Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 11, 1900, Image 1

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IVzitLfV. I Consolidate! Fek. 1899.
VOIi. XXXY1I. NO. 20.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Int.' resting Collection or Items From
the Two Hemispheres Presented
Condensed Form.
Four miners perished in a fire in a
mine near Roanoke, Va.
Mnnkacsy, the celebrated painter,
died at Bonn, Germany.
Michigan Democrats want Charles
A. Towne for Bryan's running mate.
An eight-hour day has been secured
by New England building trades jour
Salt Lake capitalists have bought the
Iowa group of mines in the Baker city
district for $30,000.
A dozen vessels have already left
Seattle for Cape Nome. Opinions vary
as to when they will get there.
State Secretary Reitz, of the Trans
vaal, savs the Boers will move to
America if defeated.
Twenty-two shops in Chicago art
completely tied up, owing to the boiler
makers' strike.
Roberts will advance on Pretoria
from Kimberley, Bloemfontein and 'a
tal, simultaneously.
Twenty Americans were killed in an
engagement with insurgents at Catu-
big, on the island of Samar.
Senator Hanna believes the Repnbli
cans will have fully as hard a battle
this year as they had in 1896.
Bankers estimate that Americans
will spend $40,000,000 more than us
ual abroad this year, owing to the
Paris exposition.
D. J. Sinclair, postoffice inspector
connected with the St. Louis force, hat
been appointed chief postoffice inspeo
tor of Porto Rico.
General Merritt's request for retire'
ment has been granted, General Brooke
succeeding him as commander of the
department of the East.
Many small yachts and tug boa ta
bought for use during the Spanish war,
are rotting in the navv yard and the
government will sell them.
The Northwest Episcopal general
conference, by a unanimous vote, de
cided to admit equal lay representation
to all Methodist conferences.
Two hundred Klondike miners are
stampeding up White river, Alaska, to
the scene of the latest gold discovery.
The find was made on a nameless tribu
tary of the above river last winter.
Andrew Carnegie, who refused to
contribute to the Dewey arch fund.
has given $1,000 to the fund for the
widow of Sergeant Douglas, who was
killed at Croton dam during the recent
strike. In sending the check, Mr. Car
negie wrote: "Sergeant Douglas fought
not for foreign conquest, but for peace
and order at home."
President McKinley has selected
Dole to be the first governor of Hawaii.
Ex-Minister Denby gives American
missionaries credit for the open door in
Fire at the town of Gladwin, Mich
destroyed 16 buildings, causing a lost
of $50,000.
The north half of the Colville, Wash
Indian reservation, has been opened for
Chicago landlords nave formed a
combination and rents advanced 15 per
cent immediately.
Charles II. Allen was inaugurated as
governor of Puerto Rico with impres
sive ceremonies.
Fire destroyed the Hasting shingle
mill at Goshen, Wash., together with
1,000,000 shingles.
The transport Sherman arrived at
San Francisco from Manila with 22 in
sane soldiers on board. 5
Carpenters of Omaha are out on a
strike. They demand an eight-hour
day and increase of wages.
Five men were killed and three in
jured by a boiler explosion in the mill
of J. V. Bray & Co. , Tifton, Ohio.
At the Hercules Athletic Club, New
York, Bob Fitzsimmons knocked out Ed.
Dunkhorest, the Syracuse giant, in two
Joseph Gurtar Rampon, a former
famous bandmaster, leader of the Old
Guard band, is dead at New York,
aged 57 years.
The United States navy will not be
tent to Turkey. As the sultan at
made soma concessions, he will be
given more time to study the matter.
An engine and 70 empty cars of the
Santa Fe were thrown into the bay
from the new Santa Fe wharf at San
Francisco, by the breaking of an apron.
No one was killed so far as known.
Frank H. Peavey, of Minneapolis,
Minn., has obtained insurance in the
Mutual Life Insurance Company, of
New York, to the amount of $1,000,
000, the annual premium on the policy
being $48,390.
A Spanish silver mine lost a century
ago was rediscovered in Texas.
