Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 15, 1900, Image 1

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SESHSrS... I Consolidated Feb., 1899.
VOL. I. NO. 3.
Beaten with Sticks and Stoned and
Left for Dead in the Streets He Was
Saved by a Royal Decree and Decor
ated by the Km press.
Tortured at one period like the an
cient martyrs because of his efforts to
spread the gospel in China, Mgr.
Anzer, vicar apostolic of the Celestial
empire and bishop of Shantung, has
by his rare courage and diplomacy so
Ingratiated himself with the controll
ing power of Chinese affairs that he
now, in safety and even with great cer
emony, can conduct services In the
principal cities of the land of LI Hung
Chang. Mgr. Anzer met China's all
powerful Empress and she was so Im
pressed with his rare virtue that she
extended privileges to him that were
far beyond all expectations. She also
conferred upon the bishop the second
highest rank in the empire by making
him a mandarin of the second order
with the red button. There are nine
of these orders, and it usually takes a
person a lifetime to achieve the rank
now held by Monsiguor Anzer.
A Remarkable Career.
The Catholic prelate has had a most
remarkable career. He was ordained a
priest in 1876 and three years later
went to China as a missionary to strive
to attain for the Catholic missionaries
of the present day the proud, almost
Independent, position they enjoyed in
the sixteenth and seventeenth centu
ries. Upon going to China, Mgr. Anzer
secured a place as teacher In the Hong
Kong Seminary, and at the same time
became pastor of the Catholic hos
pitals, but the new professor of philos
ophy and theology attracted so much
attention by his great knowledge and
his ability to adapt himself to native
conditions, that he was soon promoted
to the presidency of the college. At
that time the Catholic Church main
tained twenty-seven vicarates In
China. These were distributed over
five ecclesiastical regions or provinces,
the largest being the apostolic vicarate
of Shantung, administered by Bishop
Cosi of the Order of St. Franclscus.
When Bishop Cosi heard of the prom
ising new arrival he proposed to Rev.
Anzer to take over the three souther
most prefectures of his territory, called
Fu and see what he - could do with
them. The priest gladly accepted, even
though he knew that the district was
the most dangerous In the whole em
pire. Beaten and Stoned.
In January, 1882, he took his depart
ure for south Shantung, which had 8,
000,000 population, and among whom
were only 158 Christians. The whole
section was a hotbed of political and
religious dissension and the greater
part of the population lived by robbery.
When the robbers learned the priest
was there to oppose them, they be
came his bitter enemies and threatened
to kill all Chinese who had dealings
with him. Finally, at Tsau-Tscho-Fu,
matters assumed a serious turn and an
epoch of persecution opened. Mgr.
Anzer endeavored to open a mission
house, but the mandarin of the town
sent a troop of evildoers to get him
out of the way. They dragged him
from his hostelry, beat him with sticks
and stones and finally left him for dead
outside the city gates. He was cared
for by a native friend and was, after
several months, able to continue his
labors. He had considerable success,
but again was attacked by a mob, this
time at the town of I-Schul, and would
have suffered death had it not been for
a humane mandarin who interfered.
Pope Leo was so pleased with Fath
er Anzer's progress that he ordered
him to report in person at Rome. The
courageous missionary arrived at the
Vatican In the winter of 1884, and
though only 34 years old at that time,
left the Eternal City with the title of
Vicar Apostolic. Soon afterwards the
district south of Shantung was formed
Into a separate bishopric. In 1886 he
was consecrated a bishop and imme
diately returned to the battle against
heathenism in China.
He located in Yeu-Tscho-Fu, but no
sooner was his mission known than
the city rose in a fury against him,
drove him from outside the gates, lev
eled a house he had bought and killed
several of his servants. Next the bishop
tried to install himself in the rich trad
ers' city of Tsl-ning, but a riot broke
out the minute his presence became
known. Fearing complications, the
authorities stepped in this time, saved
bim from the mob, and bid him away
until midnight, when he was forced to
depart in the disguise of a beggar. All
efforts to obtain redress from the local
mandarins proving futile. Bishop An
zer finally decided to appeal to the
court of last resort, the Empress. Af
ter several yean of labor at the Onin-
ese court he got the Empress' consent
to look into his grievances and in the
end she gave him the great privilege ol
an audience. As a result an Imperial
decree, allowing him a residence in
Yeu-Tscho-Fu, a house like that de
stroyed, and many other favors, was
published. Since he has built two big
churches In his bishopric, several
schools, three old people's homes, two
foundling asylums, as many orphan
asylums, a seminary and a Chinese
high school.
