Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 04, 1900, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1000.
For Representative
R. T. NICHOLS, Dusty.
For Sheriff
J, M. CAMERON, Corvallis.
For Clerk
J. A. GELLATLY, Philomath.
For Recorder
For Assessor
For School Superintendent
GEO. W. DENMAN, Corvallis.
For Commissioner
For Treasurer
For Surveyor
G. H. WAGGONER, Dusty.
For Coroner
J. B. IRVINE, Corvallis.
For Justice of Peace
B. F. BURNETT, Corvallis.
For Constable
LEE HENKLE, Corvallis.
Much faultfinding has been
indulged in by the critics of the
government as to what has been
by them called the "Porto Rico
Bill." The criticism referred to
was occasioned in many instances
because the critics did not under
stand the purport or intent of
the bill. The bill laid a duty
upon certain classes ot merchan
dise going to and from the Uni
ted States and Porto Rico. It
was erroneously supposed that
the duty was levied for the pur
pose of enabling the United
States to speculate off of the
necessities of the people of Porto
Rico. But this is a grave error,
because the bill provides that
tariff so collected shall be all
turned over to the government
authorities in charge of adminis
tering the government of Porto
Rico to be used to defray the
expenses of their own govern
ment, and not a cent of it to be
used for the benefit of the United
States proper. The following
are portions of the bill referring
to the point mentioned:
Sec. 3. That on and after the
passage of this act all merchan
dise coming into the United
States from Porto Rico and com
ing into Porto Rico from the
United States shall be entered
at the several ports of entry upon
payment of fifteen per centum of
the duties which are required to
be levied, collected, and paid
upon like articles of merchandise
imported from foreign countries;
and in addition thereto upon
articles of merchandise of Porto
Rican manufacture coming into
the United States and withdrawn
for consumption or sale upon
payment of a tax equal to the
iHternal-revenue tax imposed in
the United States upon the like
articles ot merchandise of domes
tic manufacture; Pro
vided, That on and after the
date when this act shall take
effeet, all merchandise and arti
cles, except coffee, not dutiable,
under the tariff laws of the Uni
ted States, and all merchandise
and articles entered in Porto
Rico free of duty under orders
heretofore made by the secretary
of war, shall be admitted into
the several ports thereof, when
imported from the United States,
free of duty, all laws or parts of
laws to the contrary notwith
standing; and whenever the
legislative assembly of Porto
Rico shall have enacted and put
into operation a system of local
taxation to meet the necessities
of the government of Poro Rico,
by this act established, and shall
by resolution duly passed so
notify the president, he shall
make proclamation thereof, and
inereupon all tariff duties on
merchandise and articles going
jito Porto Rico from the United
States or coming into the United
States from Porto Rico shall
cease, and from and after such
date all such merchandise and
articles shall be entered at the
several ports of entry free of
duty; and in no event shall any
duties be collected after the first
day of March, nineteen hundred
and two, on merchandise and
articles going into Porto Rico
from the United States or com
ing into the United States from
Porto Rico.
Sec. 4. That the duties and
taxes collected in Porto Rico in
pursuance of this act, less the
cost of collecting the same, and
the gross amount of all collec
tions of duties and taxes in the
United States upon articles of
merchandise coming from Porto
Rico, shall not be covered into
the general fund of the treasury,
but shall be held as a.separate
fund, and shall be placed at the
disposal of the president to be
used for the government and
benefit of Porto Rico until the
government of Porto Rico herein
provided for shall have been or
ganized, when all moneys there
tofore collected under the pro
visions hereof, then unexpended,
shall be transferred to the local
treasury of Porto Rico.
Provided, however, That as
soon as a civil government tor
Porto Rico shall have been or
ganized in accordance with the
provision of this act and notice
thereof shall have been given
to the President he shall make
proclamation thereof, and there
after all collections of duties and
taxes m Porto Rico under the
provisions of this act shall be
paid into the treasury of Porto
Rico, to be expended as required
by law for the government and
benefit therof instead of being
paid into the treasury ot the
The republican party since its
oreanization has beeu oue of
progress and of high capabilities
for the upbuilding ot this great
country. At all times when in
ternal dissention and discordant
elements have attracted public
attention; or when the contend
ing armies of the civil war
nearly lorty years ago, were
devastating the country; or when
engaged in war with a foreign
foe, the republican party has at
all times been found equal to
the occasion, and the best talents
of its best men at all times have
not been found wanting to make
this one of the grandest nations
on the face of the earth. These
reasons, as well as many others,
should furnish plentiful food for
sober thought and convince the
voter that he should be counted
voting for and with this grand
old party. The young mau
should especially be found m its
ranks, because it is important
that he should get started right;
and to the middle aged and old
man it is more important that he
should change the error of his
way and become associated with
the party of progress at as early a
date as possible.
