V ,.v 4 4 ? X . .. t- f2r? .JW aH.. 1 The light which comes to us from the sun In eight minutes might Journey ten thousand billion years and not reach the borderland of the universe. It has no limit It can have none. Yet the same laws rule it throughout. ' And every force, all power within It, all the laws that govern It, work for har mony and happiness. :'.-v.-' A French engineer, Jean Berlier, has worked out In detail the plans for a railroad tunnel under the Straits of - Gibraltar. He would run It from a point in Spain near Gibraltar to Tan- ; gler, In Morocco, the total length, in cluding approaches, being 25 miles, of . which 20 miles would lie under the - sea. Tbe estimated cost is about $25, : 000,000. - 1 Prof. C E. Bessey announces In a letter to Science that he has obtained evidence that trees. Including such spe cies as oak, hickory, willow, cotton- wood, elm and box elder, are rapidly advancing in eastern Nebraska. The areas covered by them are gradually creeping up the courses of the streams and spreading out laterally. In some cases the "tree belt" along rivers has. within twenty-five years, Increased In width from 100 feet to half a mile, and even a mile. ' , Prof. Arthur Thompson, In Knowl edge, deals with the form of skulls and brain capacity. The average weight of a man's brain is about 50 ounces, that of a woman about 45 ounces. This difference between the sexes is less marked in savage than In civilized races, and is apparently explained by the fact that in the higher races more attention Is paid to the education of the male than the female, and conse quently the brain Is stimulated to in creased growth.' 't ' J An Ingenious Frenchman, M. Louis Levat ' recently administered alcohol, through the soil, to a geranium plant for the purpose of observing the ef ' feet It was sufficiently startling. The leaves of the geranium began to turn yellow and gave off a peculiar etheric odor, symptoms of poisoning appeared, the rootlets turned black and seemed to have been burnt the leaves drooped toward the earth, and in four days the alcoholized geranium, which had been a very beautiful plant was a totterig wreck. ','''-. . , ' The Arctic Ocean, says Nansen, Is ' a kind of lagoon, separated from tbe Atlantic by a submarine ridge, stretch ing from Spltzbergen to Greenland. To . this ridge Is due a curious condition. The Arctic is covered with a layer of ! slightly salt water from the Siberian rivers and Bearing Strait and under this is the normally salt Gulf Stream water. If the two layers were mixed, the average temperature would fall, but this average would not be as cold as the -surface layer. This accounts for the enormous formation of polar . ice. .' v ;. , ; . v " There Is a little bird In Costa Rica, a pretty black and orange oriole, who is ' an expert in needlecraft Having no' , clothes upon which to exercise her skill she turns her talent to account in home-making. Selecting a large, fresh growing banana leaf, she carefully ' sews the two edges together with her .bill for the needle. v and some strong ' grass or rootlets for tbe thread. She even follows the grain of the leaf close by one of the veins, and so neatly are , the stitches made that only the closest examination reveals them. Inside this . . pocket is built a nest of soft grass or . hair, and here the mother bird lays her dainty eggs and raises her family without fear of discovery. " UNDER FALSE PRETENSES, Why Apache Bill lft the Theater . - Without a Murmur. "Back in the early '80s," said an old time showman, chatting with the New Orleans Times-Democrat man, ' "I ' got a job as manager of a typical western variety theater at Carbonate, Colo. 1 didn't exactly relish the situation, but I bad been stranded out there by the failure of a road company and it was a case 'of Hobson's choice. Carbonate was on the boom at the time and tbe population consisted of the usual col lection of miners, adventurers,- gam blers, Eastern tenderfeet and miscella neous frontier nondescripts. "Our house was a favorite resort of the town and was packed to the doors every performance, but things passed off with remarkable smoothness until one night about a week after 1 bad taken charge, when a half-drunken ruf fian down near the front began to cre ate a disturbance. He started in by guying the performers and soon had them so badly demoralized that the show was virtually at a standstill. "Meanwhile I had taken a look at tbe fellow from one of tbe boxes and saw, to my consternation, that he was a not ed 'bad man,' known as Apache Bill, who was then the acknowledged bully of the camp, and who had won his so cial position by 'shooting up a couple of deputy sheriffs and chasing his pred ecessor over the range. 1 "It was- a critical moment In my ca reer. I realized that If I 'allowed Bill to break up the performance tbe ex ploit would be repeated by every minor bad man In town, and I might as well resign and get out I bad to do some thing and do it quick, and, at last in sheer desperation, I started down the middle aisle. . The house suddenly grew still as death and everybody watched my progress. -r. "When I reached the ruffian I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up inquiringly. Come with me,'. I said, mechanically, expecting to get a bullet in my vitals by way of reply, but, to my amazement be said: 'AH right, partner,' and promptly arose. . I put my hand on his arm and we walked out together, the audience literally gasping with astonishment . in our wake. ' - , . . - . "When we got to the sidewalk I was about to return when he called me back. 