Uxion-Gazette. Issue every Friday morning. SUBSCJUPTTON RATES: One year.. . ....(1 60 Si moathc . . 75 fhre months 50 i AA'ABLK IN ADVANCE. FRIDAY. FEB. 2, 1900. CANDIDATES FOR OIFICE. Several of the newspapers throughout the land are spending special effort in announcing candi dates for office. This may in some measure seem newslike and amus ing, yet it is very questicnable whether such a course serves the best interests of the public. Ac cording to the old time-honored doctrine that the office should seek the candidate, it would seem best thatjthe people through their dele gates to the convention should bring the candidates up to the con vention where the nominations are made. Contrary, however to this principle, many of the newspapers, following the example of their con temporaries, announce the names of half a dozen or more friends fo each office, and by the time each newspaper goes down the line from national to state and then to the several county positions, nearly if not quite half of the male popula tion over the age of twenty-one and entitled to vote have in'some way been named for some official posi tion. Many of . those so named would never have thought of their jtfames being considered for the offi cial position had it not been for the friendly suggestion of the the so called newspaper. After his name is so announced and his neighbors one' after another mentions it to him, he takes a pride in the matter and comes to really consider him self a. candidate for the office and in this way a whole army of office aeektrs are brought up to, the con ventions, each having his . fol lowing of friends, and much strife and party discord and confusion are engendered. If these matters were left for the people through the conventions to bring up their choice of candidates for the several offices, the names of only a few candidates would appear before the conven tions for office. But through the kindly announcements of the new papers as stated, a whole army of people are started on the road to appear before the conventions for official favor. Such announcements are often misunderstood by the people and the candidates named. Often it occurs that democratic peo ple through their paper announce the name of some persons for candi dacy for office on the republican ticket and no doubt republicans and their papers announce candi dates for the other side. This is often done as a piece of political sharp practice to bring candidates before the conventions of t'ae oppo site party So as to create discord, and to defeat candidates for nomi nations which are more popular and preferred by their party peo ple. In any sense that it may be considered, the wholesale annouce- j:j.4. u ti.. newspapers it detrimental to the public good, and should not be done unless by the request of the candidate so named and then the announcement should state that it was made at his request. It shall therefore be the policy and custom of this paper only to announce can didates for "nominations for office before the conventions when so re quested by the party, believing that this, course will best serve the pub lie rood. After the conventions are held and the candidates have been noninated for the several offices this paper will cordially sup port anv worthy candidate who has been true to the time-honored principles and docrines of the re' publican party, believing it to be the better purposes of the news paper to discuss principles instead of casting opprobrium upon political opponents or candidates in the opposing party. It is as essential that newspapers should attend strictly to their own affairs and not become agencies to create un necessary strife as it is that indi viduals should promote good feel Sng among neighbors by close atten tion to duty and non-interference with the affairs of others. It is claimed that by a canvass among the' senators elected to the apital at Washington that they are better satisfied with their elec tion through the legislatures of their respective states than they would be if elected by a direct vote of the people. It is farther claimed that throughout the South and West the popular sentiment is in fayor of the election of senators by direct vote of the people. . ' ' AGA1NSI FUSION. Democracy, crushed to : earth by a superabundance of title and con centration of intellect, is making desperate efforts to arise from its ser vile position, and