Lewis Watkins, a native of St. Paul,
is said to be the tallest man in the
world. His height is said to be eight
feet 11 inches, and his weight 364
Rev. David Greeg, a Brooklyn (N.
Y.) Presybterian, says he doubts if any
member of the general assembly be
lieves in condemnation of non-elect
Ex-Congressman David B.
ton, of Texaa, it dead.
General Hamilton hat captured Win
burg, the Boer stronghold.
Li. .Marquis, a farmer residing seven
miles northwest of Eugene, committed
Heavy rains in Iowa did much dam
age to property and canted large losses
in livestock.
Lord Roberts has crossed the Vet
river and the Boers are still in full re
treat northward.
San Antonio, Texas, was struck by a
terrific wind storm, doing damage to
the amount of $75,000.
W. C. hndicctt, secretary of war in
Cleveland's first administration, died
at Boston, aged 73 years.
Scientists nope to make many new
discoveries on the event of the sun's
total eclipse on May 28.
General Harrison Gray Otis is boom
ing Congressman Hepburn, of Iowa, for
McKinley's running mate.
Aguinaldo has joined his forces in
North Luzon and has assembled con
siderable force in the mountains; Gen
eral Tonng asks for reinforcements.
Senor Alberti, prominent in Cuban
politics and editor of a newspaper, was
shot and instantly killed by an un
known assassin at Gibara, province of
Santiago de Cuba.
Pope Leo will make amends for his
deposition of Archbithop Keane, who
may be appointed to the position held
by the late Archbishop Hennessy, of
Dubuque,' Iowa.
The output of oil in California has
increased from 1,245,123 barrels in
1895. to 2,292.123 barrels in 1899
The state now ranks fourth among the
states of the nnion in petroleum pro
Rev. Charles 8. Morris, a colored
Baptist missionary, recently returned
from South Africa, was vigorously
hissed when he champicned the cause
of England in a lecture before the West
Side Y. M. C. A. of New York City
The counter-demonstrations became so
pronounced that the lecturer abandoned
the discussion of the merits of the con
tending nations.
Hi Sing, high priest of the Chinese
Masonic order of this country, judge of
Chinatown, was honored with an elab
orate, even gorgeous funeral at Phila
delphia. The distinguished priest
spoke nine languages and added to his
income by loaning money to hit conn
trymen at a high rate of interest. Re
garding talents Sing was the peer of
any Chinaman in the country.
One hundred and nine victims of the
Utah mine disaster were buiied in one
day at Scofield.
The Yale-Berkeley game at New
Haven, Conn., resulted in a victory for
the former team.
Burglars looted the safe of the First
National bank of East Brady, Pa., and
secured $10,000.
The parade in St. Louis in honor of
Admiral Dewey was witnessed by half
a million people.
The sundry civil bill was passed by
the house. It carries slightly more
than $61,500,000.
Many buildings were demolished
by a terrific gale that went through the
town of Wilsonville, Neb.
Six hundred men employed in the
zinc factory at La Salle, Ind., struck
fur an advance in wages.
The Standard Varnish works at Elm
Park, Staten Island, were damaged by
fire to the extent of $200,000.
The British have crossed the Vaal
river, pushing northward, and the re
lief of Mafeking is expected soon.
An effort is being made by govern
ment officials to secure an appropria
tion for the building and maintenance
of schools for Alaska.
General MacArthur, in addition to
his duties as commander, will exercise
the authority of military governor of
the Philippine islands.
Fire which started in a livery stable
at Petersburg, Ind., swept through the
business portion of the town, leaving
bnt three stores. Loss, $80,000.
The war department issued an order
relieving General Otis of the command
of the division of the Philippines. The
general has left Manila for the United
One-third of the houses in Garza, a
town in Denton county, Texas, were
destroyed by a tornado. No one was
hurt, the people seeking refuge in
Work on the National Republican
convention hall may be stopped owing
to the dispute between the Allied Build
ing Trades Council and the Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners.
Lieutenant Gibbons, attached to
the Brooklyn, in an expedition con
ducted by him in the south of Luzon,
in the latter part of February, secured
the release of 522 Spanish prisoners.
