Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, April 20, 1900, Image 2

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Issued every Friday morning.
One j-ea
cLs mo.it.'u .. .
Chre tnoaths.
..$1 50
. . 50
FRIDAY, APR. 20, 1900.
For Representative ;
R. T- NICHOLS, Dusty.
For Sheriff
J, M. CAMERON, Corvallis.
For Clerk
J. A.' GELLATLY, Philomath;
For Recorder
For Assessor
Valleyi V :; ;
For School Superintendent ,
GEO. W. DENMAN, Corvallis.
For Commissioner ,
For Treasurer
, MILES STARR, Monroe.
For Surveyor
-, G. H. WAGGONER, Dusty:
For Coroner W
J. B.' IRVINE, Corvallis.'
For Justice of Peace
B.. F. BURNETT, Corvallis.
Section 10 of Article eleven of
the constitution of Oregon reads as
' follows: .
"Section 10 No county hall
create any debts or liabilties which
snau singly or in iue BagieuaiB ca
i 1 1 - i . .
ceed the sum of $5,000, except to
, s suppress insurrection or repel inva
sion; but the debts of. any county
' at the time this constitution takes
efrVr. shall Via rlisrAfrarfierl in psti
' mating the sum to which such coun
ty is limited."
On each ballot supplied for the
voter to cast at the state election
in June will be the words: "Muni
cipal Indebtedness Amendment."
If the elector votes "No" on this
prrrm5on,j,4wul mcaulaieyrft.
faljguafy as quoted above
jA theconstitution ; of' the state.
;But, if, he votes "Yes? it will mean
r to change that provision , bo . as to
read as follows: : ,
"Section 10 No county, city,
town, school district or other muni
cipal corporation shall be allowed
to. become indebted in any manner
or for any purpose to an amount,
. including present existing indebt
edness, in the aggregate exceeding
five per centum on the value of the
' taxable property therein to bo as
certained by the last assessment for
sta'te and county taxes previous to
the incurring of such indebtedness."
- It will be well for every voter to
carefully- consider before voting as
to, whether they wish to make more
clear the way for officials and man
agers who may be hereafter elected
to govern the affairs of our counties,
cities and school districts so- they
may still create larger aggregate in
debtedness against their respective
municipalities as additional burdens
to encumber and oppress the tax
payers. Under the provision of the
constitution, as it now stands, the
courts have so construed thisprovis
ion that it permits the counties es
pecially to . issue their county war
rants to pay all officers salaries,
jurors fees and the necessary ex
penses provided by law for conduct
. ing the courts and paying the nec
lessary running expenses of the
county where the law provides for
ibut all debts contracted wholly
-within the discretion of the county
court is restricted to within the lim
itation of the $5,000, and under
these limitations many of the coun
ties have become involved to extrav
agant sums- If the amendment
proposed shall carry, it would per
il; Benton county to incur without
riy restriction an indebtedness; of
131,263; school district No. 9,
ich includes Corvallis, could be-
5 and the city of Corvallis could
owe -the sum of $27,640. Other
towns and school districts in the
' ' state could be forced in debt in like
proportions, according to the respec
1 tive amounts of their ' assessable
property. Interest bearing bonds
and warrants ot municipalities are
becoming favorite classes of securi
ties for very large numbers of in
vestors who seek them to place their
money on interest." Efforts to open
wide the means of permitting muni
cipalities to float larger volumes of
interest bearing debt if often urged
t J..1 V - l a l il
vy. ucaiera wuu wibh luemurge meir
chances to deal in that class of secu-
r'tiea. This paper does not know
or .have any assurance whether the
"invement to amend the constitution
as 'sted is pronrgeJ by such
causes, but it is difficult to see any
reason why the constitution as it
now. stands is not better for the
good of the whole people than the
proposed amendment. Why do
the farmers, merchants, and other
business concerns want the consti
tution of the state so amended as
to permit all counties, school dis
tricts and cities to create indebted
ness to excessive amounts, in order
that they and their posterity shall
bear the burden of taxation to pay
it? The amendment named, if car
ried, means further opportunity to
lay additional burdens upon busi
ness men, farmers and all those
carrying the burdens of . taxation, in
order that the tax-eater, the specu
lator and promoter of booms and
fictitious values may better thrive.
The constitution as it now stands
on that subject is better suited tor
the prosperity of our country.