is even now on its knees. The following petition from the Salem Sentinel to the faithful of Marion - county should catch the car of democrats through out the state. That organization which would be held a rival of the republican party must prove itself worthy of the high honor it Beeks Ltogain; sincerity and unity of pur pose ar-s elements of . its success. These sen .iments from the Sentinel are worthy of applause: . "The time has come when there is nothing left for democrats to do but effect a party organization. In truth the party should never become disorganized. No good has been accomplished ; from the fusion movement; not a single' point has been gained, and today the demo cratic party of Oregon is in a shat tered condition' merely because it has been led astray by;, the flowery words and sweet scented promises of the "boss." . :; .- , "There -have been three parties or factions in thia state, all fighting for practically the same end, and still each pulling in a different direction. The factions we allude to are, of, course, the democrats, populists and silver-republicans. While we have only the warmest feeling for all these people, believ ing them to be, for the greater part, sincere in their fight for better con ditions, the means for bringing abo gcod results have been lost sight of in an enthusiastic desire to reach the desired end. "All must recognize the fact that no good can be accomplished, no beneficial results brought' about unless there is an organization back of every movement in this direo tion strong enough to make its in fluence felt. . . ,. "The democratic .party is in the fight to stay; it will live as long as the nation lives. The: same cannot be said of the populists, and silver republicans; they, as organizations will become dissolved and merge into one of the other parties. "We have nothing to lose by or ganization" and everything to gain. By following this course we shall at least win the respect of all hon est men, which is worth a great deal." . SvV GOEBEL WAS SHOT. ' A dispatch announces the shoot ing of William Goebel by some un known person under cover at Frankfort, Kentucky, last Tuesday, while Goebel was walking through the court house grounds on his way to the capital building. The wicked perpetrator of this dastard ly crime should be promptly hunted down and made to suffer such pen alty as the laws of Kentucky pro vide. The deed furnishes another reminder of the bitter feeling which is so often brought about in elec tions and contests for official posi tion. After having been defeated by a large vote for governor of his state and after his opponent had received his certificate of elec tion and token his seat as governor of Kentucky, Goebel ; was waging a bitter contest before the Ken tucky legislature for the purpose of unseating the elected and acting governor so that Goebel by 'this proceeding would be elevated to the governorship. The legislature was composed of a large ' majority of those holding the same political faith as Goebel, and by this means it was claimed that Goebel was going through the farce of a contest to induce his political following in the legislature to overthrow the will of the people expressed by a large majority at the polls against him and in favor of , Taylor, whose seat he was endeavoring to obtain. In every Btate there should be laws passed to punish severely men like Goebel for their unscrupulous politi cal methodi to defeat the. will of the people. But it has reached such conditions in some localities that men can do anything, fthe most corrupt and wicked, so it is said to be under cover of political maneu vering, no matter how dishonest or how it may override or reverse the will 6f the people. ; Many have reached the conclusion that there can be no redress by legal or civil proceedings before the courts to protect the public against the political miscarriages as such men as Goebel are likely to bring about It is this loss of confidence in all political affairs that leads to assas sinations as stated and the appear ance of large numbers of armed men as visited the capital of Ken tucky a few days ago. v The man who shoots his victim should re ceive the severest penalties of the law, but laws should also be framed with severe . penalties to punish the politician who subverts the will of the people and sets all election proceedings at naught Until politicians