The missionaries have 2,000 acres un
der cultivation and teach all sorts of
European trades carpentering, shoe-
making, weaving, etc.
A shipment of American black bass
was made to France, and they have
flourished so marvelously that to-day
they are common articles of diet in the
hotels and restaurants. When the bass
were Introduced the French streams
were practically deserted.
During the Franco-German war the
German artillery flred 340,000 shots
and the Infantry twenty million. This
terrible hall of shot and bullets re
sulted in a loss of forty-five thousand
men to the French. Thus every French
man killed involved an expenditure of
bullets sufficient to kill a regiment.
A big piece of granite has been cut
from the Palmer quarry, five miles
from Vlnalhaven, Mo. It measures in
the rough state sixty-four feet in length.
and Is eight feet six inches thick by
seven in width, the total weight being
310 tons. When turned Into cyltndri
cal form It will be fifty-four feet in
length by six feet three inches In di
ameter, and will be the first of eight
columns which are destined to support
the great dome of the Episcopal cathe
dral of St. John the Divine of New
The Southwest claims that the larg
est orchards in the world are located In
its own territory. The largest bear
lng apple orchard is the Wellhouse or
chard of 1,450 acres, situated near
Leavenworth, Kan. The Olden orchard
at Olden, Mo., contains 1,450 acres of
apples and peach trees; the McNalr or
chard at St. Elmo over 2,000 acres; the
Huber orchard at Senace 1,400 acres;
the Parket-Wlnans Orchard near Sey
mour 1,000 acres; the Ozark Orchard
Company's orchards at several points
on the Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad in
Missouri and Arkansas 2,200 acres, and
there are many orchards ranging from
80 to 800 acres.
In the Yellowstone National Park is
a curious freak of nature. Along a
little frequented trail leading to the
fossil forest stands a great glacial boul
der, twice as large as an ordinary street
car, which has been split apart from
top to bottom by a pine tree. The tree
is thirty or forty years old, and it
grows entirely through this block of
granite, spreading the pieces wide
apart on one side, while on the other
the crevice remains comparatively
small. Everything goes to show that
the tree has split the rock by its own
force, perhaps assisted each winter by
the Ice. It seems to have thrived on
the task. Though it has moved apart
these massive fragments, each weigh
ing hundreds of tons, it is the healthi
est tree In that locality.
A Chinese Wonder.
Eliza Ruhamah Scidraore describes
in the Century a great national phe
nomena which she has observed on one
of her many visits to the long-lived
Chinese Empire.
"There are three wonders In the his
tory of China," she writes, "the De
mons at Tang-chau, the Thunder at
Lung-chau, and the Great Tide at
Hang-chau, the last the greatest of all,
and a living wonder to this day of 'the
open door,' while Its rivals are lost in
myth and oblivion. On the eighteenth
night of the second moon, and on the
eighteenth night of the eighth and ninth
moons of the Chinese year, the great
est flood-tides from the Pacific surge
into the funnel mouth of Hang-chau
Bay to the bars and flats at the mouth
of the swift-flowing Tslen-tang. The
river current opposes for a while, until
the angry sea rises up and rides on, in
a great,, white, roaring, bubbling wave,
ten, twelve, fifteen, and even twenty
feet In height. The Great Bore, the
White Thing, charges up the narrowing
river at a speed of ten and thirteen
miles an hour, with a roar that can be
heard for an hour, before it arrives, the
most sensational, spectacular, fascinat
ing tidal phenomenon a real wonder
of the whole world, worth going far
and waiting long to see."
No Wonder It Was Stale.
In a Metropolitan court a woman
was sued for the value of a certain 1
quantity of bread supplied to her or
der, and received daily.