Large interest bearing public in
debtedness leads to increased arid
excessive taxation. , It is common
practice to advertise for and invite
imigrants to call and settle among
us. Before they conclude to remain
they inquire carefully as to the
amount of the public debt and the
rate of taxation. If they find these
items excessive and carelessly re
garded tney move on. lnere are
several other constitutional amend
ments proposed to be voted upon in
June, which it will be well for the
voter to carefully consider the effect
of before voting.
. The pr capita man ought to be
happy, says the St. Louis Globe
Democrat. For each person in the
United States the amount of money
in circulation is $26.12. In 1896
the figure was $21.53. An increase
of over 20 per cent in the per capita
within four years,- making due
allowance for increased population,
snouid satiety anyone except a
populist who wants paper money to
trundle around by the wagon load.
More than $2,000,000,000 of money
are now circulating in this country,
the increase in four years reaching
$492,000,000. All these dollars are
recognized throughout the world as
equivalent to gold. Four years
ago the cold circulating in the
United states was $489,000,000,
JNow it is !hoo,uuu,uuj, an increase
of 60 per cent. . Has silver fallen
back? Not a bit of it. The
amount of silver and silver ceitifi
cates in circulation has increased
in four years'from $558,000,000 to
$631,000,000, For the first time the
money t in' circulation has passed
the $2,000,000,000 mark, and every
dollar is worth 100 cents in gold.
Here is a republican triumph of
great magnitude, so largo in fact,
that the - democratic papers never
refer to it. They advocated free
coinage as the only road to an in
creased volume of money. But in
less than four years alter the Chi
cago platform -was offered to the
people a3 the true system of finance
the circulation has increased by
nearly $500,000,0C0. Tiie para
mount democratic issue in 1896
Was, as events have demonstrated,
a huge blunder, an absolute rever
sal of everything that could insure
the prosperity of the country. . It
takes nerve in the presidential can
didate who led that cause to come
forward again and offer his views
on public questions as "worthy of
confidence. Sound judgment in a
leader is essential. If he has been
indentified with a radical eiror, one
proved beyond question, he cannot
be trusted to point the way in other
issues. What Bryan declared was
the worst financial policy is unmis
takably the best.
That fusion state convention at
Portland was an odd contrivance.
Notwithstanding its avowed aver
sion for banks and banking and its
protestations of admiration for and
devotipn to the heroes of the 2nd
Oregon, it turned down Captain H.
L. Halh of that regiment and nom
nated Banker Daly for congress.
During the ; voyage home from
Manila, Admiral Dewey was ban
queted at every port touched. His
favorite toast was: "The president
of the United States, William Mc
Kinlev; may he be re-elected."
There may be mora method in the
admiral's apparent madness than
som9 people imagine.
Here is an opportunity for the
women suffragists: Pass the meas
ure granting the right of franchise
to women, and run Hobson for
For Chief of Police.
I desire to announce that I shall be a
candidate for re-election to the office of
chief of police at the Corvallis city elec
t oa occurring on May 21st. I desire in
this connection to tbank the citizens
for the encouragement I have received
in the performance of what I conceive to
ba my duty as ehief of police.
Very respectfully,
- i J. J. Flett.
April 19, 1900. '
J ust received a lot of
fine glassware,
table and pocket-cot
Baby's Bath
It prevents chafing, redness, and roughness
ol the skin, soothes inflammation, allays Itch
ing and Irritation, and when followed by gen
tle applications of Cuticura Ointment, the
great skin cure, speedily cures all forms of
skin and scalp humors and restores the hair.
Tie City of Eugene 'Was Sold Monday for
$1.500 Cost ll,O0O.
The 9tem wheel steamer City of Eugene
was sold by united states marsnat
Honser yesterday, to satisfy a large
aggregation of claims against her, says
Tuesday's Telegram, and the first chap
ter in the career ot that erstwhile prom
ising river craft is closed. The sale was
made at the foot of Jofferson street where
the boat is now moored. Three Port
land men, B. F. Cauley, the hotel man ;
Tom Nordby, of the Shaver Transporta-
tion company, and Ole Olsen, the drum
mer, were the purchasers, and the price
paid was $1,500.
But one other bidder was present at
the sale, an agent of Jacob Kamni. It
was expected that there would be a
lively contest for the possession of the
boat, but the opposition failed to develop
It was said previous to the sale that
Jacob Kamm would be willing to offer
$2000 for her.
