UNION GAZ JLJLJJJ SIlSSU. j ConsoUWetFe.. 1899. COEVAIiLIS, BENTON CQTJNTY, OREGON, FKIDAX, APRIL 13, 1900. VOIi. XXXVII. NO. 16. II!? NEWS OF THE WEEK From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Hoiuprehenilvfl Review of the Import ant Happenings' of the Put Week Called From the Telegraph Column The Republicans elected 19 out of 35 aldermen m Chicago Admiral Dewey has announced him self as a candidate for president. Genreal French has given up his chase after the retreating Boers, Boston is agitating the question 'of prohibition of ringing church bells. The Cnited States building at the Paris exposition will be cloned on Sun days. Queen Victoria landed at Dublin, Ireland, her first visit to the island in 39 years. A temperance movement has been inaugurated in Mexico, owing to the increase of drunkenness. Admiral Dewey's collection of curios and trophiesj at his request, will be placed in the Smithsonian Institute. Turkish tower at the Paris exposition obstructs the view of the United States building and Commissioner Peck has - protested against it, The Vanderbilts and Morgans now bave plans almost perfected which 'will give them absolute control of the coal supply of America. . Forty-four young men of Thurston, Or, have petitioned the military board for the organization of a company of the Rational Guard at that place. The mammoth auditorium in which the Democratic National convention was to have been held on July 4, was burned to the ground, entailing a loss of 1350,000. At Logansport, Ind.,.150 masked men blew up two bridges, and burned two toll houses on the Logansport and Bui ling ton pike at midnight. The road is the only pike in the county, and protests bave been directed against high toll and the alleged bad condition of the pike. The newly organized American Match Machine Company, 'a N ew Jer sey corporation, is about to enter into competition with the Diamond Match Company, known as the match trust. The new company does not intend to confine its attention to the trade ot the United States, but will make a vigor ous fight for European trade, through the sale of rights. y W. J. Bryan addressed 10,000 people -at Tacoma, Wash." - ..... . r Hi a it b El' iV; rvtliiced &t this The Puerto Rican bill passed the senate by a vote of 40 to 31. - The public debt decreased $6,000,000 during the month of March. A bill was passed to throw, open Idaho and Oklahoma Indian lands. The journeymen plumbers of Indian apolis have struck, demanding an in crease in pay. The legislative council of Trinidad has ratified the reciprocity treaty with the United States. Aguinaldo is in Singapore. Singa pore papers mention the fact and pub lish short interviews with him. The plasterers of Minneapolis have been locked out, pending the settle ment of their dispute as to hours. Pearl harbor, in the Hawaiian islands, will be improved and fortified and made available for naval purposes. Mexico's army convicts " will be abolished by the new secretary of war. Volunteer service is to be encouraged. The marine hospital service has sent an argent request to congress for an appropriation of $500,000 to fight plague in various seaport towns. The casualties in the Philippine war eince January 1, have been: Ameri cans, 88 killed, 163 wounded; insur gents, 1,426 killed; 1,453 captured. Great preparations for war are going on in Russia. All messages in regard to movements of troops are censored and all officers are denied leaves of absence. The Illinois Brick Company, of Chi cago, the brick combine of that city, has filed with the secretary of state a certificate of increase of capital stock from $10,000 to $9,000,000. The party of scientists under Pro fessor A. Agassiz, who left San Fran cisco several months ago on an expedi tion to the South Seas, has returned. This scientific expedition went first to the Pomotos, exploring . the northern part of those islands, a region never be fore examined by scientists. After refitting the vessel at Tahiti, the re mainder of the Society islands, as well as the Cook, Savage and the islands of the Tonga group were explored. After refitting at Suva, the Ellice, Gilbert and Marshall islands were ex plored and the island of Guam was visited. Gov. Smith, of Vermont, owns a pri vate locomotive. It is fitted with lux urious accommodations for eight pas sengers. There is a scheme to construct a di rect railroad from New York to Chi cago, saving 300 miles and making the distance in 16 hours. As chairman of the board of direc tors of the New York Central Railroad, Channcey Depew draws the snug salary of $60,000. annually. More than $30,000,000 worth of tim ber was destroyed in the recent forest fires in the state of Washington. The foreign commerce of the port of Boston last year aggregated $190,485, 000, surpassing all previous records. It Is understood that the north half A the Colville Indian reservation, in Washington, will be thrown open for settlement about May 1. The next Vermont legislature will be asked to appropriate money for a statue of Justin S. Morrill, to be placed In tbs statuary ball of the - capital at Washington. LATER rfcVS. Webster Davis addressed an immense pro-Boer audience in Washington. The Copper Stain mine, in Josephine county, Oregon, was sold for $9,000. Cubans have confidence in General Gomez and entreat him not to leave the island. The Edward T. Smith box factory at New York, was destroyed by fire; loss, $250,000. Ex-Governor Pattison, of Pennsyl vania,- is