r H UNION Betab. July, 1SST. GAZETTE Eatab. Dec., 1863. ' Consolidate. Fe. 1899. COEVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, r 1900. VOL. XXX VII. NO. 16. UNION I NEIYS OF THE HM From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS CMprwheii.lT Review of the Import aat Happanlnu of the Put Week Culled From the Telegraph Column The Boers front. are rushing men to tha Latest advices report two new caset of plague at Honolulu. Five men were killed by an explo ion jn a paper mill at Erie, Pa. President McKinley has again re fused to interfere in the Kentucky squabble. Relations between Russia and Tur key are badly strained and war pre par' ationa are in progress. Several men wjre seirously hart a Laramie, Wy., by an explosion at the Union Pacific oil house. W. II . Cotton, charged with com plicity in the murder of Goebel, is said to have turned state's evidence. ' Boers are blowing up the coal minei in Natal. The Dundee colliery, with its machinery, has been destroyed. Harvey L. Goodall, for SO years the publisher and proprietor of the Drover'i Journal, died in Chicago of heart fail are. The navy department' will investi gate the value of Crab island, south' east of Puerto Rico, as a coaling sta' tion. General Joubert, the intrepid leader of the Transvaal forces, is dead. He . had been suffering from stomach com plaint. ' , . The coasting steamei Glenelge found' ered during a gale off the Gippsland coast. Australia. Out of a ship's com pany of 33, only three were saved. Rear-Admiral Benjamin F. Day has been retired. Captain Terry, com manding the Washington navy yard, will be promoted to the vacancy. Prof. Man, the profound student of Pompeiian antiquities, proves conclu sively that Pompeii was a well-paved city 44 years before the birth of Christ. In Chicago, Albert Stedge, 17 years old, avenged the insults - cast Upon his mother by William Hobson, a boarder, by dealing Hobson a fatal blow over the head with a barrel stave. The commecrial treaties committee of the Italian chamber of ' deputies has discussed and approved in principle the . reciprocity arrangement, under the third section of the Dingfey act, recent ly, signed in Washington by Baron Fava, Italian ambassador to the United ..States, and Mr. Kasson, special pleni potentiary for the United States. A story of suffering and death from . starvation cornea from San Nicholas Island, off the California coast. A party of three Chinamen had been on the island for six months gathering and curing abalones. Three months ago an unknown sloop from San Pedro, Cal., called at the island. During the Absence of the Chinamen, the visitors stole everything eatable from the camp and put to - sea. One of the Chinese died about a month ago, and the other two, when rescued, were too weak to move. ; i The Danish Antilles have been sold to the United States. ' Dr. Edward E. Fall, an old pioneer of Walla Walla, is dead, aged 92. v .. General Botha denies that Transvaal women were wounded in the Tugela trenches. The transport Sheridan arrived at San Francisco, from Manila, with 88 sick soldiers and 11 insane. ' At a cabinet council it was decided to officially inaugurate the Paris expo sition on Saturday, April 14. Seattle, Wash., is overflowing with criminals. Twenty additional police men were called for within a week. Cape Colony Dutch declare that Eng land will make a mistake if she de prives the South African republics of their Independence. t A large number of miners and pros . -pectors from Utah and - Colorado have arrived at Baker City, Or., ready to go out into the hills adjacent. The Russian squadron is at Che mulpo, in the Yellow sea. It is believed this presages a -demand for a conces ' -sion of land in Korea. Japan is un easy. The war department has recognized Honolulu as an open port. The trans port Hancock, which sails with the Philippine commission on April 10, will stop there. f A severe .fight has taken place be tween "Boxers" and imperial troops at Yen Chin, Chi Li. Each force num bered 1,500 men and there were casual ties on both sides. " .'-," Representatives Wilson, of Idaho, ;nd Cushman and Jones, of . Washing ton, are urging a governmental appro priation of $454,000 to build a portage xailroad at The Dalles, Or. The United States government will establish postal service to Nome City. Chicago sends 40,000 quarters of dressed "English beef" to England every week. The sugar trust profits are about $12, 000,000 a year in spite of fluctuation in the value of its stock. A New York grand jury will invest!' gate gambling houses, said to pay Tam many $3,000,000 a year for police pro tection. A proposition has been made to equip 27 cities with a pneumatic tube mai service for $2,522,000. All the 20,000 employes of tht National Tube trust will receive as Increase of 10 per cent in wages, be ginning April 1 next. . The Illinois River Valley Association will petition congress to name a federal commission to supervise the deep waterway project. Massachusetts has 116 street railway companies, controling 1,492 miles. Last year the increase in mileage in the state was 85. LATER NEWS. Boers are surrounding Methnen. Republicans elected their entire ticket at Cincinnati. ... Democrats made several striking gains in Michigan. Plumbers of Cleveland are on a strike for higher wages. Wiliam J. Bryan spoke to a crowd of 18,000 people at Seattle. - Fire at Newport, Ark., destroyed property to the amount of $500,000. ' Roberts' communication with Kim- berley has been cut off by