Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 05, 1900, Image 2

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TUESDAY, JUKE 5, 1900.
Every proposition advocated
by the demo-populist-Bryan par
ty in 1896 has sinee been proven
by public events to be false.
Many of the democratic and
populist orators who now praise
Abraham Lincoln as one of the
greatest men of modern times,
when he was acting as presi
dent, denounced him the same as
they now do republican states
men of the present time.
In 1859 the United States un
der a purely democratic adminis
tration was paying at the rate of
ia per cent interest on its debts
In 1 000, under a progressive re
publican administration, the
bonds of the United States pay
able in gold issued under the
gold standard act and drawing
only two percent interest per an
num are worth in the markets of
the world $1.64.
The predictions made in the
Bryan presidential campaign of
1886, as to the disaster and
calamity which would follow
in the event the republican
party should then be success
ful, and its principles advocated
carried out, has, on the contrary,
proved to be highly beneficial to
the country ; resulting in timesjof
progress and prosperity never be
fore witnessed in the history of
the world.
The people generally believed
that business prosperity revived
after the accession of the repub
lican party to the control of the
government, because of the con
fidence that a party was in power
which knew how to manage na
tional affairs; but the democrats
preferred to ascribe it all to the
famine in India, even worse than
the last, which will probably in
sure the triumph of the repubh
can party and a still further ad
vance in the prosperity of the
During the presidential cam
paign of 1896 when Bryan was
advocating the free coinage of
silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and
to place the country on a silver
basis, the United States 4 per
cent bonds were worth Si, 16
but now under a republican ad
ministration and gold standard
act, the same bonds are worth
$1.34. Yet in the light of al
the false prophesies made by
Bryan, to his mind he has suffi
ciently distinguished himself to
ask the people to elect him presi
The Boer delegates have learn
ed from the Secretary of State
that the President will maintain
the policy of impartial neutrality
between Great Britain and the
South African republics. If the
Boer representatives are familiar
with the history of the United
States they know that this coun
try has never interfered in the
wars of Africa or any other for
eign continent, and that to do it
now would be a complete depart
ure from the traditional line of
action. President Fillmore lost
no time in conveying this infor
mation to Kossuth, the Hunga
rian patriot and agitator, and it
was done, as was proper, in di
rect and unmistakable terms
In refusing to admit the Boer
deputation to the floor the senate
simply affirmed the time-honored
position of neutrality in conflicts
between foreign countries. There
will be no change under a repub
lican administration in this his
torical attitude.
Oregon Prune Outlook.
In some localities, according to
various reports, the Italian prune
crop is good, and in many others a
total failure. The Petite variety is
reported as generally good. How
ever, what in the markets are gen
erally known as "Oregon Prunes"
are large and acid, of the Italian
type, and while some consumers
prefer them to others that are
sweeter, the great majority of peo
ple will always choose a prune that
is sweet, both from motives of econ
omy and taste.
The Dosch prune is thought by
some Oregon groweis to promise
well, but is very large, but has no
larger percentage of sugar than the
Italian. If a prune gets beyond a
certain size its value is decreased
accordingly, rather than enhanced.
A sweet prune that will ruu 40-50
and 50-60 is the best to grow in
larere Quantities. The sugar prune
is being tried in Oregon and Wash
ington, but, even if it should prove
a good bearer its size will necessi
tate artificial curing wherever there
is not plenty of hot sun and dry
The Returns.
Monday's election was the
most stubbornly contested of any
held in this city for years. The
fate of the clerk, recorder, com
missioner and congressman hung
on the returns of each belated
precinct. At the time of going
to press, with complete returns
trom all precincts except Dusty,
Alsea, Blodgett and Kings Val
ley, indications pointed to a ma
jority for Tongue in this county
of from 30 to 50. .Reports trom
Portland state that he is running
well throughout the district, but
his election is by no means as
sured. Brown, for prosecuting attor
ney will have an everwhelming
majority in Benton.
So far as heard from Nichols
has a majority of 195, and the
full returns will not alter this
Burnett was leading Cameron
by 140. Watters majority was
83, with the outcome in doubt,
but the odds in his favor. Den
man's majority will be between
500 and 600. Glassford will have
a small majority over Bush. El
gin's majority was 46, and the
result was most doubtful. The
closest contest of all will be for
commissioner, and neither aspi
rant will be elected with a major
ity of more than 10 votes.
