Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, April 13, 1900, Image 2

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    tsutsaMnena mm
Issued every Friday morning.'
One yea?
ix mo.itta . . .
Chre months
...$1 50
... 75
FRIDAY, APR. 13, 1900,
For Representative
R. T. NICHOLS. Dustv.
For Sheriff
J, M. CAMERON, Corvallis.
For Clerk v ,
J. A. GELLATLY, Philomath
For Recorder
'- W. A. TOMLINSON, Soap
For Assessor -
Vy V :
For School Superintendent .
GEO. W. DENMAN, Corvallis.
For Commissioner
For Treasurer
MILES STARR,. Monroe. .
For Surveyor
. G. H. WAGGONER, , Dusty.
For Coroner
T. B. IRVINE, Corvallis.
For Justice of Peace
B. F. BURNETT, Corvallis.
It is the duty of every republican
not only to register himself, but to
impress upon hisiepublicau friends
the importance of a compliance with
the registration law.
The Albany People's Preis, pub
lishes a notice which says that
"Correspondents will pleaBe use no
offensive personalities, as such will
not be published" (unless indulged
in by the editor).
' The delegates elected to the
Philadelphia national convention at
McMinnvillev Tuesday, were in-siracte7McKiDl-".
to beTieardroi
eo&ructed its delegation.
McKinley will bo the nominee by ac
clamation beyond a doubt.;
The Republican County Conven
tion of Benton County, on last Sat
urday, finished their labors after
nominating a complete ticket. The
several candidates nominated are
long and respected residents of the
county, favorably known and thor
oughly well qualified for the duties
of the respective offices. It is not
possible for . everyone to get
his favorite nominated for posi
tion, but there is no reason for any
person to hesitate to vote for the
lirdrAf. hpaiiaA 1 Via A tiara Viaavi
nominated instead their qualifica
tions to discharge, properly, the
duties of the office might not have
been any better than those nomin
ated. The defeated candidate in a
political convention who cheerfully
and sincerely acquieses in the nom
ination of his more successful rival
shows highly commendable qual- ;
iue m any man . -
One of the most deplorable con
ditions of American politics is the
conduct of many of the newspapers j
and individual members of oppos
ing parties, after candidates are
nominated for ' office to. continue
through the campaign preceeding
the election a persistent arid con
tinuous praetice ot communicating
defamatory stories regarding th9
character and integrity of opposing
candidates. That members of so
ciety and neighbors shall meet
socially and transact business to
gether pleasantly for neaily all the
intervening time between elections,
and as soon as one is nominated to
run for an office, his neiahbor or lo
cal newspaper shall begin attacks
upon his life and" conduct, is a prac
tice that should be condemned by
every good citizen. This paper will
endeavor to abstain from the class
of journalism indicated, prefering
that its offorts shall be conducted
as a business enterprise, and not
used as a political machine to ma
lign its-neighbors, simply because
they happen to be serving the pub
lic by running for office. In so do
ing we will not forget or neglect to
support and maintain republican
doctrines and report the passing
vents of the day in a reliable man
ner, and at all times thus be a
.helpful instrument for the public
Just received a lot of fine glassware,
table and pocket cutlery atZierolfs.
One whole pineapple in a 3-lb can
only 50 eta. atZierolf'a.
After a debate ot five hours,
the house concurred last Wednes
day in the senate amendment to
the Puerto Rican bill, by a vote
of 161 to 153, and the measure
went to President McKinley for
his signature. When the people
gee this much maligned measure
in operation and come t under
stand it, it will be pronounced
one of the wisest and most gen
erous bills ever passed by con
gress. Its object is to afford rev
enue for the islands and not to
protect" the United States
against Puerto Rico. None of the
critics of the bill have offered any
other means of affording: revenue
for the islands, more just or prac
- At the republican congressional
convention for the first district,
held last Tuesday, Congressman
Thos. H. Tongue was nominated
for his third term by a vote of 92
to 70 on the first ballot. Claude
Gatch, his strongest competitor,
moved Mr. Tongue's nomination
by acclamation , and George C.