An nnknown negro, about 20 years of
age, waa lynched three milet .from
Geneva, Ala., for assaulting a 12-year-old
white girl near Hartford. Armed
men took him from the arresting offi
cers and carried him to the woods,
where he waa later found dead, hang
ing to a limb.
A London physician claims to have
cured inebiiety by hypnotism.
Bishon Hartzell. in charee of Metho
dist work in Africa, has traveled 50,000
miles since 1896.
Constant weeping over the death of
her husband and daughter made a New
York woman blind. .
Chaplain C. C. Pierce makes an offi
cial report that there hat been no in
crease in the number of saloons in
Second Mining Camp in the
Slocan Country.
Water Supply Failed and the
Burned Itself Out Aid Seat
and More Needed.
Spokane, May 7. A special to the
Spokesman-Review from Kaslo, B. O.,
Sandon, the second mining town in
importance in the Slocan, hat been
completely destroyed by fire and nearly
all its 1,200 people are homeleet and
ruined. Kaslo is 28 miles from San
don, bnt about midnight large clouda
of smoke came rolling over this town
from Sandon. At once word went out
that Sandon was destroyed, but no newt
could be had from the desolate town,
as all wires had been burned.
At 4 P. M. a train came in from San
don bringing a number of those who
lost all their property. They reported
that the total loss was between $500,
000 and $1,000,000, while the insur
ance could only have been about $25,
000. The alarm was sounded shortly after
midnight, and quickly the streets were
filled with hundreds of men and wo
men. The flames started between
Spencer's hall and Brown's store.
Two streams seemed to hold the flames
in check for a while. Then one stream
pave out and the flames spread rapidly.
After that it was only a matter of the
fire bnrning itself out.
The miners' hospital and a drug store
were blown up in the effort to stop the
flames. By this time all tbe lower
part of town, including the tenderloin
and many business places were gone.
Then the firemen blew up the Echo
hotel, one of the finest buildings in the
Kootenay country, the Canadian Pa
cific railroad station and other build
ings in order to save the valuable stores
of H. Geigerich and H. Byers & Co.
This was accomplished. Half a dozen
other buildings at the extreme ends oi
the town were saved, including the
electric power-house. Tbe rest of the
town was drawn into the maelstrom of
Relief measures were taken quickly.
The officials of Sandon donated $500,
ana mining men there contributed
$8,000. Kaslo raised $1,800 and sent
np a special train with large supplies
of food, tents and cl- ' ' ing. More re
lief is needed.
Started From the Scene of the Utah
Mine Disaster.
Salt Lake, May 7. The greatest
funeral train in the history of Western
America started on its journey from
Scofield today. The train had upon it
the remains of about 35 or more of the
victims of the Winter Quarters disas
ter. Accompanying the bodies were
many relatives, who are bowed down
with the severity of the blow that they
have so suddenly sustained. One of
the miners who was in the mine at the
time of the explosion and who was one
of the first rescuers who went 111 to re
cover the bodies, tells an interesting
story. He was in No. 1, in the first
raise, when the explosion occurred, but
to far away from it that the sound did
not reach him. He suffered a moment
with the air, bnt thought it the result
of a cave-in, worked on a quarter of an
hour, when his miner's instinct told
him that something was wrong, and he
came on down to the main entrance
A door had been fitted in here to keep
the current of good air from going
above, and to direct it into the main
workings, where it would meet the
damp and either weaken it very much
or drive it back. This door was guard
ad on the outer side. Passing on to the
mouth of the tunnel, this miner, with
otheis, joined Superintendent T. J.
Parmley, and went to No. 4, where the
greatest danger existed. Outside of the
mine those working had all been in
jured, so the party was small.
Army Bill Passed.
Washington, May 7. Today's ses
sion of the senate was rendered espec
ially notable by the passage, after a de
bate lasting tkree hours, of the army
reorganization bill. In military cir
oles the measure is regarded as one of
the most important of the present set
tion. It practically revolutionizes the
present staff qtTangements of the army.
