Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 08, 1900, Image 3

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F 2
FRIDAY. JUNE 8, 1900.
Ladies' Silk Waists
Goed material. Good workman
ship. New Styles. $7 to $10 each
Mercenized cotton. Looks like
silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop
ular colors. $1.50 to $2.25 each
For fine skirt linings and. for shirt
waits. Twelve shade. 50 cents per
S, E, Young & Son.
Albany, Oregon.
Rey. L. M. Boozer will preach in
the Witham school house Sunday
at 2:30 p. m.
Kerr & Underwood are adorning
the Occidental hotel with a new
coat of paint.
August Fischer went to Elk City
Wednesday on business. Before
coming home he will go over to the
Bicycle riders must bear in mind
now that they are liable to be fined
for riding on any sidewalk within
the city limits.
On account of Conductor Web
ster laying off a few days for a vaca
tion, Charley Berry, of the freight,
came up Wednesday in charge of
the West Side passenger.
There will be special services at
the Oak Ridge Presbyterian church
next Sabbath at 2 p. m. A pro
gram has been arranged for the
children to be followed by an ad
dress. Work is progressing rapidly on
the brick addition to Peter Zierolf's
store. When completed this will
satisfy a "want" long felt in the
grocery business, while there will
he additional office room upstairs.
Marion Hayden, who was out
from Alsea a couple of days ago,
states that owing to the. cold weath
er the .jrain crop of that vicinity
does not look very well. Fall sown
grain is making the poorest show
ing. The Juniors at the college are
making great preparations for an
entertainment and dance to be
given some evening just before
commencement. The services of
the Salem orchestra have been se
cured for this occasion.
"A short story entitled "Buck
skin's Fight With the Wolves,"
by Hon. G. A. Waggoner, appears
in the May number of the "Native
Son." Mr. Waggoner is one of the
most valuable contributors to this
really excellent publication.
The O A C Cadet Batallion will
go into encampment today near
Brown's bridge, a few miles west of
Cor vail is. They are to remain out
until Monday. The boys will un
doubtedly enjoy an experience of
this kind very much after so many
months of close application to their
Next Sabbath is Children's Day
at the Presbyterian church. In the
morning Dr. Thompson will preach
a sermon on the topic, "Home and
Character;" in the evening there
will be the children s exercises. An
excellent program has been pro
vided and will be interesting to all.
The Y P S C E will meet at 7 p. in.
A very kind welcome to these ser
vices is extended to all.
Wm. Frickey, a stockman of
Wheeler county, arrived in Cor
vallis Tuesday. He took a number
ot horses from his ranch to Wash
ington county, and after finishing
his business in the stock line he
came up here to investigate the
merits of the agricultural college.
Mr. Frickey is also an oldtime
friend of H. W. Hall. The gentle
man expressed himself much pleased
with the school and it is very proba
ble that he will send his eon here
to college when it opens this fall.
C. H. Gleim, traveling passenger
and freight agent of the Colorado
Midland, Bays the Telegram, is
making a lecord for his road in
shipments of stock. He will have
secured 300 carloads of sheep by
the eud of the season. Last year
the company shipped 12,000 head
of stock out of Oregon, and this
year's business will amount to about
the same figure. Mr. Gleim was
formerly at the head of the manage
ment of the carriage factory in
Corv.illis, and is well remembered
A gentleman in this city recently
received a letter from Father Tureck.
He was nearing England's shores at
the time of writing and stated that
his boat had experienced a rather
rough passage. He stated that
last Sunday, Ascension Sunday, he
would attend Holy Mass in Lon
don. The Father is on his way to
visit the pope at Rome and the Paris
exposition. He will most likely
visit many points of interest in the
old world. He failed to mention
anything about Carl Hodes, but
E. R. Bryson and family will
shortly occupy the Itaiph Davisson
residence on 5th street
T. J. Buford, Indian agent at the
biletz, recently passed through (Jor
vallis enroute to Oregon City where
he visited his son, Jay Buford
C. E. -Rice, of Kings Valley, states
that the crops of that section do
not look quite as well as they should,
and attribuus it to the laok of warm
Preaching morning and evening
in the United Evangelical church
next Sunday by the pastor. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. and C. E. at
7 p. m.
According to the Kentucky game
law man is allowed to kill a nigger
at all seasons and there are no re
strictions. Six white men per
diem is the limit.
