GAZETTE. mm WEEKLY. IMOV Katnb. July, 187. GAZETTE Eitab, Dee., 1862. Consolidated Fe. 1899. COEVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1900. YOIi. XXXVII. NO. 22. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interest ins Collection of Items From the Two Hemispheres Presented in a Condensed Form. General Brabant has occupied Lady brand. More Christians have been massacred north of Tien-Tain by the "boxers." Kentucky Republicans indorsed the administration of President McKinley. Disease is causing the deaths of many American soldiers in the Philip pines. Filipinos reject civil marriage, claiming it as no more than concu binage. Boer peace envoys will be allowed tc present their credentials at the state de partment. Collector of Customs Ivey has with drawn his resignation and will serve out his term in Alaska. F. P. Dengal, who eloped fro-u Pros ser, Wash., with a Mrs. Brackenburg, was arrested in Spokane. There is a strong sentiment in favot of Hepburn, of Iowa, for vice-presiden? on the Republican ticket. Manila editors and correspondents protest against the press censorship. Many papers are shutting up shop. Fonr persons perished in the fire in the Hotel Helena, in Chicago. Guests were forced to jump from windows. Elijah Moore, aged 19, who murdered Rev. Jesse Moore, his father, at Dex ter, Mo., November 1 last, was ex ecuted. Americans in Yucatan lose contract: on electric and bridge work through being underbid by Englishmen and Germans. Fire destroyed the works of the Can ada Cycle & Motor Company of St. Catherines, Out., causing a loss of half a million dollars. Columbian rebels threaten Panama, great excitement prevails in that city and United States vessels have been ordered to the scene. An alleged nobleman, charged with forgery, in .a Victoria, B. C, court, swallowed glass dnring the trial and will die. His name was Elliott. A factory is now constructing at Oorvallis to manufacture many articles of hardware, thus utilizing valuable timber that has been going to waste. Webster Davis was called upon to speak at the Missouii Republican con vention, but a debate on the question of appointing a committee to escort him to the stage came near disrupting the convention. Secretary Gage, in response to an in quiry from the house of representatives as to the extent of the influx of Jap anese, has submitted a letter from im migration Commissionei Powderly, stating thrat the arrivals for the nine months ending March 31, last, were 4,427. General Buller occupied Dundee. Senator Clark, of Montana, has re signed. President Steyn's brother captured by General Buller. Great rush is on from Dawson to gold diggings of the Koyokuk. There is no hope of action by the sen ate on the Nicaragua canal bill this session. Germany is seizing Congo Free State territory, and now occupies about 3,000 square miles. Senator Jones, of Nevada, introduced a bill making it a crime for railroads to blacklist employes. The United States court of appeals holds that a boycott is malicious inter ference with business. London papers want to ostracise Richard Croker in revenge for the posi tion Tammany has taken in the Boer war. Democrats complain of Kansas City hotel men. They object to paying five dollars per day for a bed in a room with four others. President J. J. Hill paid $140,000 for a Spokane flour mill in order to get an entrance to the city for the Great Northern. Porto Rico and Hawaii will send delegates to the Democratic national convention. Each island will be ac corded six delegates. The grandstand, famous glass betting ring and all the buildings of the race track at Clifton, N. J., were entirely destroyed by fire, with a loss of $100, 000. The fire was the work of incen diaries. Assistant Attorney -General Boyd baa rendered a decision in the case of ex press companies, in wbich he holda they are not liable to taxes as brokers, by reason of their issuing money orders and travelers' checks. An American laundry plant has been exported to China. Over $5,000,000 capital is invested in this country in the manufacture of playing cards. Coal is worked so easily in China that in Shansi it sells for 13 cents per ton at the mines. David T. Haraden, who died a few days ago at Roxbnry, Mass., had been 76 years in the service of one firm of LATER NEWS. No new plague cases have been dis covered in San Francisco. Fritz Meyer, a murderer, was put to death in the electric chair at Sing Sing. An Ohio statesman shot and killed his wife accidentally by taking her for a rat. Chicago is afraid of the plague. Coffee from an infected vessel fonnd its way into the city. Russell A. Alger says the statement that he had invested in recent Cuban enterprises is a lie. The United States supreme court de cided the Kentucky governorship case in favor of Governor Beckham. A bill to prevent interstate commerce in convict made goods was passed in the senate without division. Chinatown of Portland is to be cleaned up to prevent the