Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, December 22, 1899, Image 3

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FRIDAY, DEC. 22,. 1893.
New Kid Gloves
Nearly 800 pairs of new kid gloves for
ladies; just added to our stock. Our
lines at $1 00, $1 25 and $1 50 are very
strong. We have also a fine assort
ment of colors at $1 75, and black at
$2 00; two clasp with self, black and
contrast stitching. '
Plaid Skirts -
Another lot just placed on sale. A line
at $8 00 and another at $5 00 are ex
ceptionally neat and good value ,
This department
plete than ever,
show the stock.
is now nearer com-
... We would like - to
S, ,E Young & Son.
Albany, Oregon.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Peterson, at Inavale, December
The party given by Young Americas
at the Firemen's hall Saturday night was
attended by forty coo pies. . j ' ' "
Deputy Head Counsel Cat. Thrasher,
instituted a lodge of Modern Woodmen
at Suver, Saturday. ; There -are 31
names on the' roll of the new lodge. '
Sunday school Christmas entertain
ment at Barrtist chiirchSatrirday 7 :30
. - M itl j T' 3
JJ. Ul, . xwu vii i ie wiiiia soiujuud uu uviuo
' Day. A cordial invitation to all .
A farmers Institute was opened at
Gresham, Oregon, Monday. ; Dr. Withy
combe delivered the opening address.
Professors Fulton and Kent each had
f -j: '
wpiua iw uiauuaoiuii. . -
The cantata given by the Juniors of
thn P.hriutian rlinmh Tiipsdav eveninc
was greeted by a crowded house. Many
words of commendation . have been
spoken by those who witnessed it
Mr, Jasper Haydeu was in from Alsea
on a business trip- this week. Mr. Hay
den is one of the sturdy pioneers of that
section, having been born there 42 years
ago, although he doesn't look a day over
85.- : ' ;.-, V
' The annual fair and chicken-pie dinner
given by the ladies of the Presbyterian
church at the Opera house last Saturday
evening was a success in every particular.
The gross receipts of the evening ; were
about $150. .;;. ..
Clem Hodes has again displayed his
talent for novel ideas in window dressing.
The show window of A. Hodes store,,rep
resenting Santa Claus' home has attract
ed the attention of crowds of paasersby
this week. ':
Mrs. S.jX. Wilkins, and son, Hallie
returned home from Prineville, last week
Owing to lack of railroads in that section
the trip from Prineville to Wasco, a dis
tance of one hundred miles, was made
t. . :
uy private cuuvejuiicci
The Salvation Army Is to celebrate
Christmas on Saturday evening, Decem
ber 23. An approprate program' will be
rendered, at the close of tke service the
presents on the tree will be distributed.
On Sunday evening will be the farewell
meeting of Lieut. Dodd. The public are
cordially invited to attend all the ser
vices. ' ' ; - -. -
A writer in-last Sundays Oregonian,
discussing matters pertinent to the Ore
iron intercollegiate football league, says
ef the OAO team : OACfought five bat
tles, two'of which it lost. In compari
son with the records of the other state
colleges, OAU is perhaps second to U of
O., altuough Willamette would crowd
closely for that position .
Mr. J. E. Farmer has replaced A. S.
Pence as station agent at the Southern
Pacidc depot, this city. Mr. Pence and
family left for their new home at Kiddle,
Saturday. Mr. Farmer stands higher in
the seniority list than ;Mr. Pence and he
was promoted from. Oakland to Cor
vallis. He has for his assistant Ole
Olesou, who served id this capacity for
Avant. Panpo. Mr. Fnrmrtr And familv
will occupy rooms in the depot building.
Eighteen elders of the Mormon church
met in Salem in annual convention,
Sunday. Eleven of the number came
from various parts of Eastern Uregon and
Idaho, and the remaining seven: from
Marion, Linn and Clackamas counties.