Rev. E. C. Warren, O. P.. will
conduct services at the Catholic
church next Sabbath. Mass at
at 10:30 a. m.; evening service at
7:30. Rev. Warren is a splendid
preacher and all are cordially in
vited to hear him.
Lee Henkle has been appointed
administrator of the estate of Fian-
cis Slate, deceased, on petition of
Laura E. Vernon. 1 he estate con
sists of real property, and is valued
at about $3,500. There are a num
ber of heirs to the property.
Mrs. Taylor Porter, who has been
out in the neighborhood of Shaniko,
Oregon, for the past ten days, was
expected to arrive home yesterday.
Her husband is employed there on
bridge construction for the railroad
that is being built through that
It seems strange that the Corral-
lis Baptist Association, should, as
far as can be ascertained hare no
connection whatever with Corvallis.
But this seems to be the case, and
the association's field is Lane, Coos
and Douglas counties. How it comes
to be called after this city is puz
The schools of Albany and Cor
vallis joined farces and arranged
for an excursion to Newport and
return Wednesday. The fare was
put at the lowest possible figure
for school children. The excursion
was fairly well patronized and the
young people were enabled to enjoy
a day on the sandy shores of old
Ed Dunn, who recently returned
from a business trip to Eastern
Oregon, states while in Pendleton
he visited Will Fechter and wife.
They are greatly pleased with their
business outlook and report a fine
trade in their line, which is con
fectionery. Will also handles the
fiddle bow to good advantage and
this helps to keep down expenses.
"When I was a boy in China."
Rev. Gam Sing Quah will deliver
this popular lecture at the South
Methodist church Saturday even
ing at 8 o'clock. Ha will deliver
the lecture in a rich Chinese cos
tume and there will be songs by
himself and wife in Chinese. Ad-
Wallis Nash arrived in Corvallis
yesterday from his home on Rock
mission 15 cents.
C. T. U.
Benefit Y. W.
Belgian hare must be great meat
producers. Supposing-a doe raises
five litters of eight young each, she
has forty to her credit. Presuming
half of this litter to be does, there
are four, and these bur, if all goes
well, will produce two litters by
the end of a year. Figuring on
the same basis they will produce
104. It may be presumed that
the second litter of the original doe
will produce once, and the basis of
figuring there will be sixty-two
more, making a total of lob hares,
as the increase of one dee. If they
are of good breeding they will weigh
eight pounds eoeh at the age of
eight months. Thus it will be
seen that three figures are required
to express the weight of the increase
of one doe in the course of a year.
The front of the Pioneer Bakery
and Restaurant has received a new
coat of paint. T. T. Barnhart was
the artist.
Miss Nellie Hogue arrived hame
from Stanford university yesterday
morning after having spent the
pasf year in that splendid univer
sity. Albany Democrat.
Supt. Denman is making prepar
ations for a school picnic at Monroe
on the 23rd mst. There will be
many interesting features intro
duced to make the occasion of In
terest to all.
Bear in mind when you have
farm produce to sell that there is a
commission in town; bear the same
thing in mind when you want to
purchase any, also that John Lend
er is the proprietor.
Attorney W. E. Yates will go
over to Albany today on business
for the city of Corvallis. He will
inspect the records there in regard
to any incumbrances that might be
hanging over the plot of ground
that the city and county are ne
gotiating for, with a view of pur
chasing the same of Sol King. If
evtry thing is found to be coirect on
the records at Albany the deal will
be consummated tomorrow. It is
the intention of the city and county
authorities to begin spreading
gravel at once and in large quanti
ties as Boon as this gravel bar is at
their disposal. The hauling and
spreading of gravel on the thor
oughfares will give employment to
many men and teams.
Mrs. M. M. Elliott, of San Fran-
cisco, and Miss J. Reed, of Pasa
dena, California, arrived in Corval
lis Wednesday en route to Alsea,
where they are to spend the sum
mer. Miss Reed is quite an accom
plished violiniste and entertained
a few guests with her violin at the
Occidental hotel Wednesday even
ing. Her selections were appre
ciated by a number of people on the
streets as well as those in the par
lor. The ladies were met here by
Marion Hayden who escorted them
over to the Alsea valley. Miss
Reed's mother and brother are liv
ing over mere and nave erected a
number of cabins for the the accom
modation of summer visitors, friends
uf the family, who are expected to
arrive from various parts of the
The last senior rhetorical of the
school year took place at the O A C
chapel Monday afternoon. The
following program was given: A
paper on "Ventilation," by Albert
Leavens; piano solo, by Mordaunt
Goodnough; vocal solo, "Because I
Love You," Maud Hoover; "Some
Haunts of Song," was the subject
of an address by Meldora Jackson;
"The Maiden's Song," a vocal selec
tion by Constance Holland; Etta
Agnes Smith followed in a discus
sion of "Our War With Spain;"
"Hope Makes All Things Possible,"
was the subject of an oration by
Lillian Ranney; Lulu Spangler
sang, "O Promise Me;" "The Com
ing Conquerors," was the subject of
a discussion by Herbert Junkins.