wanted for vice-president on the Democratic ticket. Boers claim to have captured 11 guns at Bloemfontein waterworks, instead of seven, as first reported. Building tradesmen in Indianapolis have returned to work, their employers conceding to their demands. Generals in the Philippines are call ing for more troops. They cannot hold the rebels down with the present force, The Boers have succeeded in cutting off General Brabant's two or three thousand troops from all other British forces. The 65th anniversary of the birth of King Leopold, of Belgium, was appro priately celebrated throughout the kingdom. - The British North American and West Indies squadron is to be increased by one battleship, two cruisers and several torpedo lioats. The body of an unknown young man was found in the Willamette river near Oregon City, with his head entangled in a fish net. It is a case of deliberate suicide. H. H. Pitcher, banker of Oakland, Cal., committed suicide by blowing his brains out. Pitcher was trustee of an estate valued at $600,000. His trust was being investigated in court. The United States supreme court de cided the case of Grundling vs. the city of Chicago, involving the validity of the anti-cigarette ordinance of that city. The ordinance was attacked as unconstitutional. The opinion of Jus tice Peckham held the ordinance not to be unconstitutional. - In his addiess at the memorial ser vices held in memory of the late Dr. Isaac M. Wise, at Isaiah temple, Dr, Emil G. Hirsch made an appeal to the jewisn people oi unicago to raise $duu,- 000, which is the amount yet required to lift the debt on the Jewish Union College, in Cincinnati. By so doing, Dr. Hirsch said, the great work which was begun by Dr. Wise, and carried forward by him nnder difficulties, could be fully accomplished. Emily Cogblan, the actress, died at Stamford, Conn., aged 36 years. ; Half the village of Proctor ville, Ohio, was .destroyed by fire. " Loss $300,000. A German scientist Has invented a compound which melts iron in five seconds. . - Boe-s in Natal are-.'becoming active. &rxa an engajrenieut vtitn Bulier Is sui- The German flag has been raised over the Samoan islands of Upolu, Manono, Apolima and Sara. Captain John Codman, the famous advocate of free ships and free trade,-' is dead at Boston, aged 86. : The statue of Maud Adams will not be admitted to the Paris expositon be cause it is a personal exhibit. At Pittsbnrg, Pa., a big eight-story department store was destroyed by fire, causing a loss of over a $1,000,000. ; Another brother of President Steyn, of Orange Free State, was captured at Karee Siding, and is now at Bloem fontein. The squadron of the United States navy, recently formed in Chinese waters, is to have its headquarters at Hong Kong. Forty people lost their lives at Austin, Texas, due to an overflow of the Col orado river. Property destroyed ex ceeds $3,000,000. Walter E. Groffe, the defaulting cashier of the Adams Express Company at Dayton, Ohio, who left the city October 6 last, taking with him $3,000 of the corporation's money, has been arrested in San Francisco. The sitution in Ashantee is unchang ed. A Coomassie runner reports that all the Ashantee tribes are in arms, the king of Bekwal alone remaining loyal. It is believed that the Ashantee golden stool has been found and that the rising is due to the endeavor of the governor of the colony, Sir Frederic Mitchell Hodgson, to take possession of it. The American Plate Mirror Company was chartered at Harris burg, Pa., with a capital of $50,000,000. This com pany is composed of well-known plate glass men, and, is looked upon as the beginning of a determined move on the part of the American plate-glass men to wrest the trade in this country for plate mirrors from foreign manu facturers. Senator Tillman, from the committee on mines and mining, reported the bill providing for the utilization of a part of the proceeds of the sales of pub lic lands in support of schools for min ing in the public land Btates. It pro vides for the appropriation of $10,000 annually for the present in each case and the gradual increase of the amount to $20,000. A national congress of mothers is to be held at Des Moines, la., May 21-25." The department of agriculture will plant 100,000 rubber trees in the Ha waiian islands. At Lady Lansdowne's concert in London, Mme. Patti is said to have worn diamonds worth over $1,000,000. Gen. John J. El well, a hero of the civil war, died at Cleveland, O. His military service extended from 1861 to 1866. Commander Richard Wainwrlght has assumed bis new duties as superin tendent of the naval academy at An apolis, Md. Queen Victoria has more living de scendants than any other monarch in Europe. She has seven surviving chil dren, 82 grandchildren . and 83 great grandchildren. Rev. Edwin A. Schell has sued Rev. Joseph F. Berry and Rev. H. C. Jen nings, of Chicago, and Rev. - Charles Parkhnrst, of Boston, for $25,000 for forcing him from the Epworth lesgus secretaryship. Roberts Loses Five Compan ies of Infantry. , SURROUNDED BY LARGE FORCE General Villebois Marenll, a Frenchman . In the Dutch Army, Killed In a Fight With Metuuen's Forces. London, April 9.