the Boers. No Puerto Rican franchises will be granted until government is estab lished. Two small boys of Astoria, Or., were drowned in the Columbia while out in a small boat. Boers captured seven guns and 350 men in an engagement 17 miles from HlnftmfAntAln Painters and carpenters of 8. Louis are on a strike, pending adjustment of their demand for higher wages. Beri-beri, small-pox ' and bubonic plague are prevalent at Manila, estab lishing a death rate of over 40 per 1,000, Webster Davis, assistant secretary of the interior, has resigned to go on the lecture platform in the interest of the Boers., Governor Roosevelt, of New York has signed the bill repealing the Horton boxine law. It will eo into effect September 1. There is a eeneral desire among all classes in the Philippines for a speedy establishment of some form of perman' ent government. Joe Pete,' an Indian, under sentence of death for murder at Carson, Nev., has escaped from custody. He was to have been hanged May 4. Diamonds, jewelry and money to the value of $16,000 was stolen from a Philadelphia residence, and suspicion rests on the coachman, who is missing. A British steam launch was captured by pirates near the Check Heung Shan district, the pilot of the boat murdered and the launch and lighter, which had in tow, looted. , In a severe engagement near Bolivar, Venezuela, General Hernandez was. de feated by General Penalosa, command ing the government troops. The revo lutionists lost 223 killed. . Because he was suspected of being a spy of a rival company, Choy Fook, Chinese fisherman at Point San Pedro, Cal., was tied by five members of the vaiious companies to a beacon stake on a barren rock in Richardson's bay, and there left for two days . without food or water. When discovered he was almost in a dying condition. His would be murderers have not yet been captured. Lord Roberts is advancing on Pretoria. ' . : " An underground railroad is to be constructed in Berlin, at a cost of $25, 000.000. The government is taking vigorous measures to suppress outlawry la the Philippines. ;. Until the tariff question is settled business in .Puerto Rico will remain at a standstill. The double turrets of the new battle r ship Kearsarge have been tested . and proven a success. . Ex-United States Senator Gibson, of Maryland, died of heart disease at Washington, D. C. General .Louis Botha has been ap pointed to succeed General Joubert in command of the Boer army. 1 The 57th annual boat race between Cambridge and Oxford, resulted in an easy victory for Cambridge. Senator McBride introduced a bill creating a Crater Lake National park. at Crater lake, Southern Oregon. Seattle printers have raised the price of job work 30 to 50 per cent, caused by the increased cost of stocky and high rentals. ' l' Russia is active. Military prepara tions in several directions are being pushed with vigor. War with Japan is not probable. John Hayslip, of Kansas City, has been found guilty of murder in the sec ond degree and sentenced to 90 years in the penitentiary. Robert Bradley, alias Barclay, has been arrettad in San FranoUvo, for counterfeiting silver dollars. An en tire outfit was captured. Several persons perished by being burned by the igniting of petroleum tanks, caused by a collision between two trains, at Vladivkokos, Caucasus. All the coal mines in Indiana have suspended operations, due to the failure of the operators to sign a wage contract for the year. About 9,000 men are" idle as a result. All the coal miners in the Pittsburg, Pa., district, celebrated the establish ment of an eight-hour - working day, causing complete idleness in the dis trict for one day. The Hamburg-American line steam ship Phoenicia, which arrived at New York from Hamburg and Boulogne, brought 2,038 steerage passengers, the largest number of immigrants arriving by any steamer in many years. Santa Clara county's (Cuba) tobacco crop will be the largest on record. Gen. Winslow says Cuba's future de pends upon agricultural prosperity. In the Klondike eggs are now selling for $120 a case and beef at $1.60 a pound. Capt. Silas W. Terry, late in com mand of the Iowa, has been assigned to succeed Admiral McCormick as Commandant of the Washington navy yard. .- In New York city 150 retail drug gists have formed an association to compete with department stores. . The Panama Canal Company hopes to sell its rights to the United States or to an American syndicate. Mayor Van Wyck, of New York, has issued a dictum to reporters in which he positively refuses to be interviewed for publication hereafter. . There are 16 Yale men in the present congress. Five of these are senators, E. O. Wolcott, W. M. Stewart, T. C. Piatt, C. M. Depew and G. P. Wet more, -.'