The O A C orchestra furnished
music for the occasion and the
affair passed off nicely. One of
the musical features was the rendi
tion of a march for orchestra, com
posed by Glen Win alow, of the col
lege. The march was dedicated to
the O A C cadets.
The Nation's Natal Day to lie Observed
' With Pomp and Ceremony.
Corvallis is not to be outdone by
her sister cities in patriotism or en
terprise. She' will observe the
nation's birthday this year, and
that with an enthusiasm never
equaled in former efforts.
At a meeting of citizens held at
the office of E. R. Bryson, Wednes
day evening, J une 6th, for the pur
pose of considering: the advisabil
ity of celebrating the Fourth of
J uly, this decision was arrived at.
J. M. Nolan was chairman of the
meeting and E. R. Bryson acted as
Believing that enthusiastic young
men should have charge of the ar
rangements and that the business
men and older citizens should stand
behind and support their efforts, the
following oimmittee of arrange
ments was appointed: E R. Bry
son, Robt. Johnson, J. F. Yates,
George Paul, E. E. Wilson, Jesse
Spencer, George Irvine, J. N. Mc
Fadden, B. W. Johnson, George
Denman and V. E. Watters. This
committee will probably meet this
evening, when final arrangements
will be perfected.
Council Organized.
June 4th being the first Monday
in the month, the council met on
that evening and organized for the
tnsuing year as required by law.
P. Avery was elected president and
the following committees were ap
pointed: Finance Committee Kline, Hen
kle and Hayes.
Street Committee Smith, Avery
and Wilbanks.
Fire and Water Committee No
lan, Heck art and Henkle.
Liquor license bonds of T. White
horn, Ben Woldt and Julius
Wuestefeldt were approved.
Court Notes.
To Exchange.
Property in Corvallis and vicinity for
Portland property. For particulars ad
dress Box 77, Portland, Oregon.
Magnolia Laundry.
We respectfully solicit your patronage.
Our agent will call at any address for
laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays, and
deliver on Saturdays. Strict attention
given family washing. All work guaran
teed first-class . Give ns trial .
Txask & Settlimixk,
Many matters of importance
came before the county court at its
session this month. A detailed
statement of the proceedings will
appear in our next issue.
The newly elected democratic
commissioner Richard Irvin, was
appointed to fill the unexpired term
of the late Commissioner Buchanan,
owing to the urgent necessity of a
full representation this month.
Several bridge matters came on
for consideration, and numerous
petitions for the establishment of
new roads were presented.
In the matter of the purchase of
the Sol King gravel bar, the court
and representatives of the city have
delegated City Attorney Yates to
go to Albany and examine, into the
title of this property whiOh lies in
Linn county. It is hoped that the
transfer will be accomplished in
time to begin hauling gravel by
next Monday.
Letter List.
For week ending June 2, 1900:
J A Brooks; Ellsworth Bothers,
John P Combes, Nute Davisson,
M Freohler, Mrs Chas Goodale,
Howard & Stearns, Miss Millie
Jones, Miss Annie Kupetz, Mrs.
Myra Lehrbass, Vance Taylor, Miss
Bertha Townsend.
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
Old cost iron of any kind. Farms,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one
half more for your iron than soy jank
dealer. We are ready to do repair work
of any kind, at any time. Patronise ns.
Bring rear old iron and get your money.
The Foundry, Corvallis, Or.
Ko nut for sale at Zierolf s ; more eco
nomical than lard.
Ko-nut for pies and all pastry once
used, always used; for sale at Zierolf's.
To Wires and Sweethearts.
To home and friends, we bid farewell !
For distant shores we're leaving.
To sail npon the flowing sea
Where waves o'er waves are heaving.
