Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, January 19, 1900, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JAN, 19, lr 1.
New Kid Gloves
Nearly 800 pairs of new kid glo . S for
ladies just added to our stock; Our
lines at $1 00, $1 25 and $1 50 are very
etroi.g. We have also a fine assort
ment of colors at $1 75, and black at
$2 00; two clasp with self, black and
contrast stitching:
Plaid Skirts
Another lot just placed on sale. A line
at $3 00 and another at $5 00 are ex
ceptionally neat and good value. . .
Thi3 department
plete than ever,
show, t he Block,
is now nearer com
We would like to
S, E Young & Son
Albu y, Oregon.
Born, last Saturday, to the wife of
Hank Hays, a son.. ;.- '" .
. Born, to Mr. and Mrs Thos. White'
horn, last Monday, a son.
Ernest Elliott is now proprietor of the
postoffice drugstore at Lebanon ,
Thirty members are now uuruberett in
the Farmers' Shsrt Course at the college
uenia! fete Abbey, known to every
viBiivr iu,xepvn, huh h. vurvaiiia vibi-
tor this week. i y.
Miss Esther Avery is home from Stan
ford univeraity where she has- been
attending school. . - . .. ;
The Knights of the- MacJabaes ' will
hold their semi-annual installation next
Wednesday evening,"-,, ; ... - . ' .
' Dennis Stovall is meeting wiih'tuuch
success in his lecture tour for the Macca
. bees. He is now at Myrtle; Point; - A v
( Mrs. Garrow left for Portland, Monday,
children will receive medical attention.
There will be the rejar services on
Sunday in the United Evangelical church
Kev. Li M. Boozer will pieace : morning
and evening. A cordial-invitation 'ex
tended tO all. -' '"
The Christian Endeavor of the Presby'
terian clturch will entertain their friends
with "PrnorpafiivB Jpntina" in Flip-' nrnli
- this Friday evening. ' About!';, -vita-tions
have been i. sued. . - ,ivV
. Prof. W. A. Ginn desires all who wish
to take a c'asj coarse in vocal music, to
meet him at the 1st M. E church, Friday
evening. Jan. 19th, at which time 'the
class organization will ba perf-ed.
Mr. Joe Ebner, wife and little (laughter,
are visiting with Mrs. Ebner's mother,
Mrs. Mary Thompson. ' Mr. Ebue has
experienced very poor heCUh at his lome
in Albina and it is hoped that' his visit
to this city will prove beneficial.
The . most enjoyable and successfu 1
dancing party given by the firemen this
season was that held at their ' hull last
Saturday evening..' Over fifty-couples
participated, and the music is reported
excellent. Much credit is due those who
have the management of these parties in
hand. r . . , ' V' -
Mr. O. H. J&mes, of B'.odgett, visited
this office this week. " Mr. James was at
one time connected with the editorial
staff of the Gazette. He noticed the vast
contrast between the . present .commodi
ous quarters and modern -machinery and
conveniences of this office as compared
with conditions when ' lie was on the
paper. . -
O. V-Hurt ". Wt Tuesday for a Mail
with his parents and other relatives at
.Oakland City, Indiana. He left this
city of his boyhood 22 years, ago, and
this wi'l be his second visit' home in ten
years. Mr. Hurt will visit Salt Lake
City, Danvsr, St. Louis, and other promi
nent cities and will be absent about three
weeks. ' , ; ''-r''vh --, -.
At a meeting held in Philomath, Tues
day, it was decided to bond the school
district tor $2500; to raise money to build
a hew -choolhouse. A few weeks ago a
10-mill tax was levied, which with the
bond?, will make about $3500 available
for the new building. Work will, be
commenced as soon as . lumber can b
gotten on the ground in the" spring, ,' -V
Tb City Lumber Yards, recently
purchased by J. B. and G. W. Irvine;
are now well stocked with every thing in
the shape of building lumber. It is the
intention of the new proprietors to de
velop this enterprise, until it is" one of
the leading industries of Corvallis. They
are prepared to fill orders for flooring,
eel ing, fencing, heavy ti-nbers and
everything of this nature.
Corvallis has furnished her .quota to
every band of gold seekers that have
rushed to new diggiugs since the Klon
dike discovery. Sumpter is to have her
share sad every day brings to light new
names of Hose who have their, intention
to go t- Cape Nome. Tommy Jones has
secured a birth on the Elder . which is
dated to sail May 15th and George Bowers
and Win Ridenour wired We . . lay to
secure transports 'on.