Claims aggregating over $4000. were
lodged up against the boat. They were
for labor performed, material furnished
etc., and ranged from a few' cents, each
to as hieh as $500 and over. The uraft
has been tied up since February, await
ing a settlement of the suit.
A stock company of about 60 persons
residents of Eugene and vicinity, owned
the City of Eugene. She was built in
March, 1899, and made her first trip from
Portland to Eugene, April 15. She was
made of extraordinary light material,
and only drew 11 inches when loaded.
Her light draught enabled her to ascend
the waters of the .Upper Willamette
where the opposition boats were greatly
disadvantaged. Hsr length is 131 feet,
and breadth 27 feet, and her cabin ac
commodations are sufficient for 30 pas
sengers. A common, firebox boiler- is
provided for her, and the engines are of
ordinary grade, enabling her to make
the round trip from Portland to Eugeae
in four days. Her original cost' was
about $11,000.
Josiah Bachelder designed the hall,
and Captain James L. Smith eommanded
herJnannXiray Jr,,-Wfia engineer, and
AT Kirkland was purser for the first two
months, when Isaac Gray, Sr., succeeded
him. The crew consisted of 17 men,
when working double shifts. '..
Bad btitSuss . management and a
Streak of hatd luck combined to put the
boat on the down run. All went well up
till July 1 of last year, when the craft
ran on a sunken log om the way between
'Albany and Corvallis and sank: It cost
$1000 to raise her, and from then on ill
luck met her at every turn. The water
got so low that operations ' had to be
ceased at times, and business generally
was no longer to be had. ' .
Witts the Banner.
In the contest between the schools for
the banner of attendance for the month
closing on the 10th of April, District No.
93 won the same with a per cent of at
tendance of 99. The advauced room of
the Dusty school had the highest attend
ance, it being perfect. Owing to a rule
established by tho superintendent, a
school after winning the banner for three
successive months, cannot win the same
on the fourth month even if they make
the highest attendance. The following
is the record for the month : District No.
23 (advanced room), 100 per cent, No.
93, 99 p. c. ; No. 59, 97 p. c; No, 79, 95
p. c. ; 26, 95 p. c. ; No. 23 (primary
room), 93 p. c. ; No, 1, 90 p. c. ; No. 25,
80 p. c; No. 51, 75 p. c. District No. 50
having won the banner for three succes
sive months has been given -a. County
Roll of Honor, t framed. Miss Leona
Cain taught during two of the months
and Miss Louise Lenenberger the other
month when the banner was won.
Real Estate Transfers.
Inez S Wilson and hnsbaod to Laura
A Whitney, 5 lots in blk 20, co. add.
E W Hadley to W A Hawley, residence
property Corvallis, $500, -
Henry Brinkly to E P Wiles,
vided iuterest in 170 acres, $96.60.
Jessie Brinkley to F F Wile9,
vided interest in 170 acres, $250.
Mary J Bagley and huBband to E P
Wiles, undivided interest in 170 acres,
U. S. to Frederic Fiene, 160 acres in
Elizabeth Miller and husband to J F
Cooper, lot in Philomath, $50.
IT. S. to Ira Hunter, 160 acres near
Call for Warrants. .
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked not paid for want of f$iid9, up to
and including those of November 10th,
1898. Interest will be stoppel on . same
from this date. f
Corvallis, Or., April 17tb, J900.
W. A, "Buchanan,
Treasurer ot Benton County, Oreg.
Magnolia; taandry.
We respectfully solicit your patronage.
Our agent will call at any address for
laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays, and
deliver ou Saturdays. ' Strict attention
giventitlywasbing. All work guaran
teed Q v"Civ us a trial, -" i
si 'mm.
We are well supplied
Napkins, Table Linen,'
Table Padding, .
White Marseilles Quilts,
Tapestry Covers,
Angora and jSmyrna Rugs,
Portiers, Etc.
t'"as and--fcar PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, GIB13S
.. Kew Train Service, . '
y The. double train servu to-bE estab
lished between Portland and Chicago
April 22nd, in which ,tne O. B. & N.,
the Uflion Pacific and the Oregon Short
Line are interested, will shorten the
through time 11 hours. Train No.. 2
leaving Portland at .9 :15 a. m., begin
ning on the date named,, will be known
as. the. Chicago-Portland special. Its
equipment will bo new, making it fully
the equal of any train . now in service
from the Pacific Coast to efie East. It
will consist of a mail-car, a baggage-car,-a
library-composite car, a first-class pull
maa sleeper, a dining-car, two chair
cars, and a tourist sleeper. There will
be but one change of cars to all eastern
points. The full time will be three days
through to Chicaso, or four days and two
hours to New York.