Senator B. J. Mulkey is a can
didate for re-elctiou to the state
senate from Polk county, and it
is of interest to the state at large,
as well as to his county, that he
should be elected. Senator Mul
key is an unusually bright young
man of integrity and sound
judgment. He is a good speaker
and his voice is to be: heard in
the front ranks advocating every
reform in the interest of the
state. He was one of the com
mittee that prepared the school
law which passed the last legisla
ture, and to his voice and energy
is due iu a large measure its
success. He tried very earnestly
for other reforms which were
not so successful, but may be
should he be elected again, which
it is earnestly hoped will be the
case. The state needs such men
as Senator Mulkey in its legisla
tive body, and we earnestly hope
we will see him in the nejxt sen
ate. A fitting example of Aguinal
do's conception of tree speech
and his ideas of government was
shown when one of his army
officers, Captain Arguelles, was
sent to negotiate with the United
States authorities. On his re
turn he told the truth to Agui
naldo about the good and friendly
intentions of the United States,
and because of this the latter
deprived him of his rank, dis
missed him from the service, and
sent him to prison for twelve
years. And yet the critics of our
government compare Aguinaldo
to George Washington.
For Sale.
Clean, bright stock of Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods and Fancy Goods. Address
Box 415, Corvallis, Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests trie food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Head ache, G astral gi a, Oramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C. OeWitt A Co. Chicago.
Graham & Wells.
With shampoos of
and light dressings of Cctictjka, purest of emol
lient skin cures This stops falling hair, removes
crusts, scales and dandruff, soothes irritated,
itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles,
supplies the roots with energy and nourishment,
and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, whole
some, healthy scalp when all else fails.
Sold throughout the world. Price, Soap, 25c. ; Oixt
viit. 50c . Pottek Daco asd Chkm. Corp.. Sole Props,
Boetoii. Send ior "HewWliave Beautiful Hair," free.
Calt for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked not paid for want of funds u; to
and including those of February 9, 1899.
Interest will be stopped on the same
from this date.
W. A. Buchanan.
Treasurer Benton County, Oregon.
Corvallis, April 28, 1900.
'No family can afford to be without
One Minnte Cough Cure. It will stop a
cough and cure a cold quicker than any
other medicine," writes C. W. Williams,
Sterling Run, Pa. It cures bronchitis
and all throat and lung troubles and
prevents consumption. Pleasant and
harmless. Graham and Wells.
For Sale.
260 acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on the west, and good
schools, churches and the Belknap settle
ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm,
good cultivating land. Address
M. R. Woodcock,
Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon.
W. H. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn.,
under oath , says he suffered from dys
pepsia for twenty-five years. Doctors
and dieting gave but little relief. Finally
he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and now
eats what he likes and as much as he
wants, and he feels like a new man. It
digests what you eat. Graham & Wells.
Persons desiring to locate on timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. R. R.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There is a num
ber of first-class timber claims to be taken
up under the timber or homestead acts.
Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator.
For Chief of Police.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of chief of police of
Corvallis, Oregon. If elected, I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of the
office with fidelity. W. J. Howell.
For Sale.
Fresh Jersey Cows for sale. Five miles
southeast Philomath.
C. A. Bareinqer.
and Contentment,
We find these terms exempli
fied in the above picture. This
gentleman has rendered his
home comfortable and attrac
tive by purchases at our estab
lishment, and he finds content
ment in the reflection that he
has received full value for his
money. We invite you to call
and do likewise.
J, D. Mann & Co,
Prof. W. A. Ginti, teacher of piano,
organ, guitar and theory of ninsic.
Special work in voice culture. Latest
and best methods. Call at Graham &
Wells for terms, etc.
"I think DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are the best pills In the world," says W.
E. Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They re
move all obstructions of the bowels and
liver, act quickly and never gripe. Gra
ham & Wells.
Dilley The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley, he carries it fnll
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel
men. Pay him a visit.
J. I. Carson, Prothonotary, Washing
ton, Pa., says, "I have found Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in
case of stomach trouble, and have de
rived great benefit from its use.'' t dl
gests what you eat and cannot fail to
cure. Graham & Wells.
Time, trouble and money saved by
buving children's dresses, at Kline's, 49e
and upwards.
H. Clark.Chauncey, Ga., says De
Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured him of
piles that had afflicted him for twenty
years. It is also a tweedy cure for skin
diseases. Beware ot dangerous counter
feits. Graham & Wells.
Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one
half more for your iron than any junk
dealer. We are ready to do repair work
of any kind, at any time. Patronize us.
Bring yeur old iron and get vour monev.
The Foundry, Corvallis, Or."
Cieinse tin liver, purify the blood
invigorate the body by using DeWitts
Little EaMy Risers. These little pills
always act promptly. Graham & Wells.
For Sale.