Brownell, also an active aspirant
for congressional honors, sec
onded Mr. Gatcu's motion in an
eloquent speech. No representa
tive from Oregon has had more
of the qualities of a statesman
than Thomas Tongue, and no
representative from any state has
received greater recognition by
the administration and press of
the country in so short a time
The Orcgonian, which has dif
fered strongly with Mr. Tongue
on some issues of national im
portance, says of him: Repre
sentative Tongue's renomina
tion is not only the result of sue
cessful political tactics, but it is
a recognition of his increasing
usefulness asarepresentati.e and
enlarged powers as a public man
His service in congress has edu
cated and broadened him to a
very noticeable degree. There
is "no sign that Mr. Tongue will
be astray on any great issue to
be contended for by the repub
lican party.
The April Term of the Circuit Court
onsumed bat One Dflyjmd a Half.
rtrOfto-iifcTi:H5on neld 0!wcpre-'
liminary sessions of the cirbuit court
Friday and Saturday, getting mat
ters arranged for smooth sailing on
the opening of court for the regular
term, Monday. The time was given
to discussion of pleadings in the
Gird foreclosure and the Edwards
and Starr division line case.
Immediately after the opening of
court Monday morning Judge
Hamilton dismissed tho jury, and,
after the shortest term ever held in
this county, court adjourned at 10
o'clock Tuesday morning. Follow
ing is the businers transacted and
disposition of cases:
State vs. T. K. Chapman and
Jane King, bigamy; continued.
State vs. Lewis Roe, horse steal
ing; no information filed.
Crawford vs. Farra t al: contin
J. S. Cooper vs. Wilson Bump et
al, action on a promissory note;
A. B. Hammond vs. V. S. Cros
by, action on promissory note; con.
Albany Iron "Works vs. H. N.
Eley, to recover money
Thomas Learmont vs. Dudrich
Mofield , et al, for confirmation of
sale; confirmation.
Knapp Bnrrell & Co. vs. W. H.
Levaugh et al, action; judgment
for $229.
Barnum Lodgo No 7, 1. O.O. F.
vs. N R Barber, N L Raber and C
K Clark, action on promissory note,
judgment for $305. -
Margery Davisson vs. J D Gra
ham, Addie Graham and Elizabeth
Graham, action on promissory note;
First National Bank of Oorvallis
vs J Y McCune, action; dismissed.
W H Baber vs L Lawrence, ac
tion on promissory note for dis
missal; dismissed.
J Kirk vs J P Bergin on promis
sory note; judgment.
L Bettman vs W C Hodges and
M A Hodges on promissory note;
judgment for $159.50.
C M Osburn & Co vs Green In
gram on promissory note; judgment
for $112.50.
A Wilhelm & Son vs J W Faw
ver and Mrs J W Fawver, on prom
issory note; judgment for $149.45.
H N Eley vs The State Agricul
tural College of Oregon, action on
contract; continued.
Margaret Logsdon vs J A Hawk
ins et al, foreclosure; continued.
J M Kitson, assignment.
Alice Tally vs L Flinn, suit to
perfect titie; continued.
Sohool Fund Commissioners vs
Nettie Hoffman et al, foreclosure for
for confirmation ; confirmed.
City of Philomath vs J W Ingle
Complete External and Internal
Treatment $1.25
the skin of crusts and scales, Cuticuba Oint
ment (50c.), to allay Itching and soothe and
heal, and C0TICURAJRE8OLVBNT (50c.), to wol
and cleanse the blood. A single set Is often
sufficient to enre the severest humor.
Bold throushont the -world. PoiTlH Dura Ann Cm.
COB, rop, Boston. " o Cum Skin Human," ie
and E R Bryson writ of review?
judgment reserved.
Geo E Allen ys Birdie Allen, di
vorce; continued.
Mae Elliott vs M R Elliott, di
voree; decree.
Nancy Felgar 'vs J S Felgerj di
vorce; dismissed. . -
D F Edwards vs Miles Starr and
J Bonsen Starr suit to locate bound
ary line;, referred to E E Wilson.
Mary F Adamson vs E Adamson,
divorce; decree.
'Isaac Porter vs Nellie Porter, di
vorce; referred to E Holgatc.
Jos N Davis vs Wm Gird et al
foreclosure; judgment.
M Viola Crawford viG R Farra
etal,Tsuit for accounting; motion
for a new trial denied.
J W Ingle & Co vs H Buoy and
L A Buoy; confirmation of sale.
EmmaRolfevs L E Rolfe; di
vorce granted.
S G Thompson vs Wm Gird and
Ned Gird; confirmation of sale.
Kind Words.