As usual the republicans have
elected the legislative ticket, and
the lucrative offices have gone to
the democrats. The ballot would
tend to show that instead of be
ing republican, as generally sup
posed, Benton county is really
slightly fusion on a strict party
Will be Ground to Pulp.
Frank Williamson arrived in
CorvaHis Saturday night from
Berry, out at the front on the C. &
E. Frank expects to go out to
Kings Valley, where he will be em
ployed by C. K. Spaulding to run a
logging engine. Mr. Spaulding ex
pects to get out about 5,000,000
feet of logs this summer, The
place he will log is well up on the
Luckiamute, about fourteen miles
from Wren. At his camp Mr.
Spaulding has a large dam in course
of construction across the river and
when it is completed it will back
the water up on the Luckiamute for
over a mile. Fir, hemlock and
balm will be the timber logged and
the logs are consigned to the Wil
lamette Pulp and Paper mills at
Oregon City. In all parts of Ore
gon the forests are becoming more
valuable every day; money is being
invested in plants for its utility,
both for the lumber and paper mills.
Only just recently a number of
local men incorporated a company
for the manufacture of hardwood
lumber, with most flattering pros
pects of a profitable market for their
production. Surely Oregon business
men are progressive and are demon
strating their adaptability for all
branches of industry.
Dilley The fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds ot bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer
of the Willamette valley, he carries a fnll
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel
men. Pav him a visit.
For Sale.
260-acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and the Belknap settle
ment oa the east. ' Also 130 acre farm,
good cultivating land. Address
Administrator, CorvaHis, Oregon.
Prof. W. A. Ginn, teacher of piano,
organ, uitar and theory ol mnsic.
Special J work in voice culture. Latest
add beat methods. Call at Graham &
Wells for terms, etc.
Opened la Albany.
J. A. Rotan, for 20 years a business
man of Salem, has opened a furniture aad
undertaking establishment in the Balti
more block, Albany, and invites the pub
lie to call and inspect his goods. No ex
tra charge for hearse where undertaking
goods are purchased ot them. hone,
Black, 401, Albany, Oregon.
Money to Loan
On improved farm seenrity, long or short
time, in sums of $500 or mors. ' No com
missions, no agents. For particulars,
address P. O. Box 145, Albany, Or.
For Sale or Exchange.
Fonr lots, improved, in Averv's Add.
to CorvaHis, for sale; or will exchange
tor amall stock ranch . For farther par
ticulars enquire of U. G. Bebry,
Jfeona, uregon.
"After suffering from severe dyspepsia
oyer 12 years and using many remedies
without permanent good I finally took
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so
much good I recommend it to everyone,"
writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Record
er, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests-what you
eat- Graham A Wells.
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
finest pills I ever used." D. J. Moore,
Millbrook, Ala. They quickly cure all
liver and bowel trouble. Graham &
State Treasurer's Third Notice.
State of Oregon,
Treasury Department.
Salem. Jane 2, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds on hand with which to redeem all
outsindirjg state warrants drawn on
the general fund and endorsed "Pre
sented and not paid for want of funds,"
prior to this date, except those drawn
for conveying insaae for the years 1899,
and 1900 ; also to pay all warrants drawn
On the state scalp bounty fund and en
of Mdsfprfof,to,lMayt ?' im "nd
that all such warrants properly endorsed
will be paid upon presentation at this
office, interest thereon ceasing from and
after this date. Chas. S. Moore,
State Treasurer.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed executor
of the estate of Geo. W. Buckingham,
deceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Benton county. All
persons having claims against said estate
are required to present the same duly
verified to me at my residence, near
Dusty, in Benton county, Oregon, or at
the law office of E. Holgate jo CorvaHis,
Oregon, within six months from the date
of the rirst publication of this notice.
Dated June 1, 1900.
.J. P. Gkagg,
For Sale.
We have now on hand the finest and
most complete stock of finish lumber and
the best grade of flooring, rustic, etc.,
aver seen in CorvaHis. Also cedar posts
in any quantity. We have a good fair
grade of cedar shingles which we are
offering for $1.40 per thousand.
Cobvaixis Sawmill Company .
Twenty For Cent Off on Eggs.
Eeors from Black Minorcaa first prize
winner heads first pen, regular price
$1.50. now $1.25: second pen, now 80
cents for 13. -a setting. Redaction at
yards, near Cathotic cemetery.