We have now on hand the finest and
most complete stock of finish lumber and
the best grade of flooring, rustic, etc.,
ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts
in any quantity. We have a good fair
grade of cedar shingles which we are
offering for $1.40 per thousand.
Corvallis Sawmill Company.
New this Week.
New Wool Dress Goods
New Wash Dress Goods
New WThite Organdies
New All -Over Laces
Silk Striped Ginghams for Waists
New Laces and Embroideries
New Dog Collar Belts
Ladies' Linen Collars, Latest Styles
New Mercerized Skirts
Royal Worcester Corsets
New Taffeta Silks
New Wash Silks
Novelties in Shirt Watst Silks
Men's Bicycle Suits, Hose and Belts
New Goods Weekly.
Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House
Pioneer Bakery
g Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and
5 nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies
a specialty.
the Paint Store.
C. A. Baruhart, Manager.
Paints, Oils and Varnishes
Bicycles, Ma?estic Lamps,
I TRY . . .
E fqr
teas and s PHUyiSIUNS, RUIiyNb, UlbABo
For Police Judge.
There being some difference of opinion
?s to whether city officers elected last
May were elected for a one or two year
term, I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of police judge at
the election to bo held on the 21st of
Ma v, 1900, in order to settle any doubt
in the matter. I am willing at till times
to abide by a decision of the voters of
this city. Respectfully yours,
E. P. Gbeffoz.
Twenty Per Cent Off on Eggs.
Eggs from Black Minorcas first prize
winner heads first pen, regular price
$150, now $1.25; second pen, now 80
cents for 13, a setting. Reduction at
yards, near Cathotic cemetery.
B. R. Thompson,
Corvallis, Oregon.
For Sale.
Fine team and harness; also wagon,
plow and harrow. Inquire at this office.
G. H. Appleton. Justice of Peace,
Clark-sburg, N. J., savs, "DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are the best pills made for
constipation. We nse no othert."
Quickly cura all bowel and liver troubles
Graham & AVelis.
Mossberg Chime Bells, Etc,
? .
nnitmniniin unTiniin niAinn
jag-Egg II ffilMM I
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha Fast
Kansas City, St. Mail
Louis, Chicago C:45p.m.
and East.
Walla Walla. Lew-
iston, Spokane, ani,--
Minneapolis, St. Spne
Paul, Dulnth, Mil- lyer
waukee, Chicago, 8 a'
and East.
Ocean Steamshios-
3 p. uu.
S :45 p.m.
8 p. m,
All sailing dates ;
subject to change, j
For San Francisco, !
Sail Dec. ?, 8, 13,
18, 3, 28, & every j
5 days.
4 p. m.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.
10 p. m.
Golumila River
To Astoria & way
landing, 4 p. IB.
Willamette River.
O-iegon City, New
berg, Salem, and
6 a. m.
Ex: Sun.
4:30 p. m.
, a. m.
T uesday
8 nturday
Wiilamette end Yam
hill Rivers.
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way-land's.
8:30 p.m.
W ednes
day and
4:30 p.m.
W ednes
d a y and
6 a. m. ' Willa etta River.
Thursd'y j Portland to Corval
nd lis & WaT-land's.
1 .20 a.
Snake River.
Eiparia lo Levris'n.
L exviston
8 :30 a. m
Local Agent.
Southern Pacific Company.
Trains leave Corvallis for Portland
and way stations at 1:20 p. m.
Lv Portland 8:30 a m
Ly Albany 12:30 p in
Ar Ashland 12:33 a m
Ar Sacramento 5:00 p m
Ar San Francisco-7:45 p m
8 :30 p in
10:50 p m
1 1 :30 a m
4 :35 a ni
9.30 a in
Ar Ogden 5:45 p m
Ar Denver 9:00 a m
Ar Kansas City 7 :25 a in
Ar Chicago 7 :5i a m
jl :4.r a m,
9 :00 a m
7 :25 a m
'.) :30 a m
Ar Los Angeles 1 :20 p m
Ar El Paso 0:00 p m
Ar Fort Worth 6:30 a m
Ar City of Mexico 9 :55 a m
Ar Houston 4 :00 a ni
Ar New Orleans- - C :25 a m
Ar Washington --6:42 a m
Ar New York i2 :43 p in
7 :00 a m
6 :00 p m
6 :30 a m
9 :55 a m
4 :00 a m
6 :25 p in
6 :42 a m
12:43 p m
hoth trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
Ogden and EI Paso, and Tourist cars to
Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and
Connecting at San Francisco with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan,
China, Philippines, Central and South
See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis
station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on Mon
day, the 21st day of May, 1900, at the
council chambers in the city hall, Cor
vallis, Oregon, an election will be held
for city officers as follows, to-wit:
One police judge, one chief of police,
one treasurer, one councilman, first
ward; one councilman, second ward;
one councilman, third ward.