In defense, she stated that the
amount charged was exorbitant, as,
owing to being stale, she was entitled
to a reduction in price.
Aftei conflicting evidence, presuming
the case would be decided against her,
the defendant placed her hand under
her heavy shawl, and producing a loaf,
she shouted
"Seeing's believing, your honor.
That's a specimen stale enough for a
menagerie, and hard as a brick!"
With a smile, the Judge tried to press
his thumb into the substantial evidence
before him, but being baffled on all
sides, he exclaimed
"My good woman, I quite feel for
you as well as the loaf. Judgment for
the defendant!"
It transpired afterwards that the de
fendant had saved the loaf in question
for nine months.
The thieves will finally start a story
that honesty Is not the best policy, and
give reasons why honest men should
not be respected.
lfivr I? A rp T TO r TTQ
, " IVa-A 1 a VI LiL Ull O.
Voracious Beasts Kill Nearly One Hun
dred Men and Injure Many Others
Their Frightful Ravages Committed
in Africa and India.
Obstructing the building of a railroad
Is a rather unusual feat for lions, yet
that is what two of them did some time
ago in Central Africa, near Victoria
Nyanza. The matter was referred to
by Lord Salisbury in one of bis address
es in the British House of Lords.
Thesa lions were man-eaters and for
more than eight months they terror
ized 6,000 laborers engaged in the work
of construction. Scores of these men
they dragged off and devoured. The
greater part of the camp, having at
length movfd up the country beyond
the forging ground of the lions, several
hundred were left behind to build
bridges. Upon these the lions made a
still more sanguinary descent. Night
after night they would carry away one
and sometimes two men. They attack-
ed white engineers, doctors, soldiers
and military officers as well as laborers
from India, coolies and African na
tives. On almost any night, and at any
time of the night, the men were liable
to be aroused by the shrieks of their
abducted comrades, and to hear the
cracking of their bones and the tearing
of their limbs a rod or two away, while
the lions growled and quarreled over
their prey. Sick men In the hospital
died from sheer terror at these horrible
sounds and the horrible scenes they
suggested. The beasts were shot at in
the darkness, but seldom hit. For fire
arms, fire or torches they cared noth
ing. One of them leaped upon an offi
cer, tore his knapsack from his back
and then carried away and a devoured
a soldier near him.
Many became so terror-stricken that
they threw themselves on the rails in
front of a coastward train and Insisted
on either being run over or carried off
on the train. Those who stayed for
sook the tents and huts and camped
out on top of the water tanks, on roofs
and bridge girders or in beds lashed to
the-highest branches of the trees. One
night one of these broke, letting Its
lodgers fall within a few feet of the
Uons. But, being already too occupied
with devouring a victim, the brutes
gave no heed to this "windfall," but let
the Intruders escape until another
Killed Nearly One Hundred Men.
During the eight months that these
lions lived upon these railroad men
they would be occasionally wounded by
a shot and obliged to retire from active
life, thus giving the camp Intervals of
quiet But they killed and ate In all
nearly thirty natives of India, twice as
many African natives, besides injuring
many others of various nationalities.
It was impossible to poison them be
cause they confined their diet entirely
to human beings, to the neglect of every
kind of game, with which the region
abounds. The white men were not
numerous enough to hunt them suc
cessfully and the Sepoys were too un
skilled with firearms. At length an en
gineer of the line who spent months of
his time pursuing them, worn out by
loss of sleep, sitting up in the moon
light and tracking them during the day,
succeeded in shooting them both and
putting an end to these man-eaters'
reign of terror. They were each over
nine feet long.