District No. 23 s advanced room won
the banner of attendance for having the
highest per cent of attendance among the
whools of the county for the month of
December. Prof. ETE. Starr is in charge
of the above room. The per nt made
was 99 per cent The next five schools
that had the best attendance were:
District, iNo. l, SO per cent: 83, I per
cjnt; 4, 81 per cent; 12, 81 per nt;
5, 9 pet cent. The teachers in charge
of these schools are Lottie Herbert, Grace
Huff, Hattie Williams, T. J. Kisley,
Delphena Heanel, respectively. :'"-''
Harry Holate returned home Sunday
frqm. stqrja, where be has been for
several months. He intends remaining
here until he leaves for Washington ia
March. The Astorian pays him the
following compliment: H. L. Holerate,
who for several months past has been
connected with the Astorian in the capa
city of city editor, has resigned his posi
tion to accept an executive positio i in
the census department at Washington,
I. p. Jjeing a y.ouna' man of polish and
ability he leaves many friends in Astoria.
C. Eugene Dunkel, who for the past ten
years has been connected with leadin g
dailies in Califo '-:a, succeeds Mr. Hol
gate at the low desi.
X- ' e Ba; nett "returned. Sunday
a mo.nhsVi-'Sence in ort'.snd,
The. new ferry is now in operation at
Bundy's crossing. It is in charge of one
of the Ingram boys. -
Don Holgate, who is . taking a course
.a shorthaud and typewriting at the
Portland Business College, ia expected
home i;i a few weeks.
T. Cutnmings, of Riverton, Nebraska,
is a late arrival in Corvallis. He is
much pleased with this locality, and will
probably decide to locate here.
EVE. Wi'son, an attorney of Corvallis,
attended the Hodges-Gesner wedding in
this city last evening, departing for hie
home on the evening express. Salem
Statesman. .
Governor. Geer, Secretary of Slate Dun
bar and State Treasurer -Moore acting
jointly, have fixed the state tax levy at
6.3 mills. Benton, countv's taxable
property is valued at $2,625,272 and her
taxes will amount to $16,539.21.
The report" that Sara Thurston had
gone td Canada with the intention or
inlisting in the English army to fight the
Boers, seem j to be without foundation.
His brother, Gyp, who was in Corvallis,
Sunday, slates that Sam is in Portland
and will likely return shortly to resume
his studies at the O A G.
Judge Hamilton has handed down a
decision in the case of Crawford vs Farra.
Offing to a difference of opinion over
transactions involved in the manage
ment of a flouring nxil 1' at Sheridan in
which both parties had an ownership,
Crawford sued Farra for $3000. The de
cree is for the plaintiff in the ' sum of
..... r-. . ' i i ' "J
Prof. E. Emory Xft'th, of Stanford
University, ; will deliver a lecture on
Character Building" ' at the college
chapel, January 26th. Everybody is
invited. Prof. Smith will remain here
and assist in the Fruit Growers' conven
tion. Many prominent fruit men; from
Washington and Oregon will be present
and take part in this convention, which
promises to be the most successful ever
held in the state. V -
A Corvallis camp ot Spanish war
veterans will ' be organized tonight,
There are already eight camps m Ore
gon and since , there are 25 or 30 ex-
soldiers of the war " ia Corvallis and
yiciuity a lecal organisation was con
eidered advisable. A meet'.ng will be
held at the residence of Judge Burnett
at 7:15 and all who ' enlisted for the
Spanish-American war aia. invited to
participate in the " movement. Among
the names suggested are "O A C," "Ed
ward C. Young" and '.'Wheaton."
Stanley Herbert .has been' confined to
his home with chickenpox since Monday.
In order that no doubt should exist as to
the nature of the disease, the city author
ities consulted a physician and he pro
nounced the case chickenpox. This dis
ease cannot be carried in the clothing
nuda quarantine is unnecessary. To
oid its spread, however, members of
the family, have been notified to remain
at home ten days after the present
pa'ieat breaks oat, until they are certain
that they ere not to be taken down with
the disease. V ' ' :
At a meeting of the school board for
Dist. No. 9 held last Friday evening,
provision was made for paying the semi
annual interest on-the district's bondted
indebtedness and to redeem one of the
bonds as repaired by law. - A small
amount of funds is now in the treasury,
and the board only found it necessary to
levy a one-mill tax on the $680,000 worth
of taxable property in the . district to
meet, the - interest; payment, which
amounts to $720 annually on the twelve
$1000 bonds. A one and one-half mill
tax was levied to pay one of the bonds. .
