Cm The Pinkham Record Is a proud and raoordm It Is a cure, of constant quasi over obstinate Mia oi women? Ma that deal out despair; suffering that many woman think la woman's natural heri tage; dlaordara and dis placements that drive out hopom Lydia E. Ptnkham'i Vegetable CmpwrnTj cures those troubles of women, and robs men s trust i on of Its terrorsm No woman need be with out the safest and surest advloe, for Mrs. Pinkham counsels women free of charge. Her address la Lynn, Mass -Oan any woman afford to Ignore the medicine and the advloe that haa cured a million women 9 Miss Ella Gates, aged 25, of Ontairo, N. Y., had long been subject to faint ing spells. While dictating a letter, she suddenly gasped, dropped to the floor and died. A post mortem exam ination disclosed that she had two per fectly formed hearts. PARIS IN 1900. For the benefit of those who intend visiting Paris during the exposition, the Rio Grande Western railway has gotten out an attractive folder illustra tive and descriptive of the main features of the exposition. It contains some valuable hints for intending visitors and descriptive articles upon Place de La Concorde, Arc de Triumphs, the Madeleine, the Column of July, the Trocadero, Hotel de Ville. Column Yendome, the Louvre, the Grand opera house, the Bourse and the tomb of Na poleon, in addition to a bird's eye view of the exposition grounds. The folder, or pamphlet, is gotten out in handy form, and is written in a pleasant and attractive style. It, in fact, gives in little space everything one going to the exposition would like to know before starting on his journey. For copies of the Paris exposition folder and other advertising matter descriptive of the Eocky mountains' famous scenery, tributary to the Rio Grande Western railway and its con nections, write J. D. MANSFIELD, Gen'l Agent, 253 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Workmen while razing an old house on a farm in the village of Greene, Me., found a pewter cup upon which are the figures "1382." The year in which the house was built is not known, but the barn on the same plac was constructed in the "forties." SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails, sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials. Try . it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A novel cure for corns has been tested by L. L. Johnson, a retired mer chant, of Wins ted Depot, Conn. For years he had been troubled with corns, and all the remedies he had tried had failed to give relief. With a chisel and mallet he cut off three of the af flicted toes. Nearly all the shoes worn in Japan are made of straw or wood. A Sure Tning. Dr. Plunder's QREGDNffLOODpURIFER Horses used for pleasure in Russia have around their neck a stout thin cord with a running noose. When the animal starts to run away, a jerk on the cord stops him like magic, as the horse instantly stops when the cord presses his windpipe. Buffalo, with a population of 400, 000, expended $173,840 on the poor last year. Rochester, with 175,840 people, spent $90,000, while Syracuse, with about 125,000 inhabitants, paid out more than $200,000. A fabric much lighter than silk, and nearly as strong, is made in Australia from the web of the tarantula. Each of these poisonous spiders yields about 40 yards of filment, and eight of these twisted together form a single thread. The fabric is used for ballons. Sour Stomach After I was Induced to try CAICA BITS, I will never b without them In tbs bonis. Mr llrsr was In s Terr bad sbaps. and my bsad aebsd and 1 bad stomach trouble. Now. sines tab Ins Casearsu. I feel Una. Mr wit bas also usea tbsm wltb benefloial result for sour Itonaach." Jos. KjuHUsa, UU Congress St., St. Louis, Ms. CANOV I "w MAKTIB j CATHARTIC TOAD! MMM Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tasts Good. Do Good, Merer dlcfcen. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... turtles C.Mf T. I Meets, Healral, Sew Tats. SIS MTfl Nil Sold and guaranteed by all stash I U'CAw gists to Cl'SX Tobacco Habit. t Coach Syrup. Tastes Good. Uss I in time. Sola by druggists. EJ In time. Sold br drngjttsts. SEEK FUNNY STORIES. STEADY MARKET FOR BRIGHT SAYINGS AND ANECDOTES. I After-Dinner Or ton, Political Speak er, Legal Light, Club Women and Minister of the Gospel Are Usually Among the Purchaser. Funny stories have always been mar ketable to a certain extent After-dinner speakers and post-prandial orators, with reputations greater than their ca pabilities for retaining such, have al ways been more than willing to pay a fair price for the amusing stories and anecdotes wherewith the aforemention ed reputations