i GAZETTE SEMI-WEEKUY. JEEt$S&Sim. I Consolidated Feb., 1899. CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1900. VOL. I. NO. 4. OLD TIMES. There are no days like the good old days The days when we were youthful! When humankind were pure of mind And speech and deeds were truthful; Before a love for sordid gold Because man's ruling passion. And before each dame and maid became Slaves to the tyrant fashion. There are no girls like the good old girls Against the world I'd stake 'em! As buxom and smart and clean of heart As the Lord knew how to make 'em! -iney were ricn in spirit and common sense, A piejy all-supportin'; They could bake and brew, and had taught school, too. And they made the likeliest courtin'! There are no boys like the good old boys When we were boys together! When the grass was sweet to the brown bare feet That dimpled the laughing heather; W ben the pewee sung to the summer dawn Of the bee in the willowy clover, Or down by the mill the whip-poor-will Echoed his uight song over. There is no love like the good old love the love that mother gave us! We are old, old men, yet we pine ngaiD For that precious grace God gave us! So we dream and dream of the good old tunes. And our hearts grow tenderer, fonder As those dear old dreams bring soothing gleams Of heaven away off yonder. , k . Eugene Field. K f i A LATIN LESSON. I w m rT was a year since he had left Chi llcago, and In all that time she had heard nothing from him. It seemed strange! tney had been such friends Indeed, more than friends, for he had seemed to like her much, and had sought her society on every possible oc casion. The day before he was to leave he had come by appointment to see her. She had noticed with concern that his manner was chill and con strained, but had had no opportunity to dissipate that chill by her own cor diality. Although It was not their reg ular reception day, the drawing-room was full of people, and her sister, who was apt upon occasion to monopolize his attention, never left them alone for SHE HAD NOT BEEN MISTAKEN; HE HAD I.OVED EBB AFTER ALL. a moment, although he prolonged his stay until after the last visitor had left. "Surely he will write," she had said to herself, and for weeks the postman's ring had caused a quick fluttering of the heart which subsided into the dull ache of disappointment when the long ed-for letter never came. She had heard of him often from common friends, of his success socially and financially In the distant city which he had made his home, and had slowly and unwillingly resigned herself to the conviction that their friendship had been but an epi sode. And now she held in her hand the announcement of his marriage to another woman. She felt glad that the family had regarded him as her sister's admirer. Slowly she went upstairs to her room and unlocked her desk, taking from an inner drawer a small stock of treasures a dozen notes, some dried violets, candy box, ribbons, and other souvenirs equal ly trifling. She must destroy them now, she was too old-fashioned to preserve such memorials of another woman's husband. Violets and ribbons were soon in ashes on the hearth, but each note in the packet was opened and read before being sacrificed. She was naturally methodical and they came In correct order. She smiled bitterly to herself to see how little there was real ly in them. Even Mrs. Bardell's law yer would have been puzzled to find on those pagfs anything tender or com mittal. What a fool she had been! She finished the holocaust and turned to re place the empty drawer. It stuck and had to be pulled out again. Looking for the obstruction, she found another note the last one which she had mourned as lost. Now she remembered that she had put it away, after reading it hastily, for there were people waiting below. It announced that he was com ing to see her that afternoon and re quested that she would not fail to be in. Just above the signature was a sen tence In Latin, rapidly and Illegibly written his handwriting at its best was difficult to decipher. She started as she remembered that in the hurry of 'that long-ago afternoon she had put off translating Latin. He knew that she had studied the language, for be had tooce asked her, seemingly apropos of nothing, but she had not told him that she had forgotten nearly all of it since lsaving school. She rushed for the die - tionary ana reaa unaerstanaingiy ror the first time the neglected message, the gist, as it proved, of the whole: "O love of mine; my bleeding heart lies at thy feet; deign to accept the of fering of thy slave." She had not been mistaken; he had loved her, after all, but why did he bow could he trust a living story to a dead tongue? And why had she, how ever hurried, left a word of that letter unread? The letter was clutched