Oscar A. Johannson in his address said,
in substance, the Mormon doctrine was
meritorious in that it eradicated super
Btiiion and permitted its believers to
live according to the gospel of Christ
and exercise the mind and will which
the Creator had granted them. Forty
four elders, all residents ef Utah : are
now stationed in. Oregen. '
Mr. Rosa Nicholas, who is engaged in
the insurance and commission business
in Portland with T. E. Wilson, , formerly
of this city, came np to Corvallis, Sat
urday. Speaking of the McDaniel mur
der case, Mr. Nicholas said it was sur
prising how little interest was manifested
by the people of Portland in this impor
tant trial. The general belief seemed to
be, among these who had given attention
to the trial, that the evidence had' not
been sufficient to convict the accused of
the murder of Claire Fitch.
Dennis Stov made his debut in the
lecture field at Eugene last week. Speak
ing of his maiden effort, the Register of
that city, says: The preliminery re
marks were made by G. W. Kinsey,
P. C, who introduced Mr. Stovall to the
audience. Mr. gtoyaU ia an eloquent
and. forceful speaker, and set forth the
advantages of Fraternalism in an able
and convincing manner. ' During the
coarse of his remarks he related many
amusing incidents and pleasing reminis
cences, waking altogether a very enjoy
able entertainment for those who
attended. . - ; ?; ,
A quiet wedding, the announcement
o. which is going to surprise the many
friends of the groom, was performed at
Dallas, Saturday. So slyly was the mat
ter gone about, (h.at ony an alert pew
papef man wpuld suspect It- The groom
was H. M. Bratsk, the popular host' of
the Occidental, and his bride was Mrs.
Ella Shenefield, of Dallas. The ceremo
ny was performed by Rev. Riggs of the
Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Brunk
arrived in Corvallis, Monday, and quiet
y began their matrimonial voyage,
Mr. an 4 Mrs. Jake Hulbnrt returned
home this week from their honeymoon
trip to Weiser, Idaho.
Attorney W. E. Yates has been trans
acting legal business in Portland this
week. He is expected home today.
No less than five weddings in which
Corvallis parties are directly Interested
are scheduled for the coming week.
The Ladies Coffee Club will give
party on the evening of December 29th
at their hall, to which all members of
the club, together with their husbands
and families are invited. ' :
The Oregon State Board of Agriculture
has invited Dr. James , Withycombe,
vice director of the experiment , station
of the O.A.C. to act with the board in
arranging for the next state fair.
J. B. Irvine, while splitting a tough
stick, last Friday, absent mindedlv
whacked his thumb. Ia consequence
whereof, lie has been walking the floor
nights with the affected member. .
The executive committee of the inter
collegiate Oratorical Association held a
business meeting at Pacific University.
Saturday, and selected Monmouth as the
place for the next oratorital contest.
J. F. Yates purchased the house and
lots opposite the court bouse, known as
the Kelsey property, from Sol King last
Monday, he having filed a sheriff's deed
the same day. The deed is in the name
of Mrs. Lacy Yates, and the considera
tion named is $1,000.
Supreme Organizer Ronald, . of the
order of Knights of Pythias, was in Cor
vallis this week and instituted a section
of the endowment rank in Valley Lodge,
No 11.- This is the insurance feature of
the order, and it is said that there is
none better in existence. . .
Raspberries blooming and bearing in
December, how's that for climate? Last
Monday we were shown a branch taken
from a raspberry bush on Walter Kisor's
place on Woods Creek, which not only
had blossoms upon it, bat some tempting
looking berries as well.
Judge W. L. Wells, of Polk coautyr
was in tne city Tuesday. His purpose
was to inspect the furniture and -fittings
of Benton's court house, that he . might
be guided thereby in the selection of these
articles in equiping the new court; house
recently completed in his county.
: The Oregon State Teachers Association
meets in Salem the 27th, 28th and 29th
of this month, and the ' county superin
tendents will convene at the same time,
The names of Superintendent Denman
and Professor Horner appear on the
program. . . ,., . . .. .