have been bolstered. Po litical speakers and certain legal lights have never disdained the story which was bought with good, honest dollars, even though it was the product of some other fellow's brain and only became theirs by right of purchase. But the field has grown wider of late. Women have invaded precincts long sa cred to the masculine humorist, and many women know what It Is to- buy funny stories nowadays. The price of a story varies all the way from a bunch of violets to $5, with an average of about $2.50. A bright paper had been read at one of the larger clubs recently and the reader was standing in the clubroom receiving the congratulations of her friends, when she became aware of a strange woman who was making des perate efforts to attract her attention. "That was a fine paper," said the stranger. "Thank you," said the woman who had written it. "I have to write a paper for another club before long," then said the other woman, "and I'm not nearly so clever as you are." - "No?" said the woman with the bright iapor to her credit "And I'm quite sure it's easy for yon to think up clever stories," pursued the stranger. "Yes," responded the woman, who be gan to see what was coming. f "And, in shoit, will you write me three or four funny stories, such as you used to-day?" blurted out the stranger, yielding to her embarrassment "I'm willing to pay for them well, indeed." "What would you charge for allow ing me to use one of tbe stories you told just now at a dinner which I am to at tend this evening?" still another woman asked of the essayist of the afternoon, a little later. Talking the matter over with some friends this woman learned that funny stories are frequently bought and sold In this manner, loaned for a financial consideration every now and then, and even openly rented occasionally so much for the privilege of telling a funny story not more than a certain number of lines, and strictly within the limits of a certain social set Bythis means both the purveyor and the user of the story are protected, the one from the danger of her wares being handled too cheaply or rendered too common, the other from all fear of being sus pected of employing twice-told tales. Among club women the funny story barter reaches its highest proportions. It is distressing to be called upon to make an impromptu speech and to have nothing clever or amusing to say. The society woman, whose reputation for luncheon-time cleverness or afternoon tea brilliancy has outrun her natural in ventiveness, makes by no means a bad second to the ambitious member of half a dozen clubs. The fashionable physi cian, man or woman, who likes to be credited with always having something bright or amusing to say to the patient who needs enlivening, has also been known to purchase good stories occa sionally, and there are several ministers In Chicago who are at leasf supposed to do the same thing once in a while. And, after all, be the story purchaser club woman, after-dinner speaker, min ister of the gospel, or tired-out society woman, is it not better, on the whole, to buy good stories than to beg, borrow or steal them? The men and women who do buy them, secretly or otherwise, are firm in their adherence to this view of the case, and there would appear to be a good deal of common sense and jus tice in their position. Chicago Tribune. NOTE THE PASSAGE OF TiMH. Dost Appear to Keep an Almanac Handy for Use. Have dogs an almanac? That, is a Question that has "exercised" the minds of their loving observers. That they always know Sunday is certain. Where Sunday is a bad day for tbe dogs, to show them a prayer book. Is to send them back mournfully to their beds. But many dogs need no book for a token. They rise in low spirits on the day of rest, drooping melancholy tails and ears and lips. Some one says: "Oh, yes; we know that dogs 'are crea tures of habit.' The seventh day comes regularly around. They feel the flight of time." But this theory does not cover all the facts of the case. . The dogs that belong to families keeping saints' days (which don't occur with the regularity of tbe Sabbath) are equally aware that the festivals of their masters are no red letter days for them. "Of course, it Is the Sunday go-to-meeting hats and bonnets!" explain ed a cocksure Junior some time ago. But it is not this! Neitner Is It the church bells ringing, as some one else suggested. For at a French watering place, at a villa out of the reach of sounds of bell ringing, where the fam ily had no peculiar livery for Sunday not smarter coats, tall hats or feminine finery and where even the books were not carried In the hand, being locked up in