possible propagation of bubonic plague. Two workmen were killed and 54 injured at a strikers' riot in Berlin. One hundred and three arrests were made. Mataofka, one of the Samoan chiefs, thinks he has been treated shabbily by Germany, and a revolt may occur at any time. Filipinos lost 52 men killed in an engagement at Agusan, in Cagyan province. American loss, two killed and three wounded. Two cars of kerosene were blown up, a car of bicycles smashed by a collision on the Northern Pacific which occuired about nine miles east of Spokane. The postmaster general has suspended Director-General of Post Rathbone and appointed Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Brystow as acting director general of post in Cuba. The Lodge amendment to the post office appropriation bill continuing the pneumatic service in cities where con tracts have been made and appropriat ing $225,000 for the same was adopted by the senate, 38 to 20. The Russian embassy has considera bly perturbed governmental and diplo matic circles at Constantinople by in viting the immediate attention of the porte to the deplorable situation oi many districts of Armenia, resulting from brutal methods of collecting taxes and from persecutions. Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Schell, of Chi cago, has filed a declaration in a suit for $25,000 da-nages against Rev. Dr. Charles Parkhurst, Rev. Henry C. Jen nings, and Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Berry. Dr. Schell was formerly the general secretary of the Epworth League. He charges the defendants with entering into a conspiracy to injure his reputa tion, thereby forcing him to resign his official position. London is enthusiastic over the relief of Mafeking. British forces under Lord Dun Donald have advanced as far as Laing's Nek. Fire destroyed the main portion oi St. Mary's school at Belmont, S. C. Loss is estimated at $200,000. William H. Hunt, of Montana, has been selected to be secretary of state lor the island of Puerto Rico. Street-car strikers of St. Louis are restrained from interfering with mail cars by a temporary injunction. Texas has declared a quarantine against San Francisco on account of the prevalence of plague in that city. Fenian sympathizers with the Boers made an attempt to blow up the Brit ish fortifications at Esquimau, B. O. Congressman George B. McCIellan, son of "Little Mac, " the federal gen eral, is being urged as a running mate for Bryan. Washington Democrats in convention at Spokane, indorsed Bryan for presi dent, James Hamilton Lewis for vice- president. The Boers announce they will defend Johannesberg, and the consuls of the neutral powers have been advised to look after their citizens. Owners of Chicago breweries have defied the city ordinance requiring them to pay $500 license fee the first day of May each year. American warships are leaving Manila for Chinese ports to escape the hot weather which comes to that city every April, May and June. In the coast towns of Colima and Jolisco, Mexico, an earthquake caused houses to be submerged, boats swamped and several natives to drown. The statue of General Grant, pre sented by the G. A. R. to the nation, ' was nnveiled in the great rotunda of the oapitol with impressive ceremonies. In the senate, the proposition relat-' ing to the tarnsportation of mail by ' the pneumatic tube system, was laid on the table by a vote of 32 to 16. A work train on the Guadalajara branch of the Mexican Central road ran into an obstruction, wrecking the engine and a number of cars and kill ing 11 men. Assistant Surgeon A. S. Lloyd, of the United States marine hospital ser vice at Chicago, has been ordered to San Francisco to assist in the work of prevention of the spread of the bubonic plague. Governor Roosevelt has signed the bill compelling provision of seats for waitresses in New York restaurants. Average wages in Germany: House maids, $2.38 a month; laborers, $3.14 a week; carpenters, $5 a week. Minneapolis has established and maintained for a year three public play grounds for children at a cost of $300. New York ball, players saved persons in a burning building by catching them -11 V MAFEKING RELIEVED Boer Forces Withdrew From the Invertment. LONDONERS ARE ENTHUSIASTIC Bailer Occupies Newcastle, In Northern End of Natal, the Federals Retreat ing Through the Passes. Pretoria, May 21. It was officially announced today that when the laagers and forts around Mafeking hud been severely bombarded the siege was aban doned. London, May 21. From the mention of ln-.i(TArw in Ptfltnrft rlifmatch. it is understood here that prior to the raising of the siege ot MaieKing, tue Boer laagers around that place were vigorously bombarded by the British relief column and the burgbors practi cally compelled to abandon the siege. Buller Takes Newcastle. Lonion, May 21. General Buller, in a dispatch to the war office, dated Newcastle, May 21, says: "Newcastle was occupied last night, and today the whole Second