In a letter from Hon. Binger
Herman, commissioner of the gen
eral land office, to Judge Burnett of
thiscitv. he savs: "I have read
- - mf I
your address over the body of Ly
man Kelsay, the" son of an old
friend and brother member of the
bar and a pioneer lawyer of the Pa
cific Coast. Dear old Kelsay 1 How
his verv name calls ud memeries of
. - - j .
the past, which bring a flood of life
upon us again which represents the
best efforts of our existence. Now
that vou. his old friend and asso
ciate in life, should stand over the
grave and express . the noble and
eloquent sentiments which you have
done to the memory of hia dear and
patriotic boy. . This life is short,
but we must all admit that it is as
marvelous and mysterious as it is
shorts. 1 .." j --
v. Election Notice. :-
Notice is hereby given that on Mon
day, the 21st day of May, 1900, at the
council chambers in the city hall, Cor
vallis. Oregon, an election will be held
for city oflicers as follows, to-wit : .
One police judge, one chief ot police,
one treasurer, one councilman, nrst
ward; one councilman, second ward;
one councilman, third ward.
Notice ia also hereby Riven that an elec
tion will be held at the same time and
place by the legal voters of Corvallis, OreT
gon.upon the question of issuing and sell
ing bonds of the city of Corvallis in a sum
not exceeding $10,000.00 for the purpose
of paying some of the outstanding war
rants .against the general fund of paid
city. Those favoring the proposition of
bonding the city as aforesaid will vote
For bonds ;" those voting against cuch
proposition will vote "Against bonds.''
Which election for election of officers
and voting on said bond : proposition
will be held at 9 o'clock in the morning
and will continue until 6 o'clock in the
aftemooon of said day without closing
the polls, and Caleb Davis, Wm. Crees
and John H. Simpson will be the judges
and J. H. Gibson and E. R. Bryson will
be the clerks of such election.
The part of this notice relating to such
general election is published by order of
the city council, and the part pertaining
to the issuing and selling of bonJs is
published under and by virtue of
an ordinance ot saia city coun
cil; both, said . order and ordi
nance, being passed by said city council
on the 9th day of April, 1900, directing
me, as police judge, to give notice of said
general election and of said proposition
to issue and sell bonds as aforesaid in
the Corvallis Times and the Union
Gazette, two newspapers of Benton
county, Oregon.
Dated this 10 th day of April, 1900, at
Corvallis, Oregon.
E. P. Greffoz,
Police Judge of the City of Corvallis.
Notice by Chief of Police.
Notice is hereby given that at its last
regular meeting the council issued im
perative orders that the streets and alleys
of Corvallis be cleared of rubbish, wood,
and other unsightly accumulations.
Owners and occupants of property abutt
ing the streets and alleys where such
nuisances exist are expected to remove
the same. Failure so to do within 24
hours after service of notice on offending
occupants and owners of property, by the
chief of police, subjects such persons to
fine and liability for cost of removal by
the city. , J. J. Flett,
Chief of Police.
Corvallis, Or., April 12, 1900.
Cleanse the liver, purify the blood
invigorate the body by using DeWitts
Little Early Risers. These little pills
always act promptly. Graham & Wells.
Eggs and Poultry.
- Farmers, I am in the market to buy all
your eggs and chickens. Bring what
you have to Bell, whether it is one dozen
or a'hundred dozen of either and I will
pay the highest market price in cash
j . .. John Lenoer,
Corner of -1th and B streets,
CorvaWis, Oregon. .
The Seasons Greeting
It is with a feeling of satisfaction and confidence that we an
nounce our Spring message. After months of labor in buying, we
have secured the choicest stock of
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings
Shoes and Hats
We have ever been able to show onr patrons,
never more attractive and prices more reasonable
been successful in our efforts to
diet when you see
Our New Spring Stock
which is now arranged for inspection, and we will be pleased to re
ceive a call whether you wish to buy or not. We want you to feel
at home in our store. What ever you may need, we as Ladies' and
Men's Outfitters, may furnish you shall and must be right in every
particular, or money back. Trusting that this early spring an
nouncement may receive your consideration and that when thinking
of spring purchases, we may be
Fine Goods
luff 'jyyffWVV
j TRY . . .
: : -:
I FOR . .
The Question Will Be Submitted to Voters
Other Council Doings. .
' '-I-
Several matters of importance engaged
the attention of the council at its last
regular meeting.