."a THE BRITISH IN I IP Lost Guns and Men While in -, . Ambush. . . FIGHT NEAR BLOEMFONTEIN Cores That Escaped. Did So by an All- Night March, and Wu Smartly Pur sued by the Burghers. Bushman Kop, April 2. The British force commanded by ' Colonel Broad wood, consisting of the Tenth Hussars, Household cavalry, two horse batteries and a force of mounted infantry under Colonel Pilcher, which has been garri soning . Thabanchu, - was obliged, in consequence of the near approach of a lagre force of Boers, to leave last night. Colonel Broad wood marched . to the Bloemfontein water ' works, south of the Modder, where he encamped at 4 this 1 morning. At early dawn the camp was shelled by the enemy from a near point. Colonel Broadwood sent off a convoy with the batteries, while the rest of the force remained to act as a rear guard. The convoy arrived at a deep sprnt, where the Boers weie con cealed, and the entire body walked into ambush and was captuied, together with six guns. . - The loss of life was not great, since most of the British had walked into the trap before a shot was fired. . ADRIFT ON THE PACIFIC. Steamer Cleveland, With Broken Shaft and a Sugar Cargo. w , San Francisco, April 3. Advices from Honolulu, tinder date of March 23, state that the well-known steamer Cleveland, bound for San Francisco, with a $100,000 cargo of sugar from Kahului, is adrift with a broken shatt and practically helpless in the open sea. - When last heard from she was several hundred miles . from Maui. Three of its crew left the steamer in a small boat" to go to Maui for assistance. They were spoken by the steamer Eric, March 20, 40 miles from Maui The men in the boat stated that the Cleveland, when they left her, was 380 miles north-northwest of the island of Maui. The little boat had traveled 280 miles of the journey to Maui, a trip that must have required six - days, so that the Cleveland must have moved a good deal since she was last located, She has two yards and can put up t little sail, but not enough to control her movements. A steamer has gone to search for her. About two years ago tbe Cleveland met with a similar accident between San Francisco and Puget Sound. After being abandoned by her crew she went ashore on Vancouver Island. During the civil war the Cleveland was a blockade runner and was captured on one of her trips to Charleston.. . She was built in 1861, and has seen service of all kinds, all over the world. Her name has been changed many times Lately she was nsed as a transport for the Philippines. Chicago Playhouse Burned. -Chicago, April 2. The Columbia theater, one of the oldest and most pop ular playhouses in the west, was de stroyed by fire this afternoon, entailing a total loss of $190,000. The fire was discovered in the laundry of the Iro quois Club, which occupies apartments on the sixth floor of the building The flames spread with great rapidity. and within 10 minutes after tbe discov ery of the fire the theater was beyond saving. Occupants of the building and employes of the theater and the club were driven to the street in such haste that in the excitement three ' women were overcome and carried down the stairs. ' Picked Up British Cannon Savannah, Ga., ApiilS. The dredge Babcock, at work in the river here to day, picked up two old type English cannon, in a man-of-war wreck. . ; One gun weighs about 1,000 pounds and the other 850 pounds.' The vessel is sup posed to have been sunk at the time of the British occupation of this cit when the French allies sailed up tl river to attack them. A - number of cannon balls and several silver coins of a date more than 100 years ago have also been taken out. " Mission Board PIre Loss. ?. Pittsburg. April 3. Fire tonight in the McClintock building caused sT" loss of $75,000. Among the. losers is the board of missions for freedmen, of the Presbyterian church. Rosenbaum & Co.'s retail millinery establishment, on tbe ground floor, was , literally drenched with water, causing a loss of $50,000. , Took Morphine and pied. Butte, Mont., April 3. Aoout eight months ago, Gustav Henry Geyer, an I old timer, sold his interest in a mine for several thousand dollars. - This money he has been spending as rapidly as possible. Yesterday the last cent went. Today he took morphine and died. Damage by Frost in Mississippi. -! Jackson, Miss., April 3. Heavy frosts have done considerable damage to the fruit and vegetable crop in, cen tral and Southern Mississippi, in some instances amounting to 35 per cent. Torpedo-Boat Boiler Exploded. Cherbourg, France, April 8. The boiler of a French torpedo boat exploded yesterday during forced draught trials, and five of the crew were terribly burned. One died, and another, unable to bear the agony, jumped into the sea and was drowned. More Cases in Sydney. Sydney, N. S. W April 3. Eleven fresh cases of bubonic plague were offi cially reported today. Two additional deaths have occurred. Peculiar Accident. A very peculiar accident happened at Lebanon, Or., a few days ago. Blonde Carlton was sitting on a horse rar smoking a pipe, when he slipped an fell forward upon his face. - The pipe- stem was driven up through his nose,' making a hole that caused the use of eight or nine stitches in dressing it. First Electric Car in Santiago. : Santiago de Chile, via Galveston, April 3. The first electric tram car ever operated in this city went over the lines today successfully. Popular in forest in the event was keep- STORIES FROM KIMBERLEY. Some of the Hardships of the Siege the Diamond Town. of London; April 2. The Standard's correspondent at Kimberley, writing of the hardships of $he siege, says: - Tor many days the novelty of eat ing . horseflesh - formed an agreeable break. in the war talk. Starving peo ple, however, take kindly to any arti cle of food. - Personally, although J have always found a piece of succulent horseflesh excellent eating. I am not taking any of it in Kimberley. Not only are the wretched animals reduced; to skin and bone, but there is a prevail ing epidemic of influenza and cough. among them, which forces me to a band on its use. It is. however, daily served out to the soldiers as well as the peo ple, though there are cases of anthrax in the- hospitals and . an outbreak .of scurvy in many of the redoubts.' 