'Say, what did ye bring me out here for 7 he demanded. 'I wanted you to leave the theater,' I replied. 'Suf fering grasshoppers!' he roared, '1 thought you wanted me to take a drink!" CUBAN TIMBER IS THREATENED. Greedy Lumbermen May Despoil the Island' Valuable Forests. ' Oen. Bivera, Secretary of Agriculture In Cuba, bas made an appeal for the preservation of the forests of the isl and. Under the American rule they stand a chance of being treated with the same injurious - Indifference that has robbed this country of a great - source of wealth and left, large tracts denuded of vegetation, and, most im portant of all, tbe water ways without the protection that kept them from running dry at one season of the year and flooding to the danger point at an other.' The valuable mahogany groves tit Cuba can be continued forever as a steady source of Income for the Island, nr thpv pan he allowed to be wined . out at nne foil swoon of the lumber dealer, He is reported to be already In Cuba, preparing to make to tne owners or tn forests temDtinz offers of a little Don ey: so. much needed that the natives. will be apt to overtook xne yaiue ji what they own and forget what Is tc their future advantage. A few saw- unills erected, railways built and the means oi getting tne lumoer to tne sea provided, and it will be all over with the Cuban forests, while an ounce of protection for them now will save the young trees and cause, an intelligent care of new plantations and preserve to the Islands one or its oesi means MvanilB i -' It. Is marvelous bow rapidly, a, wood can disappear and be lost to even mem r. An Enellsh traveler in this coun try not many years since, in writing of a part of Connecticut wnere tne ror est is now practically unknown, spoke of "the everlasting forest, from which in America we cannot By. I cannot re member that except in some part th nralrles. I was ever out of sight the forests in the United States, and . .,a T nov-or wffihpd to be Rfi- au buic - - was like the 'verdurous wall of para dise,' confining the mighty southern and western rlversito their channels. We were, as It apnea red. imprisoned In it for many days as we traversed the Southeastern States. We threaded it in Michigan; we skirted It ! New York and Pennsylvania; and through out New England It . bounded every landscape. It looked down upon us from the hilltops; it advanced into no tice from every gap and notch In the chain. To the native it must appear as indispensable In the picture gallery of nature as the sky. To the English traveler it is a special boon, an added charm, a newly created grace, like the Infant planet that wanders across the telescope of the astronomer. Next to the solemn and various beauty of the sea and sky comes that of the wilderness.' ' . , Looking at It In a wholly utilitarian spirit" the mind reverts to the property loss to the country In letting these mag nificent woods be the prey of the greeU of the lumberman, who has cut wttn out knowledge or pity, stamping out behind him all the forest wealth as he goes on his devastating career,, cutting right and left without a care for the coming years. If forestry had not for so long been made a science 4n Europe we onni have an excuse, but there is only heedlessness and greed that can account for what has been done. New port News. ' UNIQUE WATCH FROM PARIS. Kansas City Man the Owner of a Val uable Timepiece. W. B. Clarke, president of the United States Trust Company, is the recipient of a unique and valuable present from a fans Dantcer friend, says the Kan sas City Journal. It Is a large yet dell c a t e 1 y fi n i sbed watch, which not only is a chronom eter, but it also tells the days of the week, the month, tbe days IWIQTT. WATCH. of aB(j the moon's phases. The case is of gun metal highly polished, and Is- of tbe "open-face" variety. It is about three inches in diameter, with a very heavy crystal. ' ' The works of the finest Swiss watches have gold mountings, with the running parts of steel fully jeweled. Tbe watch is about three times as beavy'as the ordinary large American watch. It is not Intended, of course, that the possesor will ever carry it in bis pocket but with it is a beautiful red morocco case with a bracket leg so that when the watch Is In Its case it resembles a small clock, the face being exposed. It Is Intended as a desk cbrnomoeter, yet it is too valuable, a piece of " bric-a-brac to be left lying around. ' , Wben Mr. Clarke was in Paris on one of bis European trips be bad the mis fortune to lose his watch, a very valu able one, and one day in a company of Paris bankers, all of whom he knew very well, he related tbe circumstance's of his loss. Nothing more was thought of the matter until Mr. Clarke received a letter the day before Christmas noti fying him that the watch had beer, for warded. It adds to tbe Interest ot the present that so good a timekeeper is it that it did not lose an hour on its long trip from Paris and arrived as prompt ly as though It bad been forwarded by messenger from a shop In Kansas City. Wanted Sympathy She is a charming widow, pretty. bright and light hearted, She was a charming young woman before she married Mr. Blank, and moved away to