You remember t he wonderful Lion
Bass, whose voice is like the sound of a
monster church bell, he will appear with
the Nashville Students, at their concert
at the opera house.- The celebrated so
prano known as. the "Colored Mocking
Bird" will appear with the Nashville
S tudents in their concert. .
The Nashville Students will give you
"A Taste of the Old Times," in their
entertainment next Tuesday. They will
tell you all about "Noab'a ".Old Ark ;"
'Camp meeting in Promised. Land;" all
about "Trouble In De Land V and will
petition that "Peter, Go Ring Them
Bells." Get your tickets early and be
on hand. 1 -
District No. 8 with Mr. John Van
Gross as teacher won the Banner of
Attendance for the month closing Dec.
10. Tnis is the second lime that his
school has won the'banner for this Fall.
Disk No. 50, with Miss Louise Leunber-
ger as teacher, came second in the con
test. There being no school in Dist. No.
8, district No 50 was given the banner.
A new regulation for cancelling inter
nal revenue stamps, when attached to
documents requiring the same, has been
promulgated by the United States treas
ury department and went into effect
Friday morning. ' It consists of catting
three parellel lines nearly the entire
length of the stamps and through the
documents to which they are attached,
after the same have been properly af
fixed and cancelled with the? date and
the necessary initials. Clerk Walters
had occasion to comply with the new
regulation for the first time, Monday. - -
We again have the pleasure of offering
the name of another gentleman of the
east who has his eyes turned westward.
Mr. E. L. Wroten, agent for the C. B. A
Q. R. R., at Tampico, I1L, sent in his
subscription for the Union-Gazette, and
says : "I am tninking some ot retiring
from railroad business, go west and en
gage in agriculture or fruit raising. I
don't know of a better way to get posted
on your part of the state than by sub
scribing for a good, live, wide-awake
newspaper that publishes the local news.
I believe that Oregon is the place ef my
choice, by what I have learned from peo
ple who have been there, especially from
those who hare been in the Willamette
valley." .
Readers of this paper have been made
aware' of the law and its conditions
passed by the last session of the legisla
ture requiring every - voter who would
casta ballot at the " next election, to
register. " County Clerk Wattera informs
us that he received the supplies for this
purpose last 'Monday and will be pre
pared to begin registration after January
1st. The law. provides that voters may
register between the dates of January 1st
and May 15th, but January 1st of 1900
will be New Years day, and therefore a
legal holiday and no registering will be
done. There are 1900 voters in this
county. There are actually 135 , days
from January 1st to May 15th, inclusive.
Dropping Sundays and legal holidays,
voters will have 114 days to comply with
the law, and the average for each day
will be 16 registrations., t '
The second . game of the Philomath
Plymouth series was to have been played
at Philomath, Saturday, but the pig-
skinera from that city refused to meet
their former successful rivals. A num
ber of students from the O.A.C. went
out to see a game and rather than be
disappointed they made np a team to
meet Plymouth. When time wa called
at the end of the second half,-the. score
stood.CaJlesP U ; P4ym.au.th q. Long, of
the latter team, who will attend O.A.C.
next season.gives promise of becoming an
excellent player. All rules were thrown
aside in the contest and it was any thing
to get there, the college boys surrender
ing the ball if they failed to make five
yards each down. The best of feeling
prevailed, and it is said to have been
more fun than a circ of.
Regular services at the . United Evan-J
gelical church Sunday morning and eve
ning. A cordial invitation to all.' '
The Sunday School of the United Ev
angelical church will give a Christmas
entertainment at the church on Christ
mas night . 'T
' Revival services continue at the United
Evangelical church with increasing in
terest. These meetings will continue
during the coming week. . .
Earle and Anita Harkia, little , grand
children- o Mrs. Greffos, will return
home Saturday, on a Christmas visit
They have been attending Piovidence
Academy Vancouver, Wash.
Corvallis Grange No. 242, will hold
meeting at- the - usual . place next Satur
day at 1 &0 p. m., at which time officers
will be elected for the ensuing year.