receptacles In tbe church, the dogs got up limp and dejected on Sun days and on holidays, too, and stayed In the same depressed condition until the hours for going to church were past and going out again meant starting up a nice, doggie walk! Is it not for Maggie Tulllver, who has been "crossed in love," that some one tenders a recipe likely to cure her In the words: "Give the girl a pup?" It Is offered to the reader as an uncon sciously humorous suggestion. Many accept it in this sense and laugh at it. But that is their mistake, I venture to think. London Mail. Modern Way of Killing Whale. Dr. Frederick W. True, of the Smith sonian Institution, who recently spent two months In whale-hunting In Green Bay, on the northeastern coast of Newfoundland, reports an Interesting experience. He was sent oat by tbe Institution to study the finback whale, and of ninety-eight animals caught all but eleven woe of this variety. The-story-book romance has gone entirely out of whaling as pursued by the New foundlanders. There is no frail whale boat, with th grizzled old barpooner in the bow to strike the whale, but in stead a little steam craft and a power ful gun. This gun throws a large iron har poon, with crossarms which He against the shaft until It strikes a solid body and then project out and imbed them selves. The head of this harpoon is cigar-shaped and sharp-pointed and explodes as it pierces the whale's side, generating a gas, which serves to keep the fish afloat after the wrecking effect of the shock on its Internal organs has left It a lifeless mass. A stout rope is attached to the butt of the harpoon, and by this the whale is kept in leash as It thrashes madly through the water in a vain effort to escape its unknown enemy. Death rapidly ensues, unless, as sometimes happens, the project le goes through the fish from side to side, when a second shot Is necessary." Rev. Dr. William Bliss, of Pasadena, Cal., is the head of a new school of po litical science, of which the chief fea tures are direct legislation and the initiative and referendum. His lead ing followers are college men and ped agogues. One of them said lately to a Los Angeles woman: "I do not under stand why Dr. Bliss' friends should be exclusively learned men especially scientists." "Why, Tom Moore ex plained that long ago," was her quick answer; "they have turned from the bliss of science to take up the science of Bliss." Oliver Wendell Holmes enjoyed that humor best which was of his own pro duction. On one occasion he was hold ing forth at great length on the sub ject of cannibalism, and having wound himself up to the proper pitch he turn ed suddenly to Thomas Bailey Aldrich, who was sitting near him, and asked: "Imagine! What would you do If you were to meet a cannibal V "I think," Sr. Aldrich sweetly replied, "that I should stop to pick an acquaintance with him." This rejoinder cast such a gloom over Dr. Holmes that during the rest of the dinner bis conversation was limited to monosyllables. In one of his farces, Glen McDon ongh had written two or three lines to be spoken by a chorus-girl. Tbe lines were given to a green, heavy ama teur, who looked well and would do. At the rehearsal the girl made her way to McDonougb, who held the book, and said: "Mr. McDonough, I have a line in the first act and one In the third. Couldn't you write me one for the sec ond act, too?" McDonough thought a minute, looked at the girl, and said: "Yes; In the banquet scene you enter and say, 'Here is the ham.' " "Oh, do I bring the ham on with me?" "No, my dear; It is not a speech, .It is a confes sion." A traveling American made a visit to Greyfriars churchyard at Edinburgh. The sexton was a man of Aberdeen shire and - his heart was in the high lands, plainly. The visitor had been at Greyfriars before and said to the sexton, as the old man pocketed his fee: "I have seen your highlands since I was here last." "Oh," said he, with Inimitable highland Inflection; "and had ye never been there before?" "No. I have never been in Scotland be fore. I live in America." "Oh! 'Tis a graund country . that." "America? 