B. R. Thompson,
CorvaHis, Oregon
"I had stomach trouble 20 years and
save ud hope ot being cured till I began
to use Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It has done
me so much good that I call it the savior
of my life," writes W. K. Wilkinson,
Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat.
Graham & Wells.
"After suffering from piles for 15 years
I was cured by using two bottles of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve," writes W. J.
Baxter. North Brook, K. C. It heals
everything. Beware of counterfeits.
Graham & Wells.
The easiest and most effective method
of purifying the blood and invigorating
the svstem is to take DeWitt's Little
Early' Risers, the famous little pills for
1 . tL. 1; .1 i .! '
Cleansing ine iiver uiu uuwem. uiuu
& Wells.
J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Oros
bv Minn., makes the following state
ment: "lean certify that One Minute
Cough Cure will do all that is claimed
for it. Mv wife could not get her breath
and the first dose relieved her. It has
also benefitted mv whole family." It
acts immediately and cares coughs, colds,
croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all
throat and long troubles. Graham &
Wells. .
J. C.Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., says,
"I cannot say toe much for DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. One box cured what
they called an incurable ulcer on my jaw."
Cures all piles and skin diseases. Lock
ont for worthless imitations. Graham &
W. H. Mussar, Millheim, Pa., saved
the life of his little girl by given her One
Minute Cough Crtre when she was dying
from croup. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate 'results.
It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grippe, asthma and all throat and lung
trouble. Graham & Welle.
wall for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked "not paid for want of funds'' np
to and including those of September 9th,
1899. interest will be stopped on same
from this date.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer of Benton Co., Or.
CorvaHis, June 2nd, 1900.
Notice of Meeting of Creditors.
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon:
Ia the matter of Emma Crawford,
bankrupt, in bankruptcy : To the cred
itors of Emma Crawford, of CorvaHis, in
the county of Benton and district afore
said, a bankrupt, notice is hereby given
that on the 26th day of April A. D.,
1900, the said Emma Crawford was duly
adjudicated a bankrupt, and that a meet
ing of her creditors will lie held at Cor
vaHis, Oregon, in my office, on the 11th
day of Jane, A. D. , 1900, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, at which time the said
creditors may attend, and transact such
business as may properly come before
said meeting, oa the petition of Lratna
B. Thompson, trustee for an order to sell
the property of the said estate at private
sale in parcels.
John Burnett,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Dated May 29, 1900.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned
executor ot the estate of Tolbert Carter, deceased,
has filed his final accaunt with the county clerk
of Benton county-, Oregon, and the caunty court
f said county has set Friday, June 8, 1900, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day in the office
of the county judge in the court house, to hear
any and all objections to said nnai account ana
the settlement thereof. V. A. CAHTKR,
Executor of the Estate of Tolbert Carter, Dec'd.
listed this 7th day of May, 1900.
For Sle,
A well established milk route. Must
be sold by June 1st, Purchaser to take
charge October 1. Address,
P. O. Box 64, CorvaHis, Ore.
For Sale..
Clean, bright stock of Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods and Fancy Goods. Address
Box 415, CorvaHis, Oregon.
You Can Get
ym awfty to cas buyers only, piece by. piece, and contin
ued nntil you get
Set consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, Breakfast Plates,
Dinner Plates, Sauce Plates, Platters, Vegetable Dishes,
Sugar Bowls, Etc., Etc. Anything which
goes to make up a fine set.
The Way to Obtain Them is Easy
We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our business.
Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and
we will do the rest, by supplying these dishes
Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies' and Men's Far
ing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc.
One Price to All Fine Goods a Specialty
Ok Paint Store
C. A. Barnhart, Manager.
Paints Oils and Varnishes
Bicycles, Ma?estic Lamps, Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc.
CorvaHis Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
Seeing, Liking and Buying
A Large and Elegant line of Wall Paper, Mattin?, Floor
Oil Cloth, Lenolinm and all kinds of Honse Fur
nishing Goods at live and let live prices. Also
The Famous Charter Oak Stoves.
J. D. Mann & Co.
tSecone'hand goods bought or
a complete set.
Oh yes,
This is nice
But you should see
We don't make much noise, but
sell goods, or rather
sell themselves.
taken in exchange for new.