' That our " item headed "After Back
Fee3," in last" week's issue, may not be
misunderstood, we will explain that it is
through no fault of the clerk that in
some instances filing fees are not com
mensurate with the value of the estates.
The clerk has no other means of knowing
the value of an estate when filing Is
made, aside from the probable valuation
placed upon the estate, and the law pro
vides that such- fee shall be made at the
time of filing.' Noting the discrepency
in the probable valuation and inventory
valuation, however, the clerk has called
the court's, attention to the matter with
result as stated ia our item of last week.
. "Forces That Win In Life" wag the
subject of an edifyicg and instructive
lecture by Dr. Kellog, ol Portland, at the
Methodist church, Monday evening.
A large aud 'attentive audience followed
the 'speaker's every word and nothing
but praise aud commendation is heard
of his effort. .The object of the enter
tainment was to -give friends of the
church an opportunity to make a volun
tary contribution toward making up the
balance yet unprovided for on the church
debt, and to furnish an enjoyable even
ing for everyone who cared te hear an
able and eloquent speaker. The pro
ceeds of the .evening were $65 and about
$50. of this amount will be applied toward
paying off the debt. ; ' : ; ,
There will be a temperence conference
for Benton county to be held in Corvallis,
January 3l8t, All churches. Sunday
schools and ' young people's societies
throughout the county are requested to
eand representatives. AH persons in
terested in advauciug this cause are in
vitad to be present and aid in making the
rally of interest. At the close the
organization of a county ,.W. C. T. U
will be effected by Helen D. Harford,
state president-W. C. T. TJ. '.. The local
union will - entertain all properly ac
credited delegates. Mrs. Harford will
also lecture in this town, Tuesday even
ing, January 23d, a nd hopes to meet all
..ie girls and young ladies of our city in
the a.'ternoon of the same day at 4
o'clock.' v
. A hesiness change which has been
under consideration for some time, was
consummated Monday morning. The
Occidental hotel which has been managed
jointly py Messrs Charles Schmidt and
Mark Brunk for the" past ' two years
passed into Mr. . Brunk's hands. ' Mr.
Schmidt who for nine years has been
genial landlord of this popular hostelry,
leaves shortly for Portland with his
fami Iy. The latter will make their
residence in the metropolis, while Mr.
Schmidt will leave Mar 1st for. Cape
Nome. WHi0 Schmidt - wilt remain in
Corvallis, to settle business matters until
that date, when he will . join his father
and go to Nome, i Mr. Schmidt has made
many friends during his residence ia
Corvallis and himself and family will be
greatly mi&sed by the community at
la.ge. .
- Jack He ".I, who has been nu '"ing small
pox patients in Kings valley, 'an ived in
town Friday. He says that the last
smallpox patient has been convalescent
for at least two weeks, and there is no
doubt that the disease has been stamped
out in that section. - He requests us to
express his thanks to the people for
their many kindnesses extended to him
during his stay in the valley. .; - .
Thecase of Porter vs Huffman, which
has been pending for the past three vears
has been decided in favor of the defend'
ant by Judge Hamilton. The bone of
contention was the changing of a ditch
which passed through the property of
each. It appears that John Hoffman
purchased a farm in Pleasant valley.
Shortly alter this Mac Porter purchased
an adjoining farm. Years ago a ditch
had been dug through the farms, and
after acquiring title to the upper farm,
Huffman proceeded to make alterations
in the course of the ditch, Porter , took
exceptions and a law suit followed.
Dost thou go around the land at night
and rush tne growler and perambulate
with the feminine? Dost thou whoop
'er up with the boys and finger the sub
stance of the jackpot, . and plant the
sheckels against the ever-slippery fin
ger? Dost thou puff a 2 -cent cigar or
pull the deadly cigarette, and has thou
lost thy grip on ways that are right
and wisdom which is good in the world ?
Verily thou art in a very bad row of
stumps. It will not be long ere thou art
known in the land no more. Thine heels
will fly up and thou fall Into the soup.