1 is. Indeed!" The old man looked up in utter surprise. "Nay, nay," he said, Impatiently! "the hielands. A graund country!" Illustrative of the dirtiness of the Afghan, it is said that on one occasion General Roberts captured a native who was so exceptionally dirty that it was thought necessary, for the safety of tbe whole camp, that he should be washed. Two 'Tommy Atkinses' were told oft for that purpose. They stripped the prisoner, and scrubbed him for two hours with formidable brushes and a large quantity of soft soap. Then they threw down their brushes In disgust and went to thetr; captain. "What is it, men?" "Well; sir," they replied, some what excitedly, "we've washed that 'ere Afghan chap for two hours, but It warn't any good. After scrubbing him, sir, till our arms were like to break, blessed If we didn't come upon another suit of clothes!" It was a great thing for an under graduate to be taken for a walk by the late Prof. Jowett, and some of the young men were quite overpowered by the honor. One such, after they had been on the road half an hour, ven tured to remark: "Nice day, professor." "Do yon really think so?" was Jowett's far-away rejoinder. Another half-hour passed, and the boy stammered out: "Nice road,-jW)fessor." "Do you really think so?" Jowett again rejoined. The matriculate 'wanted to run away, but he was a moral hero, and In another half -hour managed to say: "Clouds seem to be filling up with rain, pro fessor," to which he again got the crushing answer: "Do you really think so?" The young man's sufferings were at an end, however, as they were now back at the college grounds, where Jowett turned to bid his companion good-by. "Well, young man," he said, "we have been walking for several hours, and everything you have sa:d has been as stupid as it could possibly be." "Do you really think so?" re plied the young man. The professor started, stared at the young man, and then, with a genial smile, warmly grasped his hand. There was no lack of conversation in their subsequent walks. Get over your little annoyances by recalling how trivial they would seem to a man away off In Japan. Good looks are often a great back to man in business Harrison's Most Famous Cm. "It is doubtful, " said an Indianapolis lawyer the other day, "whether Geo. Harrison recalls a certain case which be tried out in Indiana that was more remarkable in its way than the session of the Venezuelan arbitration. Of the four oounsel only one had ever been heard outside of his own state, and the judge had merely a local reputation. Yet within 12 years one of the quar tette had been elected vice-president of the United States, another one presi dent, still another United States sena tor, and the judge had risen to the cir cuit bench and had filled two cabinet posts. It was a political case, and each party chose its most famous repre sentative to represent it. Mr. Harrison aided the United States district attor ney, and Senator David Turpie and Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks appeared for the Democrats. The judge was Walter Q. Gresham, who had been appointed disrtict attorney for Indiana less than nine years before." Phila delphia Post. Our Relations to Others. We are not Robinson Crusoes, living each one on bis own little island alone. There are other people and they are all about us. Their lives touch ours on many points and their interests inter lace with ours. In seeking to live out our own life to its utmost, we soon be come aware of limitations caused by duties to others. In a sense, the whole world has its claim upon us; and there is no man, woman or child anywhere whom we are not to consider, to whom we are not a debtor. The law of love to our neighbor leaves nobody out. The wounded man by the wayside, whoever he may be, we must not pass by. This relation to others is one which must be considered in every true life. We may not think of self only, ignoring the whole world and devoting all our thought and energy to the culture of our own character, the making of our own career. Forward. Sorry Now He Was Honest. Master Yes, boys. "Honesty is the best policy." It will surely bring its reward. I am glad to have a good ex ample of honesty among your own number. William Williams, stand up. W. W. rises. "Now, William, when I was coming to school this rnprning I happened to drop a quarter ouToTmy pocket with out the slightest knowledge of the fact, and you, like an honest boy, returned it to me. Tell the boys what prompted you to do such an act when you might have kept it for yourself." W. W. Please, I thought it was a bad'un. Stray Stories. Called His Bluff. One of the boys was bragging of his manifold accomplishments, until one of the company at the round table lost patience and said, in a gruff voice: "Now, we've heard enough about what you can do. Come, tell us what there is you can't do, and I'll under take to do it myself." "Well," replied the student, with a yawn, "I can't pay my account here. So glad to find you're the man to do it." Collier's Weekly. He Was Too Dark. Photographer Is there any partic ular way in which yon would like to be taken? Negro Yes, sah. If there's no de tention, I'd like to be taken