7 There also has broken out' a peculiar formof throat trouble, which may owe its origin to this article of food. At 9:30 P.-M. all conversation ceases; and mm ore stop, for, by proclamation, -ail lights except electric or acetylene - gat must be extinguished. ' "There are many cases of extreme suffering, which, although due to, tbe siege, have reached a climax from con stitutional circumstances. :; There' : are ladies in Kimberley tonight ; strapped to their beds and wearing straigbtjack ets, mad from sheer nervOusness-'-and fright. -'.""rciB 'iraijs-s&k ''It is the red tape which makes - the strain heavier than it otherwise- would be. ' After we bad been for weeks shut up in Kimberley not at the best"' the most cheerful place in the universe our hearts became specifically : fixed on our portion of the -British ' army the relief column. By accident, we learned that it had reached Modder river, after a sharp engagement at .Belmont, Eagerly we awaited news from .. Lord Methuen. Men and women . scanned tbe horizon nights to seek the 'first flash from' his searchlight. All night long our three searchlights sent their long streams of fiery light past the rugged fastness of . Soholtzes' . Nek, and the rocky kopjes of Spyfontein to the two rivers, on whose banks our preservers were encamped. Md, Md, Md,' they called out, but no answer came. Only the big 8 tars could .-.berr-seeni.-.Aad-the Southern Cross , seemed to whisper, 'Patience'. At last, ne'1 night", - -far from the south, came the welcome flash, 'Kb, Kb, Kb,' it said. High up in the conning tower sat Lieutenant Colonel Kekewich and his staff officers with picked men from the signal corps. Anxiously they deciphered thd'V-first message from their honored; chief.; ;- It was this: 'Ascertain number on -forefoot of mule omitted in Cape Town return.' " ' TREATMENT OF A GOVERNOR. Distinguished Nicaragua Citizen Bobbed ; "-. and Exiled in Costa Rica. New Orleans, April 2. Carlos Lc cay, former governor of Bluefields, arrived here last, night "after an. excit ing experineca 74 Ooeta;:lii;:r. He left Nicaiagua a few week s ago,; with M ihei C. Keith, being deputized by President Zelaya to place some railroad bonds with New York capitalists.. v;InYv.i;ew of the strained relations between the two countries, he was arrested, his money, taken .from- him, and finally ex iled and 'placed' aboard'' the- ship' for New Orleans.- - He will return:.-to:Nica- ragua. The incident is likely to create further complications. ' - :., - Locayo'was arrested in San Jose, he claims, by the order of the president of Cdsta Ricai About $8,0q0as:iaken frpitr his peTSonv s'-Ue was: 'escorted to Port .Lima and placed aboard .the His "pa'na, toVwhfch? his .money !"'was also turned over. : It is presumed that Costa R3a feared that he came there to for ment.troabie'.-,": : ;'"!-.,:.,.. vWeldpn Roberts, . Melville : Mox lev and 'Joseph Stringham. members 'of the Nic&Tf gu .survey; party, "!ere also aboard the ship:': They were forced to abandon their survey 175 miles south of Colon bv the' attacks of' the Sa- sardi Indians. , AMERICANS BOUGHT; :. WRECK. Spanish - TVarshlp . Will . Be-Broken '.Vp ' i- -i" for the Metal Jn-Itrj - New: York. Anril. 2. -Gaston Drake. oi Nassau, Bahama islands," with other Americans,- now owns the wreck of the Spanish, warship, Jnfanta-Maria . Teresa, lying in two fathoms of water near Bird' Point, Cat island? Drake and his' assojia,tes --purpose ." to! "break- up the wreck for the metal in it. ' - " Mr. Drake and his associates 'want to bring; the metal into . .this reountry duty free. ..Mr. Drake's lawyers asked the' treasury department if this could beidone-:: In reply.:: counsel- for the treasury department wrote;- The Spanish war vessel was not the property of the ' United States at the time she was originally wrecked, but was the property -gf-- the Spanish gov ernment, and as th'w United States gov ernment has abandoned tfle-- vessel on Cat 'inland, its ownership changed form the United States to private citi zens. . Therefore the wrecked mater ial; upon its importation into the Uni ted States, would be dutiable' '2 Mr, Drake and his partners believe there would be profit in the importa tion of the old metal; from : the wreck, if admitted free of: duty bnt not other wise. .... ''-"',. '. Fighting in North Africa. Paris, April 2. An oflicial account has been issued of the 'victory of the French troops, over an Arab army at Inrahr, which . recently occupied the oasis of Insalah, southwest of Algeria. The French learned of the scheme and decided to storm the enemy's position, which Was successfully carried on March 111 by a column led by ' Lieuten ant-Colonel Eu; The : town J was- first bom barded,'- and then : - stormed, th e Arab warriors making their last stand in the mosques.