Our bark will safely ride tke waves,
Will reach the golden strand;
The stars of hope will' guide us o'er
The Artie's frozen lands.
The Alaskan hills we will explore,
Its golden streams we'll pan,
And bring you nuggets from the shores
Untrodden yet by man.
We'll search the Arctic circle round,
And when our task is done
Bring Sack the treasures we have found
From the land of the midnight snn.
Bat, if perchance, too long we wait
And yet no news the while,
Don't think we're shipwrecked on the
Or on some frozen isle .
And when the bells on ChriBtmas day
Ring out their joyous sounds
Then think of loved ones far away
In Artie fetters bound.
Think of the long polanic gloom
And how we pass the time
While towering glaciers heavenward
Eternal and sublime.
Yet, we'll return, yon may depend,
It will never be our lot
To leave our bones where polar bear
Will eyer find the spot.
We'll bring a schooner load of gold
From the Alaskan bills ;
We'll doff oar boots and corduroys
Then you can put on frills.
We'll take a trip around the world
And through the foreign lands,
And wander neath Italian bowers
By lone arcadian strands. ,
And, now, farewell, till we return,
And with the gold we find
We'll build yon all palatial homes
On the Hudson or the Rhine.
Willis Vidito.
Chautnuqa Association.
The seventh annual assembly of
the Willamette Valley Association
will convene at Oregon City, July
11th, and remain in session until
July 21st. Great preparations have
been made for this event, which is
of so much importance to the peo
ple of Oregon who are interested in
educational matters. In the way
of entertainment much will be done
and the Metropolitan Jubilee Sing
ers of Chicago have already been
secured for this occasion. Congress
man Landis, of Indiana, will speak
at intervals during the sessions.
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer and other
prominent singers will be in at
tendance. There will be a large
number of addresses made and
papers read by local professors and
through the efforts of the associa
tion many eastern men of great
prominence have been induced to
attend and assist in making this
occasion one to be long remembered.
Ko-nut, the purest, sweetest, most
healthful cooking material made; call for
it at Zierolf s.
tjSSSpBSfSSl?' : 'ujsbsbbbsbbbw3sbbbW
Adler's Durable
New Spring
$6 50, $7 50, $8 00
$10, $12 50, $15
Young Men's Suits
Stylish in Make and Finish
$4 50, $5 OO,
$6 00, 8 00, $10 00
$12 50
Nelson's Custom Fit $3 50
Shoe for Men
At Kline's.
Dllley Tke Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley, he carries a foil
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop Is the beadquaretrs for wheel
men. Pay him a visit
Fer Bale.
260-acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and the Belknap settle
ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm,
good cultivating land. Address
M. 8. Woodcock,
Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon.
Improved Service to the Kootenia
Mluea Via the O. R. & N.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. B. B.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber ot first-class timber claims to be taken
up under the timber or homestead acts.
Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator.
Prof. W. A. Ginn, teacher of piano,
organ, uitar and theory ol mnsic.
Special work in voice culture. Latest
and beat methods. Call at Graham A
Wells fer terms, etc.
Ko-nut a pure sterilized vegetable
fat, at Zierolf's.
Try this Office for Job Work.
Effective Sunday, June 3rd, the Spo
kand Falls & Northern Railway will
change time, and will establish double
daily train service between Spokane and
Rossland, close connection being made
for all Kootenai territory.
Day train will leave Spokane 10:35
a. m., arrive Rossland 5:30 p.m., ar
rive Nelson 8 :00 p. m. Night train will
leave Spokane 9 :45 p. m., arrive at Ross
land 6:30 a. m., carrying a palace sleeper.
Passengers arriving at Spokane on our
No. 4 at 9 :00 a. m. , make close connec
tion with the S. F. & N. day train, and
arriving at Spokane on our No. 8 at
5:45 p. m., make good connection with
the S. F. & N. night train.
Motiey te Loan
On improved farm security, long or short
time, in sums of $500 or more. No com
missions, no agents. For particulars,
address P. O. Box 145, Albany, Or.
Belgian Hares!
California Belgian Hare Association.
Capital Stock $25,000.
Own more imported and high grade
animals than any other company or indi
vidual in America.
We guarantee all our animals and ped
igrees to be as represented, or money re
funded. The breeding of Belgian Hares is the
coming popular industry ia America.
Write for catalogue to,
Cal. Bkloiaw Hake Association,
Alameda. Calif.
Official Returns for Benton County, Oregon, June 4, 1900.