Keep thine eyes on thy gun, and monkey
net with the juice of the jag. - Steer clear
of the man with the aces, and in the
ripening years of thy life thy pockets will
be full of the fruit of the earth, while
those who mind not these command:
ments are partaking of the lunch that
is free. ' " V - .
' The death ol Miss 'Augusta Straga.
which occurred at her home in this city
at 11 p. nr.. January 15, was not unex-
dected.' ; For several years she had been
a sufferer from dancer of the breast and
numerous operations had failed to afford
her relief. Miss Straga had been a resi
dent of this city for 16 or 18 years. Her
brother, Carl, was the victim of
mysterious and horrible murder which
shacked the community some years ago,
the perpetrators having never been dis
covered. A sister, Annie, was . her only
relative residing in this city, although
another sister, Mrs. -Minnie Huft, "of
Washington, was present at the funeral
She has relatives in the East. ' Mise
Straga was 48 years and two months old
at the time of her death. Rev. Mem
minger officiated .at the funeral services
which were held at the M. E. church,
Wednesday, at z p, ni. in the presence
of many friends of the deceased. In
teruient was made in Crystal Lake ceme
tery.". ' '" '-'': . -'
Cheating tne County. ,
There is a palpable error in the amend
ment passed by the last legislature to the
law regulating the fees to be charged for
filing proceedings in matters in probate,
divorce cases, actions at law and similar
matters, which is depriving every county
in thestate of much legitimate and neces
sary revenue. Whether this error lies
at the door of the printer or to careless
ness on the part of others interested is
not in evidence, but the error is in the
general law, nevertheless. The law
originally provided that in proceedings
of tHe nature mentioned, the plaintiff
should pay a filing fee of $5.00," where
the amount payed for was less than $500;
and $10, where the amount exceeded
$500. : The law as amended simply pro-"
vides for a fee of $5 in either event and
thecounty is loser $5.00 whenever the
amount involved exceeds $500.
Senate bill ' 97, introduced by Senator
Mulkey, which contains the amendment
provided for the $5 and $10 fees, bnt as
printed in the statute provision for the
$10 fee is omitted.
In the case of the defendant, however,
the law provides that he shall pay a fee
of $2.50 when filing an answer when the
sum does not exceed $500, and $5 where
the amount is in excess of $500.- Thus
where the figures named are over $500,
the defendant is obliged to pay as much
for filing as the plaintiff.
Another Dlffictlty.
Another incongruity is exposed in the
registration law .passed by the last legis
lature in the following statement in a
letter to this paper inquiring what should
be done in the case cited : "I see no
provision in the registery law for such a
contingency as happens in my family.
The last day of registering is May 15th,
and my son becomes of age the 19th, four
days after the closing of the register.
My son is a legal voter uuder the consti
tution of the state, the organic law,
not statute law, and does not want to lose
his vote." In the case above referred to,
the young man is in a distant city where
it would be difficult for him to secure
witnesses to his age. An affidavit from his
father, however, would be sufficient and
easily obtained. Registration blank "A,"
to which we referred last week,- provides
that toix free-holders must swear "that
we are each personally acquainted with
the elector and his residence as stated ;
that we believe all his other statements
are true."
Little difficulty would be experienced
in getting the signatures of six free-holders
swearing positively as to his residence,
and they are only asked to - state that
they "believe-all his other statements
are true." The law is going to work
some hardships, but it 19 believed that
serious trouble will be obviated aud the
final effect of the law will be for the
public good.
Laundry Agency.
I have secured the agency for the Mag
nolia Steam Laundry, of Albany, and
respectfully solicit your patronage.. All
packages called lor and delivered.
Arrangements have been made to ship
to the laundry en Wednesdays aad re
turned Fridays. Orders left with my
self at office will receive prompt atten
tion. Office with Trask & Settlameier.
Robt, Postboy, Agent.
Real Estate Transfers.
Emil Berlin to G. A, Seeley small tract
West of Corvallis, $550.
Thos. A. Cooper and wife to Minnie
E. Cooper 40 acres 3 miles West of Cor
vallis, $2000. : '
L. N. Price and wife to, Wm. 1. Price
50 acres near Monroe, $1. ' "
Wm. I. Price to L. N. Price 37 acres
near Menree, $1.
After An Interval of About Thirty Years
. the Long Tom Is Again Navigated.