live In Georgia. Her married life was most happy, and the death of her husband was a great loss to her, but she bore up under it After the funer al and a general packing up of things she returned to her old home. The day after she arrived she was met on the street by one of her very solemn-faced friends, who intended to give ber a cluster of that sympathy that makes one7 feel as if tbe sympathizer had thrown something at and on the "sym- pathizee. - "Oh, Mrs. Blank," said the solemn one, "I am so glad you are so well." ' , "Yes," answered the widow, "I am as well as can be. I was never ill In my life, you know." "And, Mrs. Blank," continued the solemn one in more solemn tones, "I'm glad to see you so happy." "Why, yes. Yes, I'm very happy. You know it was not I that died. It was Mr. Blank." Memphis Scimetar. An Al Rhyme. There was a noted LL. D., Belonging to the F. F. V, A member of the G. O. P., Whose son was in the U. S. V. I'd sold the son things f. o. b., 1 wouldn't ship them c. o. d., ; But' sent a letter, viz.: , A bill, a note, "K. S. V. P." He hadn't paid a single son , I then decided what I'd do; -I wrote: "I hold your I. O. U.; ' Will see your father p. d. q." Full quickly then this U. S. V. For fear the irate LL. D. Might dock his monthly M. O. B., Inclosed his check for twenty-tars. -Atlanta Journal, - Hi) Apprehension. She Why such a hurry 'to marry. Dick? We've only been engaged tiiree months. - - "Yes, I know; but I'm afraid you will get tired of me." Life. When a new family moves Into a neighborhood It Is regarded as a valu able acquisition If tbe furniture wagon shows a step-ladder. The average man thinks be Is gallant to women when be orders a boy in the room to give the lady his chair. , A woman's letter to her sister la tbe most trifling thing on earth. VIADUCT TO BE) TAKEN 1DOWN. Immense Work of Engineering in Pennsylvania-Will Be Destroyed. It is authoritatively stated that the famous Kinzua viaduct, the gigantic iron girder and trestle . bridge in Mc Kean County, Pennsylvania, south of Bradford, Is to be replaced at an early date by a new and wholly different structure. Work on it was begun on May 5, 1882, and it was completed and opened for traffic less than four months later, on Aug. 29, 1882. It is 301 feet high at tbe highest point and until the completion of the Garabit viaduct was' the highest bridge In the world. The Garabit spans the Truyere. in tbe south or France,. Is 1,849 feet long and at tbe highest point the rail level Is 401 feet above tbe river. It was de signed by M. Eiffel, builder of the fam ous tower, and was completed in 1884. ; Tbe Kinzua bridge is 2,000 feet long, its completion gave to the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad di rect communication with the coal fields of Western Pennsylvania. Tbe Buf falo, Rochester and Pittsburg bas a traffic arrangement with the Erie for the use of tbe bridge. Tbe valley of tbe Kinzua, which this great trestle spans, is fifteen miles south of Brad ford and one of tbe wildest regions yet left in Western Pennsylvania. Until recently, perhaps even yet bear were plentiful and deer occasionally found In this valley. Tbe ..Kinzua viaduct GREAT KINZUA VIADUCT, 300 FEET HIGH, TO BE TAKEN DOWN. has been a point of excursion and an object of curiosity for sight seers ever since It was built .Gen. Grant was taken there on one occasion. GREAT COKE AND COAL YEAR. Tremendous Output of Both Expected in Western Pennsylvania in 1900. This year will witness the greatest era in the coke and coal reg.ous of Western Pennsylvania in their history. In the Connellsville coke region more new ovens will be built than In any previous year, and the coke production will be increased fully 20 per cent. There are how projected and In the course of erection more than 2,000 new ovens, which will be, put in operation by the middle of .the coming summer, which will run the total of tbe coke region up to 21,000 ovens. At the be ginning of the present year the're" were In operation in the region 18,904 ovens. During tbe past twelve months the price of coke bas nearly doubled,' and the demand to-day greatly exceeds the production. At the present price, $3. tbe business is most profitable. Two years ago coke was selling for $1 a ton. The production of the coke region for 1897 was 8,500.000 tons, while during tbe year 1899 9,529,000 tons was ship ped from tile Connellsville region. The 1897 product was valued at $14,000,000, while that of last year 'represented a value of $20,500,000. The enlarged ca pacity will increase the product for 1900 to about 13,000,000 tons, with a value of nearly $30,000,000. Just now there is a famine in coke. Tbe famine is not acute because coke can be had for Immediate delivery,' but only In small quantities. Coke makers are just now getting $3 a ton for fur nace coke and $3.25 for foundry coke. Western Pennsylvania coke Is now bringing $5.90 at Cincinnati and $0.50 at St. Louis. All kinds of coal have greatly advanced in prices, and to-day there is not an idle mine in all Western Pennsylvania. In many cases the wages of the miners have been ; ad vanced greatly. -The coal famine, has Induced many large Pittsburg consum ers to buy up coal lands, and many new mines will be opened soon. A large syn dicate, formed of Pittsburg consumers, has obtained control of more than 1,000,000. acres of rich coal lands around the city, and