It proposes to change the present sys
tem of permanent appointments in cer
tain staff corps to one of detail by a
gradual process as the officers in those
corps go out of active service. As va
cancies oconr in the department of the
adjutant-general, the inspector-general,
quartermaster-general and commissary
general, they are to be filled by details
from the line, the details to be tem
porary and not to exceed four years.
Shaw Is Mot a Candidate.
Chicago, May 5. Governor Shaw, oi
Iowa, who is here attending the Metho
dist conference, declared in an inter
view that he was not a candidate for
the vice-presidency on the Republican
ticket, nor did the know that Congress
man Hepburn was.
Stranded Near Port Townsand.
Victoria, B. C., May 7. The steamet
Victorian did not get in until noon to
day, having been on a sand bar near
Port Townsend for six hours. When
coming np the sound this morning it
was very thick, and in a bank of fog she
suddenly came upon the steamer An
geles, which was not whistling, and
narrowly escaped collision. It was in
he effort to escape her that the Victor
ian stranded. She floated at high tidt
without damage.
Senate Will Take it Up Next Thurs
day. Washington, May 5. The senate to
day adopted the motion of Hoar to take
np the resolution of the committee on
elections declaring that Clark, of Mon
tana, was not dnly elected to the sen
ate, and then postponed consideration
of the question for a week. The army
appropriation bill, after a rather spirit
ed debate, was passed without division.
The day closed with the passage of a
number of private pension bills, includ
ing bills to pension Mrs. Julia Henry,
widow of the late General Guy V.
Henry; General James Longstreet. Mrs.
Margaret M. Badger, widow of the late
Commodore Badger, and Mrs. Harriet
Gridley, widow of the late Captain
Gridley, of the navy.
The house today, without division,
passed the free homes bill, which has
been pending before congress for a
number of years. The bill provides
that the government shall issue pat
ents to actual bona fide settlers on
agricultural lands of Indian reserva
tions opened to settlement. These
lands were taken up by settlers, who
contracted to pay for them $1.25 to
$3.75 per acre. By the terms of the
bill, the government assumes the pay
ment of the purchase price to the In
dians and changes the existing law rel
ative to agricultural colleges so as to
insure the payments of the endowments
which heretofore have come out of the
sale of publio lands in case of deficien
cy. These payments involve $1,200,
000 annually. Of the 29,000,000 acres
; in Indian reservations opened to settle
I ment, for which the government is to
!pay or has paid $35,000,000, about
I 8,000,000 acres have been taken and.
2.000,000 are supposed to be still avail
j able for agricultural purposes. A re
markable thing in connection with tbe
' passage of the bill today was a speech
in its favor by Galusha A. Grow, the
venerable ex-speaker of the bouse, who
j 48 years ago, fathered and passed the
original homestead bill. He was then
the youngest and is now the oldest
: member of tbe house. The remainder
' of the day was devoted to the sundry
civil appropriation bill, the last but
one of the great supply bills.
Culton Described the Conference Held
in Lexington.
Frankfort, Ky., May 5. W. H. Cul
ton resumed his testimmony in the
Goebel murder investigation today.
He stated that Governor Taylor author
ized the witness to give Youtsey any
amount of money desired if he would
leave Kentucky. At a conference in
Lexington, the Sunday . before Goebel
was shot, it was decided that Repre
sentative Henry Berry, who had been
unseated a few days before, should go
to the house of representatives next
morning and take his seat and refuse
to give it up. Vanmeter, his opponent,
was to be in some way prevented from
going to the hall that morning. Caleb
Powers, who was at the conference,
telephoned to Governor Taylor at
Fiankfort two or three times in regard
to the conference. On cross-exam ina-
tion, Culton said he did not know ef
any list of state senators or representa
tives who were to be put oat of the
On re-direct examination, Culton
said that Sergeant-at-Arms Haley
signed the subpoenas for witnesses for
Governor Taylor to testify before the
gubernatorial contest committee, and
authorized Culton to secure good men
in the various counties to serve them
Culton said he did not know where
Powers or Youtsey were when the shot
was fired. The last talk he had with
Youtsey, the latter said the plan to kill
Goebel had been abandoned. Culton
had been asked by Taylor to ascertain
what the witnesses in the contest knew,
because he was a lawyer. To the pros
ecution he said he had told more now
on the stand than to any person except
his father. Here his testimony ended.