shall be made to suffer heavy penalties for violating and subverting the sacred rights of Cool the Blood in all Cases of Itching : Burning Humors . ; r-'r;ifflfiiiB;;;;::-:";:; CUTICURA RESOLVENT While Cleansing- the Skin and Scalp with hot baths oi CUTI CURA SOAP and healing the Raw, Inflamed Surface with CUTICURA OINTMENT. Complete Treatment, $1.25 suffrage, it must not be surprising that at times and in localities where a better intelligence does not exist, a long-outraged people will at times take the law in their own h ands. Anti-expansionists are said to have held a public meeting recently in Washington, D. C, where they expressed themselves encouraging the Boers and denouncing England. Rear Estate Transfers... . Stephe n T. Buffington to Clara G. Buffington, interest in small tract north of town, $150. O. & C. R. R. Co. to John Smith, 13.37 acres of land at Soap Creek, $63.50. - John M. Jones to Gideon : B. Standish, lots 1, 2, 3, 10,11,12, block 13, Wilkins Add to Corvallis, $800. . -. ". ; Wm. Groves, wife, et al to Janie Thompson, one-third "interest in 27 acres of . land one mile west of Corvallis. - : ; ".. .'. - Notice of Removal. "We wish to announce that the Palace Meat Market will be removed'to Kline's building, opposite the postofiice on next Monday. This change has been decided on with the hopes that we will be better able to serve the public. The Palace Market has done business at : the old stand for over thirty-years and it will continue to cater to its customers at its new place with the same courtesy that has characterised it in the past. We have added many new facilities to the market and hope to make the Palace a model shop. Thanking oar old custom ers for past patronage and extending an invitation to all to visit us opposite the postofiice, we beg to remain ... : Your humble servants . . Hout & Sjuth. f Letter List, v1 , Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Corvallis post office for the week ending January 27, 1900- . Ballard, Dick Robinson, J A . " Clark, G A - . .;' Sanders. Mrs B F Francis, Charles Snyder, Harry Felger, Mrs Laura Winkler, Miss Claide John, Lee Webber, Miss Mattie Nealley, L (2) Waldon, Mrs Edna Porter, Geo Corvalis Slip Craig Co B. W. Johnson, P. M. Denmark Is Anxious To sell her islands in the $est Indies. We are anxious to sell you one. of the best Overcoats in our store. You will be an xious to buy one when you learn that the price is $14. 50. ; Teachers' Examination Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Benton county, Ore gon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for 'state papers at Cor vallis, in his office, on February 14, 15, 16 and 17, as follows : Commencing Wednesday, February 14, at 9 o'clock a mand continuingjintil Saturday, February 17, at 4 o'clock"? m. Wednesday Spelling.'history, algebra, penmanship, reading, school law, Thursday Written Arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, civil government, physics. - Friday Physiology, geography, 'men tal arithmetic,- composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geemetery, general histoiy, psychology, : English literature. Dated this 1st day of February, 1900, Georgk W. Denman, i , . County Schoot'Supexintendent. - Laundry Agency. I have secured the agency for the Mag nolia Steam Laundry, of Albany, and respectfully solicit .your patronage. All packages called for and delivered. Arrangements have been made to ship to the laundry en Wednesdays aad re turned Fridays. ..Orders left : with my self at office will receive prompt atten tion. Office with Traak & Settlemeier, Kobt. Pomeroy, Agent. sS SHOES! Our new Spring Stock of SHOES have com menced to arrive from the .East. We bought a much larger stork than heretofore, and will sell with a less per cent profit than most people would think of selling at. We want your trade and will sell you better goods for the same money than any other merchant in Benton county. Ask to see the ' Imperial Ladies' Fine Shoes and District No 76 School Shoes. They are cheap and they are: up-to-date. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.-! v J f, Notice to Creditors, Notice U heresy rivea that the undersigned have been duly Confirmed and appoin ted excau tor of the last will and testament of June E Fisk, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, sitting in probate. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same duly yenned to Homer Wyatt at his home, in philomath, Oregon, to A. O. Mulkey, at his home near rwna nrtathe law Office f B. Hot rate in Corvallis. Oregon, within six months From the date of the first publication; or this notice. - - . ted this December 8, rg ; A. 0. MULKEY, - Executors Dyspepsia Curo. Digests what you eat. Itartiflciallydlgeststaefoodandaida Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or-, gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. 1 It in stantly relieved and nermanentlT en res' Dyspepsia, , Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cnmps,and til other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWlU Co. Chicago. Graham V Wells. FARMS FOR RENT. The Oregon Land and Investment com pany, offers, to lease to responsible parties, for a term of years, two farms near'Airlie, one of 1160 acres and one of 320 acres. The company will also' sell' to the lessees, if desired, all stock the places will carry, also teams, grain, etc. Immediate possession given. Write to the undersigned at Kings Valley or Forest Grove, Or., or call and see him at the place after Jan. 10th, 1900. ' - E. P. Cad ell, President. "Camp aigiiiiig - In the Philippines'' A book of over 400 pages with nearly 300 beautiful illustrations of troops in action and scenes in the Philippine Islands, pnblisbed by . r The Hicks-Judd Publishing Co. of San Francisco, the only publishers in the United States who sent rep resentatives to Manilla especially to compile a history of the war.' As ' many as 23 writers were engaged in the work in Manila, many of whom were with the troopB in their various . engagements andhey were permitted to use official records to verify their reports. Maps of Battlef folds v made by an Official map-maker in-the 8th Army Corps' enables the reader to follow closely the movements of ' troops Description of the Philippines giving statistical and other informa tion as to climatic conditions, re sources, etc., and an accuont of the trip to Manilla, taking the reader to Honolulu and through Japan and China, are interesting features of the book. The Oregon Special Edition i contains a complete history of the 2d Oregon Volunteer regiment in the Philippine campaign, and also the name, postofBce address and oc cupation of every . member of the . regiment, together with lists of killed and wounded, deaths by disease, promotions, discharges, etc, and also cuts of each company and officers of the regiment. It is vouched for as officially correct by a certificate from the Colonel. Advance Sal over 6000 Vols, in Manila shows the faith of soldiers . in the publication. It is sold by sub- scription only and returning soldiers have been employed almost exclu sively and thus far have found iir this very lucrative employment. A -- few more agents wanted in this State. - ; Address The Hicks-Judd Publishing - Company, 21 First St., San Fran cisco. - . , - For Ret. A nine-room house on 8th street, be ween Washington and Adama. En quire of LeviObeh, mm SHOES! MLIER. Road Supervisors. The county, court of Benton, county. Oregon, having abolished all road dis tricts in the county, and having made eacb voting precinct a separate road district, (except in Monroe precinct, which is divided into two road districts by a line running east and west between oec. j. anu Zo, x 14 o, K 5 W,) now desires that the residents of the various precincts of this county, inform the county court on or before the February term thereof, by - petition or otherwise, whom they desire appointed as supervi sor of their respective districts for the six months ending June 30, 1900. ' ViBoiT. E. Wattkbs, V' .'-Clerk. UERVITA PILLS testers Vitality. UctVlMr ass Maakeod. Core Impotency, Night Emissions and diseases, au enecis oz sen abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic and Mood builder. Brings the link glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire ox youth. Br mail ROa ner box. 6 boxes BsJUft with a written svanuow see to cure or rezuna tne money. Send for circular. Address, NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. C8nton at Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILLa Fer sale bv Allen & Woodward's dm gists, vorvains, Oregon. YOU CANT . Afford to miss the Great ' ' Bargains in Rockers, Bed ' 'I Lounges, Single Lounges, Couches, Chiffonier Dress ers, Bedroom Suits, Char- ter Oak