-Lord Roberts re ports that five companies of British troops have been captured by B86rs near Bethanie. . The following his the text of his dispatch to the war office, announcing the capture: ' "Bloemfontein, , April : 9. Another unfortunate occurrence has occurred resulting, I fear, in the capture of party of infantry, consisting of three companies of the Royal Irish Fusiliers and two companies . of the Ninth regv ment of mounted infantry, near Red dersbnrg, a little eastward of the Beth' anie railway station, within a few miles of this place. They were sur rounded by a strong force of the ene mv, with four or five guns. "The detachment held out from noon of April 3 until April 4, at 9 . M., and then-apparently surrendered, for it is repoi ted that the firing ceased at that time. Immediately after I heard the news, during the afternoon of April 3, I ordered Gatacre to proceed from Springfontein, his present headquarters, to Reddersburg with all possible speed, I dispatched the Cameron Highlanders hence to Bethanie. He arrived at Red dersburg at 10:30 A. M., without oppo sition, but conld get no news of the missing detachment. There can be no doubt that the whole party has been made prisoners." The lost companies are probably a part of the force guarding the railroad at Bethanie, 30 miles-south of Bloein fontein. The Boers are evidently oper ating in force near the railroad, and there is a possibility of the lines being interrupted for a brief period at any time. As the captured British soldiers were in a position to defend them selves ; for nearly 24 hours and were then forced to surrender, the fighting must have been severe. The Boers were in force yesterday five miles from Jagersfontein, situated 60 miles up from Bloemfontein. They had a brush with British patrols. Gen. Villebois Marenll Killed. London, April 9. The war office re ceived - the following dispatch from Lord . Roberts, dated Bloemfontein, April 9: . Methuen telegraphs from Boshof, in the Orange Free State, a little north east of Kimberley, as follows: Surrounded General Villebois Marenll and a body of Boers today, and they! could not escape. Villebois and jevejtTVwWwerd killed, eight c3SBRd anv:,&0'ure prisoners."--- - WORK OF REVOLUTIONISTS. American Consul Strung Up by the Thumbs In Pern. Chicago, April 9. A special to the Record from Washington says:" Edward Gottfried, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., late consular agent of this government at Truxillo, Peru, in a sworn statement which he has filed with the state de partment, asserts that in "the summer of 1898 at Huamucho, 50 or 60 Pe ruvian revolutionsists dragged him half dressed to the pnblic square, where they demanded that he produce 5,000 sols (between $3,000 and $4,000 and 25 rifles within 15 minutes or sub mit to chastisement in what is termed in Pern the "flying stocks." Gottfried says he protested that he was unable to comply with the demand and was immediately knocked down with a blow from a gun and overpow ered. His thumbs were tied together with thongs and his hands twisted back of his head.' Heavy rifles were inserted between the inverted elbows and his head and in that position he was strung up. In a short time the agonizing pains rendered him insensible. The administration will demand restitution and an apology. BURMAH FRONTIER FIGHT. Battle Between Chinese Raiders and the British Police. " . Vancouver, B. C, April 9. -Oriental papers state that Chinese official enmity towards foreigners is being specially directed against British citizens in China, Instigated, it is said, by Rus sian suggestions, the Chinese havw lately been especially troublesome on the Burraah-Chinese frontier, where a medical officer and an assistant com missioner were murdered. A story was brought by the Empress of Japan from Yokohama today of a series of additional Chinese raids on the Burman boundary, culminating in a battle between 500 Chinese and 75 military police nnder District Super intendent Hertz, of Rangoon. The Indian military police, with 50 Gurk has, attacked the main body of Chinese, killing 84 and capturing their guns, jingals and banners. The Chinese leader was among the killed. Six of the British forces, including two offl, cers, were wounded, only one seriously. The scene of the battle was eight miles on the Burmah side of the frontier. Lehigh laboratory Burned. Bethlehem, Pa., April 9. The physi cal laboratory of Lehigh University, one of the largest in the country, was burned today, and all its scientific ap paratus was destroyed. The loss on the building and contents is $200,000; insurance, $50,000. Tragedy on a California Farm. St. Helena, Cal., April 9. W. H. Alexander, a farmer, shot and killed his wife today and then took his own life by cutting his throat with a razor. In Beckham's Favor. Frankfort, Ky., April 9. The court of appeals today handed down a decis ion in the governorship case in, favor of the Democrats. The opinion is by six judges, four Democrats, and two Re publicans. One. Republican dissented. The opinion . holds that the action of the leigslature in seating Beckham was final, and that the courts have no power to review it; that Taylor exceeded his authority in adjourning the legislature to London, and that the journals of the two houses of the legislature, being ir regular, can be impeached. SANNAS POST AMBUSCADE Boers Captured Valuable Papers and Plans From the British. Brandford, Orange Free State, April 9. Burghers who are returning 'from the scene of the Sannas Post ambuscade (also referred to as Karre and Korn Spruit) furnish, interesting details tf the occurrence. It appears that when the first retreating -British wagon, en tered the drift the ambuscaders shouted "Hands up," removed the officers and let the cart