convulsively, the lexicon dropped to the floor, and her head weit down on her arm In a passion of futile tears. Philadelphia Item. M. GALLIFET AND HIS FISH. He Caught It in the Presence of Napo leon Til. and It Made Trouble. In the etats de service of Gen. Galli fet the present War Minister of France, there Is a curious note which should endear him to the hearts of all fishermen. After paying a just tribute to his abilities, the note reads: "But, unfortunately, he selects ex traordinary companions." Thereby hangs a fish story. Long ago, In the days of the second empire, Gallifet was the aid-de-camp of Napo leon III. At St Cloud his quarters were Just over tne imperial bedroom. Everything around bim was very grand and very gloomy. The window of his room looked upon the pond that wash ed the walls of the chateau. The water was clear, and the surrounding scen ery was beautiful; but the young lieu tenant felt like a prisoner. Early one morning while seated at his window trying to drive away the blues with a cigar he espied below In the crystal water an enormous carp. The instincts of the angler, strong in Gallifet, made the young man's eyes snap and set his heart a-throbbing. The big fish was the private property of the Emperor. Consequently, for Gallifet it was forbidden fish. But it was such a fine fellow! The resist ance of the soldier's ccnscience was useless. It surrendered uncondition ally. The remaining part of the cam paign against the carp was simple enough. Gallifet went to his trunk. brought out his trusty line, to which Le fastened a hook and an artificial bait With his accustomed skill he cast the line. The carp was hocked and hauled in through the window. Here the lieutenant's run ended and his trouble began. The fish landed upon a table, overturned a large globe filled with water, and caromed from that to a magnificent vase, which It also upset and smashed to pieces upon the floor. Then It began to execute a genu ine pas de carpe among the smither eens. The Emperor, hearing the strange racket overhead and seeing the water trickling through the ceiling, was aston ished. He rushed upstairs to find out what was the matter. Gallifet heard him coming and endeavored to grab the carp and throw it out of the win dow, and thus destroy the evidence of his poaching in the imperial pond. But the slippery thing was hard to hold; so he tossed it into the bed and covered it up with the bed clothes. When the Emperor entered the room he noticed immediately the quivering bed clothes. He pulled them down and uncovered the floundering fish. His majesty's face assumed an almost Jim-Jamie ex pression, which gradually faded into a faint smile. He took In the entire situ ation, saluted, and left the future War Minister to meditate upon the mysteries of a fisherman's luck. Shaved Without Arms. American men think it a very merito rious and remarkable accomplishment to be able to shave themselves. Yel Charles Francis Felu, the armless Bel gian artist who has Just died in his seventieth year, performed this ardu ous office every morning for himself, and did not consider that he was do ing anything unusual. When a baby Felu related how he used to sit In the garden with his mother during the long summer days while she taught him to pluck with his little toes the bright colored flowers with which their garden abounded. For tified by this practice his baby feet be came daily more flexible and useful to ineir nrae master, and when he had , reached the age of 6 he could do almost as much with them as his little com- panions And playmates could do with their hands. In latar years, when he commenced the study and pm-suit of his favorite art painting, It was a wonderfully in-' teresting sight to watch the gifted boy at work. He always held his palette with the great toe of his left foot and manipu lated the different brushes, crayons and pencils with the toes of his right foot Always when at table he skillfully managed his knife and fork. Held Reformer to His Word. When a beggar asked a Philadelphia stationer the other day for help the latter offered him two lead pencils, saying: "With half the effort required in begging you can easily sell these for and blotting paper pudding. 5 cents apiece." The beggar gazed at But no lady's bedroom is well furnlsh the pencils scornfully. "Who'd give ed unless 'A has one or more rocking me 5 cents for them?' he demanded, chairs. Figure 14 is a pattern for a "Why, anybody, said the stationer, Go out and try It" "Would you?" asked the beggar. "Why, certainly," was the reply. A smile of triumph ' spread over the grimy features of the mendicant "Here you are, then," he said. "Gimme the 10 cents. You can't go back on your own word." It took the stationer several minutes to re cover his breath, but he finally entered into the dealt and hereafter he will adopt' other tactics. Hartford Times. It's unwise to Judge a man by the umbrella he carries until you find out who owns It rvrTT fMYYl AlMfi QY'itl u J DViD JmJ J0. 