Both Africa and India are in many
parts under the dominion of the lion
and tiger. Against the lion of South
Africa the native has to be constantly
on his guard. The Arabs arrange their
tents in a circle In the center of which
the herds are penned, and outside the
tents is a rude hedge. When they hear
the animal begin roaring, and he can be
heard plainly at a distance of three
miles, sometimes faintly nine miles off,
j they kindle the heaps of wood that
have been piled up before each tent so
that the occupant may hurl a lighted
brand at him. But some of the brutes
have become so wonted to the fire, the
yelping of the dogs and the cries of the
people that they pay no attention to
them. He boldly leaps within the ln
closure. He drives men, women and
children into their tents, silences the
dogs and stampedes horses, sheep and
dogs through the hedge and across the
From the sheep, too, frightened to
flee, he selects his supper and carries it
away to the mountains. Or if the
moods suit pursues the horses and
cattle. Of these he will sometimes kill
three or four and suck their blood,
leaving their carcasses where he over
took them. The power of these black
African lions Is enormous. The strong
est of them can clear an eight-foot ln
closure holding In their mouths a 3-
year-old horse. Glrard, the lion-killer.
declares that he has seen one of them
charge into the midst of 300 Arab horse
men on an open plain and drive them
back to their encampment, the boldest
of them with their horses remaining
prostrate along his path.
In India a man-eating tiger kills
more than a hundred people a year
sometimes four or nve and even seven
persons at once. In some districts 300
or 400 human beings are annually slain
by tigerc and In lower Bengal as many
as 700 are killed. One tigress has been
known to close the public roads, cause
the desertion of thirteen villages and
put over 250 square miles of territory
out of cultivation. They become bold
enough now and then to penetrate
city and are accorded its freedom until
they are shot.
He Wonld Pay Him.
The cultivation of his vote by the
watchful and flattering ward politician
sometimes arouses in the breast of the
poor dweller In the slums an exagger
ated notion of his political importance.
At a recent banquet of the Franklin
Typographical Society of Boston, a
prominent printer told a story which
illustrates this fact amusingly.
Not long ago a man came to this gen-
tleman and asked for work for his boy.
The applicant himself was out of work,
and his family were in want
"If you can give work to the b'y,"
said he, "we'll git enough out of it to
pay the rint, and we won't be turned
out on the street anyhow."
The printer promised to do ivhat he
"An' If ye do," the father went on, his
eye lighting up with a generous gleam,
"we'll put ye in McKlnley's place!"
Mammoth Docks.
The marine docks at Portsmouth,
England, are the vastest in the world,
covering more than 300 acres, and em
ploying some 10,000 men. Two of the
largest docks are 600 feet long and 85
feet broad. All are what Is known as
stone graving docks. They are dug
out of a sufficient depth, length and
width to enable vessels of a certain
size to be admitted. They are con
structed of granite and fitted with
heavy gates; the vessel is floated into
the dock and properly shored up on the
keel blocks the gates are closed the
water then pumped out. Such docks,
says a correspondent of the Provi
dence Journal, are all below the level
of the dockyard. The walls are built
with stairs like the seats in an amphi
theater, so that workmen may go up
and down; and great cranes lifting for
ty tons are used in handling materials.
When a vessel is completed, all that Is
necessary to launch her is to open the
gates, fill the dock, and she floats out
without risk or trouble. The advan
take of a number of docks at a sta
tion Is the readiness with which a small
vessel may be put into a small dock
and a- large vessel into a large one at
once, this being done with so much
economy of time and labor.
Long Names for Automobiles.
"What is the longest word in the lan
guage?" is an inquiry that frequently
turns up in an editor's mall. If some
other languages were in question, he
would dread to see it; the answer would
take too much space.
Thus in Berlin one Herr Thien, who
has long been prominent in local trans
portation interests, has recently estab
lished a motor cab service. The pleas
ing German name for bis vehicles is
It- Is said that, despite the preposter
ous title, the new cabs are remarkably
handsome and graceful. But if there
is anything in a name, the motor car
riages Introduced into some parts of
Belgium should Instantly become sway
backed and top-heavy. The Flemish
word for automobile Is "snelpaarde
looszoonderspoorwegpetroolrijulg." Some Works Required.
It Is well not to overstep the line be
yond which the exercise of faith be
comes something like negligence.
"I tell you, brudders," exclaimed a
young colored pastor, who was preach
ing a sermon on faith, "we haven't half
enough of it! De Lord will watch over
our uprisin' an' our downsettin' ef we
only got faith like a grain o' musta'd
seed! He ain't gwine to let no habm
come to us," he went on, fervently,
"ef we Jis' exe'cise faith!"