14 j
CorvaHis, Oregon.
general anft conservative bsafeliia
CorvaHis, Ore-on.
Office ill Zierolf bulidiu?.
For Sale
liy an expert French chemist. Up-to-now
commercial formulas a chance to
manufacture the goods yourself. An
gestura and StOnghtoq Bitters, no imi
tations but. the genuine. Shoe Blacking,
Polish and Patent Leather Dressing;
Bicycle Enamel Recipes. For the tanner
and fruit man, workers in iron, steel
and other metals; painters and barbers,
amateur and professional photographers;
how to make the tinted prints, green,
blue and brown ; pastes and glue for
commercial or family use; toilet extracts,
perfumes and soaps; cement for wood,
metal, metal, leather, rubber. Write
for mv list. Geo. DeLkk,
523 W. Cth St , Juds Angeles, Cal.
Qregon) (short) im
Montana, Utah,. Colorado
and all Eastern Points
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
Look at the Time . .
1) 4 (lays to Salt Lake
2) 4 days to Denver
34 days to Chicago .
days to New York
Free Reclining Chair Cars, Uphalstered
Tourist Sleeping Cars, an Pullman
Palace Keepers, operated on all
For further information, apply to
GEO. F. EGLIir, Agent, CorvaHis, Or.
Trav, Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent
134 Third St., Portland, Or.
Summons. ,
In the Circuit Court
the State of Oregon for!
the Countv. of Kenton.
George E. Allan. Plaintiff,
..j-";- t. r . .
Btodie Allan, Defendant.
To Birdie Allan, Defendant:
in the name of the State of Oregon, You arc here-
by required to appear aial answer the complaint
tiled against vou in the aijove-entitieij suit, on
tierore tne uav uay oi apni, iiuu, lonowiu six
consecutive weeks puhi.citlon o: this aiinn:nns; and !
if you fail so to appear and answer s;ud cor.splaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will fake a decree
againat ypu as prayed for in the complaint, towit:
A decree of this Court dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore made and existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for such other and gen- j
wranni me v.oui l may ucm jua, HJWG4U11-
This Summons is served upon you by publication
and published in the Uxios-Cazktte by virtue of an
an order made bv the Honorable K. Woodward,
judgeof the County Court of Benton County, Ore- i
gon, and is published for a period of six weeks;
prior to April 13, llle-u, ana tne date 01 tne nrst
publication ia March 2, 1900,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Notice of
Executor's Sale of Reel
To Whom It Jfay Concern: By Virtue of an
order of the county court of Marion county,
Oregon, duly made ana entered, the under
signed executor of the estate of C. J. Mulkey,
deceased, late of Marion county, Oregon, will
receive bids for the iuterest of said "estate-in
and to the following described lands, towit:
plain, r.J It, f..m.lnli4i, 11 uniMli rfcf rnin-i,
west of the Willamette .Meridian. Beginning:
at the southeast corner of Kaid claim, running
thence north no degrees ami 24 minutes west
5J.90 chains; thence west 1G.G2 chains; thence
soutbrlio degrees 24 minutes east 60:33 chains
to the Fomh boundary line of said claim;
thence north 89 degrees 15 minutes east to the
place of beginning, containing lo0 acres of
land situate in Heniou county, Uregon.
. Terms of sale to be tash In hand on the date
of the confirmation of said sale by the said
nonotv onnrl. Rnd that from and after the J3rd
i day oi June, mo, that said exoc.uwr shall pro-
ceed to sell said real estate at private sale : said
bids to be addressed to my attorney, . II.
! at his office on Commercial .Street, in
! Salem", Marion county, Oregsu. The said bids
will be received up to ana mrauurae ine zora
dav of June. 1900. MILES LEWIS
Executor of the Estate of 0. J. Mulkey, Dec'd.
Pitted this 18th day of Maj , 1900.