-; They left 600 killed and a hundred wounded on the field. An additional 45prisoners were taken. The French losses were nine native sol diers killed, 38. wounded , and. two offi cers wounded. . I ' ' - ' Act of an Insne' Wood chopper. - Calais, Me., March 81. Fred' Rey nolds, a woodchopper a Red Beiachr 10 miles from here, became insane -' today and killed his wife and one .son .with an ax, injured another son" seriouslJT. and. burned the house ; to , the ground., Reynolds then ran up the street,. -flou ishing the ax,, but was arrested and1: brought to this city for safe keeping. British Vanguard Clearing- WV Way.7 -jI BOERS D R I VE N" "FR OM " KOPJES British'' Casualties 4i the Engagement Wm Oier One Hundred Men The .Transport -Senrlce. LondonrApnDS. The head of the r arm y iof Lord Roberts is now about 21 miles north of Bloemfontein. It occur pies -a cluster; of 'hills swo from the Boers after a stiff fight, in which the Brrtisbl -lost ven-'bfficers-;navS00 men.. j ;Thej Bom jh'ave. ben, using these kopjes as a base for marauding bands that have been beating - np the country Jajjjacent to Bloemfontein for supples, driving off .cattle and . forcing non-resi dent Free-- Staters into 'their ranks again. The Boers must have been in considerable force, - as Lord Roberts sent 8,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry against them. '-" --"'-''' - - : -v;; ; v Lord ," "Roberts' progress tQ: Pretoria will probably consist of such forward movements', in 'which--Boer positions will he. attacked by a portion of the 8rmy . advancing . rapidly with . wheel transport, the main army coming up as the railway is repaired. .. 4 ;. Lord Roberts is stripping the forces in the minor spheres of operations of their wagons and transport animals in order to hasten the .advance. This is understood to be the resaon why he re called . Lord Methuen from Barkly West to Kimberley. Lord Roberts has to have Methuen 's transport. General French-lost. 3.000 horses in the relief of Kimberley and the pursuit pf General Cronje." Lord Roberts lost 5,000 transport- cattle at Watervaal Drift, and it is estimated that he has lost 4,000 other animals since the for ward movement began February 13. Tbe advance beyond Bloemfontein ir through a bare country, and the supply nfficers forsee an increasing difficulty in proivding for a great army moving along, a . single. Jine of railway, even wheD the' "latter, is working smoothly Sad with ample rolling stock. X The Canadian mounted rifles were partof the force that occupiea xen- hsrdt yesterday." The rebellion through out the northwest districts of Cape Col ony is almost suppressed. Strike Averted. flhiciiiimi-ATiril 2. A settlement 01 the strike in the machine shops of Chi- cago was reached today. It is a settle ment which is to be -national in its scope, and under its terms the general strike, timed to involve 150,000 ma chinists of the country about April 1, will - be . averted. Work is to be re sumed here Monday, and at Cleveland, rson,; N and Philadelphia. A; nmKna ' m . f 4-1, llfv nrtlAM m urike was in force, a settlement, was reached -Thursday afternoon. In all these five cities the men agree to return to work pending arbitration of the is sues in the controversy. .- Coal-Mine Blot. - Dubois, Pa., April 2. The striking miners at the Horatio mines of the Ber wind-White Coal Mining Company at tacked the few men who have re mained at work when they came out of the mines tonight. Over 100 shots were fired, resulting in the serious wounding of three persons. The sheriff was called upon and arrested 40 men and women who participated in the fight. The sheriff is now guarding the property of the company. '. '; .r. Hurst Confessed "Glendive, Mont., April 2. Joseph Ci Hurst was executed in the jail yard here today for the murder of Sheriff Dominick Cavanaugh, December 23, 1898. His wife and two children and hear relatives took their last leave of the condemned man vesterday after noon. . People had petroled the streets since early last evening and for a time it was feared Hurst would be lynched, Hurst coniessed to committing the mur der. " . Price on a Reformer's Head. u. San Francisco, April 2. Should Xeung Chi Tso come to San Francisco he may have the highbinder societies at his heels. The value placed upon Leung's head is $65,000, and posters placed conspicuously in Chinatown to day announce that the reformer is badly wanted, dead or alive, by the Chinese government. Leung is now at Honolulu. He has declared is inten tion of coming to this city at a near date, and will ask for police protection here. He . left China the first of the year, and alter having snavea on me queue, he started for America. A San Francisco Fire. " San Francisco, April 2. Fire to night destroyed the Yosemite floui mills, a four-story brick. building; the factory of ' the California Paste Com pany, a three-story trame structure, part of which was occupied bv the Cus tom Grain & Fuel Company, and sev eral small houses, burning out four families. The buildings were all owned by C. R. Splivato, and the total fireman was burnedby an electric light ? wire, and two spectators were injured by falling over obstructions. War Talk at Sebastopol. London, April 2. The Sebastopol correspondent of the Daily Graphic says: "War alarms fill the navy head- quarters here. The whole Euxine nnarlrrn ia fnllv Mininmil tnr instant service. Troops with full war kits are ! dailv arriving from tha interior. Tha 1 PHrriHon will soon he ft Toierfiil arm corns. There ia much excitement ' among the staffs of both services, and uv" uoou jl"'u"'u "J no Bnerin oi all the talk is of bringing Turkey to her' 41118 county. Ruiz has made a con es sences bv forcible measures." i sion implicating a number of settlers - i New York, March 31. Sir William i Van Horne, chairman of the executive board of the Canadian Faoifio, has just returned from Cuba, where he intends to make extensive investments in rail road and Other properties. He said to day that the reports of his acquisition of all the Cuban railroads was very much exaggerated, though admitting that he had already invested in several enterprises on the island. The Canadian Paper Makers' Asso ciation has adopted a scale increasing prices