division and the Third cavalry brigade will be concentrated here. I have sent the mounted force through Nqutu to expel a small force of the enemy and to re assure the natives. The enemy have burned the chapel, broken much glass, plundered many houses and taken cash from the banks, but otherwise they have not done much barm. The rail way is badly damaged, the Ingagane and Nkader bridges are destroyed, as are many culverts and the pumping station and water works. Of the 7.000 men flying before us, about 1,000 seem to have gone to Wakkerstrom and some by Muller's Pass to the Free State. The remainder, who are described e disorganized rabble, have gone north and thev intend to make a stand at Laing's Nek." British at Christiana. Pretoria, May 21. President Steyn, who arrived here Wednesday and has been in close conference with the Transvaal authorities, left for the Free State last night. Addressing a crowd on the platform, he urged them to be of good cheer. It is reported that 5,000 British troops have surrounded Christiana, and the landrost and other offi ials hare been taken prisoners. James Milne, the correspndent of the Reuter Telegram Company, who has been prisoner here, was liberated and escorted to the border this morning. MAGINNIS VS. CLARK. Governor Smith Appoints a Senator to Fill Vacancy. Butte, Mont., May 21. Governor Smith today sent diepatches from here to Senator W. A. Clark, Senator Chand ler, chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, and Senator Ftye, president of the senate, saying he had disregarded and revoked the action of Lieutenant-Governor Spriggs in nam ing Mr. Clark to succeed to the vacancy caused by his own resignation, and saying he had named Martin Maginnis, of Helena, to fill the vacancy. The governor gives as his reasons his opinion that the appointment of Mr. Clark by the lieutenant-governor was tainted by collusion and fraud. The dispatches are practically the same, that to Mr. Clark reading: . "I have this day disregarded and re voked your appointment as United States senator, made by Lieutenant Governor Spriggs on the 15th inst., as being tainted with collusion and fraud, and have this day appointed Hon. Martin Maginnis United States senator to fill the vacancy caused by your resig nation." Those to Frye and Chandler are of the same tenor, notifying them of his action. The governor also sent a formal protest to Chandler, detailing his reasons. He has also issued an open letter to the people of the state, denying he had any knowledge of the contemplated step when he left Mon tana for California. He says he went to California at the request of Thomas R. Hinds to look into the title of some mining property in which Miles Finlen was interested. He owed Finlen $2,000, and thought by going he might earn a fee that would be applied on the indebtedness. "I shall prove by my conduct in the future," he concludes, "that I was not guilty of any wrong doing or any idea of wrong." Miles Finlen is one of the Democrats in the legislature who voted against Clark. Martin Maginnis was delegate in congress for the territory, and, with Clark, a Democratic contestant for sen atorial honors when Montana became a state. Tagal Guerilla Warfare. Yokohama, May 6, via Victoria, B. C, May 19. The United States trans port Thomas arrived unexpectedly from Manila Saturday last. Returning offi cers and men of the army disagree with the optimistic views of the Philippine situation lately held by the press and the public. Everything seems to point to a long and devastating guerrilla war fare, and altogether the outlook is not reassuring. A Memphis Tragedy. Memphis, May 21. At an early hour I this morning the bodies of Henry Reicbman, of Memphis, and Mrs. Lily Badakin, wife of a newspaper man of I Forest City, Ark., were found in the ' woman's apartment on Jefferson ave nue. Reichman bad been shot six times, whlie the woman's body received one bullet. The affair is shrouded in mystery. No weapon was fonnd about the premises, and it is believed to be a case of murder MAY LOSE MILLIONS. By a Word Being- Omitted in a Gov ernment Treaty With France. New York, May 21. A decision just rendered by Judge Townsend, who is hearing in the United States circuit court the appeals from the decision of the board of general appraisers, under the customs administration act, lessens the duties on French brandies and liquors 50 cents a gallon, and in tbe particular suit which was brought by George S. Nicholas, an importer, takes $45,000 out of the treasury of the gov ernment. Nicholas, on June 10, 1898, received from France 80,000 gallons of the cor dial known as "Chartreuse." Col lector Bidwell assessed the duty on this importation at $2.25 per gallon. The importer appealed to the board of general appraisers, and they affirmed the collector's action. Then the mat ter was brought into the circuit court and, when the hearing came up, coun sel for Nicholas insisted that under the new treaty with France, made