1 ( HIJ IS T.WEIR DEPARTMENT OF THE PAPER. tcaalnf Si. y-jib- and C-to Dolnso aC the Little Folks Everywhere, Gathered and Printed Hensi tor All Ot ier rft tie One to Baud. A boy wno io evidently very nice to his little sisters writes to the Cincin nati Enquirer a description of a lot of paper furniture he made for the girls' doll house. As he tells how the articles are cut and shaped we reprint the ar ticle tor the benefit of our little read ers: There Is nothing more cheerful than an open fire in the dining room, and a paper lady has Just as much right to cheerful surroundings as any one else who depends entirely upon other peo ple's labor for their comforts in life. Figure 6 Is a pattern for a fireplace for cut-soy J f 7 FIREPLACE, VASE, CLOCK A.Ki CHAIR. the dining-room. The heavy black lines show where to cut with the scissors. The dotted lines show where to fold the mantle to give It the form of Fig- ure 7. When the space In the panel above the mantel is cut out, as shown In the diagram, paste a colored picture from some paper on the back, so that the panel frames the picture, as In Figure 7. Bend the grate back inside the fire place, and fill it with crumpled pieces of bright red paper to represent fire. The paper fire will be warm enough for a paper doll, and prevent her from suf fering with cold feet. Figure 8 shows bow to make vases of flowers, the point ed ends at the bottom being intended to stick through the slits cut in the top of the mantel. Figure 9 shows how to make a man tel clock. A grandfather s clock to match the Janice Meredith chairs can be made by simply making Figure 9 three times as long as It appears in the illustration. Dolly cannot sleep upon the chairs, and a bed Is as necessary a thing for the bedroom as a stove is for the kitch en. Figure 13 tells you Just how to build a four-post bed for the little miss. SEND THIS UP a a i r? a jC TEE JOUa-POBi' BHD. but it does not tell you how to make the mattress and bedclothes. A small paper bag of tissue or some other kind of very light paper made to fit the bedstead will answer for the mattress cover, and if this Is filled with small crumpled bits of tissue paper It will make as soft a mattress as the most dainty paper doll could wish for a good night's rest or an afternoon nap. Make the sbaets o fine white tissue paper and a coverlid of seme bright col ored paper. The bolster can be made of a roll of soft paper and the pillows made In the same way as the mattress. White paper bags make beautiful pil low slips, and If you have some old candy boxes you can use the paper lace with which to trim your pillow shams. Dolly 's now ready to gD to bed and sleep a sweet paper sleep and dream habov paper dreams of pasteboard nles bedroom rocking chair, and Fisrure 15 shows how the chair looks when it Is finished and ready for yonr little house- keeper to sit in and rock while she does her I'ency work or chats with her paper friends upon the prevailing styles. Mathematical Music Made Easy. You never can tell what figures will lo. Of course they are truthful if prop erly handled, but some of them are ea table of the most bewildering antics. Here is a method oj which figures may 1 e made to tell secrets in a way that will astonish those who are not Inform ed about how to do the "figuring:" iron i I stMO this up ( J Ben 9 YHIi UP Ask some person to put down un known to you a number composed of three figures Csay 762). Tell him to transpose the figures (making 267) and to subtract the lesser from' the greater. Then ask him to tell you the first figure of the result and you can tell him the entire number. For instance, your first number In the present example Is 762, which transposed makes 267. Subtract tract 267 from 762 and you have 495. The only figure that you are told is 4, the first of the result All you have to do is to subtract 4 from 9, which will give you 5, the last figure, and the cen tral figure Is always 9. So your num ber will be 495. This Is true in all cases where only three figures are used in making up a number. The central fig ure will always be 9 when the trans posed number is subtracted from the original number, and the two end fig ures when added together will make 9. So, knowing either the first or last fig ure of the result you can give the en tire number. Chinese Boys as Soldiers. In China the boy soldiers are better drilled than the men. Every Chinese banner regiment has its troop of boy foldie s, carefully exercised, and far superior in discipline to the rest of the army. They carry old flint-lock mus kets, and show themselves expert