- A motion that "The street committee
be instructec to confer with the college
sewer committee ana nave a contract
entered into as per agreement,? was
passed. ! -'
The following ordinance, to submit to
the people the proposition to issne bonds
-not to exceed $10,030 to take up the out
standing warrants, was passed under
suspension of the rules : 7
An ordinance providing for submit
ting to a vote of the qualified electors,
of the city of Corvallis, a proposition to
vote for or against the issuing and sell
ing of bonds, for the purpose of paying
the general indebtedness of the city of
Corvallis, in a sum - not exceeding
$10,000.00: , .- :
"Whereas, The city of Corvallis, has
outstanding warrants in the sum of
$14,000.00 drawing six per cent interest,
and it is desirable to fund said indebted
ness, that the same may bear a less rate
of interest per annum, and it being to
the general interest of the city, to issue
and dispose of ' bonds to create such a
fund, therefore the city of Corvallis does
ordain as follows : -1
"That tke proposition to vote for or
against the issuing and disposing of
bonds to pay the outstanding warrants of
the said city of Corvallis, not exceeding
$10,000.00 be submitted to the legal
voters of the city of Corvallis, at its next
general election to be held on the 21st
day of May A. D. 1900.
"And that the police judge be, and he
is hereby instructed to place the. follow
ing words submitted at such general
election, "For Bonds," "Against Bonds,"
aDd give notice of such question of bonds
to be voted on at such general election,
to the legal voters of said city, by pub
lishing the same in newspapers to-wit:
Corvallis Times and Union-Gazette for
four weeks, and by posting in three pab
lic and conspicuous places in the city 'of
Corvallis, one ia each ward.'' i
The chief of police was instructed to
order the streets and alleys cleaned.:
Petition for a sidewalk on the east
side of Third street, between Tyler and
Polk, was referred to the street commit
tee. - .''. 'V-i
, A. Radir was ordered to build side
walk on south side of Graham property.
Police judge was instructed to give
the usual notice of city election ' to be
held May 21st -,.i-
Caleb Davis, Wm Crees amU J H
Simpson were appointed judgeVMjd J H
Gibson and E B Bryson clerkiSr the
election to be held May 21st. 01 I vot
ing place will be the city hall. ,
Bills to the amount of $58, on the
general and $14 05 on Uu"et -fund,
were aMowi-l,
The styles were
That we have
please, we believe will be your ver
first in your mind.
a Specialty.
90 t)
Commissioners' Court.
At its regular session held April 4th
and 5th the court transacted the follow
ing business : ' . . .
Cost bill in the matter of State of Ore
gon vs. Louise Davis, amounting to $44.-
91, was allowed. ,
A committee consisting of Kobt. John
son, a. D" Irvine and is. JN. VVilkius was
appointed to- superintend bicycle path
construction. .
It appearing that the sheriff bas made
return of the delinquent list en the tax
roll.it was ordered that the clerk return
the original 1899 tax rolls to the sheriff
with instructions that he collect taxes on
said rolls until May 19, 1903, inclusive,
after which date all taxes unpaid thereon
will be delinquent, said delinquent list to
be submitted to the county court on the
6th of June. .
In the matter of a proposed county road
leading from the county-, road running
from Philomath to Gleason's mill, it ap
pearing that the viewers heretofore ap
pointed were unable to serve, John . E.
Wyatt, N. P. Newton and J. R. Fehlers
were appointed to view said road.
Bounty claims of Frank' Hugbes for
two wildcat scalps; Calvin Butler, for
one wildcat scalp; Sam Bowers, for two
wildcat scalps and Richard Zahn for two
wildcat scalps, wer? found correct.
Bill of E. A. Porter for road work was
continued for the term.'
The proposed change of county road on
the lands of W. A. Gellatly was continued
for the term.
The petition for a forry at Kittridge
crossing was denied.
In tne matter of the First National
Bank vs. J. Y. McClune," it appearing
that the case was erroneously begun ia
the circuit court iustead of the county
court, Ciling fee was collected upon case
brought in county conrt and clerk relieved
of collecting fee in the circuit court.
Justice- of Peace cost bill in case of
State of Oregon vs. Lewis Roc was csn-
tinued for the term.
The petition for a drawbridge across
the : Long Tom, north of Monroe, was
continued for further consideration. .