will operate mines to supply, their manufacturing plants. MYSTERY OF THE MAINSPRING. Some Breakages Not Tet Understood . Despite Much Investigation. ' Ttpsnita the investigations reeardinz the structure of mainsoriucrs and the efforts to improve them; despite the ex perimentation and theorizing on tne subject some of tbe causes or tne breaking of mainsprings remain an un solved mystery. Many, indeed, are tne known onuses resnonsible for breaking. such as faulty construction or temper ing, careless nanaiing, leaamg to me formation of rust and poor fitting, but after all these which are recognized have been eliminated mere sun re mains the fact well known to watch makers that the best springs will, in spite of tbe most careful handling and proper adjustment, unexpectedly break, sometimes In a number of places. It will thus happen that of two Springs made at the same time by the feame process, of the same material, tempered In the same way and handled ... . I ,.naaA AHA m 1 W I.St f iwim me saiue vme, vuc j v. years, while the other may break after wo weeks' use, or even while being placed In the barrel. 'V ... . . . . . . i. . , Wben It 18 considered mat iae fpnuj Is but from .008 to .009 of an inch in thickness; that tbe material must be subjected to a process which shall give It a high state of elasticity, and at the same time enable it to do its prescrib ed work for years, a slight molecular disarrangement in its structure may be expected to occur from causes too in significant for observation. i. Many Jewelers state-that It Is their experience that they have man more mainsprings to repair after a warm, humid day than at. any. other time. Others believe tbe breaking to be due to electric disturbances, stating that after an electrical storm they find that many of their customers bring their watches to them for repair. The sud den cooling and consequent , contrac tion of the tightly wound mainspring, caused by the removal of the watch from the body on a cool night following a warm day, is believed by some to ac count, In a measure, for tbe accidents mentioned. So far, however, no ; en tirely satisfactory explanation bas been suggested. Tbe only conclusion to be drawn, from the acknowledged facts of tbe case Is that it is not safe for tbe watchmaker to infer, merely from tbe breaking of a- mainspring, that-it is of an Inferior grade, nor for his customer to believe the watchmak er deficient in skill because the main spring of his timepiece has snapped shortly after being replaced. " JUST.VACCINATED, THAT'S ALL. The Pretty Young Woman Made the Passengers Angry. There was something strikingly pic torial; in the appearance of a young lady 'who sat In the upper left-band corner of a Jackson avenue trolley car during one of Its out-bound ruusvthe other morning, says the New Orleans Times-Democrat It was due, no doubt to many things to the aristocratic slenderness of ber figure; to her wide, dreamy eyes, tbe exact color of wood violets; to the great black forest of os trich plumes that formed ber hat; to the geometric curve of the towering collar of her cape. . At any rate, she looked as if she might have sauntered out of tbe pages of some journal of fashion a beautiful denizen of picture paper land, where skirts always bang in just tbe proper folds and trousers never bag at the knee. ' . Everybody looked at ber, tbe men ad miringly and the women coldly, as they always do when another woman is bet ter dressed, and she withstood tbe scru tiny with regal composure. - She did not seem aware that anybody else was present At last tbe car neared ber corner, and wben she had pressed the button and tbe wheels were almost at a standstill she arose calmly and glided down tbe aisle. She was at tbe door when the car came to a full stop, and, seeing her stagger slightly , from the shock, the conductor instinctively laid bis hand upon ber arm. It was a courteous and respectful act and one that might have saved ber from a fall, but the instant his fingers touched her sleeve the haughty beauty leaped backward as If she had seen an apparition. Her delicate face went pale and her dreamy eyes blazed. "Don't touch me, sir!" she exclaimed, with a harshness that shocked and as tonished every hearer. The conductor was a plain, kindly man, and, flushing with mortification and chagrin, he turned back to his platform, while the young woman gathered ber skirts and passed swiftly through the door. "Well, I must say," remarked an elderly gen tleman who had taken in the episode over the top of his newspaper, "that was about the most painful exhibition of superciliousness I ever witnessed In my life. Pshaw! No wonder the poor are embittered." There was a growl of approval and the conductor thrust a smiling face through the doorway. "Don't blame de young lady, gents," he said, cheerily. "She explained it all when she was gettln' off. She didn't mean hothln'. Xou see, she's Just been vaccinated." Woman's Most Winsome Age. . Why do women hesitate to tell their age? - By common consent it is regard ed as very rude and boorish to ask a woman a categorical question regard ing tbe number of ber birthdays, let there should be no diffidence on the point and reticence on tbe subject is hard to explain.