The- second train, known as No. 6,
will leave Portland at 6:20 p. m., con
necting at East Portland, with the
Southern Pacific's overland train from
San Francisco, and will carry through
equipment to Chicago via the Union Pa
cific and the Chicago & Northeastern,
and also the equipment for the Washing
ton division of the O. R. & N;, in con
nection with the Great Northern for St.
Paul. This train will reach Spokane at
10 a. m. Dining-car will be furnished for
breakfast into Spokane, and for dinner
on a corresponding train leaving Spokane
at 3:45 p. m. Tho new schedule as ar
ranged, will supply .'the most complete
service ever furnished on the O. R. & N. ,
as it provides increased service in East
ern Oregon, where it is greatly needed,
and gives immediate contection with the
Washington division at Pendleton. At
this point there is a large interchange of
traffic, on account of the various mining
districts of Balier county, .the Coeur d'
lene, the Republic and Kootenai min
i g camps ; Portland is greatly benefitt-
tby this change, in as much as in
i -eased service is given from Eastern
Oregon and Idaho.
No. 2 wili arrive in Chicago at 9:30 a.
m. ; No. 6 at 7:45 a. m., as at present.
The westbound train out of Chicago,
corresponding with No. 2, is No1. This
will arrive in Portland at 4 :00,p. m. The
train corresponding with the eastbound
No. 6 is No. 3, out of Chicago. This will
reach Portland at 7 :30 a. m. Westbound
train No. 1 will leavo Chicago at 6 :30 p.
m. and Omaha at 8 :20 a. m. the follow
ing day. The time will be reduced two
hours and 45 minutes. No. 3 westbound
train will leave Chicago at 10:30 p. m.,
and Omaha at 4:25, the next day.
The service on the .Union Pacific on all
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestiye .or
gans, it is tne iatesi discovered aigegt-
ant ana tonic ino otner preparaap:
can approhjtemfifflclency. jCTti
Dysr urn,
Sf hnd
Lace Curtains,
- Groceries
1 rains include Buffet-Sinoking-Li
L.tj in j u v, and dieing c&rsr- No'.-J-6w;ill
carry a daily ordinary steeper to Kansas
Oity, with change en route to ordinary to
Chicago. , ' -: -
. Consult the nearest ticket agent for de
tailed information. .
Gew 'l Passenger A gt,
and Contentment,
We find these terms exempli
fied in the above picture. This
gentleman has rendered his
" home comfortable and attrac
tive by purchases at our estab
lishment, and he finds content
ment in the reflection that he
has received full value for his
money. We invite? you to call
and do likewise.
J, p. Mann & Co,
Cleanse the li ver, purify the blood
invigorate the body by oeing DeWitts
Little Early Risers, These little pills
always act promptly. Graham & Wells
For Sale or Exchange.
. One hundred and eighteen lots, in half and whole
blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health
ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln county,
Oregon; some business lots; residence lots near the
principal cnurcnes, scnooi . nouse, ana otner resi
dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful
views of ocean and bay. .
Five fractional blocks, south of and near the
State Agricultural College; all completely tiled,
streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient
and healthfuj for residence.
Large dwelling, barn and pnthpuses, centrally
located ou roomy and commodious grounds, in
Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvaljis.
Twenty acres- highly improved, all tile drained,
and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy
buildings; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural
Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor
rallis, good residence, two blocks from the Cour
House; high, rolling ground.
Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained,
in Wilkins Addition to Corvallis.
One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, on ' Front
street, in Corvallis, centrally located.
Seventy-three acres, 6 in orchard, 18 in wheat,
balance in grubs, timber and pasture; situate west,
adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis.
Will exchange the 'town property named for
suitable farm or acreage property or will exchange
the acreage property described, forftwir property or
other, farms or acreage; or will sell any or all of
Wproperty on reasonable terms and time . at rea
ihabh rates and prices. -v . .
Magooa Strawberry Plants.
-Parties wishing Magoou strawberry
piarits will do well to call on me, - - y
J. J. Hardens
Persons desiring to locate on timber
'claims tributary to the C. & E. It. E.