All members are earnestly invited to be
presets t ''
The attention of voters is directed to
the call of President Lake for a Repub
lican Club meeting, Saturday, December
30th. : Lists - can be fouud at the Union
Gazette office S. L. Klines, Carrier
sons, J. H. Wilson's office, O. V. Hurt,
L- W. Oreni aud , W. G. Lane, and
all desirous of becoming members of the
club should sign immediately.
Christmas exercises at the Presbyterian
cshurch next Saturday evening at 7 o'clock
prompt Santa Claus will arrive on time,
A cordial welcome to all. Those wishing
to pat gilts on the Christmas tree are
requested lo bring them to the church
Saturday morning byjll o'clock. , Christ
mas services next Sunday, most excel
lent " music" by the chorus choir.
Christmas praise service in the evening.
They need no preBS notices to add to
their far famed reputation. , . They have
appeared in nearly all the cities of both
the East and West,- and always go from
place to place followed by the most com
plimentary notices and feelings. Those
who are seeking an evenings . enjoyment
cannot find it any place as they would
by listening to the Southern melodies
and plantation songs as rendered by the
in asu vine Students. 1 hey will appear
at the Opera house - next JTuesday eve
ning. . ;
Chemist G. W. Shaw, of the Oregon
Experiment ' Station,, has just .issued a
bulletia on "Sugar Beet Experiments of
of 1898, and Final Conclusions.." The
results of this series of experiments liy
Professor Shaw to determine the adapt
ability of this state in its several sections
to the sugar beet, show that Oregon is
one of the most promising localities in
the country for successful, beet culture,
this conclusion bein 4 indorsed by H. W.
Wiley, chief chemist, U. S. Department
of Agriculture.
A Thrifty Farmer.
The Polk County Itemizer has the
following very complimentary : things to
say concerning the .. brother of Mine
Host Brunk. of the Occidental hotel this
city, and his thrifty methods' of
farming : 4 "T. W. Brank's home near
Eola is pleasantly situated at the cross
roads, between independence and the
Oak Grove country and Salem and Dallas.
It was the old home of his pioneer par
ents, he having bought the interests of
his brothers and sisters. It " consists of
over 500 acres and he is one of the pro
gressive farmers. He takes great pride
in his stock. His Cotswold sheep - are
the finest in Oregon, being from regis
tered stock with written pedigree for the
last 300 years. His entire flock averaged
15 pounds of wool to the bead, one
ewe shearing 25 pounds. , He has Just
received a fine lamb that took six state
fair preminms being exhibited in seven.
different states this fall. He has been
very lucky about anything bothering his
sheep, a Winchester rifle and his fine
hounds protecting the flock, which he
visits 'every day. His Poland China hogs
are the best that cau be produced. ' They
are the .black ones with white points
and are registered. He is constantly in
troducing new blood, having imported a
pair this fall. His cattle and horses are
good grrded stock, they not being raised
for sale. ' His Wife is. a great lover and1
cultivator of flowers. -They have an in
teresting family of three little boys. He
employs several men the year around
and raises lots of grain."
Mew Janitor Appointed.
Mr. Charles Barnhart, who ' was a p
pointed janitor at the court, house by
Judge Hufford and has for two years
faithfully and satisfactorily, performed
the duties of that position, - was dropped
from the county- payroll by the court
this week, and W. G. Lane appointed in
his stead. - :-
, The reason given by the court for the
change is thus stated on the records:
"It appearing to the court that the ' pre
sent janitor, C. A. Barnhart, has now
established a basiness or store on Main
street in Corvallis, which appears to
make it necessary for him to be absent
from the court house a part of his time,
it ia therefore ordered that on Monday,
January 1st, 1900, in the morning of
said day, said office become vacant."