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave CorvaHis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m,
1 Lv Portland 8:80 a m
Lv Albany 12:30 p rrj
' Ar Ashland-, 12 :33 a m
Ar Sacramento---5 :00 p m
Ar San Francisco-7 :4"o p 111
8:30 p m
10:50 p in
1 1 :30 a m
4 :35 a ni
9.30 a 111
: Ar Ogden 5 :45 p m
; Ar Denver---- 9:00 a m
Ar Kansas City---7 :25 a ra
Ar Chicago 7:55 a 111
II :45 a m
9 :00 a ni
7 :25 a m
9 :30 a in
Ar Los Angeles---1 :20 p m
Ar El Paso 6:00 p m
Ar Port Worth 6:30 am
Ar City of Mexico 9 ;5-5 a in
Ar Houston 4:00 a ni
Ar New Orleans- - 6 :2S a oa
7 :00 a ni
0 :30 a m
9 :55 a 111
4 :00 a ni
C :25 p ni
0 :42 a m
12:43 p m
Ar Washington --6:42 a m
ar lew J. oik ti .w ui
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
0?den and EI Paso, and Tourist oars to
Chicago, St Louis, Mew Orleans ani
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See F. E. FARMER, agent a CorvaHis
station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. 6. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
"Gffirp in Mliiteiioni Hlork
W. H. McSrayer and Old Crow T!ws
kys, Fin;; Wines, Liqtiorn atii Cijaes.
Physician S? Surgeon
Practice, in a!! State and Federal Court.
Office in First. National Bank Building.
0. 15. Cauthokx.
K. II. Tatloh.
Dentistry of every description done fa first
class manner and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 'b grocery store, eppos:1 1
the post, cilice, CorvaHis.' Oregon.
Physician Surgeon
Office over Allen & "Wood ward's drugstare
'office Hours I 0 to 12 a. m.
1 S 1 to 4 p. in.
j Residence : Corner 5th and Adams, west
of Catholic church.
i Telephone at office and residence.
CorvaHis, - - - Oregon.
Union Laundry 60.,
All white labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives
Saturdays. J. 1). MANN, Agent,
SecoiKl-Hand Store.
For Sale.
i Six room, two-story house, with
., . . ' , ... ' ,.
J Outbuildings. With excellent well of
j ,v;1tpr hoalthfullv lnntprl mind
" u 1 ' UH1IIIJ located, gOOtl
r t renting property, ierivis Teasona-
i , , ,.M-,,. - ;
' We. Address? "Box 27, CorvaHis.
; Qj-o-on
j o
Jerseys for Sale.
T7 1 r f .1 c . t
i'Orale Utie Ot t lie ll IlCSt J Prsey
Knlls full lilnml Knrn 1m at Tnl-
'V , i. , V1
SOUCi COlOl', ggntle and Klnii, Will
register in the A. J. C C.
Ot-e very fine full-blood Jersey
bull solid color, prominently mark
ed, gentle and kind, born .Inne 18,
1899. His mothpr tested 6 per
cent, butter fat. Will register in
the P. C. C C.
Two nice full-b'ood Jersey heif
ers, solid color, well marked, about
15 months old, gentle and kind,
registered in the A. J. C. C. Par-
lieu warning line leg'StereU
stock will miss a rare chance if thev
fail to investigate this opportunity
to get riiie Jerseys.
M.S. Woodcock,
CorvaHis, Ore.
tffl$ii 4. Eastern Railroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. ni.
" " CorvaHis 1:5$ p. in.
" arrive? Yaquina 7:25 p. m.
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina.... 6:00a. m.
. Leaves CorvaHis . 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detioit:
Leaves Albany
Arriyes Detroit ... .
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany ....
7:00 a.
11:30 i.
12:20 p.
5:45 p.
une ana t wo connect, &i Aioai y
and CorvaHis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach camping grounds on tlie
Breitenbush and Satitiam river the
same day-
Epwjx Stons,,
H. L. Wai.uen, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
H. H. Chonise, Agent, CorvaHis.
Notice for Publication.
Lasd OFFic-f: at Oiikgox Citt, Oregon,
May 12, 1001.
Notice i.s liurehv given that the fonowing-nmied
settler lias filed notiee of her intention to make final
proof in support of her claim, under Section -2S01,
K. S., and that said proof will he mode before the
County Clerk of Bcoron Co:mt-, at-Corvallla,' Ore
gon, 0:1 June 23, li)00, viz:
H.E. No. 12U:i0forthe's: W. Quarter of Section 10,
T. 12, S. K. , 7 W. -'
She names the following v i; : ,, to prove hey
continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Andrew Lane and Jonn Arnold, both o
Philomath, Oregon, and Harry Davis, Gcorjre Krani.
er, both of Peak, Oregon.
OH AS B. MOORES, KcsrUter.'