Circuit Court Clerk Moore, of Jack
son county, denied that Culton had
told him anything about the plan to
bring on a riot and kill Goebel and
other members of the legislature.
The afternoon session of the court
was taken up with testimony by the
surgeons, who conducted the autopsy
on the body of Goebel, and a civil
engineer who had made a measurement
of the state house yard. The prosecu
tion sought to show, from the nature
of the wounds and from the course of
the bullet, which is supposed to have
passed through Goebel 's body and was
dug ont of a tree near where be fell,
that the shot was fired from a window
in the office of the secretary of state.
Canal BUI Passed.
Washington, May 5. 1 he house to
day, at tbe conclusion of the most
stormy debate of the present session of
congress, passed the Nicaragua bill by
the overwhelming vote of 325 to 85.
All attempts to retain in the bill the
language of the original bill for the for
tification of the canal and still further
to strengthen the language on that line
were balked, and the victory of Hep
burn and the committee was complete.
A motion to recommit the bill with
instructions to report back another bill
leaving tbe selection of the route to the
president was buried under an adverse
majority of 52 to 171.
The point of absolute zero, or the
point of no heat, is fixed at 461 degrees
below zero.
Montana Central Lookout.
Minneapolis,, May 5. Tbe Montana
Central trainmen's strike has assnmed
the form of a lockout. The parent,
Great Northern Company, has Ions
been preparing for it, and has hired ex
perienced men in the Twin cities and
Chicago to take the strikers' places.
Today the first consignment of 60 men
was sent on a special train. With
these it it hoped to open the road to
traffic. Another train will follow In a
few days
New York Fire That Cost
About $1,000,000.
Several Barges Moored Near the Pier
Were Destroyed Child Drowned
Buildings Scorched.
New York, May 8. A fire that start
ed at the river end of the Mallory Line
steamship pier, at the foot of Maiden
Lane and the East river early this
morning, completely destroyed the pier
and its valuable contents.
The police place the loss at $1,000,
000. Several barges, which were
moored near the pier, were also de
stroyed, and many rescues of their cap
tains and of members of the families
on board were made. One life was
lost. The 9-months-old daughter of
Captain Charles Lochs, of the barge
Sherwood, was drowned.
The Mallory pier was 200 feet long
and 50 feet wide. The pier was filled
with valuable freight, mostly cotton.
On the north side of the pier were
moored a number of coal and cotton
barges, while on the south side was the
steamer San Marios and a number of
No sooner had the work of fighting
the flames begun than the firemen
turned their attention to saving the
lives of tbose on the barges which were
lying within the line of danger. Near
est to tbe pier was the Darge Stephen
B. Elkins. Her captain, Frank Fox,
and his wife and 3-months-old daughter
were on board sleeping. A skid was.
quickly run from the pier to the coal
barge and the oocupants of the boat
were awakened and were hurried from
their bunks to a place of safety before
the flames reached them.
On board the barge Sherwood were
Charles Lochs, the captain, 36 years
old; his wife Lenna, 30 years' old, and
their daughter, Rosie, 9 months old.
The Lochs family was awakened by the
flames. Their barge was already on
fire. The father took the 9-months-old
baby in bis arms, and with his wife
jumped into the water. Timothy
Boyle, formerly in command of the
barge New Brunswick, whose home is
at Rondont. N. Y., plunged in to save
the woman, who had become exhaust
ed. Her husband, who still held the
baby in his arms, saw that his wife
was on the point of going down. It
became a question with him as to which
he should save, his wife or baby. He
let the baby go, in the hope that she
would be picked np by some one else,
and went to tbe assistance of his wife
He managed to hold her head above
water until Boyle reached them. All
three were then landed by life lines,
the child being lost. The half drowned
captain and his wife were moved to the
Hudson street hospital, where they re
covered. On the coal barge H. H.