Stoves, and Ranges, Etc. , now being v.i offered by J D. Mann & Co, "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever nsed for coughs or colds. It is uncijualed for whooping cough. Children all like it," writes H. M . Wil iama. Centrvvilie, Ind. Never fails: it is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, uures cougns, colds hoarseness, croup, pneumonia.broncbitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Its early nse prevents consumption. Gra ham & Wells. - For Sale or Exchange. On hundred sad eightea lots, in half and whols blocks, in ibe wiglDai ton oi Nes,x.i. tbat bes'tli ful and beaa'J'nl lummc t if'o.i, i a Irea'n county, Omrou: some ousiness lo ; residence Ioji nest lbs principal churches, school bouse, and oilier iesl denees; Ho residence lots commanding beautiful views oi ocean ana oar. Five fractional blocks, south of and near the State Agricultural College; 'l completely tiled, Streets .brown up and graded; beautiful, convenient andccul.uiui for residence. Large dwelling, bam and outhouses, centrally located on "roomy and commodious grounds," in CorvaHu; viu exenange lori-trm near vorraiua, Twenty acres b'jlily improved, al? tile drained, and !n good siate al cultivation; exce' n roomy buPcMp-s; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural VOMC. large roomy borne and stable and lot in Cor va'lt. t'tv - irsidemc, two blocks from the four Haute; b'ji'. rolling ground. Eight Dice residence lots, thoroughly tils drained, in Wilklus Adiii Jou to Corvallis, - One lot and hotel, The Vincent House, oa Front street, in Corvallis, centrally located. - Seven: '-three acres, S In orchard, IS in wheat. ba'ance in CTa. umoer sou pasture; K ra;. west, adjoining kbe OJ4 Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis. WMl eiehar-je the 'town proper: y named tor o:.al.'e farm i-.- acreage property ; or ai'l escbanje tuesci'esse . . -et.y desciibed.for town p.ooar.y or other farms or acreage; or will veil my or ' of said properly on reasonable terms and time at : ea touaule rates and prices. M. ft WOODCOCK, - Corvallis, Oregon, For Sale. . . 260 acre slock farm adjoining an un limited outrange on tb west, and good schools, churches and tbe Belknap settle ment on tbe east. Also 130 acre farm, good cultivating land. Address M. 8. Woodcock, . Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. .."lam indebted to One Minute Couch Cure for my health and life. It cured me of. luna trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their life to the nromDt action of this never failing , remedy. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Graham A Wells. Sollege UqifoPinSe Orders taken at S. L. Kline's for the Pettibone O, A. C. uniform. wuuir tor : ' notice. Persons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. B. B. would do well to call on or correspond with the undersigned. There is a num ber of first-class timber claims to be taken up under tbe timber or homestead. acts. W. L. CLARK, Gates, Manon Co., Or. , . Locator. The modern and most effective core for constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Graham it Wells. DUley The Fixer is now prepared to do all kinda of bi cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing, etc. .Besides being a champion "fixer of the Willamette valley, he carries a full line of bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel men, ray him a visit, Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. De Wit's is the only original and infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Graham & Wells. WANTED Baled hay. Enquire at Howell's old stand. G. H. Appleton. Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J says, DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others.' Quickly cure all bowel and liver troubles Graham & Wells. For Sale. The E X of Sec 25, Tp 10 S, R 6 W, containing 860 acres; price, $1,300. Terms, 800 cash; balance, mortgage. Apply at this office. L. T.. Travis, Agent Southern R. R. Selina, Ga., writes, 'I cannot say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In my case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Graham & Wells.' .. . Prof, W. A. Ginn, teacher of pnano, organ,, guitar and theory of mnsic, Special. work in voice culture. Latest and' best methods. Call at Graham & Wells for terms, etc. Lewis Dennis, Salem. Ind., says, "Kedol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good:than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and cannot help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Graham de Wells. Notice of Final Settlement. ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as executor ef the estate of K. C Gibson, deceased, has filed his final account in said estate ia the county court of tbe state of Oregon tor Benton county, ana Mnnaay, tue 51a day ef February, A. D. 1900, at the hour'of 10 o'ciock a. m. at ine county court room in tne court house in Corvallis. Benton County, Ore gon, is the time and. place set f.r hearing ob jections, if any, to said, final acceuut ana the settlement tnercot. Bated this 4th day of January. 1900. " XL. X, GIBSON. Executor Jef the Estate of R. C Gibson, De ceased. F. B. Thirkield, Health Inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Graham & Wei's. - ' Notice for Pnbllction. Lass OmcaATORsaoa Crrr, Orsoon, Decembers, 189ft. Noticed hereby giren that tbe fo"owinj nvned seller Si: filed notice oi hr ijten 'on to mate final proof fa t"port of Ms eWn, and i-iat sa d proof will be made before tbe County Clerk of Ben on Coun.y at Corvallis, Oregon, on January 24, liWO, JOHNATHAN J. CAUTE. H. E. No. 11,284. for tbe Sof NWJ and NJ of SWJ of Sec. 20, T. 10 8 ef R. 6 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, vis: Eugene 11 Bodele, Frank Seabrors and John Smith, r'l of We'ls, Oregon, and Taylor 1. Miller, of Kiojs Taller, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOBE3. Resrister. J. I, Beavery. Loganton, Pa., writes, "I am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Cure after docters failed. It also cured my children of v hoopingrcougb.'' Quickly relieves and crlres coughs, colds, croup, grippe and tntoat and lung troubles. Children all like if. Mothers endorse it Graham & Wells. EAST and SOUTH YTA -- THE SHASTA ROUTE '.. ' . "-or thi Southern Pacifio Oompanv. r . . axraass raAurs xvat ailt. 7: P. M. I leave Verilaad Arrive :0 a. If . 12:1 P. II. I Leave Albas Arrive 4:1 A.M. MSA. at I Arrive a IraaeUee Leave T:tf M l:P.M. Arrive Ogden Arrive 1:10 P.M. :05P.M. Arrive Denver Lesve f:4SP. M. 6:40 A, If. (Arrire Omaha Arrive 1:60 A. M. :15 P.M. Arrive Chicago Leave SOP, M. 7:00 A.M. Arrive Los Angeles Ar. (:25A. M. :15 P.K, Arrive tl Paso' Arrive 1 2:U P. . :1S P. H. Arrive Ft. Worth Arrtvs 1 1:40 A. U. 7:H A. M. I Arrive K.OrleansAriivs i:40 P. M. DiniDg Oars. Observation Can. Pnllman FirstOIass and Tourist ears attached to all throngh trains. Throoeh Tourist Cars to Chicaco with. ontchasge, - Kasekarg Mail Bally. t-JS A. M. I Urn Pettlaad: Arrive I 4:3 P. M ItM P. H. 1 Leave Albsey Arriire ) 12:MP. M S:S P. M. I Aavlve KeeebMrg Aeate I JMA.U " WnUUKtUm. Coryallls Mail. Daily Except Sunday. r-M A. s)f f Uav Portland Arrive CMP, at ll:iSP. Avrire CervaUis Leave 1.-WP.M Al ABjaay aad Cervallls eeanect s'tk trains ef Ue Corvallis k Eastern usilway. Iadependence Pass. Daily Except Sun. 4:54 P. M. I Irfav Pertlaad Anrlve I l:lt A. M . 1 T:M r. M. Arrtvs HeUiuaviHe Leave j 1:111 k. :S P. 1L Arrive lsdepemteaee Leave .M A. it. Direct connection at San Francisco with steamship Unev for HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA, the PHILIPPINES, and AUS TBAILIA. . . K. rOEHLER, C K. UARKH AM.' Maaagerv - f. F.&P.A. Postland, Or. For through tlcksts aad rates call on A. 8. Peaee, 8. L. Hays, Depot Ag't, City Ticket Agt, Parrallfp.pf. CorrUIs,Or. ONLY ONE WEEK MORE IN JANUARY 1900. : Will you help us to make it our largest January week's business? - Don't, answer until you scan the price list quoted below, and then seethe goods.. After that if you think we don't deserve your help in trying to beat our sales record we won't ex pect to get it. We have tried to make this store an object lesson in the right kind of dry goods selling. We are trying harder than ever right now. Oar stock is complete, our qualities reliable, our prices attractive, our store service the best we know how to make it We ask your patronage on these points of merit Ladies Dress Skirts in Black, Nayy and Fancy Worsted at $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00. Kid GloTes at $1.00 and $1.25. W.B. Corsets at 90c, and $1.00 Tomson's Gloye Fitting Corsets at $1 and $1.25. ; Ladies' fine Shoes at Fifty cents on the Dollar at S T IfT INP TH WHITE iw IvJUlllJQt HOUSE REGULATOR 0T LOW PRICES. liYlo Depart TIME SCHEDULES. Abkivx Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Louis, Chieage and East Fast Mail 8 p. m. Fast Mail 6:45 p.m. Walla Walla. Lew iston, S p o k a ne, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth. Mil waukee, Chicago, and East Spokane Fiver 3:45 p.m. Spokane Flyes 8 a. rn. Oesan Steanishint. All 'sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco, Sail Dec. 3, 8, 13, 18. 