After an interval of thirty years, the
placid waters ot the Long Tom have
again been troubled by the blunt nose of
a river steamer. The Gypsy made
successful trial trip to Monroe, Tuesday,
arriving at that progressive and enter
prising city' about three o'clock in the
afternoon amid the roar of anvils, shriek
ing of whistles and shouts of the popu
lace. -;v-. - ' .'- - -
Thus has the question of transporta
tion by water to Moaroe been satisfactory
ily settled, and the action of the govern
ment in appropriating funds for the
Long Tom improvement been fully vin
dicated. The Gypsy left this city Tues
day morning for Monroe carry ing twenty
tons of freight and ten passengers. She
made the trip in something over nine
hours, and experienced little difficulty on
any part of the route. - The boat officers
report eight feet of water on the shal
lowest bar between Monroe . and the
jnaction with the Willamette. Wednes
day the little vessel started on the return
trip leaving Monroe at 8 :15 a. m. With 75
tons of flour and feed. She arrived
safely in this city at 3 p. m. where she
transferred sixty tons of her cargo to the
Ruth to be taken to Portland, the re
maining -fifteen tons being consigned to
Wm. Geilatly at Blodgett. There is
still about 500 tons of freight ready for
shipment and it is thought that five or
six trips will bring all of this out. The
Gypsy left up the river Thursday, and
hereafter will make a trip every week
during the winter season.
Mr. Carpenter and Hugh Kay were
passengers out Wednesday from Monroe
Theo Welscher. of this city, who made
the round trip, said yesterday: "The
15-mile run up the Long Tom was made
in the same time that the same distance
was covered on the Willamette. We en
countered a Blight obstacle in a portion
of the old. bridge which was lying in the
stream, but this was towed out of the
way and anchored. Everyone was
highly pleased with the success of the
trip. But $3000 has been expended by
the government in this improvement
and the value of every dollar spent is in
evidence. Capt. Galbraith informed me
that with an appropriation of . $5000 the
river could be placed in shape to admit
of any boat on the river going to Mon
roe.'.-, -.-' Vv ' '''-V'':' ;
Monday's Council Meeting.
Mayor Crawford has issued a call to
the city council for a special meeting
next Monday evening, for the purpose of
fixing the tax levy for the assessment of
the year 1890, for the city of Corvallis.
The matter was neglected at the last
regular . meeting of the council. The
levy will probably be the same as that
of last year." - The charter provides that
a tax not to exceed five- mills . may be
levied for general purposes, and this
assessment on the $552,800 worth of tax
able property in Corvallis - will afford a
revenve of $2764, which together,, with
saloon licences of $2500 and fines and
other licences of probably $500 will give
the city $5764 for running expenses.
When the new sewer is completed our
indebtedness will be in the neighbor-'
eood of $18,000, which shows Corvallis to
be in better condition financially than
any other city in the valley. Besides
this no city has better streets or public
buildings. . L' r ' -
A two-mill tax will probably be levied
for street purposes. Much good work
has been done on the streets during the
past season and a nice little balance re
mains in the treasury. Were it not for
a little donbt as to the exact meaning of
the law which : provides that this city
may levy a two-mill tax for street pur
poses, it is possible that only a one-mill
tax would be voted." The law would
seem to mean that no ' other tax but a
two-mill tax could be levied: . neither
greater nor Jess.. ,
The state tax this year will be 6.3
mills; county tax, 11 mills; city tax
7 mills; for state school purposes, 5 mills;
state scalp bounty .25; mills;! for special
school purposes, 2.5 mills, making a total
of 32.05 mills. The. tax last year was
34.1 mills. '
In Favor or Rlckard.
The case of Brandeberry vs. Rickard
which was argued ft the November term
of court and which has since been under
advisement by Judge Hamilton, has
been decided in favor of the defendant,
Sheriff Rickard. The decree directs
that the costs shall be paid by the plain
tiff. '- - :"
Readers of this paper are familiar with
the details of the case, which grew out of
the sale of the hop yard of William
Mackay and W. A. Wells in which J. N.
Brandeberry held an interest. Ia the
sale of the land there was an excess of
$1,000 in the proceeds over the mortgage
on the property. Of this amount,Brande
berry claimed $500, but the sheriff
paid the entire amount to Mackay.'
Brandeberry brought . , action against
Rickard to recover the $500, but the
decision of the court sets this aside and
vindicates the action of the sheriff.
More Work on Revetment.