"All de same, Bruddah Flint" spoke
up the white-haired old patriarch upon
whom rested the burden of looking
after the temporal affairs of the church,
"we're goln' to keep dls yer meetln'
house insured agin fire an' Hghtnln'l"
A Gigantic Sob Dial. j
The largest sun dial in the world is
Hayou Horoo, a large promontory, ex
tending 8,000 feet above the Aegean
Sea. As the sun swings round the
shadow of this mountain it touches,
one by one, a circle of islands, which
act as hour marks.
Barn's Horn Sounds a Warning Not
to the Unredeemed.
VERY delight in
volves a duty.
Prayer is the
cure for care.
The man who is
a walking direc
tory of his neigh
bor's affairs is a
poor director of
his own.
Friendship gives
no license to dis
pose of courtesy.
A patent leather will pinch as pain
fully as a raw-hide.
Gratuitous advice may be valuable,
but it is seldom highly prized.
It is poor economy to keep a carriage
and pair to save shoe-leather.
Men could not come near to Sinai,
but they are drawn to Calvary.
The strongest argument for the divin
ity of Christ is the divine in the Chris
The cross Is our measure of the heart
of God and His estimate of the worth
of man.
Vanity will paint your portrait as you
please, but conscience always furnishes
It Is a good deal easier to pull a
man's reputation to pieces than it is to
put it together again.
Fellowship with God is the climax
of religion on one side and fellowship
with man its perfection on the other.
Walks, Rain or Shine, Rather than Ride
Through a tunnel.
"Nearly every man has his supersti
tion," remarked a La sane street
broker to a friend as they boarded a
car. "I came across a little story the
other day on that line. Every morning,
year in and year out, with the excep
tion of Sundays, a prominent North
Side business man gets on the Clark
street cable car at Fullerton avenue.
rides to Illinois and Clark streets, then
alights and walks to his office, which
is within a stone's throw of La Salle
and Randolph streets.
'The other day a gentleman who was
visiting this man's house rode down
town with him, and on arriving at the
corner of Illinois and Clark streets ex
pressed his surprise when the Chicago
man, with an apologetic tone, asKeci
him to meet him at his office, as he al
ways walked from this place across
the bridge and thence to the office. The
visitor, rather fancying the walk him
self, swung off the car with his
" 'What's your idea in walking every
morning?' he asked the Chicago man.
'Like the exercise, I suppose? "
" 'No, not particularly,' rejoined the
other. 'Superstition, I reckon. Some
ten years ago I was riding through the
tunnel with a friend and we occupied
a seat on the grip car. The car was
very crowded, passengers standing
upon the foot board of the grip. The
movement of one of these passengers
accidentally brushed my friend's hat
from his head. In making a frantic
attempt to recover it he pitched for
ward between the tunnel walls and the
f. In spite of frenzied efforts upon
the part of myself and others to drag
him out he was crushed to death be
fore the car could be stopped.
'Since that time I have always had
a premonition that should I ever ride
again through the tunnel my end
would be the same. You may think
me foolish and attribute this to super
stition, but I have never been through
that tunnel since. I walk to Illinois
and Clark streets in the evening and
take a car; In the morning I always
alight at that corner, rain or shine, and
walk to my office. If I accompany my
wife to the theater I leave her on the
car at this corner and walk to the the
ater. I would not go through that
tunnel again for $5,000. The strange
part of all this is that the other tunnels
possess no terrors for me. I frequently
ride through the Washington and Van
Buren street tunnnels without a
thought of danger, but the La Salle
street never.' " Chicago Inter Ocean.
St. Elmo's Light.
St. Elmo's fire, or light Is the popu
lar name of an appearance sometimes
seen, especially in southern climes, dur
ing thunderstorms, of a brush or star
of light at the tops of masts of vessels,
at the ends of the yards, or on spires or
other pointed objects. It is occasional
ly accompanied by a hissing noise, and
is evidently of the same nature as light
caused by electricity passing off from
points connected with an electric ma
chine. It Is said, in Grecian mythology,
that Castor and Pollux, who were es
teemed mighty helpers of men, calmed
tempests, appearing as the light flames
on the masts of ships as described, and
the ancient mariners took the appear
ance of these balls of light on their ves
sel as a sign that they had nothing to
fear from the storm.