From which it will be gathered that a
man having ho ether business was de
sired by tho court. Mr. Lane ia eminent
ly fitted for "the position and no douit
will give satisfaction. . V
No complaint was made that Mr. Barnr
hart had in any manner neglected hisN
duties and every officer in the building
was his staunch Biipporter, but the civil
service law does not extend' to cases of
this kind and the court is its own judge
of whom shall fill the position. :
Weatherf ord-Hornins
The wedding of Mr. Rialto L.
erford .aud Miss . Erma Edna .
was solemnized at the bride's hoil
tbis city, Monday morning at
The ceremony was performs
Rev. P. S. Knight in the presence
mediate relatives of the contracting
ties. , Mr. and Mrs. .Weatherf
the same morning for Harrisburg
they will make their future home.
. The groom ls-Jhe son of Atf
Weatherford, of Albany, aad is
esteemed, in that city which hasJ
home since childhood. , The
no iptroduction here.
qualities and grace of ma
for her the respect aud. i
w no nave seen net growl
in the community."'
. De Witt's- Littt Ea
the blood, clean .thej
system. Famous 1
patien and liver.
Work on Jefferson
Postponed Until
Street Sewer
Weather Is
More Favorable
Resolved, That the common council
of the city of Corvallis, Oregon, deem it
to the best interest of the city to discon
tinue the work on Jefferson street sewer
until such time as can be mutually
agreed upon by the street committees
and the contractors, Smyth, Howard &
Stevenson, bat not later than .May 15,
1900, weather permitting. Said . con
tractors, when notified,' shall proceed at
once and shall complete said sewer with
n forty working days . thereafter. Be it
further . ...,
Resolved, That in view of the fact,
that the said city of Corvallis, Oregon, is
now and has for a month been using the
Van Buren street sewer, the contractors
Smyth, Howard & Stevenson, be paid
the balance due on the original contract
price for said sewer, . together with ex
tras, except the draputed claim of one
hundred feet of eighteen-inch, pipe, ex
cavation and., bank tilling thereof; pro
viding said contractors, Smyth, Howard
& Stevenson, pay into the treasury of
said city of Corvallis, " Oregon, s an
amount equal to the interest accruing few-
eight months on balance of said contract
price. , In consideration of above, settle
ment, the contractors, Smyth, Howard &
Stevenson, be required to farther secure,
the city of Corvallis, Oregon, for the
faithful performance of their contract to
complete Jefferson street sewer, by giv
ing to the city of Corvallis, Oregon,
bond in trust of all materials, consisting
of terracotta pipe, sand, gravel, cement
and iron castings now distributed along
Jefferson street and Btored within the
incorporate limits of said city. (
The matter -relative to the disputed
one hundred feet of sewer on Van Buren
street to be taken np for settlement upon
completion of their entire contract with
the city of Corvallis, Oregon,
This was the resolution offered to the
council at its adjourned meeting Monday
evening and it was unanimously adopted,'
all coancilmen except Avery being pres
ent. ; -
The committee appointed by. the coun
cil last week to investigate the advisa
bility of , postponement, reported that
they had not yet arrived at a conclusion
Councilman Hays introduced the above
resolution which, met the approval of all
' The desire to postpone action for ' the
present was not inspired by the con
tractors, but done by the council in the
city's interest
As stated in the resolution, the Van
Buren street sewer has been completed
and in use for over a month, and $724.50
was strll due on it. The contractors
agreed that the interest od this sum for
ighf months amonnting to $29, should
be deducted if payment was made now.
They have been given a warrant for
$695.50 cents, and even if theJeuerson
street sewer is not completed for eight
months .the city is oat "nothing. ' The
fall amount paid for the Van Buren
street sewer was $4,687.90. ..
Eighty-five per cent of the amount due
on the Jefferson street sewer has been
paid, fifteen - per cent being held to
secure the ..city ' against, emergencies.
There are six blocks of this ' sewer to be
completed before it will connect with the
college sewer, which is completed. B.