The revetment east . of town is to be
extended by the building of 603 addi
tional feet to this end of that break-water.
A party consisting of Mayor Crawford,
Councilman Taylor and Jas. Smith aad
citizens M. S. Woodcock, Robt. Huston,
P. Avery W. E. Yates and August Fis
cher, visited Capt. L&ngfitt and Lieut.
Ogden on board the Mathloma last week
to impress upon them the necessity of
extending the revetment and the desire
of the city that this be done, Capt.
ijangfitt informed the committee that he
had realized the necessity of extending
the jetty and had already ordered an
extension of 500 feet built. The visit of.
the committee, however, evidenced the
interest the people of Corvallis are taking
in the work and their appreciation of the
danger which exists in the river finding
a. new channel. The work which' has
been done already by the crew of the
snagboat, under the supervision of Capt.
Galbraith, is said to be of the highest
character. The additional work will be
completed as the stage of the river will
permit. . - ' -.
' The Telegram, of Saturday," speaking
of the work being done here, says :
Captain W. C. Langfitt has just re
turned from an inspection trip to Cor
vallis, where the work of building the
revetment is progressing. He says he is
well pleased with the "work done, und
has no complaints to make except of the.
weather. The rains have interferred
somewhat with the work . and will make
the total cost . more than was at first
thought. . . " "
There are abont 60 men at work, besides
the snag boat, and with a few weeks
of low water, the wall would be finished.
About COO feet are well under way. It
may be that the revetment will be made
1200 feet instead of 1000 as originally in
tended. . '.. ' .-, -.', .'.-: -. -
- The people of Corvallis are grey
interested in this piece of work, and
anxious to see, it completed.' If it .
complishes the end for which it isinte -
ed.'the channel of the river will contin
to flow by the town; otherwise in time
the river will make a cnt- off which will
leave Corvallis high and dry and away
from the river.
Captain Langfitt and his assistants are
Bure that the revetment will prove sue
cessful, and are using all possible speed
to complete it.
They had .hoped Xbr a cold January,
with little rain, which would - have
brought low water, thus enabling the
workmen to put in better time.
Hvaary and Despondent, M- Rosendorf
Ended His Life With a Revolver.
Ed Rosendorf, who has been attending
the O A C as a member of the freshman
class, was called home to Independence,
Sunday morning, in answer to a telegram
telling him of the suicide of his father,
M. Rosendorf, at Baker City. Mr.
Rosendorf was also half-brother to Mr.
Joe Herehberg, of Independence, who is
well known in this city. .The Baker
City Republican gives the following ac.
count of the suicide: .
Tired of life, aad probably temporarily
insane, M. Rosendorf at 8:30 o'clock
this morning, in his room in the Com
mercial hptel blew his brains out with a
revolver. .: .
Rosendorf first registered at the Com
mercial December 25, Christmas day.
He came here from Independence, .Or.,
where he has a family. He was appar
ently looking for work, having applied at
different stores. .The Commercial hotel
people understood that he and his wife
had separated. He succeeded in getting
little work and is reported to have fre
quently been without bed and - meals.
He was apparently, a man of about 45
years of age and had at times, it is said,
told Robert Bettner, the dray man, and
the Rev. J. R. N. Bell, that he intended
to commit suicide. They both persua
ded him out of it and lent him, substan
tial aid. V .- -
About 8:30 o'clock this morning the
occupants of tha Commercial hotel were
startled by pistol shots in the dead man's
room. Entering the apartment a ghastly
sight was exposed. Resendorf lay in
his bed half on his left side, his face and
head . disfigured beyond recognition,
clotted with blood the right band lying
outside the coverlets, still clutching a
smoking revolver, the bedclothes bespat
tered with blood and a bullet lodged in
the head board, having apparently passed
through the suicide's head.
On the person of the deceased t1 -
coroner, Dr. Currey, . who was at or
summoned, found some papers a
letters, one from his little girl and V
addressed to his brother, plainly stati; :
his intentions and requesting that tl .
Workmen, of which order he was a
member, take charge of his remains.
The Rev. Bell has this letter and wil
not make it public until the brother
arrives tomorrow. His brother is a
banker and a wealthy man of Polk
county, Oregon; :
Worse Than Defeat.