of paper from 10 to 15 per cent CAUSE. OF PHILIPPINE REVOLT. A Manila Reverend Says Bishop Pot- 4 ter's Statement la Untrue. -rMew York, April 4. Rev. Joseph M. A1fue, director of the observatory at jJtanua, who is now in Washington, lists' is sued a statement in reply to Bish 93j.)Henry C. Potter and ; his secretary, Rev. Percy S. Grant, regarding affairs in the Philippines. -V'The bishop's main point," the statement says, "is to prove that the religious orders have robbed tbe people. But if the people pay the necessary ' Charges for these certificates willingly, now can it be called robbery?" - "That thousands of people live in practical concabinage," as charged by -the bishop, is denied, although the writer admits that some" do live that way, and asserts that "there, as every where, are found a few instances of that kind." . . That it was the church taxes which caused the people to revolt is emphatic ally denied. The writer says the causes of the revolt against the United States are like . the causes of that against Spain, complicated, and . "Bishop Pot ter has no right to state that the cause of the outbreak - among 'the native against Spain was the taxation of the religious orders and friars in the ad ministration of the sacrament." In proof of this it is stated that most of the important parishes in the archi pelago are administered by the natives themselves as priests, and at all the parishes - 'the same ecclesiastical laws as to taxes was enforced by these secu lar priests, and it is a matter of history that nobody objected to it. Therefore nobody can honestly state that the cause of the rebellion of the natives against Spain was the requiring of the taxes in the administration of the sao lament." ' '' ' Starving Puerto Rlcans. - New York. April , 4. The auxiliary cruiser Buffalo, which has been lying in the Brooklyn navy yard since she returned from - Manila last summer, is to be commissioned again tomorrow as a training ship for the second batch of landsmen, of - whom tbe United States is trying to make able, seamen. She will sail later in the week for Norfolk, where she will take on part of her crew, and then start for a Mediterranean cruise. - The Buffalo will have 200 young m on board when she leaves the Brooklyn navy yard, and will pick up 250 at Norfolk. She will follow the route of the Dixie, which took out the first lot of "rookies," as the bluejackets call them, some months ago. The young men have all been enlisted inland. Most of them come from the farms, and many bave never seen a ship before. They are a healthy lot, however, and the government has found that they pick up seaman's lore pretty quickly. Solution for the Labor Problem. . . New York, April 4. "We must or ganize the girls. When this is done it will be easy to get the boys into the i , a ,s This was tbe advice given by Isaac Cowen, of the Amalgamated Society of Engravers, in an address to the Central Federated Union last night. '. "When the girls tell me," he said, "that they don't expect to remain long at work, I reply 'You have only one chance in 15 to get married,' and if you are the lucky fifteenth one, the chances are even that you will have to support your husband instead of your husband supporting you.' " - . The Rev. Leighton Williams took the same line in an address before the Social Progress League. "The weakness of the, labor move ment," he said, "is in its' lack of wo men, just as the strength of the church is in its women." Bold Robbery of a Brewery. St. " Louis, April 4. Three masked men looted the Star Brewery office, at Belleville, 111., today, after first cap turing and confining the watchman and night fireman of the plant in an empty refrigerator car. As the robbers were preparing to blow open the big safe in the office, Hubert Hartman, sec retary of the brewery, accompanied by his brother Hans, entered the room. They were promptly covered with three revolvers, and before either of them realized the situation, were marched to the same car in which the fireman and watchman were confined. ' Then, after drilling the safe, they applied, charges, and the outer and inner doors were blown completely open. It is not known just how much they secured. but the amount is thought not to be over $ioo, besides some jewelry and valuable papers. ,. Fatal Schoolhouse Fire. Owosso, Mich., April 3. Two fire men were killed by falling walls today in a fire which destroyed the Central High school. Three other firemen were seriously injured, and two pupils of the school were badly hurt. , The fire spread to all parts of the large build ing. The schoolhouse was on a large hill, and tbe engines were unable to furnish sufficient force to render the fire department of much use. Loss,' f 125, 000; insurance, $46,000. Inhaled Gas and Died. New York, April 4. Mrs. Kare Jor dan, who lived with her son Milton E. l'JT'L 7" vZZ in handsome apartments in Forty-sec ond street, committed suicide today by inhaling - illuminating gas. Several days ago Mrs. Jordan wrote a number of letters indicating that she intended to take her life. Leader of Cattle Thieves Confesses. Denver, April a special w me News from AlamOgOrda, N. M., Says: "R- Kuiz' thfl noted Jandit ,ead I ot a gang of cattle thieves that have I "l"""" " ouumcm New Mexico, and one of his followers iaiuug cue mu urauue," it . , ; i .. Receiver for a Railroad. St. Louis, April 4. Judge Amos Thayer, of the United States, circuit court, has appointed Charles H. Chop pell, of Chicago, and James Hopkins, of