Union-Gazette. FRIDAY, DEC : 8, 1899. New Kid Gloves-: Nearly 800 pairs of new kid gloves for lariine inRt added to onr stock. Oar lines at $1 00, $1 25 and $1 50 are very strong. We have-also a fine assort ment of colors at $1 75, and black ai 2 00: two clasp with self, black and contrast stitching. Plaid Skirts . Another lot iust daced on sale. A line at $3 00 and another at $5. 00 are ex ceptionally neat aud good value. 1 CAPES ' vjOlt and jackets ' This" department is now nearer com- niete than ever. We would like to ' show the stock. S, E Young & Son Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. Wheat remains at 44 cents. . .- The election that waxed so warmly in Albany resulted in a republican victory, Judge Mo Fadden has been ia Salem this week attending court in the capital city. " ' "- Martha and Mrs. H. F. Fischer re turned to their hone in this city, from Chicago on Monday. . " Mrs. Geo Webber, of Corvallis, is the guest of Mrs. Slay ton, in the Titus build' ing. Eugene Register. ; .' Among the improvements being made in town is the erection of anew sidewalk on the street by the John Scrafford resi dence. On the 15th of this month, President Newland, of the Pacific University will deliver a lecture at the college chapel. oa the subject, Travels in Italy, . They had a city election at Philomath. Mondav. Dr. R. O. Logan : was elected mayor, W. H. Boles recorder, E. A. Tay lor marshal!, aud C. W. Davis treasurer. Potatoes are! now selling at 40 cents per bushel in the Corvallis market, and owing to the large yield that the potato men raised, the market is quite well supplied and Jchances for a rise in price is no more likely than a decline, Mrs. S. N.;Wilkins, of Corvallis, is here for the purpose of organizing a lodge of Kebekahs, and all persons who have - signed the application are requested to . meet at the hall next Monday evening at 7 o'clock for the purpose of organization. Prineville Review. The bend of Willard Price as - adminis trator in the estate of the late Michael McGrath, the miser who- died in Kings Valley two weeks ago, has been filed in the probate court. The estate includes $500 in cash besides some real estate. annMidaM .MnAinlul aim 7 ' A a v . .jiiiuBoia (tiuiuieu cut? t . . a. Wells and Richard Graham.' -;:'-.y J.-H. and E. H. Taylor returned home from Portland on Monday, where they had been to attend - the funeral of their sister Mrs. Lesh. ; The funeral oc curred in the Metropolis.', on Sunday. Several Corvallis people, old friends of the deceased were present to witness the last-sad rites performed. ; During the month of November there was an average precipitation of 8g . in ches of rain over the Willamette valley. This is about one-fifth our annual rain fall, which either means that we are to have some wet weather this winter or that a great part of our winter's rain has already fallen. It is an uncommon thing to have our streams ami rivers swollen to such an extent and at so early a date as they have been this season. John W. White, representing the Polk County Grange was in Corvallis Tuesday in the interest .of the. Grangers. His business here was to confer with the local Grange and make arrangements for' a . meeting in the near future for the pur pose of considering the proposition of annexing the insurance beuefit to the .. local Grange. This organization offers to furnish life insurance to .its members at a low rate assesment, and this feature of the Grange is becoming as prominent and popular as the many others. During the wiutry season, it is well to know the language of umbrellas. "To place your umbrella in a rack indicates that it is about to change -owners-. An umbrella carried over the woman, the man getting nothing but the drippings of the rain, signifies courtship. When the man has the umbrella and the woman the drippings it signifies marriage. To carry it at an angle under your arm sig nifies that an eye ia to be lost -by the man who follows. To put a? cotton nm- Dreua oy me siae 01 a nice siiK-one sig nifies 'exchange is no robbery.' To lend an umbrella signifies 'I am a fool.' To carry an open umbrella just high enough to tear but mens eyes and knock off mens hats signifies "I am a woman," ' Winter weather keeps many of the fnnntnf nOAnl. fWimt tl,A &nliMla!nMMttB afforded those in the city yet it does not prevent the ceuntry people from meeting together in a grand jubilee and spending an evening of merriment. Out on the McBee farm, jnst southwest of Corvallis on last Friday night, at the farm home of Mr." and Mrs.. Stovall, some forty peo ple congregated and enjoyed one of those genuine socials the country people know 86 .well lihw to lirenare and flnnrAPlatA . .