In the matter of W. M. Herron, et a
'for assistance for Woods Creek road, it
was ordered that said petition be granted
ia the sum of $30, upon the presentation
to the court of a certificate that a like
amount has been expended on said road
after this date. ,
Frank Bennett was awarded the con
tract in the sum of 25 for repairing the
bridge across Little Beaver at Peter Pack
ard's place. -
The time for declaring the bicycle tax
delinquent was extended until May 1st.
Mrs. Mar Tnlly was admitted to the
poor farm as a couuty charge.
The matter of repairing bridge across
Marys river at Harris was referred to
Commissioner Knotts.
Wm. McFarland was granted a rebate
of $4 on road tax, being $1 for each
wheel'of his wide tire wagon.
Petition of Jim Westfall for compensa
tion for services as interpreter in the mat.
ler of the State of Oregon vs. iewis Roe
was continued for the term. -'
It was ordered that James R. Forrest,
a minor child of MaryTully, be surrend
ered to the care of the Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society of Portland.
cfiiiOoTiis, Gieies 7
Persons desiring to locate on. timber
claims tributary to the C. & E. E. K.
would do well to call on or correspond
with the undersigned.' There is a num
ber of first-class timber claims to be taken
up under the timber or homestead acts.
Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator.
Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor, K. P.,
Boonviile, Ind., eays, "DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve sooths tho most delecate
skin and. heals the most stubborn ulcer
with certain and good results." Cures
piles and skin diseases. Don't buy an
imitation. Graham & Wells.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood.
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
aouse. or excess ana indis
cretion. A nervo tonic and
blood Irailder. Erinsa the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire ot youtn.
iv mail BOc ter box, G boxes
tor $2.6u; wiui a -written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton - Jackson Sts.. CHICACO,
For tale by Allen & Woodward's dnte
gists, Corvallis. Oregon," "
H. Clark,Chauncey, Ga., - says De
Witts Witch Hazel Salve cured him of
piles that bad afflicted him for twenty
years. It is also a speedy cure for skin
diseases. Beware ot dangerous counter
feits.. Graham & Wells.
Fruit Growers' Notice.
G. H. App'eton. Justice of Peace,
Clart-iburg, N. J., eavs, "DeWitt's Little
Earlj Risers are the best pills made for
constipalion. We use no others.'
Quickly cur all bowel ad liver troubles
Graham & Wells.
We have now on display for your
inspection the choicest spring fa
brics and fashion plates of the very
latest suit, skirt and jacket styles,
making it possible for you to se
cure the finest tailor made gar-
lments, cut and made on the most
Tsc?gntific tailoTprinciples to your
own measure, 'of your own selec
tion of fabric, trimming and style
and, above all, a perfect fit guar
anteed, at a price surprisingly
We invite your personal selec
tion of these cloths and styles,
appreciating the fact that one of
our "Tailor Mades" worn by you
will materially assit in the intro
duction of our high grade ladies
garments. .
Understand that this is a depart
ment of custmon tailored gar
ments only and that it insures
to you a style altogether exclusive
and different from any one's else.
' ;'
For your home in the loveliest
effects for parlors, and cottage
papers in hundreds of . pretty
patterns and effects of 'color,
we will display for your choice
when vou want your home
decorated. No order is too
large for us or too insignificant
to be given our most careful
J, D . Mann & Co,
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests tne food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No othei preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
uyspepsia, indigestion, .Heartburn,
Flatulencet Sour Stomach. Nausea.
SlekHeadache, Gastralgl a, Cramps, and
11 other results of imperfect digestion.
t-reparea oy c u. uewittaco. CQicago.
Graham & Wells. :-
ri i mm
Salt Lnke, Denver,
Ft Worth, Omaha
Kansas City, St.
Louis, Chieago
and East.
8 p. m.
: Mail
6:45 p.m.
Walla Walla. Lew
iston, S p o k a ne,
Minneapolis, S t.
Paul.Dulnth, Mil
waukee, Chicago,
and East.
3 :45 p.m.
8 a", in.
Ocean Stearr.shins-
8 p. m,
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco,
Sail Doc. ?,, 8, 13,
IS, 23, 23, & every
5 days.
4 p. ui.
Ex. Sun.
8. p. m.J
Caiumbia Bivor
4 p. m.
To Astoria & way- Sunday
Willamette Rival". M n
- . 4:30 p.m.
Oiegon City, tiew- Except
berg, Salem, and Sundav
Willamette and Yam- Sfo p.m.
hill Bivars. J.
