Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 25, 1900, Image 2

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FRIDAY. MAY 25, 1900.
For Congressman, ist district
Washington County.
For Supreme Judge
C. E. WOEVERTON, of Einn
For Food and Dairy Commis
sioner J. W. BAIEeY, of Multnomah
For Prosecuting Attorney
GEO. M. BROWN, of Doug
las County:
For Representative
R. T. NICHOES, Dusty.
For Sheriff
J, M. CAMERON, Corvallis.
For Clerk
J. A. GEEEATLY, Philomath.
For Recorder
For Asaeacor
For School Superintendent
GEO. W. DENMAN, Corvallis.
For Commissioner
For Treasurer
For Surveyor
G. H. WAGGONER, Dusty.
For Coroner
J. B. IRVINE, Corvallis.
For Constable
LEE HENKLE, Corvallis.
Isabelle and Andrew Gellatly
parents of J. A. Gellatly, present
candidate for couaty clerk, have
been residents of Benton county
since 1873, and have paid taxes
during all this time. All told
tne uellatly lamily have paid
into the county's exchequer,
$4,269.02, as shown by the tax
rolls. They have owned for
years) four large farms in this
county on which they are paying
taxes. It looks strange that
man, wno nas ueici omce ever
since he has been in the county,
should undertake to charge that
Mr. Gellatly is a foreigner and
came here for the purpose of
holding office. When the peo
pie shall have elected J. A. Gel
latly clerk and have paid him
two years' salary the county will
be ahead, and will not have paid
out to him as much as he ana
his family have paid in taxes to
the county. Demo-Populist can
didates are neyer at a loss to try
to humbug the voter.
The words "Yaquina project
was defeated," which appeared
in the Oregonian's heading of
the despatches from Washington
last Friday, are false and mis
leading, and were probably due
to error on the part of the "head
writer." There is nothing in
the body of the dispatches to
warrant such a statement. The
bill which was being considered
by the house was a special river
and harbor bill containing ap
propnations ior emergencies in
river and harbor works, and pro
vided for the maintenance of im
provements in harbors already in
use. It made no new appropria
tion for any harbor in the coun
try. The only way in which
Yaquina bay was affected by this
bill was that she received an ap
propriation under its provisions
for the taking out of a cluster of
rocks near the channel. This
bill was passed by the house.
The river and harbor bill will
not come before the house until
next December.
For Sale.
Six room, two-story house, with
outbuildings, with excellent well of
water, healthfully located, good
renting property. Terms reasona
ble. Address "Box 2?, Corvallis,
Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one
half more for your iron than any junk
dealer. We are ready to do repair work
of any kind, at any time, Patronize us
Bring rear old iron and get your money,
The Foundry, Corvallis, Or.
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
finest pills I ever used." D. J. Moore,
Millbrook, Ala. They quickly cure all
liver and bowel trouble. Graham &
The First Speech of the Campaign De
livered by this Popular Orator:
The political campaign, just
beginning, which is to consider
some of the most momentous is
sues ever brought before the
American people was opened last
Tuesday evening by Hon. Chas.
W. Fulton, of Astoria. He dis
cussed expansion, the Porto
Rican bill, trusts and other ques
tions now prominent from a common-sense
standpoint, and in a
common-sense manner. There
was little attempt at oratory, al
though his reference to the storm
ing of San Juan hill and the
charge of the Oregon's at Mala
bon was eloquent and thrilled
his auditors.
He began by reviewing the
condition of the country for the
past eight years. The fearful
panic and total business depres
sion brought on bv four years of
democracy, ending with 1897,
and the wonderful commerciBl
growth and unparalleled nation
al prosperity attained by our peo
ple since that time. Referring
to Bryan's figure of the republi
can toboggan slide from Lincoln
to Mark Hanna, Mr. Fulton
called attention to the demo
cratic toboggan slide from Cleve
land to Brvan: from wisdom to
wind. His remarks were good
natured and were received with
applause. "The calamity," he
said, "which Mr. Bryan claimed
would befall the country if the
legislation called for in the re
publican platform were put into
effect, has not materialized."