I would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned. There isa num
ber of first-class timber claim: to be taken
up tinder the timber or homestead acts.
Gates," Marion Co., Or. Locator.
Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K. P.,
Boonville, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve sooths the most delecate
skin and heals the most stubborn ulcer
with certain and good results." Cures
piles and skin diseases. Don't buy an
imitation. Graham & Wells.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood.
Cure Imnotencv. Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess ana indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks ana
restores the fire of youth.
;v mail SOC tier box, boxes
'or &2.50: with a written eruaran-
tee to euro or refund the money
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, 111
For sale by Allen & Woodward's drug
gists, Corvallis. Oregon.
H. Clark.Chauncey, ' Ga., says De-
Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured him of
piles that had afflicted him for twenty
years. It is also a speedy cure for skin
diseases. Beware ot dangerous counter
ieits.. Graham & Wells.
G. H. Appleton. Justice of Peace,
Clarkiburg, N. J., says,-"DeWitt's Little
Earlj- Risers are the best pills made for
constipation. We use no others
Quickly curs all bowel aad liver t roubles
Graham & Welis. .
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on Mon
day, the 21st day of May, 1900, at the
council chambers in the city hall, Cor
vallis, Oregon, an election will be held
for city officers as follows, to-wit :
One police judge, -one chief of police,
one treasurer, .one councilman, nrst
ward; one councilman, second ward
one councilman, third ward.
Notice is also hereby given that an elec
tion will be held at tho same time and
place by the legal voters of Corvallis.Ore-
gon,upon thequestioa of issuing and sell
ing bonds of the. city of Corvallis in a sum
not exceeding $10,000.00 for the purpose
of pay lag' some of the outstanding war
rants against the general fund of said
city. Those favoring the proposition of
bonding the city as aforesaid will vote
"For bonds those voting against such
proposition will vcte "Against bonds.'
Which election for election of officers
and voting on said . bond proposition
will be held at 9 o'clock in the morning
and will continue until 6 o'clock in the
afieraooon of said day without closing
the polls, and Caleb Davis, Wm. Crees
and John H. Simpson will be the judges
and J. H. Gibson and E. R. Brvson will
he the clerks of such election.
- The part of. this notice relating to such
general election is published by order of
the city, council, and the part pertaining
to the issuing and selling of bonis is
published under ' and by virtue of
an ordinance- of said city- couu-
cil; both, said . order and ordi
nance, being passed by said city council
on the 9th day of April, 1900, directin
me, as police judge, to give notice of said
general election and of said proposition
to issue and sell bonds as aforesaid in
the Corvallis Times aad the Union
Gazette, two newspapers of Benton
county, Oregon.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1900, at
Corvallis, Oregon.
E. P. Greffoz,
Police Judge of the City of Corvallis
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad,
2 For Yaquina:
, -J. rain leaves Albany iz:4o p. m
" " Corvallis 1:55 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 7:25 p. m
1 Returning:
leaves i aquina.... b:UU a. m
Leaves Ccvallis. . . . 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m
3 For Detioit:
. Leaves Albany. ... .. 7:00 a.m.
Arrives Detroit .... 11:30 . m.
4 Returning: .. -
Leaves Detroit ..... 12:20 p. ro.
Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. in.
One and two connect at Albany
and Corvallis with Southern Pacific
trains, giving direct service to and
from Newport and adjacent
beaches. .:
Trains for the mountains arrive
at noon, giving ample time to
reach camping grounds on the
Breitenbush and Santiam river the
same day.
Edwin Stone, '.
H. L. Walden, Manager.
T. F. & P. A.
H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
Oregon) gnfl J imB
Montana, Utah, Colorado .:
and all Eastern Points " v
Gives choice' of two favorite routes, via
the Unieti Pacific Fast Mail Lite, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
Look at the Time . .
T.j4 days to Salt Lake
i y2 days to Denver
3 days to Chicago
44 days to New York
Free Reclining Chair Cars. Upholstered
Teurist !erpii:g Cars, and Fnllman
. Palacg Sleepers, . operated a all
; trains. : f
For farther infoiiuatioo, applyt
GEO. F. EGLI1I, Ajreut, Corvallif, Or.
Trajt, Pass. Agt. jslMAgent.
Depart JlftlE SCHEDULES. Arbivb '
Sa't Lake, Denver,
Fast Ft Worth, Omaha Fast
Mail Kansas City, St. Mail
8 p.m. Louis, Cliieage 6:45 p.m.
and East.