through. The process was repeated several times, until the wag' ons arrived -in a bunch, when the ruse was discovered and a disorderly fight followed. In one cart were two offi cers, to whom Commandant Dewet shouted "Hands up." One' of them obeyed, whereupon the ohter shot his comrade dead, refused to surrender and was immediately shot. - The burghers lost three men killed and 1 10 wounded. - including ; ' field cornet. Among the wounded was Dutch Milli- tary Attache" "'Six', who received a bul let in the chest. Altogether the Boers captured 889 prisoners throughout the day. ., The significance of the battle muFt not be underrated. . It was fought by a force of Free Staters, on a flat plain and without shelter. The Free Staters are now desirous of marchng on BIpem fonten, and the Transvaal officeis are anxous to emulate the successes pi their late allies. All the Southern Boer forces have now formed junctions with the, main Boer army, and form a large loree of veterans. J ne burg tiers, wno were prevously short of food, now have plenty. Commandant Dewet sent the British guns, wagons and prisoners to Winburg. Perhaps of greater importance than the victory is the capture of British secret papers, including - maps and plans of 1897, 1898 and 1899, outlining elaborate schemes for the invasion of the Orange Free State and the . Trans vaal, and giving a plan for reaching Johannesburg from Mafeking along Dr, Jamieson's route, amended so as to avoid mistakes. Another gives, the plan for a march from Bloemfontein to Kroonstad. . Advices from Vienters- berg, Prieska and Kenbardt show the colony is full of rebels. The Kenhardt rebels are marching on Calvinia. and others are on their way to Fourteen Streams. A dispatch box was found at Sannas Post containing oaths signed by Free Staters. The signers have been sent for in order that the general may ex plain the.- invalidity of oaths under compulsion. APPEAL TO THE POWERS. President Steyn' s Speech to the Free State Raad. Pretoria, April, 9. In his speech at the opening of the Free State Raad. President Steyn declared that, in spite of the -surrender of Bloemfontein, he had not lost the hope of the triumph of the republican cause. The war. ' he said, was foroiU rmria the fTrajsiuaal Free State but to throw in its lot with its sitser republic, in accordance , with the terms of the treaty. The war, he continued, was begun with the object of maintaining the independence secured with the blood of the forefathers of the nation, and had been so successful that it had caused the greatest wonder throughout the world, and even to the Boers themselves. After paying a tribute to the memory of General Joubert, Steyn said the Brit ish, notwithstanding their overwhelm ing numbers, were violating the flag ot truce and the Red Cross, and ne was compelled to report the matter to the neutral powers. The president further remarked that the attempt to create dissension among the burghers by issu ing proclamations had failed. Refer ring to the correspondence between the South African presidents' and Lord Salisbury, Steyn proceeded:- 7 'Not only were those efforts made, but the republics dispatched deputa tions to Europe and America to bring the influence of the neutral powers in order to secure cessation of bloodshed, and I greatly desire that these efforts be crowned with success." GOES TO CONFERENCE. Hawaiian Territorial Bill Passed by the House. Washington, April 9. The house, after four days of debate, today passed the substitute for the senate bill pro viding for a territorial form of govern ment for Hawaii. The bill now goes to conference. The most interesting feature of the days' proceedings was the attempt of Hill, of Connecticut, to secure the adoption of two amendments, one pro viding for a resident commissioner in stead of a delegate in congress, and the other declaring that nothing in the. act should be interpreted, as a pledge of statehood. Both were overwhelmingly defeated. Deboe, of Kentucky, today gave no tice that he would move to refer the credentials of ex-Senator J. C. S. Blackburn, as a senator from that state, to committee on privileges and elec tions. During the greater part of the session the senate had under consideration-the Indian appropriation bill. Sullivan, of Mississippi, delivered a speech in favor of seating Hon. M. S. Quay. : Gold Mines raid Off. v Cripple Creek, Colo., April 9. Two hundred miners have been laid off at the Portland mine on 5 account of the high rates demanded by the smelters for the treatment of gold ores. Two Negroes Hanged. Baxlev, Ga., April 9. King and Louis Gossby, colored, who killed Dan iel Mims, a farmer, and his young child near here the. night of March 5 last, were executed here today. Chicago, April 9.- A strike of 100 power-house employes of the Chicago Street-Railway Company tied up 170 miles of electric lines tonight for two hours at the busiest time, and crippled the whole service for the rest of the night. The men who went out objected to a change from an eight to a 12-hour day. ' . Seoul, Corea, April 9. An agree ment has been consummated here whereby Russia disavows any design to obtain a port in the island of Quelpart and Corea promises not to concede the same to any other -power. DISASTROUS FLOOD IN TEXAS Great Dam atv Austin Is Car- ried Away. THIRTY OR FORTY LIVES LOST Similar- to the Johnstown Disaster . Great Loss to Property Part of the ; City Inundated. . . - f ."Austin, April 10. This city is to- nigbt in pitch darkness, with a raging river, one mile wide, swollen far be yond its natural banks, roaring and surging through all the lower portion of the town, having spread death and destruction in. its wake. In addition to the vast loss to property interests, it iaHealculated that between . 