The republican party has done
what it said it would do, and ye"
instead of decreasing the circula
ting medium by establishing the
gold standard, it has increased it
by $400, 000, coo. We are re
funding the public debt and de
creasing the interest upon it by
from two to three per cent.
Taking: up the question of
trusts, Mr. Fulton said the re
publican party was the only par
ty which had ever legislated
againsttrusts. In fact the dem
ocratic party had endeavored to
legislate in favor of trusts. Sen
ator Jones, of Arkansas, Mr.
Bryan's warm personal advisor,
had introduced a bill in the sen
ate which provided for returning
to the sugar trust $1,800,000
which it had paid to the United
States in revenue on sugar im
ported from Porto Rico, and the
bill .had been defeated by the
republicans. The anti-trust law
introduced by Senator Sherman
and passed by the republicans in
1890, was a most stringent meas
ure.and had the effect of driving
the trusts out of business under
the United States laws and they
were forced to take refuge under
the provisions enacted by the
The republican party was
never to be found standing still.
Its feet were on the highway of
progress, and as new issues arose,
the republican party advanced to
meet them. Every step forward
was characterized by Mr. Bryan
as a "flop," but he could not see
beyond the weeds and cockle
burs growing up in his position
which has long since been aban
doned by progressive people.
The commercial opportunities in
Europe have all been exploited,
and a nation only holds its own
there by desperate and persistent
effort, but China which has been
lying dormant for 4000 years is
on the eve of an awakening and
ere long her 400,000,000 of peo
ple will be offering a wonderful
market for the products of the
world. America must have her
share. To secure this, retention
of the Philippines is imperative,
and we on the Pacific coast are
more deeply and directly con
cerned than any other section of
the United States. Not only
will the commercial future of
this country be imperiled by an
abandonment of our possessions
in the orient, but the opportunity
of the coast will be lost, the na
tiou will be recreant to its duty
and all the sacrifices of our sail
ors and soldiers in the war with
Spain will have been in vain.
He said that he endorsed in its
entirety the action of the repub
lican party on the Porto Rican
bill and was glad to defend its
position. Ihe president had
said in his message that the com
mercial policy of this govern
ment toward Porto Rieo should
be free trade, and the president
was right. The republican party
believes this, too, and within
two years at the farthest that will
be the policy. But when con
gress began to consider means
for raising the revenue which
was necessary to carry on the
government of the islands, it be
lieved that to apply to Porto
Rico in her present condition the
same revenue laws that are ap
plied to the states of the Unjon
Yj You Can Get
Rashes, and irritations instantly relieve! and
speedily cured by hot baths with CtmcjJBA
Soap, to cleanse the skin, gentle applications
of Cuticuba Ointment, to heal the skin, and
mild doses of Cuticura Resolvext, to cool
and cleanse the blood.
Bold thronshoutthe world. Pottes lim n ixn CniM.
CocF., Trope.. Uoitou. " How to Cure 8!tii. Humors, freo
would be severe and unjust.
Some more lenient and consider
ate method must be pursued.
To appropriate fuuds out of the
United States treasury for her re
lief was not just to the people of
this country, and but one other
way remained: to place a small
tariff upon imports and exports
between Porto Rico and the
United States, and limit its op
eration to such time as a perma
nent government could be es
tablished for the islands. The
largest exports from Porto Rico
are sugar and tobacco, the trusts
own these products and they are,
therefore, paying for the privilege
of bringing them into this coun
try. The revenue accruing from
this tariff together with $2,000,
000 already accumulated, is
placed in the hands of the presi
dent to be expended in building
school houses, highways, and
otherwise improving the condi
tion of Porto Rico. It is the most
humane and charitable act ever
passed by congress.
Mr. Fulton impressed upon re
publicans the importance of Ore
gon's verdict June 4U1. Every
republican should vote the
straight ticket, and Thomas
Tongue should be returned to
congress by a splendid majority.