In the use of those antiquated weapons. The military spirit which seems al most ext'net in China, If the behavior of the Chinese armies in the war with Japan Is any Indication, seems to be strong yet in the children, and this fact gives some promise that the future of China will not be altogether clouded. American boys could not show greater earnestness or readiness than these 11. tie soldiers of the Orient to whom China will ere long be looking for sup port and defense. These boyish evolu tions took place at the recent triennial review of the forces of the southern provinces of China. Toy Trains on the Map. On the floor of a room of one of the leading board schools In South London is a plan of South Africa nearly twenty feet square. Toy trains run on the rail way lines, the rivers are in white chalk, and the whole plan has been carefully constructed to scale for the instruction of the children. POWER OF HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Misconceptions of the Force Exerted by Dynamite and Gunpowder. There Is a widespread misapprehen sion in regard to the devastating effect of these high explosives, for when un confined the effect even of large charges of them upon structures is comparatively slight. At the naval ordnance proving grounds, so long ago as 1884, repeated charges of dynamite, varying from five pounds to one hun dred pounds in weight were detonated on the face of a vertical target consist ing of eleven one-Inch wrought Iron plates bolted to a twenty-inch oak backing, until 440 pounds of dynamite had been so detonated in contact with it, and yet the target remained practi cally uninjured, while at Braamfontein the accidental explosion of fifty-five tons of blasting gelatin, which was stored in railway vans, excavated but 30,000 tons of soft earth. This last may seem a terrible effect, but the amount of explosive involved was enormous and the material one of the most energetic that we possess, while, if we compare It with the action of explosives when confined, its effect becomes quite moderate. Thus at Fort Lee, on the Hudson, but two tons of dynamite placed in a chamber In the rock and tamped brought down 100,000 tons of rock; at Lemberis, Wales, two tons and a half of gelatin dynamite similarly placed threw out 180,000 tons of rock, and at the Talcen Mawr, In Wales, seven tons of gunpowder, placed in two chambers of the rock, dislodged from 125,000 to 200,000 tons of rock. We might cite many such examples, but on comparing these we find that the gunpowder confined in the interior at the Talcen Mawr was over forty- two times as efficient as the explosive gelatin on the surface at Braamfon tein, while the dynamite at Fort Lee was over ninety times as destructive. Popular Science Monthly. Never Admit Defeat. Never admit defeat or poverty. though you seem to be down and have not a cent Stoutly assert your divine right to be a man, to hold your head up and look the world In the face; step bravely' to the front whatever opposes, and the world will make way for you. No one will insist upon your rights while you yourself doubt that you pos sess the qualities requisite for success. Never allow yourself to be a traitor to your own cause by undermining your self-confidence. There never was a time before when persistent original force was so much In demand as now. The namby-pamby, nerveless man has little show in the hustling world of to-day. In the twen tieth century a man must either push or be pushed. Every one admires the man who can assert his rights and has the power to demand and take them If denied him. No one can respect the man who slinks in the rear and apologizes for being In the world. Negative virtues are of no use in winning one's way. It is the positive man, the man with original energy and push that forges to the front Success. Relief Farm in Cuba. In the province of Matanza., Cuba, at Celba Mocha, an Industrial relief farm Is carried on by a New England relief society. Its first crop was early potatoes. Nearly all the cultivating and harvesting were done by war wid ows and orphans. During the Insurrec tion 8,000 reconcentrados were crowd ed together at Celba Mocha. Eight hundred are left Five thousand are in cemetery near by. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Y amine Notes Calling the Wicked o Repentance. aOD'S work never waits on the man who is not ready. In order to show us the stars God had to give us night Before the devil can be chained the saloon door must be shut Nothing tan sin ever made any body doubt tbt. di vinity of Jesus Christ Prayer for daily bread Is answered with dally strength. To nail your doctrines to the cross will not take away your sins. Good fortune sometimes comes to see us In a very shabby looking carriage. The devil probably dressed In white on the day the cigarette was Invented. A man had better sleep In sloth than keep himself awake with wickedness. There can be no refinement of man ners where there is corruption of mor als. It would puzzle an onion to under stand what there is about a rose that people like. Angels weep on the day that a young man begins to spend more money than he can make. The cross corrects the pessimism of the reign of natural law by the revela tion of the reign of divine love. Many a man whose prayers were long will be kept out of heaven be cause his yardstick was too short When an evil thought Is trying to force itself upon your mind, the devil Is knocking at the door of your heart The man who says, "Our Father," In honest prayer, will not be found stand ing with his foot on his brother's neck. YANKEE HENS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Change Their Nature After Having Been Acclimated in Boerdom. "One of the greatest troubles experi enced by people living in tropical coun tries," said L. T. Varden.-of Chicago, at the Gllsey house, "is to obtain meat of a quality fit to eat Take the Phil ippines, for instance. The cattle there are magnificent to look at hut they cut up into mighty poor food, being fat and also stringy. Almost all the meat used by our men there comes from Australia, being brought in refrigera tor ships, from which it Is Issued three times a week. The Australian Is as good beef as a man would care to eat There is, or rather was for it is nearly a year and a half since I was there a lack of poultry, also. No hens or chickens can be obtained, but only ducks, which is an exceedingly poor substitute for a hen's egg, in my esti mation. I understand that since then they have tried to remedy this and other deficiencies by importing hens and other things, but I doubt the. suc cess of the experiment, for the climate, different kind of food and the like, may change the flesh of the fowl and the quality of the egg. C. A. Williams, a friend of mine, who used to be United States consul at Johannesburg, and who now lives in the Transvaal, told me that when he first went to South Africa he endeavored to raise the char acter and quality of his table supplies by Importation. The meat In South Africa was poor, but that could not be helped. American fowls, Williams thought, would be a decided Improve ment over those of the Transvaal, and their eggs would enable him to begin each day with an easy stomach and a satisfied mind. So he brought out a flock of American-bred poultry. At first all went well; the breakfast egg was a godsend and the occasional chicken at dinner all that he had fond ly anticipated, but then there came a change, at first so gradual that Will iams was Inclined to attribute It to loss of appetite. The breakfast egg grew coarse and coarser in flavor until it be came wholly uneatable and the dinner chicken deteriorated in similar manner and with identical result. With the former, however, the outward appear ance of the egg remained the same, but the poultry not only changed In qual ity and flavor of flesh, but also in ex ternal appearance as well. Without Increasing the size of the body, the necks grew longer and thinner and. the legs lengthened out of alt proportion, until at last the hens resembled noth ing so much as diminutive ostriches. They were unfit to eat and of no other domestic use, and so Williams gave them awav to the Kaffirs, but for some time he thought of exhibiting them j here at a poultry show, mainly to as certain what names competent judges would apply to them, but the expense deterred him. He also had another scheme to get even, which was to en ter the roosters in cocking mains. Williams said they could lick anything that wore feathers, short of an eagle or an ostrich, and that there was not a dog In the Transvaal that would come anywhere near his house while they re mained his property, so utterly had the few dogs which had tried conclusions with them been routed." New York Tribune. Vaat Coat of Imported Perfnm.-s. A recent compilation of statistics shows that in 1899 American dealers bought m&re than $500,000 worth of foreign cosmetics and perfumes. The late Kate Field said, a few years ago, that American women spend $32,000, 000 a year in those toilet luxuries, "most of which," she said, "are poisonous." Anti-Blood Clrculationfstg. A society has been formed in Berlin jto combat the heresy of the circulation pf the blood. The members show their zeal by interrupting the medical lec tures at the university by protests. A woman has a terrible struggle with her conscience if she feels that she didn't struggle enough with her hus band to get him to churcb- 1. . i m A Dehorning Cage. A convenient and easily constructed dehorning cage is shown in the accom panying cut reproduced