in light cream color. Tit-Bits. Millions for Baseball. A million of dollars are spent every year upon the game of baseball, but large as this sum is, it cannot begin to equal the amount spent by people in search of health. There is a sure method of obtaining strength, and it is not a costly one. We urge those who have spent much and lost hope to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It strengthens the stomach, makes digest ion easy and natural, and cures dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness and weak kid neys. A couple of talking machines occu pied the pulpit of Zion tabernacle, Chicago, on a recent Sabbath. Through them the Rev. John A. Dowie conducted services and preached, gave oat tbe hymns, etc., although he was several miles distant, resting himself at White Lake, Mich. His voice was dis tinctly heard all over the church. BOW'S TIIIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the nndersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transections and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tbtjax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, '?. W ALBINO, K INN AN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drug-itts, Toledo, O. Call's Catarrh Cure it t r ken .nt : rnal ly , acting directly on the blood and m. cons surfaces of tbe system. Pri:e 75c per bo' lie. Sold by all drugrists. Testimonials tree. Hall's Family puis r- tin best. A St. Petersburg paper has the fol lowing interesting item concerning ra tions in the British army: "The Eng lish have plenty of food for their sol diers, but, like the Malays, they feed their men on tiger's flesh to make them more courageous and bloodthirsty." Ernest Carhart, a barber in the min ing camp of Chemung, Idaho, after re moving the beard of a customer, recog nized him ss Christopher Manning, who had obtained his wife's affections years before, in Dresden, Me. The barber procured a pistol and shot Man ning dead as he sat in the chair. Spring Humors of the Blood Come to a certain percentage of all the people. Probably 75 per cent, of these people are cured every year by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and we hope by this adver tisement to get the other 25 per cent, to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has made more people well, effected more wonderful cures than any other medicine in the world. Its strength as a blood purifier is demonstrated by its marvelous cures of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scale Head Boils, Pimples All kinds of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catanh Malaria, Etc. All of which are prevalent at this season. You need Hood's Sarsaparilla now. It will do you wonderful good. Hood's Sarsaparilla (a America's Greatest Blood Medicine. FAIR WOMEN SPEAK. Pe-ru-na Works Wonders for the Gentler Sex in Catarrhal Ailments. MBS. COLONEL HAMILTON. That Pe-ru-na has become a house hold remedy in the home of Mrs. Col onel Hamilton is well attested by a letter from her, which says: "I can give my testimony as to the merits of your remedy, Pe-ru-na. I have been taking the same for some time, and am enjoying better health now than I have for some years. I attribute the change to Pe-ru-na, and recommend Pe-ru-na to every woman, believing it to be especially beneficial to them." Mrs. Hamilton's residence is 259 Goodale street, Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Margar etha Dauben.No. 1214 North Su perior street, Ra cine City, Wis., says: "I feel so' well and good and healthful now that pen cannot describe it. Pe-ru-na is everything to me I feel healthy and well, but if 1 should be sick I would know what to take. I have taken sev eral bottles for female complaint. I am in the change of life and it does me good." - Have you catarrh of the head, throat, lungs, stomach or any other organ of the body? If so, write to Dr. Hart man at once. He will send you direc tions for treatment without charge. Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus. O. Jerome K. Jerome declares the be ginning of bis good fortune was when the inundation of his father's mines at Cannon Chase, England, sent him out into the world in search of work. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. The emperor of Germany is collect ing playing cards. He has examples of some of the earliest known, and speci mens from every country in the world where they are in common use. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an in fallible medicine for coughs and colds N. W. Saxon, Ocean GroveN. J. Feb, 17, 1900. In Waukegon, Wis., there is an old church which for 88 years has been without a steeple. A storm struck the steeple in 1862 and it fell upon an ad joining house, wrecking it. The owner of the house obtained an injunction re straining the church trustees from erecting another spite. Regulate the Liver. Irregularity kills. At the first sign take Cas carets Candy Cathartic. Keep a box handy at home; in your pocket, in your desk. All drug gists, 10c, 25c, 50c. A Newark bride, after her return from the honeymoon, persuaded her husband to accompany her to church. He bad not been in church for 10 years, and he reluctantly consented. Imagine the bride's humor when she saw him enter the pew with a cigar in his mouth, at which he was contentedly puffing. The death of James Parson, of Dev onshire, England, is announced. He was known as "The Singing Machine" because he had memorized and could sing about 4,000 songs. One evening he made and won a bet that he could go on singing until daylight without repeating any song. We wish to call the attention of our readers to the particular merits of "Five Drops," an actual cure for rheu matism, manufactured by the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 160 Lake street, Chicago. This remedy is successfully used by both the Boers and British Americans in Africa today, and has been the means of alaying much pain and distress on both sides. There is no better remedy, no surer cure for those who are troubled with rheuma tism. Sample bottle 10 cents. Write for it today. A gigantic mushroom, weighing three pounds, was recently found in Sonoma county, Cal. The top was 40 inches in circumference, and tbe stem 11 inches long and two inches thick. Competent authorities state that South America has greater undeveloped resources than any other section of the world. Any crop grown elsewhere can be duplicated there, and the country abounds in mines of coal, silver and gold, most of which have only been slightly developed. Squirrels are numeroa in Madison, Wis. They are so tame that they sit on the park benches besides the hnman sojourners, and they are often seen dodging the trolly cars. There is an unwritten law that they must not be harmed by any one, and even the boys respect this law. ms iifiTTl MISS ANNIE WYANDOTTE. Miss Annie Wyandotte, queen of the operatic stage and dramatic soprano, says: "Fifteenth St. and Jackson ave., Kansas City, Mo. "Dr. Hartman: "Dear Sir Pe-ru-na has been my salvation. It has given me back a beautiful voice, a gift of God; it has brought me once more to my old pro fession. I can talk now, and sing, where before, I could scarcely whisper. Can you wonder at my delight? I wish every person who is suffering as I suf fered might know Pe-ru-na. Only those who have been afflicted can ever know the intense satisfaction and grati tude that comes with a complete cure. My voice was completely gone. April 15 I felt so elated over the restoration of my voice that I inserted an adver tisement in The Star for vocal pupils. The advertisement, which cost me 65 cents, brought me five pupils, and that was the neginning of my present large class. Yours grateful, Annie Wyandotte." A congestion, infiamation or ulcera tion of the mucous membrane, whether of the head, stomach, kidneys, or other organ, is known to the medical profes sion as catarrh. It is known by differ ent names, snob as dyspepsia, Bright's disease, female complaint, diarrhoea, bronchitis, consumption and a host of other names. Wherever there is a con gested mucous membrane there is catarrh, acute or chronic. iVtcheU Are the best that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it is made of the best material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years' experience in build ing wagons, during which time the man ufacturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the best possible to build, is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can be made. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vacinity, we will sell to you direct. Send for circulars. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVERCO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle, Salem, McMlnnville, Medford and La Grande. Mention this paper. ALABASTINE la a dnrabls and natural cement- Da se wail cuolluk, In 5 lb. paper packages, made ready for use in white and fourteen beautiful tints by mixing with cold water. It is a cement that goes through a process of setting, hardens with age, and can be coated and recoated without washing off its old coats before renewing. ALABASTINE la entirely different from all the various k alsomines on the market, being durable onri nnt nn the wall with slue. Alabastina customers should insist on having the goods in packages properly labeled. They should reject all imitations. There is nothing "just as good." ALABASTINE Prevents much sickness, particularly throat and lung difficulties, attributable to unsanitary coatings on walls. It has been recommended in a paper published by the Michigan State Board of Health on account of its sanitary features; which paper strongly condemned kalsomines. Alabastine can be used on either plastered walls, wood ceilings, brick or canvas, and any one can brush it on. It admits of radi cal changes from wall paper decorations, thus securing at reasonable expense the latest and best effects. Alabastine is manufactured by the Alabastine Company of drand Rapids. Ilkhlgaii. Instructive and interesting booklet mailed free to all applicants. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ..: YANTJFACTTJRED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. WNOTE THE KAMK. Articles of every description select ed by experienced lady and forwardeu by mail or express. Correspondence so licited. Address: LADIES' PURCHASING AGENCY, 455 Morrison Strut, Portland, Dragon. tffi HEALTH RESTORER. USE IT I DR.GUNN'SPILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Care Sle Headache and Dys pepsia, Remove Pimples, Purify the Blood, Aid Diges tion, Prevent BUioBSDess. Do not Grips or Sicken. To nunrtnee you . will mall samp e free; full box.'JSe. DR. BOSAHKO CO., rsnisalsMs, la, Bold by Druggists. 1 1 . I MISS PL ABA ST0E0KEB. j Miss Clara Stoecker says: "I had chronic catarrh for over a year. I tried many remedies, but found no re lief until I saw an advertisement in the paper of your treatment for cbronio catarrh. I tried it and I think I am now well. I recommend Pe-ru-na to all my friends who are afflicted with catarrh." Miss Stoecker lives at Pitts burg, Pa. Mrs. Mar garetb Fritz, Wilcox, Oklah o m a, writes: "I extend my sincere thanks for the good ad vice you have given me. I do not believe I would be living now if it were not for you. I had suffered with flow of blood for four months, and the doctors could help me but little. They operated on me three times. It was very painful and I only obtained little relief. I was so weak I could not turn in bed. Then I ap plied to Dr. Hartman. I did not know whether he could help me or not, but I followed his advice, and used only tbree bottles of Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. Now I am well and strong as I ever was, thanks to your remedies." Pelvio catarrh has become so frequent that most women are more or less afflicted with it. It is usually called female disease. WAGONS PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fence anil Wire IVtirks. I'OKTI.ANI) WIUB A IKON WORK8; WIKK and iron fencing; office railiug, eic. su A Uler. Mauliltittry Hint Supplies. CAW8TON A CO.: KNGINKS, BOtSJtBS, MA clitnery, supplies. iH-SU rirslSi., Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, can give yon the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. BAD SPRING BLOOD " Requires some sort of a tonic that cleans out the impurities. One that really does this and more is rioore's Revealed Remedy And does it thoroughly. Pleasant to take. $1.00 at your druggist's. BUFFALO PITTS CO. MANUFACTURERS OF New Double Cylinder Farm Loco motives and Threshing Machinery Write for Catalogue. 380 K. Yamhill St., PORTLAND, OB. Mention this paper. YOUNG MEN! Kor Gonorrhoea and Gleet get Pabet's Okay Specific. XI ts the ONLY medicine which will cure each and erary case. NO CASE known it haa ever failed to cure, no matter how aerioua or of how long standing;. Results from its use will astonish you. It is absolutely safe, prevents stricture, and can be taken without inconve nience and detention from business. PRICE. S.00. For sale by alt reliable drugieists, or sent prepaid by express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by 1 T PABST CHKil ICAL CO., Chicago, IlL Circular mailed on reaueafi. CURE YOURSELF 1 Use Big O for unnatural dischargee, inflammat ions, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes. Painless, and not aatrin- 1t h e EvAn s Chemical Co. gent or poisonoui. Sold oy Drcnrlte. or sent In plain wraoner. by express, prepaid, fot 1.00, or 3 bottles. 92.75. Circular sent on request. CLAIMANTS FOR DCMCIAM Writ to HA1 HAN T XL Vt O I J Vt BICKFOan. Washington, D. C. they will re ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Stall 20th Corpa. Prosecuting claims since 1878. N. F. N. IT. No. 171900. WHMT writing to advertisers pleaca mention this paper. LWWW iD 1 U 6 days. mBm- GaaraDissd Tel KmMM not to strietars. 9 Prevent Ooatacioa TsssssVniNCiMNiri.o. ksS