The double athletic bill between the
basketball and baseball teams of the
O A C and Albany College, came off as
scheduled ' at the armory last " Friday
evening. Aside from the brilliant team
work of the home girls there was little in
the basketball game to arouse enthusi
asm, Albany was defeated by a score of
47 to 2. So perfect and rapid was the
playing of the ladies of the O A O, that
the visitors were bewildered, and gazed
open mouthed at the skill of then-
opponents. ; - ' " V
The baseball team from the village
down the creek, made a slightly better
showing, the carelessness of the home
team of the latter part of the game, per
mitting them to make three, unearned
runs. -
The Albany Herald thus explains their
defeat: " -
The excursion last night to Corvallis
was a success, over 100 going over. The
young ladies basket ball team of Albany
College played the O A C team in the
armory at that place, the Corvallis girls
in a beautiful and well played . game
winning by a score of 47 to 2. The de
feat was caused in part by the floor
being in a very slippery condition and
the hall was considerably larger than the
one the Albany girls have practiced in.
The ball used was alao smaller than the
one used in former games. These cir
cumstances, together with the long and
hard practice of the O A C girls explain
away the apparent heavy defeat. The
game of . indoor baseball between the
Atlas club of this city and the O A C
team was won by the latter by a score of
17 to 8. The game was well played on
both sides. The armory was well filled
with spectators. A return game will be
played in this city in a. few. weeks and
no doubt will be liberally patronized.
council Meettng.
Notice is hereby given to the members
of the common council of Corvalls, Ore
gon, that a special meeting ef the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis,
Oregon, is hereby called to convene,
January 22nd at seven o'clock and thirty
minutes in the afternoon of said day. at
the City Council Chambers in said '
of Corvallis for the purpose of fixing .
tax levy for the assessment of the .
1899, for the City of Corvallis, Oregc;
and such other business as may coi .i
before said, council, .for, action , thereon;
Dated, January 18th, 1900, V
: . J. W.; Crawfobd, Mayor.
For Sale.
260 acre stock farm adjoining an un
limited outrange on th west, and good
schools, churches and the Belknap settle
ment on the east.- Alao ISO acre farm,
good cultivating land. Address
Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon,
Bnrbee Ride9 Into
Slough and Is Lost.
.William Burbee,' an electrician, who
for the' past several - weeks has been em
ployed in putting in new lines " for ' the
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co., in
this city, was drowned some time last
Monday between Junction City and
Monroe. While here Mr. Burbee made
the acquaintance of many of our citizens
nwho will . be surprised and shocked at
vi untimely death. Particulars of the
gedy disclose a dangerous condition of
p -tions of the highway in the locality
where it happened.
Mr. Burbee has been " employed for
sometime as line repairer by the Oregon
Telephone & Telegraph Co., and his last
trip was made in the line of his duty.
The high water throughout that portion
of the valley had caused some disturb
ance to the wires and Mr. Burbee was
sent out on horseback to make necessary
repairs. Later, it was discovered that
the repairs had not been made and it was
surmised ' that some accident had be
fallen him, so another man was sent out
to investigate.- This man found the
horse Burbee had been riding, with
bridle and saddle and Burbee's tools
strapped to the latter. The horse being
completely drenched, disclosed the sad
fate of the rider. . ;
- The manner of bis death can only be
conjectured from existing circumstances.
In crossing Lancaster slough across the
river south of Harrisburg, on the road
from Junction to Monroe, there is a
bridge, from which extends a long grade.
The old grade was swept out some years
ago and a new one has been constructed
upon a different line, but cannot be seen
in the sea of water which at present
envelops that region, though the further
end of the old grade could bo seen from
the bridge in the 'distance. It is sup
posed that Burbee rode off the bridge
in a line for that old grade, and, instead
of finding the expected solid footing,
plunged into fifteen feet of water.
Members of the telephone crew and of
the order of A. O. TJ. W., to which de
ceased belonged, instituted search which
was prosecuted until 5 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon when they found the body in
the swirling v aters in the vicinity of the'
awful plunge.
Deceased was 38 years of age and a
native of Canada, but had lived nearly
all his life in the United States. Be- -sides
his wife he leaves three small child
ren, the oldest only, eight years of age
and the youngest between one and two
years. . .
A Fortune in Stock.
The following letter, dated Manila,
November 30, 1899, is in reply . to an
inquiry addressed to the. writer by Mr.
J. L. Castle, the well known stock buyer.
It will be of particular interest to those
who have been considering the feasibility
of introducing American horses into the
Philippine Islands: -'- '''
Replying to yours of October 18th.