The "City of Champagne."
The town of Epernay, In France, Is
a vast subterranean city, the streets
for miles and miles being hewn out of
the solid chalk, flanked with piles of
champagne of all blends and qualities.
There Is no light in this labyrinth of
streets, crossings and turnings, except
what the sputtering candles afford.
All Is dark, dank and damp, with the
thermometer down about zero. The
largest champagne manufacturers in
Epernay possess underground cellars
which cover no fewer than forty -five
acres, and contain 5,000,000 bottles of
In Ireland the potato does not. occupy
the position which it held some years
ago. The cheapness of foreign flour
has done much to reduce the value of
the potato in the diet of the Irish peas
Derrick for Stacking.
The arrangement Illustrated is In
tended for stacking bay, fodder, etc.,
out of doors, and is also useful, if of
convenient size, for loading shocks of
fodder on to a wagon in the field, one
team being used to haul the derrick
from shock to shock. It can also be
used to advantage m loading hay from
a stack on to a wagon. A telegraph pole
Is best for the center pole, which turns
in any direction. It is made with a
shoulder to fit in the hole in the cross
plank at the bottom. The bottom
frame should be about one-half the
height of the entire device. It is made
principally of scantlings 4x4 and 2x6,
as occasion requires. Three pulleys
are necessary to operate the derrick.
and the crane can be swung around
whenever wanted. This stacker can be
built on runners and may be hauled
from place to place. A correspondent.
describing this derrick in an exchange,
says one of the kind will pay for itself
several times over In convenience In
handling many heavy articles, and will
fast a long time if well taken care of.
Measuring Irregular Fields.
A method for measuring and finding
the number of acres In a field shaped
as shown in the accompanying dia
gram is to add together the widths of
the two ends, halve the sum thus ob
tained, and multiply this by the length.
The result will give the area of the
field. The problem is one of the sim
plest In geometry. When the two
widths are added together and the sum
halved, the width will be precisely as
much as If one of the sides were cut
off and reversed, as shown by the dot
ted lines, thus making a rectangle of
the same area exactly as the original
figure. .
How to Raise Watermelons.
An Iowa contributor to the Farm,
Field and Fireside says: Select a rich
loam sandy loam is best and dig
boles six feet each way, or in one long
row, and put a shovel full of well-
rotted manure in each bill, covering
with two Inches of dirt Plant about a
dozen seeds in each hill, covering one
inch deep. Plant from the 5th to the
10th of May. Soon after planting these,
say five or six days, plant a hill be
tween each two of the first ones. These
will come up about the time bugs show
up generally, and they will not touch
the first vines, but will destroy the sec
ond planting. This is much easier than
putting ashes on the vines, and surer,
The main thing after this is to keep
the ground loose around the hill, and
you can raise melons in spite of drouth.
Should the bugs come early and attack
the first vines, they are all gone before
the others are up. A wheel hoe is the
best tool to use, hoeing twice a week
at least The seeds should be saved
from the earliest and largest melons,
providing they are sweet
Sunburned Potatoes for Seed.
In answer to the inquiry of A. W.
Morton, sun-burned or green potatoes
are all right for seed. Forty years ago
when we raised our potatoes on new
burned land, we had a great many
sun-burned potatoes, and, as they were
not good for cooking purposes, we
saved them for seed. It came to be the
general opinion among farmers that
the green end of potatoes was much
the best for seed. They were consid
ered more bardy and produced earlier
potatoes. I am not well enough in
formed on this point to claim any ad
vantage In this direction, but can safe
ly say that the green ends, or if they
are green all over, will not Injure them
for seed. E. E. Parkhurst in Orange
Judd Farmer.
Angora Goats.