Hand, which lay alongside the other
burning barges, were the captain,
Joseph Plnmb, his wife and two chil
dren. All were rescued by the police.
Patrolman Jeremiah Cronin was badly
burned while taking one of the chil
tlren ashore. All hands on board the
lighter Arno got ashore safely. Michael
Sheldon, of that boat, was compelled
to jump into the river, from which he
was rescued.
Three laige vessels were lying so near
the blazing pier that their safety was
endangered. They were the steamer
San Marios and the steamer Neuces,
which were safely towed out into - mid
stream, and the bark St. James, the
rigging of which was burned before she
could be gotten ont of harm's way.
The scene on the water was a most
exciting one. The river was filled with
steam craft engaged in towing the vari
ous vessels and barges to places of
safety. Four cotton barges, others
laden with cornmeal and some loaded
with coal caught fire and were de
stioyed. Some of them were also sunk
to prevent the farther spread of the
Reply to the Porte's Note.
Constantinople, May 5. The ambas
sadors met yesterday and ' decided to
reply to the porte's note of April 29 re
garding tbe increase of duties, as fol
lows: "The embassies note the porte's
declaration that it does not intend to
introduce any unilateral measures, and
will hasten to inform their govern
ments of this. " The ambassadors have
decided to make their consent to an in
crease conditional on the removal of
the abases of the chemical analysis, tbe
suppression of warehouse duties and
the abolition of the stipulation where
by articles not specified in the tariffs
may be interdicted, confiscated or de
stroyed. Hailstones Large as Baseballs.
Omaha, May 8. A ape ial to the
Bee from Beaver City, Neb., gives fur
ther details of the Wilsonville tornado.
Many farm houses were destroyed.
The hailstones were as large as base
balls, and were driven through roofs.
The twister appeared after the bom
bardment and took a northeasterly
course. It was fnnnel shaped and did
damage over a large area. Farmers
west and north of Wilsonville were tbe
greatest sufferers. Many people fled
to their cellars.
Mayor Forbids "Sappno." ,
Leavenworth, Kan., May 8.
Sappho," which has been played
throughout Kansas for the past few
weeks, was billed here for Snnday
night, but Mayor Neeley forbade the
production. Church people got np in
arms, and a deputation of ministers
called on Mayor Neeley and laid the
matter before him.
Montreal, May 8. The paper and
palp mills at Grand Mere, Quebeo,
ve been entirely destroyed by fire. 1
Passed In Mid-Atlantic Causes Anxiety
In Marine Circles.
Chicago, May 9. A special to the
Record from Philadelphia says:
Captain Campbell, of the British
steamer Tenby, which arrived at Phila
delphia today from Port Said, brings an
account of wreckage passed at sea,
which is causing- great anxiety among
shipping men. The captain believes
a maritime disaster has occurred, in
volving the loss of an Atlantic liner.
The Tenby fell in with the wreckage
mentioned at a point west of the mid
Atlantic and the lookouts observed a
bark flying distress signals, but it waa
to far off and the tea too rough for the
steamer to lender any assistance.
Toward sunset on April 30, when tbe
Tenby was steaming slowly westward
against heavy seas the lookout reported
that her path was obstructed by float
ing timbers and spars for a considera
ble distance head. Captain Campbell
himself saw portions of a deckhouse,
pieces 01 planking, seemingly from a
vessel's hull, and many minor objects,
11 of which teemed to have been in
Abe water only a ahort time. There
were steamer chairs and other fine
furniture not generally carried by
freight steamers. Night closed in as
the Tenby resumed her voyage. The
locality of the wreckage is given on her
logbook at latitude 37 north, and be
tween longitude 53 and 55 west.
The next day. May 1, the bark was
seen apparently in distress. She was
a large, tour-masted vessel, painted a
slate color, and had several signals out.
Soon after she was sighted she disap
peared in the fog.
Captain Campbell said today that if
the vessel was in need of assistance she
was in a favorable position to receive
it. Her situat'on was directly in the
track of shipp ng between New York
and the equator.