Irvine, who with John D. Daly rep
resents the board of regents of the JAC
on the joint sewer committee, was pres-
sent and ' spoke feelingly of the city's
duty to the college in the matter in hand;
He gave notice , that if the resolution
was adopted, tne college wouia witn
drav. her mite of $1,500 toward paying
for the Jefferson street sewer. .-.This
statement was 'not made as a. threat,
and if any councilman -considered it
such, he seemed to see no terror in it.
Why - the college committee abrogates
its agreement because of thi 'postpone
ment does not seem to .be in .evidence
In the first place such . action would be
ungrateful for it is generally .understood,
that the city incurred the' expense of
the Jefferson street eewer more -for the
accommodation of the'cellege than any
thing else, and the $1,500 will not more
than half pay for the. college's portion of
It cannot he that, the - college com
mittee fears .the loss of interest on its
money, for the funds to be used for this
purpose are set aside, and' could be used
for no other purpose if the sewer was. not
built for ten years. : " ' '
The resolution, it will be noted, re
quires mat , tDa work on uus sewer do
completed within forty days from May. I
1st, , it bejxg provided, however, that
work may be commenced at any time j
that may prove desirable. The original
contract did not require the sewer to be
finished before February 16th,'and if the
work is not completed before Julv 1st,
which is far from probable, no , one is
materially damaged. - - , -
Should the city refuse to permit the
college to connect with
the Jefferson
street sewer, that institution would have
no other' recourse than to construct an
outlet of its own at an expense of sev
eral thousand dollars. V ,i '.
Of course, Mr.
Irvine waa.' imPffi
king, for the
Governor Cfber afce
Notice of
Bier's Charges.
.The blackmailing charges against Gov
ernor Geer, tarted by a renegade sheet of
Salem and fostered and enlarged upon
by the yellow press of the state; have at
last goaded that executive into 110 tice of
them. He has. done this in'a letter to
P8'101 Uniony4n which he
says: '" ." t . ,v
"Your urgent request in a recent is
sue of the Scou for a Word from me re
garding the alleged Receipt' for' the sale
of an office, under this administration,
has reached me, and, coming as it does,
from my boyhood. Jhome,'! where my
friends are not nearly limited by political
lines, has persuaded me to change my
mind and do what '.public men cannot
and do not often do that is take notice of
calumnies that few of them ever escape."
In positive, unequivocal language, Gov
ernor Geer brands the story as absolute
ly false, and plunge Mr. Plummer
deeper in the mire that his own shame
less allegations taa "placed about him.
The letter is quite long, but says in part:
.. "Most disappointed oJfieo seekers are
honorable men, " who understand the
difficulties of the appointing power; but
there is. nothing to preveni,thjsJLo:est
class of men from applying, al60, anckit
is the duty of those in power to keep
them out. This haff been done, hence
the bogus' receipt' and vigorous" squeal
11 the man Who fixes but. own place in
the public, estimation by. parading him
self as a briber, in order, to injure the
man who protected the public service bv
keeping hint -out, was in the office, then
the public : might well be "concerned .
But a perfectly .honest and competent
man is superintendent of the peniten
tiary. - - ; .- . J
' If there is a man in the state of Ore
gon who believes that I have been knave
enough to-sell my ambition, my self re
spect and the good name of myself and
children, and stupid enough to sign my
name to a bill of sale, and fool enough,
having signed the contract and received
the money, to not make the appoint
ment, as the only means of covering op
such a transaction, or idiot enough to re
turn the money, without getting back
the bill of sale, . these lines are not writ-
tea for him, for Jhis opinion, is wholly
without value. -1 do' not expect the
political support of those who differ from
me on political, questions, but I do crave
and prize above all. else, the respect and
esteem of all classes of my fellow citi
zens. I have been very careful as to
fitness of every man appointed to office
under this administration, but I trust I
am not to be held responsible for some I
have kept out" ,
Commissioner Bnckanan Has Relieved
. . the Long Tom of Its Bridges.