Iu Texas Angora goats have been
cultivated for some years, and Farm
and Ranch says there are 75,000 of the
animals within its borders, while near
ly fifty tons of their fleece, commercial
ly known as mohair, were shipped last
year from Uvalde alone. It now sells
at prices ranging from 25 to 35 cents
a pound for average grades, while some
of the very finest quality not yet mar
keted is expected to command 40 cents'
Not only Is the fleece of considerable
value, but the hides and flesh are also
said to be in active demand.
Apparently there Is an excellent op
portunity for many American farmers
in the raising of Angora goats. It is
asserted that these animals can be kept
at much less expense than sheep,
while their fleece is of far greater val
ue than wool. It requires a dry climate
and short grass, while a country of
broken and hilly nature, with scrubby
tree growths, is well adapted to its re
quirements. The statement is also
made that breeding the Angora with
the common goat produces an animal
of greater size than the latter, while
the fleece is soon graded up to a profit
yielding quality.
Why Incubator Chicks Die.
At th-? Rhode Island station careful
investigation has been made of the
cause of the death of young incubator
chickens. The total number of dead
chickens examined during the spring
and summer of 1899 was 826. It was
alleged that about one-third of the
chicks had been more or less injured
by uneven heat during incubation.
Another common cause of trouble was
in overcrowding of brooders, resulting
In death by suffocation, trampling, etc.
Tuberculosis was found to be very
prevalent, and 15 per cent of the
chickens were more or less affected.
For guarding against this disease it Is
recommended to give the interior of
the brooders all the sun and air possi
ble on pleasant days. Bowel troubles
were a common cause of death. Feed
ing should be as nearly as the time of
the attendant renders profitable a con
tinuous operation, but by no means a
continuous gorge. Sometimes too much
animal food is given, but in moderate
quantities animal food results in rapid
growth. Lack of animal food some
times causes diseases of the liver and
gall bladder. Orange Judd Farmer.
Queenless Hives.
If any of the hives have a number of
bees hanging idly around the entrance
during March and April, and do not
carry pollen like other normal colonies,
it is a pretty sure indication that they
are queenless. They will need watch
ing until some pleasant day when they
can be examined. Queenless colonies
are in danger of being robbed, for dis
couraged bees are not inclined to pro
tect their stores as a prosperous colony
would. If they are not provided with
a queen they will gradually dwindle
Simple Irrigation.
The course of a hillside stream can
be changed to go around the hill In
stead of directly down the slope, and
by partially damming the stream at
intervals the water can be turned off
in small streams over the sward. The
water is used to best advantage if not
allowed to run over one place more
than four or five days at a time. The
pasturage on a hillside can sometimes
be doubled by this simple and inexpen
sive arrangement
Onions, unlike most other crops, de
light in being grown on ground pre
viously used for onions. An onion
patch, to be profitable, must be very
rich, and free from weeds. It Is less
work to keep one clean If properly
tended the first season. Great care
should be taken In the manure used,
well-rotted stable manure being the
General Interest to Farmers.
It Is estimated that the loss of cattle
on the range in Montana the past win
ter will not exceed 4 per cent
Mixing about one pound of oil meal
with five of wheat and wetting it up
with skim milk makes a good feed for
growing pigs.
Governor Richards of Wyoming has
Issued a quarantine proclamation with
instructions governing the shipment of
cattle Into Wyoming.
A bushel of wheat as an equivalent
amount of flour, can be shipped from
Minneapolis to almost any point in
western Europe for about 20 cents.
Every fruit-grower and horticulturist
should have a scrapbook wherein he .
may place formulas, hints on culture,
etc., and where he can also keep a rec
ord of varieties planted.
At the recent congress of veterinary
physicians at Baden - Baden, Dr.
Hecker, of Halle, maintained that the
foot-and-mouth disease can be trans
ferred to healthy animals by birds,
etc. a fact which, if substantiated,
will call for a modification of legisla
tion. The largest orchard in South Dakota
Is owned by Mrs. Laura A. Alderman,
near Hurley, Turner County, and con
tains 150 acres with 8,000 trees. Two
acres are covered with plum trees. Be
sides the trees, there are 1,000 currant
bushes, 1,000 gooseberry bushes and
500 grapevines. Three acres are devot
ed to strawberries. i