Oregon City, Day- day and
ton & Way-land's." Friday..
Wiiia ttte River. 4:30p.m.
Portland to Corval- W cdnes
lis & Wav-land's. day and
Snake Riysr. , Leave
Riparift to Lewis'n. Daily
8 :30 a" m
10 p. m.
6 a. m.
Ex. Sun.
7 a. m.
T ue6day
S aturday
6 a. m.
T uesday,
T hursd'y
. Leave
1.20 a.
City Ticket Agent.
Local Agent.
Bids for Wood.
Sea'ed proposals, for furnishing wood
for tha State Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Oregon, will bo received by the
undersigned up to 3.03 p. in., Sitnrday,
Apri 7, 1900.
Two hundred and Cfty cords of body
fir wood, cut from live trees, four feet
long, well seasoned. Proposals for lots
of not less than 50 cor.li will bj otisU
ered. Wooi to he delivered on or before
September 15, 1900 at option of bidder.
To be ricked cn the College ground as
directed by the purchasing aent of the
college. No payments will be made
before September 10, 1903. The riiiht
to reject any and all bids reserved. - Each
bid sealed, endorsed "Bid for wood" and
directed to
John D. Daly, Secy. Board Regents.
Coivallis, Oregon, March 24, 1900.
- '"No family can afford to be without
One Minute Coagh Cure. It will stop a
cough and cure & cold quicker thanariy
other medicine," writes C. V. Williams,
Sterling Run, Pa It cures bronchitis
and all throat and lung troubles and
prevents consumption. Pleasant and
harmless. Graham and Wells.
Prize-Winning Black Miaorcas.
Egs from best peu, headed by the
first prize winner of the state poultrv
show at Albany. Per setting, $1.50; 2nd
pen, $1.00; reduction at tho yards, or
unpacked. Yards near the Catholic cem
etery. B. R. Thompson,
Corvallis, Or
W. II. Shipman, Beardsley, Minn.,
uuder oath, says he sufTered from dys
pepsia for twenty-five years. Doctors
and dieting gavo but little relief. Finally
he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and kow
eats what be likes nnd as much as he
wants, and he feels like a new man. It
digests what you eat. Graham & Wells,
Old cast iron of any kind. Farmers,
we will pay you from one-fourth to one
half more for ycur iron , than any junk
dealer. We are ready to do repair work
of any kind, at any time. Patronize us
Bring your old iron and get your money
The Foukdky, Corvallis, Or,
Is your watch out of repair or does
your jewelry need - repairing? If, st
take it to E. P. Greffoz, the leading
jeweler. The best work and lowest
prices. . ,''
For Sale.
We have now on hand the' finest and
most complete stock-of fiaiah lumber and
the best grade of flooring,, rustic, etc
ever seen in Corvallis. Also cedar posts
in any quantity. We have a good fair
grade of cedar shingles which we are
offering for $1.40 per thousand.
Cobvali.is Sawmill Company.
Prof. W. A. Ginn, teacher of piano,
organ, guitar and theory ot mcs.c
Special work in voice culture. Latest
and best methods. Call at Graham &
Wells for terms, etc.
For Sale.
The Ei of Sec 25, Tp 10 S, -R 6 W,
containing . 3G0 acres; price, $1,303.
Term's, $S00 cash ; balance, mortgage.
Apply at this office.
"I think DeWitt's Little Early llisers
are I
the be6t pills iu the world,'' says W.
E. Lake, Happy Creek. Va. Thev re
move all obstructions of the bowels nnd
liver, act quickly and never gripe. Gra-
am & Wells. "
JHHcy The Fixer
is now prepared to do all kinds of bi
cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing,
etc. Besides being a champion "fixer'
of the Willamette valley," he carries tt full
ine 'of bicycle sundries and supplies.
His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel
men. Pav him a visit..
J. I. Carson, Prothohotary,, Washing
ton, Pa., says, "I have found Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in
case of stomach trouble, and have" de
li ved great benefit from its use." it di
gests what you eat and cannot"fail to
care. Graham & Wells. $ .
DR.' JAS. A.' : RFER
Oll'.re la Wbltchom Blo.-k
Corvallis, Oregon
Physician Surgeon
OSice over Allen& Woodward'sdrngstare
Office Hours
) 1 to 4 p. in . t.