-- l j- - --- - The rooms were gaily decorated for the occasion with beauties from the woods and fields, There was music, games and dancing, and not until one o'clock did the merry-makers depart for their several homes in the vicinity. An exchange wisely says that the Wil lamette valley farmers do not have to de pend on' wheat and hops for a living XT 1 1 : .1 ll TTT 1 Muwiicr neuuuii' ui ttie west vau pro duce such a diversity of crops as can be grown on Willamette soil and as the years go by there will be a constant in crease in the variety of products coming up to market from the valley. Neither wheat nor hops will be grown in less quantities than at the present, time but the ever increasing acreage of tillable How was your Thanksgiving Turkey He is a boy, he camelto the home of Mr. and Mrs: Frank Fraacisco on Salur day. Webfoot mists have purified the atmos phere and good health reigns supreme once again. On Thanksgiving evening, Miss Mable Davis entertained a number of her friends at her home. TheO.A.C boys are perfect gentle men and play good, clean, scientific foot ball. Eugene Register. A slide near Oysterville on theC. A E caused the east bound train to be some five hours late Saturday. miss uonstance Holland was among the OAC students who spent Thanksgiv ing vacation in Salem. Genuine cut glass, very approprite for holidays presents, at reasonable prices, at Greffoz' the leading jewele; Robert Cooley.Jan OAC graduate of '98, employed as a drug .clerk in Cottage Grove, visited Corvallis, Saturdav and Sunday. ' Miss Dorothea Nash returned to Cor vallis Monday after spending Thanks giving with her friends aud kindred in Eugene. There are places in the road between this city and rniioniath, where a sign reading "No Bottom" would be apprecia ted and moat convenient te the traveler, On Monday of this week the family of Chas Chipman departed for TJkiah, Cal ifornia, where they go to spend the win ter. Mr. Chipman will remain in Cor vallis. Fred Edwards, an O A C graduate o last year, but now a student of Eugene and qnarter-back on the U of O foot-ball team, spent Saturday and Sunday in Corvallis. Among the coming social features of the week is an "Old Folks at Home' social by the Amicithv and Sorosis so cieties at the college armory tomorrow night. The several churches .. are making preparations for - Christmas enter tainments, and indications are very favorable for amusement in plenty dur ing the holidays. The "younger of the Franklin'brothers, who was formerly engaged in business in the Franklin Iron Works, of Corvallis, but who has been in Idaho for several months, has been visiting relatives and friends in this city during the week. Asa Tunnicliffe, one ef the Western Union telegraph company's - operators , passed through Salem onMonday for for Idaho, where he will take a key as a substitute. He acted in that capacity in the Salem office for a few weeks last Mrs Stalhbusch, a lady sixty years of age, died in this city on Friday last. On Saturday occurred the funeral, Dr, lhompson officiating. lhe ceremony was attended by a large number of rela uvea and mends. - The remains were laid to rest in Crystal Lake Cemetery. A transfer of real estate was made in Corvallis, Tuesday. The property is the Stilson farm, northwest of this city, the purchaser is S. A, Gragg, ml Elsie, Ore gon. .The firm of Ths i-glin & Son made the sale, and the purchase was made for $3,500. The property will not be taken possession cf until next June. soil will blossom with other ifts from the bounteous hand of nature that will bring back to the producer from a profit able market the -golden -twenties -ah48- YWOCwfaVAKSTSSeRW-OS soil calls for greater diversity of prod action and the future thrift of Willamette farmers will be in answer to the call. The college cadet batallion gave a mili tary bop at the college armory last Fri day night. The music was furnished by the college orchestra. Owing to many students being home on their Thanks giving vacation the attendance was not o large as usual. 