey, deceased, late of Marion county, Oregon, will receive bids for the interest of snid estate iu and to the following described lands, towit: Claim 54 in township 11 south of rang;e 5 west of the Willamette Meridian. Beginning at the southeast corner of said claim, running thence north no degrees and 24 minutes west 6U.90 chains; thence west 16.02 chains; thence south no degrees 24 minutes east fit::') chains to the south bouudary line of snid claim; thence north 89 degrees 15 minutes east to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres of land situdte in lienton county, Oregon. Terms of sale to be cash iu hand on the date of the confirmation of said sale by the said county court, and that from and after the 23rd day of June, 19U0, that said executor shall pro ceed to sell said real estate -at private sale; said bids to be addressed to my attorney, W. II. Holmes, at his office on Commercial Street, in Salem, Marion county, Oregon. The said bids will be received up to and including the 23rd day of June, 1900, MILES LEWIS, Executor of the Estate of C. J. Mulkey, Dec'd. Dated this ISth day of Ma , l'JCO. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacifio Ooinpanv. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Corvallis for Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8:30 a m Ly Albany A2:30 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 a m Ar Sacramento---5 :00 p m Ar. San Francisco-7 :45 p m 8 :30 p m 10:50 p m 11 :30 a ni 4 :35 a m 9.30 a m Ar Ogden --5:45 p m Ar Denver 9:00 a m Ar Kansas City--.7:25 a m Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m Ar Los Augeles---1 :20 p ra ArEl Paso 6:00 p m Ar Fort Worth G :30 am Ar City of Mexico 9 :55 a m Ar Houston 4:00 a m Ar New Orleans- - 6 :25 a m Ar Washington --6:42 a m Ar New York- - - -12 :43 p- m 11 :45 a rrr 9 :00 a on 7 :25 a m 9 :30 a m 7 :00 a ro 6;00 p m 6 :30 a m 9 :55 a ni 4 :00 a m 6 :25 p m 6 :42 a m 12:43 p m PULLMAN AND TOUIUST CARS on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to n.rrVn ami El Paso, and Tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, Washington. New Orleans and Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. gee F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., . Portland, Or. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office in Wbltehom Block Corvallis, Oregon 66 THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prost. W. H . McBrayer and Old Crow tffeis feys, Fine Wines, Liquors an 4 Crgaaa. G. H. NEWTH Physician Surgeon PHILOMATH, OREGON. Notary. Titles. Conveyancing. JOS. H. WILSON. attorney-atlaw. Practice in al! State and Federal Court. Office in First National Bank Building. C. B. CAUTnORN. E. H. Tatixhi. CAUTHORN & TAYLOR DENTISTS. Dentistry of every description dons tn flrst class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. GROWN &ND BRIDGE WORK h SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, pposi'j the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician $ Surgeon Office over Allen &AVood ward's drugitare Office Hours ? ' X.2 a' m ) 1 to 4 p. m . Residence : Corner 5th find Adams, west of Catholic church. Telephone at office and residence. Corva'lis, Oregon. Union Laundry 60., POSTLAN D, OR. All white labor work guaranteed. Kasket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. J. D. MANN, Agest, Secon5-Hand Store. For Sale. Six room, two-story house, with outbuildings, with excellent well of water, healthfully located, good renting property. Terms reasona ble. Address ,;Box 27, Corvallis, Oregon. Jerseys for Sale. For Sale One of the finest Jersey bulls, full blood, born last July, solid color, gentle and kind, will register in the A. J. C. C. OLe very fine full-blood Jersey bull solid color, prominently mark ed, gentle and kind, born June 18, 1899. His mother tested per cent, butter fat. Will register in the P. C. C. C. Two nice full b'ood Jersey heif ers, solid color, well marked, about 15 months old, gentle and kind, registered in the A. J. C. C. Par ties wanting fine reg:stered Jersey stock will miss a rare chance if they fail to investigate this opportunity to get tine Jerseys. M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. " " Corvallis 1:55 p. ns. " arrives Yaquina 7:25 p. in. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina. . . . G:00 a. m. Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. in. 3 For Detioit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. in. Arriyes Detioit 11:30 i. tn. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. m. Arrives Albany .... 5:45p.m. One and two connect at Albat.y ana uorvams wmi .-soutnern racinc trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive a noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbusb ftnd Santiam river the same day. Edwin Stone, H. L. Walue.v, Manager. T. F. & P. A. H. H. Ckonise, Agent, Corvallis. Notice for Publication. Lash Office at Oreoos City, Oheook, May 12, 191 Notice is hereby given that the foliowing-nameil settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of ber claim, under Section 2301, H. S., ami that Haid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Bf nton County, at Corvallis, Ore gon, on June 23, 1900, viz: ZILPHA HIKE& H.E. No. 12330 fpr the S. W. Quarter pf Section lfl. T. 12, S. K..7W, She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, skid land, viz: Andrew Lane and John Arnold, both oi Philomath, Oregon, and Harry Davis, George Kram er, both of Peak, Oregon. CHAS IS. MOORES, ReUter.