For Representative
E. J. Nichols. Republican
Chester Sketls, Demo. Peoples
For Sheila
M. P. Burnett, Demo. Peoples
J. M. Cameron, Republican
For County Clerk
John A. GelUtly, Republican
Virgil E. Watters, Demo. Peoples
For Recorder
Grant Elgin, Demo. Peoples
William 8. Tomllnson, Republican
For Treasurer
W. A. Buchanan, Demo. Peoples
Miles T. Stair, Republican
For Assessor
Howard L. Bush, Demo. Peoples
H. H. Glassford, Independent Rep,
For School Superintendent
G. W. Denman, Republican
W. C. Swann, Demo. Peo. ProhL
For County Commissioner
R. a Irwin, Demo. Peoples
Casper Zleroll, Republican
T ADIES who wish to avoid
" the bother of home work, or
the details of dressmaking, will
be interested in our new line of
dress skirts. All the fashionable
fabrics of the season are included
in the line, and the skirts have the
fit and "hang" af the best dress
makermade. Take a look at
them and you will agree with us.
Prices from 45c to $6.50.
GROCERY selling in a depart
ment store no longer attracts
attention because of its novelity,
but for the reason that the best of
food products costs less there than
the exclusive grocer charges.
This store is easily in the lead in
this respect. Our grocery de
partment is appreciated by well
posted buyers because it offers an
opportunity to supply the family
needs in this line at closest prices.
Country produce taken.
VyHENEVER you find a
y properly organized and
rightly conducted men's furnish
ing stock in a dry goods store
there you will find a successful
one. Men no longer shun dry
goods store furnishings, for they
know they can get correct styles
at close prices. We invite the
attention of our customers to an
especially fine and complete line
of neckwear just opened.
SHOE value consists in wear,
style and comfort. If any
of the three are lacking the foot
wear is not good value. Our
shoes are strictly reliable in qual
ity, therefore long wearing; they
are stylish, as can be seen at a
glance; they are comfortable, be
cause fitted by an expert. All
our customers will bear out these
statements. We believe this is
the best place for you to buy shoes,
and solicit your patronage.
F. L. Miller.
Every item offered below is proof of
the above assertion.
The quotations are only a very meagre representa
tion of the values which place this store unquestionably
in the lead. This store is crowded with the most com
plete and comprehensive stock of dry goods we have
ever shown. Every line was bought at close prices, and
the goods will be passed along to our customers at the
usual small margin of profit which has made this store
so successful and popular.
The New Spring Parasols
Are Here,
This store offers many attractions to
economical buyers.
A store that relies solely on low prices to win and
hold trade is playing "a losing game." To win such
success as this store is winning it is necessary that the
low prices should represent goods of strictly reliable
quality. Every woman in this city who is posted on dry
goods, and who takes the time to compare goods and
prices will admit that our values are superior. We make
and hold customers by treating them right. We lead;
others follow.
IF you want a stylish spring hat
for $3.00, just as good as the
$5.00 kind, come here. The only
difference is in the absence of the
name, and "what's in a name."
If you are willing to pay two dol
lars for a name, buy the five dol
lar hat If you want to pay only
for the hat, come here. Agent
for Kmgburry hats.
OUR glove stock is the best
patronized and most popular
in this vicinitr. because we make
a constant effort to show ft larger
lme, and offer better glove values
than anv other local dealer. It is
not easy to do a satisfactory kid
glove business. It requires long
exnerience. careful buying:, con
scientious selling and a willing
ness to be content with a small
profit We recognize all these
requirements and conform to them.
That's why Corvallis women can
get better gloves here for the
price than elsewhere.
BEFORE your spring gown
are fitted a new corset wil
be needed. That goes almost
without saying, for everyone
knows that an ill-fitting or worn
out corset spoils the fit of the
dress. Our corset woman can
help customers select the proper
model on that will improve tha
figure. Consult her and you will
be better satisfied with your cor
set, and the fit of your dresses.
trfces from 50c to $1.50.
RECENTLY advances have
taken place in all lines of
cotton goods. Before the advance
we stocked up with cords of do
mestics shirtings, sheetings,
ginghams, prints, and other cot
ton goods. We are now selling
these goods at just about what
other merchants have to pay for
them at present prices. Yon will
find this store a good place to sup
ply your needs in this line.
F. L. Miller.
this omission is evidence that Carl
is all right.