'The hop, however, was an enjoyable one for those present, the music was good and the merry dancers found it midnight ere they knew it. With the constant tread of horses and the pressure of passiug wagon wheels, and drainage afforded by the ditch re cently dug along its course, the newly improved road above Corvallis is grow ing better each day. -The gravel is being set firm, there is but little mire to bog the wagon wheels, and by another year those who aided in the improvement and who find constant use for it, will bless the day they donated their mite. The, splendid court house which Mr. . F. Peterson, of this city, has been building for Sherman county, was com pleted last week. The Moro Leader sheaking of the structure, says: "The totBl cost of the building does net exceed $8000, and it is the consensus of opinion that it is the handsomest piece of archi tecture in the state for the money. Mr. Peterson, the contractor, has the confi dence aad respect of his employers as a man of ability and integrity. A movement is on foot among the col lege students to unite all the different branches of athletics under one head and thus form an association. Committees of two were appointed from each repre senativnof the football, track, basket ball and indoor baseball enthusiasts, to meet and formulate a constitution and plan for organization. This is the man ner ia which large institutions carry on athletics and will surely be an im provement over the system followed heretofore. . The committee have not yet reported. . , The strong "southeaster" that blew from the sea during the nights of last Friday and Saturday and came sweeping through the mountain canyons down through the valley and all Western Ore gon,, was an - uncommon thing for Webfoot. According to calculations made at the college the wind blew as high as 46 miles an hour, a velocity that does not compare probably with the hurricane of the east, yet it was quite a breeze for the Corvallisite. It blew strong enough to satisfy even those of "windiest" nature, and none would be disappointed to have such breezes remain in their native domains. The OAC eleven is one of the best that ever represented the college, and her overwhelming defeat is not the result of her own weakness, but of U of O's strength. Hall, Goodrich and Harding behind the. line did splendid work with the ball and the forwards Elgin Thurston and Walters are men that rack with the best players in the state. The team as a whole worked well on the of fensive and poorly on the defensive, the mostnoticeable)weak points being the end kosrtKne. "ArwugbstrtisslirWgaeainat certain defeat nVTblKB fcerTplayed the entire gameIt6ct they played clean, gentlemanly football all through. Eugene Guard. Beth Thomas watches for TQ AVERT 01R DANGER. Greffoz has $2.40. The newspapers report three cases of vareloid in Eugene. Thearle's Original Nashville Students are booked to appear at the Opera House iu this city, December 26th . Pastor Stevens, of the Christian church has returned from Belfountain where he has been conducting a revival meeting Many of the college students returned to their homes to spend the Thanksgiv ing vacation given them from Thursday until Monday. "Reminiscences of a Recruit" is an in teresting article in the December Baron eter by Frank E. Edwards, a member of the 2nd. Oregon. Much building has been done in Kings Valley this season. Mr. W. H. DUly has just completed a large barn on the J. D. Wooi's place. - The debt that has been hanging over the Christian church of this city, ever since the exaction ef the edifice, was en tirely paid by the members by subscrip tion this week. A hose cart and section ef hose from the city fire department was taken out by the street workmen on Wednesday and the sewer and ditch crossing First street on Jefferson were thoroughly drenched. 7 The Morning Eugene Register, is a new daily to reach our table, being edi ted by the Gilstrap brothers of Lane county's capital. ;It presents a very newsy appearance and we wish for it every success. . Prof. Uoote and assistants are now busily engaged in cleaning np the college grounds and smoothing oyer the lawns that were cut np so badly by the digging of sewers and ditches. Dennis Stovall has been appointed Deputy Supreme Commander and State lecturer of the Knights of Maccabees and will assume his duties as a stump speaker and organizer, the first of next week. For the next sixty; days will offer all my goods at a bargain and allow ten per cent discount. Have five dozen trimmed hats at prices from $1.55 to $2.75. Fonr dozen school and street hats from 25 to 50 cents. Mas. J. Mason, ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Dilly the Fixer' has-had an unusually large run of doctoring broken-ribbed nm brellas during the past" few days. , This windy weather is not the most favorable thing in the world to keep the anatomy of an umbrella in the proper condition, The college football players donated their hair to the barbers of the city Fri day and Saturday. , The boys put their football suits away, the : pigskin lies secure in its quarters in the garret, to be left unmolested, until the next season comes round. The R. O. W. O. W . club gave an en joyable evening at "hearts" at the home of Miss Mabel Davis on Thanksgiving evening. Miss Ewing and Mr. Cathy received the first' prize, while the booby'' prize was carried off by Miss Rusk and Mr. Cathy. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W, Johnson, on last Tuesday evening, the members of the local "My Friend from India" company were entertained. A delicious lunch was served in the dining room, and the evening was a most enjoy able one for the several guests preseut, Our local sportsmen are just now in dulging, in a little jacksnipe shooting, These birds are just' beginning to show themselves, and in some localities there are large numbers of them. It takes a pretty good marksman to hit a snipe, but sdme'of our hunters are dead medicine on them. The layiug of the tile in that portion of the Madison street sewer which was dug to the proper level, was completed on Tuesday. Much pumping was required and considerable annoyance in the way of caving in, was dealt with. Sewer work, during such weather as the past two v eeka is a hard business. "Campaigning in The JrhUippines. is uew and well gotten np book of 450 pages dealing with the work of the sev eral regiments in -the Philippines. A arge portion, of the book is devoted to the 2nd. Oregon and among the illustra tions can be . recognized many of the Corvallis boys as they appeared on the battle-field and other places around Manila..' -. ,:: Services at tha Presbytetian church next Sabbath as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a.m. topic, '.'Lesson in Giv ing," Public worship at 11 a,m. preach ing Ty the pastor, subject, "Resurrection of the Body." Y.P.S.C.E. at 6 :30 p.m. topic, "The Indwelling Presence" leader Mr. James Van Gross. Public worship at 7:30 p.m., topic "The Closing Lecture on Ideals." The choir will render in the morning the anthem "Praise Ye the Father" Gounod. "Lead Me to Thee" Bierly. A kind welcome to all these services. , . Sunday was a good day for duck hunt ing and as a result many of our local sportsmen were out wading through the surrounding swamps in search of the weD-iooiea dims, rue heavy rains caused an overflow that is not desirable on the part of hunters, and as a result many of the spots where the sportsmen usually rove were completely inundated, Floods coming from overhead never im pede the duck, hunter, but to have such underfoot, always serves to make his success leas sure. Snipe abound in the swamps now, too, and the few who are expert enough with the gun to bring down these wary birds, find rich' pleasure in hunting them, The Corvallis Grange has approved the following resolution which was adopted by the National Grange at its last meeting: "We are not opposed to associations of interests which merely lessen the cost of production, but we are decidedly opposed to the misuse of the power which large combinations of cap ital give for the purpose of destroying competition, controlling production, and Assistant United States Engineer Oaden .. Inspecting; the Revetment. D. B. Ogden, assistant United States engineer, left for Corvallis to inspect the work being done by the government snagboat Mathloma, says the Telegram. The work consists of 800 feet of revet ment which is being built to keep Cor vallis from being left an inland town Just above Coryalliis, the river makes a sharp bend to the west toward Corvallis, and as soon as the city is passed turns sharply toward the east, leaving a pen insula opposite the city. In time of high water it is the tendency of the bulk of the stream to flow across the penin sula instead of around it, and if the gov ernment engineers had not interposed, it wonld have been a question of but a short time only nntil the river would cut through here and left Corvallis out in the cold. In addition, it would have spoiled the river channel by spreading out over greater space. Ibis was one of the earliest works un dertaken by. the government, and is one of the most necessary. There is a fall of 200 feet in the Willamette between Eu gene and Corvallis, which is four times as great as the fall in the whole distance between Uorvams and Portland, it is necessary ia order to keep the channel from spreading out, not to allow the river to become any shorter, as the fall for a given distance would thus be in creased. The watchman on duty at the Yam hill locks at Lafayette sent in a report yesterday of the stage of the water in Yamhill. The greatest height that has been reached since the government work was begun there was attained last Fri day, when 34 feet above low water was recorded. This placed