St. Louis, receivers for the Kansas City & Northern Connecting Railroad. He also issued orders authorizing Chop pell and Hopkins to borrow the sum of $525,000, at not exceeding 5 per cent interest, and $300,000, on the same terms, to be expended on the Omaha & St. Louis Railroad Company and the Omaha, Kansas City & Eastern Rail road Company, respectively. FREIGHT U KKFJ frestle on Spokane & North-; em Gave Way. CARS AND CONTENTS BURNED Rotten Bridge the Cause of the Ac cident The Head Brakeman Was Severely Injured. spnngaaie, wash., April 4. At an early hour this morning, the north bound freight train on the Spokane & Northern, consisting of an engine and 31 cars, loaded with general freight, went through the trestle at Sheep creek, half a mile north of Springdale. Charles Dunlap, head brakeman, was severely injured, two libs being ' broken. The rest of the train crew escaped with a few bruises. Four. tramps were steal ing a ride, but none was severely hurt. The rotten condition of the trestle is said to have been the cause of the acci dent. The trestle is 350 feet long and 40 feet high. j The engine and one car had reached the northern approach, when, without warning, the big trestle gave way, car rying 20 cars to the gulch below. The caboose and eight cars remained on the southern approach. Not a timber of the trestle was left in place. Brake man Dunlap jumped on the lower side, and rolled down the bank. The rest of the train crew jumped on the upper side, and were not hurt. The four tramps went down with tbe cars, but miraculously escaped with' a general shaking up. As soon as the cars reach ed the bottom they caught fire. All the cars were burned with their con tents. DISASTER TO CONVOY. British Guns and Prisoners . . Retaken. Not Tet - London, April 4. Tbe latest news from the front adds little to the public knowledge of tbe convoy disaster. No credence is given to reports that the Boers numbered between 8,000 and 10, 000 men. The general belief is that there could not have been "more than half that number, but the mere fact that even so many as half could have been collected so near headquarters without the knowledge of the British commanders piovokes much uneasy criticism. . The disaster is regarded as a direct result of the inability of General French to cut off the commandoes of General Olivier and the other commandoes when escaping from the Orange river. . Lord Roberts' own dispatch, dated two hours later than the Daily Chroni cle's, says nothing about , the guns being recaptured. ' The story, therefore, looks doubtful. Little news has arrived from other points. Kenhardt was formally reoo cupied . Saturday. report that - the Boers are massing in the vicinity or Taungs and Klipdam is confirmed. Lord Methuen's difficulties are appar ently increasing. He has Boer laagers or guerrilla bands on three .sides of him. and he will be obliged to watch carefully his communication with Orange river. PUERTO RICAN FRANCHISES. None Will Be Granted Until Govern ment Is Established. . New York, April 4. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Root has issued an order revoking the license granted to Ramon Yaldes for the use of the water of the river La Plata, of Puerto Rico, to create electric power for a railroad. He has also announced the department will grant no franchises or licenses in the island until the establishment of civil government there. Tracey, Boardman & Piatt, of New York; represented by A. L. Arpin and William D. Noble who applied for the revocation of the concession and who, it is said, .'are en deavoring to acqiure it for ' persons for whom they are acting as agents, ' The Drexels and other business interests of Philadelphia have vigrously taught the attempts of the New York firms. Secretary Root's decision, however, not only deprives Mr. ."Valdes of his license, but prevents Tracey, Boardman & Piatt's clients or any other person from obtaining its issuance in their favor. It is learned that this action was taken in accordance with a recommen dation of Brigadier-General Davis, governor-general of the island, who has made an extensive investigation.- The issuance of the license to Yaldes last summer was made when Secretary Root received an opinion . from Charles E, Magoon, solicitor of the division of customs and insular affairs, whose wonderful reversal " of ideas on the statutes of the new American dependen cies has surprised congress. Tbe hies of the insular division con tain numerous applications for conces sions or licenses, some from prominent people in the United States and others from natives of Puerto Rico. - . , Chicago Machinists at Work. Chicag, April 4. About half of the 5,500 striking machinists resumed work this morning. Manufacturers said the differences had been settled or put on a basis to be arbitrated, and that the remainder of the strikers would undoubtedly return to work in the next day or two. The men have been grant ed a nine-hour day, with 10 hours' pay. The strike has cost the men $500,000 in salary. Promoter Miller ou Trial. New. York, April 4. William F. Miller, of 520 per cent Franklin Syndi cate fame, was placed on trial in Brook lyn today. Of the 21 indictments pending against him he was tried on the one charging him . with grand lar ceny in the first and second degree. It alleged that he committed theft in taking money from investors in the Franklin Syndicate. Hair-Mllllon Dollar Fire. Little Rock, Ark., April 4. A half million dollar fire occurred at Newport this morning. The plant of the Union Compress Company, valued at $100,000 and containing 8,000 bales of cotton, owned by the Lesser Cotton Company and the Wolf-Goldman Mercantile Company, valued at $350,000, was de stroyed. Smaller losses bring the total up to $500,000. ' Watertown, N. Y., April 4 .