in 1898, a year later than the passage of the tariff under which the appraise ment had been made, the duty should have been only $1.75 per gallon. Copies of the treaties made between France and the United States were pro duced as evidence, and in the French copy the word "liquers" appears while from the American copy the word "liquors" is missing. This deci sion is in favor of the importers, and if it holds, means a loss of many million dollars to the government annually. AGUINALDO HEARD FROM. His Latest Proclamation to the In surgents. Manila, May 21. A proclamation purporting to have been issued by Aguinaldo and dated May 4, from Pollilo island, one of the Philippine group east of Luzon, is circulating in Manila. It says the commission ap pointed by President McKinley was appointed without the authority of con gress, and hence it cannot treat official ly. It urges the Filipinos not to sur render their arms at the instigation of the commission and on promises which congress may not ratify, and also urges the Filipinos to enthusastically wel come the commission when it arrives in the towns and provinces, asking boldly for the form of government they most desire, as the Americans permit of free dom of speech. The proclamation closes with asking the Filipinos to strive for liberty and independence and again warns them against deception. In the Catarma district about 500 of the enemy attacked a portion of the Forty-third regiment. The Americans killed 203 of the rebels. , Only three Americans were wounded. Major John C. Gilmore and 100 men of the Forty-third regiment were am bushed May 6 near Pambugan, Samar. Seventy-five of the enemy were killed and there were no American casualties. The transpoit Lennox has returned here after landing four troops of tne Eleventh cavalry to reinforce Colonel J. F. Bell. Two troops, Major Sime commanding, were landed at Legaspi and proceeded across the country to strengthen the garrison at Liago. They found numerous entrenchments manned by insurgents between the towns, and were two days on their way. Their only loss was three horses. The officers report the' killed 40 insurgents, but the natives declare 80 were killed. Panama Canal Plot. Washington, May 21. Soon aftei the senate convened today, Morgan (Dem. Ala.), chairman of the com mittes on inter-oceanic canals, offered a reso lution directing the committee to mak an investigation, sweeping in its char acter, of the dealings of individuals or corporations with a view to monopoliz ing a ship canal at Panama or in Nic aragua, and whether the individuals oi corporations propose to obstruct the United States in the construction of an isthmian canal. Morgan stated that tbe object of the inquiry proposed is to enable the president of the United States to check and destroy a conspiracy founded on fraud, corruption and ar rogance, against the highest rights and privileges of the people and government of the United States. Explosion in a Boarding; Blouse. Chicago, May 21. Twenty persons at the dinner table in Mrs. Anna Smith's boarding house were startled last night when, following an explosion in the kitchen, the proprietress of the place ran into the dining room wrapped in a sheet of flame. The guests started to her rescue, but when the door into the cooking room was thrown open, it was fonnd to be in flames also and they retreated in fear. Two other persons were burned during the fire, which originated from the explosion of a kero sene can. The injured are: Mrs. Anna Smith, face, hands and body severely burned, taken to the hospital, will die; Lee Leahy, asleep on a couch in kitchen when the explosion occurred, hands, shoulders and face severely burned, may die; Edward Leahy, burned and hair singed while rescuing Mrs. Smith from the burning room. Nordlund'a Horrible Crime. Stockholm, May 21. A dispatch re ceived today from Eskilstavana says that Philip Nordlnnd, who was arrest ed there, has now fully confessed that he deliberately planned the crime he commmitted on board the steamer Prinz Carl, on Wednesday night, when he murdered seven men and a woman. Grand Vizier of Morocco Dead. Tangier, Morocco, May 21. The grand vizier, Ahmed Ben Mussa, died Sunday, May 13. A convulsion in in ternal affairs is threatened, but it is believed Germany, Italy and Great Britain have agreed to maintain the status quo, so it is hoped the threatened anaichy will be averted. Tacoma, May 21. William Patter son, a waiter, fell from a window in the Lexington hotel last night and later died from his injuries. BOERS EOR PEACE Kruger's Message to Prime Minister. th.e BUT ONE REPLY IS POSSIBLE Authentic News Reported to Have Been Received From Mafeking Kiot ous Demonstrations. London, May 22. Displayed in the most conspicuous style in the Daily Express, is the dominant war news of the morning: "We have the best reason for stating that in the last 24 hours a telegram has been received at the foreign office, addressed personally to the prime min