- - Except for some rea son connected with 'business which may find in accumulating years a han dicap, a man Is . usually very open about bis age and as ready to proclaim it as. bis wife and sister are to conceal theirs., Probably the feeling In tbe matter had its origin In the long ago when' matrimony Was tbe ordinary woman's only desirable goal, and wben as she grew older her chances of find ing a mate diminished perceptibly. Tbe situation has so entirely changed and splnsterbood bas become so Invit ing that we should expect to discover an alteration in the manners of women on this point and to find them quite candid as to their claims to maturity or the reverse. Fifty years to-day looks as forty did a score of years ago. Thirty always a very winsome age, the age of woman's most captivating beauty is not now to be distinguished In freshness and bloom from twenty-five. Outdoor life Is doing for women what nothing else can do making them beautiful and keeping tbem young. Collier's Weekly. A Reformer. Mrs. Corncribber I reckon our Hen nery bas joined the law and order league at Yale." Mr. Corncribber Why do you think, that? Mrs. Corncribber Why, he writes that he's helped to break up four shows at the opera bouse this week. Them theaters is very pernicious tilings, you know. Judge, FILIPINOS' QUAINT, ANCIENT AND HOME OME curious old cannon have been captured in the Philippines.. Some of the arsenals taken have been found to be veritable museums of ancient ordnance. The relics of bygone' warfare were left behind by the Spaniards when they evacuated the places and had not been used for many and many a year. They are valuable now only as curi osities. Even the Filipinos seldom tried to use them. At first the rebels wt re without field artillery, but later they smuggled in a small supply of modern field pieces, which, however, they never succeeded in using effectively. On one occasion it was found that some enthusiastic Tagal actually had tr ed to make use of one of the relics. At the capture of Santa Anna the field piece shown in the picture, mounted, was Bred against the Americans. Its crudeness can be seen at a glance." It is mounted on a carriage composed of the wheels of a "carramato," the cab of Manila. The collection of curious guns shown was found in the arsenal in Manila. Some of the specimens were secured as curiosi ties by British naval otficers and sent to the Royal United Service Institution cs curios. Most of the field pieces are of the "gaspipe" order, strengthened with wooden sheathings, while others are of ihe real old-time Spanish type of the sixteenth century. Some of the obsolete mortars are of bronze, highly ornamented with scrollwork, crowns and ciphers. . Some of the most elaborate and remarkable pieces will find places in this country in museums or as ornaments at mili tary posts. GUESS ON 1900 VOTE. FORECAST OF NEXT NOVEM BER'S ELECTION FIGURES. New York Bun Figures Out that About Fifteen Million Votes Will Be Cast Factors that Are . Expected to Affect the Number. In the election of 1892, the first fol lowing the last federal census, the to tal vote on Presidential electors was 12,150,275. Id the election preceding, in 1888, the last before the census, the total vote on Presidential electors was 11.392.429. Between 1888 and .1892, however. Idaho, casting 19.000 votes: Montana, casting 44,000; North Dako ta, casting 30,000; South Dakota, cast ing 70.000; Washington, casting 87,000, and Wyoming, casting 10,000, were ad mitted into tbe Union, and these cast collectively 272,000 votes. The net gain, therefore, during the intervening four years was 485,000, or about 4 per cent ' At the same rate of increase tbe to tal vote at the last Presidential elec tion, In 1896, should have been about 12.040,000. Instead of this, it was more than 14,000.000, a total vote without precedent in the United States, or, in fact in any country in which universal suffrage exists. So large an Increase, nearly, 2,000,000 In four years follow ing a period of financial depression, has been' ascribed generally to the interest enlisted. In the McKinley-Bryan contest- the Important character of . the principles Involved in It - But even un der such conditions It would be difficult to account for .an increase of nearly 2,000,000 unless there had been general lethargy 'among tbe voters in tbe vari ous contests preceding or unless other special reasons contributed to the large total of four years ago. As a matter of fact such cases did contribute materi ally and perceptibly, and a statement of a few of tbem would make easier an understanding of the situation which is now confronting tbe political comput ers In their early estimates of the prob able total vote that will be cast for President in November next , ' Between. 