80 and . 40 lives have been sacrificed, and the re ports coming in from the tributary country tonight do not tend to improve matters.' The flood is not unlike, the disastrous Johnstown flood of some years ago,, in that a raging river, already swollen far beyond its capaci ty, bore to heavily upon an immense dam spanning a river, breaking it and letting loose a reservoir of water 80 miles long, half a mile wide and 60 feet deep, to aid in carrying destruction down the valleys of the Colorado river, The great dam in the Colorado gave way at noon from the enormous pres sure of water and debris, and with roar and. crash swept the valley below the uity, wrecking the immense light and power plant and drowning eight workmen. Last Wednesday night it began to rain very hard at this place, the storm extending north of here along the watersheds of the Colorado river. The precipitation continued until this morn ing, the downfall averaging six inches within an hour. All this vast quantity of water all along the watersheds of the Colorado river rapidly swelled the current until at 8 o'clock this morning the river, which had been rising steadi ly since last evening, was a raging tor rent, having risen 40 feet within 10 hours. ..' After daylight this morning it be came evident tfiat the situation was serious. The river began to rise so rapidly that it became evident that the dam, power house and contents. costing $500,000, were in imminent danger. To add to the danger of the Situation, small frame houses, trees and debris of every description commenced descending the river, and piled up against the upper face of the dam lhis weight was augmented every moment until by 10 o'clock there was a mass of debris lodged against the dam which threatened the safety of the structure. In addition, millions of gallons of water, muddy from ita long journey was whirling and plunging to tbi60-foof fall, and it was evident that o1vair ee4tl&-wkb?tao the. ..immense pressure. ' ' ' :r Breaking of the Dam. The crisis came shortly after 11 o'clock, when suddenly, with a report like the roar of the ocean, a great wedge, 25 feet high, 600 feet wide, and about 8 feet thick, rolled out of the center section of the dam, down the face of the 60-foot fall, deep into the river below. This left a hanging gap in the very middle of the dam, through which the debris and water fiercely poured, while the flood, already raging, was threatening everything in its path The released water poured into the powerhouse, catching eight ' employes at work there, drowning all of them. Within a snort time all the valleys to the south and west of Austin were filled to overflowing with water, and the southern portion of the city, tribu tary to the river, was' inundated. Large crowds collected on the river banks, and several persons were swept into the river when the dam broke, but all were saved by boatmen. A crowd of rhite people, numbering about 80, living just below the dam in tents, were seen at their habitations just before the dam broke and have not been accounted for since. . It is generally believed that all of them were swept away. A family of six negroes living in the valley south of the city are-'' known to have been drowned. It is estimated that more than 100 houses have been destroyed, and the loss to property will be , great. . The breaking of the dam engulfed the old water company's plant below the city, and it is tonight lying 15 feet under water, while the city is in darkness and without water. Caused a Serious Train Wreck. Laredo, Tex., April 10.- The north bound passenger train which . left here over the International & Great North ern railway this morning, was wrecked by the spreading of the rails near Two hig, about noon. The entire train, ex cept the engine, went into the ditch. Mail Agent Sobright was seriously in jured, and several others seriously hurt. Further details bave not been received here. The Rio Grande has "come to a stand at 26 feet, without damage to the bridges here, but the waterworks ma chinery is submerged, and the crops along the river have been destroyed. Piano and Organ Factory Burned. Chicago. April 10. Fire today partly destroyed the piano and organ factory of the M. S. Schurz Copmany, corner Morgan and Superior streets, entailing a loss of $50,000, covered by insurance. The cause is thought' to have been spon taneous combustion. - Saratoga Opera-House Burned. ' Saratoga, N. Y., April 10. The Sans Souci Opera House block and the Schaffer building, at Ballston, wen burned today. Loss, $150,000. Steel for the Kansas City Wigwam. . Pittsburg, April 10. The Carnegie Company has commenced shipment of the structural iron to be used in the construction of the convention building at Kansas City. As far as the Carnegie Com pansy is concerned, the building can be completed on time. traction of Glucose Works. ' eal, Ont., April 10. The se works here, which are a por- the Edwaidsburg starch works. impleteiy destroyed by fire to- Loss, $150,000. Caoin day. AMERICANS TOO FEW. Not Sufficient to Keep Filipino Insur- . gents Down. Manila, April 11. Reports of en counters between the Americans and the insurgents continue to an ive from many