ister, from President Kruger, proposing terms of peace. The exact terms of the message cannot be stated; but we believe it is coached in an exceedingly humble strain." It is inconceivable, of course, that Lord Salisbury can have sent any reply except the one that stands ready on the lip of every Briton unconditional sur render. Authentic News of Mafeking. An extraordinary issue of the Gazette at Cape Town announces that in conse quence of what is believed to be authen tic news of the relief of Mafeking, Sir Alfred Milner will close the public offices today. The boisterous rejoicings over the news of Mafeking have become riotous in parts of London, Aberdeen and Bel fast, and elsewhere in the United King dom. In the Finschley district of suburban London, a mob stoned the railway station master's house and smashed the windows of a draper's shop, setting the building on fire also, although whether by accident or design it is not yet known. Two clerks were injured. The house of a Boer sympa thizer at Harleston vas attacked by a large mob and the windows were shat tered. The police charged the mob and were greeted with a shower of decayed eggs. Numerous arrests were made and the police reserves were called ont. QUARANTINE IS IN FORCE. Chinese Passengers to Be Detained at Astoria Astoria, May 22. For the first time in the history of thib port a quarantine has been established here against ves sels arriving from San Francisco. This relates particularly to Chinese passen gers, as thus far all others have been allowed to pass. Both State Health Officer Fulton and Quarantine Officer Hastings have received official notifica tion of the existence of the plague at the bay city, and, while the latter has received no instructions from the de partment to establish an inter-state quarantine he deems strict precautions necessary to guard against tht possible introduction of the disease here, and, together with the state health officer, will inspect all incoming vessels from that port and isolate all the Chinsese passengers. The first vessel affected by the new regulations was the O. R. & N. steamer Columbia, whicb arrived here this morning. She was detained in the quarantine grounds until a thorough inspection was made and then allowed to come to the dock. Two Chinese passengers were, however, taken to the government quarantine station, where their baggage will be fumigated, and they will be held for about 10 days. Railroads in .Nome District. San Francisco, May 21. Articles of incorporation of the Nome Railroad Company have been filed. The com pany propose to have a main line four miles long with a branch line two and a half miles long. The incorporators are C. D. Lane, E. J. Cutchen, C. X. Willard, P. J. Miller and F. W. Wynn. The capital stock is $100,000. The road will run from Nome toward Anvil creek in Alaska. Tbe same persons have incorporated the Wild Goose Railway Company, with $100,000 a capital stock to operate 4J- miles of road from tbe shores of Behring sea near Nome, towards Anvil creek, with a branch line miles long. Molineuz as a Consoler. New York, May 22. Roland B. Molinenx did his utmost today to con sole Fritz Meyer, who, in an adjoining cell in the condemned men's quarters in Sing Sing prison, was looking for ward to the occupation of the electric chair tomorrow for the murder of Policeman Frederick Smith. General Molinenx visited his son on Saturday and told him to be brave during Meyer's execution. An Insurgent Ambush. Manila, May 22. Five hundred in surgents, half of whom were armed with rifles, ambushed 80 scouts of the Fortieth volunteer infantry in the hills near Aqnasan, in the northern part of Mindanao. The Americans routed the natives, killing 51. The American casualites were two killed and three wounded. Judge W. C. Hook of the United States district court at Topeka, Kan., decided that the section of the law pro hibiting people from coming into the state and taking orders for liquors is unconstitutional . Coal -Miners Fatal Quarrel. Memphis. May 22. Edward Whit tington and Dennis Brogan, coal min ers, entered the lunch house of T. F. McKenna and became involved in a quairel, dnring wbich Whittington was shot by Mrs. McKenna, and Brogan was fatally wounded. Return of the Philadelphia. San Francisco, May 21. The cruiser Philadelphia arrived today from San Juan del Sur, after a cruise in South American and Central American watery MINES AND MINING. Nome Business Kcltpses the Klondike Stampede of 1898. Seattle, May 21. In point of num ber of passengers and tons of freight Seattle's Nome business eclipses the memorable Klondike stampede of 1898. Snob scenes as were witnessed on the water front for the entire week, are a revelation even to those who were in Seattle at the time of the Klondike stampede. Then an occasional steamer departed for the north; now the daily sailings nnmber from one to five. The Post-Intelligencer recently pub lished what was believed to be a con servative estimate