Residence: Corner 5th and Adarrn, weet
of Catholic church.
Telephone at office nnd residence.
Corva'lis, - - - - Oregon.
W. II. McBrayer aad Old Cir WVU
kys, Fin-e Wines, Liquors ani Cigasa.
CorvaUis, Oregon.
Does a general and conservative buiMa
business. , -
Physician Surgeon.
C, B. Uaotuobn. I H. H. Tatix.
Dentistry of every description dona la Aral
class manner, and satisfaction guar
Office over Zierolf's grocery store, tffl t
the post office, Corvallis. Oregon.
Union Laundry Go.,
All white laber work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdava and arrives
Saturdays. J. D. MAXN, Ajcmt,
Second-Hand Stare.
G.-R. FARRA, M. D.
Office coruer Second and Jeffersae,
over Graham & Wells' drugstore. : ,
Residence ou Third street in (vr ol
Office hum-si S to 9 a. in., and I to a'aa
to 3 p. ra. All call attended promptly : -
Corvallis, Ore on. '
Office in Zlerolf bui. ding.
Titles. . Conveyancing.
Practice in all State and Federal Court.
Offices in Firht National Gunk Building.
Jerseys for Sale.
We have fiye jersey bulls from two
months to six and eight months old to
sell to those who wish to .improve their
milk stock. . Also one or two jersey
heifers and four calves of common breeds.
M.S. Woodcock,
" " Corvallis Ore.
W. W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., sayB,
"I consider One Miuute Cough Cure a
most wouderfui medicine, ouick and
safe." It is the only harmless remedy
that gives immediate tesu:ts. It cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe,
whooping cough, pneumonia and all
throat and lung diseases. Its early use
prevents consumption. Children always
like it and mothers eudorsetit. Graham
& Wells. . ; .. .
Notice for Publication.
Land Okfick at Orkoox Cmr, QrkooX,
, February 9,190.
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-ntmed
settler has filed notice of her intention to .make final
proof in support of her claim, and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Bntoil
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on April S, 1900,
vie: . .
H.E. No. 11840 for the Lot No. 2 of See. 26, T 11 a. "
. 7 W. . ' '
c She names the following witnesses, to. prove' her
juiiumiuus reMuenca upon ana cultivation or, said
anil, viz: Ira t. Pittnian. Elvarow Mnlbpr .Ukn '
Ureilhr, and Bradley Mulkey, all of Blodjrett, Oregon.
" CH AS B. MOOKKS, Register.
Notice, for Publication. ,
Land Office.-at Rosbburg, Or. Mar. 1, 1000. n
Notice is hereby iriven that the fnl
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and .that said proof
will be ruado before Virgil K. Watters, county clerk
of Benton county. Ores on, at ton alljg, Oregon, on -
niti id, luw, vjz; . .. . ... ,
on H. E. No. 79SH- for the Wl NWl r &, i
T14 S, R 8 W. '
He names the follcwiiisr witnesses-to nrove his
contiuuous residence upon and cultivation of mid
land, viz: W. 11. Hamniersh-, William P. Shough,
Frank ESeits and Thomas 11. Cams, all of Alsea, .
Benton county, Oregon. .
- - J. T. BK1DGE', -Register.
' J
In the ririMiit f!niirft nf h. ut.ta' nM ... e.
the County of Benton,
George E. Allan, Plaintiff, , -
V . . . .
Rili!l Allan nfiinrlnnf
To Birdie Allan, Defendant:
In tho name of the State of Oroiiop, You are here
by rcunired to appear and answer the (nmplaint
before the 13th day of April. 1U00, following six
consecutive weeks publication of this summons; and
if you fail so to appear and answer mid couplaint. for
want thereof.' the nlaintltf will t..k . a..-
against you as prayed for in the complaint, towit:
A decree of this Court dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore made and ejjstii.ir between ;
plaintiff and defendant and for such other and gen-
.M.. . . " ' i"
This Summons Is served upon yea by publication
nil nnhlUh..! fn rti. l:vm....Ml,. ..i .
,... ... ... ..v..,-v.jr.i .d tij tiiiua i an
an order mado by tho Honorable IS. Woodward, i
judge at -the County Court of Benton Countr. Ore- :
gon, and Is published for a period of tix wek
prior to April 13, 1900, and the date of the Brat
publication is March t, 1900, ,
V . f UAU LA & K.
' V- AHornej for tlslntin, .