He did not connect the wreckage
passed with the bark in question, bnt
many who heard the story are inclined
to the opinion that the bark collided
with and sank another craft, of which
only the wreckage temains. The bark
is south of the path of Atlantic liners,
and if the vessel which is supposed to
have been lost is really an oeean grey
hound, she must have been far out of
her coarse when the collision occurred.
On the other hand, the wreckage is
directly in the line of the craft which
ply between the northern ports and
those of South America.
Next to Aguinaldo the Leading Filipino
Manila Bay, May 9. General Pante
lon Garcia, the highest insurgent offi
cer, except Aguinaldo, was captured
yesterday by Lieutenant E. P. Smith,
of General Fnnston's staff, in the town
f Jaen, three milet northeast of San
Isidro, province of New Ecija.
Garcia personally conducted the
guerilla operations, and General Fun
Eton had spent weeks in trying to cap
ture him, several companies beating
the whole country at night. Often the
Americans caught messengers bearing
Garcia 's orders. Tbe people protected
him and burned signal lights whenever
the American soldiers appeared.
Recently General Fnnston surprised
him and his staff while dining at Ara
yat at dusk. The Filipinos leaped
through the windows and escaped,
leaving their papers and everything ex
cept the clothing they wore. The strain
of being hunted finally exhausted their
General Funs ton, who came to Ma
nila to bid farewell to General Otis,
will return and endeavor to persuade
Garcia to secure the surrender of his
forces which number several thousand.
Most of them live in the mountains.
Jaen is the largest ungarrisoned
town in the province. Spies-" reported
that Garcia was sick and had been
compelled to hide there, and Lieuten
ant Smith with Lieutenant Day and
40 cavalry, surrounded the town. Tbe
spies led them directly to the house
where Garcia was disguised as a peas
ant, only a major and two servants be
ing with him. They also were cap
Garcia commanded all the insurgents
in Cential Luzon, several generals, in
clnding Pio del Pilar and Mascardo,
being under him.
Ten Thousand Children.
St. Louis, May 7. Ten thousand
Sunday school children waving 10,000
American flags cheered and sang sacred
and patriotic songs in honor of Admiral
Dewey at tbe public reception at the
exposition building today. The song
service, which was the last of a series
of luncheons and informal receptions
that took np the time of Admiral Dewey
and Mrs. Dewey from early in the day,
took place this afternoon at a publio
reception given in the big building, iu
which four years ago President Mc
Kinley was nominated, and was at
tended by an audience that packed the
edifice almost to suffocation."
The Ashantees Fight.
London, May 9. The colonial office
has received the following dispatch
from Sir Frederick Mitchell-Hodgson,
governor and oommandeT-in-chief of
Gold Coast colony, dated Knmassia,
April 27: The situation, I regret to in
form yon, has changed for the worse.
On April 23, a force was sent to clear
the rebel force to the eastward. Four
members of the constabulary were
killed and a large number of the rebels
were killed or wounded.
A St. Louis Strike.
St. Louis, May 9. At 2 o'clock a
mass meeting of the employes of the
St. Louis Transit Company, without a
dissenting vote, decided to go on a
strike immediately. Twenty-six bun- j
dred men participated in the meeting, j
A Brooklyn barber was shaving a
sleepy patron and found it difficult to
do his work. "Lift up your bead, or I
can't shave yon," he said. "Well,
then, " was the response of the drowsy
man. "ont my hair " I
Young Reports That He Has
Joined Tino's Band.
Recent Engagements With Rebels
the Vlsayas Resulted in the Kill
ing of 380 of Them.
Manila, May 9. Telegrams received
here from General Young report that
Aguinaldo has rejoined the rebel Gen
eral Tino, in the noith and that they
have reassembled a considerable force
In the mountains. General Young de
sires to strike them before it rains, and
isks for reinforcements. The tenor of
the dispatch leads to the belief that
General Young is confident Aguinaldo
is with Tino, and it is presumed they
are preparing to fight.