Our Representative.
R. J. Nichols, republican nominee
for representative, is not only a na
tive son of Oregon, but of Benton
county. He was born in 1854, on
a farm near his present home. His
father was a Connecticut man of
Puritan stock. Coming to Oregon
in an early day, he was one of the
men who organized the republican
party. He served in the territorial
legislature, in the constitutional
convention, and in the first state
legislature. Much of his time was
spent in teaching, and the son's
early education was by no means
neglected. At the age of nineteen
he entered Pacific University. Ill
health compelled him to relinquish
his studies here, but later, with
that determination characteristic of
ihe stock of which he comes, he
entered Willamette University,
graduating in the class of '77, of
which Mrs.JJohn Steiwer, and B. F.
Irvine, of the Times, were members.
After graduation he taught school
for several years, settling down to
married life in 1881, upon the farm
where he now lives.
Mr. Nichols is a farmer by birth
and vocation. He is a man of ex
cellent education and scholarly at
tainments. A few months ago he
lost by fire his fine libray considered
one of the finest private libraries in
the state. Two years ago he was
elected to the legislature by the
people of this county. His record
there is above reproach. His able
and untiring efforts in behalf of the
agricultural college alone should
insure his re-election by an over
whelming majoritv. The misfor
tune which overtook that institu
tion when the mechanical hall was
destroyed by fire, and the prospects
for repairing the loss were most dis
couraging, are still fresh in the
minds of our people. With un-
flaging zeal in the midst of dis
couragement, Mr. Nichols set about
to secure an appropriation fjr re
building the hall. The beautiful
structure which now adorns the col
lege campus is a monument to his
efforts. But he did more. He se
cured an appropriation for the heat
ing plant, when the task looked
hopeless, and received the congratu
lations of our people and the re
gents of the board. The people of
Benton county are friends of this
grand institution and Mr. Nichols
is its ablest champion. His elec
tion is assured.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially d i tresis tlie food and aldn
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. ISo otbet preparation
can annroach it in efficiency. Tt in.
stantiy pelteyes and permanently cures
DySDGDSia, Induction. Heartburn
Flatulence, Sour Stomaco, Nausea,
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt A Co. Chicago.
Graham & Wells.
Given away to cash buyers only, piece by piece, and contin
ued until you get
Set consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, Breakfast Plates,
Dinner Plates, Sauce Plates, Platters, Vegetable Dishes,
Sugar Bowls, Etc., Etc. Anything which
goes to make up a fine set.
The Way to Obtain Them is Easy
We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our business.
Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and
we will do the rest, by supplying these dishes
Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies' and Men's
itig Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc.
One Price to All
Seeing, Liking and Buying
A Large and Elegant line of Wall Paper, Matting, Floor
Oil Cloth, Lenolium and all kinds of House Fur
nishing Goods at live and let live prices. Also
The Famous Charter Oak Stoves,
J. D. Mann & Co.
taPSecone'hand goods bought or taken in exchange for new.
jjjj Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
1 Pioneer Bakery
S Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
5 MK aarJMWiWWx
Cbe Paint Store.
C. A. Barnhart, Manager.
Paints, Oils and Varnishes
Bicycles, Majestic Lamps, Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc.
a complete set.
Fine Goods a Specialty
Oh yes,
This is nice
But you should see
We don't make much noise, but
sell goods, or rather they
sell themselves.
Wis & Eastern Railroad.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
" " Corvallis 1 :55 p. u.
" arrives Yaquina 7:25 p. in.
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina.... 6:00a. m.
weaves oorvauis. . . . ii:su a. m.
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m.
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany. 7:00 a. m.
Arriyes Detroit .... 11:30 9. in.
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. m.
Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. m.
One and two connect at Albai.y
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjacent
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample lime to
reach camping grounds on the
Breitenbush and Santiam river the
same day.