1892 and 1890 Utah, with a total vote of nearly 100,000, was added to tbe number of States and in Colo rado the exercise of the suffrage was extended to women, with the result that the total vote of the centennial State, which was 91,000 in 1888 and 93,000 In 1892, rose to 190,000 In 189G. Moreover, in the border States of the country in which prior to the appear ance of tbe sliver issue Democratic success bad been accepted as a matter of course, the uncertainty of contest brought out a larger vote, the increase In Maryland being from 213,000 to 250, 000, Id Kentucky from 340,000 to 445, 000, and in Missouri from 540,000 to 675,000. The changes in these border States, tbe extension of the suffrage in Colorado and the admission of Utah account therefore, for 500,000 of the gain and hi tbe other States of the country there was about tbe normal In crease augmented by tbe vigor of tbe contest In many of the States which were uncertain and further by the fact that there were seven electoral tickets In 1896, drawing to the polls all classes of electors, some of whom bad taken no part in previous elections. Since tbe Presidential election of four years ago there bas been a large in crease in tbe population of the United States. No States, It is true, have been added to tbe number which are to par ticipate, but woman suffrage bas been extended to Idaho by constitutional provision with the certainty of adding to its total vote. On the other hand, re strictions on voting have beeu adopted In Mississippi.. Louisiana and South Carolina, the full effect of which will be shown at this year's election, and the most reasonable estimate of tbe probable total vote Is, everything con sidered, about 15,000,000 New York Sun. COULDN'T HELP IT. An Old Yankee's Yarn of Better Days Was Pnre Fiction. An old man was sawing wood In a Maine village tbe other day. He bad taken a job and was putting in his best licks. . A man who was going past stopped and looked over the palings of tbe fence. ' "Kind o' tough work, isn't It uncIeV" asked the passer. The old man straightened up and stroked tbe sweat off his forehead. "WaL middlln' tart" said he. "Sort o' takes bolt o' my lumbago once in a while. I don't suppose I should mind It so much if it hadn't been for tbe fact that I had money once and didn't have to do such things as this." "Is that so? Had money r "Yas, tbafs right. You remember tbe time they built this branch railroad through here?" "Sure." "Wal, I was doln pretty well at that rime and I subscribed to the stock. Kinder thought there might be a chance to make a little something out of the deal. But the first thing I knowed they called for an assessment of tbe stock. They come round to me and wanted my assessment " 'How much be It? said I. " 'Sixty-four thousand, five hundred dollars.' says they. "'WaL says I. 'that's rather a stiff haul on a man, but I'll pay it But I give ye notice now that ye better not call on me again. For that will just about take tbe last cent I got' And for a fact when I went into the old cbist and counted out my money that was jest what I had to a cent Never got a cent back for all that money 1 put in. And here I am sawln" wood for a llvin." When the stranger got down to the store and steed warming bis hands at the barrel stove be remarked upon the sad case of tbe old man sawing wood up the road. "That man never bad a cent ahead in all his life," remarked tbe storekeeper. "He's alius sawed wood for a livin'." "Well, what does he want to tell such a thundering story as that for?" asked tbe stranger. "Wa-a-I," replied the ' storekeeper, "Yankees have to sorter keep In prac tice for what may come up. Jest hav' to do it. "When you drive along you'll prob ably see an old feilow up here work ing round In the barnyard. 'v He wears Horace Greeleys for whiskers and a straw hat winter or summer. You'll know bim' when yon see him. Stop and talk with bim a little while. He's keepiu' In practice, too." The stranger did so. They fell into talk of tbe corruption of modern. Institutions and of the ditti culty of believing those who are en gaged, in business operations.. " ' "Two weeks ago," said the old man, "I was shingling the Methodist pa'son uge down the road here a ways, and tbe elder came out and says be, "i'be's a big bank, in Boston failed.' ; - " 'National bank?' says I. " 'National bank,' says he and he gave me the name. "Wal, sir, for a while I never was so scared in my life. I Jest jumped right down off tbe roof of that pa'souage 'bout thirty feet Was so excited I utv er felt It "I ran all tbe way home. I rushed into tbe bedroom. Wife come a ruu nln after- me. " 'For tbe land sakes, says she,' 'be you crazy? "'Putty near It says I. The So-and-so National Bank of Boston has failed up and It'-s jest like my luck to have a lot of bills of that bank in the chest here.' And I threw the chest open and reached down for our box. - 1 open ed it Wal, it didn't have a single bill on that bank nor any other kind of a bill either. Never felt so relieved in my life." Lewiston Journal. CAMEO CARVING. A Description of the Tools and the Method Employed. i All tbe tools used by the cameo carv er would make but a handful, says tbe New York Evening Post The worker sits before a wheel turned by a pedal; tools occupy a small corner of the ta ble surface on which .the worker's hands rest while he holds the shaped stone or shell beneath tbe needle-like drill. Tbe little pointed Instruments which are used to drill resemble those employed by a dentist, and, indeed, it was from tbe cameo carver's kit that tbe dentists got many of their Ideas wben tbe tools now. in use by them came to be manufactured, thirty years ago. The drills vary in thickness ac cording to the portion of the figure or design to be executed. Some are as fine as tbe point of a cambric needle. A small cblna receptacle also stands near, filled with oil and diamond dust and into this tbe workman frequently dips bis tool during the progress of his work. . ' i ';. The cameo cutter's occupation Is very exacting. He can put In only a few hours' work at a time as a usual thing, because of the tension on bis nerves. A quavering hand may. be responsible