the water 13 feet above the tops of the lock walls. . The Yamhill is a very erratic stream, and rises and falls with great rapidity After a heavy general ram the stream begins to rise almost immediately, and in a short time overflows its banks, if rain has been sufficient, The rise is rapid nntil within a few feet of the crest. when it slackens and proceeds leisurely to the top. . The descent is just as rapid ine mgnest point which tne river is known to have attained was about 60 feet, once in the winter of 1890-91, and ouce previously in the '60s. ' The recent rise was of great benefit to owners of wheat in McMinnville. as it allowed the Gypsy and Modoc to make several trips there, and the boats brought out full cargoes each time. Davenport's Pheasants. Game Warden L. P. W. Quimby is in receipt of a letter from Homer Daven port, giving details in regard to his col lection of pheasants, which he says is the largest in the world, and' attracts many admirers and breeders of pheasants to his home. . Mr. Davenport is making a study of pheasants, and is breeding as many as possible, and hopes to be able to let some of his surplus stock fly in Ore' gon. He is confident from what he has learned by experience that many of the finest species would do well in Oregon with protection by law for a few years. He gives the names of a long list of the pheasants in his aviaries, which makes one wonder how he ever secured so many varieties. He has over a dozen species which, he says were never seen in America nntil his specimens arrived, He says there is no reason why Oregon should not have at least 10 different varieties breeding in the wild state, and is going to do all in his power to bring this about, Mr. Dayenport has not for gotten Oregon, nor the clay pit out of which he was dug, and if he carries out his plans his name will be inscribed on the roll of fame alongside that of Judge Denny. " . '. Mr. Ichabod Henkle, father of Jerry Henkle, of Philomath, suffered fa stroke of paralysis yesterday which affected one side of his liody. While his present con dition is not serious, the outcome is re garded with much concern as Mr. Henkle is quite feeble, being 83 years of age. Some time ago Dilly "the fixer" com pleted a bicycle of his own bnilding. and laid it away for summer use. - Yesterday Thomas Bloomer, a drummer for bicycle l.supphes, saw and appreciated the ma' chine. Dilly was offered 50 for it. which amount he accepted and Mr. Bloomer rode off on the best wheel in Benton county. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold their annual fair, aud a chick- en-pie dinner, December 16th. A pro gram, including a farce and good music, will be rendered in the : evening, after which light refreshments and our famous home-made candies can be had, and the sale of articles, both useful and fancy, will be continued. Monday evening, Dec. 8, the ladies of Corvallis Hive, No. 3, L. O. T. M elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Lady. Commander, Min nie L. Hodes; Past Lady Commander, Isabelle I Thrasher; Lady Lieutenant Commander, Alice E. Hufford; Record Keeper, Ruth N. Clark ; Finance Keeper, Lilly L. Wilson ; Chaplain, Laura Gel- la tley; Sargent, Lilly Ranney, Mistress at Arms, Gladys Hughes;. Sentinel, Bee sie Irvine; Picket, MaryL. Weber. Valley Lodge No.. II, K. of P. of this city has elected the folio wing officers for the year; James Gibson, chancel lor : Emil Zeis, vice-chancellor : J. B Horner, prelate; George W. Denman master of work ; J. F. Yates, K of R and S; B. W. Johnson, M of F: Thomas Whitehorn, M.of E ; Will Horning, mas ter at arms; George Bowers, inner gnard E. P. Greffoz, outer guard, Mr Geo. L. Paul was elected trustee. No lodge is in a more prosperous orflourshing condi tion, in this city. . The indoor baseball association was called to order Tuesday by chairman J. G. Elgin aad a course of action for the season discussed. It was -decided to wait a few weeks before electing a cap tain. Regular practice will begin as soon as arrangemeuts for the use of the arm orv are made a few other minor matters settled. There is every reason to think that we will have a good nine this t son. All of last years players are back but Ho well and Edwards, while there are experienced men among the Fresh men. Indoor baseball is everywhere growing in popularity and is destined to become a great college game for the rea son that it fills in the winter months be tween football and track athletics. The Jugene Uuard quotes the remi niscence of a famous trial from our issue of last- week, and pays the following tribute to Judge Burnett's sincerity and eloquence: "In former years the Nestor of the Oregon bar, John Burnett, oi Cor vallis, was never missed from, a term of circuit court in the old Lane county court house. " His specialty was as counsel for defense in criminal trial. With well worn clothes and . flannel shirt he would stand before the jury pleading with no small degree of earnestness for his client, and in case of great necessity the tears could be made to course adown his rugged, furrowed cheeks. The prosecu tion often accused the judge of stimulat ing the tears but we believe they came from the heart of the zealous advocate." . Died in Portland. A Scrap of Hlseory. Now and then transpires an occur rence that brings to the mind of the old Corvallisite a recollection of those days in the past, when the fleeting boom that always attends the birth of a city or country, dawned on the Willamette val ley and this part of Oregon ; when there was a rush of settlers and a tide of pros perity that worked wonders both good and bad in its final results. A few days ago the dispatches were re ceived announcing the death of John I. Blair in the East. . To those who have entered the community during the past eight or ten years, this was but a mere bit of news, but to the old inhabitant it was far more than this, John Blair was ttie rich man of the East, whose wealth transformed the old Oregon Pacific rail road from a dream to a reality. Col. Hogg, who owned the theories, charts, maps, etc.,' necessary to build the rail road, but not the money to accom plish such a purpose, visited New York city and laid his plans, propositions and figures before the Wall street million. aire. ; Blair believed he had ran upon a happy opportunity to increase bis for- Mine ana so invested many millions in we enterprise, wime John iiiair re ceived but a pittance in return for the money invested, to him is due the credit of the building of the Oregon Pacific railroad, and the latter has been a great benefit to the Willamette valley and Ore gon in general. , After months of patient suffering, Mrs. Jessie L. Lesh died at her home in Port land, last Friday, of peritonitis. v Sun day the funeral took place from, the resi dence, 464 east Ash street. Mrs. Jessie L. Lesh was born ia Co lumbus, Miss., ; December 8, 1864. Four years later she came with her parents to Oregon, and lived in Corvallis nntil her marriage to W. H. Lesh, which occurred in Minneapolis, Minn., on , October 6: 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Lesh moved to Port land in 1890, and that has since their- honie. Mrs. Lesh . was a singer of . abil ity, a graduate with high honors from the Corvallis agricultural college, and has many friends who will sincerely mourn her death. . ' . Those who knew her have, by their thoughtfulness and loving concern, Boft- ened some of the dreariness oi her four months of bedridden suffering,, and have given abundant proof of the endearing worth of the deceased. Maryelously patient in her long illness, always a oyal friend, sympathetic and generous to any in distress, her memory will be cherished in the minds of many while life lasts. Mrs. Lesh leaves, besides her husband, two brothers and two sisters. Dr. E. H. Taylor, J. O. Taylor and Mrs. Leona McNulty, of Corvallis, and Mrs. Lou Legerwood, of Seattle. Apples and Pears. i Cougars Versus Deer. "Cougars are doing more to decimate the deer population of this state than all the sportesmeh combined," declared an old hunter this mornins. "Durlnsf the month of September I found the carcases of five deer which had been killed by these animals. The cougar, after catch ing its victim, gorges itself on the blood and than covers, the body, just as a cat covers a mouse. Should the cougar fail to secure another meal about eating time it will return to the concealed carcass and feast on it. Besides cougars, bears are very de- arbitraniy dictating prices of com modi- "rucuve. ot wild animals alone are ties. We are opposed to all corpora- prey to these wanderers ; the farmers are tions or trusts which control the source j sufferers as well. Bears or cougars fre- of supply, and like the Standard Oil I qently swoop down on a hogpen and company reach out their arms and em-1 carry off or kill a pig, ' and calves and brace all competition. Special favors are j young stock are not safe, granted them by railroads, thus enabling 'In my opinion a high bounty should them to uader-sell aud force to the wall be placed on these beasts and sportsmen smaller dealers who might otherwise permitted to hunt them down with dogs. compete with them. It must be made I Tfif. reason dogs are not used at present Contrary