Edwin Stone,
H. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
Physician 8- Surgeon
Office over Allen & Wood ward's firnj;Ure
Office Hours
Residence: Corner olh and Adams, wes
of Catholic church.
Telephone at office and residence.
Corvallis, - Oregon.
"After suffering from piles for 15 ears
I was cured bv using two bottles of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve," writes W. J.
Baxter, North Brook, N. C. It heals
everything. Beware of counterfeits
Graham & Wells.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Ckkcox City, Oregon,
May 12, 1909.
Notice is hereby mven that the foBoviBS&Avnet
settler has filed notice of her intention to make Ihiul j
proof in support of her claim, under Section 2301,
U. S., and that said proof will be made before the j
County Clerk of lit nton County, at Corvallis, Ore-j
gen, on June 23, 1900, viz:
H.E. No. 12330 for the 8. W. Quarter of Section 10,
T. 12, S. U..7W.
continuous residence upon and cuiti ration of, said
land, viz: Andrew Lane and John Arnold, both ot
Philomath. Oregon, and Harry lavis, George Kram
er, both of Peak, Oregon.
CHAS B. MOOItES, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Benton,
George E. Allan, Plaintiff,
Birdie Allan, Defendant.
To Birdie Allan, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, Yen are here
by required to appear and answer the complaint
filed against vou in the above-entitled suit, on or
before the 13th day of April, 1000, following six
consecutive weeks publication of this summons; and
if you fail so to appear, and answer said coixplaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree
against you as prayed for in the complaint, towit:
A decree of this Court dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore made and existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for such nther and gen
eral relief as the Court may deem just and equit
able. This Summons is served upon vou bv publication
and published in the Unios-Gazktte by virtue of an
an order made by the Honorable U. Woodward
judge f the County Court of Benton Countv, Ore
gon, and is published for a period of six weeks
prior to April 13, 1900, and the date of the first
publication is March 2, 1900,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Gros
by Minn., makes Ihe folio Bine; state
uient: "I can certify that One Minute
Cough Cure will do all that is claimed
for it. My wife could not get her breath
and the first dose jeheved her. It has
also benefitted rav whole family.'' It
acts immediately and cures coughs, colds,
croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all
throat and lung troubles. Graham &
Prof. W. A. Ginn, teacher of piano,
organ, guitar and theory of music.
Special work iu voice culture. Latest
and best methods. Call at Graham &
Wells for terms, etc.
''Iliad stomach trouble 20 vests and
gave up hope ot being cured till I began
to use Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It has done
me so much good that 1 call it the savior
of my life," writes W. B. Wilkinson
Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat
Graham & Wells.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. R. R.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber of first-class timber claims to be taken
up under the timber or homestead acts.
Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator.
"After suffering from severe dyspepsia
oyer 12 years and using many remedies
without permanent irood I finally took
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It did me so
much good I recommend it to everyone,"
writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Record
er, Chijlicothe, Mo. It digests what yon
eat. Giaham & Wells.
For Sale.
We have now on hand the finest and
most complete stock of finish lumber and
the best rade of flooring, rustic, etc.,
ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts
iu any quantity. We have a good fair
grade of cedar shingles which we are
offering for $1.40 per thousand.
Corvallis Sawmill Company.
The easiest and most effective method
of fiirifying the blood and invigorating
the system is to take DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
cleansing the liver and bowels. Graham
& Wells.
Vor Sale or Exchange.
Four lots, improved, in Averv's Add.
to Corvallis, for sale; or will exchange
lor small stock ranch. For further par
ticulare enquire of TJ. G. Beery,
Feoria, Oregon.
W. H. Mnssar, Millheim, Pa., saved
the life of his little girl by given her One
Minute Cough Cure when she was dying
from croup. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate resuits.
It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grippe, asthmi and all throat and lung
trouble, Graham & Welle.
Office la lVbiitho:n Block
Corvailis, Oregon;
W. H. McSrayer and Old Crew ITJsls
Wys, Fine Wmes, LSqoow an Organ.