for tbe single stroke which will spoil a week's work. He must have an eye almost like a microscope and a very delicate touch; be must be an artist in soul and as skilled a craftsman as a watchmaker; be must know bow to model and draw, and he must have a knowledge of chemistry, so as to re move offending spots. - The work is executed in relief on many kinds of hard or precious stones, but essentially tbe cbalcedonlc variety of quartz and on shells. . Tbe cameo cutter himself prefers onyx because of Its dark and light layers, which throw out In bold relief a wblte head, say, against a black background. He evolves bis picture by removing all that portion of the white stratum re maining after the head bas been com pleted. Sapphire blocks are used, car nelian, turquoise,- amethyst and nu merous other stones. " -"It takes about a month to execute a - HADE CANNON. portrait on onyx, while much less time is consumed If the work is done on shell. There is always great danger of tbe latter breaking, and its dura bility, too. Is not great' so that the shell, as a rule. Is not desirable as tbe harder materials. A portrait on onyx will cost $200, while one on shell may be had for $50. The inquiries for these are rare and. building up a patronage Is slow and accomplished mainly by satisfied customers Influencing others. Singing at Their Work. Contractors In South Missouri em ploy many negroes to load railroad ties in tbe cars of the Memphis railway, says the Kansas City Star. The ties are cut in the woods, hauled to tbe rail way in wagons and dumped in plies along tbe side of tbe roads. The ne groes then take them up, tie by tie, and run with tbem np planks to the cars, where they drop them In regular order. These negroes are paid a price for each tie they carry, so they vie with one another to earn the most money in one day. They become so expert at the work that an old hand can throw a heavy tie on his shoulder, so that it will balance, and tbefi, without holding it be will run, both hands pressed flat against bis sides, up tbe gangplank to tbe car. Tbe negroes are so accustomed to tbe work that they seldom drop a tie and seem never to have -sore shoulders. One may see gangs of a dozen ot more of tbem, all singing and whistling. Each sings at the top of his voice or whistles as loud as he can, and every tune is different The effect is amus ing, but beyond 'description. The men carry their ties at a trot all day long. An inspector stands beside tbe plank that goes up the car to examine the ties being loaded. It Is amusing to bear the inspector call a negro half-way up the plank with a tie on his shoulder to throw It away among the heap of bad ties. The negro gets no credit for his load and goes back swearing at his bad luck, while his companions stop their music and burst into loud, uncontrolla ble laughter. All these negro tie-carriers have deep grooves in the right shoulder where the ties have pressed, but tbe flesh is calloused and seldom sore. The men make good wages, most of them $3.50 a day. They spend all of it Very few of them save their money. B'ggaae Allowed a Cavalry Officer. In. the war in South Africa a Brit ish mounted officer knows exactly what be may carry. In his pockets or haversack or slung on a belt he Is re stricted to a whistle, compass, note book, water bottle, clasp knife, besides sword, pistol and ammunition. On this horse, attached to the saddle, are a spare shoe, case with nails, nosebag, picketing ropes and pegs, cloak, mess tin, field glass and in a pair of wallets an emergency ration, tin of vaseline, underlinen (not exceeding two pounds), knife, fork, spoon, comb, toothbrush, shaving brush, nightcap, field cap, towel and soap, drinking cup, map of country and a box of matches. All these articles must not with' saddle and bridle, exceed 71 pounds In weight Carried In tbe ' regimental transport each mounted officer Is re stricted to 25 pounds of baggage, which must be packed in bed valise, and In cludes change of clothing and linen, boots and putties, canvas shoes, buck et, lantern and writing portfolio, camp kettle, two plates and pepper and salt pots. ' . '.',. . Pope Leo's Graceful Act. Pope Leo was able to show deference to' an older man .than himself at the celebration of bis' coronation. Car dinal Martel, who Is 92 years of age and "the senior Cardinal in length of service, having been Cardinal deacon for forty years, bad himself carried to the Vatican, but was unable, after the Pope's address, to join In the defile past the throne. The Pope, noticing this, stepped down from bis throne and walking to Cardinal Mertel wished him many more years of life. Business Acumen. The clerk By the way, I see the Anti-Superstition League opens its meet ing to-morrow. The boss Is that so? Mark those $12 overcoats up to $13 In big figures and stick 'em In tbe window. Indiun apolls Press. . ; ' : Tenement Dwellers In Boston, - llnra than UU) IWk tenement fu74ktlit are In Brooklyn, acocrdlng to oHk-ial ' figures just fssued. Tbe number of tenement houses is 31.687. ' In the Dining Car. "Isn't it delight ful to be dining together without a chaperon?" "I should say sot Mar-j rlage is certainty a great economy." Puck. . I:- ' . - Different ways: "They sat and held bands all tbe evening." "How silly!" "Oh, I don't know. You have to In whist" Philadelphia Bulletin. - r Every woman likes to talk of the ."eray monotony" of