to general belief, apples are yery plentiful. There is- any amount of good eating stock on hand, and the price, $1.50 a box, while a little steep, does not interfere with sales. . Only fancy Baldwins bring $L50, plen ty of other grades are to be had, at vary ing prices, down te 75 cents for peddlers stock, which is not very desirable. . Of course there are vicinities where ap" pies are scarce and in some districts even those few that are found contain - worms or scab. But taking the state as a whole in the Willamette valley we haye apples in plenty to do us. In Corvallis there are plenty at the price they demand . Most of the apples reaching Portland come from bouthern Oregon . points,. Douglas county sending in many car loads. Near-by valley points have no apples this year, the crop either being toohvormy, or else a failure. Many val ley farmers did not pick their apples this year. . " : . - - . Pears are plentiful. - Various varieties are offered, and at varying prices. Win ter Nellie is the kind most generally es teemed at this seaeon, and good, sound Winter Nellis pears can be purchased for $1.75, though some dealers are asking a quarter or so more. A PRETTY WEDDING. Mr. Richard Kiger and Miss Louise Fischer Were Married Wednesday. A beautiful home wedding in which two well known Corvallis young people were united as one, transpired at the Fischer home in this city, at lO.o'clock Wednesday morning. The contracting parties were Mr. Richard Kigerand Miss Louise Fischer. The wedding was a unique one, the rooms being beautifully decorated for the occasion with evergreens and vines. The shades being drawn the rooms were lighted and the ceremony was performed by Rev. P. S. Knight, of the Congrega tional church, "by moonlight" None but the immediate families of the bride and groom were present to witness the ceremony. After the words which united the happy couple were pronounced by the minister, the entire party gathered around the dining taMe where a sump tuous dinner was prepared. Mr. and Mrs, Kiger . departed on the 1 :20 train for Astoria, where they will spend their honeymoon, after which they will return and take up their resi dence on the Kiger farm north of Cor vallis. Mr. Kiger is a son of Reuben Kigei and a native of Benton county. His manly character, and open-hearted, gen erous nature have made him numerous and enduring friends. Young, prosper ous and of diligent habits, his future is most promising. His bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fischer Her many accomplishments have made her an ornament te Coryallis society, and her happy disposition has added to its charms. ; stfflas IF there is ever a time when one wants the right kind of : goods, it certainly is at CHRISTMAS TIME. Our stock is now at its best. We suggest any of the following as suitable presents for Men and Boys, Ladies and Misses: The Sunset Limited. The Sunset Limited, the Southern Pacific's famous train of the Sunset route, will commence its service for the winter season on Friday, December 15th. The schedule for this year is considered rather snperior to any previous season affording as it will opportunity for favor able view of points of interest along the line, and making agreeable connections at New Orleans with limited trains of other lines to and from the important centers of the east The train will leave San Francisco at 5 p m on Tuesdays and Fridays, passing Los Angeles about 7 o'clock the following morning, thus giving a daylight view of the orange belt of Southern California.- Its connections at El Paeo with through cars of the Texas & Pacific for St Louis, will place California passengers in that city from 10 to 12 hours ahead of all other lines. The trip from Houston to New Orleans, through the interesting plantations and bayous of Southern Louisiana, will also be by daylight, and the arrival in the Gulf city just in time to connect with the fast trains for Washington, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago and - other points. The Suuset Limited equipment and service is up to its well-known high standard. It is worthy of remark that the distance ot S900 -'miles from San Francisco to New , York, is traversed by the Sunset Limited in 114 hours, only 12 hours longer than by the fastest trains through Chicago a distance of 3300 miles, The Sunset is an ideal winter route, the traveler not being ; subject to any of the discomforts incident to inclement weath er conditions . of the more Northern routes." - Mrs. Anna Waggoner. On Wednesday, the 29th, the remains of Mrs. Anna .Waggoner, of Monroe, were laid to rest in the Bellfountain cem