from the Na tional Stockman and Farmer. The di mensions of the cage are as follows: Six feet long, 6 feet high, 3 feet wide at top In front and 4 feet wide at top at back end. Bottom or foot board 1 foot wide, with seven cleats 1V& inches thick, 1 foot long, nailed across It to keep cattle from slipping. Foot board two inches thick, and rests on three 2x4 Inch cross pieces 4 feet long. To these are bolted upright pieces 7 feet long, 2x4 Inches, for nailers for sides of cage. Across the top of cage are used two strips 1x4 inches for each set of upright bolted one on each side of up right The inside of this frame is boarded up with inch plank of con venient widths. The lower 2 feet should close enough to prevent animals putting their feet through the cracks. On left side, 3 feet from bottom, should be used a board one foot wide, and one foot longer than the cage. In this bore two one-Inch holes four inches from sides of board. Through these put a piece of rope and tie on out side. This loop Is put over the animal's nose and drawn tight by the use of a hand spike. An upright lever is used to catch the back of the head and draw DEHORNING CAGE. lt to the left side of cage. This upright should be a strong 2x4 Inch, 9 feet long, bolted to bottom cross piece near the right side, the upper end slipping back and forth between the cross pieces that hold the tops of the two front uprights in place. This lever is thrown to the right when open for the animal to enter. As soon as the head passes it is pushed to the left side and fastened as tight as required by a small iron pin slipped through the cross pieces at top back of it As soon as the head is fastened a hand spike is slipped through the cage back of the animal, and another over the neck to hold the head down. These remain In place usually without holding, the operator standing In front while taking off the horns. The smallest ani mal having horns up to a bull weighing 1,830 pounds has been dehorned In this sized cage. Animals weighing up to 1,200 pounds pass right through the cage when the holding lever is thrown back against the right side. Cows heavy In calf and larger animals back out of the cage. Raising Broom Corn. Broom corn is easy to raise and care for If a man will exercise good Judg ment Plant in rows four feet apart; plant about eight pounds of seed per acre. If the seed is clean a common corn planter can be so arranged as to plant the proper quantity. The corn should be thinned out until the stalks stand about two or three inches apart in the row, or, if very good land, would not hurt to let it stand a little thicker. Cultivate as common corn. When the brush Is at Its best or, rather, when the seed begins to turn from its light color, and before the brush begins to turn red, it should be cut in haste. Walk between two rows, reaching as high as possible; break the stalks down. breaking both rows as you go, and break both toward you. when you have gone around this way (four rows), take your knife and start back the way you came, cutting the brush off, leaving a stem of about six inches. When you have a handful of brush, break a few stalks down Just behind you, so the stalks will pe between you and the two rows you first broke; lay your handful of brush on this, as it protects it from the ground; put what is convenient on this, and make more to suit. On the two other rows you can use these piles also. When the day's cutting Is done, if there be any likelihood of rain, gath er up your brush and make a good bot tom with stalks; lay your brush on this in two piles, with heads together; cover over good with stalks, and your brush is safe. But if the weather is favor able, let it lie for one day and night and then gather up. After a few days your brush will be cured and have a fine green color. Haul in when con venient and stack in as large piles as you like, and, if dry, it will keep safe and sound. Lee McConnell, ' In Farm er's Advocate. Pay in e for Land with One Crop. It is sometimes boasted by Western farmers on rich prairie land that with favorable seasons they have been able to clear as much money from their first good grain crop as the land originally cost them. That Is, however, usually because the land was bought at so low a rate that to make one crop pay all the original cost might not after all, leave much, if any, profit to the farmer. The breaking up or prairie sod so as to fit it for producing a crop costs mora than the land did at first in many cases. But to make old established and valu able farms pay their cost in crops of a single year Is a different matter. It is most often done in growing fruit A New Jersey farmer bought a cultivated farm well stocked with fruit of all kinds for $2,200. Last year he sold from It $2,450, or $250 more than the whole