her life, , t j FLIGHT EXTRAORDINARY. Peasant Woman Shot from Moan taintop to the Valley. - Teresa Falclola, an Italian peasant woman, met recently with an extraordi nary adventure. Near her home, In the village of Quanta, which nestles In a spacious valley. Is a blgb and wooded mountain, and there it bas been her custom, as is general there, to go two. or three times a week for tbe purpose of collecting firewood. To bring this wood from the precipitous mountain was quite an arduous task. Therefore, it was sent down by means of a strong metal wire, stretched from th val'.ey up to the mountain top. A few weeks ago she and ber two little daughters ascended tbe mountain and after gathering three goodly bun dles of wood prepared to send., them down. Just however, as tbe mother tbbesa's wild plunge. Bad fastened tbe first bundle to the wire tnd bad launched it on its downward zourse ber wedding ring became caught -in tbe rope with which tbe bundle was tied, and In a flash she was carried off ber feet and swept downward into tbe valley. Half paralyzed with fear, ber little daughters watched ber as she sped from their sight with amazing swiftness, and then they ran down the mountain, fully expecting to find her lying dead at the end of tbe wire. And their fear was quite natural, since tbe mountain top . from which their mother bad been torn Is 800 yards above the valley. ' Fortunately, their fear proved to be groundless. They found their mother entirely uninjured. Yet wonderful indeed was It that ber life was not crushed out of ber at the end of ber perilous descent It would have been if her fall bad not been broken as she was reaching the earth by some friendly branches. The bundle f wood, too, was in some measure a bulwark against the rock. LAW AS INTERPRETED. An agreement by a member of a build- ' ing and loan association to Insure bis life and permit tbe policy to be used as :ollateral security for a loan to tbe as wclatlon is held, in Tate vs. Commer :ial Building Association (Va.), 45 L. -0. A. 243, to be void as against public policy. $ ; t That a corporation organized to fur nish railroad terminal facilities bas au thority to maintain a hotel, restaurant and news stand at a passenger station Is held, In Byan vs. Louisville & Nash- ' -ville Terminal company (Tenn.), 45 L. R. A. 303, Insufficient to preclude tbe jorporation from exercising tbe right: -f eminent domain on tbe ground that It would be taking property for private -uses.'1 .- V A man who has a cold, on account of ' . which be Is hi bed. Is held, In Barnes ; vs.. Fidelity Mutual Life Association (Pa.), 45 L. R. A. 204, to be. neverthe less, "In good health," within tbe mean ing of a clause in a life Insurance pol icy which requires tbe premium to be paid while he is In good health, al though pneumonia sets In, in a day or two after the premium is paid, and , proves fataL ... - Giving the exclusive right to stand backs on an area owned by a railroad . company adjacent to a passenger sta tion for tbe purpose of sollcltipg bust- . aess is held. In Indianapolis; Union 1 Railroad Company vs. Dobn (Ind.), 45 1 U K. A. 427, to be unlawful on the , ground that the company, having ac- gulred its grounds, whether by pur- 1 shase or condemnation, through tbe . lovereign right of eminent domain, can sot grant any special privileges and Im munltles that the State could not and . that such action Is also against public l policy as tending to restrict competi tion and enhance prices. Good Fertilizers. .. Some of the best farms in Pennsyl- -vanla have been brought to tbe highest degree of fertility by the use of clover, . ilme and manure. The farmers who have accomplished such results have aimed to save every pound of manure, . ' and also to preserve It in the best man ner. Lime is used extensively by those who know that lime is an essential In- ' gredlent'of plants, and also because it. Is excellent for Increasing tbe clover . :rop. Clover enriches the land by pro moting tbe supply of nitrogen in the" 30II. hence lime and clover make an ex- . ;ellent combination. A Primitive Barometer. A curious barometer is said to be used by tbe remnant of tbe Arauca rlan race, which inhabit the southern most province of Chili. It consists ot the cast-off shell of a crab. The dead shell is white in fair, dry weather, but Indicating tbe approach of a moist at mosphere by small red spots, as the moisture - of tbe air Increases it be comes - entirely red and remains so throughout the rainy season. The Debate Closed. "Yes, sir!" shouted tbe little man with thin, straggling hair, "the constitution of tbe United States guarantees to every man liberty of speech, and I'd like to see any one try to deprive me of It!" "John Henry," exclaimed a large woman of a decided mien, who had Just entered the room, you dry up and ' come home." New York Journal. - Ready to Quit. First Office Boy I call my boss Grid ley. .. Second Office Boy Why Is that? First Office Boy Because he may( fire when ha is ready. Puck. . Hot Water f..r Headaches. Ordinary beadacbes almost always yield to the, simultaneous application of hot water to the feet and the back of the neck. Penniless Klondlkers. ' . The number of penniless men In the Klondike Is placed at 8,000. We have noticed that tbe healthiest looking children are those whose facet; are allowed occasionally to accumulate iirX and microbe rs .. - i 4 A f At 1