of the nnmber of people that would go north on Seattle's various steamers. Transportation men are now a unit in saying that the esti mate was too conservative; that at least 3,000 more than was shown by the Post-Intelligencer's figures will join in the rush, for the reason that many steamships have been engaged for that run that were not scheduled at the time the figures were compiled. The boats are taxed to their utmost ca pacity, and there are hundreds of peo ple leaving daily who have only "deck" accommodations. The present aggregation of fortune hunters is for the main part made up of miners, men practical and experi enced in the affairs of gold digging. They appear to know what they are go ing north for. Coloiado and Montana, both mining states, have contributed a greater num ber to the Nome movement than any other two states. The state of Wash ington, perhaps, is sending as many as either, and California is not far behind. The four states have contributed more Nome fortune seekers than all the rest of the Union. It is estimated that the Cripple Creek mining district alone is .furnish ing fully 1,000 people. Leadville, Denver, Butte, Anaconda and San Fran cisco are each contributing large dele gations. But Seattle is supplying more than any one of the cities named. Exodus From Portland. Portland, May 21. This is the week for the first sailings from Portland foi Nome. Three immense cargoes o) freight and passengers have attracted general attention. The steamers Elder and Nome City, also the big freight boat Dispatch were the first to get away, all loaded to their complete ca pacity with freight and passengers Most of the early birds for Nome went with outfits large enongh to provide for a year, but some were noticed that had barely enough to last until the boats get through. Portland merchants report a good business for Nome travelers for several weeks, but sales have been heaviest during the past ten days. The crowd of passengers contained men of great mining experience and men who could not tell gold from corn meal. One crowd of nearly 50 hardy miners from Idaho had a portion of the Elder tc themselves. The steamboat companies have con fidence that everything will go well with the boats during their first trip. Ice and cold weather are expected, but not to a disastrous or even annoying degree. Two round trips are planned for the Elder and Nome City this season. Not over 1,000 people left Portland on the first trip of these steamers, but several hundred went from here to Tacoma and Seattle for sailing. Tacoina's Cape Nome Traffic. Tacoma, May 21. With the sailings booked for the first three days of this week, 11 steamers have departed from here to Nome, carrying more than 4,000 people and enormous quantities of pro visions, machinery and live stock. The Senator was the first boat to start, last Saturday, with 500 people. She was followed Sunday by the Olympia, Alliance and Lakme. Those three boats bad 1,000 men aboard. The whole city watched the vessels sail, and there was great excitement along the wharves for day and night, begin ning long before the first steamer got away. The first Nome fleet has all got away, and the next sailings, which may be the last this season, will likely occui in about 10 weeks. BEAVER CREEK PLACERS. Section of Idaho That May Take oi New Life Before Long. Delta, Idaho, May 21. Placer min ing along Beaver creek, in Shoshone county, is being talked of again. Sev eral miles of tbe creek remain unpios pected. Water has prevented reaching bed rock at about 15 feet. High bars along the creek yield some gold, also the gulches. Trail gulch, above Delta, has produced over half a million in placer gold. After being worked 6 years, the old Myrtle claim still pays well. There are many placers that would yield several dollars a day, but some would yield much less. A. J. Prichard, who discovered the camp, talks of organizing a company to oper ate a large placer mining camp plant along the creek. Oregon Mining Companies. Salem, Or., May 21. A million' dol lar mining company was incorporated this week, a Baker City institution called the Gold Standard Mining and Milling Comtianv. Offices will be maintained in New York and Baker City. The smallest company started was for $2,000, by Portland men. MINING ON PAPER. Enormous Enterprises Started by Wash ington Stock Companies. Olympia, Wash., May 21. Mining companies having almost $3,000,000 capital stock filed articles of incorpora tion last week. Two of the million dollar companies are the Cascade Cop per Company, of Tacoma, and the Beh ring Straits Mining Company, of Seat tle. In fact, most of the new com panies that are now ready to sell stock are Seattle off shoots that expect to reap a harvest in the Nome excitement. PRIVILEGE IS DENIED Boer Delegates Will Not Be Admitted to Senate Floor. EFFORT TO BRING UP CANAL BIH The House Passed the Eight-Hour Bill) Also Bill Prohibiting Traffic la Convict Made Goods. Washington, May 23. A