A detachment of the Forty-seventh
regiment met and routed a band of the
snemy between Legaspi and Riago,
province of Albay, April 15. Two
Americans were killed and five wound
ed, including two officers. The Fili
pinos lost heavily. Tbe conditions
around Legaspi and Sorsogon are re
ported as considerably disturbed.
The rebel attacks on the American
garrison in visayan islands recently
have resulted in the killing of 280 of
the enemy and the wounding of two
Americans. At daybreak, May 1, 400
1 i ia - r . ? . 1. -n
reueis, tuo 01 mem armeu wita rines,
attacked Catarman, in Northern Samar,
in the vicinity of Catubig. Company
F, of the Forty-third regiment, was
garrisoned at the place. The enemy
built trenches on the outside of the
town during the night and fired volleys
persistently from them, until the
Americans charged them, scattering
them, and killed 155 of the Filipinos.
Two Americans were wounded. This
attack was precipitated by the enemy's
recent successful fight at Catubig. The
garrison of 'Catarman has been removed
to the seaport of Laguan.
A force of Filipinos, estimated to
number 200, armed with rifles and
bolos, and operating four muzzle-load
ing cannon, attacked Jaro, on Leyte
Island, April 15, which place was gar
risoned by men of company B, Forty
third regiment, Lieutenant Estes com
mading. Estes left 15 men to protect
the town, and with the remaining 10
men he advanced on the enemy in two
quads, sheltered by ridges south of the
town, whence they stood off the Fili
pinos for three houi s. Then 20 armed
members of the local police force sallied
out to help the Americans. The latter,
with the police, charged the enemy and
together they dispersed the Filipinos,
and, after the fighting was over, buried
125 of them. There were no Americans
Russians and Chinese Clash.
London, May 9. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the limes says:
"Reports have reached here of serious
friction between the Russians and
Chinese in Manchuria on the Russian
railway construction route. In one
case a detachment oi 35 Chinese sol
diers shot the Russian captain of 10
Cossacks, who were doing police duty.
The Cossacks attacked and pursued the
Chinese, cutting them down. The
Russian government sent a complaint
to Peking, demanding the punishment
of the Chinese officials of the district.
China complied. There have been sev
eral murders and mutilations of Rus
sian engineers by Chinese brigands."
Embezzlement the Charge.
New York, May 9. Charles F.
Neely, who was arrested in Rochester,
N. Y., Saturday night, while on his
way to California, and brought back tc
this city last night, refused to make
any statement. He is charged with
embezzling $36,000 from the postoffice
department in Cnba. Neely was ap pointed
from Indiana. He was ar
raigned today and held in $10,000 bail
for examination Wednesday. Being
unable to secure bail, he was sent to
Ludlow street jail. Late this after
noon Neely secured the required bail
and was released.
Alleged Dynamiters' Trial.
Welland. Ont., May 7. The trial of
Bnllman, Nolan and Walsh, the alleged
dynamiters, reopened here today. The
first witness was W. C. Thompson,
the canal engineer. He estimated the
damage to the locks at from $1,000 to
$1,500. He gave his opinion as to the
effect if the locks had been blown out.
The water, he said, would have swept
down the Grand Trunk railway tracks,
washed out the Merriton station and
flooded the valley of Fifteen-Mile creek.
William Wright positively identified
Nolan as one of the two men who had
been seen running away from the scene
of the explosion.
Seats for Newspaper Reporters.
Philadelphia, May 9. The press
committee of the National Republican
convention announces under the reso
lution of the National committee all
applications for press seats from daily
newspapers for men who will be actu
ally engaged in reporting the conven
tion must be in the hands of William
L. McLean, chairman, courthouse, In
dependence square, Philadelphia, by
May 15. It wll be impossible to con
sider applications received after that
The Pullman Estate.
Chicago, May 9. The final report of
the executors of the estate of the late
George M. Pullman is expected to be
filed in the probate court this week.
It is believed that the report will show
that the estate, which amounted to
something over $8,000,000 when the
will was filed, has grown to $15,000,
000 under the administration of Robert
T. Lincoln and Norman B. Ream, the
executors. Tbe compensation of the
executors for handling the estate will
be more than $500,000.