Physician $ Surgeon
0. B. Cauthobn.
E. H. Tatlob.
Dentistry of every description done in first
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, ofVO''i
the post office, Corvallis." Oregon.
Onion Laundry 60.,
All w hite labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives
Satnrdays. J. D. MANN, Agcxt,
Seconfl-Hand Store.
Corvailis, Oregon.
Does a general ai.fl . conservative banking
Corvallis, Ore on.
Office ia Ziorolf buiilng.
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office in Firct National Hunk Building.
Xotlcc of Final Settlement.
Xotice is hereby given that the undersigned
executor ot the estate of Tolbert Carter, deceased,
has filed his final account with the countv clerk
of Benton county, Oregon, and the county court
af said county has set Friday, June 8, 1900, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day in the office
of the county judge in the court house, to hear
any and all objections to said final accouut and
the settlement thereof. V. A. CAKTEK,
Executor of the Estate of Tolbert Carter, Dec'd.
Dated this 7th day of Mav, 1900.
Twenty Per Ceat Off on Eggs.
Eggs from Black Minorcas first prize
winner heads first pen, regular price
$1.50, now $1.25; second pen, now 80
cents for 13, a setting. Reduction at
yards, near Cathotic cemetery.
B. R. Thompson.
Corvalli3, Oregon.
Pfotice of
Executor's Sale of Real Property.
To Whom It May Concern: P.v Virtue of an
order of the eonniy court of Marion countv,
Oregon, duly made and entered, the under
sieijed executor of the estate of f! I Mmto,.
deceased, late of Marion countv. Oreeon. win'
receive bid.s for the interest of s,n'd eetata in
ami to the following described lands, towit:
Claim hi in townshin 11 smith of murrfl
west of the Willamette Meridian, neginn'ng
at the southeast corner of said claim, running
thencj north no degrees and 24 minutes west
69; 90 chains; thence west 16. C2 chains; thence
south no degrees 24 minutes east 00:33 chains
to the south boundary line of said claim
thence north 89 degrees 15 minutes cast to ihe
place of beginning, containing lo acres of
laud situate in Benton countv, Oregon.
Terms of sale to be cash hf hand cn the date
of Ihe confirmation of said sale bv the said
county court, and that from and after the 23rd
day ot June, 1910, that said executor shall pro
ceed to sell said real eslate at private sale; said
bids to be addressed to my attorney, W. H.
Holmes, at his omce on Commercial Street, In
Salem, Marion county, Oregon. The said bids
will be received up to and including the 23rd
day of June, 1900, MILES LEWIS,
Executor of the Estate of C. J. Mulkey, Dec'd,
Dated this 18th day of Ma) , 19CQ.
Money to Loan
On improved farm security, long or short
time, in sums of .500 or more. No com
missions, no agents. For particulars,
address P. O. Box 145, Albany, Or,
J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn. , says,
"I cannot say too much for DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. One box cured w hat
they called an incurable ulcer on my jaw."
Cures all piles and skin diseases. Look
out for worthless imitations. Graham &
Magnolia Laundry.
We respectfully solicit y our patronage.
Our agent will call at any address for
laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays, ancj
deliver on Saturdays. Strict attention
given family washing. All work guaran
teed first-class. Give us a trial .
TitASK & Settlemier,
For Sale
By an expert French chemist. Up-to-now
commercial formulas a chance to
manufacture the goods yourself. An.
gestura and Stonghtou Bitters, no imi
tations but. the genuine. Shoe Blacking,
Polish and Patent Leather pressing;
Bicycle Enamel Recipes. For the farmer
aud fruit man, workers in iron, steel
and other metals; painters and barbers.
amateur and professional photographers;
now to mane tr.e tinten prints, green,
blue and brown ; pastes and glue for
commercial or family use; toilet extracts,
perfumes and soaps; cement for wood,
metal, metal, leather, rubber. Write
for mv list. Geo. DeLee.
523 AV. 6th St., lob Angeles, Cal.