Walla Walla. Lew
Spokane S P ?.k a" f Spokane
F'ver Minneapolis, St. Vlver
3:45 p.m. Pl.Dulth,Mil- '
waiikee, Chicago,
and East.
Ocean Steamshias-!
o . .m All sailing dates j A
8p m- Bubject to change. 4 p '"
For San Francisco,
Sail Dec. 3, 8, 13,
18, 23, 23, & every
5 days.
Daily Columbia Bivar
8. p. in. I Except
Saturday, To Astoria & way- Sunday
10 p. m. landing,
Willameile Rivsr. 4-30
vla"s; Je3n Cit-V- Kew; Except'
Ex. Sun. tM-rg, Salem, and Sundav
I a-m Willamaita and Yam- s :so p.m.
Tuesday hill Biusre Monday
Thursday 11111 HiVBrS' W ednes-
and Oregon City, Day- day and
S aturday ton & Way-land's. Friday.
6am. Willa ette River. 4:30p.m.
T uesday, Monday,
Thursd'y Portland to Corval- W ednes-
ond lis & War-land's, day and
Saturd'v . ' Friday.
Leave SwkB River. ' Leave
Kiparia Lewislon
1 .20 a. Kiparia to Lewis'n. Daily
Daily. . 8 :30 a", m
City Ticket Agent.
Local Agent.
Bids for Wood.
Sealed proposals for famishing wood
for the State Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Oregon, will be received by the
undersigned up to 3.03 p.m., Saturday,
Apri 7, 1900.- " (.
Two hundred and fifty cords of body
fir wood, cut frsrn live. .trees, four feet
long, well seasoned. Proposals for lots
of not less than 50 cord will b'j c iisid
eted. Woo'-i to be delivered on or before
September 15, 1000 at option of bidder.
To be ricked cn the College grounds as
directed by the purchasing asent of the
college. No payments will be made
before September 10, 1903. Tho riaht
to reject any and all bid3 reserved. Each
bid sealed, endorsed "Bid for wood" and
directed to
. John D. Daly, Secy. Board Regents.
Corvallis, Oregon, March 24, 1900.
'No family can afford to be without
One Minute Cough Cure. It will stop a
cough and cure a cold quicker than any
other medicine," writes C. W. Williams,
Sterling Run, Pa.' It cures bronchitis
and. all . throat and lung troubles and
prevents consumption. -Pleasaut and
harmless. Graham and Wells.
Eggs aad Poultry.
Farmers, I am iu the market to buy all
your eggs. and chickens. Bring what
you have to sell, whether it is oue dozen
or a hundred dozen' of either and I will
pay the highest market price in cash.
John Lkkger,
Corner of 4th and B streets,
Corvallis, Oregon. '
W. H. . Shipman, Beardsley, Minn
under oath, says lie suffered from dys
pepsia for twenty-five years. Doctors
and dieting gave but little relief. Finally
he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and bow
eats what he likes and a'S much as he
wants, and he feels like a new man. It
digests what you ent. Graham & Wells,
Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one-
half more for your iron than any junk
dealer. We are ready to do repair work
of any kind, at any time. Patronize us.
Bring your old iron and get your money.
The Foundry, Corvallis, Or.
Is your watch out of repair or does
your jewelry need repairing? If so,
take it to E. P. Greffoz, the leading
jeweler. The best work and lowest
For Sale.
We have now on hand the finest and
most complete stocEof fiaish lumber and
the best grade of flooring, rustic, etc.,
ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts
in any quantity. Wre have a good fair
grade of cedar shingles which we are
offering for $1.40 per thousand.
Cobvallis Sawmill Company.
Prof. W. A. Ginn, teacher "of piano,
organ, guitar and theory of mnsic
Special work iu voice culture. Latest
and best methods. Call at Graham &
Wells for terms, etc.
For Sale.
The EJof Sec 25, Tp 30 S, R6W,
containing 360 acres; price, $1,303.
Terms, $800 cash ; balance, mortgage.
Apply at this office.-
"I think DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are the best pills in the world," eays WT.
E. Lake, Happy Creek, ya. They re
move all obstructions. of the bowels and
liver, act quickly and never gripe, - Gra
ham & Wells.