The county court has . ordered - the
bridges, or a part thereof, - spanning the
Long Tom river - removed. This was
done at a meeting of the commissioners
court held last Monday for the considera
tion ot this matter. A petition signed
by E. H. Belknap and 53 others residing
in the vicinity ef the Bandy and Liver
pool bridges, was presented, asking that
the bridges be . immediately removed.
The commissioners were informed that
by reason of hopes inspired in the breasts
of Monroeitea that the Long Tom was
to be made a navigable highway, much
freight and produce had accumulated to
be shipped over this stream. ' Commu
nications from the engineers office at
Portland made it appear .that these offi
cials believed the stream navigable and
that proceedings have been started by
them for the removal of the bridges.;
The court was, satisfied that the best
interests of that portion of the county in
the neighborhood of Long Tom would be
subserved if the stream Can be navigated.
and the request of the engineers tore-
move the bridges : was equivalent to an
order, therefore, Commissioner Buchan
an was appointed to take to his assist
ance such help as is necessary . and pro
ceed at .once to remove .the main span of
these bringes, saving as much as practi
cal for future use.''
' Capt, Langfitt informed the court that
it was impossible for the snagboat Math
loma, whose services were tendered the
court, to reach the bridges at the present
stage of water, so her help had to be dis
pensed with, :. ..-, . . -.'a .
Commissioner Buchanan has had th9
spans removed, ana notmng now pre
vents the navigation of the stream ex
cept lack of water. The court has ad
vertised for bids for a draw bridge at
Bandy's, and while waiting fer this to be
constructed it is probable that a tempo
rary ferry will be placed in operation
at that point ; "
Has Not Sold.
The announcement that Mr, . J. H.
Harris has disposed of Lis merchantile
establishment to Mr. Jacobson, of Fort
land, last Friday, was altogether prema
ture .The . Uniom-Gazkttb was aware
that such a move was in contemplation
rand that Jacobson had been negotiating
with other business men for the eame
purpose,: but. it .preferred to wait until
deal had been consummated before
riving it to the public. ' ' .
pMOtaiMa Z3a.iLdoan&tmJi.
Dr. Newtb Makes
j --.VoHey Will
'Kings Vajley haiv
county focused upoa
letters and rumors 1
given theimpre)Hu
mm. - . 1 s ....
that there is needW heroicmethoasttr&
restt At the meeting of the coin ruis-
filpnersrcourt,Mondaj', Sheriff Rickard was!
orderedjto' investigate these reports and ill
infectious disease was found to take such. S
steps as in his judgment were necessary
to prevent its further spread.' Sheriff
Rickard engaged the services ' of
Newth, of Philomath, ; and that
cian left Tuesday for the valley to make
The city council has directed the health
officers of the city to take cognizance of
Dr. Newth's report and if necessary take
steps to-quarantme --Corvallis against
citizens of. King Valley while there is'
danger of infectipnv ' ' "- ' .
Later. Dr. Newth has reported the.
result of his investigation to Sheriff
Rickard. He has found ten . cases of
small-pox of very mild form in 'the val
ley, all of them well along oh the road
recovery except members of the family
of William Troxel. - The doctor
consider .their condition
Litotes that they are
worst Stage ot Hie-flisj
ard has rSjtifisdtTJei
o Kings Valley, to
tine that section. ' It
disease was brought
hood by a logger who
up on the Saatiam
Had ReTat
News has been rece
the death of Mrs.. Li1
Treasurer Thos. E. L
December 8th. Mrs. L
ol "V7. E. and J. Fred Ya1
and a woman of much proa.-
state in which she lived. In
ment of her death, the Arkai
crat says: '
"Mrs. Little was beloved by
knew her. . She was a broad,
minded woman, full of love and good
will for humanity. She was "an affeTi-
tionate wife, and devoted, mother? Her
loss : will' be keenly felt. She was 51
years old and leaves; her husband,' one
daughter, her mother, Mrs. Yates; four
brothers, Dr; Yates of Fayetteville, Mr.