points. On Friday Captain Sturgis, while reconnoitering, struck an insurgent outpost on the Nevaliches road, five miles distant from Manila, killing two and captuiing 10. All were in full uniform. Unfortunate! v Captain Sturgis' force was not large enougn to pursue the main body. A detachment of the Forty-second infantry, while scouting in Laguna province, was pursued by the insur gents and obliged to takep refuge in a church at Paeto, where the Americans repelled the rebels until reinforced. Lieutenant Gordon, with a company of the Sixteenth infantry, while scout ing near Apart i, Cagavan province, en gaged 250 insurgents. Lieutenant Gordan was wounded. The insurgents made a night attack upon Calbayon, Island of Samai . Tbey killed the sentry, swarmed . into the town, and seaiched the house of Major bilmore, of the Forty-third infantry, who was absent. They killed his cook. Ultimately the Americans, drove them out of the town, killing four and cap turing 12; General Young, commanding in North Luzon, has made several requests for reinforcements, representing that his force is inadequate; that - the men are exhausted by the necessity of con stant vigilance; that ho is unable , to garrison the towns in his . jurisdiction; that the insurgents are returning to the district and killing the amigos, and that it is necessary for him to inflict punishment in several sections before the rainy season shall begin. General James Bell, who is commanding in Southern Luzon, has made similar rep resentations. He says his forces are inadequate, and he merely holds a few towns, without controlling the terri tory. The president of Sainal, province of Baar, Luzon, and another prominent native, have been assassinated because they were known to be friendly, to Americans. The president of another town has joined the insurgents because they had threatened to kill him if he did not. THE FLOODED COLORADO. Situation at Austin Is Slightly Im proved. Austin, Tex., April 11. The flood situation is improved here somewhat but the reports from points below in dicate that the full effect of the im mense volume of water is being felt in Wharton and Fayette counties, every thing being inundated and much loss of property and livestock being re ported. - In Bastrop county- the flood has caused much damage, and something lite 50 washouts and losses of bridges are reported by the railways. Advices from the area .surrounding the county seat of Bastrot) conn are tri the effect that there has' been1. ome uma vf Ufa among the farming class, .as their homes were inundated . without warn ing by the tidal wave, but outside of an unconfirmed report that eight lives were lost, nothing can be learned. In the southern part of this county several persons are missing, the num ber representing a family of six Ital ians, and two negro families, -whose homes have been washed away. The river is receding rapidly at this point and above, notwithstanding the fact that another heavy rise was. reported earlv this morning on the Concho, 125 miles north of here. Reports tonight from La Grande, in Fayette county, are to the effect that while much of the lower part of the town is under water, the property loss is small. No one is missing. SECTARIAN SCHOOLS. Senate Rejected the Amendment Pro viding for Them. Washington, April 11. After some further discussion today, the senate re jected the sectarian school amendment to the Indian appropriation bill, offered by Jones, of Arkansas, by a vote of 30 to 16 As has been the - practice for two or three years, the free homes measure was offered as an amendment to the bill, but it was ruled out on the point of order that it was general legis lation, and, therefore, not germane to an appropriation bill. Without divis ion, the bill was passed. The measure carries about $8,4.14,000. An unsuc cessful effort was made to agree upon a date for a vote on the resolution . rela tive to the seating of Quay as a senator from Pennsylvania. The effort will be renewed tomorrow. During the last two hours of the session, the Alaskan civil code bill was under consideration. An amendment offered by Hansbrough concerning the title to mining claims in the Cape Nome district provoked a warm debate. This was a dull day in the bouse. The agricultural appropriation bill was under consideration, and was made the vehicle of considerbale desultory de bate on irrelevant political topics. Good progress was made with the bill after the close of the general debate, 25 out of the 37 pages being covered before adjournment. A great many Christians . are dead wires because some one small part of the life is switched off from God. " Snow Storm In Montana. : Bozeman, Mont., April 11. Snow as been falling for the past 40 hours, and there are now nearly two feet on the level. The storm is the heaviest in 12 months. Farming lands needed snow or rain, and the benefit will be great. Guns for Portland Naval Reserve. Vallejo, Cal., April 11. Two three- inch field guns were sent to Portland, Or., from Mare island today, to be used by the naval militia. . Vacancies In the Army. Washington, April 11. At the nres- ent time there are 115 vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant in the army. Of these, 68 are in the infantry arm, 14 in the artillery and 27 in the cav alry. . There will probably be a few more places in each, depending upon examinations for promotion. About half of these vacancies will be filled by this year's graduates from the West Point