The native horse of the Philippines seem
to answer every requirement for light use
and I could not advise yon to ship our
horses as the expense and risk of landing
them in good order would make them a
y expensive luxury. The TJ. S. has
-j italara'e number of cavalry animals
here and they have given good satisfac
tion and are much admired by civilians.
There are a number of horses here im
ported from Australia, but the native
horse will undoubtedly always be so cheap
in comparison that the demand for im
ported horses will be' light The native
horse is one-third lighter and shorter
than ours, but is a very good animal an d
in times of peace is very cheap. A few
good American horses would undoubtedly
find a market here, but I would not ad
vise their shipment unless you have
plenty of means to stand a loss as . suc
cess is problematical. The same might
be said of American wagons, buggies etc.
The country is exceedingly well adapted
to stock raising and the first American
stock raisers with" a good herd of dairy
stock would," in my opinion, make a
fortune. -
If you can afford to do bo bring a
dozen good roadsters of medium size and
a few light rigs and try the situation.
This Is the only way to really know what
could be done. I would be pleased to
give you better encouragement, but I can
not conscientiously recommend the ex
periment. , ..
Very truly yours, -
H. R. Lewis.
Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, VU says,
"Our baby was covered with running
sores, DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured
her." . A specific for piles and skin diseases.-
Beware of worthless counterfeits.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the Corvallis post office for the
week ending January 13, 1900.
Brown, CI Nathanier, Mrs M C
Baker, Bert Rideman, Jas T
Hornbuckle. Robert Snyder, Mandie
James, Miss Maud Smith, Eddie E
Miller, Steye
- B. W. Johnson, P, M.
Money to Loan. .
In sums of $1,500 aad upwards, at six
cent. ' . .- E. R "Wilson.
II " 1 1143
I an
most successful Couch Medi
cine ever known to science: a.
few doses invariably cure the '
worst cases ot vougn, cronp
and Bronchitis, while its won
derful success in the cure of
consumption is without a par
allel in the history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it has .
been sold on a guarantee, a
test which no other medicine t
can stand. If yon have a i
cough, we earnestly ask yon
to try it. In United States and
Canada 25c., 60c and $1.00. and
in England Is. Sd., its. 3d. and .
&, ; . .
Sold by Graham &, Wort&amJ
I Gorvallis' Most Popular Eating House, i
v - TTfc, ' - - i - t
V, IVilvv 1 JLilVd y r
..... . V'
t Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits" and
m - mite lrrf nncfind.. c 1 i: 'S
--r ".ji.emujr vi ii ileum. , vJiuoKers supplies , -a
specialty. r
Now that the Holidays
are over
Will remain in full force
until .
MARCH 1st, 1900.
Sweeping Reductions in all lines.
The Paint Store
C. A BARN HART. Manager;
" An entirely new enterprise just opened in the Zierolf block op-'
v . : posite the Postoffice.
A specialty will be made of all kinds of ammunition.' Shells
reloaded and sportsman's goods of all kinds kept in stock.- .
Where We
Get Together!
You want shoes.
Latest styles;
Aft Buys the Queen
tjyj .. or the fflontv.
Next to Postoffice. - Corvallis, Oregon, j,
BwinruwiinJirtftJuiwiru uurtjwnmuiruinniuir inivxnjinruinruuwuuB
. Afford to miss the Great
Bargains in Rockers, Bed
" . Lounges, Single Iounges,
Couches, Chiffonier Dress
J . ; ers, ledroom Suits, Char-
ter Oak Stoves and
' ' Ranges, Etc., now being
offered by
J D. Mann & Gv
Nor abt.
Titles. . Conveyancing.
Practice in all Stats and Federal Court.
0Bc in First National Bank Building.
Fresh Groceries
All the News
;; While it is News,
Edited with an . ,
m '
m .,
. Eye to Facts
And their Value
To Our Headers
Subscription price
$1.50 per year
' We've got shoes.
Lowest prices.
Bee Shoe, t he best &noe in iowu
Call and see them.
OtBra lb. Wbltehorn Blork
- Physician 8f Surgeon ,
Office over Allen & Woodward's drngsta e
Office Hours SJ:S: .
Residence : Comer 5th and Adams, we t
-of Catholic church. 1.
Telephone at office and residence. ' '
:JPtiysician:$ Surgeon