Dilley The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycld repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley, he carries a full
line of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headquaretrs for w heel
men. Pay him a visit, j. : i : ;:
J. I. Carson Prothonqtafy, Washing
top, Pa., says, "I have found Kodo
Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in
case of stomach' trouble, and have de
rived great benefit from its use." it di
gests what jou eat and cannot fail to
u'p t-sraum & Wells.
Ofllre la Wbiteliorn Work
Corvallis, Oregon
Physician Q Surgeon
O.lice over Allen & Wood ward's dm get are
Office Hours
Residence; Corner 6th and Adams, weet
of Catholic church.
Telephone at office and residence.
CorvaMis, - - - Oregon.
V. II. McBrayor aud Old Cretr VFkU-
leys, Fine Wines, Liquors ani Clgsea.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Does a general and conservative
Physician. Sf Surgeon
C. B. Cautuorr. I . 11. Tatlo.
Dentistry of every description don In Crst
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, tfpb'.'4
the post office, Corvallis.' Oregon.-
Union Laundry, Go.,
All wlaita labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives
Satnrdays. J. D. MANN, Ageat,
SeconJl-Hand Store.
G. R. FARRA, M. D,
Office corner Second aad Jefferson,
over Grahata & Wells' drugstore.
Residence ou Third street .in frrt ol
Office hars S to 9 a. ta., and itoita
to S p. ra. All oalls attended promptly '
Corvallis, Ore on.
Office In Zierolf boi. din?.
Titles. ConvKYANcisa.
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Office in Firbt National Bank Building.
Jerseys for Sale.
Weiiavefiye jersey bulls from two
months to six and eight mouths old to
sell to those who wish to improve their
milk stock. Also one or two jersey
heifers and four calves of common breeds.
M. S. Woodcock,
Corvallis Ore. "
W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., says,
"I consider One Minute Cough Cure a
most wonderful medicine, quick and
safe.'' It is the only harmless remedy
that gives immediate results. It cures
coughs,-colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe,
whooping cough, pneumonia and all
throat aad lung diseases. 'Its early use.
fiGvcuio wuoiuuiiuu. iiiuureii mwHys
like it and mothers endorse if. Graham
& Wells. , -
. Sotlce for Publication.
Laud Ofnctit Oregon Crrr, Obeoon, '
February 9, ISO:
Notice Is hereby given that the following-iKmed
settler has Sled notice of her intention to make anal
proof in support of her claim, .and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Bt ntou
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on April 8, 1900,
H.E. No. 11S40 for the Lot No. 2 of Sec. 26. T 11 8..
. 7 W. '
c She names the following witnesses to prove her
lontinuous residence upon and cultivation of, said
and, viz: Ira I. Pittman, tlvarow Mulkcv, John
Uredig, and Bradley Mulkey, all of Blodsrett. Oregon.
!HAS B. MOOllliS, Register.
Xolice for Publication.
Land Orrici at Roskburo, Or., Mar. 1, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the followine-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to niake fiual
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made bfore Virgil K. Watters. count v clerk
of Benton county, Oregou, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
April 10, iuw, viz:
on H. K. No. 7080, for the W NWJ, of Fee 12.
T 14 S, R 8 W. '
He names the following witnesses to Drove his
continuous residence uixu and cultivation of. said
land, viz: W. 11. HaimuersW, William P. though.
Frank K Seits and Thomas 11 . Carus. all of Alsea.
Itantan ennntv. Ormn. -
Iu the Circuit Court of the Btato of Oregon fo
the County of Benton.
George E. Allan, PlaiutiH, ...
Birdie Allan, Defendant. '
To Birdie Allan, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon. Ycu are here
by required to appear and cn&wer the complaint
filed against vou in the above-entitled suit,- on or
before the 13th day of April. 1000, following six
consecutive weeks publication of this summons; and
if you fail so to appear and answer said coutplaint, for
.want thereof, the plaintlCE will take a decree
against you as prayed for in the complaint, towit:
A decree of this Court dissolving the marriage
contract ' heretofore- made and existing between
plaintiff and defendant and for such other and gen
eral relief as the Court may deem just and equit
able. . -
This Summons is served upon tu hv smblicatisn
and publbbed in th Ukion-Gazrtts bv virtue af iri
an order made by .tne'-'ilonprablo J'V- WopdjrartU
judge of the County Court of Benton County, Ore
gon, and is pnblwht I for a period of six weeks
prior to Apnl 13. mro. and tho date of the first
publication is March 2, 1000,
- J - cake ft CAKR
... . ..-