-A strike was inaugurated at the works ' of the New York Air Brake Company this morning. Four hundred men are out. BR ADSTREET'S REVIEW. Quiet Week In the Dry-Goods Dlstrlb- utlve Trade. Bradstreet's says: It has been a quiet week in distributive trade, except at some few Western centers, this being especially true of the dry-goods busi ness. Wholesale trade in this line has been generally completed, and, pend ing the effect of the spring demand up on the retail trade, the markets are in a waiting stage. As regards prices, the feature of the week has beeq the strength manifested in agricultural pro ducts and provisions. The advances in the latter, in fact, are regarded as fore shadowing an upward movement in hog products, long predicted, but only par tially realized. - Winter wheat crop advices " have been, on the whole, good, and have acted as a balance to the stories of French damage. : - '. Wool has been more active, but con siderable business has been done at concessions. . The demoralization in the sugar mar ket is clearly confined to the refining branch. Manufacturers and jobbers in carpets and upholstery report a heavy season's business booked. Wheat, including flour, shipments ': for the week aggregate 2,962,849 bush- , Is, against 2,903,495 last week. Business failures in the United States for the week number 178, as , compared with 192 last week. Business failures in the Dominion of Canada for the week number 25, as gainst 23 last week. , Oriental advices state that permis sion to do general business in Japan has been refused 60 foreign insurance companies,' most of them American. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $2.002.75 per sack. Lettuce, hothouse, 45c per dos. Potatoes, new, $1718. r Beets, per sack, 75 85c. Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 75c. Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen. : Cabbage, native and California. 1.001.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter1 Creamery, 28o per pound; dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 17o per pound. Eggs-1616c. Cheese Native. 15c. Poultry 13 14c; dressed, 14 15c; spring, $5. , Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.0019.00 - , . Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. . ? Barley Rolled or ground, per ton. 20; ,.'.;; . ...-.v. -.- Flour Patent, per barrel. $3.25; blended Tiprtsi.f California. $3,555. t; H",.O0; gr- flour, 13.00; rye flour, M 00 '?- Millstuffs Bran, pe!af I;rI; shorts, per ton, $15.00. ? Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. . Fresh Meats Choice dressed bee! steers, 78c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8H 10c. , Hams Large, ' 13c; small, 18 J; . breakfast bacon, 12 c; dry salt sides. Sc. Portland Market. , Wheat Walla Walla. 63 54c; Yalley, 63c; Bluestem, 56o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. : Oats Choice white, 8697c; choice gray, 34o per bushel. . , Barley Feed barley, $1414.50; brewing, $17.00 17.50 per ton. . - Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. ''.- Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton. . Butter1 Fancy creamery, 45 50c; seconds, 40c; dairy, 3037o; store, 25 32 Kc. ' . Eggs lo per dozen. '...! '',' : Cheese Oregon full . cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo per pound. - Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 4.50 per dozen; hens, $6.60; springs, $2.508.60; geese, $6.508.00 for old; $4.606.60; ducks, $5. 60 6. 00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10llo per pound. Potatoes 40 65o per sack; sweets. 2 )o per pound. : Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 60c; per sack; garlic, 7o per. pound; cab- ge, l4o per pound; parsnips, $1; onions, $2.00 2.60; carrots, $1. Hops 38o per pound Wool Valley, 1618o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 27 80o per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4ic; dressed mutton, 7 I 6 per pound; lambs, 7Ko per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed. $6.006.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.50; cows, $3.o04.oo; dressed beef, 6S Ipio per pound. , Veal Large, 6 6 7 6c;. small, 8 9o per pound. Tallow 55c; No. 2 and grease, 84o per pound. . San Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12 15c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 16c; Val ley, 2022c; Northern, 10 12o. Hops 1899 crop, 1213o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 18c; do seconds, 16K 17c; fancy dairy,. 16- 16 tc;do seconds, 14 15c per pound. Eggs Store, 13c; - fancy ranch. 16Mc. ' Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 10.00; bran, $12.50 13.50. Hay Wheat $6. 50 9.50; wheat and at $6.009.00; best barley $5.00 7.00; alfalfa, $5.006.60 .per ton; straw, 26 40o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 70c; Ore- ' gon Burbanks, 65o$1.00; river Bur banks, 40 75c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c 1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2. 75 3. 85; Mexican limes, $4.00 00; California lemons , 75c$1.60; do choice $1.75 2.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50 2.60 ' per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian , dates, 6 per pound. : . y