military aoademrr. and half the remainder , through the customary ex amination ot noncommissioned otbeers in the regular service. Roberts Preparing for a Win ter Campaign. AWAITS CLOTHING AND HORSES In the Meantime, He Will Raise the Seige of Mafeking Boers Planned a Mined Ambush. London, April 11. Britons are now beginning, though reluctantly, to real ize that Lord Roberts is in for a winter campaign, lasting several months. This is the end, in a few words, of the high hopes based upon Lord Roberts' brilliant dash to Kimberley and Bloem fontein. Preparations are being made to hold Bloemfontein against surprises. Lord Kitchener has been given an important duty, being responsible for the protec tion of. the railway while Lord Roberts is waiting for remounts and winter clothing for the troops, whose thin cot ton khaki uniforms and boots are worn out. General Brabant and General Gatacre are both at a Ptandstill. Lord Roberts will probably for some time confine his operations to clearing the Free State behind him of raiders and to the relieving of Mafeking, for which purpose apparently the English division, now arriving at Cape Town, has been ordered to Kimberley. Lady Sarah Wilson and other Mafeking cor respondents send diaries of the doings there, showing that the Boers have tried, by abandoning their trenches, to lure the beseiged out into a mined ambush. Fortunately, the British en gineers .discovered the mine, cut the wire communication and unearthed 250 pounds of dynamite and war gelatine. What the chances are for an advance to Pretoria may be judged from the fact that only from 6,000 to 10,000 horses are on their way to the Cape, and from the further fact that the military tail oring department only within the last three weeks began making woolen kha ki uniforms. It is said it will take at least two months to provide 200,000 uniforms. Mr. Steyn's addiess to the Free State raad at Kroonstad is confirmed. The Fischer-Wolmarens deputation has full power to negotiate tor peace, subject to the laad's sanction. Lady Roberts will remain at- Cape Town. The Duke of Westminster, the Duke of Marlborough and Lord Henry Cavendish Bentwick have gone to the front. A MEXICAN LAND GRANT. Refusal to Recognize It May X.ead to International Negotiations. Monterey, Cal., April 11. A paper of considerable international import- anceias just been received from Lon don by Jacob JR.? Leeser- of thV--'" TTttfSs. The papeti is tne origiuaf grmis from the Mexican government, made in 1863, to Jacob P. Leese and , others of 18,000,000 acres of land in Lower Cali fornia for colonization purposes. At the time the grant was mado, Mexico was in a state of war, which continued practically until after the accension of Diaz to the presidency, and Leese and his associates found it difficult to induce colonists to go there. A further contract was made with the Mexican government, by which Leese paid $100,000 for the land upon the condition that if he failed' to colonize because of the war before the expira tion of an alloted time, the government was . to return him $50,000 of the amount. - This amount las never been paid, and it is stated that the Mexican gov ernment absolutely refuses to recognize Leese's claim. J. R. Leese, eldest son of Jacob P. Leese, received a deed from hia father shortly before the lat ter 's death, assigning him one-eighth of the entire 18,000,000 acres, and it is this, as well as the $50,000, for which he is fighting. He intends to move at once through the state department at Washington for a recognition of his claim and a restoration of his property and that of other heirs. Seeking Chinese Foothold. Tacoma, April 11. The steamer Monmouthshire brings news that the commercialists of Japan are agitating the question of Japan obtaining a foot hold in Foo Kien province, in Southern China, opposite Formosa. 1 : The Japan Export Society, founded by Count Inouyo, has appointed a committee of influential men to inves tigate the best methods of increasing the exports and decreasing the im ports. The same society sent one of its members to Foo Kien, which prov ince he reports rich in silver, iron, lead and coal. He recommends that min ing concessions be first secured, to be followed by railroad concessions be tween Foo Chow and Kiu Kong, 560 miles. -The port of Tswanchi, he says, should be opened to ' facilitate trade with Formosa. By order of the empress dowager, two of the most prominent Chinese reform ers have been sezied and probably exe cuted. A Mexican land grant to Jacob Leese, made in 1863, may cause trouble between Mexico and the United States. War in Colombia Spreading. Kingston, Jamaica, April 11. Co lombian advices just received here an nounce that a rebel attack is momen tarily expected at Savanima. It is added that the place has been prepared for the expected movement, and that artillery has been trained so as to com mand the harbor. At Cartagena, all is excitement, owing to the rebels' suc cesses, and a large body of government troops has arrived at Colon to stengthen the garrison there. German Insurance Company Sues. San Francisco. Am-il 11. The Trans- Atlantic Fire & - Marina Tnaurannn Company, of Berlin, today filed a suit in the United StAtpa niivnir. onn-rt against Thainhauser & Co., for $48, 394, claimed to be due. The company withdrew its agency from the local firm in Januarv. 