James' Yates of this city, and two at
Booneville, ' and one sister, .Mrs. RB,
Morrow, immediate relatives, to mourn
her. death. . She was married in 1871 to
Hon. Thos. E. Xittle, and no home was
happier or more complete than theirs
Their daughter, Miss Mamie, is the only
surviving child."
Philomath Enterprise.
Philomath is to have a new school
house. At a meeting of the enterpnsing
citizens of that district last Monday an
aye and nay vote was taken on the propo
sition and only five voted against it.
The structure is to cost $3,000 and it will
contain five or six rooms and will be
equipped with all the modern conven
iences. A tax will be levied to raise
$1,000 and bonds sold to cover the other
A fine site for the new structure has
been selected where it may be seen from
all parts of the city, and work will com
mence as soon as the weather will permit
in the spring.
Mrs. Abner Wood.
The death of Mary A., Wood, occurred
at her home ia Blodgett last bunday,
She had been a sufferer from liver trou
bles lor months, and although conscious
that her ailment was incurable, she bore
it with patience and fortitude.
'Mary A. Wood was born February 24
1854. She was united itf marriage with
J: A. Wood. February 28, 1872, and two
sons, S. ; R aud '.George W., were the
fruit of this union. ' Besides her husband
and these two sons, other surviving rela
tives are, three sisters, Mrs. -Joseph Emr
erick and Mrs. Scott King,- of Corvallis,
and Mrs. Lizzie- Gibson of Pendleton;
and two brothers Clark. Hurhdon of
Fossil, Oregon, and . William Hurndon
of Dayton, Washington.
. - Fruit Growers' Convention
In accordance with a resolution adopt
ed by the fruit-growers convention held
at Corvallis last winter.1 the Oregon Ag
ricultural College has issueHraU for a
froit growers' convention to be held at
that place, January 31 and Februrary 1
and 2, 1900. . '.:;-
Prof. Lake announces that it is pro
posed to conduct the coming convention
upon much the same lines as the -one
held last winter, he program will be
announced when completed.- The mem
bers of the State Board of Horticulture
will be present- at the convention, and
the State Horticultural Society will hold
its annual meeting in . connection with
the convention,' - - - "
: . . Real Estate Transfers. '
. George W. Henkle to Eliza Starr 2
lota near carriage factory $500. , .
Huldah Brown' to A. R. Brown 84 acres
6 miles S. W. of Corvallis $1680, - :-J
John Kelsey (by sheriff) to Sol King.2
lota in block 23 $689. : -
W. W. Dow and wife to George H. .;
Dow 163 acres 12 miles S. of CoryaUis
physi-f i
Svnd wUe to Lucy G. Yates 2 Q-. - s. ' ' ' .
to I 3 )
i.; . , .. ... aTZ ' : T" '
; ' - '" ; : ; DoLife, from ic to' $5 V ; - J
fylji :-7, " Handkerchief Cases .. - U
8 - -; ' .'l Collar and Cuff Boxes . " I
i 111 - . ..
. I "1. 1 - MinmirA Cats BS
"A , . -r Everything for Chnstmas '
'ft m m ' ' - ' ' ' - -.?
m "mm . - " ' '
I Hodes
: MONE) AY, , NOV. 27th, ;
Holiday. Goods in endless variety. Come and visit our :' :
' " See the beautiful line and latest pattern. ' Elegant display of
r-.- Fancy 'Pillows, Etc. ' -.' '
'- on't fail to come and see the display whether you wish to purchas or not
;; - Very Respectfully,' , . -
C. A BARNHART, Manager.,
; -" An entirely new enterprise just opened in the JZierolf block op-.. .
. ... .. posite the Postoffice.
;' '-A specialty will be made of all. kinds of ammunition. : Shells ...
. . reloaded and sporteman'e goods of all kinds kept in stock. .
Ct, Jt.t- -A A Jt- A-
TRY .... '"'' 4 r
& Hall's Bakery
for Santa Clans. '
,HV. p. lafferty.
aiii Store
JSrJlrT. A . A: AAA
-:.'.... -