pyrotechnio discussion of the status of the Boer commissioners now in Washington was precipitated in the senate today by a resolution offered by Allen extending to tbe commissioners tbe privileges of the floor of the senate during their so journ in the national capital. Tbe resolution was defeated by a vote of 36 to 21, but not until after a sharp con troversy between its author and Davis, chairman of the committee on foreign relations. Allen maintained that tbe resolution was in line with precedents, while Davis contended that in the par ticular circumstances the senate ought not to take any action that might be considered a recognition of the Boer diplomats until the president, who alone had the power to receive diplo matic representatives, had taken action. The postoffice appropriation bill was passed finally, the amendment to ap propriate $225,000 to carry out the ex isting contracts for the pneumatic tube service being agreed to. An effort was made by Morgan to displace the Spoon er Philippine bill with the Nicaragua canal bill, as the unfinished business, but it failed by a vote of 21 to 28. The house today, under suspension of the rules, passed two important bills reported by the committee on labor one to extend the eight-hour law to all laborers employed under contract on government work and the other to pro hibit inter-state traffic in prison made goods by bringing them under the jur isdiction of the police powers of the state. The former bill is designed to carry the law of 1892 to its conclusion. The convict labor bill caused some sharp inquiries from members from southern states, where prison labor is employed in the fields and in the mines, but upon assurances that it would not interfere with the production of coal, cotton or lumber, the opposition was not pressed. THE WRIT DISMISSED. Kentucky Governorship Case Decided In Favor of Beckham. Washington, May 23. The United States supreme court today decided that the Kentucky governorship case in favor of Governor Beckham, dismissing the writ of error from the Kentucky court of appeals. The opinion was handed down by Chief Justice Fuller, and a vigorous dissenting opinion was delivered by Justice Harian. Justices Brewer, Brown and McKenna also dis sented from portions of the opinion. The case was dismissed from want of jurisdiction, it being held that de termination of cases of this character and all contests for state officers must necessarily be settled by the political branch of the government. That branch had acted in the Kentucky case when the general assembly took juris diction. There was no appeal from the assembly's decision, which was favor able to Goebel and Beckham, except to the tribunal of the people, which tri bunal, the chief justice said, was always in session. He also said tbe case was purely a state case that Ken tucky was in full possession of its facul ties, as a member of the union, and there was no emergency which called for interference. In a Fit of Jealousy. Hood River. Or., May 23. Miss Ida Foss, a school teacher, about 25 years of age, was shot and instantly killed Sunday evening by Benjamin Wagnitz. Miss Foss taught school at Trout Lake, across the river in Washington, and boarded in the home of Wagnitz, who was paying some attention to her. In a fit of angei and jealousy he attempted to stab her, and afterward, while fol lowing her in the yard, shot her with a rifle. After seeing what he had done he expressed great sorrow, and although having but one arm, he car ried her into the house and covered hex with a blanket. He then went out leaned against the rifle, with a foot-rule pulled the trigger, and fell dead. Negro Shot Wife and Two Girls. Pueblo, Colo., May 22. Frenzied by a jealous quarrel with his wife, Calvin Kimblern (colored), formerly a cor poral in company M, Twenty-fifth United States infantry, this morning shot his wife twice, once in the abdomen and once in the neck, and then deliber ately put the revolver to the heads oi 13-year-old Ethel Straussen and 11-year-old Jessie Skaggs and fired, killing the latter instantly, the other girl liv ing for some hours. The couple were employed at the Fries Orphan Home, of which the dead children were in mates. Kimblern murdered the two girls because they had told his wife that be had said he wished sue would go away and never come back. More than 100,000 acres of peat are said to be still available in the Canadi an province of Ontario. Young Professor Murdered. Philadelphia, May 22. Professor R. W. white, zs years oiu, an instructor in the law department of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, was struck down and brutally murdered last night. He left the university at 10 o'clock last night to board a train for German town. Shortly before 11 o'clock he was found in an unfrequented part of Thirty-second street. His skull had been crushed, evidently by an iron bar. He died in the hospital this morning without regaining consciousness. piano makers.