18911. nnrl a fall aoM-ln. ment was not made . at that time, ac cording to the plaintiffs. , : - Chicago, April 11. Michael J. Sa- dowski, managing editor of the Na tional Polish Daily News, died at his home in this city Sunday, SPRING TRADE SITUATION. Favorable Weather Brings an improved Retail Distribution. Bradstreet's says: Favorable features continue in the majority in the general trade situation. The hopes for the ad vent for seasonable spring weather have been realized, and nearly all mar kets report an improved di.iribution at retail This, as explained heretofore, is really the key of the general mer chandise situation. The industrial sit uation is a rather spotted one. April 1, instead of May 1, seems to have been fixed upon as a date for presenting new demands as to wages and hours. Wheat crop advices aro on the whole favorable except from ' the Central West. Sympathy is shown with corn, which in turn has been influenced by the steady advance in hog products and by the known smallncss of reserves in . cribs and in store. Cotton goods are seasonably quiet at first hands, but a fair jobbing business is doing, and retail distribution is en couraging. Wool - is on the whole weaker, but reports from the woolen goods branch are quite favorable. Cancellations reported are the smallest there is record of. Lumber has shown some weakness, a widely separated market this week pointing to not alto gether satisfactory outlook in the build ing trades, whether because of heavy advances in prices or ot unsettled la bor conditions. Wheat (including flour) shipments for the week aggregate 8,864,963 Bush sis, against 2,962,349 last week. Business failures in the United . States for the week number 182, as compared with 178 last week. For the first quarter of the year, failures are fewer in number than in 1899, and liabilities are 7 per cent smaller. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $2.002.75 per sack. ' Lettuce, hot house, 45c per doa. Potatoes, new, $17 18. ! Beets, per sack, 75 85c. Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 75c. Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower, 75c $1 per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, $1.00(31.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 25o per pound; dairy, 17 22c; ranch) 17o per pound. Eggs 1516c. Cheese Native, 15c. Poultry 13 14c; dressed, 14 15c; spring, $5. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00 19.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, -$20; , Flotu? Patent,, per barrel, $3.25; blended straights, $3.00; ' California, $3.25; buckwheat $6.00. sra- . $3.00: rye flour, f. Millstnffs Bras,'- 'J''mmJ shorts, per ton, $14.v0r--a'- Feed- Chopped: feed, $19.00 per ton; middling er ton, $20; Oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00.' ' : Fresh Meats Choice dressed beel steers, 7 80; cows, 7o; mutton 80;: pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 Hi breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides, . 8c. . Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 5455o;. Valley, 54c; Bluestem, 57c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, , $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. . Oats Choice white, 35 36c; choice gray, 34o per bushel. - Barley Feed barley, $14 14.60; brewing, $17.00 17.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. - . . Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7 7.50; Oregon wild hay", $6 7 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 40 45c; seconds, 40c; dairy, . 80 87 o , store, 2532o. Eggs llMo per dozen. 1 Cheese Oregon ; full . cream,' 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo per pound. i Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 4.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, ' $2.503.60; geese, $6.508.00 forold; $4.506.50; ducks, $5.50 6.00 per dozen; ' turkeys, . live, ' 10llo per pound. . ' ; ' 1 - .' Potatoes 40 50o per sack; sweets, 22jo per pound. . , Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o; per. sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lo per pound; parsnips, 75; onions, $2.50 3.00; carrots," 50c. ' Hops 3 80 per pound ". Wool Valley, 16 18c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 27 SOo per pound. ' Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7 7Ko pr pound; lambs, $2.50 each. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, . $5.006.50 per 100 pounds. . - Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.50; ' cows, $3.50 4.00; dressed beef, 6 7o per pound. " Veal Large, 676c; small, 8 8c per pound. - Tallow 55c; No. 2 and grease, 8Ji4o per pound. Ban Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 13 15c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 16c; Val ley, 20 22c; Northern, 10 12c. . , Hops 1899 crop, ll13o per ... pound. - ' : Butter Fancy creamery 17c; do seconds, 16 16Kc; fancy dairy, 16c; do seconds, 1815o per pound. , - Eggs Store, 14c; fancy -.-ranch, lec - , ... , ; Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.50 13.50." Hay Wheat $6.60 9.50; wheat and oat $6.009.00; best barley $5.00 7.00; alfalfa, $5.006.60 per ton; ' straw, 25 40o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 76c; Ore gon Burbanks, 60c$1.00; river Bur banks, 40 '70c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, ' Valencia, . $2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00, 5.00; California lemons 75o$1.50; do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50 9.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, . 6 6X0 per pond. i