etery, in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends and . relatives of the deceased. . - The death of Mrs. Waggoner was the result of the ravages of tumor of the stomach, with which Mrs. Waggoner has been suffering since 1897. Mrs. Waggoner was an early Oregon pioneer, bne was a native of Illinois, having lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wigle in Adams county, of that state, until 1852: the young girl then five years of age, crossed the plains with the family and arrived in Oregon, ' Linn county, the same year. Ia 1865, Miss Wigle was married to Mr, Thomas Wag goner. The two settled on a farm near Monroe aad have resided in that com munity in peace and quietude nntil the time of the death of Mrs. Waggoner. Best Winter Route . For sunshine, flowers and oranges take the Sunset Route via Los Angeles te all points East. Tourist excursion cars and chair cars to El Paso, Fort Worth, Kan sas City, Chicago, Cincinnati,. Houston, New Orleans and Washington, D. C. For rates, guides and information ad dress. C. H. Markham, G. P. A. Portland, Or. Christmas shopping is made easy when you have a latge and varied stock to se lect from. We carry a complete line of diamonds, watches, chains, rings, em blem pins, buttons, and charms, solid silver ware, and silver plate ware. Silver novelties &. We buy for cash and give our customers the benefit of the extra discount, you are invited to call when in Albany and see our display. . F. M. FKENch,- . - . The Jeweler ' m . Business and Dress Suits Overcoats and Mackintoshes Smoking Jackets and Fancy Vests Fine Shoes and Slippers Elegant Neckwear, Latest Styles Fine Silk Mufflers Linen and Pongee Handk'fs Box Top Coats for Boys Night Robes and Dress Shirts Leather Dress Suit Cases Dress Qloves and Suspenders Underwear and Hosiery Silk Umbrellas Initial Silk Handkerchiefs Bags and Trunks - Collar and Cuff Buttons 9 w w For Ladies, Misses and Children we have just received for Holidays an elegant stock of Fine, Medium and Heavy Shoes; Felt, Kid and Dongola Slippers; Jersey, Leather and Corderoy Ieggins. All at popular . 1 prices. . . . . '. . We advise early selections. See display in show windows. v. .otkv.'v WW" XNW .dKi ..S ttr.JV JKWV m mm mm - Holiday uoods uaiore I: TOYS Dolls, from ic to $5 Handkerchief Cases Collar and Cuff Boxes - ' Manicure Sets Everything for Christmas mm Hodes & Hall's Bakery Headquarters for Santa, Clan. " ' OPENING WEEK AT. The Arcade COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV, 27th, Holiday Goods in endless variety. Come and visit our See the beautiful line and latest pattern. Elegant display of ART NEEDLE WORK Fancy Pillows, Etc. ';. " Don't fail to come and see the display whether yon wish to pnrcbas or not Very Respectfully, ". , W. P. LAFFERTY. The Paint Store C. A BARN HART. Manager. An entirely new enterprise just opened in the Zierolf block op . . posite the Postoffioe. -., PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, GLASS, PUTTY SfliKlUL. PHPER - A specialty will be made of all kinds of ammunition. Shells reloaded and sportsman's goods of all kinds kept in stock. C. A. BARNHART. TRY L To Subscribers. Subscribers to the UNioN-GAZurra will observe that the date' ODDOsite their re- Thereason dogs are not used at present namoa ra.inr th .nni- jBJpttasuitaiD Bosaauect .tenstatiaeaaij Kal'My VTPfe'y0 I to them ulffK'miircoris.'by smHWSCerea stock, atttAer ana run mtn aown 11151601 A Wffo without adding to the wealth of the coun- cougar, and hunting deer with dogs is this to this office , tea i amourrt to try." i. indicates the time oftotniratiou Oji'IOTkT r. p.zil. dr.m.Toorr r-f-i.T ...-a iev can each confer a favor bV femit'H nH linntlnff Wr with Anna fa k- . .. xW."? P. l.l strictly prohibited by the game law." their respective Subscriptions. wyor ' . Letta? List. . ' , . Xhi letters remaining in the Corvallis Post-office for the week ending Dec 2, 1899. j Mrs E H Anderson James, Henry George Armstrong W V Acocks Mrs Martha Kitching John Berrie Mrs Sarah Lambard John Cort FrankMoar Eubeu Bobenson - Miss. Mary Rutherford J J Cale " 7 Mrs Sarah Eccleston -FB Richards I - r r ts ci.:..a,:u tt tt i ; , . tMni'IrjiTaylordiirf Will Heitma&.lf 1 v F E Bit&wIJoac oved ol aJooqzs baa u B. W. Johnson P, M. FOR FINE TEAS AND COFFEES Fresh Groceries PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CIGARS CORVALlvIS ilHffiksi Union-Gazette m m All the News Wklle It is News Edited with an Eye to Facts -And their Value o Our Reader ?..1it;oiJnii( sdJ vile; potonorti r.2?t rail-) sa lift-tfizil siij biiB ihu;!3 'To Birfj nt p.o i Subscript I -.8 'S2 W h m m m m 1 . X