Notice is also hereby given that an elec
tion will be held at the same time and
place by the legal voters of Corvallis, Ore
gon, upon the question of issuing and sell
ing bonds of the citv of Corvallis in a sum
not exceeding $10,000.00 for the purpose
of paying some of the outstanding war
rants agaiust the general fund of paid
city. Those favoring the proposition of
bonding the city as aforesaid w:ll vote
"For bonds;" those voting against such
proposition will vote 'Against bonds,"
Which election for election of officers
and voting on said bond proposition
will be held at 9 o'clock in the morning
and will continue until 6 o'clock in the
afteruooon of said day without closing
the polls, and Caleb Davis, Wm. Crees
and John H. Simpson will be the judges
and J. H. uibson and 1l. K. Drvson will
be the clerks of such election.
The part of this notice relating to such
general election is published bv order of
the city council, and the part pertaining
to the issuing and selling of bonJs is
published under and by virtue of
an ordinance of said city coun
cil; both, said order and ordi
nance, being passed by said city council
on the 9th day of April, 1900, directing
me, as police judge, to give notice of said
general election and of said proposition
to issue and sell bonds as aforesaid in
the Corvallis Times and the Union
Gazette, two newspapers of Benton
county, Oregon.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1900, at
Corvallis, Oregon.
E. P. Gkeffoz,
Police Judge of the Citv of Corvallis,
Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K. P.,
Boonvillc, Iud., says, "DeWitt's Witch
Hael Salve sooths the most delecate
skin and lieals the most stubborn ulcer
with certain and good results." Cures
piles and skin diseases. Don't buy an
imitation. Graham & AVells.
For Sale.
Six room, two-story house, with
outbuildings, with excellent well of
water, healthfully located, good
renting property. Terms reasona
ble. Addres "Box 2T, Corvallis,
Oregon. ,
Ofllce tQ WMteherri BSnrk
Corvallis, Oregon
Physician Surgeon
Office over Allen & "Woodward's drugstore
Office Hours X ? a- m-
1 to 4 p. m.
Residence: Corner 6th and Adams, west
of Catholic church.
Telephone at office and residence.
Corvallis, - Oregon.
W. H. McSrayer aad Old Crow TOrte
kys, Fine Wines, Liquore an Cigara.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and conservative (wafting
Physician Sp Surgeon
C. J5. Cacthorn. I E." H. Tatlo.
Dentistry of every description don In first
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf's grocery store, 6pjes:tj
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon.
Union Laundry Go.,
i3os,'3rx.Jl.3srx3, 02a.
All white labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves 011 Tnesdavs and arrives
Saturdays. J. D. MANN, Ageitt,
Second-Hand Store.
Gc. R. FARRA, M. D.
Office corner Second and Jefferson,
over Grahara & Wells' drugstore.
Residence ou Third street in fri',t oi
Office hours S to 9 a. in., and I to 2 an
to 8 p. na. All calls attended promptly
Corvallis, Ore on.
Office in Zierolf buMiug.
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office in First National Bank Building.
W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., says,
"I consider One Minute Cough Cure a
most wonderful medicine, quick and
safe.'' It is the only harmless remedy
that gives immediate results. It cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe,
whooping cough, pneumonia and all
throat awd lung diseases. Its early use
prevents consumption. Children always
like it and mothers endorse it. Graham
& AVells.
For Chief of Police.
I desire to announce that I thai! be a
candidate for re election to the office of
chief of police at the Corvallis city elec
tion occurring on May 21st. I desire in
this connection to thank the citizens
for the encouragement I have received
in the performance of what I conceive to
be my duty as chief of police.
Very respectfully,
J. J. Fi.ett.
April 19, 1900.
In the Circuit Court
of Ujo State oi Oregon fur
the County or Beuton,
George K. Allan, Haintlff,
Birdie Allan, Defendant
To liiruie Allan, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, Ton are here
by required to appear and answer (lie complaint
filed a-'aint vou in the above-entitled suit, 011 or
before "the 13th day of April. 11)00, followiag tix
consecutive v.-ecks publication of this mwm; and
if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for
want thcreot, the plaintiff will take a decree
against vou as praved for in the complaint, towit:
"a decree of this Court dissolving- the marriage
contract heretofore made and e.usiii.i; between
plaintiff and defendant and for such other and gen
eral relief as the Court may ;deen just and equit
able. . . .,. ..
This Summons is served upon you by publication
.-j r. iii the I'mox-Gazhttb bv virtue of an
an order mado by tbo Honorable K. Woodward,
judt-e of the County Court of Benton County, Ore
gon' and is published for a period of six weeks
prior to April 13, 1000, and the date of the first
publication is March 2, 1900. &
Attorney! for Plaintiff,