23, 28, & every 6 days. 8 p. m, 4 p. m. Daily. Ex. Sun. 8. p. m.; Saturday, 10 p. m. Colombia Bivir Stumer. To Astoria & way landing. - 4 p. n. Except Sunday Wlllamett. Hirer. Oregon City, New berg, Salem, and Way-landings. 6 a. m. Ex. Son. 4:30 p. in. Except Sundav 7 a. m. Tuesday Thursday and S aturday WillaiMtti ind Yin . hill Rims. Oregon City, Day ton & Way-land's. 3:30 p.m. Monday and Friday. 6 a. m. T uesday, Thurad'y and SaturJ'v. Willamette River. Portland to Corval lis & Way-land's. 4 :30 p.m. Monday, and Friday. Leave Kipaiia l.saa. Daily. Soaki River. Biparia to Lewis'n. Leave Lewiston Dail: 8:30arn ELMER CLARK, City Ticket Agent. MR. THAYER, Local Agent. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad. . TIMS CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m " Corrallie 1:55 p. m " arrive Yaquina 7:85 p. m 1 Retuining: v Leaves Yaquina.... 6:00 a. m Leaves Corvallis.... 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany.... .. 7:00 a. m. ; Arnyes Detroit .... 11:30 a. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit . , . . . 12:20 p. m Arrives Albany . . , . 5:45 d. m One and two connect at Albai.y and Corvallis with Southern Pacifio trains, giving direct service to and from Newport and adjacent beaches. - Trains for tbe mountains arrive at' noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbusa and Hantiam nvsr the same day. Edwin Bronx, H. L. Walden, Mansger. T. F. & P. A. H. H. Croniss, Agent, Corvallis. For Sale. Large Eighth Medium Job Press NoTafcT. Trrucs. Cohvetancimo. JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORN8Y-ATLAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Fint National Bank- Building. for Sale. . 44.53 acres, knowa as the Felr Mill property, one mile west of Philomath, ia isenion county. Oood residence, out buildings and orchard. Fins place for Souring mill. $1500 will take it. $250 cash, balance on ten veara if deairarl at 8 per cent interest. This is a bargain. inquire of Geo. F. Eelin. Corvallis: Or., Or F. M. Johnson, Rooms IS end 14 hsrlock Bi - - land. Or. For Sale. The Commercial restaurant in this city. Enquire of - San Wow. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST la WblUkftn- Blrk CorvtinT, Oregon B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician. Surgeon Office over Allen & Wood ward'sdrugatare Office Hours t?I.2a-m- J ) l to 4 p. m . Residence: Corner 5th and Adams, west of Catholic church. - Telephone at office and residence. - ' "THE RESORT" TH03. vVHITEHO!ft Prop. . W. H. McBrayar aad Old Crow Vhia kys. Fine Wines, Liouors and Cig-at. .? iinnTijiLiijijiK Corvallis, Oregon, Does a general and conservative banktay business.- C. H. NEWTH physician $ Surgeon ':t . 4 PHILOMATH, OBEGON. C. B. Cautrobx. I E. H. Tatloh. CAUTHORN & TAYLOR DENTISTS. Dentistry of every description done In first cl nsnner, and satisfaction guar- CIOWI tti BBIDCE WORI 1 JKCIILTl Office over Zlerolf 's grocery store, oppoa:t the post office, Corvallis, Oregon. : 33. 12. BRYSOIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallla, Oregon. Office la Zlerolf balldlag. G. R. FARRA, M. D. Office corner Krrat . J over Graham ft Wells' drugstore. Residence on TiwA I. ru, courtheuse. . Office hoars 8 to 9 a. as., and 1 to s aad 7 to p. n. All calls attended promptly. ion Laundry Go., All white laber work gnaraateed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays aad arrives Seeead-Haad Store. - flREGOlft 'SHtiafl licg) THE DIRECT ROUTE TO MontanajTJtah, Colorado and all Eastern Points v Glle" e-c of fvnte rentes, via " -ocinc rast Mail Urn; er the Rio JSraode Scenic Llaes. Look at the Time , , i4 days to Salt Ike . Y days to Denver 3 days to Chicago 4tf days to New York Free Reclining Chair Cars,. Upholstered Tenrut Sleepiar Cars, aad Fallsaaa Palace Sleepers, operated en all r trains. For farther infointatioa. aerWta GEO. F. EGL1X, Agent, torvallis, Or, v.. u. i kV, w. K. COMAM. Trav. Pass. Agt Geal AgtnU a4 Tltird St, Poraii, Or.