farm cost him. Besides fruit he grew and sold vegetables, milk and the other products of ordinary farmers. All of these added to his Income and in creased his profits. He had doubtless a favorable year for fruits, but, as the New York Farmer says, the question what profit a farmer shall make de pends more on the man than on his crops or location. It is not uncommon for market gardeners to grow crops that exceed in value the land which produced them, and it Is sometimes done by farmers who grow potatoes and cabbages. American Cultivator. Wheat Bran. The farmer who grows wheat can make a good profit in selling his wheat, and buying wheat bran to feed out The pound of wheat will nearly pay for two pounds of bran,, and the bran, If sweet and In good condition, is worth more per pound to feed to cows in milk, those soon to calve, to growing young stock, sows in pig or for sheep before lambing, and while Iambs are with them, than the whole wheat would be. If It Is not fattening or heating enough at other times the wheat can be sold and corn bought and still leave a balance In the pocket. It is much like selling the butter fat from the milk, and feeding calves or pigs on skim millk, which is better for them, and has not so high a selling value. If more fat is wanted a little linseed meal or flaxseed tea will give it at less cost than butter fat Almost anything that has a place on the table will sell for more than it is worth to feed to animals, as they care less for looks and delicacy of flavor and more for the nutritive qualities than does mankind. American Cultivator. The Size of Seed. The size of seed bears directly upon the crop produced. It also tends to in fluence the strain for good or evil de pendent upon the size of seed selected. It is claimed that almost without ex ception the largest and heaviest seed tend to produce the largest and most vigorous plants. The lighter seed may germinate, but the seedling is so weak as to succumb to any sudden change in weather conditions. Experiments are reported as showing the manifest su periority of large, heavy seed over the smaller light ones in the case of rad ishes, amber cane, Kaffir corn, barley, oats, sweet peas, winter vetch and rye. A series of experiments with rye grass seed In Germany showed that the num ber of seed capable of producing plants Increased with the increased weight of the individual seed. Fumigating Poultry Houses. Remove all nests, roosts and every thing that is portable, put a pound of sulphur in an iron pan, with some burn ing coals, place the pan In the middle of the house and close up the doors, windows and all other openings, letting them remain closed for two or three hours. Afterward paint the roosts and nest boxes thoroughly with coal tar, and whitewash the house both inside and out with lime. A spraying pump j Is very useful' to get the lime wash into the crevices In the roosts and wans, it is beneficial to add some carbolic acid to the lime wash. Once a house is thoroughly freed from vermin it Is easy to keep It so by attending to It regularly and whitewashing it fre quently. O. G., in Epitomlst Working Roads. In sections where the highway Is worked or filled In, either by the use of the grader or old dump scraper, the plowing should be done just as soon as the frost is out of the ground, turning the furrow toward the beaten path. This early plowing allows the sod to partly decay, and If plowed again a few days before placing in the road it will be in fine, mellow condition to handle in the easiest possible manner. Do not on any account work the road by put ting in more earth until settled weather arrives. In most sections this is after the middle of May. The use of a heavy field roller upon the newly filled in earth is of a great advantage. Passing over two or three times is none too often. Butter Flavor. The flavor of butter, it is very evi dent, depends principally upon the proper ripening of the cream and upon the absence of bacteria, says the Stockbreeder's Magazine. Thus the washing of butter in a granular condi tion with pure water is a matter of far reaching importance, for if this is neg lected the butter will contain milk, su gar and bacteria. Chemical action brought about by the latter will hasten decomposition of the butter. The en emies that have to be dealt with in the dairy are Invisible and therefore all the more difficult to wage war against. It is only unremitting care and con stant and almost scientific cleanliness that will prevent their development. Remedy for Cutworms. Mix paris green with what millers onll "shorts" or middlings. Use lust enough parts green to give a slight green color to the "shorts" or mixture. Dampen sugnuy ana men scalier over infested places. The worms prefer it to any plant After eating It they die.